Author: Annie Riley
Email author: HERE
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Trent and Carlos
Series: Love Changes Everything -- Story Eight

Trent and Carlos were spending their Saturday afternoon at Carlos's old apartment, cleaning up, packing his things and generally getting Carlos moved into Trent's apartment, now their apartment. It was going to take some time and several more days of work to complete, but they were working on it. Now that they had told their friends and families about their relationship as a couple, they could concentrate on the move.
Trent wasn't really sure how much help he was being. Other than packing things that Carlos had said he wanted to bring or throwing out things he said he didn't want or ridding the refrigerator of things that looked like lab experiments, it was Carlos who needed to do most of the work.
Sitting back on his heels after just dragging something unidentifiable out from the dark recesses of Under the Bed, Trent decided he needed a break. Actually he decided he needed something to drink, and a few of Carlos's kisses might be very nice, too. After taking another look at the dust covered whatever it was, now beside the bed, he got up from the floor and headed into the main room in search of a Pepsi and Carlos.
Heading to the refrigerator, Trent looked around but didn't see Carlos, so he just asked loudly, "You want something to drink?" figuring his lover would hear him and answer him and that would let him know where he was, too.
"Yeah, sounds good," Carlos answered.
Trent hadn't determined exactly where Carlos was, but the general direction, yes. He grabbed two Pepsis from the refrigerator and headed in the direction Carlos's voice had come from. Getting over near the pool table and the shelves nearby, Trent saw Carlos down on hands and knees fussing with something. He sat down on the floor near Carlos, putting his back against the wall and waited for Carlos to join him.
Trent opened his pop and started to drink it as he continued to watch Carlos. It was a very attractive view and he was very tempted to let Carlos know just how much he appreciated it, but he controlled his desire. They really did need to get some work done today. "What exactly is it you're doing, Carlos?" Trent asked, thinking he might be able to help.
"There's some kind of dust covered something or other way back behind the shelf and I can't reach it," Carlos said, making another reach for it and not getting it. Trent broke up laughing. Carlos turned and looked at him. "What?" Carlos asked, always happy to hear Trent laugh but having no idea what was so funny.
"I think you have a whole family of them living here, Carlos," Trent said, still chuckling, "I think I just pulled it's mate out from under your bed."
Carlos moved to sit with Trent. Trent handed him his pop and he opened it and drank some. "I wouldn't be surprised to find they had a few children lurking about," Carlos said, chuckling. He took another swig of his pop then leaned in to kiss Trent.
"Hey, maybe we can use the one I found under the bed to lure the one behind the shelf out into the open?" Trent suggested. Carlos cracked up laughing at that. Trent played innocent, "Well, it would work on me," he said, which made Carlos laugh harder.
After the laughter died down, they sat there together, resting, drinking their pop, and talking about nothing in particular. Glancing up at the pool table, Trent said, "We're going to need help moving some of this bigger stuff," he nodded in the direction of the table, "You want to get professionals to do it or rent a truck and get some friends to help?"
Carlos was silent. He looked at Trent, then down at the pop in his hand and started fidgeting with it as he said, in a soft voice, "Do you think we could get enough help?"
Trent's stomach did a flip-flop as he realized what Carlos was talking about. "That didn't occur to me," he said, almost as quietly as Carlos had spoken. He didn't like this. Although he really did feel most of their friends and family members who had problems with their relationship would eventually come around, no one other than Walker and Kim were ready to actually help them move in together. They might accept it on some level, but actually helping was another matter.
Trent glanced at Carlos, still looking glum and fiddling with his Pepsi. "We'll get some professionals," he said, quietly, putting a hand on his lover's arm. Carlos looked up at him with a look in his eyes that made Trent's heart hurt. He smiled his best comforting smile and leaned in and kissed Carlos softly. Carlos smiled, a sad smile, but a smile. Trent smiled a little bigger then changed the subject to something else.
Having finished for the day, they headed home, bringing a few more of Carlos's things with them. Setting the stuff down inside the front door, Trent said, "I really think we need to spend some time here tomorrow instead of your old place."
Carlos came up behind Trent and hugged him, kissing his neck and smiling. "Oh, I think that's a wonderful idea," Carlos said, rubbing his growing erection against Trent's backside. He'd kept his desire in check all afternoon and that was all he could manage. Now that they were home, it was time for some serious sword play.
Trent laughed at Carlos's assumption of just what he meant by a day here tomorrow. "That was *not* what I meant, Carlos," Trent said, pushing back against his lover, more than ready for some loving now that they were home. "I *meant* we need to stay here and make more room for your things," he turned in his lover's embrace, "We're running out of places to put things."
