You'll Never Walk Alone
Page Seven

Trent woke up slowly feeling very good, better than he had in days, he realized. He wasn't sure what time it was or how much time had passed since they fell asleep but it felt like a few hours. The room was getting dark. Looking down at Carlos still sleeping in his arms, he couldn't keep himself from kissing the top of his head. Carlos stirred a bit and Trent began to run his hand lightly across his lover's back, kissing his forehead as he did.
Carlos felt Trent's kiss on his head and he started to wake up with a smile on his face -- a wonderful smile that spoke volumes of how he felt about the beautiful man lying beside him. The feel of Trent's hand caressing his back and the kiss on his forehead awakened him even more and he finally opened his eyes and looked at Trent. "Hi there. Come here," he said, wiggling his finger. He brought their lips together in a sweet tender kiss and then looked at his lover again. **How did I get so lucky?** he thought, then he remembered his long list of reasons why he loved this man so and knew he would be adding to that list for a very long time to come. He smiled and continued looking at his lover. "How did you sleep?" he asked, the look in his eyes was of pure love and adoration for the man who owned him completely.
"Very well, actually. How about you?" Trent smiled and ran his hand through Carlos's hair. Moving just a bit so he could see the clock, Trent saw they had been asleep for several hours. It was almost 6pm. "So, are you hungry again? Or you want to watch TV or a movie or something?"
"Mmmm..., how about all of the above?" Carlos asked, grinning from ear to ear. He was a bit hungry and the idea of a movie sounded good. "What kind of movie do you want to watch -- another action flick? Or maybe comedy this time?" he asked, looking at his lover smiling. He reached up and brought Trent's head down so that he could capture his lover's lips in another searing kiss which sent those now famous sparks shooting through his body. He was once again ready to make love to Trent -- how his lover amazed him with the ability to turn him on the way he did. It was just incredible and once again he thanked God for bringing Trent into his life. He would love him for the rest of his life. "What would you like to eat?" he asked, wondering what there was in the fridge.
"What would I like to eat? Now *there's* a loaded question if I ever heard one," Trent commented, already having noted Carlos's rising interest. Trent started to slide his hand down his lover's body slowly as he said, "There's chicken in the fridge, but I suspect it's not nearly as tasty as what we have right *here*." On the word here, Trent grabbed Carlos's already hard erection just to be totally clear what he was referring to, at the same time capturing Carlos's mouth in a kiss.
Carlos moaned when Trent grabbed his penis -- that feeling of his lover's hand around his shaft caused even more of those wonderful sparks to shoot through his body. How he loved the feel of Trent's touch, magical in every way.
Trent continued to kiss Carlos, his tongue exploring his lover's mouth, searching for something him might have missed before. At the same time, Trent was moving his hand up and down his lover's shaft, increasing the speed and his grip little by little.
Carlos closed his eyes, his tongue intertwining with Trent's, exploring his mouth, tasting everything that was his lover. He couldn't get enough and knew he never would. This was too much in every way -- very intense, wonderful, sensational -- all he could do was savor every moment, taste everything he could to be sure he didn't miss a thing.
Trent continued to kiss and caress Carlos until he sensed he was nearing his release. Trent then moved his mouth to his lover's nipple and sucked hard on it, no preliminary teasing. That did it. Carlos was ready.
Carlos watched his lover as he sucked on his nipple. God, that was so good and he arched his back high in response, moaning loudly now, barely in control of his restraint. He wanted to come, needed to come, but he also needed everything Trent could give him.
Unwilling to miss out on tasting his lover, Trent moved his mouth quickly to his lover's shaft, taking it all the way into his mouth. He was just in time as Carlos came in his mouth. Trent drank in his lover's essence, enjoying everything about it as always.
Carlos was rewarded when his lover took his very hard penis into his mouth. That was it -- as soon as he felt himself all the way inside his lover's mouth he came, and came hard -- sending his hot essence into his lover's mouth. He was panting very heavily and couldn't talk. He wasn't even sure he knew where he was or what had happened other than he had been taken to somewhere very special again and it was going to take some time to come down from it.
