Page Four

Carlos arrived home carrying several bags of things. He managed to get the front door open without dropping anything, but couldn't seem to shut it with his hands full. Heading into the kitchen with everything, he set down what he was carrying, then went back to close and lock the door. Looking at his watch he thought he had just enough time to get everything ready before Trent got home.
Carlos really was rather pleased with himself for thinking of this, even more so for planning it and not letting Trent know about it. He loved to surprise his lover, but Trent always seemed to know when he was up to something. So he had decided doing this soon after he thought of it a good idea. The longer he waited, the more likely Trent would be expecting something.
Carlos unpacked the things he had bought, putting things in the refrigerator that needed to go there, the other things he was going to need on the counter. Pulling the last item out of the bag, he looked at it and smiled. It hadn't been part of the plan, but when he had seen it at one of the stores he had stopped at, he knew it was a perfect addition to the evening. Then, all the bags unpacked, he surveyed everything and decided where to start.
By the time Carlos had everything ready, he was getting excited. Trent would be there soon, he just needed to get himself ready. Picking up the last item, Carlos headed to the bedroom to get ready. Once he was ready, he went to the closet, getting what he needed, then picked up their robes and headed back to the kitchen to wait, putting what he was carrying out of sight on a chair when he got there.
Trent arrived home, parked and headed up to the apartment. He just loved having Carlos there waiting for him. It seemed so right and so natural he barely remembered a time it wasn't so. Was it really only a couple of months? It amazed him. He opened the door and entered, looking around for Carlos. "Lucy, I'm home," he called out in his best Ricky Ricardo voice, not getting the imitation down very well.
In the kitchen still, Carlos laughed at Trent's greeting. "I'm in the kitchen," he called back, not pulling off the Lucy imitation at all. He stayed where he was, facing the counter, his back to the doorway where Trent would enter.
Trent laughed at Carlos's response as he headed towards the kitchen. The first thing he saw was the dining table, set elegantly -- candles, flowers, the whole bit. He was surprised and pleased and grinned. Carlos never ceased to amaze him. He went and took a closer look at the table -- Carlos had outdone himself -- before heading to the kitchen, smiling from ear to ear. "Carlos, what a nice...," Trent wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted him.
Carlos heard Trent approaching and was very excited and grinning just thinking about the whole set up. When he heard his lover speak, then stop, he knew his surprise had had the intended effect. He turned around, revealing the front of the 'Kiss the Cook' apron he was wearing, with nothing else, to see his lover standing in the doorway staring at him. "Care to relive a fond memory?" Carlos asked, holding a tube of KY and waving it around a bit. His grin turned wicked as he saw his lover getting even more excited.
Trent just stared. He tried to remember exactly what he had said the last time when he had discovered Carlos clad the same way. "That an order?" he said, pointing at the saying on the apron, thinking he got his line right, but not entirely sure. There wasn't much blood making it to his brain at the moment, it was busy elsewhere.
Carlos's wicked grin increased, knowing now he was right, the apron he'd found was adding to the surprise, a perfect addition. "You bet it is, soldier," Carlos said.
Trent's erection increased, getting mighty uncomfortable. Last time this happened he'd been in his robe. "I was...," Trent had to stop and clear his throat, his voice catching, "Hoping...," and then he lost it -- his voice *and* his self control. He wasn't sure how he moved so fast, but he was across the kitchen before Carlos could even react.
Carlos felt such a thrill as his lover rushed over to him, charged him would have been more accurate. Trent's arms were around him, his lover's mouth devouring his, his hands on his backside, before he knew what was happening. God how he loved it when Trent was like this. He moaned into the kiss as he put his arms around Trent, thrilling to the intensity of his lover's passion.
Trent pulled his lover to him tightly, squeezing and massaging his backside as he did. Carlos moaned into his mouth over and over again as he continued to kiss him, releasing his hold on his lover's mouth only briefly to allow them each to catch some air. Trent moved one of his hands from Carlos's backside, but kept the other in place, holding them tightly together. He reached around his own back with the free hand to get the KY Carlos was still holding.
