Page Two

After putting the few dishes in the sink, Trent turned around just in time to see Carlos heading to the refrigerator with the leftovers. The party in his pants hadn't gone away entirely from earlier when he'd pleased Carlos before dinner. Trent watched his lover put the food in the refrigerator, getting more and more aroused as he watched.
Trent had completely forgotten the dishes he was so busy watching Carlos. When his lover closed the refrigerator and looked at him and smiled, Trent lost it. He heard that snap in his head that was his self control going out the window. Moving very quickly towards Carlos -- he would have been running if they had been farther apart -- Trent grabbed his lover around the neck then jumped up on him, putting his legs around Carlos's waist and locking them behind his back. He caught Carlos's mouth in a hungry kiss, one full of passion and love and so much more.
Carlos saw his lover snap -- he'd seen it before -- it thrilled him to no end. He loved to see Trent this way. He welcomed Trent into his embrace, supporting his lover's body as they kissed, loving the feel of Trent's arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. Carlos deepened the kiss further holding Trent tightly to him.
Finally breaking the kiss, Trent looked at Carlos, both of them breathing hard. In a low voice, the one bordering on a growl, Trent said, "I want you to fuck me so hard I forget my name."
Carlos's smile grew as he heard Trent's words, as did his already hard erection. Looking into his lover's eyes deeply, he said, "I think that can be arranged," in a very seductive voice.
Trent smiled his most wicked grin at Carlos's answer. Not that he'd been expecting any other answer, but it pleased him to know how much his lover was enjoying this too. His lover's reaction to his words hadn't gone unnoticed, Trent seeing Carlos's arousal in his eyes as well feeling it pressing against him.
Carlos turned so that he was facing the bedroom and took a couple of steps before stopping again to kiss Trent hard and full of passion.
Trent held on tightly to Carlos, devouring his mouth when he kissed him again, seemingly unable to kiss him hard enough or with enough passion.
It wasn't a very long walk to the bedroom from where they were, but Carlos wanted to savor every single step so he took it nice and slow, kissing his lover for all he was worth and only separating their lips when needed to catch a quick breath of air. Trent was too delicious and irresistible and he kept going back for more as he made his way closer to the bedroom.
Trent was beginning to wonder if he was going to actually make it to the bedroom much less until he got his pants off at this rate. But Carlos was simply too delicious for words -- he would *not* stop kissing him -- and he returned his lover's kisses as he continued to hold on to him tightly.
Carlos walked over to the bed and once he got there he turned so that his back was to the bed, then lowered them onto the side of the bed continuing to kiss Trent for all he was worth.
Trent continued to hold on to Carlos as he sat down. He didn't want to let go of his lover although he knew he had to if he wanted Carlos to grant his request. This was just so good. Carlos tasted so good, he felt so good, and he was holding him so tight. Trent *really* never wanted to let go. Once Carlos was sitting, Trent removed one of his arms from around his lover's neck and put his hand in Carlos's hair, pulling him closer and kissing him even harder if such a thing were possible.
The increased intensity in his lover's need took Carlos by surprise, but it was the most wonderful surprise he could have imagined, and he returned it with an equal need of his own. He was going to take great pleasure in giving Trent just what he had asked for.
Trent had finally had enough. He'd been so close to the edge the whole time, but as soon as Carlos responded to him, sensing his need, adding to his pleasure, Trent had to move. He unlocked his legs from behind his lover and released his head and mouth. Panting hard Trent looked at his lover, "Fuck me, Carlos! Fuck me right now!" he said, his urgency obvious in the voice he managed to find to speak.
The fire in his lover's eyes combined with his panting had Carlos ready to explode. He didn't want to take any more time than he had to and he quickly pulled Trent's shirt out of his pants and pulled it over his head and tossed it over his shoulder.
This simply couldn't happen fast enough for Trent. He saw the desire in Carlos's eyes, his desire to give him exactly what he'd asked him for, and he needed it now -- he needed Carlos now. He was breathing very hard but he managed to speak again, only this time he was begging, "Now, please, now..."
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent and lay back on the bed taking his lover with him, then quickly rolled over so that Trent was lying on the bed and he was on top. He gave Trent a brief, hard kiss on the lips then pulled back and stood up, standing beside the bed.