Releasing his lover from his mouth, Trent licked him clean then crawled back up to Carlos's side and waited for him to come back down from his orgasm. Putting his head on Carlos's chest, Trent was grinning and caressing his lover's chest softly. "Now that I had what *I* wanted to eat, maybe we can find some food before your stomach starts complaining again," Trent said.
Carlos was still breathing very heavily, but he felt Trent return to his side and when he put his head on his, chest he felt wonderful -- that was always a very safe, warm, and loving feeling. He put his arms around his lover snuggling him close. Carlos smiled at Trent's words about him having had what *he* wanted to eat and laughed softly. "I think food sounds wonderful," Carlos said, returning to normal slowly. He knew his stomach wouldn't hold out much longer and he was ready to eat *something* himself. "After we eat maybe you'll be *up* for dessert?" Carlos asked, hopefully. All he wanted was to give his lover something in return.
"Well, the last time I mentioned there was a piece of chocolate cake left I got jumped and pinned against a wall," Trent pointed out. Changing to a sensuous tone, Trent continued, "But there *is* still a piece of cake left."
Carlos smiled at his lover and brought their lips together in a very passionate kiss. "There -- how's that?" he asked, caressing his lover's cheek with his hand. "I promise that I'll have my cake, eat it too, then have something *else* to eat after that," Carlos said as seductively as he could. "What do you say we get cooking with that chicken?" he asked, his stomach beginning to growl. He tried to keep Trent from hearing it but he somehow didn't think that would work just by the look on his lover's face.
Trent lost it laughing when Carlos's stomach growled. He happened to have his ear right over it and it was very loud. Lifting his head, Trent kissed, licked, nipped then kissed again his lover's very noisy stomach. "Come on, if you promise to just sit and watch you can come keep me company," Trent offered, talking directly to Carlos's stomach. Looking up at his lover watching him talk to his stomach, Trent added, "And you can come too if you like." With that he grinned and scrambled out of bed.
Carlos just grinned at his lover, laughing heartily at the way Trent was talking to his stomach. The way his lover treated him was something that took his breath away and he never felt so loved or content in all of his life. He watched his lover get out of bed and he followed shortly after.
Trent went to the kitchen to get the chicken going, retrieving his robe from the floor and putting it on. The chicken did have to bake for a while, so maybe a movie would be in order after all, he thought. Trent got the chicken out of the fridge and turned to Carlos who was once again just standing there grinning at him.
Carlos followed Trent into the kitchen and stood there smiling, watching his lover getting ready to fix dinner for them.
"This has to cook for about an hour once it's ready. Why not find a movie to watch instead of watching me?" Trent suggested. "Or TV is fine. But something funny, I'm in the mood for some comedy. And as cute as you are standing there naked, your robe is over there," Trent added pointing at the floor where Carlos's robe had landed earlier.
"I'll go through the movies we have and see what sounds good then we can cuddle while we watch it," he said, just loving it when they cuddled each other. Carlos retrieved his robe and put it on then went to find a movie. He found a couple of movies that he liked, and thought Trent would like them, too. He took them into the kitchen and for his lover to help pick out which one. He held them up, "There's 'Mrs. Doubtfire' on the left and 'Mr. Mom' on the right. Take your pick," Carlos said, smiling.
Trent looked at Carlos standing there holding the movies. Interesting choices, he thought. Shrugging to himself he said, "Let's do 'Mr. Mom'. I mean, let's watch 'Mr. Mom'. I'll have this ready to cook in just a few minutes. Then I'll join you on the couch. I mean, I'll come when I'm ready. Oh, this is good. Can't say anything that's not suggestive sounding, can I?" Trent was laughing by this time, "Just take the movies and sit on the couch, OK? Be there in a minute."
"Mmmmm..., I love the way you suggest things -- I'll expect you to *join* me on the couch and that you'll be *coming* in a minute," Carlos said, laughing, but the twinkle in his eyes and the meaning behind the look on his face showed that he meant every word of it. He was very ready to make love to Trent again and he seriously couldn't wait for him to be by his side. "Let's *do* 'Mr. Mom' -- I'm ready when you are," Carlos said, extremely seductively, his voice husky with passion and desire.