Carlos was surprised when Trent took the KY from him. He was so overwhelmed by his lover's passions he hadn't even noticed him remove one hand from his backside. He moaned louder, still into Trent's hungry mouth, when he felt his lover's arm go back around him and the other hand move from his backside to open the KY.
Trent was a little surprised he didn't drop the KY, he was trembling so much, but he got it open and squeezed a healthy amount of the lubricant into his hand, before dropping the tube to the floor. He used his fingers to find the entrance to Carlos's body.
Carlos jumped when he felt Trent's fingers first on him and then inside him, applying the lubricant to join them. It was so different like this and it had surprised him totally. Trent continued to move his fingers around inside him, causing him to squirm with delight, until Carlos could take it no longer. Breaking the kiss, Carlos moaned, "God, Trent! Now, please, NOW..."
Trent was all out of patience himself anyway, but hearing Carlos's plea, Trent moved and moved quickly. He removed his fingers then turned Carlos around to face the counter. The site of his lover from the back, still wearing the apron, leaning his upper body over the counter, eagerly waiting for him, made Trent have to take a deep breath to keep from coming before he got his pants unzipped.
Carlos could barely stand this. My God, was his lover ever going to enter him? "Now, Trent, NOW!" Carlos pleaded. What was taking so long anyway?
The combination of his own excitement, the remains of the lubricant still on his fingers and Carlos's pleading were almost too much, but Trent finally got his own pants unsnapped and unzipped and his shaft out. Moving forward, he entered Carlos quickly, in one swift motion, Carlos crying out in ecstasy as he did. Trent's vocalizations were more primal as he drew back to thrust in again, just as fast, and as he continued to thrust at the fast pace he had set. Did it go on for hours or seconds? He wasn't even sure.
Carlos simply adored it when Trent took him like this, but this time, there was even more to it. The sounds his lover was making were almost animalistic and a total turn on. Carlos continued to cry out in his own passion as Trent thrust into him hard and fast. A few more thrusts by his lover, a few more of those erotic noises his lover was making, and Carlos came and came hard, crying out loudly as he did. Trent came only seconds later, shouting so loudly and so wildly Carlos was hoping the neighbors weren't home or the sound didn't carry.
Trent collapsed against his lover's back after he came, still buried deep inside him, not sure he would ever breathe normally again. He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything but moan and try to breathe. He tried to move his arms up to hug Carlos, but even that was beyond him. He just stayed as he was since there wasn't much else to do anyway, until he returned a bit closer to earth.
Carlos remained as he was, knowing that had taken alot out of Trent, but after some time, he realized he needed to move them, Trent wasn't going to be able to. Carlos went to remove his lover from his body, but just the movement of his own body did that job for him, Trent making a groaning noise as his shaft slipped out. Carlos stood up slowly and turned around at the same time, catching Trent in his arms as he did. He didn't think Trent would have actually fallen down, but he looked dazed and was a bit wobbly on his feet.
Carlos hugged Trent to him and kissed him, then moved them both towards the kitchen table. He sat down in one of the chairs, taking Trent with him to sit in his lap. Carlos hugged his lover to him as Trent's head fell to rest on Carlos's shoulder.
Trent had just moved with Carlos to the chair on autopilot. When he sat down, his breathing easing a bit, Trent put his arms around Carlos and hugged him tightly. He moved his head from Carlos's shoulder, snuggling it under his chin instead, putting his head over his lover's heart. That always calmed him the fastest.
Carlos moved his hand to Trent's hair as he settled his head against his chest. He stroked his lover's hair and kissed the top of his head and waited for Trent to return from whatever passion jungle he had just driven him to.
Trent rested with his head against Carlos's chest for some time as Carlos softly stroked him. He was still amazed every time Carlos did this to him, pushed him to the point he just lost his control totally. He knew perfectly well it could happen, since it did time and again, so why did it always surprise him? He wasn't sure, he only knew he loved it and the man that could do it to him.
Finally getting his breathing under control and his brain more or less back in his head, Trent said, "I wonder if Lucy and Ricky did that too and we just never saw it?" He moved his head from Carlos's chest and grinned at him.