Trent was glad when the kiss broke and Carlos moved off him. As much as he loved his lover's kisses, what he needed now was to have him inside him, to be joined as one with him.
Carlos unbuckled Trent's belt and unzipped his pants, then removed his shoes and socks before reaching back up to gently, but very quickly, pull his lover's pants and shorts down his legs until they were all the way off. He dropped them on the floor with everything else then took off his own robe and stood there admiring his lover, his heart beating fast and not wanting to wait another moment to fuck his lover like he wanted.
Trent stared at Carlos as he looked at him, panting hard, his eyes full of consuming desire. He wanted to ask again, he wanted to beg again, but the words were gone this time. All he could do was stare and pant. Then his eyes met Carlos's and the softest of whimpers escaped him.
That was it for Carlos -- he was completely undone when Trent whimpered. Still standing beside the bed, he leaned down over his lover and took his hands in his, lifting him up off the bed and into his embrace, kissing him hard.
Trent took hold of Carlos's hands, not quite sure what he had in mind, but ready to move how ever his lover wanted him so he could join them. He loved being pulled off the bed and into Carlos's embrace and he kissed his lover back with all the hungry urgency he was feeling taking over.
Carlos released Trent's mouth and turned him around and had him kneel on the edge of the bed, then bend forward at the waist, his upper body resting on the bed, his rear end raised, Carlos standing behind him.
Trent was only too happy to move as Carlos wanted him to, realizing what his lover had in mind. Trent was thrilled and tried to vocalize that only to have another whimper escape him when Carlos had him the way he wanted him. Trent was panting so hard and barely in control of himself. What was taking so long anyway? And then Carlos was putting his fingers inside him, preparing him, thrilling him. **So good...,** he thought. He tried to say it outloud, but all that escaped him was a moan of pure pleasure.
Carlos knew Trent was ready and so was he, so after a few moments he removed his fingers and then quickly prepared his own shaft.
Trent felt Carlos remove his fingers from his body. He knew this meant Carlos was finally ready to join them, but he still whimpered softly at the removal of his lover's fingers and surprised himself with the softest of words, "Now...," a happy sigh of knowing their joining was imminent, not an appeal to Carlos to hurry.
Still standing beside the bed, Carlos placed his hands on his lover's hips and thrust into him carefully, but fully, in one deep, long, very hard thrust, filling Trent completely as he pulled his lover back by the hips.
Trent cried out in his passion and grabbed at the bed with both his hands. The feel was so different like this, the angle changed, it just felt so very good. "Yes...," he managed to moan as Carlos pulled him back towards himself, deepening the penetration, deepening the pleasure. Once his lover was all the way inside him, he moaned again and closed his eyes.
Carlos was pleased and thrilled at hearing and seeing his lover's reactions. Trent's vocalizations meant the world to him because they told him that he was pleasing his lover. He pulled back again slowly and thrust in as hard and deep as he could, pulling Trent's hips towards him as he did so. He moaned over and over, as he continued to thrust, picking up speed as he couldn't seem to get enough of this wonderful new position, thrusting himself into his lover's body over and over.
Trent continued to moan, his eyes shut tight, his panting the only thing breaking up his moaning. As Carlos picked up speed, Trent began to cry out in his passion, still holding tightly to the bed with his hands, as if that was the only thing keeping him in control. He'd asked for this and he loved it. Carlos was indeed fulfilling his request as he felt all other senses leave him -- the only thing remaining in the world was him and his lover and their union.
Trent's cries were all it took for Carlos to lose it completely. He continued to thrust into Trent fast and hard as he reached around his lover to grasp his shaft, grabbing it firmly.
Trent knew he was very close to his orgasm, but as soon as Carlos took hold of his penis, that was it. He came very abruptly, crying out in his passion, moaning loudly as the cry subsided.
Carlos thrust into Trent just a few more times, his lover's orgasm triggering his own almost immediately. He finally buried himself deeply inside his lover, falling forward over Trent's body as his climax peaked then calmed. As he regained his brain after the major spasms were over, he put his arms around Trent, who was still on hands and knees, hugging him and caressing his chest as he dropped kisses on his back.
Finally able to move, Carlos straightened up, still a bit shaky from his orgasm, and removed himself gently from Trent's body. He moved around Trent, climbing onto the bed, needing to get off his feet, not sure he could even continue to stand. Once on the bed he reached out to Trent, who hadn't moved, wanting and needing his lover in his arms as they recovered. But Trent still wasn't moving, despite Carlos's hand on his shoulder.