Trent finished coating the chicken and put it in the oven to bake. Going into the livingroom he went and sat down next to Carlos on the couch, snuggling into his embrace.
Once Trent was sitting on the couch by his side Carlos put his arm around him and then pushed the button on the remote to start the movie. Carlos couldn't resist the temptation to start nuzzling Trent's neck in his favorite spot and to hold him close and tight. He just enjoyed the closeness so very much and he wanted to make sure Trent felt safe, warm and very, very loved.
After about an forty five minutes of watching the movie and laughing at the great lines, the timer for the chicken went off. Trent had set it for a few minutes early to allow time to get the rest of the meal ready. "You want to stop this while we eat?" Trent asked.
"Sure, let's eat then we can watch the rest of the movie," Carlos said. He brought their lips together in very sweet, tender, passionate kiss, then followed Trent into the kitchen, took a seat at the table and watched his lover as he started to prepare the rest of the meal to accompany the chicken. "What can I do, baby? I really want to help in some way -- just tell me what you need me to do," he said, grinning.
Trent looked at Carlos grinning at him. That grin was very hard to take at the moment. "If I told you what I needed you to do, we might not be eating for awhile," Trent said, trying to decide if he would get what he wanted before or after dinner.
Carlos continued grinning at his lover knowing that he got to him yet again. It would only be a matter of time and he would be together with his lover, making love to him and giving him everything he needed to make him happy. Trent was his heart's desire. To know this man, to love him and *be* loved by him, was more than he ever could have thought possible yet it was very real. "Well, that's an offer I'm willing to take you up on," Carlos said, sitting at the table trying to keep his restraint in check. He simply didn't know how long he'd be able to hold out, but between the chicken that smelled so good and their mutual desire for what Trent needed him to do, he just might lose this one. That thought pleased him immensely. He walked over to Trent and began nuzzling his neck. "I don't mind waiting to eat dinner if you don't," Carlos said very seductively, whispering into his ear.
"Now that you mention it, your very vocal stomach has quieted down," Trent noted, moving his head just a bit to give Carlos more room for his nuzzling.
Carlos continued to nuzzle Trent's neck then slid his lover's robe off his body and licked his way down Trent's chest until he reached his nipples, teasing each one until they were both completely hard. Getting on his knees, he moved down to his lover's navel where his tongue dipped and swirled, then pressed into the center very hard, wanting to give Trent every sensation he could.
Trent was enjoying this immensely. He was already excited before Carlos started touching him, but as soon as he put his mouth on his nipples he was almost instantly as hard as he could get. He was panting hard and had to lean back against the kitchen counter for support. "Oh, yes... Yes...," Trent managed to say between pants.
Carlos used the tip of his tongue to lick the fluid from the opening of the head of his lover's very hard shaft. Without warning Carlos took Trent's shaft into his mouth all the way and then sucked hard, very hard. He repeated this several times, sucking harder and taking him deeper in his mouth each time until, with a very large spasm, Trent came hard into his mouth, sending his hot essence down his throat.
Trent moaned when Carlos licked his shaft. It was so good. He leaned even harder against the counter for support. When Carlos suddenly took him into his mouth so fast, Trent gasped, "Oh, Carlos!" then moaned very loudly. Trent continued to pant and moan as Carlos repeated the motion, taking him into his mouth again and again, until finally he felt his orgasm overtake him and he came in his lover's mouth.
Carlos enjoyed every single drop and after making sure there was no more left, he released his lover's penis, licked him clean, then stood back up and kissed him lovingly on the lips. "I love you, baby," he whispered and pulled Trent close and held him tight.
Trent was glad Carlos was supporting him. He wasn't sure his legs would have held him up even with the help of the counter he had been leaning against. He put his arms around his lover and his head on his shoulder and waited for his senses to return. Managing to catch his breath enough to speak, Trent said, "Thank you, Conan. That was just what I needed, how did you know?" Trent moved his head back and caught Carlos's mouth in a kiss, "So that takes care of 'Up Against the Counter'. What do we have left to try?"
