Page Five

Trent put the last plate in the dish drainer and dried his hands. He looked at the new band of silver on his finger and smiled, unable to stop himself even if he'd wanted to. He twisted the band, remembering how it got there. He was very pleased at the fact it was silver, that Carlos had known he preferred that to gold. He headed out into the livingroom to join Carlos turning out the kitchen light as he went.
Entering the livingroom Trent saw Carlos sitting on the couch and started to approach him to sit with him, but to his surprise, Carlos got up and headed towards him. Trent wasn't quite sure what to make of this.
"Nope, not sitting down," Carlos said, in answer to the unspoken question written all over Trent's face, "I wanta dance."
Trent wasn't expecting this. "I've seen you dance, Carlos. Not sure I want to be involved in this," he teased his lover, continuing to stand in the place he had stopped.
"Ah, but have you seen me slow dance?" Carlos asked, knowing Trent was right. He wasn't exactly
Gene Kelly when it came to dancing.
As Trent watched, Carlos went to start a cassette. He had obviously planned this.
"You're not the only one who can find meaningful songs. I heard this song the other day and I just couldn't believe it," Carlos said as he fussed with the cassette player, "I want you to listen to this song, OK? Listen to the words?"
Trent watched Carlos as he approached him after starting the tape. The look he saw in his lover's eyes was overwhelming. He just nodded in response, not able to say anything, not sure what to say anyway.
Carlos put his arm around Trent's waist and pulled him to him. After a few awkward moments of who put their hands where, they began to move together to the music. As the lyrics to the song started Trent looked into Carlos's eyes. Carlos looked back, holding him close as they moved in harmony to the music. There was nothing else in the world right now, just them and this moment.
You are my best friend
I see no end
to the love
we share together
I want it forever
You are the reason
I keep on believing
in the dreams
we build together
I wanta keep them
Together forever
with you
we'll keep the glow
and together
we'll shine
Together forever
with you
I'll always believe
we can have it all
We're a part
of one another
and it will
always be that way
We'll hold on to
all our dreams
and build them
stronger and stronger
Together forever
with you
we'll keep the glow
and together
we'll shine
Together forever
with you
I'll always believe
we can have it all
After the song finished, Carlos continued to hold Trent close. Trent just continued to stare into his lover's eyes, totally overwhelmed and totally unable to say anything with his mouth, only with his eyes and from his soul.
Speaking softly, Carlos said, "You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get a copy of that song. But it was worth it," Carlos took his hand and put it to Trent's face, "You're worth it. I love you so much, baby, so very much." He brought his lips to Trent's and kissed him very softly, then added, "Forever," before kissing him more firmly as he moved his hand from Trent's face and pulled his lover even closer to him.
Breaking the kiss out of the need for air, Carlos looked at Trent, who was being mighty quiet. He could see the strong emotions in his lover's eyes and he was pleased, knowing he had put them there.
As Trent looked at Carlos, as usual, and even more than usual this time, words seemed so inadequate to express what he was feeling. He was totally overwhelmed by the experience -- the song, the dancing, the fact Carlos did this for him and him alone, and had done it with so much love. Finally, finding the only thing to say that made any sense whatsoever, Trent said, "Make love to me, Carlos. Please make love to me."
Carlos smiled a smile that was lit from his soul and shone on his face and danced in his eyes. Nothing Trent could have said to him at that moment could have meant more to him, been more perfect. How he loved to make love to his beautiful Trent. "That would be my pleasure," Carlos answered, still smiling at Trent as he leaned in to capture his lover's mouth with his own.
Trent kissed Carlos back for all he was worth. He moved one hand to his lover's hair as they continued to stand there and kiss. Finally overwhelmed, and needing more, Trent put both arms around Carlos's neck and jumped up on him, putting his legs around Carlos's waist, locking them behind his back.
Carlos was very surprised, but very pleased with Trent's actions. He was about to pick him up in his arms anyway, but this was all the better, Trent's enthusiasm exciting him even more. Carlos broke their kiss and looked at Trent and smiled as he moved his arms to support him better, one around his back, one under his backside. He hugged Trent to him and kissed his mouth again quickly.
