Author: Annie Riley
Email author: HERE
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Trent and Carlos
Series: Friendship -- Story One
Comments: References to "Undercover," a WTR/SOT episode, and "Moment of Truth," an SOT episode. This story takes place some time after "Moment of Truth."

Carlos sat in his Durango in the parking lot of Trent's apartment building. He was early, but that wasn't why he was sitting there. He was nervous. Nervous. Trent was his best friend, had been since they were kids, he shouldn't be nervous. But he was. This visit, their usual Friday night, two friends sharing an evening, kicking back and relaxing after the work week, enjoying some videos and some junk food, might change their friendship forever. No, it would change it, no matter how Trent reacted to what he needed to tell him.
It had taken several sessions with Diane before Carlos had finally agreed with her this was the right thing to do. He really liked Diane, his therapist, and her advice and insight over the past couple years had been invaluable to him. What's more, she was always right -- always. He *had* agreed with her, but that didn't make this easier. He sighed in resignation, but didn't move to get out of his truck yet.
Carlos had at first been very opposed to seeing Diane. His boss had insisted on it though after he had nearly been killed during an undercover operation. Being a cop was dangerous, he knew that when he joined the force, so why when it had gotten so did he all of a sudden need help dealing with that fact? But it had been a condition of him returning to work, after he'd recovered from his injuries, so he'd done it. The only thing sillier than actually having to go see her was fighting something he had no choice about.
Carlos had been very surprised at what he'd found when he first went to see Diane. He'd been expecting to have to lie on a couch and tell his inner most feelings and secrets to some stiff, Freudian looking man who would insist Carlos hated his mother. What he got was an easy going, plump, attractive thirty-something woman who wore jeans, sat on the floor a lot of the time, baked the best banana bread he'd ever tasted and gave her several cats free run of her office in her home. Carlos was particularly fond of the Siamese named Kilgore that always greeted him when he arrived then sat in his lap or on his shoulder purring contentedly during his sessions.
Diane had helped him through his feelings about his near death experience as well as his feelings about his brother that had come to light as a result of the case he'd been working on. But he'd continued to see the insightful and helpful woman long after he was 'supposed' to, long after those things connected with the case had been worked out. And he'd never regretted that decision, never. He was even very grateful to have had her there on a few occasions, like when his partner had been killed, that leading to his leaving the Dallas Police Force for good.
Carlos sighed again and picked up the videos he'd rented and his box of candy and got out of his truck. It was now or never and never was not an option. He headed up the stairs to the apartment that was as much home to him as his own and knocked on the door. He had keys, but he never used the one for the inside door when Trent was home, even when he was expecting him.
Trent answered the door and smiled at him. "Come on in," his friend said, walking back into the apartment, leaving Carlos to close and lock the door. "You want the usual to drink?" Trent inquired, on his way to the kitchen to retrieve the popcorn and drinks.
"Yeah, thanks," Carlos answered, entering the room and putting what he was carrying down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch. He was even more nervous now.
Trent entered the room with a big bowl of popcorn and two cans of pop. He put the bowl down on the coffee table, then handed Carlos the can of Squirt and kept the Orange Crush for himself. "Thanks," Carlos said, taking the pop from Trent. Trent sat down on the couch, putting his pop aside as he looked at the videos Carlos had brought.
Trent smiled when he saw that Carlos had rented 'The Terminator' again. He really thought Carlos should just buy a copy, it would save him some money, but he couldn't argue with him on his choice of renting it again. It *was* a very good movie. "Which do you want to watch first?" Trent asked. When he got no answer, he looked over at Carlos who appeared lost in thought. Well, not answering him or hearing him atleast. "Earth to Carlos," Trent said, reaching out his hand and touching his friend on the arm to get his attention.
"What?" Carlos said, snapping out of his reverie, having once again been going over in his mind what he wanted to say and how to say it.
"I said which movie do you want to watch first?" Trent repeated, looking carefully at Carlos. There was something on his mind, quiet was *not* something Carlos did unless something was bothering him.
