My Cup Runneth Over
Page Thirteen
Trent headed off to the closet and got together some of the things Carlos wanted and would need, putting them on the bed. Heading to the dresser, he pulled out socks and underwear and other essentials and added them to the pile on the bed. Looking around and finding a suitcase, he put the things inside. Other than clothes, he wasn't sure what Carlos was going to want to bring now as opposed to later. So he closed the full suitcase and headed into the livingroom.
Carlos moved slowly around his apartment -- it had been weeks since he'd spent any time here and he saw pictures of him with his family, he and Trent when they were kids, Trent's family which had been very much like having another family of his own, and more personal momentos that he wanted to take with him. He picked up each picture and looked at them remembering when they were taken -- the day, year, the reason, if there was one, like the celebration when they opened Thunder Investigations. He sighed happily at the memories and started to collect them for the move to his new home -- *their* home together.
Trent set the suitcase down by the elevator then went to see what Carlos was up to. Finding him looking through things on the far side of the apartment, Trent went up to him and hugged him from behind. "You don't want to bring the pool table today, I hope," Trent said, knowing they would need help to move it, "I'm not even sure where exactly we're going to put it." Trent nibbled at Carlos's neck a little, unable to resist the closeness of his lover's skin to his mouth.
Carlos was so involved in looking at the pictures and reliving the memories that he didn't even hear his lover come up behind him, until he felt Trent's arms around him hugging him. "I do miss playing pool, but we'll wait on moving the pool table," he said, smiling at the thought of having it at Trent's place. He moaned as Trent nibbled his neck, loving the feeling. "That feels so nice -- you're really good at that just in case I never told you before," he said, closing his eyes at the sensations that were filling him.
"Oh, is that so?" Trent said, nibbling some more, "I think you might have mentioned it before." Trent squeezed his arms that were still around Carlos. "I think I better go find something else to do before we both find something else to do together," Trent said, giving Carlos's neck one final nip before letting go of him.
Carlos just loved it -- it felt so good, so wonderful to have his lover's arms around him, he knew he would never get enough. "Mmmm..., must you?" he asked playfully, as Trent nipped his neck once more.
"Anything else I can do to help?" Trent asked, knowing full well how his lover was going to take that question.
"Oh yes..., there's a *lot* you can do to help," Carlos said, very suggestively, the party in his pants having started long before they left Trent's place.
"Yes, I sorta suspected there might be," Trent said, continuing to tease his lover.
"Actually, I think that's about it. I'll just take one more look around and...," Carlos stopped, his eyes resting on his favorite chair in the livingroom. It was a recliner and he used to sit in it all the time. He walked over to it, put his hand on it, then sat down and closed his eyes for a few moments. "Can we bring this?" he asked, hoping they could.
Trent watched Carlos as his focus changed suddenly from him to something else. He just started grinning as his lover went to his favorite chair and sat down in it. The picture Carlos made with his eyes shut in the recliner took Trent's breath away. He simply looked at the sight, his heart overflowing, loving the man more at this moment if such a thing were even possible.
Carlos felt every aspect of the chair, loving the feel of it and he remembered all of the times he spent in it. "Well, can we?" he asked, wanting to make sure it was all right with Trent if they moved the chair to his place. Carlos knew he couldn't bring everything he owned -- he didn't want to. He loved what Trent had, but he had his own favorite things and was at least hoping to bring the chair.
Trent had to shake himself just a bit, realizing Carlos had been talking to him. "Sure you can bring the chair. You can bring anything and everything you want to. It's your home now, too," Trent said. Then realizing what Carlos meant, he continued, "Oh, you mean today?" Trent looked at the chair. It wasn't all that big, the two of them could easily carry it. "You think it'll fit in the Durango?" he asked.
Carlos couldn't have smiled any more brightly than he did right then at his lover's answer. He nodded his head excitedly about the idea of moving it today -- he really didn't want to be without it anymore. "It'll fit perfectly -- thank you, baby," he said, looking at Trent with all of the love he had.
"You're welcome," Trent said, not quite getting what the big deal was. He knew it was Carlos's favorite chair, but he still didn't really get the reaction.
Carlos got out of the chair and walked over to his lover, wrapped his arms around him, and kissed him for all he was worth. "I love you very much," he said.
