Morning Glow
Page Thirteen

Trent smiled back at Carlos then pulled the car out of the parking space and headed back to the highway. After about an hour or so of driving, Trent saw a sign for a rest area. "That Pepsi I drank at dinner is screaming to be let back out. I'm stopping at the rest area, that's faster than stopping at an exit, I think," Trent commented.
Trent pulled into the rest area and into a space. "You coming or waiting?" Trent asked Carlos as he got out of the truck, not able to wait himself at this point, and headed for the men's room.
Carlos got out of the truck and followed Trent towards the restroom deciding that a pit stop now would be a good idea. "I'm right behind you," he said.
Exiting the deserted rest area building, Trent held the door open for Carlos to go ahead of him. Following behind his lover, looking at that cute rear end of his, Trent was getting aroused despite himself. Sticking his hands in his pockets he encountered the tube of KY he had put there earlier -- the one he had found in the kitchen. That was just too much for him. He could barely stand it anymore he was so aroused. He was also glad it wasn't daytime or crowded in the rest area. As a matter of fact, it really was deserted, he realized, looking around. He had an idea.
They were just getting to the truck. Instead of going to the driver's side and getting in, Trent followed Carlos around to the passenger side, being quiet so he wouldn't hear him and not see him if he wasn't paying attention, which he wasn't. Just as Carlos went to open the front door, Trent grabbed him around the waist with one arm, holding him tight. "Oh, no you don't," he said, moving to the back door and opening it, taking Carlos with him, not letting go of the hold he had on him.
Carlos was very surprised when Trent grabbed him, but he was thrilled beyond belief and becoming very aroused. He moved with his lover until they got to the back door, Trent still maintaining a tight grip around his waist.
Once the door was open, Trent turned around so Carlos was facing the open door and then let him go. "Get in," he said. "Hurry up, I don't have all night, you know," he added, giving Carlos's rear end a swat.
Carlos was getting so turned on and excited by his lover's actions. He didn't know what Trent had in mind, but he couldn't wait to find out either. He eagerly climbed into the back of the truck. "My, you are impatient aren't you?" he said, meaning it as a statement and not a question. He had the brightest twinkle in his eyes and the most wicked grin on his face letting his lover know he completely loved what he was doing and was looking forward to so much more of whatever Trent had in mind.
Trent got in behind Carlos and closed the door. "I'm more than impatient, I'm horny as hell," Trent said, with a touch of a growl to his voice. He grabbed Carlos tightly and kissed him hard then moved one hand to Carlos's crotch, just to be sure his lover was with him. Trent was happy but not surprised to find his lover was very much with him, which aroused Trent further. Trent gave Carlos's shaft a good squeeze through his pants before letting go of it and moving his arm back to hug Carlos tightly to him.
Carlos didn't even have time to respond to Trent's words -- he adored the verbal and physical aggressiveness and this hard kiss was incredible -- very sexy and erotic. He returned the kiss equally as hard and, as aroused as he already was, he jumped and became even more aroused when Trent squeezed his penis. What an incredible feeling that was and he almost couldn't breathe he was so moved by everything his wonderful lover was doing to him.
Continuing to kiss Carlos, kiss him hard, Trent moved his hands to his lover's belt and undid it. Next came the pants snap and zipper. Releasing his lover's mouth so he could move, Trent instructed, "Turn around," and waited for Carlos to do so.
Panting very hard now Carlos continued to kiss his lover just as hard as Trent was kissing him, loving Trent taking over -- what a sensational lover he had. When the kiss ended, he turned around as instructed, waiting for what his lover was going to do next.
Getting a good hold on Carlos's jeans, being mindful of his erection, Trent pulled off his lover's jeans as far as he could with his position on the seat. Next came the underwear. Trent paused for a moment to fondle that which he had been admiring only a few moments ago while still inside the pants. It really was a magnificent rear end.
Carlos gasped when Trent pulled his jeans down. It's not that he was surprised, but it was the feeling that it gave him -- the unknown, the sensation of his pants against his skin being pulled down by his lover -- the aggressiveness that he loved. When his lover fondled his behind he started to go crazy with even more desire and his panting became heavier. "What are you trying to do to me?" he asked, barely able to talk at all.
