Author: Annie Riley
Email author: HERE
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Trent and Carlos
Series: Friendship -- Story Three

Trent lay in Carlos's arms. He could feel Carlos breathing as he lay next to him, his head on his lover's upper arm, Carlos's arm draped casually around him, his hand on his chest. Carlos was breathing slow and steady, still sleeping.
Trent smiled -- a smile that couldn't have been bigger or happier if he'd tried -- and sighed in pure contentment, turning over on his side as he did so, snuggling up to his lover. Trent settled himself comfortably on his side, moving Carlos's arm around his back, settling his hand on Trent's waist. Carlos stirred a bit when Trent moved and he waited to see if Carlos woke or not. He didn't. He only stirred in his sleep then stilled again, his breathing still deep and steady and regular. Trent smiled again and snuggled his head on Carlos's chest and put his arm around his waist. They had the whole day together today, and although Trent was anxious to start spending time with an awake Carlos, lying here while his lover slept was nice, too. Very nice.
After some time had gone by, Carlos stirred again, showing signs of waking up this time. Once he'd actually opened his eyes, Trent said, "Good morning," reaching up for a kiss.
"Good morning to you, too," Carlos answered sleepily.
Trent ran his hand softly over Carlos's chest as he continued to wake up. He'd learned from the last few days they had been lover's, it took a few minutes before Carlos was all the way awake in the morning. He didn't mind. He loved lying here just caressing him until he was coherent.
"So, what's for breakfast?" Carlos asked after a few minutes had gone by.
Trent laughed. He really wasn't sure if, someday, Carlos was given the choice between having only one or the other for the rest of his life, sex or food, which would win. The man was insatiable in both areas. "I don't know," Trent answered, "What you fixing?"
Carlos squeezed Trent then tickled him briefly which caused Trent to laugh. Carlos loved to hear Trent laugh. "I usually have Poptarts," he answered, "Strawberry frosted."
Trent made a face at Carlos. "Yuck," he said, "How can you eat that junk?"
"They're made with real fruit," Carlos attempted to defend himself and his choice of breakfast food. They were quick, they were easy, they were filling. He wasn't the domestic type.
"They're still junk," Trent said, rolling his eyes and making the 'that is SO gross' face at Carlos again.
"I take it that means you don't have any Poptarts?" Carlos asked, trying to look sad about it. It really didn't matter, they were more convenient than anything else, even if he *did* really like them.
"No, I don't have any Poptarts," Trent said, chuckling, "You'll have to settle for something else." Trent had bought a few things at the grocery store the other day, knowing Carlos would be here all day today. His lover LOVED junk food and, although Trent did often choose convenience food, since it was easier than cooking, he tried to avoid the total junk food. Carlos was a different matter though. Trent had bought him some things, but Poptarts weren't one of them.
"Come on, we can find something," Trent said, grinning and climbing over Carlos and out of the bed.
Trent went over to Carlos's duffel bag and picked it up and tossed it in his direction, Carlos catching it as he was getting up. They each took care of daily grooming and dressed in casual clothes, not intending to leave the apartment today, before heading to breakfast.
Carlos sat down at the kitchen table, not sure whether to help or not. He decided to just watch Trent, it was more fun. Besides, he really didn't know what Trent had planned for breakfast.
Trent got out bowls and glasses and silverware and a box of corn flakes and put them on the table, then headed to the refrigerator for juice and milk. He came back to the table and set down what he was carrying then sat down and poured juice for both of them.
When Trent looked up after pouring the juice he noted the look on Carlos's face. He looked mighty glum.
"You need something more? Toast? Fruit?" Trent asked, wondering if he should have gotten something more substantial like bacon and eggs. Although they had spent the night together since they had become lovers, they hadn't eaten breakfast in before, always getting carry out on the way to work. But Carlos tended to get things he couldn't reproduce at home, like Egg McMuffins. Carlos looked up at him, the look on his face was the look of a ten year old who had to do something he didn't want to.
"Don't you have any other kind of cereal?" Carlos all but whined.
Trent wanted to laugh, but he didn't. Carlos looked just *way* too serious in his poor pitiful me mode. Trent sighed and got up from the table and headed to the cupboard. He took out a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal and handed it to Carlos whose face lit up like the Fourth of July upon seeing the box.
"How did you know?" Carlos asked, taking the box happily, opening it and pouring some in his bowl.