"Well, I love you, too," Trent said, after Carlos released his mouth, "What do I get if I say you can bring your refrigerator today?" Trent started laughing a little, "Even if it's not suitable for creative uses," he finished, looking at Carlos's very small refrigerator.
Carlos raised his eyebrows and his eyes opened wider at hearing his lover's words. "Hmmm..., well, I guess that's for me to know and you to find out, now, isn't it?" he asked rather suggestively. "There are *other* creative uses for one that size, you know," he said, thinking of how it would be nice to have it in the office. He loved to listen to Trent laugh and he nuzzled his lover's neck lightly for a moment then kissed him again briefly but passionately on the lips.
Trent thought this was very funny for some really odd reason. He chalked it up to him just being so happy. "I don't know, Carlos," Trent said, still holding on to his lover, but looking at the small apartment sized refrigerator, "I really don't think it will hold us," he laughed harder at this and put his forehead against Carlos's chest and hugged him tighter.
Carlos held Trent tightly against him and put a hand on his lover's head enjoying the feeling of it against his chest. "No, I don't suppose it will. We can use it at the office though. We still have the one at home to keep trying out different ideas and testing those logistics of ours, you know," he said, sensuously. How he loved to listen as Trent continued to laugh, even harder now.
Trent was gone at this. He really had no idea why, but the image of them breaking the little refrigerator was running around in his head and it wasn't going away. After a few minutes of laughing happily and enjoying beyond measure Carlos holding him while he did, Trent finally managed to get himself back under control. He hugged Carlos tighter and said, "I love you so much," still smiling from ear to ear with his forehead against his lover's chest. With an extra squeeze of his arms first, Trent moved his head to Carlos's shoulder, still smiling as he snuggled against his lover.
Happy that his lover was enjoying himself, Carlos tightened his hold around Trent even more and ran one hand up and down his back as he turned his head slightly so that he could nuzzle Trent's neck a little. "I love you too, baby," he said softly in-between the sweet tender kisses he was applying to his lover's neck.
"Mmmm...," Trent purred as Carlos nuzzled him. He closed his eyes just basking in the love of Carlos -- his for Carlos, Carlos's for him -- and the wondrous nuzzling.
"I do suppose we should get these things in the truck, don't you?" Carlos asked. He didn't want to let go of his lover at all -- he wanted to make love to him right there, but he knew that they should probably get going.
"Spoil sport," Trent said, teasing his lover, who was totally right. "Come on," Trent said and let go of Carlos a bit reluctantly, "Let's take this other stuff downstairs and make room in the truck for the chair."
Carlos moved and picked up the box he had packed with his things. Trent noticed something out of the corner of his eye and moved towards it. Picking up the stuffed teddy bear Carlos had won at Six Flags, the one that was the companion to his stuffed Lucky Bear, Trent carried it over to where Carlos was standing and put it on top of the box he was holding. "You don't want to forget Soaring Eagle, do you? My Lucky Bear will be most disappointed if you do," Trent said, smiling at the expression on Carlos's face.
As soon as he saw Trent with the bear he'd won at Six Flags he stopped what he was doing and smiled brightly -- remembering their wonderful day together and how the bears had come into their lives. He looked at the bear then at his lover, his eyes full of love. "No way -- I would never forget Soaring Eagle, baby. He's Lucky Bear's partner in life just as you're mine," he said softly as he looked deeply into Trent's eyes.
Trent smiled at Carlos then headed to the elevator and picked up the suitcase he had put there and waited for Carlos to join him with a box of his personal things. "I don't know about you and Snoopy, but I'm getting hungry. Let's stop somewhere on the way home for lunch," Trent said as Carlos closed the gate on the elevator.
Carlos laughed and shook his head. "Well, Snoopy hasn't started whining yet, but I must say that you're right on time and he should be responding shortly," he said, laughing a little harder. "Lunch sounds great," he added, looking forward to it.
They took the one load of things down to the Durango and made room inside to put the chair. Heading back upstairs, they got a hold of the chair, one on each end of it, and started out with it. They put it down, inside the elevator, so Carlos could lock up.