"Oh, there's one of my things I brought already and I think there's plenty of room for it," Carlos said, rubbing up against Trent again, his lover's arousal matching his own.
Trent moved his hand to Carlos's crotch and squeezed gently. "Yes, I think there's room for that," he said, grinning at Carlos, "And I have just the perfect place to put it, too." Carlos moved his hand to Trent's backside and squeezed. "Yes, that would be the place I had in mind for it," Trent said.
"Good, then we're in agreement," Carlos said, his voice getting husky as Trent continued to gently squeeze him through his jeans.
"Why don't we take this into the shower?" Trent suggested, "I feel like I'm turning into one of those Mystery Dust Beings from the loft."
Carlos laughed and kissed Trent before letting go of him and taking his hand then heading towards the bathroom.
After their shower, during which they discovered that yes, indeed, the thing Carlos had already brought with him from his place fit nicely just where they both thought it would, they ate a quiet meal and then spent the rest of the evening watching TV, making love and being together.
The next day, after returning from church, they spent the day working in their apartment instead of Carlos's old one, Trent amazing himself at some of the odd stuff he kept finding, things he had forgotten he had. Things were gotten rid of, put aside to go to charity, and generally they made more room for Carlos's things. Trent very much wanted this to be their apartment, not his that Carlos had moved into. That was important to him, very important.
The day passed pleasantly, even though it was a lot of work, and by the time the day was ending, they had accomplished a lot, even making room for Carlos's pool table. After washing off the grime of the day, they settled into bed to talk and be close before sleep.
Trent snuggled into the crook of Carlos's arm, his head against his lover's shoulder. He decided now was as good a time as any to bring up something he'd been thinking about, something they needed to talk about. It had started to bother him when Carlos had been hurt, when they had been at the hospital, and it had gotten stronger after they had decided to move in together.
"Carlos, I've been thinking," Trent said, trying not to sound too serious even if the subject was.
"Uh, oh. Should I be scared?" Carlos said, teasing Trent. He could tell there was something serious on his lover's mind.
"You have that backwards," Trent said, lifting his head and looking at Carlos, "I'm the one that should be scared if *you* had been thinking." Trent could tell his lover was trying to lighten the mood.
"And what would you have to be scared of?" Carlos asked, pretending to be insulted, "You're the one who said I had a one track mind."
"I know, why else would your thinking scare me?" Trent answered.
Carlos just laughed and looked down at his beautiful Trent. He put his hand to his lover's face and caressed it. "What is it, baby? What's on your mind?" he asked, smiling an encouraging smile at Trent, waiting for him to continue.
Trent was grateful his lover understood there was something important that needed to be discussed and making it easier for him. "You remember when you were in the ER and I couldn't be with you at first? Because I wasn't family?" Trent asked, "And I really do think we lucked out with the fact they let me stay with you when they admitted you," Trent added. Not that he would have left without a major fight and calling Walker and half the Dallas Police Force first. Sometimes it paid to have friends in high places.
Carlos nodded at Trent. Trent being with him in the ER and afterwards in his room was all that had kept Carlos sane. It was Trent's loving care and attention that helped him get better so fast, made him want to be better so he could leave the hospital. Just thinking about being alone through that time made Carlos feel anxious.
Trent settled his head back on Carlos's shoulder before continuing, "Well, I'm not sure exactly what can be done legally as far as same sex couples go in that area or others, but I think we need to see a lawyer about it."
"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," Carlos said, "Do they have lawyers that specialize in such things?"
"I have no idea," Trent said, "But I was thinking we might ask Walker and Alex. Between Walker knowing just about everyone in Dallas and Alex being a lawyer herself, I think they can probably come up with someone for us to see."
"That's a great idea, baby," Carlos said. Why hadn't that occurred to him?
"I know the business is taken care of if something happens to one of us, we set it up that way. But now that our personal relationship has changed, there might be something we want to change with that," Trent said. "There are lots of other things I can think of," he continued, "And many, I'm sure, that haven't even occurred to me that need to be taken care of. There are most likely things we can't do anything about, so having someone who specializes in such things really is a good idea. That way we know we've done everything we possibly can."
"I agree," Carlos said, running his hand up and down Trent's arm. He didn't even like thinking about a day when Trent wouldn't be in his life, but he knew they needed to take care of this now.
"I know this isn't pleasant to even think about," Trent said, sensing Carlos's feelings, which mirrored his own, "But it really needs to be taken care of and as soon as possible."
