Page Four

The next week passed much as the week before had. The main difference was Trent had no real excuse anymore to try to keep Carlos's activities to a minimum. He knew he was being overprotective, Carlos was just fine, the doctor had said so, but it didn't mean Trent didn't feel better when his lover took it easy. But Trent dealt with it and didn't voice his concerns. Well, not too often.
As their work schedule and activities got back to normal, they found the time they spent together during work hours was decreasing. But off hours were still spent together enjoying each other's company and of course making love all over everywhere -- a lot.
During the week they saw the lawyer that had been recommended to them and they managed to finally get Carlos's things all moved and the loft cleaned up.
Saturday afternoon found them making their new bed that had been delivered a few days ago. It had taken forever for Carlos to convince the delivery people they didn't want it set up for them 'free of charge' as the bewildered head delivery man had told him several times.
When Trent had gotten home and found the old bed still set up and the new one still needing set up, Carlos had had to explain it to him, too. But Trent understood. Carlos wanted tonight to be the first time they used the new bed. When he explained it to Trent, the smile his lover had gotten on his face had taken Carlos's breath away. Yes, Trent understood.
Having set up the actual bed itself, and moved the old bed into the livingroom to be taken away later, they were now making the bed with the new sheets Kim had given them as a 'housewarming' gift.
Carlos looked over at Trent as he finished tucking in the blanket and smiled at him. **I really am the luckiest man on earth,** Carlos thought, smiling even bigger when Trent looked up and smiled back at him. God how he loved Trent's smile.
Carlos picked up the bedspread and tossed it out over the bed and they straightened and smoothed it, finishing their bed making work. Carlos went around the bed and pulled Trent into a hug. Moving back just enough to look his lover in the eyes he smiled again and then kissed him.
Trent was so very excited. Today it became official, today they were really and completely moved in together. He kissed Carlos back with such joy he was sure Carlos could taste it. Breaking the kiss finally, Trent looked at Carlos looking back at him filled with the same joy. "You sure about this? Not ready to back out are you?" Trent teased, squeezing his arms around his lover.
"Never been more sure of anything in my whole life," Carlos answered, knowing Trent was teasing, but he wasn't teasing with his answer.
"Good," Trent said, leaning in for another kiss, "Let's go get this done then."
When the kiss ended, Carlos let go of Trent and took his hand and started for the door. When he got there he gave Trent's hand a squeeze and said, "I love you, very much."
"I love you, too, Carlos," Trent said, squeezing back before letting go and exiting the apartment.
They arrived at Carlos's loft for what would be the last time. They were meeting the landlord for a final check out of the place and to return the keys and officially end Carlos's living there even though he hadn't actually been living there in some time. Entering the loft that was totally empty was a very odd feeling, even odder now when they both knew this would be the last time for it.
Taking a last look around while waiting for the landlord, Trent left Carlos to his thoughts as he wandered the area that had been his home for many years. After a few minutes, Trent walked up to Carlos and hugged him from behind, putting his head on his lover's shoulder.
Carlos put his arms around Trent's that were holding him, hugging back. "Thanks, baby," Carlos said, knowing Trent understood how he was feeling without being told. As much as he wanted the move in with Trent to be complete and official, it was still hard to say good-bye to a place that had been part of his life for so long.
Carlos turned in Trent's embrace and smiled at him. He then kissed the smile Trent gave him in return.
At the sound of the elevator ascending, Carlos let go of Trent after giving him another quick kiss on the mouth. He approached the elevator just as his landlord was opening the gate.
It didn't take long, and after all the formalities were done, the papers signed, the keys returned, Carlos's landlord left after telling them to take their time and he would lock up after they left.
Carlos took one last look around the place then returned to Trent who was waiting for him near the elevator. Trent gathered Carlos into his arms. "You ready to leave?" Trent asked, running his hand through Carlos's hair.
"Yup, very ready," Carlos said, "Let's go home."
