Love Song
Page Five

After ending the kiss, Carlos put his head back on Trent's shoulder. Trent hugged his lover to him and kissed his forehead. "Don't mean to kill the mood here, but I may zone out on you if I stay in this hot tub any longer. Can we take this into the other room? I promise I'll mark your place so you don't lose it," Trent really was feeling the effects of the hot tub.
"Mmmm, sounds good to me," Carlos said softly as he slowly lifted his head off Trent's shoulder, then stood up and climbed out of the hot tub with Trent right behind him. Carlos handed his lover a towel and grabbed one for himself. Within a few minutes they were dry enough to leave the towels in the bathroom and head into the bedroom. Carlos decided he wanted to give Trent a nice massage. "Why don't you lie face down on the bed and I'll give you a nice massage," he suggested to his lover and was pleased to see a smile on Trent's face as he went to lie down.
"You're going for that melt into a puddle thing, aren't you?" Trent said and smiled, wondering how he could possibly be more relaxed but welcoming the intimate contact of his lover's touch on his skin.
Carlos got out a small bottle of lotion he had brought with him and he placed some in his hands rubbing them together so that the lotion would be warm when it touched his lover's skin. He started at the neck and in slow circular motion he gently yet deeply massaged him. He didn't feel any knots or kinks at all, Trent was very relaxed much to Carlos's pleasure, but he knew the massage would add to the relaxation and he wanted to provide Trent with everything he could to please him.
"Mmm, that feels so good, Carlos," Trent purred, "You might consider adding this to your resume. Very nice." Trent just laid there, enjoying the attention, the feel of his lover's hands on his skin.
"Thank you, lover, I'm glad you're enjoying this," Carlos said. He knew that Trent was tired and didn't think he was up for any more lovemaking and Carlos wasn't asking him to be -- he simply wanted to do something nice for him with no expectations. Yet his touch was bringing his lover's needs and desires to the surface and that really touched Carlos down to his soul.
Carlos moved back up to his lover's shoulders. Putting his hands on Trent's shoulders, Carlos looked at his lover's face. Trent was lying with his head on his hands, elbows out to the side, eyes closed. A look of total contentment was written all over his face. Carlos just couldn't resist. He bent over Trent and kissed him, getting as close to his mouth as possible at the angle he was at.
Trent felt his lover's kiss on his cheek. He turned his head so Carlos could reach his mouth, wanting his kiss, needing his kiss. As they kissed Trent turned over so he could take Carlos in his arms.
Carlos was pleased at Trent's reaction to his kiss and continued to kiss him slowly yet thoroughly. He enjoyed the feel of Trent's soft lips against his, enjoyed the sweet taste that was his lover. "Mmmm..., you taste so good," Carlos whispered softly as he began nuzzling his lover's neck in that favorite spot that Trent loved so much. Trent responded immediately, which pleased Carlos to no end, knowing he brought his lover so much pleasure. He dropped nice soft loving kisses all over Trent's body beginning with his neck, then moving down to his nipples, working on first one then the other, taking his time to harden them into ridged peaks.
How was this happening? Trent couldn't believe it. He was getting aroused again. He shrugged inwardly to himself. Why try to figure out why? It was happening and he intended to enjoy every minute of it. "Oh, Carlos, that feels so good. How do you DO this to me?" Trent murmured as his lover caressed him with his mouth.
Carlos's tongue licked his lover's nipples slowly, one at a time, the tip dancing across the nipples with such finesse that it affected Trent's entire body. Carlos kept this up and after several minutes of this wondrous treatment he was giving his lover, he moved down lower and pressed his tongue into his navel, trying to give Trent every possible pleasure and sensation he could.
Trent was writhing under his lover's touch. It felt so good, so very good. When Carlos moved his tongue to his navel, Trent moaned softly and arched his back, rising to meet his lover's caress. He reached out his hands and ran them through Carlos's hair. What this man could do to him was beyond belief.
Carlos moved down and touched Trent's shaft gently, caressing it softly. It was already hard, so Carlos immediately began to lick it, first on one side, then the other, then along the back, followed by the front. He used the tip of his tongue to taste the fluid seeping from the opening at the head, then took his lover's hot organ into his mouth and began to suck very lovingly on it, making sure to take his time and give Trent every possible pleasure before and including climax.
