Morning Glow
Page Seven

After an hour or so of sitting and not watching TV, just enjoying each other, holding and being held, Trent said, "I've had enough of this TV for one sitting, how about you?" Trent turned around in Carlos's arms to look at him, then continued, "Besides, it looks dark enough to go star gazing now."
Carlos smiled and kissed Trent's cheek lovingly. "*Now* who's the mind reader?" he asked with the brightest sparkle in his eyes. "Why don't we go down to the lake? I'll gather up some firewood to build us that nice roaring fire while you get the marshmallows and a blanket for us. That way we're all set for a night of star gazing together," he said. He brought his lips to Trent's for a tender passionate kiss before reluctantly letting him out of his arms so they could both get up off the couch and get ready to go.
"Sounds good, but I think we better put some clothes on first. Not only might it get cold, there might really be some people out there," Trent said, hoping there wouldn't be.
After dressing in jeans and a shirt, Carlos went over to the fireplace and got some of the large pieces of firewood and some of the smaller kindling, making sure his arms were fully loaded.
Trent came up behind Carlos after pulling on some jeans and a shirt himself. He'd found a blanket to use for the beach and had grabbed their robes, too, in case it got cold. "Hey, that's a lot of wood there. How long you planning on staying on the beach?" Trent hugged Carlos from behind, planting a kiss on his cheek, then went to the fireplace to retrieve the long handled forks he had noticed there, presumably for marshmallow roasting.
Carlos sighed and closed his eyes when Trent hugged and kissed him. This was pure contentment as far as he was concerned and he was one very happy, lucky man. "I thought we'd stay on the beach all night if we wanted to," Carlos said with that loving mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
Trent grinned at Carlos and went to the kitchen for the marshmallows. "You want the rest of the smores stuff too, Conan?" Trent asked his lover who was looking totally cute with is arms full of wood, waiting for him.
"I sure do, Dar -- thanks for thinking of that," Carlos answered, grinning from ear to ear. He loved the way Trent was looking at him. If his arms weren't full of wood at the moment he would have grabbed his lover and made love to him right there where he stood. Still though, it was a very tempting thought to dump the wood he was holding onto the floor and make good his idea. He decided that there would be time enough for that later. He smiled at the thought, not being able to get over how in love he was and that he always wanted to make love to Trent. "Ready?" he asked, when he saw that Trent had retrieved all of the smores ingredients from the kitchen.
"Well, that depends on ready for what. To go to the beach, yes," Trent said, then lowered his voice to a seductive whisper, "For what your eyes are saying, well, that's a yes, too, always." Changing back to a normal tone of voice, he continued, "But beach now," Trent shifted the things he was carrying enough to free up one hand. He used it to turn Carlos around and point him towards the door, giving him a little push and a swat on his backside to move him along.
Carlos smiled very happily at Trent's words -- he couldn't have been more thrilled at Trent's response and the seductive voice he used. As if he wasn't aroused enough already, that just intensified it for him and he was even more eager to get to the beach. He turned around at Trent's urging and was surprised and excited when his lover swatted him on the behind. "I'm going already," he said laughing as he walked towards the door only to stop because his arms were too full to have a hand free to open it.
"Whoops, sorry. Let me get the door," Trent said, moving around Carlos to open the door for him. Getting the door open, Trent again swatted Carlos's behind. When Carlos looked at him, Trent said, "Sorry, couldn't help myself. Now move it or I'll do it again."
"Couldn't help yourself? Oh *sure* you couldn't," Carlos said trying to hide the grin on his face and the twinkle in his eye. He was just too excited and Trent's playfulness was just adding even more to it.
"I said I couldn't, didn't I?" Trent said, attempting to look innocent, "Would I lie about such an important subject as your butt?"
Carlos leaned over and kissed Trent softly, then walked out the door and into the night carrying his load of wood, waiting for his lover to lock up and join him. They made their way along the same path they had taken yesterday. It wasn't long before they were at the beach, almost the same spot as the day before. After looking around the area Carlos realized there was no one around. "This is great, Trent -- we're all alone here. That means I have you all to myself," he smiled wickedly at his lover.
