Crisis of Faith

Author/pseudonym: Rayden Star
Email address: [email protected]
Rating: PG
Pairings: T/C
Status: NEW; complete
Date: 2-8-99
Archive: YES; first time
Archive author: Rayden
Series/Sequel: yes (overall series doesn't have a name yet)
Other website: yes, but not updated in a while: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Location/4966
Disclaimers: Trent and Carlos belong to Norris Brothers Productions; I'm
just having some fun with them and giving them some much needed loving. No copyright infringement intended.
Notes: Well, here's my foray into series-dom. Each part will be a story in
and of itself and the series will show the developing relationship between Carlos and Trent. No sex in this part, barely any kissing, but hang in there folks, the good stuff will come. (pun intended!) Thanks to Bast and Diane for their beta.
Summary: Carlos has problems dealing with his growing feelings for Trent.
Warnings: none

****Saturday, Valentine's Eve****
Carlos Sandoval stood outside of the Thunder Karate
Academy, trying to stir up enough courage to go in.
It was becoming harder and harder to visit his friend
and the owner of the dojo, Trent Malloy. Oh, it
wasn't anything Trent had done or said, it was
because it *was* Trent that would be in there, that
it would be Trent that would greet him, talk to him,
be close to him. Carlos shook his head. Nothing was
making sense any more and he looked up to the heavens
for answers. Instead of answers, he got more wet, if
that was possible, as the cold February rain cascaded
down his face.
Carlos had been steadfast in his faith for as long
as he could remember. Even when Hector died, after he
got finished yelling and screaming at God for taking
his brother away, he found some comfort and peace
knowing Hector was in heaven and away from all the
violence and pain of this earth. His faith was his
rock and his faith would not look kindly upon these
feelings he was harboring for another man. Prayer,
confession, attending mass twice a week; he was
trying anything and everything to fight this
all-consuming craving he was experiencing for Trent.
But nothing was working, so he was trying the
next-best thing: staying away from the forbidden
fruit. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Every time
he tried to beg off going someplace with Trent, or
stop going over to visit, Trent just kept asking if
everything was all right, if he was feeling okay, was
there something he could do. He often mused that
Trent would make a great lawyer because he always got
the truth out of people. And it was becoming harder
and harder to hide the truth from the one person he
*knew* would understand.
Trent was like that; all-loving and trusting, which
got him into trouble sometimes. Thunder had raised a
son that took people at their word, and believed in
people, believed in giving them a second chance. The
great preacher also taught about love, whether it be
love for humanity, familial love, or romantic love,
it was LOVE and it didn't matter who gave or who
received as long as it was true, as long as everyone
was honest and sincere. Carlos was certain if he told
Trent how he felt, the feelings would probably be
returned, that is, if he was reading the signals
But what did that make him? He was a Latino Lover
of all things, not a pansy or a fag. He'd been taught
his entire life that loving someone of the same sex
was *wrong*; soul in Hell for eternity *wrong.* But
how could something that made him feel so good,
something that felt *right* for once in his life be
*wrong*? He didn't have the answers; no one did. He
sighed deeply and turned his collar up to ward off
some of the chilling rain, and then strolled casually
as possible away from his destiny.
Later that night
A loud ringing phone woke Carlos up. Sitting up as
carefully as one who had drank entirely too many
beers could, he reached for the offending object to
silence the noise.
"Wha--? 'ello?"
"Carlos? That you? You okay?"
Carlos took a deep breath as the voice on the other
end made his heart race. Getting hold of himself and
trying to shake off the cobwebs that the alcohol had
formed, he gained precious control.
"I'm fine. Jus' woke up."
"Oh. Hey, I thought you were going to drop by the
dojo today for a workout? Something come up?" Trent
was worried about his friend. It seemed that lately
Carlos didn't want anything to do with him. It wasn't
like him to agree to do something then not show *and*
not call.
"No, jus' was feelin' tired." Damn, the words
wouldn't stop slurring and he couldn't get his mind
to concentrate.
"Are you drunk?" Now *this* was definitely not like
Carlos. Being a cop, he couldn't afford to get
wasted, and besides, it just wasn't his style.
"So I had a few beers, so ... I was 'ntitled."
"What happened today? Carlos, you don't drink like
"Nuthin' happened, it's jus' ... jus' Valentine's
Okay, this wasn't making any sense. Trent realized
his friend needed him. "I'm coming over Carlos,
there's something you're not telling me."
"NO!" Carlos' voice reverberated in his mind as he
held his head. "I mean,
I don' need a baby-sitter. I'm a big boy now, I can
"Yeah, you're a boy all right, thinking that
getting drunk will solve anything. I'll be over in
fifteen minutes." Trent hung up the phone and headed
out into the dark rainy night.
