We Kiss in a Shadow
Page Two

The end of the day was upon them even quicker than they realized and soon it was time to leave for the day. "Good night, guys," Kim said as she finished up for the day and left.
"Good night, Kim," Carlos said. After she was gone, he went outside to wait for Trent to finish up. He knew they would meet at Trent's place, but he wanted to know about dinner first. At a restaurant? Where? In or out? He was in a hurry to be with Trent alone and show his lover he meant every word of the promise he had made to him that morning.
Locking the outer door to Thunder Investigations and then going down the stairs, Trent found Carlos leaning up against his car watching him. "Hey, sailor. Come here often?" Trent asked Carlos.
Carlos looked Trent up and down, visualizing him the way they were last night and this morning, and he just smiled. "Yeah, I do. And it's all because of you," he said, with all the sentiment behind those words showing in his eyes and on his face. It still took every ounce of will he had left to keep from pulling Trent into his arms and kissing him right there on the spot. "Now, remember that promise I made? Well, it starts now. Where do you want to go to dinner?" he asked, his eyes looking deeply into Trent's.
"Promise? Promise... humm...," Trent pretended to be trying to remember, "Oh, that one about dinner being *on* you? Why not get something and take it back to my place? I'll even let you decide where from and what to get."
"Now, you don't really mean that, after the breakfast I ate that you found..., what was the word you used?" Carlos asked, pretending he didn't remember. "Oh yeah -- *repulsive* I believe was the word you used," Carlos said, grinning, "Seriously, Trent, you name it and I'll get it and meet you back at your place."
"That was just the doughnuts, Carlos. But I can't say I thought much of the rest of the meal either," Trent said, making a face remembering the greasy food. "Now, just in case you get there before me, here," Trent said, handing Carlos the brand new keys to his apartment he had stopped this morning and had made for him.
Carlos simply stared at Trent and took the keys from him, but there was a lump in his throat and he couldn't speak for a moment. "Thank you, Trent, I'll treasure these," he said very softly, then looked up at Trent, eyes full of love. "I'll pick out something you'll approve of and see you when you get there," he said and got into his Durango and headed off for the restaurant he had in mind.
Trent climbed into his car wondering just what he might have gotten himself into for dinner tonight, but he determined he was going to do his best to eat whatever it was. He knew it would be from Carlos's heart, even if it *was* an all doughnut smorgasbord. They teased each other a lot, always had, but Trent would never hurt Carlos's feelings for anything in the world. Never.
Pulling into traffic, Trent reached over and turned on the radio. **What the heck?** he thought to himself. Instead of the usual station he listened to there was some very strange song coming out of the radio that sounded a bit familiar but he couldn't place. But it sure wasn't the light rock he usually listened to. Unable to take his eyes off the road in the heavy traffic long enough to change the station, Trent had to leave on the station he was now learning was "ALL show music ALL the time!" **The kids were in the car day before yesterday! They must have changed it,** Trent realized, remembering taking Tandi and Tyler, his kid brother and sister, to the movies.
Trent pulled up to a traffic light and was just about to change the station when a song came on that caught his attention. He just sat there, listening. He couldn't believe it. What was this song? He was shocked back to reality by a horn blaring at him from behind. **They better tell just what these songs are at some point and which show they are from,** he thought, driving on. After six more songs the announcer finally bothered to come on and tell the audience what they had been listening to. He'd been hoping it wasn't one of those things where if you were listening to the station they assumed you knew. Getting the name of the musical in question, Trent thought of a music store on the way home and determined to stop and see if they had the CD.
Once Carlos got the food he got to Trent's in record time and set everything up. He had all of the food served on plates and the table set. Everything was ready, he only needed his lover to arrive and then he could begin to show Trent what his love was all about.
Carlos studied the table carefully, nodding his head. **Yes, Trent should be pleased,** he thought to himself. There were steaks, baked potatoes, a mixture of fresh steamed vegetables that were Trent's favorites, salad with two choices of dressings and a bottle of red wine. For dessert there was Trent's favorite ice cream. Carlos rubbed his hands together, rather pleased with himself. He just hoped that Trent would be as pleased -- nothing would mean as much if he couldn't please his lover and show him that he did eat well, once in a while at least. He was getting anxious now -- not to mention very aroused at knowing that Trent was going to walk through that door at any moment. He felt like a young kid but he didn't care as long as they had each other -- nothing else mattered.