"Like if there was someone else here they would get me?" Trent asked, "Or you would share me?" Trent was also glad to see the place was deserted.
"Not a chance of me ever sharing you with anyone. And if anyone even *tried* to get you they'd have to go through me first," Carlos said, flashing the brightest smile he could at his lover.
Trent put down the things he was carrying and spread out the blanket while Carlos attended to the fire.
Carlos put the wood down and, after a few minutes, the fire was burning nice and hot. "There -- now we'll be warm all night long," he said proudly.
Trent just sat and watched as Carlos got the fire going. "I sincerely doubt I could ever get cold with you around," Trent purred, then changing his tone to a casual one, "But you do make one heck of a fire, Lucky Bear. Soaring Eagle is in awe, as always."
"Thank you, Soaring Eagle," Carlos said smiling. He wanted nothing more than to hug and cuddle with Trent while they looked at the stars, so he held out his hand to his lover. He was already looking up at the night sky -- the beautiful stars twinkling so brightly, the full moon making it extra special. He took another deep breath of the wonderful fresh clean pine-scented air and let it out slowly. This weekend had been a great idea and he wanted to do more of this -- as often as they could.
Trent took Carlos's hand and smiled, then lay back on the blanket so he could see the stars better without getting a crick in his neck. "You coming down here voluntarily or do I have to come back up there and drag you down here?" Trent asked Carlos, who was still holding his hand but just looking at him.
Carlos just smiled at Trent, lowering himself slowly until he was lying by Trent's side moving close to him. He hadn't been sure this was something they could do at the beach, but since there was no one around he wanted to be as close to Trent as possible. There was still only so close that they could get, but he would take whatever that was and enjoy every second of their time together. He kissed Trent lightly on the cheek. This was wonderful -- the two of them together in the outdoors, lying close under the full moon and watching the stars.
Trent squeezed Carlos's hand as they looked at that stars together. Trent wasn't sure how long they lay there like that in comfortable silence watching the stars, but it seemed a long time. It also seemed like only seconds. But Trent wanted to roast the marshmallows they brought. "So, you ready to burn some marshmallows yet?" Trent asked, knowing this was probably a silly question where food and Carlos were concerned.
Carlos looked at Trent with his eyes as bright as the stars in the sky. "You bet I am," he said, grinning. He rubbed his hands together like he was about to get a very special treat -- which he was. After all, smores were the ultimate outdoor snack, and nice gooey marshmallows that were slightly burnt over an open fire was the only way to do it. "Where's the stuff?" he asked, not able to hide his eagerness to enjoy this traditional campfire treat.
Trent sat up grinning at his eager lover who had just managed to turn into a ten year old before his eyes. Reaching across the blanket and grabbing the graham crackers and chocolate bars, Trent handed them to Carlos then went back for the marshmallows and forks.
"Thanks, baby," Carlos said, taking the smore supplies and preparing to make the ultimate snack. He took one graham cracker and put a nice piece of chocolate on it so that it covered the entire graham cracker. He took another graham cracker that would go on top of the nice gooey marshmallows and put it to the side for when everything else would be ready.
Seeing that Carlos was engrossed in the proper building of the base of the smore, Trent opened the marshmallows and put two on each fork holding one out for Carlos to take when he was ready.
"Mmmmm..., thank you again, baby," Carlos said as he took the fork from Trent, eyeing the marshmallows very carefully. He aimed it over the flames, being careful not to get it too far into them, but just enough that the flames licked the edges and softened them so that the center was gooey. He watched his roasting and then looked at Trent roasting his. "Isn't this fun?" he asked. He wanted to grab Trent and kiss him for all he was worth. He was having a wonderful time and he always wanted to show Trent how much he loved him.