When Carlos took his shaft into his mouth, Trent let out a loud moan. He continued to watch his lover and caress his hair. The sensations running through his body were amazing.
Carlos sucked harder as he felt Trent responding more and more, eager for his climax, but Carlos wanted to take his time, make this last for his lover. He changed the rhythm so that he could provide Trent with even more variation in the sensations he was giving him.
Trent could barely contain himself. He was so excited he couldn't hold still, he writhed under his lover's touch. He knew he was close to release and could hold back no longer. He closed his eyes and moaned loudly, putting his head back as he did.
Trent gave indication that he was ready and couldn't wait any longer and Carlos sped up, sucking harder now and taking Trent deep in his throat -- as far down as he could go. With a very large spasm Trent came, shooting all of his hot essence down Carlos's throat.
Trent came with such intensity he hoped Carlos was ready for it. Had it ever been with such force before? He was still shaking and spasming after his climax was over.
It was wonderful, truly wonderful, and Carlos savored every last drop of Trent's fluids, then released his lover gently out of his mouth, cleaning him thoroughly. He climbed back up next to his lover and drew him into his arms, kissing him again tenderly. "I love you," he said.
Trent was gone, totally gone. Even the moans seemed to have disappeared. He couldn't speak, he couldn't moan, he could barely breathe. He could only lay there in Carlos's arms and wait until he returned to Earth from where ever his lover had just sent him. It took a long time for Trent to come back down from this orgasm. When he was finally able to speak, or at least he thought he could, he could only manage one word, "Wow!"
Carlos held his lover close to him and stroked his hair gently, dropping soft kisses on his cheek and neck. "I'm glad you enjoyed that," he said quietly, now softly caressing Trent's cheek with the back of his hand.
**Now THERE is an understatement!** Trent thought. He tried to say it out loud but it just didn't seem to want to come out of his mouth.
Carlos saw that his lover was completely expended and his eyes were fluttering in a vain attempt to keep them open. "Go to sleep, baby, let yourself go to sleep in my arms. I'll hold you all night long," he said, and he helped rearranged them so that Carlos was lying flat and had his arms around Trent, who had his head on Carlos's chest now with his arm around Carlos's waist. Carlos then pulled the covers up over them, watching his lover drift off into sleep. After another few minutes of watching Trent sleep and listening to that steady wonderful beating of his heart, Carlos found that he couldn't keep his own eyes open and he fell asleep shortly after that.
They had experienced so much together and their closeness was being strengthened even more right now as they slept holding each other. Carlos dreamed of his lover, the lovemaking they shared, the fun times they had had, his first roller coaster ride. They were all glimpses and pieces of their first weekend together, but they were very important to both of them and he would never forget the time they spent together that weekend.
Carlos felt himself waking slowly, very slowly, and he started to stretch a little. He still had his arms around Trent who was still sleeping. Carlos watched him as he did the night before. He wanted to wake him up with a kiss, but he also wanted to let him sleep. He would give it a few more minutes. He didn't really want to get up or wake Trent before he had to. He gently reached over and lightly ran his hand through his lover's hair and Trent shifted just slightly. Carlos sighed happily and kept his arms around Trent as he turned onto his side, gently moving Trent's head onto the pillow in the process. "Morning, sleepy head," he teased, waiting for a reaction. Then he kissed Trent on the forehead lightly, still holding him.
Trent was more or less awake but not really ready to move yet when Carlos moved him. Still keeping his eyes closed, Trent said, "Damn, I knew I forgot to pack something. Forgot my special alarm clock." Trent sighed as if this was all a great imposition on him. "Guess I just have to settle for the travel version," he added, opening his eyes and smiling at his lover, catching his lips in a tender kiss. "Good morning to you, too. But I don't think it was my head that was all that tired. Or at least the one on my shoulders," Trent teased, loving the way he had gone to sleep last night, totally worn out, totally relaxed, totally satisfied and totally happy.
Carlos returned the kiss, loving this wonderful way of waking up. He was more than pleased that his lover was this happy and it thrilled him once again to know that he was the cause of it. "I'll be your alarm clock whenever I can," he said smiling, kissing Trent again, still holding him close and tight. "I love you," he said, kissing him deeper this time, more passionately, his tongue once again tasting everything that was Trent.
