Page Three

After the break in the moving was over, everyone headed downstairs, the movers to take the furniture on the truck over to H.O.P.E. and Tandy and Katie heading home. Katie again hugged Trent and then Carlos. This time, Tandy did the same, smiling happily at both of the men as she hugged them. Carlos was still a bit surprised by this, but very, very happy about it. He also decided he was going to like being part of the Malloy family. He was going to like it a lot.
The men took the furniture over to Alex at H.O.P.E., unloading it fairly quickly.
Once they were done, Walker, Trivette and Tommy headed for Walker's truck so they could take Tommy back to the loft to pick up his car so he could head home.
Trent and Carlos thanked them all for their help. "Thanks again for coming, Jimmy," Trent said to Trivette, "Not sure we could have managed the pool table without you." It was true, it had taken all of them to move the table, but it was also an opportunity to let Trivette know his step towards them had not gone unnoticed or unappreciated without making a big deal out of it.
"You're welcome," Trivette said, not as uneasy looking as he had been earlier, "Glad I could help."
Trent exchanged a look with Walker who smiled at Trent without moving his mouth. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Walker, but how the man did so was totally beyond Trent's understanding. But do it he did, even if most people couldn't see it. Trent wasn't as talented and returned the smile, using his facial muscles, before Walker pulled out of the parking space.
Trent and Carlos returned the rented truck before returning home to their much changed apartment. They spent the rest of the afternoon getting things arranged and moved around the way they wanted them.
The evening and their Sunday followed the same routine as always. The main difference was now, with their furniture combined and in place, it was really starting to feel more like *their* place. It pleased them both.
Monday found Trent and Carlos heading to the doctor's office once again, hopefully for the last time since Carlos hadn't had any more dizziness or headaches in the last week. After Carlos had seen the doctor they headed back to the car. Trent waited for Carlos to get in and settled before asking, since Carlos hadn't volunteered it fast enough, if they needed to come back again.
"Nope," Carlos said happily, "Got my walking papers. Don't need to come back again."
Trent smiled his best and biggest smile at Carlos before leaning in to kiss him with much enthusiasm. "I am so very happy, Carlos," Trent said, all his love for this wonderful man filling his voice, "So very happy." He kissed Carlos again, more tenderly.
When the kiss broke, Trent looked at Carlos who was looking very pleased with himself. "Now," Trent said, his eyes sparkling, "I have a surprise for you. If you were a good boy, that is."
"Ice cream?" Carlos asked, knowing probably not, since that was hardly a surprise.
"No," Trent said, smiling at his lover.
"A trip to Disneyland?" Carlos asked, trying to be funny.
Trent looked at Carlos grinning at him and shook his head. "Well, that would be a surprise, I do have to admit that," Trent said, chuckling and starting the car, "No, something a little closer to home."
"Well, what?" Carlos asked, his excitement showing, "*Whaaaaaaaaat*?"
Trent watched as his lover turned into a ten year old before his eyes. He just loved Carlos like this, he was just too cute. "You just have to wait and see," Trent said, checking the rear view mirror.
"Aww, come on, give me a hint," Carlos tried, wondering what Trent was up to.
"No," Trent said, trying to suppress his laughter as he put the car in gear and started towards the exit of the parking lot. He had actually thought of this a few days ago and was hoping his lover wouldn't catch on to the fact he was making plans.
"Just a little hint?" Carlos pushed, adding the sad puppy face to the mix in his attempt to get information out of Trent. The sad puppy face usually got him anything he wanted.
Trent pulled up to where the road met the parking lot and stopped. He looked over at Carlos and his puppy face to which his lover added a pout. "No," Trent said, kissing the face he wasn't sure how he was saying no to, before looking back at the road and pulling out into traffic.
Carlos couldn't believe this. It hadn't worked. His very best 'melt Trent's heart' routine hadn't worked! Well, he would just have to wait for the surprise, he guessed. Surprises were fun, too. He looked over at Trent who looked very pleased with himself. He found his own heart melting. He grinned and leaned over to kiss Trent on the cheek.
"What was that for?" Trent asked, not turning his head, not being able to take his eyes off the road at the moment.
"Just 'cos you're so cute," Carlos said, "And 'cos I love you so much." Carlos smiled at the beautiful smile Trent got on his face.
As they got further and further away from Dallas and further and further out in the middle of nowhere, Carlos tried harder and harder to get information from Trent, who wasn't giving any out. "But where are we going way out here anyway?" Carlos asked, not being really familiar with the area, but knowing it well enough to know there was nothing at all out here.