"I know, baby," Carlos said, squeezing Trent, continuing to run his hand up and down his lover's arm.
Trent's voice turned a bit sad, as he continued, "Remember, no matter how we feel about each other, we aren't next of kin. We need to be sure everything that can be done to compensate for that is done." Trent realized this applied to other, everyday things, but at the moment all he could think of was Bryan's death and how he had had no rights legally whatsoever.
Carlos sensed the change in Trent. He didn't need to be told why, he knew. He pulled Trent closer to him and kissed his forehead.
Trent looked up at Carlos who leaned in and kissed him on the lips tenderly and smiled at him. Trent rolled over so he was now lying on his side beside Carlos, his arm across his chest, and looked into his lover's eyes. "You're doing it again," Trent said.
"Doing what?" Carlos asked, a bit confused.
"Knowing exactly what to do to make me feel better," Trent said, smiling at his lover and the brilliant smile that broke out on his face at his words.
"Oh," Carlos said, "Glad I could help."
"You always help, Lucky Bear," Trent said, running a hand through his lover's hair, "Always." Trent leaned in and kissed Carlos softly on the mouth.
Carlos returned Trent's tender kiss. "I know another way I could help," Carlos said, going back for a more passionate kiss this time. Just thinking about being with out Trent made him need to touch him. He continued to kiss Trent as he wrapped both arms around him and pulled his lover on top of himself, parting his legs as he did, moving Trent in-between them.
When Carlos finally released his mouth, Trent looked at his lover and grinned at him. "Yup, one track mind, just like I said," he kidded.
Carlos moved his hips around, rubbing his erection against Trent's. "I haven't noticed any complaints," he said, noting Trent's shaft doing anything but complaining as it stiffened some more at the contact.
"Nope, no complaints," Trent said. "Not a one," he added sensuously, as he did a little rubbing of his own, causing Carlos to moan as he captured his mouth in another kiss.
After making love they were both very ready for some sleep. Trent snuggled in closer to Carlos, his head on his chest. "I'll call Walker tomorrow about a lawyer," Trent said, yawning in spite of his effort not to.
"Sounds like a good idea to me," Carlos said, yawning too, Trent's yawn infectious.
"Night, Lucky Bear," Trent mumbled, all but asleep already.
"Night, baby," Carlos said, kissing Trent on the top of his head before closing his eyes and letting sleep claim him, too.
The next morning, Trent was sitting on the side of the bed watching Carlos finish tying his shoes. They were heading to the doctor's office, a follow up visit to check on Carlos's progress, before heading to work. Carlos was doing better, much better. Other than the headache the other night and a few brief dizzy spells, he was doing fine.
Carlos finished with his shoes and looked at Trent and smiled. Trent was glad to see his lover smile, a big improvement over the last time they had gone to see the doctor, Carlos's mood then very somber. Even if it was very understandable and expected, this was much nicer. "You ready?" Trent asked, smiling back at his lover.
"Yup," Carlos said, standing up then reaching out to pull Trent to his feet and into a hug, "But I think we need to go to the doctor's first."
Trent kissed his lover's smug face. "You are so bad," Trent said, "Cute, but bad."
Carlos laughed and let go of Trent and headed for the door. **Yes, this is much better,** Trent thought as he followed Carlos.
Trent drove them to Dr. Bowman's office and again, like last time, it wasn't crowded and they didn't have to wait long for Carlos to be seen. After what Trent thought was an awfully short time, Carlos was done and ready to leave.
Walking out of the building and heading for the car, Trent said, "That sure was fast."
"Yeah, I thought so, too," Carlos said, "But he just asked me a few questions and said he wanted to see me again in about a week."
They got in the car and got their seatbelts on. "He said it should be the last time I have to see him for this if there aren't any more problems," Carlos added.
Trent smiled his very best smile at that news, the best news he could think of a the moment. "That's wonderful, Carlos," he said enthusiastically, leaning over and kissing his lover. "I'm so glad," he added, more quietly, kissing Carlos again, more tenderly. Trent sent off another silent thank you prayer, he was so very grateful.
Carlos was rather pleased with himself and the news, too. He really did feel like his old self again. His lover still went a bit overboard trying to make sure he didn't over do, but that was to be expected. Not to mention Carlos loved it to no end, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud to anyone. He'd never been cared for like this before in his life by anyone and he really liked it, but that didn't mean he was going to admit, not even to Trent. Besides, Trent knew without being told.