**Am I still alive?** Trent wondered, not really sure at this point. He was vaguely aware of Carlos's hand on his shoulder, but he couldn't seem to get his muscles to cooperate and move so he could look in that direction. All he could do was stay as he was and remember to breathe, which wasn't exactly easy at the moment either.
"Trent?" Carlos said in attempt to get his lover's attention.
Trent heard Carlos speaking to him and managed to focus on it, but still couldn't seem to move his head to look at him. Was he ever going to breathe normally again?
"Trent?" Carlos said again, getting a bit concerned and reaching for his lover's chin, turning his face so he could look at him. Trent looked a bit dazed as he opened his eyes. "Baby?" he tried again, his lover finally focusing on him.
Trent heard Carlos speak again and then suddenly he was looking at him, he wasn't quite sure how. Trent was still panting but regaining his breath. "Carlos?" Trent said as he finally found his muscles responding to his brain. He moved all at once, crawling over to Carlos and curling into his lap, holding on to him tightly, tucking his head into the crook of Carlos's neck.
Carlos welcomed Trent into his arms. He loved holding his beautiful Trent and now was no exception. He wrapped his arms around Trent as he crawled into his lap, hugging him tightly, putting his head on top of Trent's. He rocked them gently back and forth, making soothing noises, speaking soft words of love, kissing Trent's head, as he continued to hold on tightly to his lover as they recovered.
They sat there like that for some time, each drawing strength from the other and bond they shared like this in each other's arms. Carlos's didn't want to disturb the moment, but he really needed to lie down. "Baby?" he said very softly without moving their position or stopping the holding and rocking.
"Hummm?" Trent managed in response.
"You OK enough to lie down?" Carlos asked.
"Mmm humm," was all Trent could say, ready to move, but not ready to put too many words together in a row yet.
"OK, come on then," Carlos said and loosened his hold on Trent a bit, not letting him go, just allowing movement for them both. Carlos lay back slowly, taking Trent with him, who more or less just slid bonelessly down to the bed with him as he moved, ending up lying beside him, Trent's head over his heart. Carlos smiled and kissed the top of Trent's head, knowing how much he had pleased his wonderful lover. Nothing else mattered.
Trent was having a long, slow and wonderful recovery from this orgasm. He was floating so peacefully, helped and encouraged by Carlos's soft attentions to him. Sex had always been good for him, but since Carlos had come along, he'd been taken to places and felt things he'd never even known were possible. It was very satisfying as well as very thrilling to him. It was more than good, it was right.
After awhile longer, finally more or less back to earth, Trent looked up at Carlos, not moving his head from his lover's chest, and smiled at him.
"Welcome back," Carlos said, brushing a hand through Trent's hair. "You have a good time?" he added, smiling at Trent and the radiant look on his face, pleased knowing he had put it there.
Trent grinned at Carlos. "Oh, yes, very good," he said, "I highly recommend it."
Carlos laughed softly. "So, you remember your name?" he asked, teasing Trent about his request.
"Name? Name...," Trent said, trailing off pretending to be thinking hard about it. "Ben?" he asked, getting 'a look' from Carlos. "No? Linc?" he tried again, now getting more of 'the look'. "I got it! I got it this time! Eric! I'm right aren't I? Eric?" Trent said pretending to be very pleased with himself at guessing his name.
Carlos just looked at Trent and shook his head at him. He really was pretty funny, he had to admit it. "Come here, you," Carlos said, putting a hand under Trent's chin and bringing their mouths together for a kiss, kissing away any further attempts at the name game.
"I may not remember my name," Trent said, after Carlos released his mouth, "But I sure remember my job." He grinned at Carlos looking at him and continued in a sensuous voice, "Conan's lover," then went back for more of Carlos's sweet mouth.
After resting and cuddling and finishing their respective recoveries from their wonderful lovemaking, they decided to watch the next installment of the Highlander TV series they had been watching. Trent went and found the right tape, bringing it back into the bedroom to watch. Managing to get Carlos to move enough to get under the covers, Trent climbed in next to him and snuggled up to him before starting the tape.