"You'll see when we get there, Carlos," Trent said, knowing he had his lover completely in the dark. He was sure Carlos would have figured out his plan by now, but he hadn't. Undoubtedly, he was too busy trying to pump him for information to put two and two together.
Finally arriving at their destination, Trent turned off the engine and looked over at a very bewildered looking Carlos as he took off his own seatbelt. "We're here," Trent said in a voice you might use on a kid once you had arrived at someplace exciting.
Carlos was looking around at a whole lot of nothing, just empty landscape and the group of trees they were parked in. "And just where the heck is here?" Carlos asked, wondering what on earth Trent was thinking. He looked back at Trent and the look in his lover's eyes made his breath catch and his heart begin to beat faster.
"You remember last time we got done at the doctors?" Trent asked, moving his face closer to Carlos's, "And I mentioned doing something to you you thought sounded 'interesting'?" Trent moved in even closer to Carlos who's arousal was growing as the light began to dawn on him what was going on, "And I couldn't do that then because we were in the middle of civilization?"
Carlos nodded at Trent as he began to see what his lover was getting at, what his surprise was. His pants were getting uncomfortable.
"Well, take a look around," Trent said, his lips now only a few inches from Carlos's, "No one around here. No one for miles."
Carlos whimpered as Trent caught his mouth with his own, kissing him hard, as his hands moved to undo Carlos's seatbelt. Once it was undone, Trent very abruptly stopped kissing him and moved quickly and got out of the car. Carlos was so stunned, and so turned on, he just sat there. He was just starting to regain his brain enough to wonder if he should get out of the car too when Trent yanked his door open very quickly and pulled him from the car and into a fierce hug, kissing him hard, then pulling Carlos to him with his hands on his backside.
Trent knew Carlos well enough to know he liked it like this, when Trent was a more aggressive than usual. He continued to kiss Carlos as he let go of his rear end and moved to undo his belt and pants. Once Trent had done so, he moved Carlos quickly, almost roughly, to the rear of the car, where he proceeded to throw him face down over the trunk, just as he had promised. OK, he had originally said the hood, but when he had planned this he realized it needed to be the trunk. The hood would be too hot after all the driving.
Carlos couldn't believe this was happening. He was so very turned on by this all he could do was moan and pant and hope he didn't come before Trent was finished with him. Once he was lying with his upper body against the car trunk, Carlos looked back behind him and whimpered loudly when he saw the look on Trent's face.
Trent yanked Carlos's pants and underwear down in one fast movement. He kicked his legs apart as far as the constraints of his pants around his ankles would allow and then backed up a bit, to enjoy the view as well as prepare himself.
Carlos was panting hard, trying to control himself. It wasn't working. He wanted to grab onto something, anything, to try to keep this from being over before it started, but there was nothing to grip on the car trunk surface. He finally clenched his hands into fists and closed his eyes tightly, managing for now to hold on to his restraint, but not sure it would last long.
Trent wanted to draw this out, but that simply wasn't happening. His passion was building fast just looking at Carlos as he lay over the car, trying to control his own desires. It was simply too much for Trent. He fumbled with his own belt and pants, managing to get them off enough to remove his very hard erection. He had remembered this time to do that before getting out the KY.
Managing to actually hold on to the tube of lubricant, Trent squeezed some into his hand then dropped it to the ground. He coated his shaft very quickly then moved forward, towards Carlos, grabbing his lover by the hips and entering him fast, hard and deep, pulling him back towards himself, connecting them as deep as was possible.
"OH MY GOD!!" Carlos groaned loudly, moaning just as loudly afterwards. He tightened his fists and squeezed his eyes shut tighter in an attempt to not come immediately. It worked, but only for the moment, his control wasn't going to last very long. Had his lover ever filled him so completely before? Had it ever felt so good before?
Trent pulled back just as fast, almost completely out, and thrust back in again the same way -- hard, fast and deep. Carlos cried out loudly in his passion, Trent answering with a cry of his own.
Trent continued his thrusts, but it didn't take long, only a few of them, before Carlos came and came hard underneath him. For all the volume of the cries of passion before it, when he actually came, he made little noise, as if his passion just went beyond where it could be expressed vocally. It was very different and very erotic to watch and caused Trent to follow his lover over the edge. Trent buried himself deep inside his lover, falling forward over him, pressing his body tightly against Carlos's, putting his hands over Carlos's still tightly clenched fists. Trent then came himself, crying out loudly as he did, spasming, shaking and moaning for what seemed like an eternity.