Trent looked at Carlos grinning at him. He was just so cute and totally appealing when he was acting like this. Trent felt his own fire stirring despite where they were. He decided to try to ignore it. "Yes, this is fun," Trent grinned back at Carlos cooking his marshmallows, "Just be careful you don't lose your marshmallow into the fire. You DO remember the punishment for that from camp, don't you?" Somehow, having to kiss the person next to you seemed like a bigger punishment when you were a ten year old at camp than it did now. Trent was considering dropping his marshmallows into the fire on purpose, as a matter of fact.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off Trent -- he looked even more beautiful and sexy by the fire, under the stars, and it was all he could do to restrain himself from making love to him right there on the beach. It was a lovely thought and he could picture it in his mind very clearly. Instead he kept grinning at his lover and kept his fork in the fire. "Yes, I remember it very well," he said with that very famous mischievous twinkle in his eyes, making it very clear to his lover that he was thinking the same thing he was.
"I figured you would," Trent said, remembering Carlos seemed to lose a lot of marshmallows into the fire at camp when a pretty girl was sitting next to him. Trent took his now done marshmallows from the fire and waited for them to cool enough to eat before doing so. Getting the first marshmallow off his fork without stabbing himself in the mouth, Trent decided he better use his fingers on the next one. Mouth full of marshmallow, grinning from ear to ear, Trent looked over to see how Carlos was doing with his smore.
Carlos had watched Trent take his first marshmallow off his fork and was thoroughly enjoying watching his lover with his mouth full, enjoying this wonderful campfire treat. It was time for his fork to come out of the fire so he pulled it out then picked up his graham cracker with chocolate on top and put both marshmallows on top of that, followed by a graham cracker on top to complete the smore. After setting the fork down he took a healthy bite from the smore and it was oh-so-very delicious -- just like he remembered it. His taste buds were reminded once more of the wonderful times at camp they had when they were kids. The gooey marshmallow was now on his lips and the sides of his mouth, along with a swirl of chocolate that had melted slightly due to the heat of the marshmallows -- part of the whole idea behind smores. "Mmmmmm..., this is great!" Carlos said proudly, grinning from ear to ear, holding out his smore so Trent could see it.
"Yes, that's a lovely smore, Carlos, really," Trent said, looking at the gooey, melty mess in Carlos's hand and grinning from ear to ear at the expression on his lover's face. "Actually, I think I'll put my next ones on graham crackers, too," Trent said, pulling his second marshmallow off his fork and putting it in his mouth before reaching for two more and putting them on the fork and over the fire to cook.
"Thank you, baby," Carlos said still grinning as he continued to take bite after bite of his smore until it was completely polished off. He smiled happily watching Trent enjoy himself -- that was the most important thing. As his lover put two more marshmallows into the fire to roast, Carlos thought more and more about making love to him. He had to remind himself that they were on the beach and that their lovemaking would have to wait until later, which brought an even bigger smile to his face.
Unable to reach the graham crackers on the other side of Carlos, Trent asked, "You sharing those graham crackers? Don't make me come after them." Not much of a threat he was sure.
"You want them, come and get them," Carlos teased, holding the graham crackers on the opposite side of him away from Trent. He was thoroughly enjoying the teasing and the threat his lover had made. After fishing out two more graham crackers for himself he took the box of graham crackers and held it over his head, laughing softly and with all the love he had.
"Oh, that is mean, Carlos, really," Trent said, totally loving this. Trent made an attempted grab at the graham crackers while Carlos had them a little closer but missed. If he hadn't had his marshmallows over the fire, he would have been able to go after them better. When Carlos then held the box over his head, Trent made another grab for them. During the movement, as if on cue, one of his marshmallows plopped off the fork and into the fire. "Oh, now look what you made me do!" Trent said, anything but sorry, even if he hadn't done it on purpose.
"What *I* made you do?" Carlos said, laughing and teasing his lover again. He was having the best time with this. He saw the marshmallow fall into the fire and was very pleased indeed. It had been years since he'd seen that and it brought back many memories, only this time he was with his partner for life -- his lover for all time, and this made it even better.
Trent leaned over and kissed Carlos quickly on the lips, more of a quick peck than a kiss. Pulling back from a surprised Carlos, who seemed to have forgotten about the keep away game of the graham crackers momentarily, Trent snagged the graham crackers and smiled.