Carlos followed his lover into the elevator with the chair. They put it down and when he turned around to close the elevator gate, his eyes took in his apartment once more, then he closed the gate and locked it. They were really moving in together and he couldn't have been happier about it. In fact, he felt like he was bursting at the seams he was so happy.
They stopped for lunch at Arby's, satisfying Carlos's stomach and keeping it quiet for a while at least. Arriving back at the apartment, they carried the chair in from the truck as well as bringing in Carlos's other things. Trent made room for his lover's clothes in his closet and dresser and he couldn't have been happier to do so.
Taking Carlos's stuffed teddy, Trent took it over to the shelf and placed it next to his stuffed Lucky Bear. He smiled at seeing them sitting there side by side. "They look pretty happy to see each other again. Think we need to leave them alone for a while so they can get reacquainted?" Trent asked.
"That's a great idea. Now that they're going to be roommates like us they need to spend lots of time together," Carlos said. After looking at the bears he looked at his lover and that famous wicked smile of his began to play on his lips again. "And I think we can provide the perfect opportunity to leave them alone," he added very suggestively.
"Mmm, I like how you think...," Trent said, his own wicked grin starting.
Now that everything was put away, their desire for each other that had been building all day would be denied no longer and they made love with their usual enthusiasm, then settled in to bed to watch some more of the Highlander TV show tapes. More lovemaking followed by dinner rounded out the rest of the afternoon and early evening.
Having just finished their meal, Trent was taking the dishes to the sink to wash them. "These will just take me a few minutes," Trent said, "Why don't you go ahead into the livingroom. More Highlander or pick out a movie." Trent wasn't sure how much Carlos was really liking Highlander. It really didn't pick up until about the middle of season one.
Carlos smiled as he watched his lover take the dishes to the sink. It felt so good to be here -- it always had, but it was different now because some of his things were here and that meant it was the start of them living together even though they had been since he was hurt. "All right, baby -- Highlander sounds good -- I'm just getting into it. You know what tape to put in next so I'll go into the livingroom and wait for you," he said, as he walked into the livingroom. When he saw his chair he went right to it and sat down and settled back into it. After a few minutes he was so relaxed and comfortable he closed his eyes and just lay in the comfort of his chair, oblivious to everything around him.
Trent finished up the dishes, smiling happily to himself about nothing and everything. He was just so darned happy and it was simply not possible to keep it inside -- not that he wanted to anyway.
All done with the clean up, Trent headed into the livingroom only to be met with the sight of Carlos in his chair -- his eyes closed, totally comfortable, totally at peace and looking oh-so-cute doing it. Trent's heart just welled up with love as he stood there quietly studying the sight -- memorizing the moment itself. Finally shaking himself out of it -- **How long have I been standing here staring?** Trent wondered -- he said, "That looks pretty comfy, but hardly room for two in that chair." He was teasing, of course, but he did want to hold and be held by Carlos as they watched TV. And there really wasn't room for two in the chair.
Carlos didn't even hear Trent when he came into the livingroom. He opened his eyes slowly and took in his lover standing there watching him and he was so overwhelmed at the sight and so very full of love for this wonderful man. He smiled his best, brightest smile, his eyes sparkling more than they ever had. "Oh, I think there's *plenty* of room for two. Get over here," he said, his smile turning very wicked as he held out his arms for his lover to move into. He wanted Trent right there in his chair with him, cuddling and watching TV together.
Trent stood where he was, although he wasn't sure just how he did it, especially when certain parts of his anatomy were well on their way over to Carlos already. "I don't know, Carlos," Trent said, his own wicked grin starting up, "Looks like it would be a mighty tight fit," the grin got more wicked, "I might just have to sit in your lap."
"That's exactly what I had in mind, my dear," Carlos said, in a low husky voice filled with desire -- the wicked grin on his face becoming even more wicked. He loved it and he wanted Trent in his lap and wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Now, c'mere," he said, his voice becoming even softer, but filled with just as much passion and desire, his arousal becoming much stronger as his body wanted and needed the close contact with his lover.