Carlos just busted up laughing. Trent was just too funny sometimes to be believed. Still laughing happily, Carlos said, "I wouldn't be surprised. You know those hot blooded Latin Lover types."
"Yes, I know all about them," Trent said, smiling at Carlos and his joke, "And I highly recommend them. Everyone should be so lucky as to have one of very their own," he added, sensuously, kissing Carlos on the mouth.
Carlos was more than a little pleased at Trent's comments about his lovemaking abilities, but he was mostly pleased knowing the pleasure he brought his beautiful Trent. It really was all that mattered. "I'm glad to know I come with such high recommendations," Carlos said.
"Oh, you come with more than high recommendations," Trent said, unable to leave Carlos's unintentional double meaning alone, "It's really a wonder the neighbors haven't complained yet." He smiled at Carlos and the look of mock indignation on his face.
"One might say the same thing about you, my love," Carlos said, chuckling, "Especially this last time."
Trent started laughing. "I hope no one called the police. That would certainly be embarrassing, trying to explain that to your friends on the force."
Carlos laughed happily and hugged Trent to him tighter. Giving him a brief kiss on the mouth, Carlos said, "You ready for dinner now? Replace some of those calories you just burned off?"
"Sounds good," Trent said, "I started to say earlier, before I got distracted, that the table looks really nice."
Carlos smiled as he helped Trent out of his lap. Trent was starting to put himself back together when Carlos grabbed their robes from the other chair where he had stashed them earlier.
Trent smiled at Carlos and took his robe from him. He started to unbutton his shirt when Carlos stopped him and started doing it for him. Trent watched as Carlos slowly undressed him. If they hadn't just made wild, passionate love, Trent would have been hard as a rock from the looks Carlos was giving him as he worked. Once again, Trent's mind was willing but his body had other ideas, so he just enjoyed the attention instead.
Once Carlos had the clothes off Trent, he took his robe from him and held it up for him to put on. Once on, he turned him around and tied it, then led his lover into the dining area and sat him down in a chair. "You wait here and I'll be right back," he said, wanting to wait on Trent for a change.
Trent watched Carlos as he headed back into the kitchen. It was a good thing his body wasn't cooperating with his thoughts or they wouldn't be eating anytime soon. Carlos, still clad in just the apron, really was a sight to behold. Trent admired the view even if he was unable to do much more about it at the moment.
Carlos headed back into the kitchen and got his robe. Taking off the apron and putting on the robe, he smiled again at the apron and was very happy he had found it. He picked up the other item he had stashed on the chair earlier and put it in his robe pocket, then headed to the refrigerator and retrieved dinner. He put what needed heating in to heat and put the other things in serving dishes and on plates and took them out to the table. Stopping to kiss Trent first, Carlos headed back into the kitchen for the hot food and then returned with that when it was ready and sat down.
Trent was very impressed. Yes, it was bought ready made from a take-out restaurant, but Carlos had gone to alot of trouble to get things he knew Trent liked and avoid the junk food. He smiled across the table at his lover who was smiling at him looking expectant. "Everything looks wonderful, Carlos," he said, speaking the truth, "But I'm wondering just how you knew I liked coleslaw?" Trent grinned as Carlos's smile increased. He did have a thing for KFC coleslaw in particular but, like ice cream, he really just liked it alot in general.
"A little birdie told me," Carlos said, then grinned, "Actually the birdie looked a whole lot like a chicken," he added smiling some more remembering Trent and the Coleslaw Show from the other night.
Trent laughed and started to help himself to some of each of the food items, so elegantly served, as did Carlos. He then dug into what was on his plate, finding it as good tasting as it looked and smelled. He really had worked up an appetite.
"This is really great, Carlos," Trent said, glancing up, "Thank...," Trent stopped mid-sentence yet again. Carlos had taken off his robe and was now sitting across from him wearing only a necktie and pretending to be busy eating.