Carlos wanted the kiss, was hoping for the kiss, yet he was surprised when he got it. He lost his concentration on keeping the box of graham crackers away from his lover, but he loved it. The spontaneous unexpectedness of the kiss and the stealing of the graham crackers made it even sweeter than he thought it could possibly be. Carlos smiled back at Trent who was smiling at him, happy with his box of graham crackers. Carlos got his fork ready and looked for two more marshmallows to put on it so that he could have another smore. "Are you going to share those marshmallows or do I have to come and get them?" Carlos asked, teasing his lover.
"Oh, I always share," Trent said, handing the bag of marshmallows to Carlos after taking two more for himself, "I'm a good Do-Bee, you know," Trent informed Carlos who was now looking at him with the 'what planet are you from?' look again, "What? You never watched 'Romper Room'?"
"A Do-Bee?" Carlos repeated the name. Once Carlos thought about it for a couple of minutes he remembered the Do-Bee. He smiled and looked at his lover adoringly. "You make the perfect Do-Bee," he said, and it was the truth. Carlos took two more marshmallows from the bag that Trent handed him and put the bag down. After he carefully insured that the marshmallows were on the fork he held them in the fire to make himself another smore. He looked over at his lover and smiled, enjoying the fun they were having together, what a beautiful evening it was, and how lucky he was to have his lover by his side.
Trent ate the remaining marshmallow from his fork then put the two new ones on and put them over the fire. Managing to keep both marshmallows on the fork this time, Trent waited until they were done then put them on the graham cracker he managed to get from Carlos and put another on top of it. Biting down on it, the marshmallow squished out the side and Trent had to catch it with his finger and tongue. Looking over at Carlos watching him, he said, "Hey, not on purpose, really," figuring Carlos probably didn't care if it was on purpose or not.
"Uh huh," Carlos said, totally believing his lover and looking at Trent with so much love. There was also an equal amount of lust going on as well -- he was fully aroused and being in public was the only reason he could hold onto his restraint and stop himself from making love to Trent right then and there. The way Trent caught the dripping, gooey marshmallow with his tongue was so inviting. And the sight of his lover's finger with marshmallow all over it and Carlos thinking of sucking it off was almost enough to make him come. Carlos just smiled at his lover not able to get those images and thoughts out of his head. "Need any help with that?" he asked, very willing to assist Trent with the cleanup process.
Trent finished his graham cracker with marshmallow and was covered in marshmallow goo. "Well, actually, yes," Trent said, "I feel a bit like I just visited the last scene of 'Ghostbusters'. But since we *are* in public, I think I'll go wash this off in the lake. Thanks for the offer though." Trent gave Carlos a very naughty grin then got up and headed for the lake to get the sticky goo off of his face and hands.
Carlos watched his lover walk down to the lake. He finished his second smore then walked down to the lake to join Trent in washing off his face and hands. The water was cold enough to be invigorating yet not too cold and Carlos was struck with a sudden idea. Not having done this either since he was much younger he took off his clothes fast, tossing each item of clothing up on the beach so that it wouldn't get wet. He grinned as he looked at his lover while he continued taking his clothes off until he was standing completely naked at the waters edge. Then, still grinning, he took off running, full tilt, until he was part way in, then half dove in, splashing around like a ten year old and loving every second of it. He looked back at the shore at Trent with a smirk on his face.
Trent was a bit surprised, to say the least, when Carlos started peeling off his clothes. He just stood there unbelieving and watched him run into the lake. Then, unable to resist the ten year old rising in himself, Trent started taking off his own clothes, tossing them up on the beach too, then followed Carlos into the lake. Diving under the water when he got out far enough, Trent surfaced and looked around for Carlos who had swum over to where he was and was right next to him. "You're a bad influence on me, you realize this, don't you?" Trent said, grinning from ear to ear at Carlos, then splashing him and swimming away from him.
"Of course I am," Carlos called after his lover, watching him swimming away and loving every second of acting like a ten year old, then swam after him. Once he caught up to Trent he grabbed hold of his shoulders and pushed him under gently then released him and swam away before Trent could do anything about it, having the biggest grin ever on his face.