"I don't really care. You decide," Carlos answered. He wouldn't be paying much attention to whatever Trent picked.
"You feeling OK, Carlos?" Trent asked, "Something bothering you?" If Carlos needed to talk, Trent wanted to listen.
"I'm just a little tired, that's all," Carlos said, not quite ready to start talking yet. After the movie was better, he thought, after he'd been here awhile. He smiled at Trent and the look of worry that had been written on his best friend's face disappeared. Trent smiled back at him and picked a movie and headed to the VCR with it.
Trent wasn't sure he believed Carlos's 'I'm just tired' line, but he wasn't going to push it, not yet. He really might just be tired. He put in the tape and headed back to the couch where he started the movie before picking up the bowl of popcorn and putting it on the couch between them where they could both reach it.
As they watched the movie, Trent was watching Carlos, too. He wasn't acting normally at all. It was more than just being tired, Trent could tell. They knew each other way too well for him not to know when something was on Carlos's mind. He was determined to find out just what it was that was bothering Carlos so much he'd barely touched the popcorn and he hadn't even opened his mandatory box of Raisinettes, usually mostly gone by the end of the first movie.
Carlos was getting more and more nervous as the end of the movie approached. He kept going over and over what he wanted to say, what he needed to say, what he needed to be *sure* to say... **This IS the right thing, Sandoval, you know it is,** he reminded himself as the credits began to roll at the end of the movie.
Trent stretched a little then reached for the remote and stopped the movie and started it rewinding. "You need another pop?" he asked as he got up, heading for the kitchen.
"No, thanks," Carlos said, his voice sounding strange to him.
Trent got himself another drink then headed back into the livingroom and over to the VCR. After waiting a few more seconds, the tape stopped, having rewound, and he ejected it and headed back to the couch, putting the tape back in it's cover after he was sitting down. "I picked this one, your turn to choose," Trent said, knowing he really wasn't planning on watching anything until Carlos talked to him. After Trent again got no response from Carlos, he turned off the VCR as well as the TV set, which got Carlos's attention.
Carlos heard the TV go off and looked up at it as if to verify it was really off, then looked over at Trent, who was looking at him with concern again. "Aren't we going to watch another one?" Carlos asked, even though he was the one who had decided on after the first movie being the best time to approach the subject he'd come here tonight to discuss.
"Something's wrong, Carlos, you aren't just tired," Trent said, watching as Carlos turned his gaze away from him, unable to look him in the eye anymore, "What is it? Something I can help with?" Carlos didn't say anything. "Or at least listen to?" Trent added. He might not be able to help, but just listening to Carlos as he talked might help him to work it out himself. "Carlos?" Trent said, moving his hand to his friends arm to get his attention, getting concerned about the fact he wouldn't meet his eyes.
"No, it's not that I'm just tired," Carlos said, still not looking at Trent, "It's just...," Carlos paused, still not sure where to start after all his mental rehearsal, "This isn't easy."
Now Trent was really worried. Was Carlos sick? In some kind of serious trouble? "What is it?" Trent asked as gently as he could, bracing himself for the worst.
Carlos took a deep breath. "You know I've been seeing a therapist, Diane, ever since that undercover case with Walker where I was hurt," Carlos said, finally looking up at Trent, who nodded at him and waited for him to continue. "She's been a lot of help to me over the last couple years," he added, summoning his courage to continue.
Trent continued to look at Carlos as he struggled to get out what ever it was he was trying to say.
"We've talked about a lot of stuff and she's always given me such good advice. And we've been talking about something lately and we both agreed I needed to talk with you about this and..." Carlos knew he was babbling, but he couldn't seem to help it.
"Talk to me about what, Carlos?" Trent asked, even more concerned now finding out that this involved him and he had no idea what it was about.
"You remember when we went fishing at Lost Lake a couple months ago? And when the fish wouldn't bite we gave up and decided to go swimming?" Carlos asked.
"Yes," Trent said, wondering what on earth that had to do with anything. It had been a wonderful day, they had had so much fun, both forgetting they were adults and acting like a couple of kids. They had splashed in the water, tried to see who could beat whom at swimming, making so much noise and ruckus that they had certainly frightened every fish that might have been in the area to the other side of the lake.
