Rose in Bloom
Page Two

Part Five

I sat silently next to him, watching him masterfully run the Corvette and shift gears without EVER making the car jump. Trent always had the ability to amaze me over the slightest things, and I loved him for it.
"So what are you thinking about?"
"Oh, nothing."
"That's the biggest load of crap I've heard all night."
"Yeah?" I asked, trying not to grin.
"Yeah. You look like you're in deep thought. I can almost smell the brain cells burning. So, honestly, what are you thinking about?"
I shrugged. "Just thinking that this is nothing I ever expected to share with you."
"What? Your body?"
I glared at him. "This isn't like an everyday occurrence you know."
"Carlos, you're my best friend. I've shared everything with you for as long as I can remember. Why would this be any different?"
"Because most people don't look at this as average, everyday behavior. I mean, two perfectly attractive guys....."
"Thank you." he said, chuckling. "I never knew you found me attractive."
I looked at him more closely. "You have good cheekbones." I replied, my voice as high and squeaky as I could get it.
He roared with laughter, almost driving us both off the road. "You're priceless!"
I couldn't stop laughing. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. The opportunity was there, I had to take it!"
He finally pulled in front of my apartment building and parked the car in an open spot. "You gonna invite me in?"
"I figured that would be easier than pulling you up the stairs by your hair."
He gave me an odd glance. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Believe it or not, I'm just a little nervous."
Trent slid across the seat until he was almost in my lap. "Why are you nervous? It's just me, your best friend, the one you've known practically since birth."
"I think that's why I'm so nervous." I confessed. "That plus this is my first time thinking about...with a guy....oh, you know, I mean....you know, right? Cause this is kinda....."
He kissed me lightly on the mouth, cutting me off midthought. "There's nothing to worry about, you. Oh, but one thing....."
I looked at him, wearing a puppy dogface. "Yes?"
"You're cute when you stutter."
With that, he opened the car door and stood up. I sat there for a moment, sighed, then opened my own car door and started off towards my apartment.
I was searching my key ring for the right key when Trent decided it was time to play. He was behind me, and suddenly he leaned into me, his entire body pressing against my back. I groaned softly so not to alert the entire building I was about to 'get lucky'. "Will you stop that? If you don't, I'll never be able to get the door open!"
"So you mean we'll have to do it right here in the hall?"
I blushed crimson. "No, that's not what I meant. I do have neighbors, you know. That's all I need. Mrs. Crane," I said, gesturing at the door next to me, "already hates me because she says I have too many noisy 'parties'. She's complained to the building manager five or six times."
"So, they're gonna throw you out because the lady next door thinks you fuck too loudly?"
"I hope they don't throw me out and I DO NOT fuck that loudly. Just behave until we get inside, huh?"
He licked my neck, nibbling gently on my earlobe. "As you say, Master."
[Shithead.] "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Something good, I'm sure." he replied, running a hand lightly up my spine. "Hot and hard yet?"
"You'd better believe it. Hey," I chuckled, grinning. "When did you suddenly become the knowledgeable one here? I've surely never done this before."
"I was bored last night and decided to turn on my personal computer. You wouldn't believe how quickly one can be educated there."
Laughing at him, I finally found the right key. Quickly I unlocked the door and pulled him inside. I felt like I was fifteen again, about to have sex for the first time. [Okay, I started early, what do you want?] I threw on the light in the kitchen so I could see and turned to face him. "You know what?"
"What?" he asked, lounging back against the kitchen counter.
I closed the distance between us in a few steps. "You were teasing me when we were in the computer room earlier, and now you'll have to make good on that. Are you sure you want to?"
His mouth was on mine in a heartbeat. "Yeah." he said, when we pulled apart. "I do."
I kissed him again, not so lightly this time. He let out a low groan and clasped my shoulders, holding onto me for dear life. My arms seemed to move on their own, wrapping low on his back and my hands untucking the black shirt from his blue jeans. I shivered as my hands found soft, warm skin there. I paused, unsure, not wanting to offend him or seem overly pushy. I'd never undertaken such an adventure in my life time before, and now it seemed as though I was taking a giant risk - not only with my own sanity, but risking a friendship that had been the most important thing to me in my entire lifetime.
He leaned forward and kissed me again, his lips firmly planted on mine. "Tonight we can explore each other and find a state of comfort between us. This isn't to be forced and taken. I adore you, Carlos. And I trust you. I hope you trust me too."
"Always, Trent." I whispered, lowering my gaze to the floor. "I care about you so much, and I don't want to hurt you in any way."
"You never could." he said, the look in his eyes proving to me that the words were more than just words, they were the truth, and it made me love him even more.
"I trust you." I replied, reiterating his words. "All my life I knew I could put my world in your hands, and you never let it drop. I know I can trust you with anything, no matter how important."
He took a much-needed breath, and then basically attacked me. The kiss was hard, passionate, animalistically savage and lusty. It was amazing and intense and extremely arousing. When I felt his tongue prod my lower lip, I opened my mouth, savoring the masculine flavor I found.
"Trent..." I purred, feeling his hands on the fly of my pants, lowering the zipper and sliding inside. I wasn't kidding about being hard as a rock....I was being driven quickly out of every rational thought by the handsome blonde in front of me. [With the great cheekbones.] I reminded myself, laughing quietly.