Carlos looked at the phone as if it were a foreign
object. He then wondered if he could drink himself
into oblivion in fifteen minutes so he'd be passed
out when the object of his forbidden desire showed
"Carlos? Come on buddy, let me in!" Trent pounded
on the door one more time. He was really worried now.
Even when things were at their worst, Carlos had
never taken to the bottle; he was a social drinker,
nothing more. He pounded again. "Carlos! You don't
let me in I'll be forced to kick this door down!" He
expected a sheepish Carlos to come to the door ---
but now he began to panic as not a sound was heard
coming from within the loft. He had only been joking
about breaking down the door, but now he was deadly
serious. With one well-placed side kick to the lock,
the door popped open. Trent was in no way prepared
for what he saw.
Beer bottles lay strewn about the usually tidy
living area; a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels sat
on the floor, inches from a lifeless hand. Carlos was
sprawled out on the couch, the only signs of life
coming from his shallow breathing. Trent looked down
at that troubled face, lines of worry and stress
still evident even in the drunken stupor. His heart
actually hurt watching his friend suffer; his friend
who he'd die for, if it came down to it.
Trent had never tried to analyze his feelings;
didn't seem to be a point to it. Carlos' track record
spoke volumes about where his sexual preferences lie.
And Trent was no fool; he knew what a declaration of
love would do to his very Catholic friend. Trent
didn't like the situation; if there was one thing
Thunder taught that he'd always remember it was to be
true to yourself. But he couldn't be true to his
feelings *and* keep his friend, so he did the next
best thing; he loved his friend secretly and kept him
in his life.
Trent smoothed away some stray hairs from Carlos'
face, wondering who could have caused him so much
pain. He gave a sad smile, wishing life was
different, wishing they lived in a more sane time
where it wouldn't matter about the package, as long
as you loved each other. He pulled the blanket from
off the couch and covered the sleeping form, then
started to clear away the empties and straighten the
loft. Carlos was going to have one hell of a hangover
in the morning and Trent knew he'd be in no condition
to clean it himself. As he picked up the mess, he did
allow himself the guilty pleasure of watching his
friend sleep. He had never found another man
attractive until now; and it really didn't matter at
this point.
After taking the garbage out, repairing the door to
the best of his ability, and checking on Carlos one
more time, he sat down in the chair opposite the
couch, prepared to sit vigil over his troubled
friend. He knew what binges did to the body, and once
Carlos woke up, he'd probably need a bit of help. It
wasn't more than two hours later when the
almost-still form stirred and groggily sat up.
"Oh man ..." was all he could get out before his
stomach revolted against him. Trent was there in a
flash with the waste can, rubbing Carlos' back as he
tossed his cookies until there was nothing left by
dry heaves. Knowing in advance this moment would
come, Trent picked up the glass of water he had
prepared and handed it to his friend.
"Drink this, all of it."
Carlos nodded, not quite certain of his
surroundings yet. The only thing he knew was that his
head hurt, his stomach was not happy with him and
there was this awful taste of bile in his mouth. He
took the proffered water and drank it down, then
tried to slowly lie back down and hoped the world
stopped spinning.
"Hold it. How about we get you into the bed. I'm
sure you'll be more comfortable there." Trent helped
Carlos to his very unsteady feet and they stumbled
together to the bedroom where Trent helped him
undress and get under the covers. Carlos immediately
passed out again, and Trent sat on the side of the
bed, gently rubbing Carlos' arm. It was as intimate
as he'd ever get with the one person who owned him
heart and soul.
After he was certain Carlos was sleeping, albeit
fitfully, Trent started to go back to the living room
to take care of the waste can, but an open letter on
the desk caught his eye. In Carlos' handwriting was a
letter, addressed to him. He felt a little funny
reading something that was not given to him, but it
*was* addressed to him, so he read:
Dear Trent,
I'm a little ashamed to be writing this when I
should be telling this to your face, but I can't do
that. There's a reason I've been avoiding you and it
has absolutely nothing to do with you and everything
to do with me. I've got feelings for you that I can't
act upon; my faith won't let me. I've gone around in
circles in my mind wondering how love can be wrong,
but that's what I've been taught my entire life ---
that love between people of the same sex is wrong. No
matter who I've asked, or how much I've prayed, what
I've found is that what I feel is wrong.
I don't know why I'm writing this ... I'll never
give it to you, but it helps get some of the hurt
out. I'm sitting here thinking about Valentine's Day
coming up, about how it's the day of love, and
allowing myself to get shit-faced because I don't
want to *feel* anymore. I don't want to feel anything
ever again. Maybe then I can handle it.