"At the time Diane and I had been discussing my short term romance relationships," Carlos said, "And the fact I really, honestly was looking for something long term but never could seem to find it," he paused and looked away from Trent again, "And I realized something that day at the lake that surprised me."
Trent just continued to look at Carlos, no clue what he was talking about, waiting patiently for his friend to get to the point. He would get there eventually, Trent knew that, it was just a matter of letting him talk.
Carlos took another deep breath. This wasn't going exactly how he'd planned it, but he went on, "And after talking about that realization at length with Diane and the reasons and implications and all, we decided -- *I* decided -- I had to tell you about it."
Carlos ended his speech and looked over at Trent as if this should to make perfect sense to him, as if he'd explained everything. Trent had no clue except this had something to do with women and Carlos's inability or unwillingness to date the same one for more than a month. Maybe he'd met someone special? But why would that be making him so uneasy? He should be happy. Carlos was still looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. "I'm happy to do anything I can to help, Carlos, you know that," Trent said, really not sure what to say, "But I'm not sure what you're asking me, what you need from me."
"Damn, this isn't going the way I wanted it to," Carlos said, more to himself than Trent as he again looked away from Trent's concerned and confused gaze and at his own hands.
"Just tell me, Carlos," Trent said, gently but firmly, "I want to help."
"You might not when you hear," Carlos said, very quietly.
Trent was very taken aback by Carlos's words. It was unthinkable that he wouldn't want to help Carlos in anything he needed him for. He was about to say just that when Carlos started talking again.
"I realized that day at the lake it was you that I was in love with," Carlos said, still looking away from Trent, "That it was you I wanted a relationship with. A romantic relationship." Carlos looked up at Trent when he got no reaction. Trent was just looking at him, his face unreadable. Carlos looked away again.
"It surprised the hell out of me, you can be sure," Carlos continued, "I've never been attracted to men at all. I wasn't even sure at first what it was I was feeling or if I *was* really feeling it," the words started tumbling out now, now that the initial words had been spoken, "I know you're not interested, and I would never act -- *will* never act -- on the feelings, honest, but we thought you needed to know. I thought you needed to know." Carlos stopped talking then, waiting for Trent's anger, waiting for Trent to tell him he was mistaken, waiting for Trent to invite him to leave and never come back.
Trent was very shocked at what Carlos had just told him. It was the last thing he'd expected to hear. The last. It took him a minute to find his voice to respond. "Why not?" Trent asked.
Carlos looked up at Trent. "Huh?" he said, confused.
"Why won't you act on your feelings?" Trent asked, keeping his face as neutral as possible.
"Because...," Carlos said, "I... You..." He had no idea what to say to this. This wasn't anything he had anticipated in his many imaginings of just how Trent might react. Trent was still waiting for an answer. "Because...," he tried one more time to explain, still not finding anything to say.
Trent moved the popcorn bowl to the coffee table then scooted over next to Carlos on the couch, moving into his personal space. "What if I wanted you to?" Trent asked, smiling slightly, almost shyly.
Carlos blinked a few times. Was this really happening? Was Trent flirting with him? Trent's smile got a bit bigger as Carlos continued to look at him not sure what to make of this at all. He really wasn't prepared for this. But he'd been in this situation with many a woman. He knew the signals, even if they were coming from another man. This was a dance he knew every step to and at the championship level. Once he'd gained control over his utter surprise, Carlos leaned in slowly, ever so slowly, and pressed his lips to Trent's in a soft kiss.
Feeling Trent responding to his kiss and kissing him back was the sweetest and most exciting thing he'd ever felt in his life. Carlos put his arms around Trent slowly as he tentatively inserted his tongue into Trent's mouth that had opened under his in invitation. Trent responded to him by pulling his tongue farther inside his mouth, to play with his own, while putting his arms around Carlos. God, was this really happening?