Trent continued to look into Carlos's eyes as he started towards the bedroom. The overwhelming feelings he had been feeling were turning quickly to lust as a wicked grin started to play at the corners of his mouth. By the time Carlos had them in the bedroom, Trent was grinning like a Cheshire Cat in anticipation of the loving to come.
Carlos reached the bed and turned around, sitting down carefully, still holding on to Trent who was making his self control, what little he ever had around Trent, disappear fast. That smile on Trent's face was making him so excited he could barely think straight. He was glad, at least, he didn't have pants on. God how he loved this man in his arms, this wonderful man who had somehow made his heart forget all the other lovers he had ever known.
Trent loosened the grip he had with his legs around Carlos's waist. He moved one hand to Carlos's hair, looking at his beautiful curls and playing with them. He smiled at the curls, then looked back at Carlos's face to find his lover grinning happily at him, looking very pleased with himself and his curls.
Trent kissed Carlos's pleased smirk quickly, then moved himself enough to undo his own robe. Getting it untied, he shrugged it off and let it fall to the floor beside the bed. Once his robe was off, Trent gave Carlos another quick kiss then climbed out of his lap, where he had been sitting, and onto the bed behind him. Trent lay down on the bed, propped himself up on one elbow, and looked at Carlos, who was watching him intently, and smiled his very best smile. "Well, I'm waiting," Trent said, knowing the effect this was likely to have on his lover.
Carlos just stared at his beautiful lover lying on the bed. His breath was coming fast and he was so hard he could barely stand it. He moaned then whimpered, almost involuntarily, at Trent's words.
Carlos quickly untied his own robe, yanking it off and tossing it to the floor. He then pounced on Trent, pushing him over onto his back from his side and kissing him the instant his lips were within reaching distance. Lying almost on top of him, but not quite, Carlos devoured his lover's mouth, unable to get enough -- never able to get enough -- of that sweet taste that was Trent.
Trent had watched as Carlos tore his own robe off. He smiled knowing his invitation had had the intended effect, but his smile was soon smothered by his lover's eager mouth. Trent wrapped his arms around Carlos, kissing him back with everything he had.
Running one hand down his lover's back to his backside, Trent squeezed it firmly then brought his other hand down to join the first as he moved his own legs apart, moving Carlos in between them. He then pulled his lover to him, rubbing their erections together, drawing a loud moan from Carlos, who broke their kiss and then stared at him, panting hard, passion burning in his eyes. Trent intended to smile at Carlos, but the power behind the emotions he saw directed at him were too overwhelming. All he could do was whimper softly.
Carlos was on the edge, ready to explode. He was so close to that edge he was sincerely hoping this wouldn't be over before it even started. And then Trent whimpered. How that sound could drive him crazy.
Trent could see the urgency in Carlos's eyes. He'd been there himself, was almost there now. Carlos started to move off him enough to get the KY, but Trent wrapped his legs around him, not allowing him to move. It was too much, they were both too close to wait.
Trent moved his legs up further, around Carlos's waist, as they had been when he was carrying him. Carlos looked at him, raising an eyebrow, a question in his eyes, obviously not quite sure of this without the usual preparation. Trent nodded slightly to his lover, who needed no further encouragement.
Carlos was all out of restraint. He wasn't sure he could have actually found the KY much less held onto it and opened it anyway, but he didn't want to hurt Trent, not for anything in the world. Nothing, not even his own passion, could take away that concern. But this was obviously what his lover wanted and, as he always told Trent, he did aim to please.
Carlos moved his position slightly as Trent moved himself some more, then very gently and slowly Carlos entered Trent who moaned loudly, shutting his eyes and throwing his head back as he did. This was a clear indication to Carlos that Trent was not only comfortable without the usual preparation but he was enjoying himself immensely.
Trent was losing his hold on his restraint very fast. As Carlos began to move inside him, he continued to moan. When he felt his lover begin to kiss his jaw, Trent moved so he could capture his lover's mouth with his own, continuing to moan but now into Carlos's mouth. But the sensations were just too much for him. He let go of his lover's mouth and moved his head back again, continuing to moan, keeping his eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to keep control of himself.
Unable to resist his lover's now more exposed neck, and the nearness of his own mouth to it, Carlos began to nuzzle and gently bite Trent, knowing the great pleasure this always brought them both.