"Oh, I think you're about to find out the answer to *that* question," Trent said, barely able to speak himself, but managing to make it sound semi-normal with that hint of a growl again.
Getting up and kneeling on the seat behind Carlos, being mindful not to bump his head, Trent undid his own belt and jeans, making as much noise doing it as possible so hopefully Carlos would hear it. Retrieving the KY from his pocket first, Trent then pulled down his own jeans and underwear and quickly prepared himself to join with Carlos. Taking more of the lubricant on his fingers, he put them inside Carlos to prepare him, too, but Trent was in no shape for slow and neither was his lover.
Carlos's arousal went into overdrive as soon as he heard his lover getting undressed -- the sound of his belt being unbuckled, his jeans unzipped -- it was taking him over by storm and even without seeing what his lover was doing. He was rewarded momentarily when he felt his lover's fingers inside his body preparing him. He loved it -- the feelings his lover created inside him were incredible, but he didn't feel he needed it -- he was horny as hell, too, and he wanted Trent to fuck him so hard and so deep to enter him as fast as possible. "Please..., fuck me, Trent -- right now," he said breathing very hard.
"Always happy to oblige with that request," Trent managed to say, then entered his lover with his shaft very fast and as deep as he could. Pulling back immediately just as fast, Trent thrust again, just as fast and deep as the first time.
Carlos wanted it and it was everything he expected and more. He gasped as his lover entered him -- it was wonderful, exquisite -- pure pleasure. The power behind his lover's joining thrust was incredible. He would never get enough and when Trent pulled back right away and then thrust just as fast and deep the next time, it created waves of heat building in his body and his passion was rising higher and higher by the moment.
Trent continued to thrust, hard and deep, but somehow he wanted more. Taking hold of Carlos's hips, he pulled his lover back towards him as he thrust forward.
Just when Carlos thought it was impossible to feel even more wonderful than he did already, Trent held his hips and he was pulled backwards as his lover thrust into him. He cried out with the incredible overwhelming pleasure that brought him. What a sensation that was and he wanted it again -- more, much more -- over and over -- as much as Trent could give him. He began moaning in earnest now, whimpering in-between the moans, unable to speak or barely think except about the incredible waves of pleasure coursing throughout his body.
Trent continued to thrust over and over maintaining the fast pace he had set. Encouraged by his lover's moans and whimpers, he continued to thrust forward, hard and deep and fast -- at the same time pulling his lover back into him, joining them deeper than he ever thought possible.
This was incredible -- how could one man have the kind of wonderful power and strength to thrust so hard and bring such sweet, exquisite pleasure to him? He didn't have the answer but he knew it was very real by the feelings he was experiencing. He also knew that his lover was incredible -- he did everything right -- and to be pulled back towards his lover at the same time he thrust into him was like no other feeling in the world -- it made the thrusts even deeper than they were before. He didn't think it was possible, but it was and he loved it. Deeper and deeper his lover went into him and he was nearly ready to explode into an incredible orgasm he knew was waiting.
Trent knew both of them were so very close to the edge. Removing his hands from Carlos's hips, he reached around Carlos's body with both arms. With one, he used his hand and grasped Carlos's shaft and began to move his hand up and down it in time to his thrusts. With his other arm, he caught Carlos around his abdomen, above his shaft, below his waist, using his arm to continue to pull Carlos back into him.
Carlos moaned very loudly followed by a whimper when Trent took hold of his penis. What a different feeling it was when his lover continued to pull him back towards him as he thrust into him. It was a combination that had Carlos right on the edge and he knew he was only moments away from his climax. He continued to moan and whimper, each moan getting louder and louder until the whimpers finally stopped and it was just consistent moaning with Carlos trembling on the edge of his climax. He wanted to speak, to say what was on his mind, but he couldn't -- the words wouldn't come, he was panting way to hard to say anything at all. But he wanted Trent to keep up the fast, hard, deep pace until he exploded into the incredible orgasm he knew was waiting for him. He wanted to come at the same time as his lover came inside of him -- to experience that oneness together.
Trent felt his restraint, if he had even had any, slip. He knew Carlos was ready too, so he let himself go. Only a few more thrusts and he felt both their orgasm begin. Letting go of his lover's shaft, Trent took his now free arm and put it on top of his other arm, pulling Carlos back even closer to him just as they both came and came hard.