Once his orgasm was over, Carlos found his voice returning and he began to moan, his panting the only thing keeping it from being one continual moan. He unclenched his fists and Trent intertwined his fingers with his. He closed his fingers over Trent's as they continued to stay as they were, Trent still on top of him, buried deep inside him, and tried to regain enough of their senses to do anything but lie there.
Trent finally thought he could actually move a little and turned his head from where it lay against Carlos's back, and kissed his lover's back, even though his shirt was still covering it. After a few more moments, he squeezed his hands, which were still covering Carlos's, before starting to remove them so he could stand up. But as he tried to, Carlos held on to him, keeping him where he was. He would have smiled if he could have stopped panting long enough to do so. As it was he just put his head back down on Carlos's back and remained where he was as they both continued their descent back to earth.
After a few more minutes, his breathing getting a bit closer to normal, Trent decided he really needed to sit down. He removed his hands from Carlos's, this time Carlos allowing him to, and moved to stand. Just the movement of his body caused their joining to end, as his shaft slipped from Carlos's body. Carlos gave a moan of disappointment at the loss of their joining. Trent smiled and reached up as far as he could and kissed Carlos on the cheek. It was just so sweet, and he understood the sentiments totally.
Trent straightened up and put himself back in his pants before moving to help Carlos up off the car. Not that he didn't look spectacular still lying there on the car with his beautiful bare backside still displayed, but he needed to recover the rest of the way wrapped in Trent's arms. Trent managed to get a still dazed looking Carlos standing upright before he stooped down to pull up his lover's underwear and pants. Carlos just watched him with a goofy expression on his face.
Carlos watched Trent as he got him back into his underwear and pants and got him zipped back up and his belt buckled back up. Trent was just so cute and he grinned at him as he worked. When his lover was done, he smiled even more at him, watching him and thinking about how cute he was.
Once Trent had Carlos back together again, he debated for a minute about where to move them. The seats in the car didn't make for easy cuddling, but the only other option was the ground. Trent decided on the ground. Helping Carlos down to the ground first, so he was sitting with his back resting against the side of the car, Trent sat down beside him and put his arms around Carlos, his lover's head on his shoulder.
Carlos wanted and needed to be closer to Trent. After only a few moments of the sitting position they were in, Carlos moved himself so he was sitting beside Trent but with his back to him, so when he turned, his upper body was facing him, his legs parallel to the car. He put his head on Trent's shoulder, the one opposite where he was sitting, and pressed his face into Trent's neck as he wrapped his arms around Trent. Trent's arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly, and he sighed a sigh of total contentment.
Trent kissed Carlos's forehead before putting his head down on top of his lover's, then brought one hand to Carlos's head and began to pet him as he rocked him gently. He was glad he had thought of this, glad he had thought of someplace to actually do it.
After some time had passed, and they were both breathing normally, Trent lifted his head from the top of Carlos's and kissed his forehead again, which caused Carlos to look up at him, still looking just a bit dazed. Trent understood the feeling, having been there himself a few times. OK, more than a few times. He had an idea. "I hate to bring this up," Trent said, trying not to laugh, "But do you remember your name?"
Carlos was very amused at the idea of forgetting his name. "Of course, I remember my name -- Ramon," Carlos said, looking totally innocent as if that really was his name. This caused Trent to grin a very amused grin at him, which of course encouraged Carlos to continue, "Humm, now that I think about it... Nico?" Trent started to laugh. "No? How about Hank?" he added, grinning.
"Hank?" Trent asked, laughing harder.
"You like Hank?" Carlos asked, as Trent continued to laugh. Carlos had to laugh, too. Trent's laughter was just too precious, too infectious, and he *was* rather pleased with himself.
Once the laughter had died down a bit, Trent hugged Carlos tighter and then brought their lips together for a kiss. "I love you so much," Trent said, still smiling happily, "What did I ever do without you?"
"Well, I don't know 'cos I wasn't around to watch," Carlos teased back.
"That wasn't what I meant," Trent said, going back for another kiss.
"I know, baby," Carlos answered, understanding totally what his lover meant. He wondered the same thing himself. "I love you, too," he added kissing Trent on the mouth again before putting his head back down on his lover's shoulder, sighing contentedly as he did.
They sat there and rested quietly for a few more minutes before Trent asked, "You ready to leave?" He wasn't quite sure if his lover was actually ready to let go of him yet and was more than willing to wait as long as he needed.