That was it. Not even Superglue on his feet could have kept Trent where he was standing any longer. Keeping his eyes on Carlos's and the wicked grin on his face, Trent approached Carlos and the chair. He crawled into the chair and over Carlos until he was finally sitting in his lover's lap, facing him, one knee on either side of him. His face now only inches from Carlos's and a bit above, Trent grinned at his lover like he had just accomplished a very difficult task. "You're right Carlos, plenty of room," Trent switched back to his wicked grin, "But I have no idea how either of us is going to watch TV like this."
Carlos was in awe and watched with lust and desire as his lover moved towards him and climbed into the chair and over him until he was in his lap. It felt so good and he immediately wrapped his arms around Trent and looked at his lover's wicked grin. "Who said anything about watching TV?" he asked, then put one hand behind Trent's head and brought their lips together in a searing hot passionate kiss, deepening it as his tongue sought entry into his lover's mouth to taste everything that was pure Trent, moaning softly as he did so.
Trent kissed Carlos back for all he was worth. Breaking the kiss out of need for air, Trent said, "What's a TV?" in answer to his lover's comment, then went back for more of Carlos's sweet mouth. Continuing the kiss, Trent reached down between them and untied Carlos's robe, then slipped his hands inside the robe and caressed his lover's chest, opening the robe up as he did so.
Carlos was completely thrilled and held Trent even tighter to his body as he continued their wonderful kissing. His lover tasted absolutely incredible, so many flavors made up this wonderful man and he wanted to memorize all of them and worked on doing just that as his tongue intertwined with Trent's to make sure he didn't miss a thing. He moaned louder when he felt his lover's hands on his chest, opening his robe, and he deepened the kiss even further, becoming hotter as Trent's hands caressed his chest.
Continuing to caress his lover's chest, Trent broke the kiss and started to move down to his lover's neck, scooting his body back slightly so he could reach. Arriving at his favorite spot, Trent began to nuzzle Carlos, then lick him. Not stopping what he was doing, rather talking while nuzzling and licking, Trent said, "Mmmm..., you taste... so... good...," at which time Trent added some gentle nips to his licking and nuzzling.
His lover's kisses felt so good, then Trent adjusted his position and Carlos moaned then whimpered as his lover started nuzzling his neck. It was wonderful, so loving and gentle. When Trent spoke it sent his senses into overdrive, increasing his arousal so much that he was sure he was harder than he'd ever been before. "Ooohh, baby..., yes... so good...," he said as he began to pant, his temperature rising with the gentle nips and licking that Trent added to his nuzzling.
Moving Carlos's robe back even further with his hands, Trent started a trail down from his lover's neck to one of his nipples, still licking and nipping as he went. Moving his position back ever so slightly yet again, Trent managed to finally reach a nipple. He put out his tongue and ran it around and around the nipple, teasing it and hardening it, before taking it in his mouth and sucking on it, then nipping it.
Carlos had never felt like this before -- what his lover was doing to him, on top of him in his chair was so erotic, so sensual, and he couldn't get enough. He started moaning louder, followed by several whimpers as Trent began moving down his chest, licking and nipping as he moved. He arched his back and cried out when he felt Trent's hot tongue around his nipple, the feeling becoming even more erotic because of the incredible position they were in. It had him very near the edge. He found every moment of it incredibly delicious. When his lover began sucking on his nipple he tightened his hold around Trent and cried out as his lover began nipping at his nipple.
Trent knew Carlos was nearing his limit, he could feel it against his body, but he simply had to pay like attention to his lover's other nipple. Letting go of the one in his mouth, Trent moved to the other nipple and paid the same attention to it, running his tongue around and around it, hardening it, before sucking it into his mouth and nipping on it gently.
Carlos was nearly beside himself now, moaning almost incoherently as his lover moved from one nipple to the other, his hot tongue moving all over it, around and around -- making his nipple so hard, harder than he ever felt before. The effect it was having on his entire body was amazing -- he had been completely taken over. He cried out loudly again, arching his back as Trent took his other nipple into his mouth and began sucking on it. The gentle nips he added were like a sweetness that washed over him and filled his mind, body and soul with more love and excitement than he realized were possible.
Trent knew Carlos could take no more and frankly, neither could he. They were so ready to join, so ready to love each other, it simply needed to be now. Trent let go of Carlos's nipple and sat up. Looking directly into his lover's eyes, Trent moved his hands slowly to his own robe and untied it then took it off, tossing it onto the floor.