"Did I hit a ticklish spot?"
"No, just thinking again."
He stopped for a moment, twinkling blue eyes meeting mine. "Do I dare ask what about?"
I leaned into him so my mouth was close to his ear. "Wicked cheekbones." I whispered, before pulling the tender lobe into my mouth between my teeth.
He stiffened and gasped, clinging to me even harder. "Oh my."
My hands continued to play on his lower back, my mouth touching and nuzzling his ear. I couldn't stop touching him, wanting him to touch me again.....
He must have read my mind. Within seconds, his hands were back at my fly, this time undoing the top button of my slacks and stroking me hard through my boxer shorts. I moaned into his throat, and deep need searing my entire body. "Dios mio, I want you."
"We have all night to be slow. But now, slow won't work, will it?" he asked, pulling my face up so he could look into my eyes.
"N...no. Later, slower. Now, please?" I managed to choke out the line, wondering where I even found my voice. It had been too long without, too many nights awake, staring at the ceiling, wanting, needing. He took my hand in his.
"Come on. Bedroom."
Numbly my feet began to move, keeping up with him dragging me off to do with me as he pleased. "Trent?"
I shook my head and kissed his cheek. "Muchos besos y abrazos para ti."
Even though his Spanish was minimal, he nodded. I think he caught my drift. "Come on, you. Let's do this right."
He stood me before the edge of my bed and sat down for a moment. "Off with the shoes."
My fuzzy brain registered after a moment, and I kicked off my shoes. "Come here." he beckoned, pulling me closer to him by my hips. I went willingly. He undid the rest of the zipper and pulled my pants down around my ankles. I stepped out of them, left only in boxers, socks, and a shirt. [What a picture.] I thought, repressing the urge to laugh. Then, he put one hand on the top of my left sock. Obliging, I raised my foot and he peeled it off. Then went the other sock. I stripped off my shirt in the meantime and he leaned back, watching me. I felt suddenly self-conscious. "What?"
"You're beautiful."
"And you're a cheat." I replied.
He blinked owlishly. "What?"
"You're cheating. I'm only in my underwear, but you're fully dressed still. That's cheating."
He laughed and stood. "Well, make it even, then."
I smiled. Then I put my hands on the hemline of his shirt, pulling it carefully over his head and tossing it aside. My hands then found the fly of his pants and quickly undid it, catching both the waistband of his pants and the waistband of his briefs in one shot. Both went to the floor, and he was nude before me. I couldn't help but stare for a moment or two.
"You approve?"
I could only nod. He really did have a perfect physique, each arm pure and sculptured, flat stomach, muscled thighs, soft blonde hair framing his erection. I closed my eyes for a second and reminded myself to breathe. "You are so exquisite." I murmured, pulling him into my arms, his chest rubbing against mine. "So perfect."
I felt his lips close on my neck, his hand running down my stomach, sneaking into the waist band of my shorts. I growled as he cupped my testicles in his hand, rolling them back and forth in his palm. "Time for these to go." he said, softly.
I couldn't resist the pun. "What should go, my shorts or my balls?"
He groaned, exasperated. "Your shorts. But too many more bad puns, and your balls go, too."
I swallowed hard, pretending to be terrified. "So sorry, Master."
It was his turn to chuckle. "Get rid of the boxers."
I wiggled out of them so fast I almost tripped over them when I kicked them aside. "Gone!"
The word came out a little too cheery for my taste, but he just shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Anxious?"
"That's an understatement."
He touched me again, tracing his fingers over the tip, the head, then down the length of my shaft until he was again stroking my testicles. "Trent, you play too much longer there, it's gonna be over before we even get started. And are you sure the only reason you know how to...." I stopped as he squeezed gently, totally making me lose my train of thought. "...do this is because of porn on the Internet?"
His lips met mine suddenly, not answering, his tongue forcing its way into the cavity of my mouth as he shoved me back so hard I fell onto the bed. He landed on top of me and knocked the air from my lungs. I didn't care. His weight was so wonderful, his hot, hard body on top of mine, his erection grinding into my hip every time he wiggled. I couldn't stop my hips from bucking occasionally, feeling him move with me to give me such pleasure my eyes crossed. "Trent, yes...." I whined when his mouth left mine. "Please...."
I don't know where he got it, but suddenly he had a small tube of something resembling Vaseline in his hand.
"So I don't hurt you." he whispered into my ear. "Roll on your side, face away from me." he instructed.
I did. His body was pressed up against my back again, like it had been in the hall, but this time his fingers were between us, nudging me. I shifted and spread my legs a bit, tensing as I felt his hand slide between the cheeks of my ass.
"No, relax." he urged. "Let all the stress flow out of your body. Feel my fingers massage you, treat you, delight you."
I closed my eyes, listening to his words, wincing as I felt a finger wedge inside me. Then, after he knew that was okay, he added a second. I cried out a little when he added a third, but he kissed my cheek and then bit down gently on my shoulder.
"Are you ready for me?"
I gasped as he removed his fingers. "Yes..."
And then he was in me, just a little, but the pressure and heat felt like he pulled me in half. I whimpered and he froze.
"Too much?"
"No....so big....more." I pleaded. "Just do it."
And he pushed a little farther into me. It hurt like a bitch, and I moaned.