Carlos laughed softly, and thought for a moment. "Hmmm..., well, we have 'In The Chair', 'On Top of the Counter', 'Under The Table' and I'm sure we can *come* up with many more if we want to," he said, loving every second of Trent's pleasure. It meant the world to him that his lover enjoyed what he had just given him and Carlos held Trent close and tight, running one hand up and down his back as he slowly returned to himself. "I'm so glad you enjoyed that, baby. I'll do that anytime you want," he said with the sweetest, most adoring smile on his face and pure love in his eyes. He leaned down and captured Trent's lips with his and the kiss was deep and passionate. Once again, unfailing as always, yet as dependable as his unconventional alarm clock, Carlos's stomach began to growl -- loudly, too. He tried to hide it but figured that that would be next to impossible and he started to laugh.
When Carlos's stomach started growling mid-kiss, Trent started laughing which effectively broke up the kiss. "At least it waited until we were finished to voice it's objections," Trent said still laughing. "Go sit down. This is really almost ready," Trent added, running his hand over Carlos's complaining stomach.
Carlos loved the feel of Trent's hand on his stomach and after enjoying the feeling for a few moments, he picked up his lover's hand gently and brought it to his lips for a sweet tender kiss, then let his lover's hand go. He smiled lovingly at Trent once more and kissed him lightly.
After bringing the food to the table Trent sat down and watched Carlos as he helped himself. Just why he enjoyed watching his lover when he had just been served his meal he wasn't sure, but enjoy it he did.
The food looked absolutely wonderful and smelled fantastic and Carlos couldn't wait to dig in and start eating. His stomach continued it's grumbling while he dished out some chicken onto his plate and as soon as he started eating the growling disappeared entirely. "This is wonderful, Trent, really delicious," he said, making sure he had swallowed completely so that he spoke very clearly and sincerely, not with his mouth full. "Thank you so much," he said, in a more quiet tone, one of appreciation and love for the man who would do so much and work so hard to please him. He was well aware that neither of them were the domestic type to cook at home, but since they'd been together that had all changed. The effort that Trent put into cooking and taking care of Carlos, to make sure he ate right, didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Carlos smiled at his lover from across the table and picked up a piece of chicken and eyed it rather seriously, but there was that familiar gleam in his eye which could only mean one thing where Carlos and food were concerned. He decided not to demonstrate any special eating habits with the food, but he was already almost fully aroused. Carlos looked at Trent and smiled, adoring the way his lover looked and watched him eat his dinner. He thought it was a good thing the table was obstructing Trent's view or his lover would have seen the party that had already started.
Carlos looked at him and smiled. Carlos tried to cover it up but Trent knew that look, knew it all too well. He also knew what he intended to do about it. Trent smiled back at Carlos and continued eating. When they were all but finished eating and Carlos had his attention on his food, Trent knocked his fork onto the floor 'accidentally'. Carlos looked over at him and Trent just shrugged and bent over to retrieve the fork.
Once below table level, Trent slipped out of his chair and crawled under the table to where Carlos was sitting. Sitting back as much as the cramped area would permit, Trent took both hands and put them on Carlos's knees, sliding his hands back and up his thighs, opening his robe as he went. Trent was pleased to find he had been right about Carlos and his 'look'. His lover was already very aroused, Trent noted.
As soon as his lover touched his knees Carlos gasped as the sparks flew throughout his body. It was just a touch, that's all Carlos needed, and he knew he was about to be sent to that very special spot that he'd visited so many times before because of his wonderful lover. He let his breath out and instantly he began to breathe heavier, nearly panting in anticipation of what Trent would do to him.
Trent pulled on the sides of Carlos's robe to get the rest of it out of the way then took his hands and continued to run them up and down his lover's thighs. Applying some gentle pressure, Trent encouraged Carlos to move his legs apart enough so he could lean forward and reach his lover's penis with his mouth. Leaning forward carefully, trying not to bump his head on the table, Trent put out his tongue and licked just the head of his lover's shaft to get the accumulated fluids at the opening. Moving forward just a bit more, he took the head of it in his mouth and sucked on it, running his tongue around it as he sucked.
