Page Two

After a few minutes, as both of them continued to recover, Carlos moved off to the side so he wasn't lying entirely on top of Trent, but Trent's hold on him didn't allow him to move very far. As Trent's grip on him eased up a bit, Carlos gently extracted himself from Trent's arms and got their clean up cloth again and used it on Trent.
As he cleaned Trent off, his lover just stared at him. His breathing was more or less normal, maybe just a bit fast still, but he was being very quiet. Carlos knew Trent had asked for what he'd given him, but that didn't mean he might not have hurt him. Carlos was getting concerned with Trent's behavior.
Carlos used the cloth on himself then put it back on the nightstand. He lay down on the bed on his back and reached out to Trent and drew him in close. Trent snuggled up to him very close, hugging him tightly, almost fiercely, his head on Carlos's chest.
Carlos hugged Trent back, moving one hand up to gently stroke his soft blonde hair, and kissed the top of his head. "Are you OK?" Carlos asked quietly, "I didn't hurt you did I?"
Trent's response was muffled but it sounded like 'I'm OK' as he snuggled even tighter against him. Carlos hadn't thought that was even possible, but Trent accomplished it. Carlos continued to softly pet Trent's hair and wait for his senses to return. Two powerful orgasms so close together were a lot to take. He'd been there himself a couple times.
After a few more minutes, Trent turned his head, not lifting it from Carlos's chest, and smiled at him. Carlos smiled back. "I was beginning to think I'd broken the lab equipment," he teased, brushing the hair from Trent's face as he grinned at him.
"No, not broken," Trent said, "Just well used and very happy."
"Good," Carlos chuckled, "I'd hate to have to forfeit my damage deposit." Carlos looked at Trent smiling up at him. "You really OK?" Carlos asked, more seriously, just needing to be sure. They hadn't been lover's very long and that had been very intense.
"Yes," Trent answered, "Very OK. Very."
"Good," Carlos said, reaching down for a kiss. "Does that mean I passed the lab assignment?" he asked after the kiss broke.
"With flying colors," Trent said. "How do you feel about the position of Teacher's Pet?" he added, loving the look on Carlos's face.
"As long as you don't start calling me Spot I can live with it," Carlos said, happy with the complement.
Trent grinned at Carlos and the memory his words triggered. Spot had been the Malloy family dog before the current Moses. Trent had named him when he was a very young boy. Not a spot to be seen on the dog, but that had been his name. "So how about Moses then?" Trent asked.
"Do I look like Charlton Heston?" Carlos chuckled at the idea.
"Nope, not even close," Trent laughed, "But you might look cute in one of those Egyptian loin cloth/skirt thingies he wore in the movie." Actually, the mental image that brought about would have made Trent hard if he'd been capable again so soon.
They both laughed at the idea as Trent settled his head back on Carlos's chest, sighing contentedly. He could lie here in Carlos's arms all day. After a few more minutes had passed, he looked up at Carlos again. "I think it's going to be a while before we can continue our lessons," Trent said, grinning, "You want to watch a movie while the equipment recharges?"
"Sounds like a good idea," Carlos said, his equipment already beginning to recharge.
Trent really didn't want to do anything today but be with Carlos, be close to him, make love with him, but there were limits to just how much sex either of them could actually accomplish. They did need to do something else. Trent had rented some movies hoping to watch them with Carlos's arms wrapped firmly around him. That would be a first. Movies they watched together a lot, but this would be the first time they had since becoming lover's.
They both got out of bed and got dressed in the same clothes they had been wearing earlier. Trent finished first and took their clean up cloth into the bathroom and rinsed it out then returned it, as well as the KY, to the nightstand while Carlos finished dressing. They headed into the livingroom to find a movie to watch. Agreeing on one quickly, it really didn't matter to either of them what they watched, Trent headed to the VCR with it.
After putting the tape in, Trent asked, "I'm going to get myself a pop. You want something?" Trent headed to the kitchen as he spoke.