Carlos knew Trent was ready to come and when he felt his lover's hand leave his penis he was already starting his own wonderful climax. The incredible feeling of his lover pulling him back towards him even more and thrusting even deeper was all he needed and with a large spasm he cried out loudly as he came and came hard, shaking uncontrollably. He was breathing very hard, completely beyond speaking or even thinking coherently at this point. He collapsed, not able to stay up on hands and knees any longer.
Trent followed Carlos down as he fell onto the seat below him. He was still breathing very hard, still holding on to Carlos's abdomen, still holding them pressed close together. Finally able to move, Trent withdrew his arms from underneath Carlos, then removed himself from his lover's body. He returned to lie on top of Carlos, running his hands over his shoulders, kissing his neck. "I love you so very much, Carlos," Trent said in his lover's ear as soon as he could speak.
Carlos loved the feeling of his lover lying on top of him and as always he was disappointed when their joining ended. But that disappointment was soon replaced by joy again as soon as his lover lay back down on top of him. He loved Trent's hands on his shoulders and his wonderful kisses on his neck. He was aware of all of it happening but not much else. He was still too high from wherever it was that Trent had sent him. It would take some time for him to get his senses back. He still couldn't speak but he heard his lover speak to him and moved his head a little in acknowledgment -- he only wished it could be more but he wasn't capable right then. He was still breathing too hard and all he wanted to do was lie there and feel his lover's weight on top of him -- that was a wonderful feeling and he didn't want it to end.
Trent continued to lay on top of Carlos, caressing him and hugging him, dropping kisses on his neck and as far towards his face as he could reach. When his lover's breathing was just a little more calm, Trent moved off of Carlos, pulling him up from lying face down on the seat and turning him around so he could hug him and pet him properly as he came the rest of the way down from his orgasm. Trent put one arm around his lover, then brought Carlos's head against his chest with the other. He ran his hand through Carlos's hair and kissed his forehead, continuing to hug him tight in his arms.
Carlos was grateful that Trent turned him around for he couldn't have done it himself. He loved having his head on his lover's chest, the feel of Trent's hand in his hair, the wonderful kisses on his forehead -- all while being hugged tightly in his lover's arms. It was the best -- he couldn't possibly have hoped for anything more than this and it was overwhelming him almost that he could feel this way. He found a tiny bit of strength and snuggled against Trent's body even closer if that were possible, then tried to recover his breathing a little more. He closed his eyes and just lay there absorbing Trent's love as he slowly came back down to himself.
Trent continued to hug Carlos to him as he recovered from his 'vacation'. It brought him such pleasure to know he pleased his lover so much. He smiled and kissed the top of Carlos's head, continuing to hold his lover tight against himself.
After a while Carlos began to breathe more regularly and he reached a hand up to caress his lover's face gently. "I love you so very much, baby -- I can't tell you how special that was -- thank you," he said and hoped that the words, combined with the look in his eyes and on his face, would show Trent at least in part how much he loved him. His heart was overflowing with love and he wanted to show it in every possible way to his lover for the rest of his life.
Trent looked down at Carlos, still held tightly in his arms. "You're welcome. Yes, I did sort of get the impression you kinda liked that," Trent said, with a grin on his face. He moved his hand to his lover's face. "But every time with you is special -- always has been -- always will be," Trent said, his voice full of the love overflowing from his heart and soul. He leaned down capturing Carlos's mouth in a sweet and tender kiss.
Carlos loved Trent's grin -- and the feel of his lover's hand on his face -- all had such special meaning to him and he couldn't take his eyes off of Trent as he listened to those wonderful words he spoke. When his mouth captured his, he returned the kiss with all of the love he had inside, softly and tenderly. "Everything we do is special, baby -- and it always will be," he said smiling, still not quite back to normal but returning to himself more quickly. He loved the closeness so much -- being held in his lover's arms was wonderful -- to feel their strength and warmth wrapped around him and Trent's love flowing through them was all he needed. He sighed a sigh of pure contentment and happiness at being with the one he loved. "I love you," he said again, knowing he could never say it enough but he would say it every chance he got.