After several minutes of the best kissing he'd ever felt, Carlos's brain started to catch up with the rest of him. He broke the kiss and pulled back and looked at Trent. "I thought you were straight," Carlos said, not the smoothest way to be sure where this was going.
The look on Carlos's face was priceless. Trent couldn't help but grin. "I am," Trent said, in answer to Carlos's inquiry, "Aren't you?" He grinned even more when Carlos smiled back with a smile of understanding. "I'm not really attracted to men, no," Trent said, wanting to leave no doubt in Carlos's mind where he stood, "But I'm not opposed to the idea either. Besides, this isn't just *any* man, Carlos, this is *you*."
That said it all for Carlos. It was what he'd felt, what he'd finally worked out in his mind, what Diane had gotten him to see. It wasn't that he was now attracted to men, he was attracted to Trent, who happened to be a man. What exactly that made him -- straight, gay, something in-between -- he wasn't sure. But it didn't matter. He wanted Trent and it seemed Trent wanted him, too.
A smile lit Carlos's face. An answering one lit Trent's. The two men, who had been best friends for so long, stepped over the line together to being lovers.
Carlos leaned in to Trent and caught his mouth in a more passionate kiss. As they kissed, their hands explored one another's bodies, nothing intense, just getting a feel for one another and this new experience. After several minutes the kiss broke again and they smiled at each other again, both ready to explore their new relationship.
"You've never been with another man before, I assume?" Carlos asked, pretty sure that was what Trent had meant but wanting to be positive.
"Not since my wild and depraved youth," Trent said, in a teasing tone, "And no, never had intercourse with one." The teenaged boys he'd run with in his rebel days had thought nothing at all of giving and receiving pleasure from each other using their hands or their mouths. It had been expected of him, he'd done it willingly and he'd liked it, but had never thought of it as anything more than what it was -- teenagers with out of control hormones dealing with that fact.
"And you?" Trent asked, knowing from what Carlos had said that his answer was no, but wanting to be sure.
"I've had sex with a woman that way," Carlos said, having enjoyed anal sex several times with women who wanted it, "It can't be much different."
"Except I have a dick," Trent said, chuckling.
"Well, yeah, there is that," Carlos laughed, his own dick getting a bit anxious just talking about this, "But the rest must be similar."
"You want to find out for sure?" Trent asked, seeing the desire in Carlos's eyes increase at his words.
"Yeah, that sounds good," Carlos said, his shaft responding more insistently, "But I wasn't expecting this to happen, I'm not exactly prepared. Do you have condoms?"
"Do we need them?" Trent asked. He certainly didn't want to risk either of them getting anything by having unsafe sex, but if they didn't need to, he would prefer they didn't use them. But Carlos might very well feel differently.
"I was tested for all kinds of things about six months ago at a routine physical," Trent went on, making it clear what he meant, "And I was fine and haven't had sex with anything other than my hand since."
Carlos smiled, actually relieved. He knew condoms were necessary, but he didn't really like them. He used them, religiously, but he didn't like them at all. "I was tested about a month ago," Carlos said, "And I was fine. I...," he blushed before going on, "I haven't wanted to do anything with anyone else in that time. I was too busy thinking about you." He put is hand to Trent's face. "No condoms," he agreed.
Trent smiled his very best smile at Carlos, happy to hear Carlos was OK, happy to hear Carlos wanted to do this without condoms, happy to hear how much Carlos cared for him and how much he wanted what they were about to do. "Care to take this into the bedroom?" Trent asked, his smile turning flirty and shy again.
"Absolutely," Carlos said, leaning in to kiss Trent before getting up from the couch.
As they headed into the bedroom, Carlos asked, "What did you mean by 'not since your depraved youth'?" this comment of Trent's just registering with him.
"Back in my rebellious teen years. You remember that, right?" Trent said as he indicated the bed for Carlos to sit on as he headed into the bathroom still talking, "Hand jobs, blow jobs, it was part of the experience I guess." Trent found the lubricant they were going to need and headed back into the bedroom.