This was already a wonderful life they had together and they had so much more to look forward to. But for right now, right here, all Carlos wanted to do was to hold his lover and love him, giving him everything he possibly could. He kissed Trent thoroughly. He was very responsive, so Carlos continued, dropping kisses on that favorite spot on his neck, followed by more French kissing -- delicious wonderful deep kisses that lasted so long and tasted so sweet.
Carlos wanted more, needed more, and as he continued to kiss his lover, he began to caress his body with gentle touches to his chest leading down to his nipples. He remembered what Trent had done to him the night before and how incredible it felt, so he decided to see if Trent would enjoy the same thing. With his tongue he licked, nipped and circled around the nipple without actually touching it.
"Oh, Carlos, that feels so good. Mmmm, nice...," Trent trailed off just enjoying the feeling of his lover's mouth on his skin.
After Carlos had spent some time circling the nipples and seeing the reaction from his lover, he teased the tip of each nipple with his tongue and, as they began to respond more, he took the nipples into his mouth one at a time to raise them into hardened peaks.
"Oh, so good...," Trent managed to say before he lost his voice. He began to moan and put his hands in Carlos's hair, loving the feel of it between his fingers.
Satisfied that both nipples were as hard as they could get, Carlos moved down to Trent's navel and pressed his tongue into it and used the tip to circle around it teasing it into a frenzy.
When Carlos put his tongue into his navel Trent arched his back and moaned. His lover knew just what to do to him to make him so hot he could barely think straight. He wiggled under Carlos's touch and was no longer able to control his moaning.
Carlos enjoyed getting Trent hot -- there was nothing more satisfying than seeing his lover enjoying himself like this and that made him hot with his own desire to make love to Trent. He continued moving down Trent's body until he reached his lover's already very hard shaft and slowly licked it, very slowly, the tip of his tongue moving over every inch of it from top to bottom, front to back, side to side. Then he circled his tongue around the head and licked the fluid seeping from the opening. It tasted so good and he wanted all of his lover's essence inside of him.
When Carlos began to lick him Trent became instantly harder. He hadn't thought it was possible, but it happened. And when his lover licked the head of his shaft, tasting him and enjoying it, Trent had to restrain himself from coming right then. He wanted to wait, he wanted to feel everything Carlos had to offer. For his inexperience at this act of love a week ago, Carlos had sure caught on fast.
Carlos took Trent's organ in his mouth and began sucking hard, moving it slowly in and out of his mouth, savoring the fluid that was slowly being released out of the opening. He started sucking harder and increased his speed, taking his lover in over and over again, harder and faster. He slowed briefly, then took him all way in, as far down his throat as he could, then back out, then all the way down again, then out.
Trent was barely hanging on to his restraint. His climax was imminent and he knew it. Holding on any longer was not an option and he let himself go.
Carlos felt Trent's body tighten trying to hold onto his restraint and he knew that his lover was on the edge. He increased his speed again and sucked very hard the next time and Trent came inside his mouth, sending his hot fluid down his throat, Carlos enjoying every last drop. He was used to this now and it was very enjoyable.
Trent moaned loudly and came in a powerful climax. It seemed to him they got more powerful every time but that couldn't really be so, could it? But it felt that way.
Carlos slowly released his lover's penis out of his mouth and licked it clean, then crawled back up the bed, pulling the covers up over them both, and drew Trent into his arms, holding him close and tight. "I love you," he said, and ran a hand lightly through his lover's hair while he dropped a few kisses on his neck in that favorite spot.
Again, Trent was unable to speak. He just lay against his lover and tried to remember to breathe. He concentrated on Carlos caressing his hair. It calmed him and his breathing and he started to come back down into himself.
Finally catching his breath enough to speak, Trent said, "Whoa. Was I complaining about that travel alarm clock? Never gonna complain again, that's for sure." Trent turned to look at Carlos. "And I'm *not* sharing *this* alarm clock with anyone either," Trent said and caught Carlos's mouth in a quick but passionate kiss. "I love you too, Lucky Bear," Trent said as he put his head back down on his lover's chest.
Carlos smiled at Trent's use of his Indian name again -- it felt so good to hear that after all this time. Then he laughed lightly at his lover's reference to him as an alarm clock. He had brought his lover pleasure and that meant the world to him. He kissed Trent back with great passion and held him close. "You can count on this alarm clock anytime, day or night -- at home or away," he said, teasing his lover.