Carlos was on the edge and he knew that his lover was, too. He whimpered when his lover released his nipple, but it was so wonderful and exciting to know that they would be joining soon. As Trent took his robe off he took in every move his lover made, not missing one feature of his lover's incredible body.
Continuing to look at Carlos, Trent asked, "Are you ready for me to really sit in your lap?" He moved his rear end around a little, moving it against Carlos's erection, hoping his meaning was clear.
Carlos looked into his lover's eyes and understood Trent's meaning perfectly, whimpering in anticipation as he felt his lover's rear end move against his very hard shaft. "Oh, yes... I'm ready, baby..., I'm ready...," he said, barely getting the words out he was so excited. He slid his hands down Trent's back and onto his behind, deeply massaging his lover's rear end, encouraging him to *really* sit in his lap.
Trent smiled knowing his meaning had been clear by his lover's actions. Leaning in and capturing Carlos's mouth first, Trent lifted himself up off of Carlos far enough to accomplish his objective. With his lover's help, Trent got into the right position before lowering himself back down into Carlos's lap, joining their bodies as he did. Once he was sitting back down all the way, he released his lover's mouth and looked deep in his eyes and smiled again.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss with everything he had -- it was a powerful kiss, all consuming, yet gentle and loving all at the same time. As his lover lifted off of him he positioned his shaft so that when Trent lowered himself he could guide it into his lover's body, joining them as one. He moaned as he entered his lover, the feeling always incredible, but this time it was overwhelming right from the start -- so different, the positioning adding so much. Once the kiss broke he looked deeply into his lover's eyes and smiled back at him, ready to continue the wonderful journey that was waiting for them.
The difference in the position was incredible, Trent was amazed at how different it felt. It was so erotic, so good. He began to move, with some help from Carlos, slowly at first, letting them both get used to this. But the more he moved the more he needed to move, slow wasn't going to last long.
Carlos moaned as Trent moved -- it was wonderful, and very erotic -- he'd never felt anything like this before and as his lover continued to move he knew this wouldn't last long -- he was too close already. The more Trent moved the more his desire to increase the movement became and he continued to deeply massage his lover's rear end, which just increased his own passion and desire. "Oh, God, what you do to me...," he said, breathing very hard, panting now as he looked at his lover with all the love he had.
Trent moved his position just a bit so he could move faster -- they both needed it, nearing that edge. He let out a loud moan and closed his eyes as he continued to move faster, his lover inside him -- filling him.
Carlos wasn't sure how much more he could take -- it felt so wonderful, incredible and he began panting even harder now as he moved with his lover -- faster and faster, loving the feeling of being inside his lover, filling him over and over again as he moved within his body. He thrilled at hearing his lover's moan and watched as he closed his eyes, knowing that he was bringing his lover such pleasure. He only wanted to bring him more, wanted them to fall off the edge into that special bliss they had shared so many times before.
Trent moaned again loudly but this time opened his eyes to look at Carlos. He was suddenly overtaken by an almost desperate need to feel his lover's lips on his, to feel his lover's tongue in his mouth. Moving forward in a manner so as not to change the position of his body, only reach his lover's mouth with his own, Trent caught Carlos's mouth in a deep, passionate, hungry kiss as he continued to move his body in harmony with his lover, each of them nearing their orgasms quickly.
Carlos returned his lover's hungry kiss with his own hunger, devouring everything he could, tasting and memorizing every single individual taste sensation that made up his lover. Trent's lips were so soft and tender. He traced the outline of them with his tongue before his tongue made it's way deep inside his lover's mouth to experience even more of what his incredible lover had to offer, while their bodies continued to move together so in tune to one another. They were both on the edge and he took a hold of his lover's very hard shaft and began to stroke it gently, to match the rhythm of their bodies, his own passion rising even higher as soon as he touched his lover. He was on the edge and it wouldn't be long before he fell off together with his lover into that incredible bliss they'd experienced before.
When Carlos touched him and began to stroke his shaft, Trent broke the kiss and cried out, unable to restrain his vocalizations. He straightened back up, as he continued to move, giving Carlos more room to stroke him. It wasn't going to take much, he was too close to the fall. Trent closed his eyes and moaned again as he gave himself over to his orgasm, unable to wait any longer.