"Are you okay?"
"Lovely." I replied, through gritted teeth. "Slow and easy, but get there soon, please?"
He chuckled. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you.....on purpose."
[THAT was comforting.] But I knew that even if he did hurt me a little, I'd never care, just so long as he was satisfied.
He gently continued, biting my shoulder every once in awhile so that I would remember to loosen up. I don't know why, but the teeth in my arm was a pleasant contradiction to the pain....it was in its own way stimulating, but not obscene. And finally, as I was thinking of other things, he was full inside me, laying on top of me, chewing on my ear. "If you're hungry, I think I have a chocolate bar in my nightstand."
"I know. Where do you think I got the Vaseline?"
I turned scarlett. "That was Angelita's!"
Angelita was the last girlfriend, and that story was way too long. Let's just say she loved being in the position where I was now. Which seems a little odd, but hell, the entire event was a little odd, and new, and foreign, but it was also fun, and exciting....
"Carlos, I hate to bother you, but could you please rejoin me in the here and now?"
"What? Oh, sorry. I was thinking about the Vaseline."
He grinned. "How do you say horny, sex crazed maniac in Spanish?"
"Trent-o." I replied, laughing at the evil glare it earned me.
"Very funny." he said, snickering softly. Then, seriously, he asked, "Are you comfortable? Are you ready for more, or should I wait a little longer?"
"I am as ready as I'll ever be."
And he started to move.
I screamed into a pillow, thrashing my head at the unbelievable feelings running through my entire body. My muscles decided to finally relax and I wiggled back onto him, pulling him deeper inside me. "More..."
He thrust forward gingerly. I moaned. Within minutes, he had found a steady, easy pace that was neither too much nor too little, but was bringing me spiralling closer into the most amazing bliss I could ever know.
His hand snuck around my waist and closed over my shaft, pumping me with the same rhythm that he was thrusting into me with. I couldn't think; I couldn't speak; I could only feel.
"Yes....come for me...." he purred into my ear.
And it hit me at once, like a Mack truck, the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt, I growled and came and clamped down all at once. He moved faster in me, using my semen to better pump my shaft with, pulling me over again as he exploded in me. It was two of the fastest orgasms, multiples I had never experienced before, and each lasted long enough to keep me shivering and trembling as he came down and released me. Then, softening, he pulled out of me, gathering me in his arms and kissing my neck.
I was all kinds of a sticky, sweaty, mess, and I was lovin' it.
I rolled over on the bed to face him again, our lips meeting for a searing, promising kiss. "I told you kissing you was only part one." he said, brushing his hair out of his face carelessly.
I reached up and touched his eyes, his nose, his mouth. "Trent?"
"Yes Carlos?"
"I always cared for you so deeply, 'mano. But I....."
He waited, not rushing, not pushing. But I could see the barely contained excitement in his eyes. "You...." he goaded.
"I love you."
The grin that flashed on his face was priceless. "I love you too." he replied. "I think this is a beautiful start to a whole new aspect in our relationship."
I closed my eyes and drifted off for a moment. He pulled the blanket up over me.
"Did I wear you out?"
"Kind of." I admitted.
"Then sleep for awhile."
I smiled and snuggled closer against his chest. "Wake me in awhile?"
He kissed the top of my head. "Yeah."
"Hey Trent?"
"What, sleepy?"
"You never answered my question about the Internet."
"Wouldn't you just like to know." he said, chuckling. "I actually had a case where I went to a gay bar for awhile - undercover. You wouldn't believe what people talk about in those places!" he finished, shaking his head. "So I figured I had some idea of what was going on....and I had a willing playmate...."
I blushed. "I could never tell you no, and you know it."
"Hear me complaining?"
I stuck my tongue out at him and cuddled closer against his body. I fell asleep, very content with the world and everything in it.

Part Six

I woke up to the doorbell. Groaning, I kicked off the covers and sat up.
The gasp next to me brought me quickly to reality. "Hey, I was liking those covers."
I couldn't help but grin sheepishly. "Sorry. Here," I offered, tucking him comfortably under the blanket. "You go back to sleep, I'll go answer the door, okay?"
"Someone's at the door?"
"Oh no you didn't, Trent, Mr. 'I - can - wake - up - at - any - time - you - say'. You did not just sleep through the doorbell and I woke up."
"Maybe we've been hanging around together too long." he said, laughing quietly.
The roaring of my name brought us both quickly out of our flirtatious moods. As fast as I could I threw on my boxer shorts and flew to the door, throwing it open immediately. Walker stormed in, Kristen following close behind.
"Are you okay? Are you safe?"
"Yeah, Walker, I'm fine. What.....?"
"Somehow Burkell got hold of Walker's number at the ranch and called me about an hour ago. He said that we should watch out for Trent and Car......Carlos, are you sure you're okay?"
I blinked. "Huh? Yeah! Why?"
"Because you have teeth marks in your shoulder and you look like you just got your ass kicked, if you'll pardon the expression. Of course, the boxer shorts are a plus, but...." she added, giggling.
I was mortified. I didn't care if Walker saw me in boxers, but I didn't realize Kristen was coming too. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "Umm, I was just getting up. Last night was a bit...umm, well."