Trent sat in the parking lot at the music store listening to the song again. He simply couldn't believe this song. It was amazing. He arrived at his apartment to see Carlos's Durango in the lot and lights on in his apartment. He smiled brightly -- the keys had been a good idea. Putting the CD back in it's case and then in the bag and then in his jacket pocket, Trent went upstairs to join his lover for a night he knew would be filled with bliss.
Carlos heard Trent coming to the door and he ran over and opened it for him, not able to contain his anticipation any longer. He pulled Trent inside and quickly shut the door. Carlos pulled his lover into his arms and wrapped his arms around him tightly, kissing him with all the passion he had inside. Carlos's tongue was once again after the sweet taste that now belonged to him -- he wanted to claim it once again. The sensations Trent provided Carlos were beyond his wildest imagination. "Welcome home," he said simply, smiling into those lovely blue eyes of Trent's.
Trent was caught just a bit off guard at being whisked into his own apartment and kissed passionately. "Hello to you, too," Trent grinned at Carlos, then captured Carlos's mouth in another kiss full of desire, allowing his hand to trail down to his lover's rear end.
Carlos moaned into Trent's mouth when he felt his hand slide down his back and settle on his backside. It was almost too hot for him already and he couldn't wait. He had to have Trent now. "I want you, I need you, I love you," Carlos said seductively into Trent's ear, as he broke the kiss. He took Trent by the hand and led him into the bedroom.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said simply, taking his lover's hand and walking with him to the bedroom.
Once there Carlos quickly removed Trent's clothes and then his own. He embraced Trent then fell to the bed, taking his lover with him. He began to kiss Trent first on the lips, then his jaw. Then he began nuzzling Trent's neck, kissing that special spot he liked so much below the Adam's apple.
**This is definitely the way to be greeted when one gets home from work,** Trent thought. "Mmmm, Carlos, that feels sooo... goooood...," Trent murmured. He loved the feel of Carlos nuzzling him.
The kisses turned frenzied as Carlos became more worked up, his passion having had to be in check since lunch hour. His desires became almost out of control. He moved down Trent's body until his mouth was hovering above one of Trent's nipples, then he took the nipple in his mouth and began biting and licking it alternately until it was a hardened peak. He kept it up until Trent was writhing underneath him. How he loved to watch Trent enjoy himself! Then Carlos moved to the other nipple, showing it the same attention until it was just as hard.
Trent was already moaning with passion when Carlos found his nipple and began to suck and bite it. He arched his back and moaned louder. How did Carlos DO this to him? He had barely touched him and Trent was so excited he could only moan his pleasure. Carlos found the other nipple and sucked and bit it, too, and again Trent moaned, arching his back, pushing his chest towards Carlos's mouth.
Carlos moved down fast, he didn't want to wait, and he quickly took Trent's penis into his mouth -- sucking hard, very hard -- his tongue licking up and down, front and back, sweet torment and pleasure applied at the same time. Trent's fluid was being produced now and Carlos loved the taste -- it was pure Trent and that was what he wanted. He slowly licked the opening, making sure he didn't miss any of it, as his mouth circled the head, teasing it. Then he took Trent into his mouth again, sucking hard until he could feel that his lover was close to his release.
Carlos was moving lower. Trent felt himself being sucked and licked and tasted. When Carlos licked the opening of his shaft, Trent again arched his back, throwing his head back and moaning again, unable to stop himself even if he had wanted to.
Carlos got the KY Jelly and carefully and thoroughly prepared himself and his lover, then entered Trent just like he did earlier -- face to face. He loved the intimate contact and being able to see his lover's face. Once deeply inside he was fast and really thrust inside Trent -- knowing that his lover was comfortable.
Carlos thrust deeply, quickly, almost frantically inside of him. Again, Trent could only moan and enjoy the passion and feeling of oneness their joining brought him.
Carlos took Trent's penis in his hand and stroked it in rhythm with his thrusts. He was really hard, fast, and deep this time, all of his energy going into this -- until he came inside Trent with such force that took his breath away. For once he couldn't speak.
The moment Carlos touched his shaft Trent almost came. But he held himself back, wanting to wait for his lover to join him at the peak before releasing. He didn't have long to hold himself back. Carlos made a few more deep, hard thrusts and he climaxed deep inside him. Trent allowed himself to follow his lover and came himself with a loud moan. Carlos collapsed on top of him after he came. Trent put his arms around his lover and held him there in a tight embrace. He wanted Carlos's weight on top of him. When Trent had finally come back down into himself enough to be able to, he opened his eyes and looked at Carlos. "That was absolutely wonderful," he said. An understatement at best.