"Ohhh! Carlos!" Trent moaned loudly as he felt his lover begin to nip at his neck. He moved both his hands to his lover's backside and grabbed him, one hand on each side, squeezing hard, causing Carlos to growl in reaction and bite down harder on his neck. That was it for Trent, he could hold himself back no longer. Before Carlos had even released his skin from his teeth, Trent came and came hard.
Carlos was surprised at the abruptness with which his lover came, but he was very close himself. He thrust himself into Trent a few more times as his lover's own orgasm continued. That was all it took, and just as Trent's climax was ending, Carlos's started.
The major spasms of his own orgasm were quieting as Trent felt Carlos's start. His hands still on his lover's backside, Trent pulled Carlos to him, holding him tightly against himself, buried deep inside him.
Carlos cried out loudly, finally releasing Trent's neck from his mouth, the intense orgasm he was already experiencing increasing as his lover held him tightly. He continued to spasm and moan loudly as Trent held them pressed together. As the last of the spasms subsided, Carlos began to pant heavily and collapsed against Trent, his head on his lover's shoulder.
After a few moments of holding Carlos to himself, Trent finally let go of his lover's backside and moved his arms up to hold Carlos as they recovered. One hand went to his lover's hair, the other around his back as they both continued to pant and tried to regain their breath.
Starting to approach earth again, Carlos moved to remove himself from Trent's body. He always did so reluctantly, but this time he had to in order to move their positions. For reasons he wasn't sure of he wanted Trent cuddled up to him, with his lover's head on his chest rather than the other way around. Carlos rolled off of Trent, once their joining had ended, and pulled his lover to him in a tight embrace.
Trent sighed contentedly and moved in close to him as they settled in the new position. "God how I love you, baby. That was so wonderful," Carlos managed before he was out of breath again.
Trent wasn't sure just how Carlos had sensed his wants and needs, but he had. He just wanted Carlos to hold him tight and never let him go. He settled his head over his lover's heart and pressed his body as close to Carlos's as possible. "Mmmm...," Trent managed to vocalize as he breathed in his lover's scent and let it out in a another sigh of pure contentment.
After a few more minutes of lying there holding and caressing each other while they recovered, Trent lifted his head from Carlos's chest and looked at him. "That song wasn't another show tune was it?" Trent teased, referring to the show tunes that had been creeping into their lives lately even though neither of them liked show music as a rule.
"No," Carlos said, "Actually it's worse." He chuckled at the expression on Trent's face. "You ready for this? Turns out it's from some soap opera."
Trent just stared at Carlos, not quite sure whether to believe him or not.
"Really," Carlos added.
Seeing Carlos was serious, Trent broke up laughing, remembering teasing Carlos about watching soap operas when he had been home all day. It really was too funny.
Carlos joined Trent in his laughter. He had thought it pretty funny, too.
Still laughing happily Trent put his head back down on Carlos's chest as Carlos drew him close and snug against him again. "The things that have happened in my life since you moved into my heart and took over the place are beyond all reason. You do realize this?" Trent said, more a statement than a question.
"Are you complaining?" Carlos asked, knowing he wasn't of course, and more than a little pleased at Trent's words.
"Oh, no...," Trent said, lifting his head off Carlos's chest and looking up at him, "Just making an observation." Trent kissed Carlos and the face he was making at him. "You have to admit it's been an amazing journey," he added.
"Yes, it has been amazing," Carlos said, thinking back over the last month or so and everything that had happened to bring them to where they were now. "But the journey has just started," he added, bringing his hand to Trent's face and smiling lovingly at him. "Together," he kissed Trent softly on the mouth, "Forever."
Trent smiled his very best smile at Carlos, he couldn't help himself, he was just so happy and Carlos was just so right. "Together," Trent agreed, kissing Carlos softly, just as he had done to him, "Forever."
*****The End*****
The above song used in this story is called "Together Forever" and was featured in the soap opera "As the World Turns" circa 1991. I can't find who wrote it, but if anyone out there knows, I would love to add the composer's name here to give them credit for the great song and excellent addition to my story.
All of my stories have titles that are also songs from musicals. This one is from "West Side Story"
Music by Leonard Bernstein
Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Make of our hands
one hand
Make of our hearts
one heart
Make of our vows
one last vow
Only death
will part us
Make of our lives
one life
Day after day
one life
Now it begins
now it starts
One hand
One heart
Even death
won't part us
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