Trent tired to concentrate on the show, but his mind kept wandering to tomorrow and their lunch with Walker. He knew whatever the reaction might be, they would get through it together. And worrying was pretty pointless, it wouldn't change anything, but he couldn't help himself. Walker was just too important in his life.
Carlos sensed a change in Trent from his usual self as they watched the two Highlander episodes on the tape. He assumed it was about tomorrow and felt it best to just leave his lover to think on his own about it. Telling him not to worry wasn't going to help any and he knew it.
Carlos looked down at Trent snuggled up against him, then hugged him tighter and kissed the top of his head, causing Trent to look up at him and smile. He smiled back and kissed his lover's forehead before they both turned their attention back to the TV. This was going to be difficult if Walker's reaction was bad.
Finishing watching the tape, but not quite ready for sleep, Carlos pulled Trent closer to him and kissed his forehead again. It took Trent a bit longer to look up at him this time, the far away look in his lover's eyes not quite gone before he smiled at him, a smile not quite as bright as usual. Carlos smiled back, a smile of devotion, a smile of reassurance, a smile of pure love. "I love you so very much, Trent," Carlos said before capturing his lover's mouth in a sweet and tender kiss.
"And I love you too, Carlos," Trent said back once Carlos has released his mouth, "How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?"
"Same way you always know what to say to me," Carlos said, his smile changing to a smile of two people who share a secret.
"Thought so," Trent said, smiling back with the same smile, of two people who knew each other so well.
Carlos chuckled lightly as he caught Trent's mouth in another tender kiss. Moving Trent so he was lying flat on the bed, Carlos continued to kiss his lover as he began to fondle his body gently.
This was just what Trent needed right now. He gave himself over completely to Carlos's soft attentions and they made love slowly and tenderly. Afterwards, as they fell asleep in each other's arms, Trent knew without a doubt, no matter what tomorrow brought, it would be OK with Carlos by his side.
The next day started with what had become their morning routine when they were working. Having had enough of the breakfast foods available at the drive-thru places, Trent had insisted on this including breakfast at home before they left. This didn't, however, keep them from finding time for at least one act of lovemaking at some point in the morning, usually in the shower.
Finally dressed and ready to go to work, Carlos approached Trent who was still being rather quiet this morning. Carlos gathered his lover into his arms and hugged him tightly, Trent hugging him back. No words were necessary, they both knew what they faced today, and they hugged each other gathering strength to face it together.
Carlos kissed the top of Trent's head, which was tucked under his chin, and squeezed him a bit tighter. "You ready to leave?" he asked, softly, ready to wait if Trent wasn't.
"No, not really," Trent said, not moving his head from where it lay against Carlos's chest, "But I guess we have to eventually, and I doubt I'll be any readier later." He lifted his head and looked at Carlos and gave him the best smile he could under the circumstances, "Let's go."
"I love you, you know," Carlos said simply, smiling at Trent reassuringly.
Trent's smile got a bit brighter. "I know," he said softly, running a hand through Carlos's still damp hair, "And I love you, too."
They let go of each other reluctantly and headed for the door. They were going to be in the office a few hours this morning, before their lunch with Walker, and they were coming home together afterwards. Carlos stopped just inside the door to the apartment, giving Trent another kiss before smiling at him again then opening the apartment door.
Arriving back at the apartment after lunch they entered, Carlos first, Trent closing and locking the door behind them.
"I still don't believe his reaction," Carlos said, still a bit in shock from their lunch with Walker.
"Well, I did tell you you can't always know how people are going to react to this kind of thing," Trent said, not quite believing the exchange at lunch himself yet.
"I know that, Trent, but really," Carlos said walking over to the couch and sitting down, Trent following him, "You have to admit this was totally unexpected."
Trent nodded sitting down next to Carlos and snuggling into his embrace. It certainly had been.
"I mean, we tell him we're a couple and we're moving in together and he says, 'Uh, huh. Would you pass the salt?'?" Carlos shook his head.
"Walker never ceases to amaze me," Trent said, chuckling lightly and shaking his head. Walker's reaction really had surprised him too, but he realized now he should have given the ranger more credit than he had in accepting their relationship. He had just been so worried about a negative reaction it had clouded his feelings.
"I know, but it's almost anticlimactic or something," Carlos said. Not that he'd wanted a bad reaction, but he'd been bracing himself for anything and Walker had just been so OK with it, not even batting an eye lash.