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. You know the
saying, "out of sight is out of mind," although I've
thought about you more every day that I haven't seen
you. Why does this have to be so difficult? Why did I
go and fall in love with you? Although, I do have to
admit, I didn't fight it too hard. You are a good
person, you are so loving and trusting and always do
the right thing. You're a fucking Benton Frasier,
man, upstanding Mountie who puts other people first.
I'm just a selfish bastard who's too much a coward to
The letter ended there; Carlos presumably either
got too drunk to finish or something interrupted him
... like getting another beer out of the fridge.
Trent laid the letter back on the desk and pondered
what he had discovered about his friend. He knew at
this point in the game, he needed help, spiritual
advice and he knew of only one person he could turn
**** Sunday, Valentine's Day ****
The previous night's clouds gave way to a brilliant
morning sun, and Carlos groaned at the sight. His
head was throbbing and his mouth was a dry wasteland.
He heard shuffling in the other room and the cop part
of his brain tried to process a warning to his body;
unfortunately, his body wasn't listening. Just when
he thought it'd be a blessing in disguise for an
intruder to shoot him in his bed and put him out of
his misery, Trent poked his head in the
"Ah, you're up. Good. Get in the shower and get
dressed." He left without
another word.
//What the hell?// Carlos wasn't certain he could
stand, let alone take a shower and dress himself.
Then he looked down at his nearly naked body and
tried to remember how he got from the living room to
the bedroom *and* undressed. He ran his fingers
through his mussed hair as snippets of memory came to
him. Trent was there holding a trash can while he
barfed, Trent was there helping him walk to the
bedroom, Trent was there helping him ... oh God,
helping him undress. After that he remembered
nothing, and was very worried he'd said or done
something totally inappropriate for a proper Catholic
boy. Before he could rouse himself up into a full
panic, Trent stuck his head back into the room.
"Come on, man, we're going to be late."
"Late? Late for what ... oh God ..." It actually
hurt to speak; each word
stung as he said them.
"I really think you ought to watch your language,
especially this morning. We're going to church."
"You have got ..." Carlos lowered his voice in the
vain attempt to keep a handle on the pain. "You have
got to be kidding. I can't go to church in this
"You should have thought of that last night before
you tried to kill your liver. Come on, you need to
go. Something is obviously on your mind and maybe God
can help. I've got some strong coffee and some
aspirin waiting for you when you get out." Trent
started to close the door once more.
"Wait ... I mean, I need to ask you something
"Did I like, um, say anything last night?"
"Not unless you call groaning saying something."
"Oh, okay, just wondering what I might have babbled
on about."
"Don't worry, the intimate details of your last
date are still safely secured within that hard head
of yours. I'll see you in a few." Trent exited the
room a second time, softly closing the door behind
Carlos grimaced behind the dark sunglasses that
were doing nothing to cut the glare of the too-bright
sun. He had showered, dressed and ate what little he
could in record time, then allowed Trent to drive him
to church. He wanted to be anywhere but there,
sitting in a pew, prepared to being told yet again
that what he was feeling was wrong.
Brother Roscoe got up after the choir sang and
cleared his throat.
"Good morning and happy Valentine's Day everyone!
With this being the holiday for love, I thought what
an appropriate topic for today's sermon. Love. In all
its forms, in all its glory, it's what makes life
worth living."
Carlos stifled a groan. He'd forgotten about the
holiday and with it coinciding with Sunday, of
course, love was going to be the sermon. He wanted to
block everything out, he wanted to get up and leave,
but he couldn't ... he couldn't leave Trent. Although
they could never touch, never really *smile* at each
other, never really hug, at least they could share
this, sitting together, being together, and if it
tore his heart in two, so be it. He needed to be as
close as his faith would allow.
Brother Roscoe continued. "Some of you may know
that Valentine's Day was named after Saint Valentine,
but I'll bet most of you don't know that his work
wasn't of the romantic sort. He chose chaste love,
love of humanity, as his calling, helping slaves
escape to a better life, ministering to prisoners and
spreading the word of righteousness. It has only been
in modern times that Valentine's Day has come to be a
day of romance, a day for couples to come together
and declare their love."
Carlos knew he was in for it now. He prepared
himself to listen to another sermon of how love was
romantic only if it was with the opposite sex,
otherwise, you just have a "love of humanity" and
that was strictly hands off.