That was it -- the special feelings continuing as Trent ran his hands up and down his thighs -- unimaginable, yet really happening to him. He began panting heavily now, leaning back in his chair. He reached out with his hands and ran one through his lover's hair while his other hand grasped his lover's shoulder, his passion rising higher and hotter than ever. He was beginning to squirm now and he was having trouble restraining himself from coming right then and there. He was so ready, so near his climax, and he knew it would be pure heaven when his lover took him there.
Continuing to suck on and lick just the head, Trent took one of his hands from Carlos's thigh and put it around his lover's shaft and started to squeeze it gently and rhythmically, then moved his hand up and down as he did. After only a moment or so, sensing his lover was near his release, Trent removed his hand and took Carlos's shaft into his mouth as far as he could and sucked hard. Moving his head back slowly, Trent again swirled his tongue around the head when he got to the top, then took his lover into his mouth again, all the way. Repeating the motion one more time was all that was needed. Carlos came in Trent's mouth, came hard. Trent drank in his lover's essence until it stopped, then released him from his mouth and licked him clean.
Carlos cried out when Trent's hand began to squeeze and pump his hard shaft and then his hand left and he felt his lover's hot mouth around his penis, taking it in all the way -- what a feeling that was -- absolutely incredible. Carlos arched his back to bring Trent even closer to him, to feel his penis going all the way inside his lover's mouth. Trent sucked him harder each time and the last time sent him over the edge. He came very hard, sending all of his fluid into his lover's mouth -- it lasted a long time. Once he was completely spent, he tried to come back down from wherever it was that Trent had sent him but it was going to take awhile. He was panting very hard and could barely think let alone speak.
Trent reached up and readjusted Carlos's robe so it was more or less the way it was when he got there, then he crawled back to his side of the table and got back in his chair, retrieving his fork on the way. Once he was sitting in the chair again, Trent looked across the table at Carlos, who still looked a bit dazed, held up the fork and said, "Dropped my fork." Trent smiled, trying to look innocent then added, "Guess that takes care of 'Under the Table'"
Carlos saw Trent holding up his fork happily and he smiled at his lover. After several minutes of trying to regain control over his breathing he felt that he was able to speak, or try to anyway. "I'd say that *definitely* takes care of 'Under the Table'," he said, and smiled again, with all the love he had shining in his eyes. "I love you -- thank you very much," he added. Carlos got up from his chair and went over to where Trent was sitting, then kissed him softly, tenderly, yet very passionately on the lips. "I love you," he said again.
"Is that so?" Trent asked, looking at his lover still standing beside him. "Then why don't you ever sit in MY lap? Something wrong with it?" Trent both teased and invited.
"Yes, that's so. And there's not a *thing* wrong with your lap," Carlos said, planting himself in his lover's lap. He wrapped his arms around his lover and kissed him hard on the lips, very passionately, his tongue seeking entry into his lover's mouth to taste the sweetness he knew was there and belonged to him. He was rewarded with everything that tasted of Trent and to say that it was sweet was an understatement. He had never tasted anything so good -- very, very good and he wanted it all -- everything his lover had.
Trent smiled when Carlos sat down in his lap. He put his arms around him and returned the kiss Carlos started. It felt so good to kiss him, to hold him, to just be with him.
"God, how I love you so," Carlos murmured into Trent's ear, then kissed him again voraciously. He kissed Trent's forehead, cheek and the tip of his nose before going back to those delicious lips and demanding more -- more of that delicious flavor that was unmistakably Trent. He couldn't get enough and his heart was pounding, pulse racing, and he was getting hotter by the moment, his passion rising higher and higher with what Trent was doing to him just by being in his life.
Continuing to return Carlos's kiss, Trent moved one of his hands to Carlos's knee then began to slide it ever so slowly up his leg, gently massaging as he went. When he reached his lover's shaft he was pleased to see he wasn't mistaken about his lover being ready to go again. How this man amazed him with his sexual readiness and stamina.