That was all Carlos needed to know and hearing his lover cry out just increased his own desire even more and he continued to stroke Trent's shaft gently but firmly, up and down, as they moved together. He watched closely as Trent closed his eyes and moaned again, thrilling to the sound of his lover enjoying himself so much and he thrust into Trent a little deeper and a little faster. After three more deep hard thrusts he came hard inside his lover, crying out as he did so -- the feelings overwhelming him, his orgasm so strong he was shaking as Trent came hard at the same time, filling Carlos with even more pleasure and satisfaction knowing he had brought his lover so much pleasure.
It was so intense like this. Carlos thrusting up into him as he moved himself. On the last thrust, Trent felt his lover come deep inside him as he erupted in his lover's hand, crying out as he did. He stayed as he was as he came and for a moment afterwards -- eyes shut, his body pressed down on his lover's as far as it would go, panting hard. It just felt so very good.
His lover looked so beautiful and sexy as he came, hearing him cry out, feeling Trent's body pressed down on him like this was like no other feeling in the world and Carlos wanted it to continue.
Trent finally opened his eyes and, keeping their bodies joined, he leaned in again to capture Carlos's mouth in another hungry kiss. They were still both breathing very hard, Trent still moaning softly, so they broke the kiss often for air, but only for that brief time, to take in some air. As far as Trent was concerned, they could remain like this forever.
It felt wonderful being joined in this very special way, something very erotic and unique about it, and Carlos didn't want their joining to end. He looked into his lover's eyes as Trent leaned in to kiss him, and found Trent's kiss to be captivating. He returned it just as he did before -- full of fire and passion, eager to satisfy the hunger and thirst that he knew he never could. He was breathing so very hard and breaking for air was the only reason he stopped kissing his incredible lover. He could kiss Trent all day and all night and never stop wanting to. He moaned over and over again into his lover's mouth, still holding his lover close to him with one hand on his back, and the other on his backside encouraging Trent to keep their bodies joined.
His breathing calming down a bit, his heartrate approaching normal, Trent finally let go of his lover's mouth and straightened back up again. As much as he loved being joined with Carlos like this, he needed to lie down against his lover's body, to put his head on his chest and be snuggled close.
Lifting up carefully, with Carlos's help, Trent broke their joining. Moving his legs from a kneeling position, Trent stretched out full length in the chair beside Carlos, not all the way on top of him, but not very far off either, the close confines of the chair keeping them very close. He moved down just a bit so he could put his head on Carlos's chest, stopping to kiss his lover and smile at him before putting his head down over Carlos's heart. "You were right about there being room for two in this chair, Carlos," Trent said in a lazy and very contented voice, as he snuggled even closer to his lover.
Carlos knew their joining had to end sometime and, as always, he felt the customary disappointment when he left Trent's body, but it was soon replaced when his lover kissed him and smiled, then placing his head over his heart. How good that felt he couldn't describe to anyone. He sighed deeply, a man in pure heaven for the joy he was holding in his arms -- his precious Trent. "Mmm..., yes, it worked out very, very nicely indeed, didn't it?" he said, feeling very sated and content as he lay there holding his lover close to him, loving the way Trent was snuggling even closer to his body.
"Umm... humm...," Trent vocalized, still very contentedly snuggled against Carlos.
"Anytime you want a repeat, that can be arranged," Carlos added, as he ran one hand up and down Trent's back, then he kissed the top of his lover's head before settling back in the chair holding Trent close and tight.
"Oh, is that so?" Trent said, in mock surprise, then lifted his head up to look at Carlos. "I should think there would be a lot of interesting things one could do in a recliner chair," he said, then changed to a sensuous tone and continued, "We might just have to do them all, too." With that he kissed Carlos -- a kiss filled with the promise of things yet to come -- before breaking the kiss and grinning at him.
"I *know* there are a lot of interesting things we can do in this chair," Carlos said, totally loving Trent's look and the tone of his voice. "Anytime you want to start trying them out just say the word, baby," he added, in a very husky voice, so very full of the passion and desire he had for his wonderful lover. He kissed Trent back, feeling everything his lover had to give him, then he smiled back at Trent, loving the grin on his face. He reached out with his hand and ran it through Trent's hair, then brought their lips together for another kiss, holding him close with his other arm, adoring this man so much he just couldn't get enough and he knew he never would.