Carlos had sneaked the tie out of his robe pocket and put it on while Trent hadn't been looking. He still didn't believed he had thought of this, but once he had, it was too funny not to do. He looked up from his meal, trying not to laugh or even smile, pretending everything was totally normal. "Thank what, Trent?" Carlos asked. He looked at his lover staring at him with his mouth open, the lust in his eyes very evident.
"What?" Trent said, trying to shake himself out of it. His body was starting to catch up with his mind, his mind being totally ready to jump Carlos again. What this man could do to him with the smallest action. Did Carlos really know every button Trent had when it came to this kind of thing? He had to assume so. Recovering his brain, he said, "Nice tie."
Continuing to pretend everything was normal, Carlos said, "Thanks, do you really like it?" he puffed out his chest a bit to show off the tie, "It was just such an elegant table I thought black tie was appropriate," he grinned at Trent who was struggling with himself and his libido again.
"Very nice, Carlos," Trent said, turning his attention back to his meal. Maybe if he tried to concentrate on that... "I do hope you're going to wear that same outfit next time we have to go somewhere formal," he added, unable to keep from teasing Carlos. Grinning at the thought, he managed to start eating his food again.
Carlos lifted one eyebrow, thinking about the idea and smiling at the thought. He chuckled at Trent's idea, then turned his attention back to his own meal knowing his tie had the intended effect on his lover.
They ate their meal and discussed everyday things and had a very pleasant meal. Trent was having a harder and harder time, literally, continuing to look at Carlos and his black tie, and by the time dinner was over, Trent's body had caught up with his mind enough to be very ready for dessert of the Carlos type. He settled, temporarily atleast, for the ice cream cake Carlos had gotten for them.
Carlos started to clear the table of the dishes and Trent got up to help. "Oh no you don't," Carlos said, taking the dishes from Trent's hands, "This was my idea, I clean it up." Carlos really wanted to do this for Trent. He had had to be so dependent lately since his injury and he wanted to do for Trent for a change.
Trent started to object, but saw something in his lover's eyes that stopped him from even a token complaint. Instead he took the dishes back from Carlos and put them on the table. He then took Carlos in his arms and kissed him thoroughly, pressing his arousal against Carlos so he was sure to feel it. "Don't take too long," Trent said, sensuously after the kiss broke.
"I won't," Carlos said, the heat rising in him fast.
"Good," Trent said, giving Carlos another quick kiss before releasing him then picking up the dishes he had taken out of his hands and handing them back to him. Trent smiled his very best 'Come Fuck Me' smile at Carlos then turned and headed for the livingroom.
It took Carlos's brain a minute to recover from 'The Smile' but he managed, his body, however, had other ideas. But despite his over eager shaft, he managed to return to the clean up of the table.
Trent started to head for the couch to sit and wait for Carlos, but as he passed Carlos's chair, he changed his mind and sat down in the chair instead. He knew how much he loved seeing Carlos sitting in it, he was wondering if it would work in reverse. Besides, it was about time they took this chair on another great adventure.
Sitting in the chair and fussing with the reclining options, Trent understood what Carlos liked so much about this chair and what that look of total contentment he got on his face was all about. **This is one comfortable chair,** he decided, still fussing with the different positions.
Carlos finished up with the dishes and clean up. By the time he was done, his shaft was more than just a little anxious to come out and play, Trent having occupied his every thought the whole time he had been working. As he dried his hands he took one last look around the kitchen to be sure he hadn't missed anything. He had to admit to himself his idea for this evening had been a good one. Seeing the apron draped across the back of the kitchen chair, he smiled wickedly remembering the way Trent had made love to him earlier. His penis remembered too, getting more insistent on it's desire to have it's own way about what was next on the schedule for the evening. He smiled and headed into the livingroom to join his lover and grant his penis's request.
Trent saw the lights go out in the kitchen and knew Carlos was done. He put down the footrest and unreclined the back on the chair just as Carlos was entering the room. His lover stopped at the entrance to the livingroom and looked at him, his arousal very obvious on his face and in his eyes, not to mention the tenting of his robe in front.
