A Bad Day
Author: Rayden Star
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Sons of Thunder
Pairings: T/C
Status: New, Complete
Parts: 1/1
Date: July 18, 1999
Archive: Sure
Disclaimer: I own nothing and CBS and Norris Bros. Productions owns
Warnings: None
Notes: I had a bad day and took it out on Trent. Just wish *my* bad day
ended as well as Trent's did. Thanks to Bast for the beta. Feedback wanted.
Summary: Trent has a very bad day.
It was raining ... not so unusual, but it was the middle of the summer, so that made it more muggy than usual and that made Trent's mood even worse. He had left the convertible's top down, thus drenching the inside of it, while he had been in a biker bar trying to track down a deadbeat dad. Said deadbeat dad wasn't quite agreeable to being found and although Trent came out on top of the little skirmish, he still hurt all over. Then to find his beloved car sopping wet inside and out, well, that was the tops to an absolutely, perfectly screwed day.
Trent shook the rain from his hair as he pulled himself up the stairs to the small loft he now shared with his lover and best friend, Carlos. All he wanted was to lay down and forget the day had ever happened.
He opened the door to find the table set for two, candles lit and a simple, but romantic, meal set out before him.
"Glad to see you made it home in one piece."
Trent looked over at Carlos who was grabbing two beers out of the fridge.
"Guess you heard, huh?"
"Yeah, after I finished the Dawson case, I checked in with the office and heard all about it. Why didn't you wait for me?"
Trent tossed his jacket in the vicinity of the coat hooks, not really concerned if it made it or not and sat down hard at the table.
"I thought it would be a simple lost and found."
Carlos smirked. "Is anything you do 'simple'?" He kissed Trent on the cheek and sat down next to him, handing him one of the beers. "Eat up ... we've got plans for tonight."
Trent groaned. "Come on Carlos, I'm too beat to go out ... I just want to
lay down and not remember for a while."
"Who said anything about going out? You've had a bad day, I'm just going to make sure it's not a bad night."
They both finished eating in comfortable silence and when done, Carlos got up to clear the dishes.
"Hey, you cooked, I clean." Trent put his hand on Carlos' arm to stop him from gathering the rest of the dishes.
"Nope, I'm suspending the rule for tonight. Go take a shower but don't wear anything but your robe, 'kay?"
"I'm not up for anything strenuous at all ... in fact, I don't think I'll be
*up* at all."
"I'm not asking you to. I just want to pamper you for a while. Go on."
Carlos finished picking up the dinner dishes and started to put them in the dishwasher when he heard his lover turn the water on in the shower. While he was horny as hell, he certainly didn't want to force Trent into anything he was too tired or bruised to do, so firmly telling his libido to cool it for the night, he finished the dishes and prepared the things he'd need to indulge Trent.
Trent walked out the shower to find the loft lit only in candles, with a light incense burning and soft music playing. He headed to the bed to find Carlos waiting on him, tiger balm and massage oil laid out on the night stand. Carlos motioned for him to lay down; Trent shucked off his robe and did so, his battered skin and muscles finding comfort in the soft sheets.
Carlos picked up the tiger balm first and attended to Trent's wounds, applying light pressure to the bruises and more deep massaging to the knotted muscles. Trent became putty in his hands as the day's troubles were caressed away by his lover. Carlos finished with the tiger balm and moved to the massage oil, pouring some down Trent's back, smoothing it over the firm skin, down across the buttocks and over the sculpted thighs and calves. Trent was practically purring with contentment at this time, which wasn't helping Carlos' hormones any.
"God Carlos, your hands are definitely working magic tonight."
"You mean I don't work magic every night?" Carlos leaned down to quickly kiss Trent to prove he was teasing. He wasn't prepared for Trent to take his mouth and kiss him for all he was worth. After long minutes of kissing, they broke apart for some much-needed air.
"I thought you weren't feeling *up* to it tonight?"
"I think I found my second wind."
Trent's smile was both teasing and seductive. Carlos leaned in for another kiss, but Trent stopped him.
"You haven't finished my massage. Time for the flip side."
Trent turned over, his half-aroused cock becoming fully erect with the utter look of love and lust coming from Carlos.
Carlos nodded and applied some oil to the well-defined chest, only now allowing his libido the freedom to enjoy the touches, the sounds, the sights before him. After careful strokes to each place on Trent's body except where he wanted to touch the most, Carlos took some oil in his hands to warm it slightly, then coated the weeping cock before him, eliciting moans from Trent. He brought him to the brink and back twice before deciding to give Trent some relief.
"Quierdo, I want you."
"Yes, please." Trent's voice was merely a whisper against his lover's ear.
Slowly Carlos prepared Trent, taking his time stretching, soothing, loving, until Trent was ready. He oiled up his own cock and pulled Trent's legs around his waist, then entered Trent slowly, keeping eye contact with the one person that truly owned him heart and soul.
Once they were joined, they paused a moment to enjoy the oneness they felt during this particular act. But needs and hormones took over as they started to move, their thrusts becoming harder and faster, both men climbing to the peak together.
Trent thrust upward a few more times, his heated cock rubbing between their stomachs until he came, his seed pouring out between their bodies. Carlos followed right behind, spurting his own essence deep into his lover, sharing himself like he had shared with no other.
Once their bodies completed their orgasmic throws, Carlos turned them both to their sides, his semi-hard cock still embedded within his lover. He leaned over to grab the towel he'd been using during the massage to wipe Trent off, then both men holding tight to each other and their bond, started to drift off to sleep, still connected.
Before sleep overtook them completely, Trent mumbled against Carlos.
"'Twasn't such a bad day. I love you."
Carlos mumbled back. "Love you too."
Sleep drew them in.
*****THE END*****
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