Carlos couldn't believe the touch this man had and what it did to him. That alone could drive him wild with desire and it made him want his lover even more. Carlos moaned softly into Trent's mouth as he kissed his lover thoroughly and completely, wanting everything possible he could get -- tasting Trent was to simply take a drink from a fountain and he knew that he could quench his thirst anytime by kissing his lover -- and he never intended to stop.
Keeping up the kissing, Trent began to move his fingers up and down the underside of Carlos's penis. After a few times up and down, gently stroking, he took his hand and wrapped it around his lover's organ and began to move it up and down in a steady rhythm.
Carlos was beside himself as soon as his lover touched his penis -- it was so hard already and what Trent was doing was making him so very much harder than he even thought possible. **Oh Trent, what you do to me...,** Carlos thought. He would have said it outloud but Trent still had his mouth in a passionate kiss. He knew he wouldn't last long and he was in awe of this man who could do so much and have this amazing ability to turn him on so.
Amazingly it didn't take long before Carlos exploded once again in an orgasm of considerable strength. Finally releasing Carlos's mouth, Trent kissed his lover's neck and chin before returning to his mouth. Breaking the kiss, Trent put his head on his lover's chest and waited for him to come back down from his climax.
The kissing was incredible -- he'd never felt anything so intense as kissing and coming at the same time, with such an explosion, his orgasm taking him to new heights. He couldn't believe that it was possible that each time would be better than the last but Trent had given him a gift -- sent him to that special spot yet again, and Carlos could not get over how his lover could do that to him time and time again. It took several minutes for him to be able to speak and when he did it was between breaths. "God, thank you, baby, that was absolutely wonderful," he said, and brought their lips together in a tender assault, still wanting to taste his lover, his tongue dueling with Trent's never wanting the moment to end. "I love you so very much," he said, and he ran a hand through his lover's hair and pulled him close to his chest.
After a few moments, Trent said in a low sensuous voice, "And that takes care of 'In a Chair', don't you think?"
"I'd say that took care of 'In a Chair' very well, except for one thing -- it's your turn," Carlos said, very suggestively. "Are you *up* for it?" he asked, with that familiar twinkle in his eyes.
Trent smiled. "No, I think you're just going to have to settle for eating chocolate cake this time, Conan," Trent said, then moved his head from Carlos's chest, "But later is another matter all together," promising things to come, just not now.
Carlos was excited about Trent's words knowing that more love and sex was going to be on the menu for later on that evening. He just loved this man so very, very much and he couldn't imagine ever stopping wanting to love him in every way that was possible. He smiled at his lover and kissed him passionately once more.
"Why don't you go back to your chair and I'll get you the last piece? I think there's just enough peppermint ice cream left for a bowl of that for me. On second thought, why don't you go back into the livingroom and I'll get the dessert and bring it in?" Trent suggested.
"All right, my love, that sounds like a good idea," Carlos said smiling, then getting up out of his lover's lap, he leaned over and kissed Trent once more before he walked back into the livingroom to sit down on the couch.
Once Carlos had gotten up from his lap, Trent got the cake out and served it on a plate and then the rest of the ice cream in a bowl for himself and headed into the livingroom to join his lover. Handing the cake to Carlos and sitting down next to him with his ice cream, Trent then started the movie again.
"Mmmm..., great idea, Trent," Carlos said, taking each bite of his cake and placing it into his mouth carefully, to make sure he didn't miss one single crumb. He was thoroughly enjoying the cake, knowing it was the last piece -- he figured he should make it last. He glanced at his lover who was obviously savoring his ice cream as well and that brought a smile to his face knowing that Trent was just as happy as he was. **Could life get any better?** he asked himself. He really didn't think so and he reminded himself again of some of the reasons why he loved this man so. He leaned over and kissed Trent on the cheek and smiled at him with the most adoring, loving smile he could. There was nothing on earth he wouldn't do for Trent and he hoped Trent knew that.