"It sure was," Carlos said, kissing Trent passionately. "I know that was fast, baby, but I wanted you so much and I couldn't help myself -- you're irresistible," he said, nibbling on Trent's earlobe. "I love you very much and I always will," Carlos said, kissing him passionately again and holding him close. He put his head on Trent's chest just wanting to feel the close connection with him.
"Don't apologize to me for anything! Wasn't it *more* than obvious I was enjoying that just a little? Hey, making love is great, but a fast and furious fuck is too, you know," Trent said.
"This whole day has been wonderful -- from the time we woke up to right this minute. I can't think of a better way to spend it," Carlos said. "I'm the luckiest man in the whole world," he added, looking deeply into Trent's eyes. He reached a hand up to run it through Trent's hair. "You're incredible, you know that?" It was a statement, more than a question, for there was no doubt in Carlos's mind at all.
"I don't know about that, Carlos. I might just have to challenge you with that luckiest man in the world thing. I think you just might lose that title to me," Trent said in a kidding tone, but he meant it very seriously.
Carlos was completely amazed by Trent and the way he made him feel. He loved lying on top of Trent, to feel that closeness. The way his lover's arms felt tightly wrapped around him was just an added bonus. "Mmmmm, I could really get used to this," he said murmuring softly as he nuzzled Trent again, then lay his head down on Trent's chest. "I don't mean to change the subject but there's a nice dinner waiting for us out there," he said, not wanting to move really, but he was hungry. "What do you say?" Carlos asked.
"I say it sounds like a plan," Trent answered.
"Great! Let me show you what I got us for dinner," Carlos said. "This was just an appetizer," he said, teasing Trent. He was referring to their fast and furious fuck and Trent knew it of course, but Carlos had to let his lover know there was more in store and that he wasn't just referring to food. "Why don't you get dressed and comfortable then come out so we can eat, OK?" Carlos said.
"I've had this vision of all 31 flavors of doughnuts all the way home. Oh, wait, that's ice cream that comes in 31 flavors," Trent teased, "I hate to think how many flavors of doughnuts there are!" Trent disappeared into the bathroom before Carlos could say anything more.
While Trent went to get dressed, Carlos pulled on his own clothes then headed for the kitchen. He reheated everything so it would be ready for them to eat when Trent came into the room. "Here you go," Carlos said. He stood by the table and smiled as Trent came in and sat down. Carlos waited for Trent to dig in, knowing he would be hungry. He just hoped Trent would like it.
Trent sat down and looked at the meal Carlos had gotten them. He was truly surprised. He had figured pizza or maybe hamburgers, both of which Carlos knew he ate. But this was beyond anything he'd expected. He was truly touched. "I don't know what to say, Carlos," Trent for once was totally speechless. "Thank you for thinking of me," he said quietly.
"You're welcome. It was my pleasure, Trent -- I'll be doing this for you from now on. I really feel like a changed man and it's all because of you. I know how much you like good, healthy food and I'm going to try and change, buddy," Carlos said, truly meaning every word. He knew it would be very hard to give up all of the junk food and the visits to the drive-thru. Maybe he wouldn't be perfect about it, but he wanted to show Trent that his diet could be changed. Deep down he knew that Trent was right -- he didn't eat well and he really did want do something to improve on that.
"Go ahead and dig in," Carlos said, as he sat down and started to eat the food in front of him. **That restaurant did a good job,** he thought. His steak was done to perfection and so was everything else. Carlos opened the bottle of wine and poured some into Trent's glass, then his own. "How is everything?" Carlos asked curiously, since Trent hadn't said a word. In fact, Trent was being very quiet. Carlos hoped everything was all right. "I can switch with you if your steak isn't done right," Carlos said, knowing they liked their steaks cooked the same way.
"Huh?" Trent managed, "No, the steak is just fine, Carlos. Better than fine." Trent knew Carlos wasn't going to understand just *why* this gesture touched him so deeply even if he explained it -- if he could. He also knew he was being a real downer and Carlos wasn't going to understand *that* either if he didn't snap out of it soon. "I guess I'm just not used to people doing things for me," Trent said honestly, "This really was nice of you, Carlos, thank you."
