Morning Glow
Page Three

Eating his ice cream and eyeing Carlos, Trent was taking his time and waiting for the right moment. As soon as Carlos had finished his ice cream, Trent reached for the whipped topping. "Need some more of this," Trent explained as he started to squirt more of the topping on his ice cream. Purposely squirting it in the direction of Carlos, Trent was pleased to see a good size blob of the topping, as well as some smaller ones, land on Carlos's arm right where he had been aiming.
Carlos looked at his arm when the whipped cream hit it and couldn't think of a thing to say. **I should have thought of that,** he thought to himself, as he looked across the table at his lover.
"Oh, I'm *so* sorry, Carlos," Trent said, still maintaining his innocent look.
"Uh huh..., sure you are," Carlos said, knowing that Trent was enjoying every second of this and so was he. He was glad to see his lover this way and was thrilled that Trent did this to him.
"Let me get that for you," Trent said as he lifted Carlos's arm off the table and drew it towards himself. He licked the topping off of Carlos's arm, very slowly, very deliberately, very sensuously, then put his arm back on the table when it was clean. Trent then turned his attention back to his ice cream.
Carlos decided that two could play at this game and he picked up the can of whipped cream, shook it a little and deliberately aimed it at Trent, and got him just below the Adams apple. Carlos got up from his seat and went over to his lover, leaned his head back, and licked the whipped cream off his lover's neck, savoring every drop of it, until Trent's neck was perfectly clean. He then went back to his seat and sat down, pretending total innocence. "Everything OK, Trent?" he asked, rubbing it in even more.
Trent was a bit surprised when Carlos aimed the whipped cream at him, but totally loving it. When his lover came over and licked his neck off, he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling. When Carlos returned to his chair, again Trent was surprised, but knew the game wasn't over yet. "Yes, just fine. Thank you for cleaning that up for me, Carlos," Trent said, managing to maintain his innocent look.
Carlos sat in his chair thoroughly enjoying himself -- it was a very sensual experience and one that was making him so very hot and full of passion and desire for the one person who could do this to him and to know that Trent was loving it as much as he was just made him hotter.
Picking up the whipped cream again, Trent decided not to pretend to put it anywhere but where he wanted it. Taking the can, he squirted Carlos's finger with it. Trent put down the can and picked up Carlos's hand and proceeded to lick off his finger. Up one side, down the other, around and around, getting all the whipped cream off of it. Finally satisfied the finger was clean, Trent looked up at Carlos watching him. He gave him a look of total love and total lust then took the finger in his mouth and began to suck on it, still watching his lover.
The sensations running through Carlos were amazing -- sensual, seductive -- those familiar sparks were shooting through his body and he couldn't get enough. It was making his passion rise so fast and so high when Trent licked his finger clean. He looked at his lover looking at him and what he saw in that look made him tremble with desire. It was incredible and he didn't want it to end. When Trent began sucking his finger that was almost too much and he wanted Trent to make love to him -- soon. He moaned softly and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lover's mouth around his finger, knowing that this was just the beginning.
Releasing Carlos's finger from his mouth, Trent got up from his chair and knelt down in front of his lover. He opened up his robe, watching his lover as he did so. Reaching up for the can of whipped topping, Trent shook the can then put the nozzle in Carlos's navel and squirted it.
His eyes still closed, Carlos couldn't believe the sensation when the whipped cream was squirted into his navel. He gasped and moaned, trembling even more with desire, wanting Trent so badly -- with everything he had. "Oh, baby, that feels sooo good," he said, not quite able to describe it because it was very intense -- it made him shiver, but also made him feel a warmth running through him. He felt like he was on top of the world, and the light fluffy substance on his body just added to the feelings in his mind of drifting away. He was on his way again to that wonderful place where his lover knew how to send him.
Trent put the can back on the table then looked up at his lover before sticking out his tongue to lick off the whipped cream he had squirted on him. Trent did a thorough job, being sure he got all the whipped cream out of Carlos's navel -- licking, sucking, sticking his tongue in and moving it around. When he was finished, he gave it a few more licks for good measure before looking up at Carlos again and running his palms up his chest.