**Oh, he is SO not getting away with that!!** Trent thought, coming up from being dunked. Swimming after Carlos for a ways then diving under the water and swimming the rest of the way, Trent swam up to Carlos and grabbed his butt before swimming away a bit, then resurfaced to smile at his lover before swimming away.
Carlos felt his butt being pinched and looked all around to get even, but Trent popped up a little distance away from him. After Trent flashed that smile and took off, Carlos was in hot pursuit. "I'll get you my pretty," he said, trying his best to imitate the witch in the 'Wizard of Oz'. He had a wicked grin to match as he swam furiously after his lover to catch up to him and make good his promise.
Trent was laughing at Carlos's Wicked Witch imitation, which was surprisingly good. He of course had to counter with his own lines, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no..." Carlos caught up with Trent, grabbing him around the waist and pulling him to him. Trent looked at Carlos, still laughing, and said, "I guess that only works if you have the Ruby Slippers, huh?"
Carlos smiled at his lover. "Sorry, baby, you do a bad Judy Garland," he said, with his eyes sparkling.
"Oh, really? How's this?" Trent asked, then sang, "Forget your troubles, c'mon get happy! You better chase all your blues away. Shout, 'Hallelujah!' c'mon get happy..."
Growling softly in a low voice Carlos pulled Trent closer to him. "I'll show you just how *I* get happy," he said very suggestively, bringing their lips together in a soft tender kiss, quieting Trent's singing. Carlos then nuzzled Trent's neck a little in his favorite spot knowing how much pleasure it brought his lover and how much enjoyment it gave to him for making his lover happy. "I love you," he whispered into Trent's ear then just held him, looking into his eyes lovingly as the stars shone brightly and the full moon danced across the water. It was so incredible to be out in the lake, holding Trent, feeling his body this way, in the water, being close -- playing and acting like kids. He wanted to splash and be splashed -- dunked and be dunked, all night long.
"I can see the cold water hasn't done much to cool you down, has it?" Trent said, noting the nuzzling was warming the water for him a degree or two. Trent reached around Carlos and did the butt pinching thing again which caused Carlos to loosen his hold on Trent just enough for him to make an escape. Taking a deep breath, Trent dunked himself under water out of Carlos's grasp and swam away only to surface several feet away and grin at him. Trent debated with himself briefly before sticking out his tongue at Carlos then swimming away.
Carlos was too surprised to say or do anything, it all happened too fast, but he shouldn't have been surprised at all actually, knowing Trent since they were kids. **That was just the kind of stunt he used to pull on me when we were at camp,** he told himself, chuckling softly at the memory. Those were different times, different circumstances, but one thing was clear -- Trent Malloy was just about to become a victim of retaliation here and Carlos was going to be the one supplying it. He started swimming hard right away and caught up to Trent in just a few minutes. He dunked Trent under water again, letting him go right away. When Trent popped to the surface, he kissed him again then dove under the surface and circled around him a couple of times before he splashed him again and took off grinning wickedly.
Trent watched Carlos circling him. "Why am I hearing the theme music from 'Jaws'?" Trent said laughing.
Trent continued to watch Carlos and, waiting until he wasn't looking at him for the moment, he dove under the water again heading straight for Carlos, approaching again from the rear and pinching his lover's rear end. But this time Trent didn't swim away, rather swam around him to the other side, surfacing suddenly and grabbing Carlos while he was distracted looking for him. When his lover looked at him, Trent caught Carlos's mouth in a passionate kiss, throwing everything into the kiss he could to arouse Carlos. Then, as quickly as he had appeared and grabbed his lover, he let go of him and disappeared back under the water. **He wasn't expecting THAT I'm sure,** Trent thought to himself as he swam off.