They looked at me as though I had sprouted another head. Walker rolled his eyes. "Youths." he said to Kristen, complaining. She couldn't agree, she was too young, just like Trent and I. All she did was shrug. "Men." He smiled.
"I just want to make a quick sweep of your apartment, to make sure Burkell didn't break in at some point yesterday to try to harm you."
They both jumped a mile at the force in which I replied. Walker narrowed his eyes at me in that way which only he can glare at someone. "Do you want to explain why I can't check your apartment in order to maybe help save your life?"
"Umm...it's just...."
"What do we need, Carlos, a warrant?" Kristen asked, teasingly.
And then the whole cover was blown. Trent, still unshowered and unshaved, walked out of my bedroom wearing his briefs. "Hey Carlos, I heard the door shut and....."
[And automatically assumed it was safe to come out even though you didn't know that people were still here, you dweeb!] I felt like shouting. I couldn't even yell at him, though. All my throat did was constrict when I saw my beautiful lover walk out of my bedroom towards me.
I didn't have a prayer in explaining. Neither one of them would have believed me anyway, especially after seeing the red that hit his face. A guilty look can do it all.
"Oh, um, hi."
[Oh, there's a response. That was almost as good as saying, 'Oh, hello, I just fucked that Latino silly, do excuse the lack of clothing.']
I sighed, not able to comprehend the mixed feelings I was having. I mean, Walker already guessed it, so that didn't matter much. But the thing that was eating me was that Trent just involved someone else, someone neither of us knew. Could she handle something so ....huge? I didn't want her hating either of us, and in my own hormonally challenged way I was still kinda attracted to her. So I definitely did not want her hating me. [I know, I know, kind of sick, right?]
To everyone's surprise, she started to snicker. "Next time, Trent, try not to bite him so hard to bruise him, huh? I happen to like how good he looks without molar imprints. And nice briefs. What is this, underwear day at the zoo?"
[Hello, did she just flirt with both Trent and me in the same sentence? And in front of Walker?] "What?" I yelped, my voice betraying me.
Trent chuckled. "Yeah, he's pretty though, even with the teeth. And no sick underwear cracks from you, Madame Rose."
"Why do I suddenly feel like meat?" I interrupted. "And what's with the Madame Rose thing?"
Walker interrupted anyone from making a comeback or explaining anything to me. "If the shoe fits, Carlos. Now, children, as much as I enjoy your tormentative natures, I must insist that we get back to the matter at hand. Trent, find pants. Carlos, clothes, now. We'll get breakfast at Ranger headquarters, but for now, we need to get some work done. In the meantime," he stressed, "...I can now go check the apartment, correct? Or are there any other surprises I need to be worried about?"
I blushed. "No more surprises, I promise."
Kristen sat on the couch, still red from the Rose crack that I had yet to be informed on; scolded, Trent and I walked back into my room to find our respective clothes. I got dressed quickly, pulling fresh clothes from the closet. I threw Trent a shirt.
"You'll never fit into my pants, 'mano."
"That's because your butt is bigger than mine."
"Better to hold on to, smartass." I retorted.
Hurrying so not to piss off the older Ranger further, we hustled back into the living room. My shirt was a little big on Trent, but otherwise we were ready to go. "Shall I drive?" Trent asked me.
"No, because I have to be on duty at three. I have to talk to McGinty to ask for temporary transfer to Ranger Headquarters."
"It's already done, Carlos. He already approved it."
"What? How?"
Kristen sent me a somewhat evil grin. "He didn't like the idea of Internal Affairs breathing down his neck."
"You sound like a woman who knows what she wants." Trent pointed out.
"Oh, I always know what I want. I normally get it, too." she said, smugly. "It took me a long time to get over...the tragedy. Now, I can handle anything that anyone throws my way. I have my moment of necessary weakness, I get over it, and then I get even."
Definitely not a woman to anger.
"I want Burkell." she said, evenly. "I don't want him to think he can get away with tormenting me again, harming those I have started to care about. You all are such good people...a little strange," she said, gesturing to Trent and myself, "..but good people. You don't deserve to be hurt on my account."
"We're not gonna purposely go and do anything insane, okay? We're behind you one hundred percent to help you catch this guy, okay?"
She gave me an odd smile. "If you're willing, I'm able."
With that, she headed out the door. Trent and I exchanged looks of abject horror, then he followed her out the door.
I, on the other hand, went into the depths of my apartment to find Walker. He was standing down the hall from me, searching through my spare room where I had a washer and dryer combo. "Well?"
"Nothing. But I'd much rather be safe than sorry."
"Same here." I said, opening the tiny closet door where I had an ironing board, laundry soap, and other stuff. As soon as the door was fully opened, I felt something hit me in the chest. "W..Walker?"
I don't think I'd ever heard Walker curse like that before in my entire life. I felt myself falling, and then everything was dark.
I woke up with a massive headache. "Trent..." I moaned, flailing my arms blindly. "Trent, where are you?"
It only took him a moment to be by my side. "Hey, glad you're here!" he exclaimed, relief evident in his face.
"Of course I'm here...where would I be? What time is it, am I late for work?"
He chuckled. "Yep, now I know you're fine."
"Anybody wanna tell me what's going on?"
"Yeah. You got hit in the chest with a blowdart." Kristen volunteered. "Really scared the Hell out of all of us. You're in the hospital."