"Oh, good, now I got TV commercials running through my head -- 'Carlos. Don't leave home without him' or 'Carlos, the best to you each morning'?" Trent teased, "Or how about 'The best part of waking up, is Carlos in your bed'?"
Carlos smiled and kissed Trent's forehead then ran a hand lightly through his hair while his head was on his chest. He wrapped his arms around his lover tighter and they lay together content and happy. Carlos continued to drop soft loving kisses on Trent's forehead and cheek while running a hand through his hair. He couldn't get enough of Trent and he knew he never would. "What do you want to do today? We have all morning long to do whatever we want before we head back to Dallas and we have the rest of the day once we do get back," Carlos said mischievously with a twinkle in his eye.
"It looks to *me* like you're ready to go camping. That is a tent pole down there, isn't it?" Trent said as he slipped out of his lover's arms and climbed under the blanket to investigate before Carlos could say anything. "Yup, I was right. And what a nice big, strong, straight tent pole it is, too," Trent observed, running his hand up and down Carlos's 'tent pole', "Yes, seems very sturdy, too."
Carlos lifted up the blanket and looked at his lover. Trent grinned at him. "Just what are you doing under there?" Carlos asked.
"Camping," Trent answered as if it were very obvious what he was doing. Turning his attention back to the 'tent pole' Trent began to run his finger up and down it ever so lightly causing Carlos to drop the blanket back down.
The touch of his lover's hand on his very hard shaft sent wonderful sensations throughout his body and Carlos immediately reacted by letting the blanket go, allowing Trent to do whatever he wanted to do with him. He was very close to release as it was and it wouldn't take long for him to go to that special place that only his lover could send him.
It wasn't going to take very much to deflate that tent pole and Trent knew it. So, instead of drawing this out, he decided to just start right out hard and strong. Taking hold of the 'tent pole' and moving so he could get his mouth around it, Trent took Carlos's shaft into this mouth fast and deep then sucked hard, pulling his mouth back up. He did the same again and a third time. On the fourth Carlos came in his mouth and Trent swallowed it all loving the feeling and the taste.
Carlos couldn't hold out any longer -- the hold on his restraint snapped quickly almost as soon as Trent took him into his mouth and began sucking hard. What an incredible feeling that was and all he knew was that one more time and he would come with a great deal of force. When Trent took him in his mouth for the fourth time he arched his back and climaxed sharply, sending his rich essence into his lover's mouth. His mind was spinning and he couldn't think let alone breath calmly. All he could do was lie there slowly coming back into himself.
Climbing back out from under the blanket, Trent just grinned at Carlos, then settled back in his embrace.
When Carlos could finally breathe again he ran a hand lovingly through Trent's hair and kissed him tenderly yet passionately. "Thank you, Trent, that was wonderful," he said and dropped a few kisses on that favorite spot on his neck again, wrapping his arms around his lover even tighter. He knew they both couldn't feel any more loved, warm or safe than they did when they were together.
"You know, I hate to bring this up, and I hate even more to think of just where the Cherrios might end up, but I'm hungry. You want to get room service again? Or go out?" Trent asked, "Or I might be able to find the rest of those bananas from last night, but they are likely covered in carpet fuzz by now."
"Mmmmm..., room service sounds great. I want to spend all the time with you that I can. We can order in spaghetti and meatballs again," Carlos grinned wickedly, his eyes twinkling with that all too familiar look of his. He was planning something again, that was for sure, and Trent would most definitely be on the receiving end this time.
"Spaghetti for breakfast? No, thanks," Trent said, making a face, "But the same dessert we had before might be nice." Trent wasn't referring to the ice cream and Carlos knew it.
"I'll get you a fresh supply of frozen bananas minus the chocolate," Carlos said, laughing a little, teasing his lover about his allergy to chocolate.
"That's very considerate of you, Carlos, but I did enjoy how you cleaned my banana for me," Trent commented, again not referring to the fruit on a stick at all.
Carlos pulled his lover closer to him and dropped soft, sensual kisses on his neck and captured his lips in a tantalizing deep kiss that took his breath away. "You're so amazing. I can't get over what you've done to me and that you keep on doing it," Carlos said, looking deeply into his lover's eyes.
