Author: Annie Riley
Email author: HERE
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Trent and Carlos
Series: Friendship -- Story Two
This story will not make much sense unless you read the first story in the series "The Way He Makes Me Feel" also stored on this archive. Please read that story first.

Carlos woke up slowly. He didn't really want to wake up and face the reality he'd been dreaming. He wanted the dream he'd just had -- the dreams he'd been having -- the fantasies and day-dreams he'd been having lately, to be reality.
He turned over in bed so he was lying on his back and stretched. It was today he was going to actually tell Trent about his feelings. He was sure of his decision to do so, but it didn't mean he wasn't apprehensive about it. It might mean losing Trent and his friendship forever. Trent. His very best friend for as long as he could remember and now his business partner. Could Trent accept that he, Carlos, loved him romantically, even if he was pretty sure Trent didn't return his feelings? He didn't know. It worried him, scared him even, losing Trent from his life. But he had to do it, Trent had to be told.
Carlos got up and got into the shower, going through his daily grooming routine before heading off to Thunder Investigations. It would be tonight, after work, when he went to Trent's to watch some movies that he would actually tell him. But he was already very nervous. Thankfully, his schedule for the day would keep him out of the office for most of the day and away from Trent.
The day passed both fast and slow for Carlos. He was seeing clients, which kept him busy, but when he was alone with his thoughts, his thoughts turned to tonight. It was a hard day for him.
The end of the day finally here, his last appointment completed, Carlos stopped at the video store and rented a few movies. He stopped next door at the drugstore to buy some Raisinettes, a movie watching must in his mind, then headed to Trent's apartment.
Arriving at Trent's and getting out of his truck, Carlos was hoping the actual encounter with Trent went something close to how his dreams and fantasies had. He hoped, but wasn't optimistic.
Carlos let himself in to Trent's building, then went up the stairs to his second story apartment and knocked on the door. It was only a moment before Trent opened the door, smiling at him, and motioning him in.
"You want something to drink?" Trent asked as he headed to the kitchen.
"Yes, please, Squirt if you have it," Carlos said.
"Don't I *always* have it," Trent said, as he returned to the room carrying two pops and a large bowl of popcorn.
"Yes," was all Carlos said as he took his Squirt from Trent.
Trent sat on the couch and looked at the movies Carlos had brought and set on the coffee table. Carlos glanced over at him. It was a bit eerie how similar this was to his dreams, his fantasies -- so far. He only hoped it continued.
Trent picked up a movie and headed to the VCR with it. "I really should upgrade to a DVD player," Trent commented as he put in the tape, "But I just have so many video tapes."
"What?" Carlos said, only half listening, "Oh, DVD's. I've heard the quality is better but you're right. Too many videos. Like CD's versus records I guess."
Trent sat back down on the couch smiling at Carlos. "Yup," he said agreeing with Carlos.
Trent put the popcorn on the couch between them before starting the movie.
Carlos was only half watching the movie as it ran, getting more and more nervous as the end approached. It was now or never and never was not an option.
The movie ended and Trent set the VCR to rewind. He looked over at Carlos who looked mighty serious as he said, "Can we skip the next movie? I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure," Trent said, always ready to talk to his best friend about anything.
"This is really a hard thing for me to say, but it needs to be said," Carlos started. "You know how you've always called me Carlos King of the Three Day Relationship?" Trent nodded yes. "Well, that might have changed," Carlos finished.
"That's wonderful, Carlos, do I know her?" Trent was truly happy for his friend.
"Yeah, you know them, but it's not a her," Carlos said, still looking at Trent to gauge his reaction before continuing.
"Oh," was all Trent seemed to be able to find to say. This was something he had never expected to hear from Carlos. After getting over his initial surprise, Trent asked, "Do I know him?"
"Yes, very well, actually," Carlos said.
Trent started running through the possibilities in his mind and finding nothing fast. After a moment or so he said, "Who?"
**So far so good,** Carlos thought, **The idea of another man as a partner didn't send him running nor make him toss me out the door.**
Carlos looked away from Trent at this point. "It's you," he said very softly. When he got no response from Trent, he looked up at him. Trent had a very odd expression on his face. "Trent?" Carlos said.