"Sounds like more fun than the pool hall I hung out in," Carlos said as Trent came back into the room, putting the KY Jelly he was carrying on the bedside table. Trent laughed at his observation as he came over to stand in front of him where he was sitting on the bed. As Carlos looked up, Trent pulled his own shirt off and tossed it aside on the floor. He then reached down to do the same for Carlos, Carlos lifting his arms over his head so he could.
Trent was barefoot, but Carlos still wore his shoes. Trent got down on the floor, watching Carlos as he did, then turned his attention to taking off Carlos's shoes and socks. After he'd tossed those aside, he looked up at Carlos, who was watching him intently, and smiled a smile full of promise. He reached up and unbuckled Carlos's belt, followed by undoing his pants. He moved back just a bit to allow Carlos room to stand up so he could complete the removal of his clothes.
Carlos was mesmerized watching Trent undress him. He was starting to wonder again if this was really happening. He honestly in his wildest dreams hadn't thought this would happen. Despite his recent fantasies of this, he thought they were just that, fantasies. Having it all of a sudden really happening was hard to believe. He put his hand to Trent's face, almost as if to assure himself Trent was really there, then stood up so he could finish getting his pants off him. He moved his hand to Trent's hair and began to softly stroke it as his lover continued to remove the rest of his clothes.
Trent carefully pulled Carlos's pants down over his hips, being mindful of his very hard erection. Once he had his pants around his ankles, Carlos stepped out of them one leg at a time and Trent tossed the pants aside and turned his attention to Carlos's underwear. Again, having to make allowances for his erection, Trent slid the underwear off of him and tossed it aside to join everything else on the floor.
Carlos's pants and underwear now gone, Trent looked up at him and smiled that shy, flirty smile again. Carlos opened his arms in welcome as he moved to help Trent up. He pulled Trent to his feet and into his embrace and again brought their lips together in a kiss that fueled the flame already burning deep inside him. After the kiss broke, Carlos returned the favor of separating Trent from his pants and underwear. Once done, they again kissed passionately before moving to the bed together.
Trent lay down on his back and Carlos moved over next to him, lying on his side. He began to run his hand over Trent's chest, amazed at the feel of the chest hair under his hand. He knew this would be different from touching a woman, but this was *very* different. He had very little chest hair of his own and it fascinated him. After a few minutes of caressing his chest, Carlos looked up at Trent who was watching him and smiling. "You're really sure about this?" Carlos asked, just needing to hear it one more time, needing to make it real.
Trent moved his hand to Carlos's face, putting his hand to his cheek. "Yes, I'm really sure about this," Trent told him, "Very, very sure." He leaned in and brought Carlos's lips to his own to seal his words.
They kissed and fondled and explored each other's bodies slowly and tenderly until they were both too excited to wait any longer. Carlos had done this before, like he'd said, with a woman, so the preparation he was familiar with. He was gentle and careful as he worked his fingers in and out of Trent's body, spreading the lubricant and stretching his opening. By the time he was satisfied Trent was well prepared, Trent was moaning and panting and writhing on the bed. This had never happened with any woman. It pleased and excited him.
Carlos squeezed some more of the KY into his hand before closing the tube and tossing it in the general direction of the nightstand. He then used the lubricant on his own penis, coating it well, wanting to make their joining as easy as possible, to cause Trent as little pain as possible.
Carlos looked at Trent who was staring back at him, eyes full of excitement and desire. "You ready," he asked, knowing full well his lover was, but needing to say something.
"Yes, very," Trent answered between breaths that were coming very fast. He tired to relax his body to make this easier, but he wasn't sure it was working. Not that he was afraid, it was just this was so new and different and he wanted it so much.
Carlos moved Trent's legs some more so he could get himself in position to enter him. Once he had, he entered him slowly, as Trent closed his eyes and moaned. "You OK?" Carlos asked, stopping after just the head of his shaft was inside.
"Uh, huh," Trent managed. It hurt, despite the careful and loving preparation.
"I'm not hurting you?" Carlos asked, not wanting to move until he was sure.