"You used to eat all of mine," Trent said, "Remember? I just figured you might have outgrown it by now." Cap'n Crunch had been Trent's cereal of choice when he was a kid and Carlos had eaten it with much enthusiasm when he'd spent the night at the Malloy house. When Trent had seen it in the cereal aisle when he got groceries, something had told him he should buy some. He'd been right.
"I did not," Carlos said, again attempting a defense, knowing Trent was all too right. He'd loved eating at Trent's house as a kid, even breakfast.
"If I recall correctly, you need toast with that?" Trent asked, as he watched Carlos now happily eating Cap'n Crunch, looking for all the world like the ten year old he was acting like.
Carlos had absolutely loved Katie Malloy's toast. It was always hot and the butter melted and Carlos never did figure out how she did it. He'd always insisted on hot buttered toast to go with his Cap'n Crunch.
Carlos looked up and grinned, milk on his bottom lip.
"Yes, please," he said, having the mostest fun he'd had in a long time.
Trent got out the Wonder Bread he'd bought, sure Carlos would have nothing to do with the whole wheat he himself normally ate, and put some in the toaster.
When the toast was ready, he handed it to Carlos who beamed happily at him as he took it.
Carlos was very happy to see Trent had inherited his mother's way with toast. This time, however, being an adult as well as unable to take his eyes off Trent, he'd discovered the secret of the hot buttered toast. Melt the butter before putting it on the toast. Made sense.
They ate breakfast, Trent eating the corn flakes, talking about nothing in particular -- the work week behind them, the work week ahead of them, but not in depth. Trent washed their few dishes as Carlos sat at the table waiting for him to finish. While Carlos was waiting, he was reading the Cap'n Crunch box.
"How come these don't come with prizes in them anymore?" Carlos asked, "I liked the prizes."
"Yeah," Trent said, "I remember you liked the prizes. You always managed to talk me out of them, too, as I recall." He smiled at the memory now, even if he hadn't liked it much at the time. He'd always given the toys to Carlos willingly, though. Even as a kid, Carlos had had a way of getting anything he wanted with his charm, even from Trent.
"I still have some of them," Carlos said, blushing a bit, not adding he had every single one of them he'd ever gotten, stored away in an old shoe box in his closet. When, as a kid, the cigar box he'd been using had gotten too small to house his collection of breakfast cereal and Happy Meal toys, his mom had given him a shoe box to keep them in. They were all still in the same box.
"Well, if there was a prize in the box, I'd let you have it," Trent said, smiling at Carlos, "Just like always." Trent's voice turned suggestive as he continued, "But this time the price for it might be a bit different." He was pleased to see Carlos's arousal begin as the implications of what Trent meant hit him.
Keeping his eyes on Carlos's, Trent got down on his knees in front of him. Carlos was blushing again, deeper this time, but not in embarrassment now. "There might not have been a toy in your cereal," Trent said, sensuously, "But I think I see a nice prize anyway," he added, reaching out and stroking Carlos's already stiffening shaft through his sweat pants. Carlos moaned softly and hardened noticeably under his caress.
Trent really wasn't sure if he was incredibly good at giving blow jobs or Carlos was incredibly into getting them or both. All he knew was he was learning a whole lot of Spanish they had never taught him in high school. Juan and his need to put pens and pencils on dressers and tables had nothing to do with the things Carlos was moaning and shouting about.
After finishing with his latest Spanish lesson, Trent got Carlos's pants more or less back in place and got up off the floor and sat back down in the kitchen chair he'd been sitting in for breakfast. It would be a few more minutes before Carlos was coherent again.
Carlos finally managed to get enough of his brain back in his head to open his eyes and look at Trent. His lover always seemed to have the same look on his face after giving him a blow job. It was a look of happiness and satisfaction at a job well done, tinged with a bit of pride -- the pride of an athlete that knows he's good at what he does. Carlos really couldn't fault that. Trent could easily qualify for Olympic champion status for his blow jobs, of that he was sure. He had a right to be proud.
"You sure are good at that," Carlos said, thinking what an understatement it was, "In case I hadn't mentioned it before." Trent beamed at him, looking even more pleased with himself.
"I think you might have," Trent said, "In both English and Spanish."
Carlos chuckled. He wasn't quite sure why he lapsed into Spanish when he was aroused, but he always had. "Just so long as you know how much your skill is appreciated," he said. Trent grinned at him again.
"You know," Carlos said, starting to blush a bit again, "I've never returned the favor." Carlos really wanted to do this, he did, but it was so very new to him and he had no idea what to do. There were also things about it that still bothered him a bit, but he *did* want to do this.