"And doing it, and doing it, and doing it. Yes, I know. But I *told* you it's in the job description. Of course, not everyone even makes it to the interview, much less passes the audition," Trent informed, "Now, what are we having for breakfast?" He grabbed the menu off the table. "If I don't get some food soon I'm going to have to find something else to eat and then won't YOU be sorry?" he teased. Like Carlos or he for that matter could ever be sorry if the alternative thing in the room to be eaten were eaten.
"Mmmm..., I won't be *that* sorry," Carlos said, pulling Trent to him for another kiss before allowing his lover to look at the menu in peace. He settled back in bed, too relaxed to move, yet fully aroused and ready to love Trent again at a moment's notice. "Whatever you decide will be fine with me," he said, lying in bed very comfortable and cozy. He watched his lover look over the menu deciding what he wanted and then pick up the phone and order.
After placing the order Trent hung up the phone and looked at his lover. "They said it would be about forty five minutes before the food got here. I need a shower. Care to join me?" Trent asked his lover, thinking that was probably another really stupid question to be asking.
"Now *that* is an invitation I just can't refuse," Carlos said, and followed his lover into the bathroom. He turned the water on and pulled Trent close to him and began kissing him deeply and passionately, enjoying the taste of his lover, never being able to get enough. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity before Carlos broke the kiss out of the need for air. Then the water running reminded him that they had a nice hot shower waiting for them.
Trent stepped into the shower first followed by Carlos. It was at a very nice temperature, although with the body heat adding to the already hot shower, things were about to get a lot hotter. Carlos began washing Trent's body gently, taking his time, gliding the soap over his body then making sure he was rinsed clean. He couldn't help but admire his lover's body. He wanted to make love to Trent right there in the shower.
"Mmm, that feel so nice," Trent said, the combination of the warm water running over his body and Carlos washing him was very nice. Trent closed his eyes enjoying the feeling. "I don't think this beats your alarm clock duties but it's mighty nice,"
he managed to say.
Carlos began to nuzzle Trent's neck and drop soft gentle kisses there, then captured his lips with his own in a very powerful deep kiss, his tongue enjoying everything that tasted of Trent.
Trent's arms went around Carlos hugging him close. It felt good, their bodies pressed together, the hot water running over them. Trent ran his hands down his lover's back ending on his rear end. Putting one hand on each side, Trent pulled Carlos's hips against his, feeling his lover's already hard erection against his own. The feeling was intense.
When Trent pulled his hips towards him it was nearly too much right then for Carlos, the feeling of their bodies touching, being held firmly together by holding each other. Carlos could wait no longer. "I'll be right back," he said and kissed his lover passionately again, then left the shower to go to the hot tub and get the tube of lubricant that was still there.
Trent let go of his lover reluctantly, but knowing where he was headed, well, the reluctance soon faded. He watched Carlos going to retrieve the KY from the hot tub. He once again realized just how attractive his lover was, **Especially with a raging hard on,** he chuckled to himself. As much as he teased Carlos about being insatiable, Trent knew perfectly well it was he himself that was insatiable. Carlos just managed to last longer, which was fine by him, really. The one sided acts of love were just as satisfying to him as the two sided. OK, *almost* as satisfying.
Carlos stepped back into the shower and then prepared himself, making sure to coat his penis thoroughly, then he prepared Trent just as thoroughly. With Trent up against the shower wall Carlos entered him from behind. It was slow and steady, the nice warm water still cascading off of their bodies.
Trent braced himself against the shower wall enjoying the feeling of his lover's fingers inside him. Then Carlos was entering him with his shaft and Trent moaned softly -- it felt so good -- he was so ready for his lover yet again.
Once Carlos was completely inside Trent he began to move, drawing the most out of each thrust that he possibly could. He wanted Trent to feel all of him, everything he could give him, and he hoped the long slow deep thrusts would do just that.
When Carlos began to move inside him it was amazing. Nothing fast and furious this time, just long, slow thrusts. That, combined with the hot water still running over there bodies, was creating very different and very enjoyable sensations. Trent was moaning this time but softly -- well, softly for him. He even managed a word or two. "Oh, Carlos, that feels soooo... gooood...," trailing off on the last words. As much as Trent was enjoying this, he suddenly needed more. He began to move to meet his lover's thrusts, increasing the rhythm and depth. Carlos began to move faster, understanding his needs, with a need of his own.