"Yes, some," Trent said, opening his eyes, barely hanging onto his restraint. He wanted Carlos inside him all the way and he wanted it now. "But the pleasure feels much better than the pain. Please, Carlos, please... I need you... I want you... inside me... Please..." he managed to say, his panting increasing, the pain easing up a bit.
Carlos complied and eased himself the rest of the way inside Trent who closed his eyes again, threw his head back and moaned loudly. It was very beautiful. It was also very exciting. Carlos could suddenly no longer wait and began to move within Trent's body. He kept it slow, but he had to move.
Trent opened his eyes and looked at Carlos, their eyes meeting, each seeing the love and desire and excitement in the other.
Carlos continued to move, speeding up the pace slowly, as they both voiced their pleasure to each other. As they both neared their climaxes, Trent reached for his own shaft to stroke it. Carlos saw this and moved Trent's hand away and began to stroke it for him. This was certainly new to him, but he knew very well how to stroke himself. He could do the same for Trent, it was just a different angle.
It didn't take much more before Trent's orgasm hit him. He closed his eyes and cried out loudly as he came. Carlos found the sight so amazing and so erotic it caused his own orgasm to begin just as Trent's ended. He buried himself deep inside Trent, crying out his own pleasure as he emptied his seed into his lover's body.
Trent was still breathing hard after his orgasm, but managed to open his eyes in time to watch Carlos in his pleasure. It was so erotic, so amazing, so... beautiful. He could think of no other word to describe it. Trent watched Carlos as the last of the spasms subsided, then as he removed himself from his body, finally letting go of Trent's shaft in order to do so.
Carlos collapsed on top of Trent as Trent put his legs back down on the bed. Trent's arms came up to hold him tightly as he lay there, still breathing hard, his head against Trent's shoulder, inhaling his scent and feeling him breathe.
As they both caught their breaths a little, Carlos rolled off of Trent and onto his back. Trent scooted over next to him and put his head against his shoulder, Carlos moving his arm so it was around Trent. "That was absolutely amazing," Carlos said, still a bit out of breath.
"It sure was," Trent said, smiling at what an understatement that was. It had been even better than he'd imagined it would be.
"Are you OK?" Carlos asked, worrying about having hurt Trent.
"Yeah, are you?" Trent countered, touched Carlos was concerned about him, but feeling way too good to think about the pain he'd felt, the discomfort he felt now.
"Of course I am," Carlos said, "But I wasn't on the receiving end here." He squeezed Trent affectionately. "I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?" he added quietly, spelling it out, needing to know.
"I won't lie and say it didn't hurt," Trent said, not wanting to really dwell on it, but needing to reassure Carlos, "But the pleasure went way beyond any pain I felt. Besides," Trent turned in Carlos's embrace, putting his chin on his lover's chest and looking up at him, "I figure I need to get used to it, right? This wasn't a one time occurrence, was it?" He knew it wasn't, but he needed to hear it again.
"No way," Carlos said, grinning, "I love you and I want you in my life and in my bed from now on."
"Does this mean we're going steady?" Trent asked, mischief in his eyes. He was just so damned happy.
Carlos chuckled. "Going steady, an item, joined at the hip...," he leaned down and kissed Trent softly, "Whatever makes you happy, my love."
"That's easy," Trent said, smiling his biggest, brightest smile, "You make me happy. Only you, from now on. I love you too, Carlos, very much." Trent reached up looking for a kiss and found one waiting for him. "So very, very much," he added.
Trent put his head down on Carlos's chest and moved in closer to him, lying on his side, his arm around Carlos's waist, snuggling into him as Carlos drew him closer. He was home.
They lay there for a few minutes, finishing their recoveries, each lost in their own thoughts of their new relationship. Carlos looked down at Trent snuggled up to him and, at the moment, grinning like a Cheshire Cat about something known only to him. But Carlos could guess what it was. He was feeling the same way himself. It was then he noticed the remains of Trent's semen on his hand and on Trent's chest, where most of it had landed. He squeezed his arm around Trent then started to get up. "Be right back," he said to the look on Trent's face when he moved away from him. He wasn't going to China, just into the bathroom, but from the look on Trent's face, you would think it was China.