Trent moved Carlos's head back to his chest and put his own head down on top of Carlos's, still holding on to him. He flashed once more on sitting on the couch holding the stuffed teddy bear all night the night Carlos was missing in just this same manner. This time he smiled and squeezed his lover tighter for a moment. "I love you too, Lucky Bear," he said, knowing in his heart that everything that had happened to them in the last few weeks had been for a reason.
Carlos closed his eyes as Trent moved his head back to his chest -- it felt so wonderful -- very warm and comforting, and he lay there with his eyes closed feeling his lover's arms holding him tightly. When Trent's hold tightened he knew that his lover was thinking of something. Then came the words he loved to hear and they made him smile the brightest smile he had. He let out a very happy contented sigh -- they were together forever and that was all he needed in the world -- his lover, his precious Trent. "I guess we should get going but I want to stay like this -- right here in your arms, Soaring Eagle," he said. He really didn't want to leave his lover's strong, warm, loving arms and he snuggled against Trent's chest a little more so that he could be even closer if that were possible.
"Arms? Shouldn't that be wings?" Trent teased, even though he truly felt like he was flying, his soul soaring. "But then I suppose that would make these paws, hum?" Trent continued, picking up one of Carlos's hands and kissing the palm.
Carlos loved it when Trent kissed his palm -- it felt wonderful. He looked up at his lover and laughed lightly at the reference to wings and paws. It was true -- that would fit their Indian names and he just smiled an even bigger brighter smile as he looked at his lover. "I love your wings around me, baby," he said. Although he was teasing his lover back he also meant every word of it. He really did adore being held by his lover anytime, anywhere.
Trent looked at Carlos watching him kiss his hand. He smiled at him then kissed his hand again. "I guess you're right about getting going. But we can wait a few more minutes if you need to. Are you more or less back from 'vacation'?" Trent asked, willing to give Carlos all the time he needed, having been there many a time himself.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of his lover. When he kissed his hand again he sighed once more and reached a hand out to run through his lover's hair. How he ever got so lucky he didn't know. But he knew there was a greater power involved in bringing them together and he would be forever grateful for Trent's love for the rest of his life. He would do anything in the world to love him and keep him safe forever. "I'm almost back -- we can go now," he said smiling. He really was ready to go, but at the same time he didn't want to leave. He reminded himself that there would be many more times like these so he lifted himself off of his lover and began to get dressed again.
Trent pulled his own clothes back on after Carlos moved away from him. "It was easier getting these off in here than back on," Trent complained, trying to get his pants and underwear back on in the cramped area of the back seat.
"You're right -- getting them off *is* easier than getting them back on," Carlos said, eyes sparkling and flashing that wicked grin of his.
Finally managing to get himself back together, Trent glanced at his lover who was done dressing and waiting for him to finish. Trent leaned over and kissed Carlos, then opened the door and climbed out of the back seat. He turned back to help Carlos out then shut the door and went back to the driver's side and got back in.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss tenderly and passionately, then got out of the back seat and back into the front and fastened his seatbelt, ready for the drive home. "This has been a wonderful weekend -- but *anytime* I spend with you is wonderful," he said looking at his lover and smiling, somewhat wickedly still.
"Who wouldn't like a weekend of nonstop sex?" Trent smiled broadly at Carlos who had that naughty gleam in his eye again already. "Don't suppose you kept track of just *how* many times or anything? I really think we might have broken a few records," Trent said, still smiling, "And not just for quantity. I think the creativity score should be pretty high, too."
Carlos was thoroughly enjoying their bantering and teasing -- it was one of the things he loved most about Trent. "Nonstop sex -- what a real appeal that has," he said, intentionally using the word 'appeal' in there for a good pun. "I can't say that I did bother keeping track, baby -- I was too busy having one wonderful time after another. And as for creativity -- we know no bounds where that is concerned," he added, his wicked smile getting more wicked if that were possible.
Trent started the engine and headed back to the highway. They still had a long drive ahead of them. Even though neither of them needed to get up early, Kim having totally cleared the calendar through tomorrow, it had still been a long day and Carlos needed his rest still. Trent glanced over at his lover and smiled then turned his attention back to the road.