"Well, my mind says 'now' but my body is going to have to recharge for a while before we take this chair on another great adventure," Trent said, after the kiss broke, "But seeing as it's here to stay like you, I think we have plenty of time to get creative with it." Trent broke into the biggest grin when he said those words, his feelings about Carlos moving in still making him so happy he couldn't contain it even if he wanted to.
"I just love how our minds think alike," Carlos said, very suggestively. "I think I need to rest up myself before we do this again, but we *will* do this again, baby, that's a promise," he added softly. He smiled brightly hearing his lover's words, knowing that Trent was happy about him moving in meant the world to him. "Yes, creativity is something we've become quite good at, and I'm sure we can become even more so with this chair," he added sensuously, nibbling gently at his lover's earlobe and happy to see Trent's grin.
"At least we didn't break it like we would your refrigerator," Trent said, starting to laugh again at the image in his head he had earlier. Why he thought it was funny he still didn't get, but he continued to laugh happily as he put his head back down on Carlos's chest contentedly.
Carlos broke into laughter unable to contain himself as he watched and listened to Trent laugh. He shook his head, continuing to laugh, remembering his small refrigerator at his apartment, and imagined them trying to use that in the way they had the regular sized fridge at Trent's. "You're right about that, baby... you're right about that," he said, and started to laugh hard all over again, holding Trent close to him, loving the feeling of his lover's head on his chest.
After the laughter had died down a bit, Trent looked back up at Carlos again. "We were on our way to watching TV when we got -- uh -- distracted," Trent commented, "You still want to watch something?" Trent really didn't care what they did as long as they did it together, but TV sounded good. It had been a while since he'd watched his Highlander tapes and he was enjoying it from the beginning again like this.
Carlos looked at Trent and brushed his hand through his lover's hair smiling lovingly at him. "Sure, why don't we continue with watching Highlander," he said, knowing how much Trent enjoyed the TV series. All he wanted was to cuddle Trent and never let go. "How about you put another tape in and then we'll hold each other while we watch it, OK?" he asked, as he nuzzled his lover's neck lightly.
"Are you trying to recharge my battery faster?" Trent asked, totally loving the nuzzling as usual, but afraid it was going to take some time before his body caught up with his mind on this subject.
"Mmmm..., I'm working on it," Carlos said sensuously, as he continued to nuzzle his lover lightly.
"You're going to have to actually let go of me if you expect me to get up, you know," Trent said, still loving the nuzzling.
Carlos laughed realizing that Trent was right -- he was holding him so that he couldn't get up. "OK, baby -- there you go," he said, releasing his hold around Trent so he could go and put a tape in the VCR.
Managing to get out of the chair, Trent first went and got his robe off the floor and put it back on. Then, heading to the VCR, he found the tape he wanted and put it in, grabbing the remote off the coffee table on the way back to the chair. Looking at Carlos watching him, Trent still couldn't figure out what it was about Carlos in that chair that made his heart skip a beat and his love for him overflow, but it did yet again. "You think we can really both fit in that chair and see the TV?" Trent asked, not really sure of just how they were going to manage it.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of Trent, the way his lover moved captivated him, and he wanted nothing more than to look at Trent for the rest of his life, his love for him completely filling him. "You bet we can watch TV in this chair together. I'll show you just how we can do it, too," he said, his eyes sparkling as he held out his arms for his lover to resume his position lying down next to him in the chair. He'd adjusted the angle of the chair a little so that they could watch TV more easily and still hold each other.
Trent had his doubts, but Carlos was so sure. He headed over to the chair, stopping to pull Carlos's robe shut and tie it lest he get totally distracted from the TV, then climbed back into the chair next to Carlos as his lover indicated. Once Carlos had adjusted the chair, he was surprised to see he was right, there was room, he could see the TV fine. Trent looked up at Carlos, his head on his lover's chest, and grinned at him. "Yup, you were right again, Carlos, works out pretty nice, too," he said, cuddling up next to his lover, his arm around his waist, then starting the VCR.