Carlos was taken completely by surprise when Trent pinched his behind again. Then when his lover kissed him, Carlos returned the kiss with all the passion and desire he had, very, very pleased and happy. Then as fast as Trent appeared and kissed him he was gone and Carlos looked all around but didn't see his lover anywhere. **That was so nice -- so very nice,** Carlos thought and he smiled, still tasting Trent's sweet lips against his. He decided that two could play at this and he dove under the water, after taking a deep breath, hoping he could get Trent to come to the surface for another wonderful kiss. He looked around but didn't see him so he went back up to the surface and looked around.
Trent surfaced a few feet away just in time to see Carlos go under water. When his lover resurfaced looking around for him, Trent knew he had had the intended effect on Carlos. When his lover looked at him, Trent grinned then licked his lips like he had just eaten something very tasty indeed, then he grinned again. He was trying to make Carlos chase him. He had every intention of letting Carlos catch him, too, but he wanted him to come after him first, wanted him to 'catch' him.
Carlos kept turning around in the water knowing his lover had to be there somewhere. He finally saw him and when Trent licked his lips that was it -- he nearly lost it and all self-control was gone. He swam faster than he thought possible, his powerful legs propelling him through the water towards his lover, and the chase was on. **He sure is fast, and I'm going the fastest I can. I hope I catch him -- I sure do need more of those luscious lips against mine,** he thought as he raced through the water to catch his lover. Stroke after stroke with his arms, Carlos slowly began to catch up to him and he hoped that very soon he would catch his lover and have him in his arms again.
Trent took off swimming as soon as he saw Carlos come after him. He was kind of wondering who could beat whom now at swimming, they had always been pretty close in that respect, but he didn't want to beat Carlos or 'win' and get away -- he wanted to 'win' and get caught. So he swam hard enough to make it look good, but not enough to get away from Carlos.
Carlos put even more effort into each stroke of his arms and legs, the water churning around his body as he made his way closer to his lover. He could see that he was indeed getting closer and knew now that he would catch him. Trent was trying very hard, Carlos had to give him credit for that -- but it just wouldn't be enough this time, as Carlos continued to propel himself straight towards his lover.
Carlos was gaining on him fast and Trent couldn't have been more pleased. He changed directions slightly, heading towards shore to get them into the shallower water where they could touch bottom.
Finally catching up to Trent, Carlos grabbed him around the waist and pulled him close, kissing him harder on the lips this time, his tongue tracing the outline of Trent's lips, then seeking entry inside his lover's beautiful mouth to taste the sweetness he knew was there and that belonged to him. He sighed and moaned softly into his mouth, enjoying all of the flavor that he found, not wanting this to stop. His passion and desire were rising fast, so high, and he wanted Trent right then. "This is incredible, baby, so wonderful," he said breathlessly when he had to break the kiss out of the need for air. "I love you so much," he added, then kissed him again -- a softer, shorter kiss, then looked into Trent's eyes deeply, just staring into those blue eyes of his lover's and holding him close.
Trent couldn't have been more pleased when Carlos caught him then kissed him with such passion. "Oh, I think it's just about to get more wonderful," Trent said in his most seductive tone, putting out his hand and caressing Carlos's already hard shaft.
Carlos gasped when Trent ran his hand along his penis which was so very hard from all of the playing and teasing and loving that had been taking place all night long. The promise of it becoming more wonderful were words that turned to music in Carlos's ears when he heard them.
Having not quite reached the place where they could touch the bottom, Trent put his arms around Carlos's neck and started to very slowly move them towards shore, not letting the closeness of their bodies waiver. Reaching a place where he could put his feet down, Trent moved them just a little closer to shore, then put his legs around Carlos's waist and leaned into him, kissing him for all he was worth.
Carlos sighed contentedly when Trent put his arms around him and he moved with his lover closer to shore. He gasped yet again when his lover put his legs around his waist -- the feeling was incredible, so very sexy in the water. He returned Trent's kiss with everything he had -- all of the passion and desire. He wanted to make love to Trent right then. Realizing that they hadn't intended on this happening outside, they were unprepared and Carlos was worried about his lover. "Is this going to hurt you?" he asked, feeling apprehensive about joining their bodies as one without proper lubrication. He would never do anything in the world to hurt his lover. This was new to him and he wanted to give only his best to Trent to make it the most enjoyable experience he could possibly have.