"Yeah," Carlos said, "Squirt please." Carlos had a thing for Squirt and had since he was young. Trent always seemed to have it for him even though he'd never seen Trent drink it himself. Actually, the place he'd gotten hooked on it was at the Malloy house. As a kid he'd never gotten such treats at home, it just wasn't something his mother had bought. He now realized, as an adult, it was probably due to lack of money for something so non-nutritional. So it had always been even more of a treat to have it at Trent's house. Now he was hooked on the stuff, just plain hooked on it. He actually got nervous when he got down to his last carton at home and knew he might not get to the store soon.
Trent returned and handed Carlos his pop and then sat down beside him, turning on the TV and starting the tape in the VCR before leaning back into him, snuggling into his embrace. Carlos opened his pop and took a drink of it, then put it on the end table beside the couch so he would have both arms free to pull Trent closer to him. This was nice, very nice.
Trent turned in his embrace and smiled, then kissed him, before turning his attention back to the movie.
They spent the next two hours watching the movie and enjoying the closeness of being together. Nothing else changed from their usual movie watching, laughing and making comments and observations throughout the movie.
After the movie was over, Trent knew it had to be approaching lunch time. He was hungry. Very hungry. After putting the tape to rewind, he looked at Carlos who was looking back at him and grinning about nothing in particular. "You ready for some lunch?" Trent asked, figuring that was probably a silly question, "I got stuff for sandwiches."
"Yeah, sounds good," Carlos said, thinking he really might prefer another activity first, but food was a good idea, too.
"You want me to make them for both of us or you want to join me in the kitchen?" Trent asked. Carlos was even less domestic than he was, if such a thing were possible, so he was pretty sure of the answer, but asked anyway.
"Whatever you make is fine," Carlos said, knowing Trent knew his likes and dislikes as well as he did. They had been eating lunch together forever, it seemed. First as kids, both in school and out, and now since they had opened their business. Lunch, whether in the office or out, was usually something they did together.
"I'm not making Cap'n Crunch sandwiches," Trent said, a twinkle in his eye, "Just so we're clear on that."
Carlos chuckled at the idea. "No, no Cap'n Crunchwiches," he said, thinking it sounded like an interesting idea.
Trent kissed Carlos then got up from the couch and headed to the VCR. He ejected the tape that had finished rewinding and took it over and handed it to Carlos, so he could put it back in its case, before heading into the kitchen to make lunch.
Once the sandwiches were ready, Trent said, loudly enough to be heard in the other room over the TV, "You want to eat in here or you want me to bring it in there?"
"How 'bout in here? That way we can watch TV while we eat," Carlos said, having found an rerun of 'I Love Lucy' on TV. He'd really liked the show as a kid and hadn't seen it in ages.
Trent smiled, figuring that would be what Carlos would want to do. He grabbed a couple napkins, the plates with the sandwiches on them and a bag of potato chips he'd bought for Carlos and headed into the livingroom. He handed Carlos his plate and a napkin and put the chips on the coffee table then sat down himself. He opened the bag of chips and offered them to Carlos who took a large handful and put them on his plate before returning his attention to the TV.
Trent watched Carlos -- his lover -- who was happily watching TV and eating the lunch Trent had made him. Carlos looked over at him and smiled. Trent smiled back. Carlos leaned over and kissed him on the cheek then turned his attention back to his lunch and the TV.
There are moments you remember all your life. There are moments you wait for and dream of all your life. For Trent, this was one of those moments.
Trent turned his attention to the TV. He remembered this episode of 'I Love Lucy' from when he was a kid. Of course, that wasn't saying much, he remembered all of them he'd seen them so many times. This and 'The Brady Bunch'. "You know, you should think of getting your hair cut like Ricky's," Trent teased.
"What?!" Carlos said, not quite sure if Trent was kidding or not. "That would look silly on me," he added, just in case his lover was serious.