Once again Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of that very sexy wonderful man -- his lover Trent Malloy. He watched Trent as he moved towards him, then put his arms around him as soon as Trent got settled into position by Carlos's side with his head on his chest. "Mmmm..., it sure does, baby, it sure does," he said softly, as he tightened his hold around Trent, watching the TV as his lover started the VCR.
They watched both episodes of Highlander on the tape, and when it was through, went to bed, both with recharged batteries and ready for more lovemaking. Afterwards, and after Trent managed to get Carlos to move enough to get the under the covers, Trent crawled back in beside his lover and snuggled up close to him, pulling the covers over both of them, putting his head on his lover's chest. "I'm so glad you're moving in here with me Carlos, in case I hadn't mentioned it lately," Trent said, running his hand slowly over his lover's chest.
It felt so good to Carlos to make love again and have Trent by his side, snuggling close to him and putting his head on his chest. "Me too, baby -- I'm so very glad you suggested it. It's what I want more than anything -- for us to be together all the time," he said, knowing that he'd never get enough of being with Trent. He sighed deeply at feeling his lover's hand moving across his chest, and he closed his eyes for a few moments. When he opened them he brought their lips together with all the passion he had, wanting to show Trent how much he was loved, and that he would see to it that his lover always felt that way.
Carlos didn't really like saying this but it was on his mind and he felt it was important that they discuss it. He looked at his lover and softly caressed his cheek with the back of his hand. "It isn't going to be easy telling people, is it?" he asked, knowing they would have a tough road ahead of them, but also knowing they had their love for one another to see them through it.
"No, it isn't," Trent said, all the horror stories he had heard running through his head at once. "You really never know how people are going to react to something like this or if they can handle it at all," Trent said, not even really liking thinking about it. Looking up at Carlos, he continued, "But like I said before, Carlos, we have good stable friends and loving families. I think it's going to be OK. But remember, no matter how hard it gets, no matter what happens, we still have each other," Trent put his hand to his lover's face, "That's what is most important -- we have each other."
Carlos nodded his head, understanding what his lover was saying about the possibility that they may face opposition and even rejection about their relationship. "I think you're right about our friends and families. You're also right about us having each other no matter what happens. I'll always be by your side and love you no matter what," he said, looking deeply into his lover's eyes and leaning lightly against Trent's hand loving the feel of it on his face. "That *is* the most important thing of all -- we have each other," he added in a soft voice looking at Trent with all of the love he had.
Trent smiled his very best smile at Carlos. A smile full of love from his heart and his soul. "I love you so very much, Carlos Sandoval," he said, bringing his lips to his lover's in a sweet and tender kiss.
Carlos loved Trent's smile -- it made him even more beautiful if that were possible and filled him with more love than he'd ever known. "I love you very much, too, Trent Malloy," he said, smiling back, then returned his lover's sweet, tender kiss. He sighed as the kiss broke, feeling very content and happy beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
Trent put his head back down on Carlos's chest still smiling. He closed his eyes and snuggled against Carlos even tighter, if it were possible, and waited for sleep to come to him.
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent even tighter as he felt his lover snuggle even closer. How he loved that -- it made him feel so good when Trent snuggled against him just like this and he smiled even brighter. He ran a hand through Trent's hair, kissed his head, then settled back and closed his eyes slowly as sleep began to overtake him.
After a few minutes, Trent felt Carlos's breathing become slow and even and he knew his lover was asleep or almost so.
Carlos allowed himself to go into a deep sleep with the knowledge that they would get through everything, no matter what lay ahead of them -- together.
Trent sighed again and allowed himself to drift off, knowing no matter what tomorrow brought, they were going to get through it, they were going to be all right -- together.
*****The End*****
All of our stories are named for songs from musicals. This one is from the musical "I Do! I Do!"
Words and music by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt.
My Cup Runneth Over
Sometimes in the mornin'
when shadows are deep
I lie here beside you
just watchin' you sleep
And sometimes I whisper
what I'm thinking of
My cup runneth over with love
Sometimes in the evening
when you do not see
I study the small things
you do constantly
I memorized moments
that I'm fondest of
My cup runneth over with love
In only a moment
we both will be old
we won't even notice
the world turning cold
And so in this moment
with sunshine above
My cup runneth over with love
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