Carlos sank into the chair and his hands reached out to touch his lover. Trent's tongue was doing incredible things to him and he could barely keep a coherent thought in his head, but he was sure of one thing -- Trent was incredible, fantastic and indescribably the most wonderful lover in the entire world -- and this was just the beginning! When his lover's hands moved up his chest it sent a whole new set of sensations through him. He opened his eyes and took Trent's hands in his and kissed his palms, tasting not only his lover but his own scent on his lover, which increased his desire even more.
Trent watched as Carlos kissed his palms, but he wanted more. Freeing one of his hands, he moved it to Carlos's hair, then gently brought his lover's head down so their lips could meet. After kissing Carlos passionately, Trent released his lover's mouth, then his head, and reached for the whipped cream again, turning his attention to Carlos's erection.
His lover's kiss sent Carlos into that familiar upward spiral that was just making his impending climax all that more wonderful and he returned Trent's kiss with all of the love and passion he had inside him.
Using the same technique he had used on Carlos's finger a few minutes ago, Trent squirted whipped cream on Carlos's penis, from top to bottom in a long streak, making sure to hold the nozzle close to his lover's flesh to increase the sensation.
The intensity of the sensations increased when Trent squirted the whipped cream onto his already very hard penis. He was nearly beside himself now. The feelings were incredible -- he needed to come and was very close already and here Trent was adding even more to the extreme pleasure he'd had so far. This was indeed going to be one wonderful, blissful climax and Carlos found his desire drifting even further and higher than before. "Oh, Trent..., God that feels sooooo good...," he said, his voice trailing off from the sheer wonder of it all.
Trent smiled at Carlos before turning his attention to licking the whipped cream off of his lover's shaft. Putting out his tongue and licking gently, Trent concentrated on just licking off the majority of the whipped cream. Slowly and gently, he licked up and down his lover's shaft, cleaning the whipped cream off and enjoying the combined flavor of the whipped cream and Carlos immensely.
That touch, that pure and simple touch of his lover's tongue on the whipped cream, added a soft pressure on his penis that he couldn't describe in words, but he didn't need to describe it at all. His body told him everything he needed to know -- his lover did everything to him he needed to know -- and all of it was sending him on an incredible journey to a wonderful place where he would know pure bliss.
Once the better part of the whipped cream was gone, Trent licked more firmly, getting off the last of the topping, cleaning it all off, not missing a spot. Just as Trent had done with Carlos's finger earlier, when he was satisfied his lover's shaft was free from whipped cream, he took it in his mouth and began to suck on it.
This was incredible, Carlos thought, trying to keep his mind clear and focused, but it wasn't working, and after a while, he stopped trying to fight it. His hands reached out to pull Trent closer to him, to hold him there while his lover gave him all of this wonderful pleasure. He took one hand and ran it through Trent's hair. Then the whipped cream was gone and Carlos watched as his lover took him in his mouth, causing him to arch his back. He held onto Trent tighter as his passion started climbing higher and he started panting heavily.
Trent knew his lover was very close to release and needed little further stimulation to fall over the edge, so he just kept his lover's shaft in his mouth and sucked hard. It only took a few seconds before Carlos exploded in Trent's mouth.
Carlos closed his eyes and arched his back even higher, wanting to bring his lover as close to him as possible, giving him as much access as he could to his penis. It was so good, very, very good, and he wanted more -- all that Trent could give him. He was right on the edge, it wouldn't take much more and he wanted to come so much. When Trent sucked on him hard that one last time was all it took, and his hot rich essence poured into his lover's mouth with such a force he couldn't believe it.
Trent continued to suck on Carlos after his release, being sure he got all of his lover's essence. The flavor combination was incredible. Trent released Carlos from his mouth then straightened up, staying on his knees, and put his arms around Carlos -- his head against this chest. Trent's arms went inside his lover's robe, touching his bare flesh, and he hugged him tight as he came down from his orgasm.
Carlos loved nothing more than when Trent continued to suck on him after his climax -- that alone was one incredible feeling and he never wanted it to end. Struggling to control his breathing he managed to speak a few words. "Oh, God, baby, that was wonderful, so very, very nice. Thank you," he said, before he was completely winded once more. He wrapped his arms around Trent and held him close and tight, leaning down to kiss him on the top of his head. "You're incredible," he said. Although still breathless, he was returning slowly back to normal from the indescribable place his lover had just sent him. "I do believe it's your turn now," Carlos said sensually to his lover, who was holding him so tightly.