After a few more minutes of trying to pull himself out of the serious mode, Trent managed to sound half way normal again. "You know, Carlos, no one is asking you to give up junk food. But it really *would* be a nice idea if it were not a steady and exclusive diet."
Now *this* was not like Trent at all. There was more to this than Trent was letting on. "What is it, Trent? You're being very serious and I'm concerned -- and don't tell me it's nothing, either, because I know you. What's wrong? Please talk to me -- I'll understand, whatever it is," Carlos said worriedly. The look on Trent's face when he saw all the food had certainly triggered something, he thought -- but what could it be?
"Nothing, really, sorry. Just what I said, not used to having people do things just for me," Trent said outloud, **Or thinking of me and my wants and needs,** he added to himself.
Carlos just watched Trent -- his expression -- and he seemed far away, like he was someplace else. He tried a different tactic. "Guess what I got for dessert? Your favorite ice cream," he said, beaming. He was sure that would get to Trent. He'd never seen a time when Trent refused ice cream. That seemed to bring Trent around a little and Carlos relaxed a bit.
Trent brightened at the mention of ice cream, his one real weakness. "Where did you find Peppermint Stick ice cream this time of year? Or is it my *other* favorite?" He really wasn't too picky when it came to flavor other than chocolate, which he couldn't eat. But Peppermint Stick was his favorite.
"No, I got you the peppermint kind -- and I do have my ways," Carlos said mysteriously and grinned when he saw the look on Trent's face.
"Yeah, I've *seen* your ways," Trent said, grinning at Carlos. Peppermint Stick ice cream was something you simply could not GET all year long. Seemed to be seasonal to Christmas.
"You're priceless, you know that?" Carlos asked. Trent was like a kid when it came to certain things and ice cream, particularly peppermint, was definitely one of those things. Carlos chuckled lightly. "Would you like me to get you some now?" he asked, getting up from the table with the dishes in his hand and starting towards the kitchen to clean up. "I'll have it to you in just a minute," he said. He got a bowl and spoon out and dished out a healthy amount of ice cream for Trent and brought it to him.
"Mmmm, looks great. Thank you, Carlos," Trent said, pulling his lover down just close enough to kiss his cheek before releasing him so he could eat his ice cream.
Carlos went back to the kitchen and started to wash the dishes.
After finishing his ice cream, Trent picked up the bowl and took it into the kitchen where Carlos was washing dishes. Putting the bowl on the counter, Trent stepped up behind Carlos, putting his arms around him and hugging him. "That really was a great dinner, Carlos, thank you," Trent said, hoping he hadn't given Carlos the wrong impression with his reaction to his wonderful thoughtfulness. "I got something I want you to hear when you're done playing Suzy Homemaker here," he added, kissing his lover's neck.
Carlos leaned back into his lover when he felt Trent's arms go around him. He loved that feeling, and he never wanted it to end. He sighed a deep sigh and closed his eyes for a few moments while the hot water from the tap ran over his hands. When he opened his eyes, he turned to face Trent and kissed him passionately, moving deeper into his hug. "I'll be done in a minute, I promise. And I can't wait to hear whatever this is you have planned for me," he said.
After a few minutes longer, Carlos was done with the dishes and had wiped off the table. He moved into the livingroom and saw that Trent was sitting on the couch. Carlos sat down next to him. "So, what is it you wanted me to hear?" he asked.
Trent put his arm around Carlos when he sat down. "When I turned on my radio on the way home I discovered the kids had apparently changed the station from my regular one. I couldn't change it back by then because of the traffic and I was listening to this really strange station playing show tunes. I was not pleased," Trent explained. Lowering his voice a bit, he added, "But I was really glad I hadn't been able to change the station because I heard this song and, well, just listen to it, OK?" With that, Trent leaned forward, started the CD and sat back again, putting his arm back around Carlos as he did.
Love changes everything
Hands and faces
Earth and sky
Love changes everything
How you live and
How you die
Can make
The summer fly
Or a night
Seem like
A lifetime
Yes love
Love changes everything
Now I tremble
At your name
Nothing in the world
Will ever
Be the same
Love changes everything
Days are longer
Words mean more
Love changes everything
Pain is deeper
Than before
Will turn your
World around
And that world
Will last
Yes love
Love changes everything
Brings you glory
Brings you shame
Nothing in the world
Will ever
Be the same
Trent still couldn't get over the beautiful song. He looked at Carlos for his reaction.