Trent smiled at his lover and let go of him and they got on the elevator together and left the loft for the last time.
Arriving back at their apartment Trent unlocked the door and opened it and started to go inside. Carlos put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him before he entered. Trent looked at his lover, not quite sure why he'd stopped him.
Carlos grinned at the puzzled look Trent was giving him. "Aren't I suppose to carry you over the threshold?" he asked, his eyes full of mischief.
Trent looked at Carlos, totally loving the look on his face. "And just when did I get to be the pretty one?" he asked in mock indignation.
Carlos laughed. "You just are, my love," he said, eyes sparkling even more.
"Oh, yeah?" Trent said, continuing to pretend to be insulted, "We'll just see about that." Trent moved very quickly, bending down and putting his arms around Carlos, just below his rear end, and hoisted him onto his shoulder and headed into the apartment with him.
Carlos was extremely surprised, but he totally loved it and was laughing happily as Trent put him down just inside the door. Trent grinned smugly at him then went to close the door.
After closing the door, Trent turned to find Carlos standing there, still laughing happily. Trent's smug look turned to a brilliant smile as he looked at his lover. He wasn't surprised at all when Carlos reached out and grabbed him around the waist, pulling him close and kissing him passionately.
Carlos broke the kiss, both of them breathing a bit heavily. He looked at Trent and smiled a smile of pure love at him. "Now that I'm officially moved in, I have something for you," he said, his eyes dancing happily.
Trent looked at Carlos, pretty sure he was up to something, but not quite sure. "I just bet you have something for me," Trent teased, moving his open palm down to Carlos's rear end and rubbing it up and down before squeezing gently but firmly.
Carlos moaned very softly and closed his eyes briefly. "That wasn't what I meant -- yet. But hold that thought, OK?" Carlos said as he kissed Trent quickly on the mouth then disentangled himself and headed to the bedroom.
Trent was a bit surprised at this and wondering if he should follow his lover or not when Carlos returned to him and put out his hand. Trent took it and followed Carlos to the couch where they both sat down. His lover now had the distinct 'Carlos is up to something' look all over his face, confirming Trent's earlier suspicions.
Carlos just loved the look on Trent's face. He enjoyed surprising him. It didn't happen very often -- they could read each other too well for that -- but this time he could tell his lover was truly surprised and very curious. It made Carlos very happy. "Here," Carlos said, softly, gently, holding out a small box he had obviously just gotten from the bedroom, "This is for you."
Trent took the box from Carlos and opened it to reveal a plain silver band ring. He just stared at it. He really didn't know what to say.
"It has an inscription," Carlos said, seeing Trent taken over by his emotions and at a loss for words.
Trent took the ring from the box and read the inscription. He really couldn't believe this. He felt a major lump in his throat and was sure he couldn't speak because of it, but he tired nonetheless. "Carlos, I...," he managed before he could speak no more. Trent put the ring back in the box and got up from the couch and headed to the desk across the room.
Carlos had considered many different ways Trent might receive his gift to him, but this wasn't one of them. He just stared at Trent as he put the ring back in the box and got up off the couch. He simply didn't know what to make of this. "Trent?" he said, in a worried and puzzled tone, as Trent walked away from him.
Trent got what he went to the desk for and returned to the couch. He couldn't help but notice the expression on Carlos's face, one of shock, surprise and bewilderment, but he would soon remedy that. He sat back down where he had been sitting before and handed a very similar box to Carlos. "And this is for you," he said around the lump in his throat threatening to take his voice away again.
Carlos smiled a tentative smile as he took the box from Trent. He opened it to reveal a very similar plain band ring, but in gold. He looked back up at Trent.
"It has an inscription, too," Trent said, memorizing the look on Carlos's face.
Carlos took the ring out and read the inscription out loud, "Love Changes Everything." He looked back up at Trent. "It's the same inscription I had put in yours," he said quietly.