Carlos smiled at his lover again and reflected back on their weekend together and how wonderful it had been. He would never forget it and he started to think about the next time they could come back this way again and rent the same cabin. He laughed lightly at thinking of the 'handcuffs' on the bed posts and what the management would think, but they had enjoyed it and that was all that mattered. He watched the scenery go by and glanced occasionally at his lover. What a beautiful man he was and how lucky he was to have him in his life.
It really had been a wonderful weekend. Trent thought back over it all and ended up on the 'surprise' they had left the cleaning crew in the bedroom. He chucked to himself at the idea of it again and the fun they had had fixing it up. And the fun they had had getting the chocolate and caramel on the sheets.
Sooner than it even seemed possible they saw the Dallas skyline up ahead of them. Getting back to his apartment, Trent parked the truck and they got their things and went upstairs. Trent opened the door to the apartment. "It was a great weekend, but it's good to be home, too. 'Course wherever I am as long as I'm with you is home," Trent said, as they entered and closed the door.
Carlos followed Trent into his apartment and smiled when he heard the words his lover had just spoken. "Same here, baby. It doesn't matter where I am as long as I'm with you. *you* are my home," he said and kissed his lover passionately.
"My sentiments exactly," Trent said and kissed Carlos back.
"I'll take the bags and put them away in the bedroom, OK?" Carlos offered, and picked up both of their bags and headed off into the bedroom.
Trent smiled at Carlos as he headed off with the bags. He really couldn't help watching his rear end again. **I think I've been hanging around Carlos too long,** Trent thought, **I can't seem to get enough and my body is actually cooperating.** He was getting aroused again just watching his lover.
Carlos set the bags down on the floor by the dresser, opened them and put what few dirty clothes there were in the laundry basket -- smiling at remembering they had spent the majority of the weekend naked or in their robes -- the others back in the dresser, their robes on the end of the bed, and the bags away in the closet.
Trent headed into the kitchen to check on what was in the fridge for breakfast in the morning. Since they weren't going to work, he wanted to check if they needed anything before getting ready for bed. Turning on the kitchen light and heading to the fridge, Trent had an idea. He knew if he didn't show up in the bedroom Carlos would come looking for him. Grinning from ear to ear at the idea, Trent toed both his shoes off then went to the fridge and climbed up on the counter and then on top of the fridge, hoping it would hold his weight. Getting out the KY that was still in his pocket, he then moved carefully so his feet were hanging over the front of the fridge. He put one hand down on each side of himself, one hand holding the KY so it was clearly visible, crossed his legs at the ankles in an attractive manner, and waited for Carlos to come find him.
Since his lover hadn't come back into the bedroom, Carlos headed back into the livingroom and, not seeing him there, went into the kitchen. Catching something out of the corner of his eye he turned and looked, breaking into a fit of laughter at seeing his lover on top of the refrigerator. He loved it -- absolutely loved it. He stood there for a moment fully admiring his lover. "You getting a *rise* out of that?" he asked very suggestively. With his eyes dancing and the wicked smile on his face. Carlos immediately began undressing, fully aroused and ready to love Trent all over again.
"If I'm not, I'm sure *you* are. Or that was the point anyway," Trent said, watching Carlos taking his clothes off. After Carlos took his pants off, Trent said, "Yup, I thought so," and smiled just as wickedly, well almost as wickedly, back at Carlos. No one could beat Carlos's wicked grin -- no one.
Carlos continued smiling wickedly at his lover and took his underwear off slowly, seductively, then tossed it aside. After taking his shirt off and tossing that aside he climbed up onto the counter and reached out to his lover.
Trent continued to smile as he watched Carlos finish undressing. The man was simply gorgeous, no two ways about that. He was getting more aroused by the second. Then Carlos was naked and headed for the counter. Trent's pants were getting uncomfortable he was so aroused.
Carlos turned Trent around and pulled him towards himself and into a very deep passionate kiss -- hungry to satisfy his appetite which was increasing by the second. Releasing his lover, he took his socks off him, letting them drop to the floor. He massaged his lover's penis through his pants while his other hand lifted Trent's t-shirt out. He slid his hand underneath his lover's shirt and began to caress his lover's chest, looking into his lover's eyes the entire time.
Trent went eagerly to his lover and kissed him back, his passion rising higher by the minute. He started to pant as he watched Carlos take off his socks. When his lover touched his shaft through his pants, Trent gasped, then moaned his pleasure. When Carlos managed to get a hand under his shirt, he moaned again, loving the feel of his lover's hand on his chest.