Trent laughed at Carlos's words. "Yeah, I guess it was," he said, hoping the rest of the people they had to tell took it even half as well as Walker had, "But he did say he'd figured it out on his own. Leave it to Walker, who seems to know everything anyway."
"Yeah, I know that too, but just because I wanted to come back here instead of going to the hospital that night I was attacked and he picked me up? How did he get 'Trent and Carlos are a couple' out of that?" Carlos shook his head, convinced once again Walker had a crystal ball somewhere he wasn't telling anyone about.
"It doesn't take much for Walker to end up knowing stuff," Trent said, "You should know that by now." He didn't understand HOW Walker did what he did, but he'd accepted it long ago.
"Do you really think we should have agreed to let him tell Alex? Just seems like we should do it," Carlos commented, remembering Walker more or less just announcing he would tell Alex, not asking them if they wanted him to.
"I feel a little odd about it too, but Walker certainly knows Alex better than we do. If he thinks it's the right thing to do, I think we have to believe him," Trent said. Along with accepting Walker's uncanny abilities, he had also learned to listen to and do anything he said. If he didn't, he was always sorry he hadn't.
"I guess you're right," Carlos said, smiling and beginning to run his hand around on Trent's chest.
"Hey, I'm always right," Trent said, smiling and picking up Carlos's other hand and bringing it to his mouth, kissing the palm, "You know that."
"Oh, you think so, do you," Carlos chuckled, moving his head down to nuzzle the side of Trent's neck.
"Mmm humm," Trent purred, shutting his eyes for a moment enjoying the nuzzling, "Like if I said you were ready for dessert, I'd be right, wouldn't I?" Trent added, as he moved in Carlos's embrace, climbing into his lap, sitting down facing him, grinning at him.
"One might say the same thing about you, my love," Carlos said, feeling Trent's erection pressing against him through both their pants.
"I think we've been hanging out together too long," Trent said, still grinning as he pulled Carlos's shirt from his pants, pulling it up to reveal his chest, but not taking it off him. He lowered his head to capture one of Carlos's nipples with his mouth and sucked on it gently.
"Oh, no, not nearly long *enough*...," Carlos said as Trent began to suck on him, the last word coming out emphasized as Trent bit his nipple, his thoughts trailing off with a moan of pure pleasure as Trent started them on the way to their mutual dessert.
After making love with their usual enthusiasm, they were lying together on the couch in each other's arms, Trent lying on his back, his head propped up with a pillow, Carlos snuggled up to him, his head on Trent's chest.
"So, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Trent asked, already knowing the reaction this was likely to get from Carlos.
Carlos looked up at Trent, not moving his head off his chest, and gave him a very wicked grin. "I can think of a few things," Carlos said, moving his hand to caress Trent's chest as he said it, his eyes sparkling with love and lust.
Trent grinned at Carlos, getting the exact reaction he was expecting. "I thought you might have a few ideas on the subject," Trent said, chuckling softly, "But we do have most of the afternoon still. How you feeling? Think you might want to go to your place and do some more packing and cleaning and such?"
Carlos had given his landlord official notice he was moving out. They still had over a month but they did need to get his things moved and the place cleaned up. The free time they had today would be a good chance to get started.
"I'm feeling fine, baby. Sounds like a plan to me," Carlos said, still looking at Trent, "But I still think we might find time to do a few more interesting things, too," he added, his wicked grin coming back full force.
"You have a one track mind, Carlos," Trent said, looking at Carlos grinning at him and trying not to get too aroused, which wasn't easy. Trent ran his hand through Carlos's hair as he spoke, admiring the curls that were getting more noticeable every day.
"I never claimed to have anything else on my mind," Carlos defended himself, still grinning wickedly and starting to get aroused again. He just loved the feel of Trent's fingers in his hair.
"No, you're right, you didn't," Trent sighed, over dramatically, "I guess I just have to learn to live with it."
"I think you're doing a very good job of adjusting," Carlos said, knowing Trent was just as insatiable as he was.
Trent chuckled at Carlos's words and squeezed him tightly. "Come on, let's get going or we may never get off this couch again," Trent said as he started to get up, disentangling himself from Carlos as he did.