Trent wasn't sure quite why, but he didn't think he was *up* to any attention to himself at the moment. As wonderful as Carlos's offer was, he was going to have decline it -- for now. Trent looked up at his lover who was looking down at him with such love. "As lovely as that offer is, I think you might be a bit disappointed with your present if you try to unwrap it right now," Trent said, "But I'll definitely take a rain check on that, if you don't mind."
Carlos leaned forward and pulled his lover to him, holding him tightly. "I think...," Carlos kissed Trent's forehead, "...that...," a kiss on his cheek, "...can be...," a kiss on the tip of his nose "...arranged," Carlos said, kissing Trent full and hard on the lips to seal the promise he just made.
Trent let go of Carlos and stood up. "I really need to do the dishes," Trent said, heading to the sink, "You'll keep me company, though?" assuming Carlos wasn't moving anyway. When he was about half way done with the dishes, Trent said, "Why don't you start a fire in the fireplace? You always were better at building fires than me, Lucky Bear." Trent remembered well his campfire disasters when they were kids at camp. His never did seem to want to light or stay lit.
Carlos laughed, then got up and went to Trent at the sink and kissed him, very lovingly. "A fire sounds great, and I'll be happy to build one for us," he said, as he walked to the door to go outside where the wood was stacked. He returned a few moments later with his arms full of wood. He got on his hands and knees in front of the fireplace and leaned in as far as he could to look up and see if the damper was open or not. You couldn't have a fire if the damper was closed. Seeing that it was open, he started to crumple up the newspaper and put a nice layer across the rack in the fireplace.
Trent finished up the dishes and turned out the lights in the kitchen and went into the livingroom to join Carlos. He was greeted by the sight of Carlos on his knees, sitting back on his feet, crumpling up newspapers. He sat down to watch.
Carlos put smaller pieces of kindling across the paper and alternated the pieces so that they were crisscrossed which made for a better longer lasting fire. Then he put the bigger pieces on those and lit the paper.
After crumpling up the paper, Carlos moved on to the kindling and bigger pieces of wood, changing his position so he was on his hands and knees. Trent was enjoying the view very much and starting to feel a bit more *up* than he had been before. When Carlos bent over further to light the paper, Trent was definitely getting aroused watching his lover. **Humm, he *is* good at building fires,** Trent laughed to himself at the idea of two fires being built at the same time, the one in the fireplace and his own desire for Carlos.
It was only a matter of minutes before the fire was blazing tall and very hot. Carlos had been on his knees this whole time and he continued to take the remaining wood they would need throughout the night and stack it next to the fireplace for later use.
As the fire in the fire place caught and blazed so did Trent's. Had he thought he wasn't *up* to anything? He had been very wrong as his growing erection proved. Carlos continued to stay on his knees, moving around, stacking the wood and fussing with the fire before finally finishing and coming to join him in the couch.
Carlos sat next to his lover and pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him tightly and kissed the top of his head. He ran his hands up and down his lover's back soothingly, then pulled back a little and using one hand to gently lift his chin up he brought their lips together in a very passionate kiss, his tongue seeking entry into his lover's mouth so that he could taste everything that was Trent. He moaned softly at first when his tongue made contact with the inside of his lover's mouth, but it didn't take long before things heated up and he was moaning louder. "I love you so very much," he whispered into Trent's ear, then began nuzzling his neck, that favorite spot of both of theirs.
Trent's arousal had been building steadily since his lover had joined him on the couch. The first touch of Carlos's hand had caused his fire to burn brighter, the kiss had made it hotter still, but when Carlos began to nuzzle him, Trent 'heard' that snap in his head that was his self control breaking. He put his hand under Carlos's chin and brought his mouth back to his and kissed him with all the passion that had been building inside him.
Carlos loved the way that Trent was responding to him, and always responded to him, which made his desire for his lover rise higher and higher with each passing moment. He was feeling Trent's own passion rising and when his lover kissed him he returned the kiss -- matching his lover's passion with his own.