"These need to come off," Carlos whispered in a very husky voice as he felt his lover's shaft through his pants and it was obvious that it was at the uncomfortable stage. With great skill and swiftness Carlos unbuckled Trent's belt and then unbuttoned his jeans.
Trent nodded when Carlos indicated his pants needed to come off. Boy, did they. By the time Carlos had his belt unbuckled and his pants undone, they needed to come off even more.
Carlos encouraged his lover to lift up to help him get his pants and underwear off and Carlos slid them down Trent's body slowly, sensually -- making sure to take his time and draw this out, although they were both ready and he knew it. He seductively caressed his lover's penis softly with his hand then slid his hands down his thighs as he took the pants and underwear with him and then dropped them on the floor, still looking his lover in the eyes.
"Oh, Carlos, so good...," Trent managed, then moaned when Carlos caressed his shaft then thighs. By the time his pants and underwear were off and on the floor Trent was breathing hard, watching Carlos, trembling in anticipation of what was to come.
Carlos was very pleased that his lover was enjoying his touches and caresses. He pulled Trent to him and kissed him deeply and passionately again, his tongue searching and claiming all of the sweetness that was pure Trent. He couldn't get enough and his tongue dueled with Trent's, loving the feeling and the sensations running through his body. When he had to break the kiss out of the need for air, he lifted Trent's shirt up over his head and tossed it on the floor on top of everything else already there and began nuzzling his lover's neck, but only briefly, before suddenly and swiftly taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard -- very hard. Once it was a hardened peak he moved his mouth to the other one and sucked hard on that one while his hand kept fondling the other one until they were both as hard as they could get.
Trent kissed Carlos back with all the passion he had building in him. The kissing was so good, so very good. After the kiss, when Carlos took hold of his shirt, Trent lifted his arms so his lover could remove it. He watched Carlos toss his shirt to the floor. Seeing it fall on top of the pile of clothes already there was very erotic. Trent's attention to the clothes on the floor was short lived though as Carlos began to nuzzle him. He moved his head back to give his lover more room, only to be surprised as Carlos suddenly took his nipple into his mouth. Trent breathed in sharply in surprise then let out the same breath with a moan of pure pleasure. When Carlos moved his mouth to the other nipple, Trent moaned again, loving the dual stimulation of his lover's hand on one nipple and his mouth on the other.
Now that his lover's nipples were very hard, Carlos licked his way slowly down his lover's body until he reached his navel where the tip of his tongue swirled around the edge several times before dipping into the center and pressing hard.
Trent was watching Carlos's every move. He was panting so hard, moaning softly. When his lover started to move down his body from his nipples, he leaned back slightly with his upper body, putting his hands down on the fridge, slightly behind his torso, to support himself. He continued to watch as Carlos began to lick his navel. When his lover pressed his tongue into it, Trent cried out softly then moaned.
Carlos's tongue continued down Trent's body until he got near his lover's hard shaft and he licked and tasted all around his shaft without touching it at first, wanting to savor the flavor of his lover's skin -- to take in his lover's scent. He moved his mouth over Trent's penis and, while supporting himself with one arm, he took the other hand and began to pet Trent's shaft lovingly while the tip of his tongue took in the accumulated fluid at the head of his penis, looking up at his lover's face the whole time.
Trent's moaning became a bit louder when Carlos began to lick around his shaft. He was so hard already, but this made him even harder -- he didn't know how or that it was even possible at that point. When Carlos began to touch him with his hand and used his tongue on the tip, Trent cried out loudly. He was still panting very hard, the moaning had become louder. Carlos was looking at him, and he at Carlos. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't.
Carlos was ready and knew that Trent was too. His lover's incredibly hard shaft combined with his wonderful moans were all he needed, making his own penis become even harder, responding to his lover's enjoyment. While continuing to pet his lover's hard shaft lovingly, he lifted up and kissed his lover hard and passionately, his tongue once again tasting everything that was Trent.
Trent attempted to kiss his lover back, but he was breathing so hard and moaning so much all he managed to do was moan in Carlos's mouth and enjoy the kiss his lover was giving his mouth and the caresses he was giving his shaft.