Carlos leaned against Trent as he listened to the words and the music -- especially the words. He couldn't get over how beautiful the song was and the truth behind the words. A lump had formed in his throat and when the song was over he looked at Trent with tears in his eyes -- of love -- pure love. "You got this song for us? This is our song now, isn't it?" Carlos whispered.
Trent looked at Carlos, truly surprised. "That hadn't even occurred to me. I only knew when I heard it, it was like it had been written for us, about the last few days," Trent said, then lowered his voice, "I just knew I had to share it with you. Yes, our song."
"This is so very special and it means the world to me, Trent -- thank you," Carlos said softly and leaned towards Trent to capture his lips in a very passionate kiss that stirred the fire deep in his soul. No one had ever shown such love and kindness to him before and the way he felt at this moment was beyond words. "I love you, Trent Malloy -- with everything I am," he said, and kissed Trent again, more passionately than before.
"I love you, too, Carlos, with all my heart," Trent said, "And I thank God nothing in the world will ever be the same." Trent kissed Carlos again but more tenderly.
"Please play the song again?" Carlos asked, nuzzling Trent's neck. He wanted so much more -- to show his appreciation for what Trent had done.
"You got it," Trent said as he leaned forward and programmed the song to play again. Leaning back, he again put his arm around Carlos.
Carlos snuggled cozily against Trent again and felt so safe and loved while they listened to the song one more time. Their song -- their own special song -- and he knew he would have to have this kept close to him at all times. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. He was never happier than he was right now and he wrapped his arms around Trent.
They listened to the song again and when it was over, Trent reached over and put his hand under Carlos's chin. Lifting his face towards his own, Trent kissed Carlos oh-so-gently on the lips.
"Mmmmmmm, that was delicious," Carlos said, licking his lips. His eyes radiated so much love that he hoped Trent would read it and understand just how much that kiss, the song -- everything -- meant to him.
Trent drew back slightly and moved his hand to lightly stroke Carlos's hair. Trent looked deeply into his lover's eyes. "How would you feel about going into the bedroom and letting me make love to you?" Trent asked, hoping his meaning was clear.
Carlos looked at Trent -- deep into his eyes -- and he smiled. "I thought you'd never ask," he said. Carlos was a little apprehensive, but his fear was gone -- he knew he was completely safe with Trent -- that his lover would make this very special for him. He couldn't love Trent more for that. He kissed Trent passionately -- very passionately -- then took his hand in his squeezing lightly. "Show me the way," Carlos said, his eyes full of love, brightness and eagerness for what was about to happen.
Trent stood up from the couch and pulled Carlos up and close to him, hugging him tightly, kissing him lightly. "You're sure about this? It can wait. We have plenty of time ahead of us," Trent asked. Even though he could read the love and trust and willing agreement in Carlos's eyes, Trent wanted to be absolutely sure he wasn't rushing him.
"I know we can wait, Trent -- I don't want to," Carlos said, his eyes once again looking deeply into his lover's. He wanted to make it perfectly clear to him that he was fine with this. He put his arms around Trent and gently pulled him close. "I'm fine, just fine. I want this and I want you -- I've been wanting you inside me for years now and I'm ready," he said softly. Then he kissed Trent very passionately, yet tenderly, then stood back and waited for his lover to lead the way into a new world for him.
Trent smiled his very best smile at Carlos. "I just wanted to be 100% sure," Trent said as he touched Carlos's cheek with his hand, "Come on." Trent took Carlos's hand again and lead him to the bedroom.
Carlos smiled brightly and followed his lover into the bedroom. He pulled Trent close and kissed him passionately, nuzzling his neck the way he knew his lover liked. He wasn't sure of the next steps, but he knew that Trent would take over and do everything the right way. He just wanted Trent -- he wanted to join with him that special way -- and it was about to happen. He was filled with so many different feelings that it was hard to separate anything. Most of all there was love and adoration for Trent, whom he would give his life for. "I love you so much," Carlos said. He didn't want to rush things, but he did want Trent to understand he was ready any time he was. Carlos knew that Trent would know the right time and take it from there.
"And I...," Trent kissed Carlos's neck, "...just happen...," another kiss on the neck, "...to love you, too," one more kiss on the neck and Trent lifted his head to look at Carlos, "Just in case I hadn't mentioned it recently."
Carlos's eyes drifted shut as Trent kissed his neck, moaning softly. "You have, but I love hearing it," Carlos said softly.