Trent looked at Carlos when he kissed his cheek. His stomach did a flip-flop -- in a *good* way -- and his pulse quickened looking at the smile on his lover's face and in his eyes. He smiled back at Carlos and reminded himself just how lucky he was to have this wonderful man in his life. He thanked God yet again for bringing them together as lovers and for Carlos's safe return to him.
Carlos turned his attention to the movie and they continued to laugh and enjoy it, commenting on the funny parts and working on their desserts at the same time.
Trent finished his ice cream then leaned forward to put the empty bowl on the coffee table. Noting Carlos was finished with his cake, he took the plate from him and put it next to his bowl. Sitting back on the couch, Trent snuggled into Carlos's waiting embrace as they finished watching the movie.
When the movie was done, Trent stretched, kissed Carlos quickly on the mouth, then got up before Carlos could distract him. Taking the dirty dishes from the coffee table, Trent headed into the kitchen. "We need to get an early start tomorrow so let me do the dinner dishes then we can find something to amuse ourselves for awhile before bed? Or would that be before sleep?" Trent said as he disappeared into the kitchen.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with much passion, but it ended too quickly as Trent got up to take the dishes into the kitchen. Then he heard his lover's words which put a bright smile on his face. "Mmmm..., before bed *AND* before sleep," Carlos said very happily.
Returning only a few minutes later to Carlos still sitting on the couch, Trent sat down next to him again, snuggling up against him. "So, think of anything to do for a while before bed?" Trent asked in a low sensuous voice. He was very ready to love and be loved again by Carlos.
"I can think of a few things," Carlos said in a very husky voice, one that was filled with love, lust and so much passion and desire for this wonderful man that he didn't know where to start.
"Yes, I was sure that you could," Trent said with a smile on his face.
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent tightly, then kissed him gently, tenderly, full on the lips -- tasting the sweet flavor and softness that was there. His tongue slowly made it's way into his lover's mouth, intertwining with Trent's to taste everything that was there. It was delicious -- oh so very delectable -- he couldn't even begin to describe it. He moaned softly into Trent's mouth at first, but the moans became louder as the kissing continued and it went on for a very long time, only to be momentarily interrupted by the need of air.
Trent returned Carlos's kiss with much enthusiasm. Working his hand inside Carlos's robe, he ran it over his lover's chest, enjoying the feel of Carlos's skin beneath his hand.
Breaking the kiss, Carlos looked into Trent's eyes deeply and brushed his hand through his hair then kissed him again before moving to his neck and started nuzzling that favorite spot of theirs. Gradually, slowly, Carlos moved down his lover's body, opening his robe as he went, stopping when he got to his nipples. His tongue teased the area around his nipples for quite a while before he actually touched the nipples themselves which made them rock hard in no time and sent sparks flying through his own body seeing how much enjoyment and pleasure this brought to Trent. That was the most satisfying thing of all and Carlos continued to lick, bite and suck Trent's nipples moving from one to the other.
Trent continued to caress Carlos's chest throughout the kissing and nuzzling, but when his lover found his nipples with his mouth, the feeling was too intense to concentrate on anything else. Leaning back against the couch, Trent gave himself over to the caresses of Carlos's tongue, watching him and running his hand through his lover's hair. "Oh, that is so good..., feels sooo good...," Trent managed to say between pants, "Oh..." Trent began to moan his pleasure.
When Carlos had Trent's nipples as hard as they could get he moved down lower and began to softly pet and lick his lover's rigid penis. The tip of his tongue gently took the fluid from the opening and put it to the roof of his mouth where he could savor the flavor that was pure Trent.
Trent gasped then moaned when Carlos began to lick him. It felt so good, so very good and he wanted more, so much more.
Carlos lightly kissed his lover's shaft then got the KY from the coffee table and carefully prepared himself.
Trent watched his lover prepare himself for their joining. He was mesmerized by it for some reason. He had seen it many times before, but all he could do was just stare as Carlos put the KY on his shaft.