Carlos was recovered, and ready to leave if that was what Trent wanted, but he had a better idea. "I was thinking," he said, looking up at his lover, a grin starting at the corner of his mouth, "As long as we came all this way and everything..." Carlos moved his hand to Trent's crotch and caressed him through his pants.
Trent looked down at his lover who had obviously been so quiet because he had been recharging his battery. He just grinned at him, totally in awe of his ability to recharge so quickly. He would be more than happy to give Carlos pleasure again before they left, even if he himself wasn't *up* to more. Then his lover added a good squeeze to his caressing and Trent felt himself responding to Carlos's caress.
Carlos grinned at Trent when he felt his lover's shaft begin to stiffen under his hand. "Seems like I have an agreeing vote here," he said, squeezing a bit harder on the word 'here' drawing a soft moan from Trent. Carlos grinned even wider before capturing Trent's mouth in a kiss.
After the kiss broke, Trent looked at his lover, who was grinning again. "How do you *DO* this to me?" Trent asked, as his shaft continued to stiffen in appreciation as Carlos continued to caress him.
"You really want to know?" Carlos asked, eyes full of mischief. Trent nodded at him. "Viagra in your coffee," he teased, grinning even more.
"I suspected as much," Trent said, grinning himself.
"Actually," Carlos said, kissing Trent briefly, as he gave Trent another gentle squeeze, "It's just my magic touch." With that, Carlos claimed Trent's mouth with a more passionate kiss, squeezing him just a bit harder as he did. Trent started to squirm, hardening noticeably under his hand.
Carlos wasn't even sure how it happened, it all happened so fast. Suddenly Trent was standing above him pulling him to his feet where he kissed him thoroughly as he undid his belt and pants again and moved him to the back of the car at the same time.
Trent really had thought himself incapable again. But not only was he finding himself getting very hard very fast, he had moved on into that out of control place Carlos seemed to take him to time and again. He couldn't get enough of Carlos and he couldn't get it fast enough. Trent really did suspect Carlos's touch was magical. Trent got Carlos's pants undone and pulled them and his underwear down over his hips, then helped him up on the car trunk. Once Carlos was sitting on the car, Trent finally released his mouth and looked at him.
Carlos looked at Trent who was breathing very fast, fire in his eyes, out of control. It was always so good this way, so very good. Carlos whimpered, then moaned when he saw the fire in Trent's eyes intensify.
That was it. Trent could take no more. He pulled Carlos's shoes from his feet then grabbed his pants and underwear and yanked them the rest of the way off him. He somehow managed to get his own pants off far enough to remove his shaft, but just how he did it he wasn't sure. He then grabbed Carlos's legs, pulling them forward and upwards, causing Carlos to lie back on the car, and put them over his shoulders as he moved forward to join them.
Carlos locked eyes with Trent as he moved forward. Trent entered him -- hard, fast and deep. He cried out loudly, thrilling to the desire and need in his lover's eyes, thrilling to the feeling of his lover filling him. Trent filled him again and again, powerful thrusts, each drawing a cry of pure pleasure from deep inside him.
They came at the same time, each crying out loudly in their pleasure. Once Carlos had come back to his senses enough to do more than remember to breathe, he looked at Trent who was breathing hard, moaning softly, and standing just as he had been when he came. Carlos moved his legs slowly from Trent's shoulders and Trent fell forward over him, Carlos catching him and drawing him up into his arms, again the movement of their bodies ending their joining. Trent lay on top of him, head against his shoulder, as Carlos held him tightly against himself and caressed him as Trent returned to earth.
After a while, having caught his breath enough to speak, Trent said, "I love you, Carlos, so very much." He moved his arms and hugged his lover back, snuggling his head against Carlos's shoulder and breathing in his scent.
"I love you too, baby," Carlos said, pulling Trent closer, smiling and kissing the top of his head.
After they had recovered they got themselves back together again and got back in the car. Once they were ready to leave, Trent looked over at Carlos and asked, "So, did you like your surprise? Better than ice cream?"
"Oh, yes," Carlos said, grinning and looking at Trent, "Much better than ice cream." He leaned in to capture Trent's mouth in a kiss. "Thank you, baby," he added, smiling his best smile at his wonderful lover.
Trent's heart skipped a beat as Carlos smiled that smile at him. "You're welcome, my love," he said, going back for another kiss before starting the car.
Go to Page Four