Carlos could feel the intensity rise in his lover as well as himself and he increased his rhythm to move with Trent. His thrusts became faster and deeper. Carlos knew he was filling his lover's body with pleasure which just made him hotter and more turned on than he thought possible. He reached around Trent's waist and took his hardened penis in his hand and began to pump it in a rhythm to match the thrusting he was giving Trent on the inside. He pumped even harder as his thrusts became harder and deeper until Trent climaxed, his rich essence pouring from his body and into Carlos's hand. That sent Carlos over the edge into his own wonderful climax, his own essence being sent deep inside his lover.
When Carlos reached around and took his erection in his hand, Trent let out a loud moan, then returned to the softer moaning as Carlos continued to stroke him. **So good, so very good,** he thought to himself. He felt his orgasm building and as he finally released into his lover's hand then felt Carlos's release deep within his body. It was always an amazing feeling, it never diminished.
Carlos braced himself against the shower wall, hands on either side of Trent. He dropped many soft kisses all over his back before gently removing himself from his lover's body. "That was wonderful, you really are amazing -- I hope you know that," Carlos said a few moments later when he could breathe again.
Trent was still leaning against the shower wall, breathing hard, but enjoying the kisses and the words of his lover. He was glad he pleased Carlos so much.
"Thank you," Carlos added softly, kissing Trent again and running a hand through his lover's wet hair. He turned him around and pulled him close and held him, caressing his cheek and kissing his forehead.
Trent hugged Carlos back for all he was worth. He was feeling something he didn't understand totally but he needed to have Carlos hold him. "I love you so much, Carlos. Please, just hold me," he said. They stood there with the water still running over them holding each other tightly.
"I've got you, baby, and I'm not letting go," Carlos said, tightening his hold around his lover, pulling him even closer to him than before. He felt that something was different in the way that Trent was holding him. "It's all right, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere," Carlos said reassuringly, running one hand up and down his lover's back offering soothing comfort to his wonderful lover and best friend. "Are you all right?" he asked, wanting to make sure that he hadn't hurt Trent in any way even though he was fairly certain that he hadn't. He wasn't sure what was going on but something was on his lover's mind and he wanted to find out what it was.
Carlos's embrace and his calming words sent what ever was bothering Trent out of his mind. He was still not sure what it was, but it had been there on the edge of his mind, not fully in it, something he just needed Carlos's embrace to send away. After a few minutes of standing in his lover's embrace Trent managed to loosen his grip on Carlos and look up at him. "Not sure what came over me. Yes, I'm fine. I just needed you to hold me," he said.
"It's all right, Trent -- I'll always hold you, anytime you want or need me to -- and you never have to explain anything," Carlos said, looking at Trent lovingly, relieved that his lover was all right. He kissed Trent tenderly still holding him close.
"Now, if I recall correctly," Trent kissed his lover's mouth very lightly then smiled at him, "You still need some attention from some soap. And our food is going to be here soon." Trent found the soap and washcloth after Carlos let go of him and began to wash his lover's body. Getting down to his feet, Trent expected Carlos to lift up one foot at a time so he could wash the bottoms but he didn't. "Hey, Conan, lift up your foot. You still with me here?"
Carlos was a bit distracted. "Hum? Yeah," Carlos said, lifting up a foot for Trent to clean. He decided not to press the issue since Trent was calmer and much more himself now than he was a few minutes ago. He wouldn't forget that something was troubling his lover, but he could tell that he didn't want to discuss it and he would respect that. "Hey, that tickles," he said, when Trent thoroughly cleaned the bottom of first one foot then the other. Once both feet were clean it was time to step out of the shower and get ready for their breakfast that was to arrive soon.
After they were both dried off, Carlos pulled Trent close to him. "I love you very, very much," he said, looking deeply into his lover's beautiful blue eyes.
Trent smiled at his lover. How did Carlos always know just what to do to make him feel better, to feel safe? "Yes, I know you do. And that makes me very happy. I love you, too," he said. The feeling he had been feeling before appeared and disappeared again.