Continuing to passionately kiss Carlos, Trent maneuvered out of his lover's embrace and climbed into his lap, straddling him, one knee on each side of him. Still kissing Carlos, Trent reached down and undid his lover's robe, opening it by putting his hands inside and sliding them across his chest to his shoulders.
Carlos was nearly breathless -- kissing his lover back with everything he had -- Trent's kisses were so very hot and they were taking him over completely. He loved what Trent was doing to him -- every sensation that ran through his body was like a spark, each one threatening to burn hotter than the last one. When his lover straddled him and put his hands on his chest, Carlos closed his eyes for a moment, moaning softly.
Releasing Carlos's mouth, Trent moved his mouth down to nuzzle, lick and nip at his lover's neck, his own passion building fast as he tasted his lover's skin, heard his lover's moans of pleasure. He moved quickly on to Carlos's nipples taking first one then the other into his mouth and sucking hard, running his tongue around and around, pressing down hard as he did.
Carlos tilted his head back to give Trent more access to his neck, not that it was needed at all. When his lover began sucking his nipples he arched his back high, moaning loudly. "God, baby..., what you do to me... I want you so much...," he managed to say, for once not even knowing how he was able to speak. It was too much, so very intense, and all he knew at that moment was that he needed Trent like he'd never needed him before.
Trent was all out of anything resembling self control. He needed to be inside his lover and he needed it now. He could feel Carlos's own need pressing against him so he released his lover's nipple and climbed off of him. Encouraging Carlos up on to his hands and knees, Trent found the tube of KY in his robe pocket. Lifting Carlos's robe up over his back, Trent put some of the lubricant on his fingers and inserted them into his lover, preparing them to join.
The anticipation couldn't get any better, hotter or higher than it was right now. Carlos gasped with pure pleasure when Trent's fingers entered his body. It was more amazing to him each time what his lover's fingers did to him. The sensations were fantastic and the sparks intensified making him lose all thought as his mind was taken over completely by the pure love, passion and desire of his lover. "Please, baby..., please make love to me," Carlos said, breathing quite heavily now, ragged almost. He pushed back against Trent to let him know how strong his need and desire was, although he knew that his lover was right there with him.
Removing his fingers from Carlos, Trent took some more of the KY and prepared himself to join with his lover. This wasn't going to last long, his own touch on his shaft almost causing him to come. Trent entered Carlos, slowly and steadily, pushing himself inside as far as he could. He immediately began to move, pulling back then thrusting in again, repeating the motion, quickening the pace with each thrust.
Carlos nearly lost it and he had to restrain himself to keep from coming as soon as Trent entered his body -- it was always such an incredible, amazing feeling, but this time was even better and he realized that *every* time was better than the last -- hard to imagine -- but true. As soon as his lover began thrusting inside him, Carlos moved back against him, pushing, encouraging Trent to thrust as deep and hard as he possibly could. He wanted it all -- everything his lover could give him and he wanted to give it all back, too -- for them both to experience the most incredible feelings in the world.
Knowing his own climax was very near, Trent reached around and took Carlos's organ in his hand, pumping it hard. A few more thrusts and Trent came inside his lover, sending his essence into Carlos, as Carlos came in his hand.
After a few more thrusts Carlos could no longer keep his restraint in check and as soon as he felt Trent come inside him, he released and came into his lover's hand, releasing everything, until he was completely expended.
Breathing very hard, eyes closed, Trent just remained as he had been when he came, deep inside his lover's body, kneeling upright behind him, holding his lover's shaft. Finally able to move, if not totally think straight, Trent released Carlos from his hand and removed himself from his lover's body. Leaning over Carlos's back, he hugged him tightly and continued to come down from his orgasm.
Carlos didn't want Trent to leave his body -- he never did because it was so very wonderful and felt so right. He knew he had to at some point and he was always briefly disappointed, but that was quickly replaced with hugging, cuddling and a lot of of love. Carlos was breathing very hard, panting, and it would take some time before he came back into himself.
Finally able to speak, Trent said, "You sure do know how to build a fire, that's for sure." Trent kissed the back of Carlos's neck lovingly.