After breaking the kiss out of the need for air, Carlos reached for the tube of KY that his lover was still holding. Taking the tube from Trent and squeezing some in his hand he coated his own very hard shaft thoroughly then put more on his fingers to stretch and prepare his lover for their joining.
Trent was gripping the tube of KY so hard by this point it took a moment for him to be able to release his grip on it so Carlos could take it from him. A shiver ran through him, knowing this meant Carlos was ready to join with him. Trent continued to moan softly as he watched Carlos prepare himself.
Carlos encouraged Trent to turn over, his feet on the counter and his upper body on the fridge. Once Trent had moved, Carlos gently inserted his fingers into his lover's body to stretch and prepare him for their joining.
Then Trent was turning around and turning over. How he was doing it he wasn't sure, but he did it. When Carlos put his fingers inside him, Trent cried out. He was so close to the edge, so ready to come, he almost did at the feel of his lover's fingers inside of him. He maintained his control, but he knew it wasn't for long. He pushed back against Carlos's fingers in an effort to hurry him on, to express his desire and need. Words were far beyond him.
Knowing his lover was on the edge Carlos withdrew his fingers from his lover's body gently and replaced them with his very hard penis -- thrusting in gently until he was all the way in. Without hesitation he immediately pulled almost all the way out then thrust back in again as hard and as deep as he could. Carlos continued to thrust -- each one harder and deeper than the last, keeping up the fast pace he had started with. Carlos was moaning over and over as he thrust deep inside his lover's body, enjoying the wonderful feeling of his lover underneath him.
Trent was so grateful Carlos understood his needs without him having to say the words. He whimpered ever so slightly when Carlos withdrew his fingers from his body -- both at the temporary loss of contact of his lover's body and at the excitement of what he knew was to come. When Carlos entered him with his shaft, Trent cried out. He almost came, but again managed to hold on to his control somehow. Wanting to wait for his lover to join him on the edge was all that kept him from it, he was sure. After only a few thrusts by his lover, Trent began to push back against Carlos, needing more, wanting everything Carlos had to give him. His restraint was slipping fast.
Carlos loved hearing his lover's cries of pleasure. It was time for them to fall over that edge and he reached around Trent's waist and, just as he wrapped his hand around his lover's very hard shaft, Trent came and came hard. Carlos exploded and came very hard a moment later, his own hard shaft sending his essence deep inside his lover's body.
Trent knew he was losing all restraint, but when Carlos touched his shaft, he surprised even himself by coming immediately. He came hard, crying out in his passion. He felt his lover coming inside him only a moment later, the feeling increasing his pleasure even more.
After the larger spasms subsided Carlos dropped several kisses across Trent's back as he slowly and gently removed himself from his lover's body. He immediately returned to kiss his lover some more, turning him around to face him and dropping kisses on his chest then nuzzled his neck for a little while.
Trent felt Carlos removing himself from his body. The kisses to his back were wonderful and he enjoyed them as he returned very slowly to himself, still panting hard and moaning softly. He continued to enjoy the kisses now on his chest after Carlos turned him around. And the nuzzling -- oh, the nuzzling -- he was floating still and coming down very slowly, very gently and very delightfully.
Carlos helped Trent sit down on the counter and then he jumped down to the floor from the counter giving Trent plenty of room to sit and return slowly to himself. Carlos held him very close and tight, running one hand up and down his back while he kissed the top of his head. "I love you so much, Trent," he said softly, still breathing heavily.
Trent managed to cooperate with Carlos as he moved him to the counter. When his lover moved back to him, Trent's arms went around him and he hugged him tightly, putting his head on his lover's chest. The caresses and the kisses were helping him to still float back down ever so gently to himself. It felt so good. He sighed and hugged Carlos closer and snuggled his head against his chest. "Mmmm...," was all he was able to vocalize, still breathing hard, but most of the way back to normal.
Carlos continued to rub Trent's back and kiss him. He put a hand under his lover's chin lifting it so that he could bring their lips together in a soft, tender, passionate kiss. He continued to hold Trent very close to him, loving the feel of his lover's head against his chest. It felt wonderful and he could stay like this forever, but it was time to go to bed. They could cuddle as they fell asleep. "Why don't we go to bed, baby -- we can cuddle and fall asleep holding each other," he suggested, smiling brightly at his precious Trent -- the most incredible best friend and lover anyone could ever have.