Carlos ran a hand softly through Trent's hair then brought their lips together for a light yet searing, passionate kiss. "Mmmm, thank you for everything you've given me -- you're incredible," he said and kissed him again. He held Trent for a few more minutes before letting him go so they could put on their robes. They went into the other room and in a short while there was a knock at the door and it was room service.
After room service had left, and they sat down to eat, taking the covers off the hot food, Trent said, "Now. I want you to notice. This breakfast is totally phallic shape free. No bananas, no sausage links, nothing of the kind. And look," Trent picked up his fork and pointed at Carlos's, "Plenty of utensils. I don't, however, expect that will stop you from finding something to amuse yourself with in this meal."
Trent had about had it with the junk food for himself. But he didn't subject Carlos to his choice of oatmeal, whole wheat toast and fresh fruit. "They didn't have chocolate doughnuts even listed on the menu, so don't think I'm depriving you or anything," Trent teased Carlos.
"I know you wouldn't deprive me Trent -- thank you. Remember, I'm trying to improve my eating habits now and slowly but surely I'll get there," Carlos said confidently, looking at the plate of food before him consisting of eggs, bacon, hash browns and juice to drink. "This looks great, Trent -- thanks for ordering it," he said, picking up a fork and taking his first bite of food. "This is wonderful -- delicious," he said, taking bite after bite of the delicious breakfast in front of him.
Trent watched his lover devour his food. He just smiled and shook his head. "I only ordered it, I didn't cook it," Trent said, then started to eat his own food.
"How's yours?" Carlos asked, noticing that Trent was eating, but not with quite as much enthusiasm as he usually did. If you didn't know him as well as Carlos did you wouldn't suspect a thing. He was determined not to push, he was simply making observations and filing them away for future reference.
"Just fine," Trent answered, noticing a change in his lover's voice to one of concern. Trent smiled at Carlos and continued eating. "You want some of these? I got enough for two if you do," Trent said, indicating the strawberries he had gotten in addition to melon for himself.
"I sure do -- thanks," Carlos said, taking a strawberry from Trent's fruit selection. He looked at it for a moment. **Should I? Or shouldn't I? No, just eat them,** he thought, taking a few strawberries and ate them, enjoying their sweet juicy flavor. "These are very good -- sweet, very fresh," Carlos said, as he finished the last strawberry. "Thank you for sharing those with me," he added.
Trent watched Carlos eat the strawberries. He hadn't meant to squash his fun. But he was enjoying the strawberries.
Slowly Carlos finished his breakfast, it had been very good and was quite filling, but he finally did finish and he just wanted to lie down and be comfortable. He held out his arms to Trent who was just finishing his own breakfast. "Come here," he said, hoping for a hug and to spend some more time together being close.
Trent looked at Carlos sitting there arms out and couldn't resist. Getting up and going over to his lover, Trent sat down in Carlos's lap and grinned at him.
"There. Now I have everything a man could want," Carlos said, smiling very happily with this lover in his lap. He wrapped his arms around him and held him close, just being happy that Trent was in his life.
Trent hugged Carlos back, snuggling into his arms. "I really don't think every man would like me sitting their lap. I really doubt that is on most of their wish lists," Trent said, pulling back just a bit from their embrace so he could look his lover in the eye, "But I sure am glad you like it." Trent kissed his lover. A soft tender kiss, but one filled with love and desire. "Hey, Santa. What's that I feel in your lap? That a present for me?" Trent said grinning, again amazed at just how fast and easily Carlos was ready to love him again.
"You bet that's a present -- ready, willing and able anytime -- day or night," Carlos said, grinning right back at his lover. He meant what he said -- he would never stop wanting to make love to Trent -- ever. The love, desire and passion he felt for this man went far beyond anything he could possibly have ever known or imagined. He tightened his hold around his lover just thinking about the love, happiness and incredible feelings that Trent brought to his life. He pulled his lover closer to him and brought Trent's head down and captured his lips in another soft kiss. It was full of burning passion and desire for the one person who he loved more than his own life.
Trent moved his hand from Carlos's shoulder, moving it inside his robe and finding a nipple. He caressed it by running his fingers over it, back and forth and around and around, hardening it to a nub.
Carlos couldn't believe the power of Trent's touch -- the feelings that it sent through his body and he didn't think he ever would. It was amazing to him, he felt such a rush as soon as he touched his body.