Carlos laughed softly -- loving the compliment he was just paid. "You're not so bad yourself," he said, loving the kisses Trent was dropping on his neck.
Trent straightened up and moved to sit down, helping Carlos to sit, too. Gathering his lover in his arms, Trent kissed his forehead and said, "I love you so very much, Carlos. So very much."
After Trent helped him sit down, he went very willingly into his arms, adoring this part more than he could ever say. He loved the feel of his lover's arms wrapped around him so tight and always had his heart so full of love and passion for this very special man who could make him feel this way. "I love you too, Trent. More than you'll ever know," Carlos said, an understatement if there ever was one.
Sitting on the couch and holding Carlos close to him, Trent looked at the fire blazing in the fireplace. "Hey, you built a real nice fire in that fireplace, too," Trent teased, "I never have figured out how you do that so well."
"I enjoy building fires," Carlos said, teasing his lover right back. He was laughing and smiling, his arms wrapped around Trent tightly, loving the fire he had built inside Trent much more than the one he'd built in the fireplace. How could one person do so much for another? Carlos didn't think he could ever be loved like this, but Trent showed him more love than he could possibly imagine ever existed in the world and he reveled in the fact that it was all for him. He snuggled closer to Trent and held on tighter with his arms, wanting to feel all of the warmth, security, strength and love that his lover had to give, and to give Trent all of that back and more.
Trent pulled Carlos closer to him and kissed the top of his head. "You want to watch some TV? Must be almost 9pm. Should be something coming on we can stand to watch," Trent asked.
That kiss felt so good, very good, and Carlos moved even closer to his lover. "TV sounds great, Trent. I'm sure we can find something to occupy us," he said, beginning to grin wickedly again. He wasn't ready -- yet -- for any more action, but he loved to let Trent know how much he was loved and desired. He could never get enough of his lover and wanted him to know that.
Trent looked at Carlos, trying to decide if he was really ready to go again or if he was teasing him. It was hard to tell sometimes. Trent smiled at Carlos's wicked grin and just shook his head. "You really are too much sometimes, Carlos. Or is that you get too much?" Trent said, disentangling himself from Carlos's embrace. Getting up from the couch, Trent pulled his robe back around himself and tied it, then went to the TV set to get the remote from the top.
Carlos laughed softly at Trent's reference to his sexual appetite. "I can definitely say I could never ever get enough," he said, laughing a little more. He was not laughing *at* Trent, and he never would in a million years, but the look on his lover's face was priceless, absolutely priceless, and it thrilled Carlos to know he had this effect on him. He watched Trent as he got up, pulled his robe shut and walked over to get the remote from the TV. He sighed happily -- he loved everything about Trent Malloy and he planned on showing him how much at every opportunity.
Returning to the couch, Trent turned the TV on then sat down and gathered Carlos back into his arms again. "Let's see if there's anything on worth watching. It's just 9pm so we should be able to catch the start of something," Trent said, having noted the time when he got up.
As soon as Trent sat down Carlos was ready to be cuddled again. He loved this part -- it was so satisfying, very loving, warm and safe. He couldn't possibly feel more loved than he did right then and his arms wrapped around his lover's waist, his head lying against his lover's chest. Carlos could feel Trent's heart beating, that very solid, steady rhythm that he had grown so accustomed to. It was very soothing and relaxing and Carlos sank further against his lover reveling at being in his arms, while they watched television. "Oh, stop there, baby. What's this? It looks like the start of a movie," he said. "Want to see what this is?" he asked.
"Sure, why not?" Trent said, stopping his channel surfing and watching the start of the movie. "'Beastmaster'? Is this a regular channel or cable? They're going to have to cut a lot out if this is commercial TV," Trent commented, remembering the movie was very violent, some a bit gruesome.
"It sounds like a good movie. It doesn't really matter if there are commercials or not. We could always watch part of it and then decide," Carlos said, dropping several kisses on Trent's chest lovingly, then looked up at his lover to see what he wanted to do as he snuggled even deeper against his body. "You seem to know the title of the movie -- what's it about?" Carlos asked, snuggled so safe and warm and holding onto his lover tightly.