Trent returned Carlos's kiss this time. He was more or less back to himself and the kiss was wonderful. He put his head back on his lover's chest when the kiss ended. When Carlos spoke, Trent lifted his head and looked at him. "Sounds good to me," he said, smiling back at his lover, "But you're going to have to let me down off the counter first, I think."
Carlos laughed softly since he was holding his lover tightly against him and there was no way for him to get down without Carlos stepping back a little. He reluctantly loosened his hold around Trent and helped him down off the counter, then drew him into his arms again and kissed him once more very passionately before taking his hand and leading the way into the bedroom. He walked over to the bed and with his free hand he pulled back the covers then climbed into bed still holding his lover's hand waiting for Trent to join him so he could hold him all night long in his arms.
Trent got down off the counter, when Carlos stepped back to let him, and was so happy when his lover caught him up in his arms again and kissed him. Then following Carlos's lead, he went with him to the bedroom, climbing into bed after him and snuggling up to his lover, his head on his chest. "This was one great weekend," Trent said, then looked up at Carlos, "I love you so much, Carlos. Thank you for making it so special." Trent wasn't referring to just the weekend anymore.
Carlos wrapped his arms tightly around his lover holding him as close as he possibly could. He kissed the top of his lover's head and his cheek then tightened the hold he had around Trent. "Yes, it was a great weekend. I love you too, Trent -- very, very much. I can't begin to thank you for making this weekend as special as it was," he said smiling. He sighed and kissed Trent again, feeling totally and completely in love and at peace, knowing he had the most wonderful, incredible person in the world right beside him.
Trent lay there in Carlos's arms remembering the weekend. He remembered the realization he had come to, that Bryan had brought he and Carlos together. He remembered the dream. When Trent had had the dream about Bryan again at the lake, and it had been so different, he had known the dream was gone for good. He also knew in his heart that now Bryan was at peace, able to move on. Trent wasn't holding him back any longer. But there was one more thing he had to do.
"I'll be right back," Trent said to Carlos, and got out of bed and went to the dresser. Removing the box containing Bryan's dog tags from the drawer where he had put it, he took a deep breath and opened the box. He took the dog tags out and held them, looking at them. Trent realized now that the forever he and Bryan had planned on *had* happened, it just hadn't felt that way when he had been left behind to go on alone.
Carlos left the bed quietly and followed Trent to the dresser. He knew something was on his lover's mind. Carlos saw what Trent was doing, what he was holding, and his mind went back to that day the package with Bryan's dog tags had arrived and Trent's reaction to seeing them and holding them. Carlos put a hand on each of Trent's shoulders and stepped up behind him very close. "Are you OK?" he asked softly.
Trent smiled. "Yes," he said, "I'm better than OK." Trent put the dog tags back in the box and returned the box to the dresser where he had gotten it. Turning around to face Carlos, Trent smiled at him. "Let's go to bed," he said, taking Carlos's hand and going back to their bed. He waited for Carlos to get in, then climbed in beside him, kissing him on the lips then snuggling up to him, his head on Carlos's chest, his arm around his waist. "I love you, Carlos," Trent said, "Now and forever."
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent as he settled by his side. He kissed him back with all the love he had inside him, then sighed contentedly when Trent put his head on his chest, snuggling up to him. "I love you too, Trent," Carlos said, "Now and forever."
*****The End*****
All of our stories have titles that are also titles of songs from musicals.
This one is from "Pippin"
Words and music by Steven Schwartz
Morning Glow
Morning glow, morning glow
Starts to glimmer when you know
Winds of change are set to blow
And sweep this whole land through
Morning glow is long past due
Morning glow fill the earth
Come and shine for all you're worth
We'll be present at the birth
Of old faith looking new
Morning glow is long past due
Oh, morning glow,
I'd like to help you grow
We should have started long ago
So, morning glow all day long
While we sing tomorrow's song
Never knew we could be so strong
But now it's very clear
Morning glow is almost here
Morning glow by your light
We can make the new day bright
And the phantoms of the night
Will fade into the past
Morning glow is here
At last!
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