Carlos went into the bathroom and cleaned himself up, finding a washcloth to use on his chest and penis. He rinsed the cloth out, then headed back into the bedroom with it. Trent smiled at him like he was returning from China, too, as he crawled onto the bed and gently pushed Trent onto his back so he could clean him off.
Carlos used the washcloth on Trent, dropping kisses on his skin when he got an area clean. Once he had his front cleaned up, Carlos urged Trent to roll over on his stomach. Carlos had noticed a small amount of blood on his shaft and he wanted to clean Trent from the back, too.
Finishing up, Carlos was relieved to see only the smallest amount of blood on the washcloth.
He gave Trent's butt an affectionate pat, then climbed off the bed and headed back into the bathroom. He rinsed out the washcloth and was about to put it back on the towel rack when he realized it might be a good idea to keep it by the bed. That way he didn't have to look at the sad 'where are you going?' face from Trent again. He smiled and headed back into the bedroom, washcloth in hand.
Carlos put the washcloth on the bedside table and picked up the KY from the floor, where it had landed earlier and put it on the bedside table, too, then climbed back into bed and gathered an over eager Trent back into his arms. Trent sighed in contentment and put his head back on Carlos's chest. He kissed the top of Trent's head causing him to look up at him and smile. Trent really had a beautiful smile.
Trent moved up a bit and kissed Carlos, then moved his head back to rest his chin on Carlos's chest. "This big thing you needed to tell me. Is it that you're in love with me or is there something else?" he asked, trying not to laugh.
"No, that's it," Carlos said, chuckling.
"Just checking," Trent said.
"It really did surprise me, Trent," Carlos said, "And it took me a while to get comfortable with it, the conflicting thoughts, the conflicting feelings. I barely recognized myself some days." He ran his hand through Trent's hair, "But once I settled it in my mind and my heart, with Diane's help, I realized I had to let you know, I had to tell you. It was only fair." His voice turned quiet as he continued, "No matter how you reacted to hearing it."
Trent had been so caught up in the moment he hadn't stopped to think about the risk Carlos had taken to tell him this, to be honest with him. This he understood all too well. "I'm glad you told me, Carlos," Trent said, "Very glad."
"But what about you?" Carlos asked, "There was obviously something there on your side."
Trent had long ago worked through his own romantic feelings for Carlos, recognizing what they were right away and dealing with them, then putting them away in a tightly sealed box marked 'do not open' deep inside his soul. He'd then moved on knowing nothing would come of that love and hadn't looked back, allowing them to be friends and nothing more and have it not be painful. When Carlos had suddenly pulled that box from deep inside him out into the light and ripped it open in one fast move, well, he'd found those feelings were still there, very much alive. Very.
"I guess I wasn't as brave as you, Carlos," Trent said, "I wasn't willing to risk losing you and our friendship. Especially when I assumed there was no chance for this." Trent indicated the two of them and the bed with his hand. "And there probably wasn't then," he added quietly.
"I don't understand," Carlos said, "How long have you felt this way?"
"Since I came back to Dallas," Trent said, "But I dealt with it right away and it hasn't been an issue in a long time."
Carlos was very surprised. Pleased, he found, but surprised. He accepted it, understanding it totally. He didn't press it any further. If it hadn't been for Diane and her guidance and support, he wasn't sure he could have done it either. Trent and their friendship were too important to him.
Carlos leaned down and captured Trent's mouth in a kiss that quickly turned passionate, Trent scooting up a bit to get a better angle for the kiss. Trent broke the kiss after several wonderful moments and looked down at Carlos, Trent's face now just above Carlos's. "What do you say to finding out if giving a blow job is like riding a bike?" Trent asked, seeing the excitement growing in Carlos's eyes, "You know, you never forget how?"
"I say it's a good idea," Carlos said, barely getting the words out of his mouth he was so turned on at just the thought of what Trent was suggesting.
