Reality Begins Anew

Fandom/Series: Sons of Thunder (Walker, Texas Ranger)
Rating: PG-13 T/C
Archive: yes if you want
Series/Sequel: probably not
Author: AK
Notes: This is my first story and it has not been betaed. I have only seen a couple episodes of WTR and none of the SOT eps. Please send feedback.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, Norris productions does.

He watched Carlos out of the corner of his eye. Those lashes, those teeth, and those eyes -- he could get lost in those eyes. Problem was they always seemed to be looking at someone else. Carlos flirted with everyone . . . except him.
He wasn't sure whether to be relieved that his control wasn't tested that way or upset that Carlos had never thought of him that way. He sighed and picked up his beer to take a drink. He jumped as a hand hit his back hard enough to jostle him and nearly make him spill his beer.
"Hey Trent, why so jumpy?"
He closed his eyes in resignation. He wasn't sure he could control his reaction to that voice tonight and he wasn't sure he'd be able to stop if he answered that question truthfully. He took a deep breath and reminded himself again that no matter how much he wanted Carlos he valued his friendship too much to risk it -- at least not yet.
"I thought you'd be busy for the rest of the night." The bitterness in his tone earned him a sideways glance and he tightened his hands around his beer glass trying to think of something innocuous to say but Carlos shrugged and replied "I told you I wanted to spend some time with you. These past couple of weeks it seems like we've hardly seen each other. Not that I'm complaining. It's nice to have enough jobs to not have to worry about paying Kim this month. But I miss my best friend."
"Yeah that explains why you've flirted with three people in the hour since we walked in the door . . . not to mention the bartender." He'd kept his eyes on his beer while he was talking and he was pretty sure he didn't want to look up at Carlos and see the look on his face. He tilted the glass up and drained it. "I think I'd better go."
"Trent . . ."
He hadn't looked at Carlos again but now he looked down at the hand that had attached itself to his arm. Carlos was looking at him, his eyes holding equal parts confusion, hurt, and something he thought was probably love. But then he'd never doubted that Carlos loved him. He sighed and moved his arm out from under Carlos' hand. He could feel the imprint of that hand even through his shirt and he crossed his arms to try and hold onto his control. "I'm sorry. You're right, it's been a busy couple of weeks and I guess I'm a little tired. I'll see you later."
Carlos' expression hadn't changed much but Trent knew he had to get out of there before he lost control and did or said something he'd regret even more than what he'd already said. This time when he turned and headed for the door Carlos just let him go but Trent was aware of him following. He didn't do anything until they got out the door then turned and faced him. Carlos answered his unasked question with a halfsmile: "You drove."
Trent knew he shouldn't but he didn't seem to be in control of his own mouth tonight. "I'm sure you could get a ride from someone."
Carlos' smile faded as he looked at his friend but he kept a tight hold on his temper and reminded himself how guilty he'd feel if he punched his fairheaded friend in the mouth. "Just take me home. Please."
Trent finally nodded and turned to head to the car. Carlos followed wondering what was wrong with his normally even tempered friend. The ride to Carlos' apartment was silent and when they got there Carlos wondered if he should insist that Trent come up to his apartment so they could work this out or if he should ignore it and hope things were back to normal soon. He was surprised when Trent pulled the keys out of the ignition and asked if he could come up.
In the apartment Trent wondered what had possessed him tonight. He couldn't even claim to be drunk, he'd only had one beer at the bar, and now he refused the one Carlos offered him. He perched on the edge of the couch feeling like an intruder in the apartment where he'd probably spent more time than at home.
Carlos pulled the cap off his beer and took a long drink as he leaned against the counter and stared at his obviously nervous friend.
Trent swallowed as he tried to figure out where to start. He wasn't sure how to relieve the tension that was beginning to pull him apart without destroying the most important relationship in his life. He was as shocked as Carlos was by the first words out of his mouth: "Why don't you ever flirt with me?"
Carlos nearly choked on his beer as he blurted out, "What??"
Trent stood up, running his fingers through his fine gold hair and walked over to his dark friend. Finally he gave a decisive nod. Carlos looked even more confused and opened his mouth to say something. Whatever it was, was cut off as Trent slid his hand to the back of his neck and then brought their lips together. Trent was relieved not to feel any resistance to the kiss but was sure that that was only due to shock and in a second the kiss would be terminated by an irate Carlos demanding an explanation.
When he heard the beer bottle smash on the floor he decided it was time to end the kiss. He was surprised when two strong arms came up behind him and pulled him even closer to Carlos chest.
It couldn't have been more than a few seconds later that the kiss finally ended but it felt like an eternity. When Carlos pulled away from him a little, Trent buried his head in Carlos' shoulder unable to face the consequences of his action -- afraid that despite the response from Carlos that he'd damaged something precious that he'd never be able to repair. He was dimly aware of Carlos murmuring his name and the note of worry in that voice. He was glad for that even as it saddened him because it reminded him that Carlos would continue to care for him even if their relationship changed irrevocably. That notion finally gave him the courage to draw back a little and look Carlos in the eye.
Carlos was looking at him worriedly and he realized that he was crying when Carlos lifted a hand to his cheek and wiped away a trail of tears. The hand stayed on his cheek rubbing lightly and he leaned into it and looked Carlos in the eye. When he saw that he had Trent's full attention Carlos grinned one of those slow smiles that made Trent remember exactly why he'd fallen in love every time he saw one. That smile made Trent forget his worries for a minute and smile back. Then Carlos' smile faded, "You asked me why I don't flirt with you?"
Trent nodded, the fear in his eyes piercing Carlos to the heart, he'd almost forgotten what had started this.
Carlos smiled again and pulled Trent even closer to him. "You're my best friend and I love you and I've always known that if I started flirting with you I'd never stop. And I'd never be able to let you go."
Trent smiled at that, letting go of his fears finally, "I think I can live with that. I love you."
Carlos looked at him for a long moment before he kissed him again. This time when they broke apart they were both smiling. Carlos looked at Trent again and then took his hand and pulled him toward their bed.
*****The End*****
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