Trent broke into the biggest smile he had. "I guess we think alike," he said.
Trent took his own ring back out of the box and handed it to Carlos then put out his hand. Carlos smiled and put Trent's ring on his finger. Carlos then handed his own ring to Trent and put out his hand. Trent put Carlos's ring on his finger then brought his lover's hand to his mouth. "I love you, Carlos Sandoval," he said as he kissed the ring now on his lover's hand, "Now and forever."
Carlos wasn't sure if he could say anything or not, but he was sure going to try. "And I love you, Trent Malloy," he managed, "Now and forever," his voice breaking on the last part as he leaned in to capture Trent's mouth in a kiss -- a sweet, tender kiss.
Trent broke the kiss and moved forward and hugged Carlos, snuggling into his lover's embrace, his head against his shoulder. Carlos put his arms around Trent, his head on top of his lover's, hugging him tight. In the quietness of the moment, Trent felt their hearts beating together in the same rhythm, the same beat, in total harmony with each other. Trent smiled and hugged Carlos tighter as they continued to sit there, absorbing their love for one another.
Not breaking the connection they had with each other or moving at all, Trent said, "Carlos?"
"Humm?" Carlos responded.
"Thank you for loving me," Trent said quietly.
Carlos tightened his hold around Trent and kissed the top of his lover's head. "You're welcome, baby, but how could I *not* love you? You're the most lovable person I've ever known," Carlos said, speaking the truth.
"There we go thinking alike again," Trent said, snuggling further into Carlos's arms, moving his head over his lover's heart, "But you're the lovable one. You make my heart glad."
After some more quiet moments of just holding each other, Trent said, "If I recall correctly, I was holding a thought from earlier. If I'm not mistaken I think it had to do with something else you had for me." Trent started to grin as he actually felt Carlos's pulse quicken, heard his heart begin to beat faster. It thrilled him to no end that he could have that kind of effect on his lover.
"Oh, you weren't mistaken at all," Carlos said, moving his hand down to Trent's backside and patting it as he continued, "I'm always ready to give you that."
Trent lifted his head from Carlos's chest and looked at him. "So I noticed," he said sensuously, catching Carlos's mouth in a kiss. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you," he added after the kiss broke.
Trent let go of Carlos and stood up from the couch and reached out his hand and smiled. Carlos looked up at Trent, remembering.
"What?" Trent asked curiously, standing there with his hand out, waiting for Carlos to take it.
"I was just remembering the last time you did that," Carlos said, looking at Trent his eyes filled with love, "The first time we made love," he added, his voice now filled with that same love.
Trent smiled at the memory as Carlos took his hand and stood up then pulled him into his arms.
"When I first held you in my arms that day," Carlos said, looking deep into Trent's eyes, "I knew at last I'd found in you the missing part of me."
"We're part of each other," Trent agreed, looking back at his lover, his life, "Two halves of one whole. We complete one another." Trent leaned in and kissed Carlos very tenderly before letting go of him and taking his hand once again and heading into the bedroom.
Once they were all the way into the bedroom, but not otherwise involved yet, the door buzzer to the apartment went off. They exchanged a look, they weren't expecting anyone. Trent shrugged and headed back into the livingroom and over to the intercom.
Carlos stood where he was for a moment before following Trent, getting to the livingroom in time to see him buzzing someone in. His lover had an odd expression on his face. "Who is it?" Carlos asked Trent, his curiosity quite evident in his voice and on his face.
"It's Theresa," Trent said, really not sure at all what to make of this.
"What?" Carlos said in surprise, all he had time to say before Trent opened the door.
Theresa was just approaching the door when Trent opened it. She looked very nervous. Trent looked at Carlos who was obviously even more unsure about this than he was. He looked back at Theresa, who was carrying a gift wrapped package and was now standing in the doorway.
"Theresa, come on in," Trent invited, smiling at her and standing to the side of the door so she could enter.