I could see Trent trying to shush her, but it was too late. "I'm where? A hospital?"
"The hospital. Why, is that...."
Trent firmly held me down as I tried to get out of the bed. "You always do this." he snapped. "I know you hate hospitals, I don't relish them either. But you have to stay because we don't know what all that dart could've done to you, and I will not let you foolishly risk your health because of some hospital phobia!"
I don't think I'd ever felt so loved in my whole life. Giving him a small smile, I sank back into the bed and flopped onto the pillow. That's when Walker came in.
"Hey, good to see you awake!" he greeted. "Now, I know you hate hospitals, but..."
I cut him off. "I know, I know, I have to stay until the doctor is sure I am fine. I'll behave, I promise."
He gave Trent an amazed glance. "What did you two do, threaten him?"
"Something like that." Trent murmured.
"Why do you hate hospitals so much?" Kristen asked me, curiously.
"Long story." I said. "Just too many people I've known and loved have ended up coming in here and not leaving."
She frowned. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. It shouldn't take that long anyway for the doctors to analyze what hit you. We told them to put a rush order on it."
True to her words, we must have been sitting there waiting only fifteen minutes or so when a doctor came in. "Well, that's the end of that." the doctor said, smiling. "You're fine, Detective. You simply got hit with a large dose of a barbituate. Nothing lethal, but about enough to knock a man out for a few hours. You can check yourself out if you want, but I want you to go home and rest for the remainder of the day. I was," the doctor paused, searching for the right phrase. "Forewarned of your aversion to hospitals? That's the only reason I'm discharging you. But, if you don't go home and rest, I will have to make a note of it and send it to your supervisor, Texas Ranger's orders."
I glared at Walker. "YOU told him that I had to go home? I don't want to go home! I want to help!"
"You won't be of much help if you can't even sit up straight." Trent offered in explanation. "Besides, a little rest will do you good."
"A little rest will do me good. HA!"
"Don't be so infantile." Kristen said, glaring at me. "Doctor's orders say you stay home, so you stay home. That's it. Now grow up and quit your whining!"
My jaw snapped shut at double time speed, and then I glared at her. "So what am I supposed to do all day?"
"How about sleep off last night?" she asked, laughing.
My eyes shot open like rockets, and I frantically tilted my head in the direction of the doctor.
Suddenly, surprising the Hell out of me, she leaned over the bed and gave me an open-mouthed kiss. "You feel better, love, so you can have a repeat performance of last night later today, all right?"
The doctor blushed and quickly excused himself; I just sat there like a stone; Trent growled impatiently wanting her to move.
"Now kids, don't fight, there's enough of me to share." I said, laughing.
Trent barked something unintelligible and stepped a few feet closer to the bed. The two of them stood there, hovering over me, and I couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled out from deep in my chest. "Why is it that I've gone without forever, and now I have two people fighting over me? Life is so unfair! And here I am, stuck in my deathbed! Oh, the pain, the agony!" I wailed, overdramatically. "I'm dyin', Lawd, and you took my baby, my baby! Oh, Miz Scarlett, m' baby!"
By that point I was wailing like the black maid in "Gone With the Wind'. [Hey, it's a really good movie.] And I couldn't stop there. "O, Lawd, fo' give me! My baby! Miz Sca - lett, I so sorry, fo' give me!"
Walker quickly excused himself and broke apart in the hallway. We could hear the laughter if we were in San Antonio, probably. I couldn't stop laughing, either.
Finally, Kristen started to grin....and Trent's mood lightened. "Shut up, Carlos." he said, pulling out an extra pillow and holding it menacingly over my face. "Before I'm forced to smother you."
But I couldn't calm down. I laughed so hard I doubled over, grabbing my sides as they ached with the pleasantness of it all.
Kristen sat in the hospital room chair, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Carlos, that's terrible!"
Trent sank next to me on the bed. "You are one loco chico, Carlos."
I grabbed his hand. "O' no, baby, I'm fine!"
He leaned over and gave me a strong hug. "You get dressed. I'll bring you home."
"We'll bring you home." Kristen said, gently.
"No fighting over me?" I asked, the smirk still spread all over my face.
Trent laughed. "No fighting."
It felt so good to be loved. But that one nagging question....
"Kristen, what's the joke with Madame Rose?"
She turned red. Then, with an evil grin, "Maybe if you're lucky I'll show you later."
I looked to Trent. He shrugged. "It's just a rumor, but she has a rose tattoo on her...."
"Trent!" she snapped. "Be quiet!"
He bit his lower lip, giving me a naughty idea. "Do you feel like showing us both?"
She snorted. "That's something I haven't done since I was twenty three. That was before I settled down into the nice, normal person who stands before you today."
"I wouldn't exactly say nice." I said.
She growled at me, and snatched the pillow away from Trent. Within seconds, she had it over my head and was tickling me. I begged for mercy and she stopped.
"Okay, I'm sorry!"
She tossed the pillow into the nearest chair. "Come on, you. You have to get home."
Grumbling, I slid from the bed, and started to put on my pants. "Trent, how did the dart gun get in my house?"
"There was a broken window in the back. We figured he slipped in, set it up, and left while we were at the dojo. Walker has the lab running tests on it as we speak. In the meantime, I want you to come stay with me."