"I don't mind the commercials, per se, I just meant it's a rather violent movie and they're going to have to cut a lot of it to be appropriate for commercial TV," Trent informed Carlos, "And it was a long time ago I saw this. It's one of those prehistory fantasy things like Conan. Some guy in a skimpy costume who has this rapport with animals."
Carlos couldn't help but laugh when Trent made the comparison between the character in the movie and Conan. He just cuddled his lover and watched the movie. It was very violent as Trent pointed out, but he could see that it was part of the movie so cutting it out for commercial TV would have lost a good part of the meaning of the movie.
Carlos watched the beginning of the movie with much interest. Suddenly Carlos started laughing when they were a little way into the movie and the character Dar came across the screen all grown up. "He sure looks a lot like you, baby," Carlos said, laughing.
"What?" Trent said, a mixture of disbelief and amusement in his voice. "He does NOT look like me," Trent said, knowing Carlos was very right and more than a little pleased at the comparison, "He's blonde, I'll give you that, but..."
"I do think I've found a nickname for you now," Carlos added, thinking that since Trent referred to him as Conan, Carlos would now refer to Trent as Dar. He smiled and kissed his lover's chest a few more times and sighed a sigh of pure contentment while they continued to watch the movie.
Trent sighed. He could live with it. Actually, he liked it. "Well, I guess we know what costume to get for me from that movie costume place," Trent teased Carlos, thinking once again about Carlos in a Conan outfit.
Carlos laughed heartily at the thought of them in their outfits. "Hmmm..., that's something I'm really looking forward to, Dar," he said, and he turned to look into his lover's eyes and kiss him passionately, before returning to his side to cuddle close and have Trent's arms wrapped tightly around him once more.
Trent smiled at Carlos when he looked at him after calling him Dar. "I'm really not sure what to make of you sometimes, you do realize this?" Trent asked, then returned his lover's kiss.
The movie was over all too soon. "That was great, Dar. I really enjoyed that," Carlos said, teasing his lover more with his new nickname. He loved it and he knew that Trent did, too, and he snuggled even closer to him holding him even tighter.
Trent stretched a little after the movie then returned his arms to hold Carlos's tight. "So, you want to watch some more TV or are you ready for bed? You still need your rest, you know," Trent said, referring to the earlier incident with the dizziness.
"Bed sounds fine, baby," Carlos said, knowing Trent was right. He did have a bit of a rough time earlier and he needed to be sure he got enough rest. "I'll turn off the lights and lock up, you go ahead and warm up the bed," he said, smiling brightly at his lover. He kissed Trent then got up from the couch and tied his robe since he had never taken it off, then began turning out the lights.
Trent got up and headed to the bedroom. He straightened the bed just a bit, then took off his robe and got in and waited for Carlos to join him.
Carlos headed to the door to lock it, turning off the TV and the lights along the way. When he walked by the table he saw the bananas lying there and he stopped. Thinking of an idea he untied his robe and took it off. He grabbed one of the bananas and peeled it part way, then walked towards the bedroom. Stopping in the doorway to lean against the doorjamb, Carlos tossed his robe into a chair. He put the banana in his mouth sensually then, very seductively, took a large bite out of it, then looked at his lover sitting in bed watching him.
Trent heard Carlos approaching and looked up to see him standing in the doorway naked, leaning on the doorjamb, eating a banana, sporting a hard on. The rush he felt was amazing and he was almost instantly hard himself at the sight. He just stared for a moment, watching Carlos eat the banana and grin at him, his lover's eyes sparkling with mischief and lust. Trent started to speak, only to have his voice catch. Clearing his throat he somehow managed to find his voice. "Just what are you trying to do to me?" he asked, knowing full well what Carlos had in mind.
"I would think that's rather obvious," Carlos said, grinning wickedly at his lover. He finished the rest of the banana with one last large seductive bite, then threw the peel into the garbage. He was still leaning against the doorjamb enjoying this immensely, making sure to chew his banana very slowly to intensify the effect it was having on his lover. He was certain that Trent had a hard on, but he wanted to draw this out as long as possible to tease his lover and drive him crazy, which was something they both enjoyed very much. He loved the way Trent looked sitting there in bed -- so very beautiful and sexy -- and he looked deeply into his eyes as he finished chewing the last of his banana.