Carlos's grin started slowly and built as he stood there looking at Trent sitting in the chair. By the time the grin was in full force, Trent was hard as a rock and very ready for some more loving. He took his hand and patted his knee, and said, "Come on, boy. Come on," in a excited, coaxing fashion that you might use to call a pet.
Trent knew Carlos would respond to him calling him that way, that was the point. He didn't, however, quite expect what he got. Carlos charged the chair and pounced on him in one fast, fluid motion, causing the chair to recline fully very quickly. Carlos then proceeded to start licking Trent's face enthusiastically like an over eager puppy. Trent laughed, loving the whole thing totally, and said, "Must be the Puppy Chow."
Carlos laughed at this and lay down on top of Trent, rubbing their erections together, his licks turning to kisses. Finally finding his lover's mouth with his own, he kissed Trent with as much enthusiasm as the face licking, but the enthusiasm soon turned passionate which soon turned frenzied.
Carlos broke the kiss and said, "Put the foot rest down." He wasn't really sure where he got the voice to speak, but he found it. Once Trent had done so, Carlos slid off of Trent to the floor on his knees in front of the chair.
Trent was completely taken over by Carlos and his eagerness. After Carlos was on the floor on his knees, Trent watched fascinated as his lover found the KY in his robe pocket and opened his robe and prepared his shaft. Trent wasn't sure what Carlos had in mind here, so he stayed where he was and waited to see. Once his shaft was prepared, Carlos looked up and him and the look on his face made Trent whimper. He was *so* ready for this.
Trent was still sitting upright in the chair. Carlos took hold of Trent's legs and pulled him forward and then pushed his legs up so that Trent was now lying on his back in the chair, his rear end at the edge of the chair seat, his legs in the air. Carlos took Trent's legs and put them over his shoulders as he moved forward so he could join them.
It was fast, it was furious, it was over very quickly, and they both loved every second of it.
Afterwards they lay in the chair, Carlos on his back, Trent snuggled up to him, his head on his chest.
Trent looked up at Carlos and smiled. "That was a wonderful way to be greeted when I got home," Trent said, "And the dinner wasn't bad either." Carlos grinned at him. "Thank you for thinking of me," Trent added quietly, still not quite used to someone else thinking about him and his wants and needs, but getting there.
"You're welcome, baby," Carlos said, kissing Trent's forehead, "I had a pretty nice time myself."
Trent chuckled and put his head back on Carlos's chest. "So I noticed," he said, hugging Carlos and snuggling closer to him. Trent took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh of pure contentment.
The evening passed in what was becoming their usual routine, being together, making love, falling asleep in each other's arms, and being very happy about all of it.
The next morning they headed to the office after their usual morning routine. Mid-morning Trent and Carlos were both sitting in their inner office busy working on their new case. They both looked up as Kim entered the office and sat down in a chair. She looked very serious, not a usual state for Kim. Trent glanced at Carlos then they both looked at Kim, faces full of concern. "Something wrong, Kim?" Trent asked, his voice matching the look on his face.
"Not wrong, exactly," Kim said, not quite sure how to approach the subject she needed to discuss. She took a deep breath, deciding just to take the direct approach. "I'm assuming you two are telling people about your relationship, since you're moving in together, am I right?" She looked at each of them as they nodded at her, looking bewildered.
**How does she know we're moving in together?** Trent wondered fleetingly, but he didn't have time to dwell on the thought, Kim was talking again.
"I've been thinking, and, well, would you mind if I was the one that told Butch?" she asked, hoping they would agree.
Trent and Carlos looked at each other, then back at Kim, then each other again. Carlos nodded at Trent as an unspoken note of agreement passed between them.
"I guess so Kim, but why?" Trent asked. Actually, he was a little relieved. He wasn't at all sure Butch was going to take the news well.
"I just think Butch is going to need some time and help getting used to this," Kim explained, "To you -- to you two as a couple. I just think it would be better coming from me." She was hoping he would get used to it at all. She wasn't sure he would.
Trent looked at Carlos again. Seeing nothing in his face but continued agreement, and an obvious look of relief, Trent looked back at Kim. "Sure, Kim, if you think it's best," he said, hoping his own relief wasn't too obvious in his voice.