Carlos encouraged Trent to get on his knees on the couch, his upper body over the arm rest. Getting some more of the lubricant on his fingers, he slowly stretched his lover to prepare him. Carlos entered Trent with his shaft slowly from behind and thrust in as deeply as he could right away -- but it was slow, very gentle. He wanted nothing more than for them to make love all night.
Trent had climbed willingly to the end of the couch and leaned over the arm. He wanted nothing more in the world right then than to be joined with his lover, his wonderful lover. Moaning then panting when Carlos put his fingers inside him, Trent was enjoying the feel of his lover gently preparing him for their joining. And then Carlos was entering him with his penis, joining them as one in that special way. Trent moved back to meet his lover as he entered him all the way.
Carlos began to move, slowly at first, but it wasn't long before their passion overtook them and Carlos began to increase his thrusts to match both of their needs -- faster, deeper, harder -- knowing they were on the brink of going to that special place again -- the unbelievable place that they couldn't get enough of and were so lucky to have found in each other.
Trent was panting very hard as Carlos thrust inside him -- his moans of pleasure interspersed with the panting. Carlos knew exactly what to do to please him every time no matter what position or act of love they might be involved in. It amazed Trent someone could know his needs so well.
After several more thrusts Carlos wrapped his hand around his lover's penis and began to stroke it up and down to match the rhythm of his own body inside Trent's. After two more hard, deep thrusts Carlos came with an explosion inside his lover, sending his hot, rich essence deep inside of him.
When Carlos took his shaft in his hand Trent lost his control. He gave himself over to the orgasm he knew was only seconds away, unable to remain on the edge, allowing himself to fall. When Trent felt Carlos come inside him that was all it took for him to finish the fall. He exploded in a climax only seconds after his lover.
Carlos leaned across his lover's back for a moment and dropped several kisses along his back. He gently removed himself from Trent's body then sat down and helped his lover to turn around and sit down, drawing him into his arms. Carlos ran a hand through Trent's hair and kissed his forehead. "I love you so much," Carlos said, still breathing heavily. "Thank you," he added, also thanking God once more for bringing this man into his life.
Trent was grateful that Carlos helped him move. If he hadn't, he might have been leaning over the couch arm for quite some time. He gladly and gratefully settled into his lover's arms, coming down slowly from his climax. Finally when he was able to move on his own, Trent embraced his lover, snuggling against his chest, listening to his heart beat. "I love you too, Carlos. So very much," he said.
They sat there for a while, just holding each other, just being with each other. It was so peaceful. Trent finally lifted his head from Carlos's chest and said, "Why don't we go to bed? We really do need to get an early start tomorrow. We can check in as early as noon and we have a four hour drive."
Carlos nodded his head in agreement. "I think you're right, baby -- let's get some sleep and we'll get up bright and early in the morning to start our weekend at the lake," he said, smiling very happily. He kissed Trent for all he was worth and pulled him close for nice big hug.
Getting up from the couch, Trent held out his hand to Carlos to help him get up, then the went into the bedroom. Trent took off his robe and got into bed first, followed by Carlos who gathered him up from behind, spooning up to him, both on their sides.
It felt so good when he climbed into bed behind Trent and took him into his arms. Carlos spooned him so he would be nice and close, the warmth and security of his lover's body next to his, Carlos providing the same for Trent. He would never get enough of his lover and vowed to take care of him for the rest of his life. "I love you very much," he whispered as sleep began to overtake him.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said, turning his head enough to kiss the already half asleep Carlos on the cheek. Trent turned his head back around and snuggled into his lover's embrace, feeling so safe, falling asleep in his lover's arms.
*****THE END*****
All our stories have titles that are also titles of songs from musicals.
This one is from "Carousel"
Lyrics by Richard Rogers
Music by Oscar Hammerstein II
You'll Never Walk Alone
When you walk
through a storm
hold your head up high
and don't be afraid
of the dark.
At the end
of the storm
is a golden sky
and the sweet silver song
of a lark.
Walk on through the wind
walk on through the rain
though your dreams be tossed
and blown.
Walk on
walk on
with hope in your heart
and you'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk alone.
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