Trent had been wondering if and when this would come up. So far, Trent had been on the receiving end of the two sided acts of love and the giving end on the one sided. He had no problem with things continuing the way they were forever. He also didn't want to push Carlos into anything he was uncomfortable with, but he wanted Carlos to feel free to do or try anything he wanted to. "I'm ready whenever you are," Trent said with a smile.
"I haven't ever done this before," Carlos said, knowing Trent was well aware of this, but needing to be clear, "And I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing."
"Like I wasn't born with a dick in my mouth?" Trent asked.
"Such pretty talk," Carlos chuckled, seeing by Trent's expression he hadn't realized exactly what that was going to sound like before he said it.
"I just meant everyone has to start somewhere," Trent said, flushing a bit. It wasn't like him to be crude, really, but as long as he had been already, "And my hot, throbbing cock would be more than happy to let your moist, warm mouth practice on it just as much as you want." Did he really just say that?
Carlos was grinning and trying not to laugh, "My but we are the sweet talker today, aren't we?"
"So it seems," Trent said, a bit surprised at himself, "You ready to start Blow Jobs 101 now or you want to wait for a later class?" Trent really didn't want to push Carlos in this. Anal sex, with Carlos on the giving end, and blow jobs with Carlos on the receiving end, were still things that could be part of a heterosexual relationship, even if this wasn't one. This step into something like this, something very *not* heterosexual, was a big one. Trent knew that.
"Now's good," Carlos said, nervous, but very ready. "Besides I'm not sure the lab equipment can wait much longer," he added, indicating the bulge in Trent's pants and noting the obvious desire in his eyes.
Trent grinned at Carlos. He was right, after all. Giving Carlos pleasure a few minutes ago had started it, the talk of this had made it stronger. His shaft was getting very insistent on it's desire to come out and play, or more to the point, be played with. "I think the bedroom makes a better classroom than the kitchen," Trent said, giving Carlos a seductive look as he got up from his chair and started towards the bedroom.
Carlos got up and followed Trent, watching his butt in appreciation as he did. He was getting aroused himself again and was beginning to wonder if his John Thomas ever got enough. It seemed not, at least not when there was such a willing play mate around. And Trent was always ready to play with him. Always. He'd had many a girlfriend in his life and more than his share of sex, but no woman had ever been this accommodating. No, accommodating was the wrong word. Eager. That was it. Trent wasn't always just willing he was downright eager, any and every time. Carlos liked it. He liked it a lot.
Once in the bedroom, Trent went over next to the bed and began to take his clothes off slowly. Carlos stopped back a few feet from him to watch, mesmerized by the sight. Trent really had a spectacular body.
Once he was naked, Trent climbed onto the bed, lay down on his back and smiled.
"OK, lab equipment all set up," he said, looking meaningfully at his already erect penis.
"So I see," Carlos said, getting nervous again. He took his own clothes off fairly quickly then climbed onto the bed, lying down next to Trent, Carlos on his side, and kissing Trent as he stroked his chest. He'd really developed at thing for feeling Trent's chest hair under his hand.
After the kiss broke, Carlos looked at Trent. He was even more nervous now, despite how much he wanted to do this. "Trent?" he said, not quite sure how to say this, "I *do* want to do this, really I do, but...," he fumbled with the words, "I'm not sure I want to...," why was this so hard? "I don't think I want you to..."
"Come in your mouth?" Trent finished for him, not in the least bit surprised at this. He was going to suggest that himself anyway, this being Carlos's first time at this. That took getting use to.
Carlos was relieved at Trent's words and nodded, looking apologetic. "It's just that...," he started to say.
"It's fine, Carlos," Trent said, putting his hand to Carlos's face, "Honest." Carlos looked back at him looking for something in his face and eyes he must have found because Carlos smiled at him, a beautiful smile, a relieved smile. "I promise to warn you before, OK? Tap you on your shoulder? In case I can't speak or something? Sound good?" Trent asked.
"Thank you," Carlos said, smiling a smaller smile of gratitude as he leaned in and kissed Trent again. The grateful kiss turned passionate very quickly as Carlos reached his hand down to stroke Trent's shaft. Trent responded by moaning into his mouth and kissing him harder. Carlos broke the kiss and looked at Trent who was staring back at him, his eyes filled with excitement, breathing fast. A tiny whimper escaped Trent as Carlos continued to stoke his shaft. That was all it took, Carlos moved himself to get a better angle to start his lab work.
Carlos had been thinking about this, fantasizing about it, but he still wasn't sure what to do. He knew what he liked, he knew what Trent did to him. He figured that was a good place to start. He moved his mouth and tentatively began to lick Trent's shaft as his hand continued to caress it. Trent whimpered again, louder, and Carlos became more bold with his tongue, not as tentative.