As I started to protest, he cut me off. "If I was in the same trouble, wouldn't you force me to move in with you?"
I conceded. "Well, if you insist..."
I finished dressing and then left the room, Kristen already filling out some of my release forms. She handed them to me, and then the two of them - Trent and Kristen - sat off to the side, talking between themselves and laughing. I had a feeling it was about me, and then I started to get a little nervous.
Lord knows I should've been.

Part Seven

I was in Trent's shower washing my hair, trying to get all of the chemical smells of the hospital out. It was sheer paranoia, I know, but it was driving me crazy. Kristen and he had left with Walker, making me somewhat nervous. God knows what she and Trent were talking about. A small part of me hoped they were discussing me. It was pure ego, of course, but still....
I turned around to stand under the spray at a different angle, proceeding to bang my head against a high soap dish attached to the wall. I groaned in agony as stars fired from behind my eyelids.
Without warning, the bathroom door flew open, and I could barely open my eyes in time to see a figure rushing towards me. It wasn't Trent, either, I could tell from the build. Temporarily panicked, I grabbed hold of the intruder and struggled with him for a minute, the water and my heart pounding in my ears. Finally, I stepped back when I heard a voice yell, "Carlos, knock it off!"
Finally I recognized who burst in. "Kristen?" She was absolutely soaked. Unwittingly, I had dragged her into the tub with me, twisting her body so that she got drenched. Makeup streamed down her face, ending up dripping onto her shirt.
She looked at me wide eyed. "It sounded like you were hurt. I was worried. I came to check on you and...."
She stopped talking, then blushed. "Umm, you're a little naked."
I groaned in embarrassment, blushing red. Then, with a shrug, I kissed her hard. That's when Trent decided to walk in.
He growled and pulled me away from her. "Hey! What's going on?"
Still red faced, she explained.
He glared at me. "So you decided while she was here, you might as well kiss her?"
I looked at the tile. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
He cupped his hand under my chin. "You've been naughty, Carlos." he purred in my ear. "Very, very naughty."
"I know." I said, sighing. "I couldn't help it. I'm sorry."
"I don't think sorry is gonna cut it." he said, grinning evilly. "I think that you need to be punished. Madame Rose, any ideas?"
Kristen smiled. It was the kind of smile I'd never seen on her before. It was the kind of smile more often seen on wolves. I felt my stomach turn into a knot as she replied, "I think I can find a way to help you punish him fairly."
My eyes widened. "Umm, guys?"
Kristen shook her head and put a finger up to my lips. "Shh. I want to tell you a little story. Do you remember that Trent called me Madame Rose?" I nodded. She continued. "I have a habit of playing games. When I was still a detective, I went undercover at an S/M club. I found I had a thing for it. The guys used to tease me about it unmercifully. But, you know, sometimes old habits are hard to break. And I'd just love to break you."
Trent turned me so that I faced him, then took a step forward so we were nose to nose. His arms slid around my waist comfortably, cupping my ass and pulling me flush against him. "This is why I like being a *private* investigator." he stressed, as he bucked gently into my hips. "Are you ready to be punished?"
I wondered at that moment where I managed to find my voice. I was awed. Here they were, about to...to....double team me, and all I could do was wait to see how things turned out. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. Then I realized Kristen was speaking to me. Well, I realized it when she tugged my hair.
"Hey pretty, are you listening?"
"What? Oh, yeah, sure.."
Trent bit my nipple, hard, and I squealed in surprise. Kristen pulled my chin around and looked me in the eyes. "That's not an answer that is acceptable. You may call me Lady. Do you understand?"
I nodded. Trent bit my nipple again, softly this time. "And I am Sir." he growled quietly against my skin. "Do you understand?"
"Yes." I whispered, as my heart started to pound in my chest.
Kristen moved behind me, digging her nails into the cheeks of my ass. "Yes what?"
I stood on tiptoe to avoid her nails. "Yes Sir?"
She released me, then winked. "Do you know what a safeword is?"
"No, Lady." I replied, grinning slightly.
She smiled faintly. "Remember this is mostly a game, honey, and no one is out to hurt you. If we do, we have a word that you say, and then the game ends. The word is 'rain'. Okay?"
"I understand." I said, nodding. Suddenly, I felt Trent's hands move. I groaned as he slid a finger up between the cheeks of my ass, nearing my spine. From there, he caressed a path to my neck. Kristen moved to somewhere, just watching, and I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Bad mistake, Carlos." Trent said, as he grabbed hold of my hair and forcibly pulled me out of the shower. "This is punishment, not pleasure."
Kristen shut off the water and started to unbutton her shirt. "You play. I'll watch."
Trent nodded. Still holding me by the hair, he paused to watch the sexy female behind me disrobe. Turning on my heel, I glanced backwards to get an eyeful, too.
He gave one hard tug and threw me off balance. I pitched to the side with a yelp as I stumbled sideways, landing on my knees on the floor. Trent still didn't let go of my hair. "No one gave you permission to watch her undress."
I scrambled to my feet as he lifted his arm up, then continued trailing him to his bedroom. Still wet and naked, I could feel my body shivering at the coolness in the house. Trent's solution was to pick up the throw blanket on his bed and rub me dry with it, then toss it aside. I shivered again, but this time it wasn't from the cold.