"Good," Kim said simply, getting up to leave, glad she hadn't gotten an argument.
Deciding there was no time like the present, Kim headed to her desk in the outer office and called downstairs to Uppercuts to see if Butch was busy. Hanging up the phone, Kim took a deep breath. This was right, but it wasn't going to be easy. "I'll be back in a while guys," she yelled in the general direction of the back office as she headed for the door.
Later, heading back upstairs, Kim sighed. It had gone about the way she'd expected, it could have been worse, but it still wasn't easy. She had been hoping she was going to be able to have better news for her bosses and good friends, but she didn't. She sighed again as she opened the door and went into Thunder Investigations.
Kim entered the inner office, knowing they would want to hear how it went and not be kept waiting. She sat down and looked up at Trent and Carlos who were both looking at her with looks of near dread on their faces. She smiled at them, a weak smile, but a smile.
"Well, he didn't insist you leave the premises immediately and he didn't follow me up here, but that's about it for the good news," Kim said, "It was a shock, that's for sure." An understatement at best.
Trent looked at Carlos and they exchanged another look between them.
"I think with time and some help from me and Walker, he'll come around," Kim added.
"Walker?" Trent asked, wondering what Kim meant.
"Yeah, you told Walker, didn't you?" Kim asked. Trent nodded at her. "And he's OK with it isn't he?" she continued. Trent nodded again. "So I think Walker being supportive of the relationship and letting Butch know that is going to help. Butch thinks very highly of Walker and his opinions."
Kim never ceased to amaze him. How did she know about Walker without being told? She really was something else. They were very lucky to have her working with them and as their friend. Trent nodded again, agreeing with her about Walker and Butch this time.
Kim got up to leave, thinking keeping the details to herself was best, atleast for now, and headed to the door of the office.
"Kim?" Carlos said, causing Kim to stop at the door to the office and look back at him. "Thanks," he said simply, smiling, as Trent nodded his agreement. Kim smiled and nodded, then left the room.
Trent and Carlos looked at each other. They both knew it could have been worse, they might have been kicked out of their offices on the spot or worse, but they still didn't like this. Trent reached across the desk and took Carlos's hand and squeezed it. Carlos squeezed back.
"We knew Butch was likely to have the most negative reaction," Trent said.
"I know, but it doesn't make it any easier when it really happens," Carlos said, remembering his own sister's bad reaction to the same news.
"Let's just hope in time things work out," Trent said. It was a lame attempt at comfort, Trent knew that, but there wasn't anything to do but give it time and hope for the best.
Carlos managed a small smile for Trent who was looking at him with such concern. Trent smiled at him and squeezed his hand again before letting go.
In the outer office Kim placed a call to Walker and told him what had happened and asked him to speak to
Butch. Walker, of course, agreed.
Trent had been thinking this left only one person they needed to tell. Since they had the afternoon off anyway, as the time for lunch approached, Trent made a decision. "Why don't we call Trivette and see if he's free for lunch?" Trent suggested to Carlos.
Carlos looked at Trent. It was a good idea and he nodded at his lover.
"You feeling OK enough for this?" Trent asked.
"Do you really think Jimmy will have a bad reaction?" Carlos asked.
"No, I meant how do you feel physically, you up to more activity today?" Trent explained.
"Oh, sorry," Carlos said, realizing his mistake, "Yeah, I'm fine." He tried to smile but he wasn't sure he was convincing. He was just fine physically, really, and he wanted Trent to know that. Emotionally was another matter altogether.
Trent got up from his chair and went around the desk and pulled Carlos up from his chair and into his arms. Carlos, his wonderful lover and lifemate -- God how he loved him and wished he could take his pain away. They stood there for some time and just hugged each other.
Finally Trent pulled back and looked at Carlos. He brushed his hand through his lover's hair and smiled at him. "Why don't I call Jimmy now, humm?" he asked Carlos who looked a little better but still far from his usual self. Carlos nodded and Trent smiled again, kissing his lover briefly on the mouth before letting go of him so he could make the call.