Trent couldn't stand it any longer. As lovely as the sight was, he had to touch his lover, be touched by him. Getting out of bed and heading to the doorway, Trent put his arms around Carlos, drawing him to him and kissed him with great passion.
Carlos watched intently, never taking his eyes off his beautiful lover as he got out of bed and walked over to him. When Trent put his arms around him and pulled him close he nearly melted at the touch -- so very special -- and his arms went around his lover's neck, holding him close as he returned Trent's kiss with all the passion he had inside. God, how he loved this man, everything about him was magical, and he reveled that he was in his arms being loved like this.
Holding tight to Carlos, still kissing him, Trent began to back up towards the bed. Finally feeling it behind him, he let go of Carlos only long enough for him to get into bed and lie down. Trent climbed in right behind him then resumed kissing his lover as he climbed on top of him, holding him tight again.
Carlos moved with his lover easily, kissing him thoroughly as they made their way to the bed until the kiss broke and Carlos climbed into bed waiting for his lover. When Trent climbed on top of him Carlos thought he would lose it right then. Once again his lips were consumed by a fire and passion that was burning out of control. With their arms wrapped around each other tightly Carlos wondered how it could ever get any better than this. He tasted Trent -- his tongue enjoying everything -- not able to get enough -- wanting everything Trent had to give.
Finally releasing Carlos's mouth, Trent began to nuzzle him. "I still can't believe what you do to me, Carlos," Trent managed to say, continuing to nuzzle his lover, adding his tongue and tasting his lover's skin. He moved his hand down his lover's chest on one side, caressing him. Trent added a few nips to the nuzzling and licking then said, "I love you so very much." With this he caught Carlos's mouth in a deep kiss again, moving his hand to his lover's nipple and rubbing it.
Carlos couldn't say a word -- they just escaped him as he was so captivated by what Trent was doing to him and he wanted more, so much more. He closed his eyes and moaned softly at first -- the feel of his lover's tongue on his skin, the nuzzling -- it was overwhelming and he couldn't get enough. When Trent kissed him again he moaned into his mouth with pure pleasure -- more than he could possibly imagine and he held his lover tightly to him, holding on while his mind went crazy with desire and passion -- moaning even louder as Trent rubbed his nipple.
Trent was again amazed at how fast they could each be ready to love each other. They had hardly touched and each of them was so close to the edge, they needed to join. Releasing Carlos's mouth, Trent waited for his lover to open his eyes. When he did, he looked deep into them and asked, "Are you ready for me to make love to you like this? Face to face?"
Carlos opened his eyes slowly when Trent's delicious lips left his and he looked into his lover's eyes deeply which were looking back at him just as deeply. "Yes, baby, I'm ready and I want you to make love to me face to face," Carlos said breathlessly, full of anticipation for what he had waited so long for.
Trent smiled at Carlos and kissed him again then rolled off him to grab the KY before returning to him to prepare him for their joining. Trent put some of the lubricant on his fingers, then gently inserted them into his lover, watching his face for the first time as he did so. He moved his fingers around to give his lover pleasure in addition to preparing him, watching his face, watching his pleasure. It was amazing and so beautiful.
Carlos could not, would not take his eyes off of his lover, watching every move he made -- from picking up the KY and putting some on his fingers, to watching him insert his fingers inside his body, stretching him, preparing him for that wonderful moment when they would join as one. It was incredible as always and the sensations running through him sent those sparks flying through his body once more. There was a difference this time though -- he was filled with an awe, a curiosity for something he hadn't yet experienced and tonight he would get to actually experience his first face to face joining. He was so incredibly hot already, panting with desire to have the love of his life enter his body and join them together and experience that rise to the peak where they would fall off together into total and complete bliss.
Trent removed his fingers from Carlos's body and used the KY to prepare himself. He looked once again at his wonderful lover who was watching him and smiled, his heart over flowing with love for this man. Getting himself in position he slowly entered Carlos, never losing eye contact with him, until he was inside his lover and they were joined as one.
Carlos couldn't believe it -- this was truly wonderful, like so many times before they were joining as one -- yet it was different and Carlos felt so loved. It was so very personal this way and he was enjoying every second of it. The feel of Trent's body inside his was indescribable and he just looked deeply into his lover's eyes, wanting to give back as much as he was getting from him.