Trent kissed Carlos as he started to pull off his shirt, breaking the kiss only so he could get the shirt over his head. Once the shirt was gone, Trent ran both hands, palms open, over Carlos's chest. He loved how it felt under his touch. After a few moments of just enjoying the feel of Carlos, Trent moved to unbuckle his lover's belt and undo his pants. Hooking his thumbs into both his pants and underwear, Trent slid them over Carlos's hips and down his legs.
As soon as Trent began to pull off his shirt, Carlos opened his eyes to look at his wonderful, beautiful lover. He didn't say anything, nothing needed to be said. He put himself into Trent's hands -- his gentle care -- and he was very comfortable.
Before standing up again, Trent put his hands on Carlos's thighs and rubbed them up and down. He very softly and gently touched and caressed Carlos's shaft for a moment, then stood back up.
"Ooohh -- that feels so nice," Carlos said, moaning softly when Trent touched his penis. He was already so aroused, he didn't even need to be touched. Just the thought of Trent -- his scent, seeing him, being near him -- aroused him.
After taking off his own shirt then pants and underwear, Trent moved to face Carlos. Pressing up against him tightly, hugging him and kissing him deeply.
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent and returned the hug -- just as tightly -- his kiss equally as passionate as Trent's. Although they had kissed many times, this felt different -- just as wonderful -- but Carlos knew he was on the threshold of discovering something new that would add something more to their already beautiful relationship.
Releasing his hold on Carlos, Trent moved to the bed taking Carlos with him. Once Carlos was settled on his back, Trent lay down half on and half off of him. He captured Carlos's mouth in a kiss while his hand again caressed his chest. He didn't stop to caress Carlos's nipples, but he made sure he ran his hands over them with each pass across his chest.
Carlos continued to moan softly -- Trent's touch was doing wonderful, magnificent things to him both to his mind and body. Every time Trent touched his skin it was like sending a wave of heat through him that threatened to burn hotter than anything he'd ever experienced before. He couldn't even speak, the pleasure was speaking for itself.
Trent broke the kiss and moved his mouth slowly down to Carlos's neck, nipping, kissing and licking all the way. He stopped to nuzzle Carlos in the same way Carlos nuzzled him. He only hoped his lover liked it even half as much as he did.
Carlos now knew what it felt like to be nuzzled and he loved it. This was something else they had in common. All he could do right now was to lie there and accept this wondrous, loving attention that Trent was giving to him freely -- it felt SO good.
Trent moved on to Carlos's chest -- that chest he just loved to feel under his hands and his mouth. Licking, kissing and nipping his way over to one nipple, Trent reached out just his tongue and swirled it round and round the nipple, causing it to stiffen in excitement. Moving to the other nipple he did the same to it, finally taking it in his mouth and sucking it gently.
Carlos gasped immediately when Trent's mouth began working on his nipples. He was very excited now and his passion was rising even higher with every kiss, lick and nip that Trent was applying to his already hardened nipples. How much more he could take he didn't know, but if it lasted all day and all night it would be pure bliss.
Again taking up the nipping, kissing and licking Trent moved down Carlos's chest slowly to his abdomen and finally his navel. He used his tongue on that too, running it around and around the outside then nipping it and moving his tongue to the center.
"Oh, Trent!" Carlos finally managed to say. He was beside himself now, his arousal almost at it's fullest -- he felt Trent's arousal, too -- they were both becoming very hot with desire. Carlos's was almost burning out of control. He began to moan more earnestly now and writhe on the bed, his head moving back and forth. He started to mumble in Spanish and it was of pure pleasure.
Moving on lower, Trent could see Carlos was very aroused. As much as he wanted to kiss and lick and suck Carlos's shaft, he didn't. He wanted this to last and to be slow and easy. Instead he continued his attention to Carlos's skin by moving around the area but never actually touching it with his mouth. But even this much was having it's affect on Carlos. Trent realized this might not be quite as drawn out as he'd thought.
Carlos wanted Trent to take his penis in his mouth and suck him hard -- very hard -- like never before. Then he wanted Trent to enter his body and just fuck the living daylights out of him. Those were his thoughts, as he was mumbling in a mixture of English and Spanish now, still writhing on the bed. He also wanted Trent to take all night and make this a very long first time for him. It was overwhelming, confusing and very arousing. He was so excited, enjoying every second of it.