"I don't know, Carlos," Trent went on, changing to an obviously kidding tone, "I think it might look pretty nice. Of course you'd have to buy a case of hair goo to keep it like that." He started to chuckle at the expression on Carlos's face.
"You're too much sometimes, Malloy," Carlos said, picking up his second sandwich, "You really are." Carlos turned his attention back to the TV. "Hey, isn't this the episode where Lucy and Ethel sing a duet and rip each other's clothes off?"
Trent all but choked on his sandwich when Carlos said that. Not that he wasn't right, they did sing a duet and they did rip things off each other's dresses, each being mad at the other one after they bought the same dress and neither would return it. But the way Carlos said it made it sound like something else entirely. Trent wasn't sure if Carlos had said it that way on purpose or not. He looked at Carlos who seemed oblivious to how what he'd just said sounded, so Trent ignored the double meaning.
"Yeah, it is," Trent said, shaking his head in amusement. God how he loved this man.
As if right on cue, the part of the show where they sang the song all the way through, as a rehearsal, came on.
If you're ever in a jam, here I am
If you're ever in a mess, S-O-S
If you ever get so happy, you land in jail;
I'm your bail.
It's friendship, friendship, just the perfect blendship.
When other friendships have been forgot,
Ours will still be hot.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle dig, dig, dig.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle dig, dig, dig.
If you're ever up a tree, phone to me.
If you're ever down a well, ring my bell.
If you ever lose your dough when you're out to dine;
borrow mine.
It's friendship, friendship, just the perfect blendship.
When other friendships have been forgate,
Ours will still be great.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle, chuck, chuck, chuck.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle, chuck, chuck, chuck.
If they ever black your eye, put me wise.
If they ever cook your goose, turn me loose.
If they ever put a bullet right through your brain;
I'll complain.
It's friendship, friendship, just the perfect blendship.
When other friendships have been forgit,
Ours will still be it.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle, hep, hep, hep.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle, hep, hep, hep.
Dah-dle-dah-dle-dah-dle, hep, hep, hep.
Trent had always enjoyed the fun song from the show, but this time it was different. Sitting here, eating lunch with his very best friend who was now his lover, the words really hit him. He looked over at Carlos for his reaction only to find Carlos looking back at him with an expression on his face that had to be the same one he had on his own face. They smiled at each other. They both understood.
By the time the episode was over, they had each finished their lunch. Trent got up, picking up their now empty plates and the bag of chips and heading into the kitchen with them.
"Need any help?" Carlos asked, figuring Trent didn't but offering anyway.
"Nope," Trent answered loud enough for Carlos to hear him, putting the plates in the sink, "Everything's under control." He washed the few dishes then went to the cupboard to retrieve the cookies he'd gotten for Carlos.
Heading back into the livingroom, hands behind his back, Trent was the one now behaving like a ten year old. Carlos looked up at him. "Which hand?" Trent asked.
Carlos absolutely *loved* the look on Trent's face. He pointed to Trent's left side indicating he wanted what was in his left hand. Trent produced a package of Oreo Double Stuff Cookies.
Trent was rewarded with a smile from Carlos that he felt all the way down to his toes. The man had a beautiful smile. He was also cute as the dickens when his inner child was awake and happy.
Carlos took the cookies, one of his favorites, and opened the package and started eating them with great enthusiasm. He offered the package to Trent who took one, and then continued to eat his Oreos. Carlos managed to eat about half the package before he was full, or at least done.
"You need anything else?" Trent asked, taking what was left of the Oreos from Carlos and standing up, heading into the kitchen with them.
"Oh, yes, I need something else," Carlos said, sensuously, loud enough for Trent to hear him.
Trent chuckled. "I meant to eat," he said, heading back into the livingroom.
"So did I," Carlos said, flirting shamelessly.
"Uh, oh," Trent said grinning, going over to Carlos and sitting down in his lap, straddling him, facing him, "I've created a monster."