Slowly Trent began to move inside of Carlos. They had made love so many times before, but this was different, so special, he wanted it to last. Moving his body position slightly, Trent lay down on top of Carlos, bringing their lips together in a passionate kiss as he continued to move slowly inside him.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with so much passion and desire he thought it threatened to overwhelm him. He was voracious about it -- hungry for more -- all he could get. He deepened the kiss as Trent moved inside him, moaning into his lover's mouth with each movement, the rhythm of their two bodies as one almost like magic.
Breaking the kiss, Trent again looked into Carlos's eyes, seeing his own love and passion mirrored back at him. Capturing Carlos's mouth once more, Trent began to move faster, their climaxes only moments away.
When his lover broke the kiss, Carlos looked at Trent with more love in his eyes than he thought they could hold -- trying to express how much his lover meant to him and what their lovemaking was doing to him. He returned his kiss with every ounce of desire and passion he had and the heat that was rising in his body from all of it continued to climb higher and higher, taking him to that peak that was very close. It was so close and Carlos knew he could only hang onto his restraint a little longer. He wrapped his arms around Trent's back tighter and slid them down to his buttocks, squeezing them -- pressing their bodies even closer together.
Carlos's hands on his backside, pressing them closer together, was more than Trent could take. His restraint was gone and he moved faster and deeper inside Carlos. Thrusting one last time, Trent came inside his lover at the same time that Carlos came, his penis pressed between their bodies.
The intensity within his body was increasing with each passing moment, Carlos feeling Trent's restraint slipping as he squeezed his backside. That last thrust sent them both over that familiar edge. When Trent came inside his body, Carlos was beside himself in pure ecstasy -- it was so wonderful, incredible and it felt like it would never end. He climaxed at the very same time his lover did which added to the sweet bliss he was feeling. His mind was spinning and he was in that very special place once more, only it was even more special this time.
Trent remained as he was when he came, buried deep in his lover's body, his upper body on top of Carlos, their faces only inches away. Once he could move again, he gently removed himself from Carlos and kissed him tenderly on the mouth, then moving to his cheek and then neck. "I love you so much, Carlos," Trent said. It seemed so inadequate to express what he wanted to say, but he had no other way to say what he was feeling. He finally settled his head on Carlos's shoulder waiting for his lover to come the rest of the way down from his climax.
Carlos held Trent close to him, never wanting him to leave or to break that bond -- that special joining of their bodies. It had to end at some point but he also knew that even though their bodies would be separated once more he would be held and kissed and loved, which were equally important and meant just as much to him. When Trent did leave his body and then return to lay his head on his shoulder, Carlos wrapped his arms around him and held him as close and tight as he possibly could. "I love you too, baby," he said, still breathing quite heavily but finally able to speak. "Very, very much. That was so special -- thank you," he said. He couldn't think of anything else to say. He felt like there should be more, but he had been given the gift of having the most wonderful man in his life and words could never express how much he loved and appreciated Trent. He would spend the rest of his life showing him in every possible way though, that was for sure.
Trent lifted his head from Carlos's shoulder and looked at him. "You're very welcome, but it was my pleasure," Trent said smiling at his lover, taking his hand and brushing it through Carlos's hair. Trent kissed Carlos again then rolled off of him so he could gather him in his arms and hold him, snuggling his lover close to his body. Trent's heart was just so full he was at a loss for words to express himself. He hugged Carlos tighter and kissed the top of his head.
Carlos looked deeply into Trent's eyes again -- they were endless pools of blue -- a beautiful blue that was filled with love. He sighed and closed his eyes when his lover ran his hand through his hair enjoying that special touch. When Trent's arms wrapped around him pulling him close and holding him tight that was everything he could ever want or need. He sank against Trent's chest and felt the soft tender kiss on his head and sighed once again, as contented as a man could possibly be. "I love you more than anything in this world, Trent," he said, and felt himself drifting slowly off to sleep in his lover's arms.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said, kissing the top of his lover's head again. Sleep was over taking both of them, but Trent didn't allow himself to sleep until Carlos was asleep in his arms. Only then did Trent fall asleep, totally content and totally happy.
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