"That wouldn't be so bad," Carlos said, moving off Trent as he sat up, "But the bed is more comfortable," he added, getting his wicked grin back again.
"You're too much," Trent laughed, getting up from the couch then pulling Carlos up and into his embrace.
Carlos grinned his best 'I am pleased with myself' grin and said, "Well, I do try."
Trent just grinned back and shook his head before letting go of Carlos and turning him around and steering him towards the bedroom, pushing him from behind all the way.
They each dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Trent finished first and headed back out to the livingroom to retrieve their work clothes that had been abandoned there earlier. Heading back into the bedroom with them, Trent found Carlos had finished dressing and was waiting for him, sitting on the side of the bed looking particularly cute -- or was that just his natural state? Trent wasn't sure, he only knew he had to concentrate on putting the clothes he was carrying away and not on what a lovely picture his lover was making. **Damn, that hair is gorgeous,** Trent thought, pulling his eyes away from Carlos and his curls and his grin before he forgot what he was doing entirely in favor of jumping his lover.
Carlos was being bad and he knew it, but he couldn't help himself. Trent was just too cute when he was fighting with himself and his libido. He turned up 'The Grin' a notch as Trent glanced at him again.
"Come on you," Trent said, finally finished and ready to leave, "I'd come over there and help you up, but I think I just might end up pinning you down instead if I did."
"I wouldn't mind," Carlos teased, knowing they really did need to go to his place, but just having to rub this in a bit more.
"You are just SO bad," Trent said, chuckling.
Carlos got up and headed over to Trent, putting his arms around him and hugging him. "But you like me bad, remember?" he said, smiling at Trent, feeling his lover's arousal.
"That was wild, not bad," Trent corrected.
"You're right. My mistake," Carlos said, laughing, remembering the wonderful day they had spent wearing the Conan and Dar costumes, the day Trent had said he wanted to keep Carlos wild.
"I told you I was always right," Trent grinned smugly, "Come on, let's get going," he added, breaking their embrace knowing if he didn't do it now, they wouldn't leave at all.
They spent the afternoon at Carlos's loft, Carlos going through his things, deciding what he wanted to bring, cleaning things up, packing and generally working towards the end goal of getting Carlos moved out of his loft and into Trent's apartment -- into *their* apartment.
They returned to their apartment with a few boxes of stuff and other odds and ends which they carried upstairs but left until later to put away, since Trent needed to make room for Carlos's things first. They made love, ate dinner, made love, put Carlos's things away, made love... and had a good time doing it all. It really didn't matter to either of them what they were doing as long as they were doing it together.
After a shower to clean off the grime of the day, and to love each other again, they settled in bed to cuddle and spend time together and talk before sleep.
"I thought I'd call my mom tomorrow and see if she has some free time on Saturday," Trent said, "Thought we might go over there and talk with her." He turned to look up at Carlos. "Unless you want to go see Theresa first?" he added. Not that it really mattered, everyone had to be told.
Carlos stomach did a flip-flop just thinking about what Trent was speaking about. Then he looked down at Trent, snuggled so close to his body, bringing him warmth and contentment he never knew he could feel, he never knew existed. He looked into those beautiful blue eyes looking up at him with so much love and his apprehension disappeared. "Sure, that's fine, give your mom a call," Carlos said, smiling at Trent then kissing him.
"When Bryan and I decided who to tell, we decided against telling my folks," Trent said, a note of sadness in his voice, "But it was Thunder I was more concerned about. I think mom is going to be all right with this, but as I said before, you never really know for sure."
"It's going to be all right, Trent, really it will," Carlos said, again feeling what he was saying to be a very lame attempt at comfort, "And if it's not, we'll face it together."
"I know," Trent said, nothing more needing to be said. They both knew they could get through anything, no matter how difficult, as long as they had each other. Trent yawned despite his efforts not to. It had been a long day.
"I'm very glad things worked out so well with Walker," Carlos said softly, squeezing the sleepy Trent in his embrace.
"Me too," Trent said, simply, softly. He was very grateful. Trent moved his position so he was lying on his side next to Carlos, his head on his lover's chest, his arm around his waist.
Carlos loosened his hold on Trent, allowing him to move, then hugged his lover to himself and petted his hair softly as he settled his head on his chest. "I love you so much, baby," Carlos said, kissing the now very sleepy Trent, who was starting to fade on him, on top of his head.