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent as he looked up into his face, "Yes, you just might have." Trent smiled at him and Carlos felt his shaft begin to stiffen. The monster Trent had created was awake again.
Noticing his mouth was more or less on the same level as Trent's nipples, Carlos began to tug on his lover's shirt, getting it up far enough so his mouth could make the direct acquaintance of said nipples. Carlos looked up at Trent as he sucked gently on one of his nipples and Trent whimpered.
Once again they each parted company with their clothes and they made love.
Afterwards they were sitting on the couch, still naked, Carlos's arms wrapped around Trent who was leaning back into him. Carlos kissed Trent's neck and sighed. He was very happy.
"You want to watch another movie?" Trent asked.
"Sure," Carlos said, "But can we watch it without putting our clothes back on?"
Trent turned in Carlos's embrace and looked at him. "Now who's too much?" Trent said, actually liking the idea.
"I didn't notice you thinking I was too much a few minutes ago," Carlos teased, "As a matter of fact I think I recall you asking for more."
Trent just shook his head at Carlos as he continued to grin at him. He moved out of his embrace and got up, heading first to the bedroom and getting their clean up cloth. He used it on himself then took it in to use on Carlos before rinsing it and putting it back. He got another cloth and took it into the livingroom with him and put it down on the coffee table before grabbing a video and heading to the VCR with it. He'd thought ahead and put tubes of KY in several other places in the apartment, like the drawer of the coffee table, but hadn't thought of a clean up cloth.
They spent the next two hours watching a movie, again, Carlos holding Trent as he leaned back into him, this time without their clothes on. They were really getting used to each other and comfortable as lovers. It made Trent very happy, happier than he ever thought he could be, than he ever thought he would be.
After the movie was over, Trent stretched a bit then turned around looking for a kiss. One was waiting for him, as usual. When the kiss broke, he asked, "You want to watch another movie or you ready for something else?" this accompanied by a sensuous grin.
"Oh, I'm ready for something else, all right, but..." Carlos started to fumble with his words again, "Maybe we could try something a little different?"
"Sure," Trent said, "You have something in mind?"
"Yeah," Carlos said, blushing a bit. Why was talking about this so hard? Trent was his best friend and lover, why was he embarrassed?
"What, Carlos?" Trent asked. He really did want Carlos to feel free to suggest anything he wanted to, but he was acting pretty tense. What on earth did he want to do?
"Maybe you could make love to me?" Carlos said. There, it was out, no going back.
Trent breathed a mental sigh of relief. He was sure from the way Carlos had been acting he was going to ask him to dress up like Little Bo Peep, complete with inflatable sheep. They were going to have to work on this embarrassment thing of Carlos's. There was nothing they couldn't at least talk about, even sexual -- especially sexual.
"You sure you want to do that?" Trent asked, "You don't need to for me or anything. I'm happy with things the way they are."
"You don't want to?" Carlos asked, a bit embarrassed he hadn't even considered that possibility. He'd just assumed Trent would want to have him that way.
"No," Trent said, "I didn't mean I didn't want to. I just meant I didn't want you to think you needed to do this to please me. I don't want you to do it if you're doing it just 'cos you thought I wanted you to." Trent put his hand to Carlos's face and smiled. "I don't ever need to top, but I'm very happy to if it's something you want for you," he added, seeing the confusion that had been in Carlos's eyes clear as he understood what Trent meant.
"I'm not sure if I'm going to like it or not," Carlos said, in all honesty, "But I want to try it."
Trent saw the sincerity behind Carlos's words in his eyes. "You want to do this now?" he asked. Carlos shook his head yes at him. "Let's take this into the bedroom, OK? Better classroom facilities, remember?" Trent added with a grin.
The above song used in this story is called "Friendship" and is from the musical "Anything Goes," music and lyrics by Cole Porter.
This particular version of the song is from the "I Love Lucy" episode "Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress."
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