Trent smiled at his lover, touched by his concern beyond words. "I don't think so. But if it does, I promise to say so. That a deal?" Trent asked. Changing to a sensuous tone, he continued, "Now, I'm waiting for you to be a Do-Bee and sting me." Trent moved his hips around a little rubbing against Carlos's stinger.
"With pleasure," Carlos said, in the most seductive, husky voice he had. He was full of emotion and trembling with desire. He brought their lips together in a very sensual kiss, the feeling of their lips touching leaving tingling sensations long after the kiss was over. He gently broke the kiss after several moments, not wanting to wait any longer for their joining. He change their body positions a bit, then carefully entered Trent's body with his very hard penis, moving slowly but continually, until he was all the way inside his lover. Without pausing for even a moment he pulled back and then thrust inside Trent, never breaking eye contact -- wanting that closeness, that expression to be there so that Trent would know how much he was loved. Their body positions were different in the water and it was exhilarating -- both the feel of Trent's legs around his waist and the effect of the water swirling around them as Carlos began to thrust inside his lover's body.
Trent moaned when Carlos entered him. It was the tiniest bit uncomfortable without the KY, but not at all painful, and it only added to his excitement. Trent leaned in very carefully and kissed Carlos before leaning his body back again so his lover could move better inside of him. The sensations caused by the water around them were amazing and Trent broke eye contact with Carlos, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, moaning as he did so.
Carlos understood Trent's moans completely and knew that his lover was all right and being pleasured which thrilled Carlos beyond words. All he could do was to focus on bringing his lover pleasure. He held onto Trent as he drew back, almost all the way out, then thrust back in slowly as deep as he could go, then back out again. Each time he thrust inside Trent's body it was harder and deeper than the time before. He wanted to take his time -- make it last as long as possible -- but they both loved the intensity of their heat and passion and this time would be no different.
The feel of this was so different. The angle of their bodies, the water surrounding them, making waves as well as supporting their bodies -- it was incredible and very erotic. Trent was enjoying himself immensely, moaning and panting, trying to keep his volume under control, but not sure he was managing to.
Carlos's desire was rising very fast and so high. He began thrusting with more energy behind each one -- drawing back each time to give Trent every feeling, every sensation that could possibly be experienced. Knowing that his lover was on the edge along with him, Carlos took his lover's penis in his hand and began pumping it up and down with the same rhythm as he was giving his lover inside.
As soon as Carlos touched his shaft Trent lost his restraint giving himself over to the orgasm he knew was not far off.
After thrusting two more times as hard, as long and as deeply as he could, Carlos let himself go and felt an orgasm he never thought possible as he exploded inside his lover with everything he had, his hot rich essence pouring deep inside Trent's body.
Trent came at the same moment as Carlos did within him. He came hard, his body still shaking after his release.
Carlos was panting so very hard and he couldn't think straight. After several minutes he gently removed himself from his lover's body and then drew him into his arms and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek then his lips lightly. "Oh, baby, that was so special -- I love you, thank you so much," he said, then kissed him again lightly, allowing Trent to return to himself slowly while he held him close and tight, running a hand through his hair.
Trent was breathing hard and still moaning softly when Carlos removed himself from his body and drew him close and hugged him. He kept his legs around Carlos's waist for a long time, then finally let go, putting his feet on the bottom of the lake. Trent found himself a little overwhelmed by the whole experience and at a loss for words. "I love you too, Carlos. That was wonderful," Trent said, still holding Carlos close.
Once Trent was standing, Carlos pulled him even closer to his own body, enjoying the feeling of their bodies pressed together long after their joining had ended. He knew that they shared far more than just a physical joining and as he held his lover close and tight he reveled in all that he had found in Trent. He kissed the top of his head and took one hand and rubbed it up and down his lover's back. Closing his eyes, he let out a big sigh of nothing but pure contentment. "I love you so much, more than you'll ever know," he said, then held him even tighter. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Carlos asked, realizing that he most likely hadn't, but wanting to make absolutely certain. Carlos looked into those beautiful blue eyes of Trent's with all the love and adoration that one person could have for another.