Trent talked with Trivette who was more than happy to meet them for lunch. They made arrangements to meet at a restaurant nearby Ranger Headquarters in about half an hour.
After hanging up the phone, Trent smiled at Carlos, who was still looking mighty glum. "Ready to go?" he asked, not really ready himself, but trying not to let it show. Carlos nodded again and Trent smiled again as they stood, ready to leave the office.
Returning home after their lunch with Trivette, Carlos and Trent entered their apartment. "He just needs some time, Carlos, I really don't think he's going to have a problem with it once he can straighten it out in his mind. He was surprised, that's all," Trent said.
"I hope so," Carlos said, closing the door and locking it.
"If he was going to run screaming, he would have done it already and he didn't. He just needs some time. It was a shock," Trent said, knowing he was repeating himself but not sure what else to say. Trent sat down on the couch and looked up at Carlos waiting for him to join him.
"I'll be right back," Carlos said, needing to answer the call of nature before settling in with Trent on the couch.
"Can I come hold it for you?" Trent asked Carlos as he headed for the bathroom. Carlos laughed in response to what he thought was Trent's teasing. Actually, Trent had meant it and considered following Carlos, but decided not to.
Trent sat on the couch and thought back on their conversation with Trivette. Trent had never been more proud of his lover or more sure of Carlos's love for him. It wasn't just what Carlos had said, but the way he'd said it.
Jimmy *had* reacted to the news of them being a couple with surprise and shock and that was totally understandable. After a few minutes of questions and trying to reconcile what he'd just been told with the men he knew, Trivette had said, "But Carlos, you like women!"
Carlos had said, without hesitation, "Yes, but I didn't fall in love with one." Trent smiled at the memory.
"What?" Carlos said, returning to the livingroom and the couch, seeing Trent's smile and the love it held.
"Just thinking about you," Trent said, pulling Carlos down onto his lap, "And how much I love you."
"Oh, is that so?" Carlos asked, sensuously, as he sat down on Trent's lap facing him, straddling him.
Trent put his arms around Carlos waist. "Yes, that's so," he said, grinning up at Carlos and the promise that voice and the accompanying look held.
"You interested in demonstrating that thought for me?" Carlos asked, wanting Trent inside him and now wasn't soon enough.
"I definitely think that can be arranged," Trent said, as Carlos leaned down and caught his mouth with his own.
"Good," Carlos said after the kiss broke. He put his arms around Trent and then twisted himself around and fell backwards on the couch, taking Trent with him, Carlos landing on his back, Trent landing on top of him.
"I'm ready for my in-home demonstration now," Carlos said to a very surprised looking Trent.
Trent laughed happily once he recovered from the unexpectedness of moving so fast. "One demonstration coming... up...," he said, moving his hips against Carlos's then catching his mouth in a passionate kiss.
After the loving, they were lying on the couch completely happy as they always were in each other's arms. Trent squeezed Carlos in his embrace, kissing the top of his head and sighing contentedly.
"I still can't quite believe it's over," Trent said, kissing Carlos's head again.
Carlos looked up at Trent and smiled. "It's not over, it's just beginning," he said.
Trent looked at Carlos, a bit puzzled.
"Yes, everyone is told, but we are just beginning," Carlos clarified, speaking from his heart and his soul, "Our life together is just being born."
Trent could say nothing, do nothing, but nod and smile his best smile at Carlos. What could he say anyway? Carlos had said it all.
*****The End*****
All of my stories have titles that are also songs from musicals. This one is from "Whistle Down the Wind"
Words by Jim Steinman
Music by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true
No matter what they call us
However they attack
No matter where they take us
We'll find our own way back
I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know our love's forever
I know no matter what
If only tears were laughter
If only night was day
If only prayers were answers
Then we would hear God say
No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach you
What you believe is true
And I will keep you safe and strong
And sheltered from the storm
No matter where it's barren
A dream is being born
No matter who they follow
No matter where they lead
No matter how they judge us
I'll be everyone you need
No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue
No matter what the end is
My life began with you
I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know this love's forever
That's all that matters now
No matter what
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