"No, I can't stay," she said, looking like she would rather be anywhere else but standing in their doorway. She glanced nervously at Carlos, who was standing where he had stopped, a little ways inside the door, then back down at the gift in her hands, then back at Trent. "I just wanted to drop this off," she added, handing the gift to Trent.
Trent took the package from Theresa. After he did she started to turn to leave. "You sure you can't stay?" Trent asked, knowing she wasn't going to, "Just for a minute or two?"
"No, I can't really," Theresa said, actually turning and starting to walk away this time.
"Wait!" Carlos said, suddenly finding his voice as his sister started to leave. "Theresa?" he called after her, starting to move to follow her when she didn't stop.
Trent put a firm hand on Carlos's shoulder stopping him from following her. Carlos turned to look at him and the look Trent saw on his lover's face was something he never wanted to see again -- the look of someone given their heart's desire only to have it snatched back away from them. "Let her go, Carlos," Trent said, quietly.
"But...," Carlos said, before slumping his shoulders in resignation, letting her go, not following her. He shut the door slowly and with much sadness then turned back to his lover, wanting to be held. It was then he noticed the package Trent was holding.
Trent saw Carlos's attention focusing on the package. He handed it to Carlos who took it from him and headed to the couch with it. He followed, sitting down next to his lover and putting an arm around him.
Carlos just sat there on the couch, the beautifully wrapped gift in his lap, staring at it. What was this all about? Theresa showing up unannounced, not willing to stay, leaving this package? His brain just wasn't making any sense out of it all.
Trent watched Carlos as he sat beside him running his hand over the package in his lap, fussing with the ribbons, but nothing more. After a few minutes, Trent said, very gently, "Why don't you open it?" Perhaps the package itself held some clue as to what all this was about.
Carlos looked up at Trent after he spoke. His lover, his beautiful lover, smiled at him and nodded, giving him the strength to pull himself together enough to do as Trent had suggested. He turned his attention to the package in his lap. Carlos sat forward on the couch and set the package on the coffee table and then started to open it.
Trent moved forward with Carlos, keeping his arm around him as he moved. Trent ran his hand up and down Carlos's back in a soothing manner as he watched Carlos slowly open the package.
Once the box was open, Carlos started removing a lot of packaging material obviously cushioning what was inside. Finally, Carlos removed and unwrapped a wine glass and placed it very carefully on the coffee table. Trent noticed tears in his lover's eyes, ready to fall, as Carlos reached into the box and withdrew another glass, unwrapped it and placed it beside the first. By the time the forth identical and very beautiful glass had joined the other three on the table, the tears had escaped Carlos's eyes.
"Carlos?" Trent said, very softly, rubbing his lover's back still, putting his other hand on Carlos's arm.
Carlos sniffed back the tears that were threatening again and took a deep breath. "They're my grandmother's crystal wine glasses," Carlos said, a faraway sound to his voice. "They were given to her by her mother when she got married. My grandmother gave them to my mother when she got married and Mom gave them to Theresa when she did," Carlos managed to say despite the lump in his throat. He couldn't take his eyes off the glasses sitting there, still not sure this was really happening.
Trent had understood the significance of Theresa giving them crystal wine glasses, and he was thrilled for Carlos, for both of them. It showed Theresa was making a first tentative step toward accepting them as a couple, but this was even better, something so personal, something so treasured. **Thank you, God,** Trent silently prayed, **Thank you so VERY much!** Trent knew what this meant to his lover, his beloved Carlos, and he was so grateful.
"They're beautiful, Carlos," Trent said simply, not knowing what else to say. He reached out then and pulled Carlos to him, hugging him tightly. Carlos remained tense -- Trent could feel him shaking with emotion as he continued to hug him and caress his back. Suddenly Carlos relaxed, all at once, very quickly, putting his arms around Trent, clinging to him, putting his head on his shoulder. Trent tightened his grip on Carlos and continued to hold him tight and caress him softly.