As much as Trent wanted to draw this out, to make it last as long as possible, he knew that wasn't happening. Carlos wasn't going to last much longer and frankly neither was he. Trent moved back up to where he had started, looking at his lover. Carlos had his eyes shut and Trent needed his attention. "Carlos?" Trent said.
Carlos could hear Trent and it took a great deal of energy to focus on coming back down from where Trent had been sending him. "Ye...ah," Carlos barely managed to say. He opened his eyes and they slowly came back into focus and saw that Trent was really trying to get his attention.
"Carlos, this is your first time and I want to make it as easy physically for you as possible," Trent managed to say, "I know it's not as romantic as face to face, but this is going to be so much easier on you if you get on your hands and knees." Trent wasn't sure Carlos had heard him or totally comprehended what he was saying to him.
Carlos nodded his head in understanding. He would rather have it be face to face too, but he knew that Trent was right. He reminded himself that Trent was the experienced one and if he felt that Carlos would be more comfortable and feel better, then that was the way it would be. "I understand, Trent. I know you'll be gentle with me and I trust you," Carlos said. "Please Trent, I'm ready whenever you are," Carlos said, with so much love and desire in his voice, his voice became very husky as well as seductive.
While Carlos repositioned himself, Trent got the KY Jelly and prepared himself. He was determined he was going to do everything he could to cause Carlos as little pain as possible. Trent prepared Carlos to receive him very gently using his fingers and the KY.
As soon as Trent's fingers probed inside him he tightened up, not sure how he should feel. Gradually Carlos relaxed his body and began to welcome Trent's fingers in further, deeper, until his body became even more comfortable. He had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen and how it was going to feel now and he wanted Trent to continue.
"Are you ready, Carlos? If I hurt you at all you tell me. We can take this just as slow as we need to. You hear me? You tell me if it hurts too much," Trent said.
Carlos nodded his head, fully understanding what Trent was telling him. "I will Trent, I promise," Carlos said, willing Trent to enter his body, to take him to that place he had started to moments ago, so that he could finally feel complete, knowing he had satisfied his lover completely.
Trent removed his fingers gently from Carlos's body. Slowly but steadily Trent entered Carlos's body with his shaft. Stopping when he was most of the way in, Trent asked, "Carlos, are you all right?"
It hurt. Quite a bit more than he expected. But as he talked to himself, he found his body relaxing slowly and accepting more of his lover. He wanted all of Trent inside him, to feel that special connection. He urged him on by squeezing against his organ to draw him further inside. "I'm fine, Trent. You're wonderful and this is so perfect. I want you the rest of the way inside me -- all the way inside me. Please..., now," Carlos said, beginning to breathe raggedly now. He still wanted to keep this going for as long as he could, but it was too intense and powerful. He needed Trent to come inside him and for himself to have that sweet release he knew was near.
Trent was really using every ounce of self control he had. He was very excited, but he knew he had to stay in control, had to keep himself in check so he didn't hurt his lover and to make it as good for him as possible. There would be other times, later, when the passion could be greater, allowed to go wild. Now, it had to be controlled. When Carlos squeezed him, he almost lost it. He moaned but managed to keep his mind focused on being gentle, not hurting Carlos.
Carlos continued to squeeze Trent, urging him to move further inside him -- all the way in. He wanted Trent and wanted him now. His passion was too high and he was on the edge. This was even more incredible than he could have imagined and he wasn't even all the way there yet.
Easing himself the rest of the way in, Trent stopped and leaned forward against Carlos's back. He hugged him tightly and kissed the back of his neck. "I love you Carlos, very, very much."
"I love you too, Trent," Carlos said, beginning to pant now, his breathing even more ragged than before. He kept squeezing Trent, wanting his lover to know how much he was pleasing him. "Please..., make love to me, Trent. You're so good and I want everything you've got," Carlos said, squeezing harder now as his own body began to move, writhe in anticipation.
Raising himself back up, but keeping his hands on Carlos's back, Trent began to move ever so slowly inside his lover. Even this small motion was almost more than he could take. He wasn't going to last very long. Removing one hand from Carlos's back, Trent reached underneath and began to stroke Carlos's shaft in the same slow but steady rhythm.