"I love you too, Lucky Bear," Trent mumbled, "Night." He moved slightly in Carlos's embrace, snuggling in closer to him.
Carlos continued to hold Trent close and to caress his hair. After a few moments, he again kissed the top of Trent's head ever so gently. "Sleep well, my love," Carlos whispered, not even sure Trent heard him before he was asleep.
Carlos was ready for sleep himself, but first he thanked God formally for Walker's reaction to their news today. He thanked Him for sparing his lover the hurt and pain a negative reaction from Walker would have caused. Carlos looked at the now sound asleep Trent and smiled, kissing him again softly before closing his own eyes and allowing himself to sleep.
Having spent the morning doing errands and shopping and such, Trent was now getting ready to head into work. He only needed to be there for a short meeting and Carlos's presence wasn't really required, so he was staying home. Staying home to rest, Trent hoped.
Carlos sat on the side of the bed watching Trent get ready. "You sure you don't want me to come with you?" Carlos asked.
Trent stopped what he was doing and smiled at his lover. "Well of course I *want* you to come with me, that's not the point," Trent said, going over to Carlos and straddling his lap. Trent, still on his knees, sat down grinning as Carlos's arms went around him. "You don't *need* to come with me and you still need your rest. Besides, I really do want to go to the dojo today," Trent said, then continued in a sensuous voice, "I seem to have been neglecting my usual work out in favor of another kind." He leaned in and kissed Carlos, who was grinning at him.
"Oh, but I *like* those workouts for two," Carlos said, going back for another kiss.
"But I doubt I will ever have to use that part of my anatomy to defend myself," Trent said, after Carlos released his mouth.
"Oh, really?" Carlos said seductively, moving one hand down to Trent's rear end and squeezing, "I might have to see what I can do about that," then kissed Trent again. He knew they had no time for anything, but he really couldn't help himself.
Trent moaned ever so softly as his shaft started to stiffen in appreciation. When the kiss broke he looked at Carlos grinning at him in that way he had that made his heart skip a beat and his pulse start to race. "I set myself up for that one, didn't I?" he asked, wishing he had the time to defend himself. He kissed Carlos quickly one more time. "But I gotta go," he said, getting up, "Keep that thought for later, OK?"
"As if I ever forget it?" Carlos asked, still grinning, eyes sparkling, knowing he had to wait but not wanting to.
His lover was making leaving very difficult for him. Trent looked at Carlos grinning at him. He looked at his watch. He decided if they were quick... "Prepare to defend yourself," Trent said as he pounced on a very surprised looking Carlos, pushing him over backwards onto the bed.
It was quick, it was over very fast, they didn't even get undressed, only their swords coming out to play, each satisfying the other with his hand.
Once Trent had regained his breath enough to talk he looked at Carlos smirking at him and said, "How did you get me to do that?" He was wondering if he was ever going to get used to what Carlos could do to him -- if he *wanted* to get used to it. Getting used to it might not be as much fun.
"Oh, I have my ways," Carlos said, the smirk on his face intensifying. He was very pleased with himself.
"You and your ways are making me late," Trent said, trying to sound put out by the delay and not accomplishing it in the least. "Will you quit looking at me like that?" Trent said, starting to get aroused again despite himself.
"Looking at you like what?" Carlos said, fake innocence dripping from his words as he tried to look innocent too.
"I love you, you know," Trent said, grinning, then kissed Carlos quickly, "Even if you can't keep it in your pants."
"Hey, I wouldn't talk if I were you," Carlos teased, raising an eyebrow and looking down at Trent, who was still very out of his pants.
Trent started laughing. "I give up," he said, getting up off the bed and getting himself back together as Carlos sat up and did the same.
Trent finished getting ready and then went back to the bed, pulling Carlos to his feet and hugging and kissing him. "I'll see you later, OK? You get some rest today? Yes?" Carlos really was doing much better, only one very brief dizzy spell and a few mild headaches in the last week, but he was still not well and he needed his rest.
"Si, Madre," Carlos teased Trent and his mother hen routine. That earned him a playful swat to his backside and he grinned.
Trent kissed Carlos one last time. "I love you," he said smiling, releasing his hold on Carlos.
"I love you too, baby," Carlos countered, letting go of Trent, reluctantly, so he could leave.
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