After awhile of just sitting there holding each other, Carlos finally thought he could speak. Without moving their positions at all, Carlos said, "Trent, I never thought she would ever come around. I didn't think she would ever accept this... you... us."
"I know, my love," Trent said, kissing Carlos's forehead, "I know." He kissed his lover's forehead again. "She still has a long way to go, but this is a big first step -- the hardest one." Carlos lifted his head from his shoulder and looked at him, a question in his eyes. "She was at a crossroads and might have gone either way, turned her back on us or taken that step towards us. She took the step towards us," Trent explained, then glanced at the crystal on the table, "And in such a beautiful way."
Trent looked at Carlos who was still looking at him not quite sure what to make of all this but truly happy, deep down. **Thank you, God,** Trent silently prayed again, Carlos's happiness the greatest gift he could imagine.
"I think we have some new additions to the table setting for dinner," Trent said, "That is assuming they're to be used?" Trent knew his own mother had family things she refused to use for fear of them being broken. But that was more because of the kids, he thought, but he didn't want to assume anything.
Carlos brightened perceptibly at Trent's words. "Oh, absolutely!" he said, "Abuelita always insisted they be used. For special occasions, mind you, but they were to be used."
Trent grinned at Carlos, so happy. He put a hand to his lover's face. "I think tonight qualifies as a special occasion, don't you?" Trent said, his words full of all the love he was feeling for this special man in his arms. Carlos smiled that smile at him that made his heart skip a beat and caused him to feel Carlos's love for him all the way down to his toes.
"Yes, this qualifies," Carlos said, leaning in to kiss Trent's mouth tenderly.
"I think," Trent said, moving his head down to nuzzle Carlos's neck, "We were on our way," he kept up the nuzzling as he was talking, Carlos moving his head back giving him more room, "To another activity a little while ago." Trent continued to nuzzle Carlos as he started to moan softly, "You think we might head back for that?" he asked, now licking and nipping the skin under his mouth.
"Yes..." was all Carlos found himself capable of moaning in answer to Trent's question.
Trent grinned against Carlos's neck, then bit him just hard enough to leave a mark later. Carlos jumped then moaned loudly and Trent chuckled happily. He lifted his head from Carlos's neck and looked him in the eye as he spoke, "Come on then, plenty more where that came from." He stood up from the couch and pulled Carlos to his feet, then took his hand and led him into the bedroom.
Trent made slow and tender love to Carlos, accented by a few more gentle bites to Carlos's neck as promised, each one drawing a moan of pure pleasure from Carlos.
Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms recovering, Carlos's head on Trent's chest. Trent was petting Carlos's hair and admiring his curls and Carlos was purring contentedly at the attention. Trent decided it was a good thing Carlos liked his fingers in his hair so much since Trent really didn't think he was ever going to be able to leave the gorgeous curls alone.
"I don't know about you," Trent said, kissing the top of Carlos's head, "But I'm getting hungry." Carlos turned his head and looked up at him. "Why don't we see about finding some dinner?" he added.
As if on cue, once again, Carlos's stomach growled loudly, answering Trent before Carlos could say a word. "I take it that's a 'yes'?" Trent said, laughing and rubbing Carlos's stomach.
Carlos grinned at Trent laughing at his stomach noises. "Snoopy says 'yes'," Carlos answered back, chuckling himself, "Even if the rest of me doesn't want to move."
Trent laughed harder then kissed Carlos's mouth. "Come on, you two," he said, "The faster we eat the faster we get back to bed."
Trent had planned ahead on this, and they had a meal that didn't need much preparation, just heating up. They ate a quiet meal, using their new wine glasses for the champagne Trent had gotten.
After dinner, they both cleared the table but Trent insisted on doing the dishes himself. The first thing Trent did was wash and dry the crystal glasses and put them away before starting the rest of the dishes. He was taking no chances on any of them getting broken.
Go to Page Five