"Oh my God, Trent!" Carlos exclaimed, as Trent began to move inside his body. It was powerful, overwhelming and an incredible rush what his lover's body was doing to his. When Trent's hand began to stroke his shaft he felt himself rising to a new height, a different passion, and he was finally beginning to understand what this connection was really all about. "Please..., I'm so close -- I need to come, but I want you to come inside me first...," Carlos panted, "...I need to feel you come inside me...," his breathing very ragged. Carlos squeezed even tighter now and began to move faster underneath Trent, matching his rhythm, trying to encourage his lover to come. He was so close to that total bliss he knew was there -- just a few more thrusts by Trent and he would be there.
Hearing Carlos's words, Trent let some of his self control go. He pushed himself into Carlos just a little bit harder, once, twice, then came with an intensity that surprised even him, moaning loudly as he did.
Carlos felt Trent come inside him and the rush he felt when he did was more than he could have ever imagined. He had done what he wanted to most in this world -- brought his lover to climax -- a wonderful climax, too, if Trent's moans and the feel of Trent's intensity inside him were any indication. Carlos felt what was left of his control leave. He came with great intensity -- an intensity he'd never known before in his life. It was very different and he couldn't have been more sated or content than he felt right at this moment. His breathing was very ragged and it was going to take a very long time to come back to himself.
Trent fell forward against Carlos's back and hugged him as Carlos came underneath him. Then slowly and gently, Trent removed himself from Carlos. He then moved to the bed beside his lover who was still on hands and knees. He reached up and pulled Carlos down on top of him and held him tenderly and kissed him on the cheek and neck as he came back down into himself. When Trent thought Carlos was back enough to make sense, he asked, "Are you OK, Carlos? I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?"
"I'm fine, Trent. It was so beautiful and perfect that what little pain there was taken away with your wonderful love and tenderness," Carlos answered, snuggling against his lover and enjoying his kisses, "You're incredible and that was the most wonderful experience of my life. I want to do this again soon, very soon."
Trent smiled and kissed Carlos's forehead. "I think that can be arranged," he said, still smiling happily.
"Was it all right for you? I know I'm new at this and I don't know if..., well..., if I did all the right things or acted the right way. It's important to me that I satisfy you, too," Carlos asked, concerned that he might have let Trent down.
"You did just fine. You did better that just fine," Trent soothed, "And don't you know you always satisfy me? Every time we've been together I've thought it couldn't possibly get any better, more intense. And then the next time comes along and it is. Don't you ever, EVER doubt that you satisfy me, got that? You satisfy me just by being in my life."
"I've got it, Trent. Thank you. You make me feel so loved and safe and warm. And needed, too," Carlos said, nodding his head, snuggling further against Trent. He truly had never felt as satisfied as he did right then. Every time they made love it got better and better. He couldn't believe it. He wondered what was in store next and he turned his head to look at Trent. "You know I love you more than anything in this world, don't you?" he asked, following that question with a deep loving passionate kiss.
"More than chocolate doughnuts? Carlos, I'm so honored!" Trent teased.
"Very funny, Trent," Carlos laughed, knowing Trent was teasing him and that made him feel even better.
"And yes, I know you do. I love you too, with all my heart," Trent added, more seriously.
Carlos knew that Trent loved him with all of his heart and he would never let him down in any way. He sighed and snuggled against Trent some more, loving the feeling of being so close to him. He wished he could always stay like that. "Mmmmm, this is so wonderful -- you're wonderful," Carlos said softly, his hands holding Trent's arms around him even tighter.
After a moment or two Trent spoke again. "Carlos? You remember that song I played for you, our song, 'Love Changes Everything'? Well, there's something I need to tell you about it," Trent said, trying to keep from laughing before the punch line but not doing a very good job of it, "The guy that wrote the musical it's from also wrote 'Cats'."
Carlos groaned loudly. "You mean the one that I was dragged to see so many times I learned to hum the entire score backwards?" He tried to shut the image out of his mind and Trent's laughter out of his ears. "Oh you're going to pay for that buddy, count on it," Carlos said.
*****THE END*****

The above song used in this story is called "Love Changes Everything" and is from the musical "Aspects of Love," music by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Don Black and Charles Hart.

All our stories have titles that are songs from musicals.
This one is from "The King and I"
Music by Richard Rogers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
We Kiss in a Shadow
We kiss in a shadow
we hide from the moon,
our meetings are few
and over too soon.
We speak in a whisper
afraid to be heard,
when people are near
we speak not a word.
Alone in our secret
together we sigh
for one smiling day
to be free.
To kiss in the sunlight
and say to the sky,
behold and believe
what you see.
how my lover
loves me.
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