Every nerve in my body was on fire, his hand directing me where to go, my body racing to keep up with him. I didn't think, didn't care where he pulled me, simply struggled to match his fast stepped pace so he could punish me.
I never knew what a masochist I really was until this moment in time. I knew deep in my heart I loved Trent, would be willing to do anything to satisfy him, to make him happy. Somehow, I felt as though I had been set up, that the two of them had actually gone through the trouble to plan the whole charade. That didn't affect me badly, but made me wonder....how had they planned it? I mean, what, they discussed it while researching Burkell? That's not exactly a comforting thought....And where were they discussing it? Who were they near? Was anyone listening? What about Walker? I'd die...
That was the exact sound I made as I was shoved face first down onto Trent's bed. "Ouch." I muttered, under my breath.
"No one gave you permission to speak." Trent said, low.
"I'm sorry, Sir."
Laughter rang from behind us. "It seems he's picking this up rather fast."
I turned my head as much as Trent's strong grip would allow. And my jaw, had it not been already squashed in a pillow, would have dropped. I knew why they called her Rose.
Her right nipple, the rosy colored portion, was nothing but a tattoo of a rose. The erect skin at the tip was the flower's center. It was lovely, not a deep red but pink, and tiny ivy tendrils trailed out from the base of the flower. "Wow." I breathed. Then, I grimaced. "Oops."
Trent growled at me. On your hands and knees.
I hurried to comply. I rolled off the bed and knelt on the floor then dropped onto my hands so I was face down to the floor. Trent rolled off the bed and stood behind me, undressing for the first time in our little "party". I closed my eyes and listened to the drop of his zipper, the crumpling of clothes forming a pile on the floor. Then, I felt a sting on my bare backside and I hollered in shock.
He had hit me with his belt.
"I said no talking."
"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry."
"Silence!" he snarled, striking me again. The blows weren't agonizing, but not too soft, either....my dick didn't seem to mind, however, as I hardened like a rock. He whipped me faster, and I couldn't swallow all the moans in my throat. Finally he stopped. "Do not come."
Damn it. All I wanted to do at that point was explode, either in Kristen's mouth or in his. But, silently, I relented, and let them continue with their game.
It wasn't his turn anymore, however. Kristen came in front of me, sitting down and scooting forward so her breasts were at the same level as my eyes, and they were mere inches away. "Suck them."
"Yes, Lady."
I leaned my head forward and took the Rose tattoo in my mouth, swirling my tongue over the hardening bud. Then, using a mixture of my teeth and my lips, I nipped and fondled each lovely breast until I could hear her panting in my ear. Then, she lifted her leg up, nudging my balls with her toes. I groaned loudly and froze.
"I didn't say stop. And remember, you cannot come."
[Like I didn't already know that.]
Again I began to massage her breasts as she stroked me with her foot. With each stroke I felt myself get impossibly harder. I almost wanted to cry. Briefly I thought about using the word 'rain' and getting some relief, but the fact that I was somewhat having fun with this made me reconsider.
Suddenly, she pushed me off her. "Trent wants you."
I looked over my shoulder to see my lover standing in the doorframe, nude, holding my police handcuffs. "Come here."
I started to stand, but Kristen put a firm hand on my shoulder. "Crawl. On your knees."
Carefully avoiding her foot, I backed up, facing Trent and moving toward him. He grinned down at me.
"Are you enjoying this, kitten?"
[Kitten?] "Yes Sir."
He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "You really are amazing to me, Carlos. I love you."
I grinned.
Kristen cleared her throat. "Trent."
It was all he needed to snap back into 'bad guy' mode. Once again taking me by the hair, he pulled me to a dining room chair he had brought in. "Sit." I sat. With one quick motion, he brought my hands together behind the chair and snapped them in the handcuffs. "Do not move."
"No Sir." I said, biting my lip in order to control the ache in my groin.
He leaned over and kissed my mouth softly, then turned back to Kristen. She was reclining on the floor still, and he offered her a hand. "Coming?"
"Not yet." she replied, the pun sliding out of her mouth. "But soon, I hope."
He grinned, that boyish Trent grin I'd seen a million times. He stretched out on the bed, facing sideways, so I could see every muscle on his hard body. I briefly closed my eyes until he said, "Kristen, take me."
I lurched forward in the chair, desperately wanting to join in, only to be prevented by my handcuffs. I cursed under my breath and then lost my breath altogether as I watched Kristen hover over Trent's body, then straddle his thighs. Slowly, she lowered herself onto his erect penis, allowing it to disappear inside her. He gave a contented sigh and thrust up slightly, filling her completely. Her body rocked back and forth a few times until he rolled over, pinning her beneath him. She clawed at his back as he thrust into her furiously, drawing blood in several places. My dick was so incredibly hard, my body tugging and straining almost involuntarily against my bonds, and all I could do was watch the amazing sight before me.
Life sometimes sucks.
He shifted so that his fingers could press between them, his nimble fingers twisting her clitoris in little circles until she screamed and came. Trent froze inside her, stroking her gently, until she calmed again. Then, he slipped out of her and walked over to me.
"Will you give me what I want?"
"Always, Sir."
It wasn't required, but it sent a glowing smile across his face. And that made me feel damned happy. Maybe life wasn't so bad sometimes after all.