"You want to go for banana splits again?" Trent asked, knowing the answer before he even asked. As he started the car he added, "You had to have been a good boy, you weren't in there long enough to be bad."
When he got no answer, Trent looked over at Carlos to find his lover grinning at him with that look in his eyes that made more than his heart jump in response. "I meant do you want to go to Dairy Queen?" Trent said, his shaft appreciating the grin more and more.
"I know what you meant," Carlos said, smirking. He just loved the look in Trent's face.
Trent just shook his head at Carlos. He really was too much sometimes and he loved him even more for it. "Actually, we need to get some lunch before heading to the office," Trent said, "Dairy Queen has food too, don't they? Or do you want to go somewhere else?" Trent waited before actually leaving the parking space to see what Carlos wanted to do about lunch.
"Not sure I've ever actually tried it before, but yes, Dairy Queen has real food too, not just ice cream," Carlos said.
Trent wasn't sure he would call fast food of any kind real food, but he knew what Carlos meant. He just thought it was funny. "That where you want to go? It really doesn't matter to me," Trent said, Carlos getting his message without him saying it.
"Sure, let's give it a try," Carlos said, knowing he'd be happy with anything they served. "But I'm really looking forward to dessert," he added, reaching over and running his hand up and down Trent's thigh before squeezing it lightly.
Trent closed his eyes and moaned ever so softly as his shaft responded in appreciation of Carlos's touch. "Keep that up," Trent said, then opened his eyes and looked at Carlos, "And I might just have to drag you from your seat and throw you over the hood of the car and have my way with you." He knew what that image was likely to do to his lover. He was pleased to see he was right when he saw Carlos was just staring at him. "No back seat in here," Trent added, gesturing with a nod of his head towards the back of the two seater car and smiling.
Carlos cleared his throat and took his hand off Trent's thigh. "That sounds interesting," Carlos said, trying to make it sound teasing and not doing a very good job of it. He put his hands on his own thighs and stared at the floor, trying to gain some control of himself. It wasn't working.
Trent looked at his lover. He'd just been trying to get him to stop his sensual teasing before he himself lost his control, he hadn't meant to set Carlos's self control on overload, but one look at his lover told him he had hit some nerve somewhere. Carlos was trying very hard to get himself to calm down and not doing a very good job of it, it seemed, from the look on his face and the bulge in his pants.
Trent looked around as best he could from where he was sitting in the car. They were parked in such a way that seeing into the car was all but impossible without being right next to it and there really wasn't anyone else around. However unintentional it was, Trent had caused this and he was going to take care of it. He turned off the car and looked at Carlos who looked over at him when he heard the engine go off. The look in Carlos's eyes was powerful.
Trent made a mental note to himself to try to think of someplace secluded where they might really do what he had suggested in jest, it was an obvious turn on for Carlos, but since they weren't anywhere where such a thing was possible, other methods of release needed to be used.
Continuing to look Carlos in the eyes, Trent reached over and stroked his lover through his pants. Then, finding the zipper while still keeping up the eye contact, he unzipped Carlos's pants and removed his already very hard penis.
Trent used his hand to please him, keeping up the eye contact until Carlos could keep his eyes open no longer. He shut his eyes, put his head back and moaned in pure ecstasy, keeping the volume down, but not quite sure how. As he neared his climax, he heard Trent moving and soon felt his lover's mouth on his shaft. As soon as Trent took him into his mouth, Carlos came, crying out softly as he did.
Trent sat back up after licking Carlos clean. He put his lover's organ back into his underwear and pants and zipped him back up. Carlos was still breathing fast, still had his eyes closed, and Trent looked at him in awe. He was just so beautiful like this.
After a few moments, Trent put his hand to Carlos's face causing him to open his eyes and look at him. He smiled at his lover and said, "Now that you've had your dessert are you ready for lunch?"
Carlos smiled at Trent, the faintest hint of a smirk in the smile. "Does this mean I don't get a banana spilt after we eat?" he asked, smiling some more, loving the expression on Trent's face.
"You're too much sometimes," Trent said, "I have mentioned this before, haven't I?" He leaned in and kissed Carlos's smirk, which had just gotten bigger. "I really don't know what to do with you sometimes," he added, before turning his attention back to the front of the car and starting the engine again.
"Oh, I don't know about that," Carlos said, "What you just did with me was pretty nice." This caused Trent to look over at him and smile. "Thank you, baby," he said, putting his hand to Trent's face, then leaning over to kiss him softly on the lips.
"You're welcome," Trent said, before looking behind him and then putting the car in gear.
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