"No, you didn't hurt me at all," Trent said lifting his head to look at Carlos. "Quite the opposite in fact," Trent grinned at his lover. "Come on, let's go in -- or out -- or uh, let's go back to the beach?" Trent said, "I'm getting cold now that the fire is out."
Carlos looked at Trent and just had to smile the biggest smile ever. Now that he knew with absolute certainty that Trent was fine and hadn't been hurt, but was very happy, he couldn't have been happier himself. He laughed softly at Trent's reference to the fire being out -- knowing that it was their own fires he was referring to, also realizing it wouldn't be long before they were not only lit again but on fire again. He pulled Trent very close and kissed him hard and passionately once more before releasing him. "That sounds like a great idea -- the beach it is," he said, and took Trent's hand in his, turned, and started walking towards the beach. Once Carlos got out he grabbed their robes, handed Trent his, then put his own on.
Trent took his robe from Carlos. "Thank you," he said, putting it on then heading over and picking up their clothes off the beach where they had tossed them earlier. Returning to Carlos sitting on the blanket, Trent said, "On second thought, let's go in. I'm COLD!"
Carlos went about making sure the 'outside' fire was put out. Trent picked up the smore makings and then the blanket they had been sitting on, giving it a shake. Once Carlos was done with putting out the fire, he took Trent's hand once more and they walked hand in hand back to the cabin.
"I really am cold. Let's try out that whirlpool tub before bed. Get warm and get the sand off at the same time. How does that sound?" Trent asked, knowing full well Carlos would love the idea.
"That sounds like a great idea to me, baby," Carlos said, squeezing his lover's hand and smiling at him. It was only a few minutes before they were back at the cabin and Carlos had to turn and look once more at the moonlit lake where they had spent a glorious evening. The fire, the smores, the kissing -- which made him smile even brighter -- making love in the lake, oh that was nearly too much right then. He already had another fire burning inside of him and he was reminded once more that he was the luckiest man in the world. He opened the door and went inside followed by Trent. Once they were inside he grabbed Trent and pulled him close and tight for a very passionate kiss, his tongue taking charge and seeking out what belonged to him. His lover tasted so good and Carlos found himself lost in the flavor, trying to memorize it, being overwhelmed by it, trying to absorb it all. He finally had to break the kiss for air and he held Trent close to him "I love you, Trent," he said softly.
"Mmmm..., did I say I was cold? What was I thinking?" Trent said about the wonderful kiss Carlos gave him. "I love you, too," he said, in a low voice full of that love, going back for another kiss. Breaking the kiss, Trent gave Carlos another quick peck on the lips then turned around briefly to dump the food he was carrying on the table and the blanket and clothes on a chair.
"Mmmmm.., I think you've changed your mind from whatever it was you *were* thinking about," Carlos said lightly and laughed softly after they stopped kissing.
Turning back to Carlos, both hands free now, Trent put his arms around his lover and hugged him. "Let's take this to the bath tub, huh? I'm still covered with sand even if you have gotten my fire going again," Trent said, kissing Carlos again.
"That's my baby -- always full of great ideas," Carlos said lovingly, as he returned Trent's hug and kiss. He moaned softly into Trent's mouth and just melted into his embrace, never wanting any of this to end. He could hug and kiss Trent all day and night for the rest of his life. "Shall we get that sand off your feet and that fire put out now?" he asked in a voice that showed exactly how he felt about his lover.
"Oh, but it's your turn to have your fire put out *this* time," Trent said, letting go of Carlos and starting towards the bathroom.
"You can put out my fire anytime," Carlos said.
Stopping after a few steps and turning back around, Trent gave Carlos his very best wicked grin then turned back around and headed for the bathroom.
Carlos just looked at Trent and the look on his lover's face said it all. He loved that wicked grin of his and this time it was even more wicked than usual. The thought of Trent making love to him was thrilling and exciting and every nerve ending was tingling with anticipation already as he followed his lover into the bathroom.
Go to Page Eight