Breaking their kiss, Trent nuzzled Carlos, still playing with his very willing nipple. Pulling on his lover's robe, he opened it enough to expose the nipple so he could take it in his mouth and suck on it.
"Ohh, that feels so good, baby," Carlos said, leaning forward a little to run his hands through his lover's hair and watch as Trent lavished attention on his nipple until it was as hard as it could get. The feelings running through his mind and coursing through his body were incredible and he wanted more. He began to pant now, breathing very heavily. He was so near his climax he was all but ready to come.
Releasing Carlos's nipple, Trent sat back up enough to kiss his lover again, a deep and passionate kiss. Then he broke the kiss and slid off his lover's lap and to the floor. He opened Carlos's robe the rest of the way, unwrapping his present.
Carlos shivered when Trent pulled his robe all the way open -- not because he was cold, but because of the anticipation that had him on edge. His wonderful lover was going to bring him pure pleasure and was already doing that by just being there. Carlos just leaned back in his chair and enjoyed the presence of Trent. He still had his hands in Trent's hair, encouraging him -- but his lover needed no encouraging, he was an expert and knew exactly what he needed.
Using just the tip of his tongue Trent gently licked off the accumulated fluid at the opening of Carlos's shaft, tasting his lover and enjoying the flavor that was Carlos. Still using just the tip of his tongue, Trent continued to tease his lover by licking ever so gently up and down his shaft, then round and round.
The moment his lover's tongue touched his penis it sent sparks through Carlos's body and he knew it would be over soon -- he didn't know how long he could last, but what his lover was doing to him was beyond words. He gasped and tried to hold onto his restraint, each stroke of Trent's tongue sending him higher and higher, his mind starting to spin. When he touched the tip and took his fluid into his mouth it was an extra special sensation.
Deciding Carlos had had enough teasing, Trent took the head of his lover's shaft into his mouth and sucked hard. After doing this for a few moments, Trent suddenly slid his mouth down, taking Carlos into his mouth as far as he could. Bringing his mouth back up, sucking hard, Trent swirled his tongue around the head before again taking Carlos all the way into his mouth. A few more strokes of his mouth were all it took and Carlos released his fluid into Trent's mouth. He swallowed his lover's essence, making sure he got it all, every last drop.
As soon as Trent took him into his mouth Carlos knew it was over -- it was a matter of moments before everything snapped. Trent's mouth on him was just sensational, pure bliss. He wanted to go down his lover's throat and feel that tingling that he always felt when Trent did that to him. It was too much and when Trent finally did take him down his throat he arched his back -- his breathing became more ragged instantly, panting even harder. He wanted to come, needed to come in his lover's mouth and a few strokes later he couldn't hold out any more and he climaxed, sending his essence into Trent's mouth, enjoying the sensation of Trent making sure he got every last drop.
Trent straightened up, but continued to kneel on the floor, and put his arms around Carlos, his head resting against his lower chest, and hugged him as he came back down into himself.
Carlos was completely out of breath, panting still, and it would be awhile before he could speak. He wrapped his arms around his lover and ran a hand through his hair gently. "That was absolutely incredible. Thank you, Trent," he said softly when he was finally able to. He looked at his lover and brought their lips together in a passionate kiss. "I think we're creating more and more vacation spots," he said, still not believing where his lover had sent him just moments ago. "Is there something I can do for you? Maybe you have a present for me?" he asked, with a twinkle in his eye.
Trent looked up as his lover and smiled. How he loved that sparkle in Carlos's eyes! "Actually, I have a very nice present for you but I am afraid, due to popular demand, it's not quite ready to be unwrapped right now. You think you can wait awhile?" Trent asked.
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled very lovingly. "I can wait as long as it takes, baby," he said and kissed Trent very passionately. "How about we climb into bed and just hold each other, cuddle and talk, OK?" he suggested and stood Trent up, then got out of the chair he was sitting in. He took Trent's hand and led him to the bed. He took off his own robe, then Trent's, then got in the bed. Carlos lay on his back and held out his arms for Trent.
Trent went very happily into Carlos's embrace. Could he ever get enough of just lying there surrounded by his lover's arms? He smiled a smile of perfect contentment as he snuggled into Carlos's arms, his head on his lover's chest.
Go to Page Six