"Now what I'm going to say next may surprise some
of you, may outrage you because it goes against what
you've been taught, but I can no longer ignore the
issue. I cannot believe in a God that puts
stipulations on love, any love. In this day and age,
it is a modern miracle that two people can even find
each other to love, and by the dear Lord, when that
happens there should be much rejoicing."
A few parishioners chimed in with "amens" and "amen
"I do believe that God loves each and every one of
us, loves us in spite of our sins, in spite of our
transgressions upon others. But I do believe He
smiles upon us even more when we find love with one
another. Be it friendship, familial, or romantic,
love should always be cherished and never looked down
"When I say love, I mean *all* love, no rules, no
regulations, no boundaries. Why it was just in during
the past forty years that love and marriage between a
black person and a white person was legalized ... In
the span of a lifetime, man has come to realize that
love knows no color. I am hoping in my lifetime that
man will come to realize that love knows no gender,
A few collective gasps were heard among the pews as
a few whispered to themselves about what the good
brother meant. Carlos sat up straighter and wondered
if he had heard correctly.
"Now I know I am radical in my thinking; how can I
go against what the Bible tells me. Well my fellow
Christians, as I studied this topic, as I looked deep
into my heart and prayed with all my might, I have
come to the conclusion that the Bible, through its
interpretations from the original Hebrew, through to
Greek and finally into English, was, somehow, along
the way, misinterpreted. We have long held certain
passages dear to our heart that condemn same-sex
relationships and have ignored those that seem to
condone it. Why it was in I Samuel, Chapter 18, Verse
1 that it was written 'the soul of Jonathan was knit
with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his
own soul.' And in II Samuel, Chapter 1, Verse 26,
that after both Saul and Jonathan were killed in
battle, David lamented and recalled that Jonathan's
love had been 'wonderful, passing the love of
"I now want to ask you this ... for each and every
one of you to look deep into your own heart and ask
yourself if the God you know would put a restriction
on love. Would He frown upon two people who had found
each other, through all obstacles, through all their
different paths and journeys, would He condemn them
if they happen to be of the same gender? We all know
that when we ascend to heaven we leave our earthly
bodies behind, those earthly parts that make us male
and female. So if our souls have no gender, why
should we limit our love to the earthly opposite
A few "amens" were heard throughout the sanctuary.
Carlos was riveted. He had never thought of it that
way but now it made sense.
"I would like each and every one of you to look to
your hearts for the answers. The Bible is our
guidebook through this life, a guidebook full of
love, full of hope, but I do not believe it holds the
answers to such complex questions. I believe that God
Himself has given us the power to determine right and
wrong, and I, my brothers and sisters, I believe that
anytime you find love, with anybody, it is a good
thing. Let us pray."
Carlos bowed his head, for the first time extremely
grateful for the man that sat next to him. This man
that saw him through his worst drunken bout since
college, this man who forced him to come to church
with the world's biggest hangover, this man that he
loved with all his heart and now ... *now* he could
believe in it, he could act upon it, he could *love*
another man and reconcile that with his faith. God
hadn't abandoned him, God had shown him the way,
shown him that this love was good and right.
"Dear Lord, we thank You again for this beautiful
day, for the sun shining, for this building to
worship You in. We thank You for giving us the
emotion of love, for giving us the ability to express
this love in so many different ways and Lord, we
thank You for allowing us to find each other in these
troubled times. Please watch over all those who are
in love, and all those that are seeking love in Your
Name. We pray with open hearts Lord, open to love of
all kinds. And we pray in Your Name, Amen."
A sprinkle of "amens" were heard throughout the
church, including one amen that came from the quiet
voice of the man sitting next to Trent Malloy. As the
organist began to play and the parishioners walked
out, Trent put his hand on top of Carlos' and allowed
their fingers to intertwine slightly. He looked over
at his friend and saw the peace that was missing from
him just a scant hour ago. They looked at each other
and smiled; the world was right again.
Carlos found his voice first. "You knew?"
"I didn't know what was eating you up inside until
last night ... I, uh, I
found the letter you wrote me."
"The what?"
"The letter, on the desk. You wrote how much you
loved me but your faith wouldn't allow it."
Carlos shook his head slightly; any more movement
and the throbbing would come back. "I don't remember
writing any letter. I must've been out of it more
than I thought."
"Well, I'm just glad you did. After I talked with
Roscoe last night, I was hoping something like this
would happen."
"You talked to him?? About us, ... this??" Carlos
didn't know whether to be
mortified or relieved.
"I had to. I didn't have the answers and I couldn't
sit around and watch you drown your feelings with
"And you don't have any problem with this ... us."