It wasn't long before his own confidence, not to mention Trent writhing under his touch, caused Carlos to actually take Trent's penis into his mouth. This wasn't too bad. Different, to be sure, but not as odd as he thought it might be. And he couldn't deny the pleasure it was causing Trent who was panting and moaning and enjoying himself immensely.
Carlos attempted to move his mouth too far down Trent's shaft and gagged a bit. But he recovered and continued to move his mouth up and down Trent's shaft, just not as far, as Trent continued to moan and pant, getting louder and louder. Carlos could tell Trent was reaching his limit and just as he was sure of that, he felt a tap on his shoulder and took his mouth away from Trent's penis. His hand, that had been holding the base of Trent's shaft, began to move up and down now, replacing his mouth. It only took a few strokes of his hand before Trent cried out loudly and came hard.
Carlos was fascinated watching Trent come like this. The semen shooting out of him, the expression on his face, the sounds he was making. He'd always been just recovering from, in the middle of, or just starting his own orgasm every other time and hadn't been able to watch as closely. It was simply beautiful.
Trent's shaft began to soften in his hand and he let go of it. Trent opened his eyes and looked at him, stared at him really, still panting hard and moaning. After looking back at his lover and grinning at him for a few moments, Carlos moved to get the cloth from the bedside table to clean Trent up.
Moving back with the cloth, Carlos stared at the semen on Trent's chest. He started to move the cloth towards his lover's chest but stopped short. He put out his finger and placed it in fluid, then picked up his finger and looked at it. He looked back at Trent, who was watching him intently, then put the finger in his mouth. It wasn't as gross as he was thinking it would be. As a matter of fact, it wasn't bad at all. It wasn't chocolate ice cream, but it wasn't bad.
Trent whimpered. Carlos was still looking into Trent's eyes, seeing his excitement, and had an idea. He tossed the cloth he was holding aside and leaned over, keeping his eyes locked with Trent's, and very slowly put out his tongue, licking more of the fluid directly from Trent's chest. Trent whimpered louder. Carlos liked having this kind of an effect on Trent. He liked it a lot.
Carlos continued the tongue bath, saving Trent's nipples for last. By the time he got to them, Trent was writhing under him and well on his way to becoming erect once again. Carlos took each nipple into his mouth in turn, sucking and licking and nipping gently. By the time they were clean too, Trent was panting and moaning loudly and very hard once again. Carlos moved up and kissed Trent when he was finished with the clean up.
Trent kissed Carlos back with a vengeance, the taste of himself in his lover's mouth intoxicating. Carlos broke the kiss and looked at him, looking very pleased with himself indeed. "Fuck me, Carlos," Trent said, urgency in his voice, "Please, fuck me now!"
Carlos had been so absorbed in pleasing Trent he hadn't even been paying attention to his own arousal. But as soon as Trent asked him, begged him, for what he wanted, Carlos realized just how aroused he was. He moved to the bedside table to get the KY. He returned to Trent who had already moved himself so he was ready for him.
Trent watched as Carlos squeezed some KY into his hand and moved to prepare him. But Trent was simply too far gone by this time. "No," Trent said, barely getting the words out between pants, "Just you. Hurry." He knew Carlos had understood him and what he wanted and needed when he saw him toss the KY aside and move his hand to his own shaft instead of Trent's opening.
Carlos was all out of patience anyway when Trent begged him to hurry. He prepared his shaft quickly with the KY then moved into position and entered Trent fast, hard and deep, in one swift motion. Trent cried out his pleasure loudly, as he moved to meet him, joining them even deeper. Carlos moved back right away, without stopping, and thrust in again, just the same way.
"Faster... Harder...," Trent urged.
Carlos moved faster and harder, not quite sure how, but doing so as Trent moved in harmony with him to accomplish it.
Did it go on for minutes or hours? Carlos wasn't sure, he only knew he was ready to explode. Just as he was reaching for Trent's shaft to stoke him, Trent came, shouting out his name and praises to the heavens, triggering Carlos's own orgasm immediately.
Carlos collapsed on top of Trent, still connected with him, still shaking and panting. Trent's arms went around him, hugging him tightly, holding him on top of him. As Carlos's brain began to crawl back into his head, he moved only enough to remove his shaft from Trent's body and allow Trent to put his legs back down on the bed. He remained as he was, lying on top of Trent, who was still panting hard and moaning.
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