"That's not funny, Carlos," Trent said, very obviously trying to control his emotions.
"It wasn't meant to be," Carlos said, not sure what was going on in Trent's head or what was going to happen next.
"Just say you were kidding, that this was a joke, and we can just forget about it, OK?" Trent said, still struggling with his emotions.
"But I can't, Trent, it's true," Carlos said. "I wasn't sure of what I was feeling or if I was feeling it when I first realized it, and it took a lot of soul searching for me to get to this point to tell you, but it IS true."
Trent suddenly got up from the couch and crossed the room and looked out the window. He didn't say anything, he just moved, almost ran, as if trying to escape. This was not good.
Carlos got up and followed Trent to the window. He reached out and touched his friends arm. He wasn't sure Trent had heard him approach. Trent flinched at his touch and Carlos could see Trent shaking with emotion.
"Just say it was a joke," Trent said, calmly, evenly, through clenched teeth, still looking out the window.
"It's not," Carlos said, "But I won't act on the feelings, I promise." Carlos removed his hand from Trent's arm. "Do you want me to leave now?" he asked quietly.
"No," Trent said simply, turning around to face Carlos.
Carlos was sure he was about to get his ass kicked but good and by someone who knew just how to do it very well. Instead, Trent grabbed him, putting his arms around him and hugged him tightly.
To say Carlos was shocked would do what he was feeling an injustice. His arms went around Trent who was still shaking with emotion. They stood there like that for some moments before Carlos spoke again. "Trent?" he said, hoping his friend would look up at him from where his head rested against his chest. "Trent?" he tried again, putting one hand under Trent's chin and lifting it so he could see his face. What he saw there shocked him. What he saw there was the unmistakable look of love, romantic love.
"You OK?" Carlos asked as he brushed the hair out of Trent's eyes.
"Yeah, I think so," Trent said, "If you're positive you're not kidding." He smiled a small, tentative smile.
"Yes, I'm positive I'm not kidding," Carlos reassured Trent, smiling at him to seal his words.
"Then I'm very OK," Trent said, "I've loved you for years, been fighting the feelings of romantic love, keeping them buried. I never even suspected you might be interested in such a thing."
"To tell the truth, I wasn't. Well, not until I realized what I was feeling towards you had changed from a brotherly kind of love to something different, something more. It's not men in general I'm attracted to, mind you, it's you."
Trent buried his face against Carlos's chest again as Carlos held him tight with one arm and petted his hair with the other. "But what about you?" he asked Trent.
"I've been with some men, but mostly women. I like both. But it's you I've always loved, no one else," Trent said, hugging Carlos tighter.
"I'm glad," Carlos whispered against Trent's hair as he softly kissed Trent's forehead. Trent looked up at him again, and Carlos did the same thing to Trent's lips. Nothing demanding, just a soft first kiss.
After the kiss broke, he smiled at Trent. Trent smiled back. Carlos moved in for a more passionate kiss and was rewarded with the same from Trent. Not exactly how his dreams and fantasies had gone, but the end was the same.
Carlos broke the kiss again and looked Trent in the eyes. He saw the obvious passion and desire there, not to mention felt Trent's arousal against his own body. He was pleased. "Come on," Carlos said, as he took Trent's hand and headed towards the bedroom.
"Right behind you," Trent said, the most brilliant smile he had lighting his words.
*****The End*****
All my stories have titles that are also titles of songs from musicals.
This one is from "The King and I"
Music by Richard Rogers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
I have dreamed that your arms are lovely,
I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.
I have dreamed every word you whisper.
When you're close,
Close to me.
How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view.
In these dreams I've loved you so
That by now I think I know
What it's like to be loved by you,
I will love being loved by you.
Alone and awake I've looked at the stars,
The same that smile on you;
And time and again I've thought all the
That you were thinking too.
I have dreamed that your arms are lovely,
I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.
I have dreamed every word you whisper.
When you're close,
Close to me.
How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view.
In these dreams I've loved you so
That by now I think I know.
What it's like to be loved by you.
I will love being loved by you.
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