"Not really, and especially not after talking with
Roscoe. Thunder always taught that any and all love
was good, but since you obviously weren't feeling the
same way I was, I didn't dwell on it too much. Until
last night, then I knew the truth and I knew I had to
do something."
"I guess I'm glad I wrote that letter ... I need to
say it though."
"Say what?"
"I love you, quierdo."
//Quierdo?// It took Trent a minute to process the
Spanish into English. Once processed, he sucked in
his breath, almost as if the word itself had taken
his breath away.
"You all right?" Carlos was beginning to panic
again. It was too much, too
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just never expected you to use
that word, ... with me
that is."
"I've never used it before, never told it to
anyone. You're the first ... and the last, ever."
Trent clasped the hand beneath his tighter. "I love
you too, beloved."
It was the beginning of a new phase in their lives;
a phase they would experience together.
The ride back to Carlos' home was quiet, but not
uncomfortably so like the ride *to* church was.
Carlos was still suffering the effects of a drunken
binge and was trying not to allow what little
breakfast he ate to make a reappearance. After what
seemed like an eternity, Trent pulled up to the loft
and helped Carlos get out. Once at the door, Carlos
commented on the obviously patched wood.
"You do that?"
"Yeah, sorry. I was worried about you and when you
didn't answer ... well, let's just say a lot of bad
images flashed across my mind." Trent helped his
friend into the living room.
"Guess I should be going. You going to be okay here
by yourself?"
"If you mean am I going to start drinking again,
the answer is no. I don't need to anymore; I've
finally come to terms with what I was hiding from."
Carlos patted the couch cushion beside him. "Sit down
for a minute, 'kay?"
Trent sat down and tried to relax, but this was new
to both of them. He watched as Carlos fumbled for
something in the drawer in the end table. He finally
found what he was looking for and handed Trent a
small stuffed bear that was dressed in a white gi and
black belt.
"Here. I was out walking around in the mall the
other day, getting really down about Valentine's Day
and I saw this in a window. It's a 'Karate Kritter'
and when you press its stomach..." Carlos gently
squeezed the bear and it said "Hi-ya!" Trent smiled
at the extremely unique gift.
"Anyway, I saw it and thought of you. I figured I'd
give it to you sometime as a gag gift, even though I
would've secretly meant it to be more ... well, I
think you know what I mean."
Trent looked into the deep brown, but bloodshot
eyes and saw the sincerity that accompanied the
words. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Thanks. He'll sit
on my desk at the academy to remind me of you and how
much you mean to me." He squeezed the bear's stomach
again and was barraged by a string of ki-yi's from
the bear. "He's cute. Thanks." Trent placed his hand
over Carlos' and squeezed slightly. "I'd um, better
get home. You're looking tired and probably need to
sleep off more of that hangover." He paused,
wondering if he dare go where his heart wanted.
"Would you, um, well, like me to stay until you doze
off? Just in case you need something."
Carlos shook his head. "No, I don't want you to
stay in case I need something. I'd like you to stay
because you want to be with me." He ducked his head
with the last few words.
"I'd like that."
Carlos slowly stood up and offered his hand to
Trent, who took it as he laid the stuffed bear on the
coffee table. They walked hand-in-hand to Carlos'
bedroom where Carlos stripped down to his t-shirt and
boxers before sliding into bed. He looked over at
Trent with a puzzled expression.
"Um, maybe I assumed too much, but I thought you
were going to take a nap with me." Carlos tried to
hide the disappointment he felt. He knew they weren't
ready for anything more than hand-holding at this
point and time, but it would be *so* nice to have him
here, to know his best friend and new lover would be
at his side.
"Uh, sorry, I ... I don't want to rush
"Trent, we've slept in the same tent on camping
trips for years. This time we just have more of an
emotional attachment. Besides, my head is killing me
and all *I* want to do is sleep."
"Okay." Trent started to undress, but before he
climbed into bed with Carlos, he wanted to set a few
ground rules.
"We'll take this at your pace; just let me know
when you'd like to do something and we'll do it. I
Carlos put his finger to Trent's lips. "We'll do
this at *our* pace, when we're both ready. Neither
one of us has had any experience at this. Now I would
like to try something ..."
Trent swallowed hard. "Wh-what?"
"Sleeping. But maybe you'd like to put your arm
around me?"
Trent smiled and visibly relaxed. "That I can do."
He snuggled in behind Carlos and held on to him,
promising himself he'd do everything in his power to
make the man beside him happy and safe. Carlos meant
more to him than his own life, and he'd spend the
rest of his days showing Carlos just that. He watched
as the other man's breathing became slow and deep,
and he leaned over to kiss him lightly on the temple.
"Sleep well, my quierdo, sleep well."
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