He stepped forward a few inches until I could reach the soft mushroom head with my tongue. I tasted sweetness, like flowers, and realized it was Kristen. Then, as he pushed into my mouth, I tasted the flavor that was completely and wholly Trent, that salty male flavor that I had recently come to know so well. I was in heaven.
He moaned slightly as I flicked my tongue against his skin, nipping at his length gently, tenderly. My mind was a blur, my body in control, all of my senses in overdrive trying to please the beautiful blonde in front of me. It was working. When he made his own first tentative thrust, I knew I had to be working some kind of mojo on him. It was a nice feeling; very powerful. Even though he was in control, I had an effect on him. My mind cheered while my dick yelled in protest. I firmly ignored the lower organ and paid attention to the one in my mouth.
The orgasm came unexpectedly, a moan escaping his lips only milliseconds before he flooded my throat with come. I choked and swallowed hard.
He withdrew, his eyes never leaving mine, and gave me a soft smile. "Wow."
"Yeah." I replied, thickly. "I tried."
"I forgive you."
"I don't." came a voice from the bed. "He still kissed me and needs to be punished for that."
"I think he's been punished enough." Trent defended, taking note of my very eager hard on. "Besides, he's been spanked, threatened, and denied long enough now."
I took a deep breath, then asked, "What does my Lady wish of me?"
Trent turned back to me, his eyes slightly bugging out of his head. "Are you sure?"
"Oh yeah." I replied, giving him what I hoped was a mischievous wink. "Totally sure."
He grinned. "You never cease to amaze me. I didn't know you were into pain and suffering."
"I'm not. This is just a game, not actual torture. Except for one thing."
"Blue balls?"
I nodded. "But the end result is always awesome."
He nodded in agreement. Then, he sat down on the bed. "He's all yours."
Kristen got up languidly, like some kind of cat.
"Does Kitten want to play nice?"
[Not really.]
"Of course, Lady." I replied, as politely as I could muster. I didn't know what was coming, but I knew it would be interesting...
I didn't expect her to slap me across the face. "No daydreaming, Kitten. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Lady."
Now how'd she know I was daydreaming?
She tangled her fingers into my hair, wrapping it tightly and tugging hard. I feared for a bald spot, but luckily did not get one. Trent threw her the keys and she uncuffed me quickly, then stepped away. "On your knees."
With a grunt, I slid forward and knelt on the floor.
"Eat me."
I reached up to spread her legs, and she nudged my balls with her foot. "No, no, no, Kitten. No hands. Tongue only."
I swallowed a sigh and leaned my head closer to her, nuzzling along her thigh with my tongue. Slowly she spread her legs for me until I could slip my head into the crevice and find her still damp core with my mouth. Hastily I licked the nubbin, faster and faster until I could hear her panting in release. Slowly, she untangled her hands from me and pushed me back. I sat on my haunches, waiting for her next command.
"You have pleased me well, Kitten."
"Thank you, Lady." I replied, desperately needing to come before I died right then and there.
"What do you want as a reward for your good behavior?"
"You." I automatically answered, before I could think first.
She smiled. "If you wish....sit back in the chair. Relax."
I did immediately. She knelt on the floor in front of me, parted my thighs with her hands, and stroked my shaft. I saw stars. Carefully, she worked in a hand over hand fashion, making me feel as though I was continually thrusting, and all I had to do was sit there. It was delicious. I was delirious.
"Please what?"
"I want......I need......" I couldn't even formulate the rational thought. But she knew, and she moved her hands faster. It didn't take long for the room to spin. I came.
It was intense, painful, and thrilling all at the same time. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the back of the chair, enjoying the washing sensations of ecstasy flowing over my body. It was only when I felt a mouth encircle me that I knew there was more to come.
I opened my eyes again to find Trent on the floor in front of me, his eyes shut, his mouth dancing along my semi-soft penis. It didn't take but a moment for me to be hard again, and thrill as I felt him clamp down on me and suck powerfully. I banged my head back repeatedly into the chair as he drew me into a second orgasm. I couldn't get over it. I didn't orgasm quickly, especially after already having one. But Trent knew just what to do to make me feel that intense bliss again within moments.
Kristen had pulled the sheets down on Trent's bed and was already under the covers. I crawled next to her on one side, and Trent crawled in on the other side. I looked at him for a moment, then whispered, "Why?"
"Because we both wanted you, and decided this was a way we both could have you."
"Please tell me you didn't let anyone else know....."
"Not even Walker. We talked about it on the drive back to the apartment. You gave us the perfect opportunity. Are you mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"For sharing you....for having Kristen....for all of it."
"I'm not mad at all. Actually I'm grateful. That was....interesting."
"I never thought you'd go for it that much, but Kristen had a feeling you might. I didn't believe her at first, but now..."
"I never thought I'd be the type, either. But sometimes life isn't what you expect."
"I'll say. I never really expected any of this."
"Your love is a gift to me, Trent. I'll always be glad for it."
"Ditto." he replied, a warm smile flashing across his features. "I couldn't have put it any better myself."
A sleepy voice arose from between us. "Okay, the moment's over. Sleep, you two. We have a lot of work to do when we get up."
I shot Trent a puzzled glance, and he shrugged. "I'll explain later."
I nodded. With a semi peaceful feeling, I closed my eyes and drifted off into slumberland.
*****The End*****
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