Trent found a very seductive grin, put it on his face, then aimed it full force at Carlos who whimpered. Just the reaction he was going for. He moved himself so he would have a good angle for this, noting Carlos was already well on is way to participating. He'd been wondering if it was too soon for his lover to get another erection and was very happy to see it wasn't.
What Trent had done in his youth was very simplistic. Since then, having been on the receiving end of this from someone other than another teenager, he'd learned a few things. Trent began by using his hand, then his mouth, then both. Carlos was responding to everything he was doing to him, writhing on the bed, moaning and encouraging him on. Not that he needed any words of encouragement for this. When Trent used one of his hands gently on Carlos's balls, Carlos let out a howl of pleasure in what Trent thought was Spanish but he wasn't sure. He only knew Carlos was about ready to explode.
Trent took Carlos's shaft deep into his mouth, relaxing his throat, but not quite enough to keep from gagging. He'd have to work on that. Trent moved back up then down again, only not as far this time, as Carlos erupted in his mouth, shouting out his name and something unintelligible, but it sure sounded good.
Trent swallowed everything Carlos released and wanted more. Once satisfied there was no more, he reluctantly took his mouth from around Carlos's shaft and gave it a few licks, just for the pure pleasure of doing so and the fact he could.
Trent crawled back up and lay back down against Carlos with his head on his shoulder. He ran his hand soothingly over Carlos's chest as he continued to breathe heavily and moan, his eyes shut.
After the fireworks finally stopped exploding in his head, Carlos became aware that Trent had moved back up to lie beside him. He moved his arms to embrace him but not obstruct his wonderful caresses to his chest. He opened his eyes to find Trent looking at him and grinning, looking very pleased with himself.
"Well?" Trent asked, in a teasing voice, "How was it?"
"Are you kidding?" Carlos said, still a bit out of breath, "How was it?" He'd never felt anything like it before in his life.
"Yeah, how was it?" Trent continued to tease, "Did I forget how?"
"I really should have joined you and your biker buddies instead of playing pool," Carlos said, still not quite over his orgasm, not quite over the most incredible blow job of his life.
Trent chuckled at Carlos's joke, happy he'd brought his new lover so much pleasure. "They weren't all that good then. I've learned a few things since," he said. Carlos raised an eyebrow at him. "From the receiving end," Trent added, loving the look on Carlos's face.
"You're the greatest lover I ever had," Carlos said, speaking the truth. It had never been like this with a woman, never. Or maybe it was just because it was Trent. It didn't matter.
"Well, I practice a lot on my own," Trent said, very pleased with the compliment.
"Is that so?" Carlos asked, laughing, "Well, no more," he leaned in to kiss Trent, "Not if I have anything to say about it."
Trent grinned at Carlos. "You have everything to say about it," he said, "I really *do* love you, you know."
"And I love you," Carlos said, giving Trent a quick kiss, "Incase I wasn't clear about that."
"You were," Trent said, settling his head back down on Carlos's chest, "But I like to hear it."
They lay there in each other's arms quietly for a few minutes. Then Trent said, "Carlos?"
"Hummm?" Carlos responded.
"Remind me to send Diane some flowers, OK?" Trent said.
"I think we should both send her some," Carlos answered, "And some catnip."
*****The End*****
All of my stories have titles that are also the titles of songs from musicals.
This one is from the movie musical "Yentl".
Music by Michel Legrand
Lyrics by Alan and Marilyn Bergman
There's no chill and yet I shiver
There's no flame and yet I burn
I'm not sure what I'm afraid of
And yet I'm trembling
There's no storm yet I hear thunder
And I'm breathless why I wonder
Weak one moment then the next I'm fine
I feel as if I'm falling
Every time I close my eyes
And flowing through my body
Is a river of surprise
Feelings are awakening
I hardly recognize as mine
What are all these new sensations
What's the secret they reveal
I'm not sure I understand
But I like the way I feel
Oh why is it that every time
I close my eyes he's there
The water shining on his skin
The sunlight in his hair
And all the while I'm thinking things
That I can never share with him
I'm a bundle of confusion
Yet it has a strange appeal
Did it all begin with him
And the way he makes me feel
I like the way he makes me feel
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