Love Song

Authors: Kitty and Annie
Email authors: Here
Rating: NC-17
Paring: Trent and Carlos
Series: Love Changes Everything -- Story Three

"Carlos, will you come ON!" Trent said, "How much stuff are you taking anyway? We're only going to be gone for the weekend."
The rest of the new lovers' week had passed slowly and quickly. Their times alone together seemed to go so fast. The times they were apart or at Thunder Investigations, even if together, seemed to drag forever. Now it was the beginning of the weekend and they had arranged their schedules to leave work at noon. They were going to Six Flags Over Texas amusement park for the weekend.
Since they had decided to make a weekend out of it, rather than a day trip, Trent had made reservations at a nice hotel in a nearby city, not one right near the park meant for the usual family crowds. This way they would have some time today and Sunday before heading back, just relaxing with each other. Saturday would be the day they visited the park.
"We might like to get there before midnight, you know!" Trent couldn't help but be anxious. He was looking forward to his first weekend with Carlos as his lover -- and the roller coasters.
"I'm coming already," Carlos said, emerging from his bedroom with a very large duffel bag stuffed full of clothes and toiletries. "We'll get there in plenty of time -- well before midnight, too," he snickered. He kissed Trent passionately then headed to the door. "Well, now it's your turn -- coming?" he asked seductively.
"No, not quite yet," Trent said grinning, following the now-in-a-big-hurry Carlos with his eyes before getting up from the chair he had been sitting in and following him out the door.
Carlos had been looking forward to this weekend ever since they talked about it earlier in the week. He couldn't wait for the work week to end -- the time seemed to stand still and not move fast enough to get to where they were now. It was finally here -- their first weekend together -- and he was so happy and excited to be spending time with his lover.
Trent finally caught up with Carlos in the parking lot. He climbed into the passenger seat of the Durango after putting his things in the back. Carlos was watching him, waiting for him to be settled before starting the engine. After getting his seat belt on and adjusted, Trent looked over at Carlos to indicate he was ready. Once again, he was struck with just how much he loved this man, patiently waiting for him to be ready to go. Trent reached over and touched Carlos on the cheek. "I'm really looking forward to this weekend with you," he said, smiling.
Carlos closed his eyes the moment Trent's hand touched his cheek. "That was very nice, Trent, thank you. I'm really looking forward to this weekend with you, too," he said. He started the Durango, pulled out of the parking space and they were on the way to Six Flags.
"So what do you want to do first when we get there? See the sights around town? Go out for a nice dinner?" Carlos asked, his excitement obviously showing. "Wait a second, what about a place to stay? This is Friday night and it'll be packed -- we may not be able to get a place on such short notice," Carlos said, suddenly realizing the potential predicament they could be in. He looked over his right shoulder briefly, then grinned. "Of course, there's always the back seat," he said with a wicked grin on his face. "What do you say?" he added seductively.
"I made reservations. You really thought we could just *find* a place to stay when we got there?" Trent realized now they hadn't discussed accommodations, he had just made reservations. Trent glanced at the back seat. "But that back seat might do. 'Course there's no hot tub or cable or phone in the bathroom. Oh, wait, no bathroom either," Trent pointed out, "I guess it is up to you, Carlos."
"Reservations? Hot tub? Cable? OK -- your hotel is on!" Carlos said. He glanced over at Trent. "Thanks for making the reservations. That was very thoughtful and I'm glad you did," he said with a huge smile on his face. He reached for Trent's hand, brought it to his lips, kissed it tenderly, then squeezed it firmly. "We're going to have a wonderful time this weekend Trent and I'm going to show you love like you've never known," Carlos said, his voice already getting low and a bit husky thinking about being with his lover.
Trent smiled at Carlos and his enthusiasm about the hotel. Trent had called around a bit before finding one with hot tubs in the rooms hoping Carlos would like that. "I agree, this will be a really good weekend. But about that showing me love thing? You will try to control yourself at the park? I think most of their shows are in theatres and I hardly think the bumper cars are the place to educate the unenlightened public on the finer points of male/male sex acts."
Carlos chuckled at the thought -- it really was quite amusing. "Oh yeah? Well, maybe it's time the public got a formal education on male/male sex acts. It could be quite educational, you know," he said, laughing lightly. He knew they would have to keep their display of affection for each other hidden while at the park, but that didn't mean he couldn't give Trent that certain look that only they understood between them. That would help a lot and he needed to do that -- to share that with Trent.
As they got closer to the hotel, Carlos asked, "We should probably check into the hotel first then decide from there what we want to do, right?" He had already decided what *HE* wanted to do and he couldn't wait to get Trent where he wanted him. He would make this a weekend Trent would never forget just like he wanted to do for his lover for the rest of their lives. That thought brought a huge smile to his face and it felt so good.
"Makes sense to me. But I'm not sure there is a whole lot to do around there but the park itself. That is *one* reason I thought all the extra comforts might be nice to have," Trent said, emphasizing the word 'one' very sensually, "Not that a bed is not enough, mind you."
"You've got me where you want me, baby," Carlos said, lovingly.
"We're almost there -- another five miles," Carlos said, as he saw the sign indicating the turnoff they would need to take to get to the hotel. "Then you can show me those nice extra comforts you picked out," he added, extremely seductively.
"You're totally insatiable, aren't you?" Trent teased. "Good thing I'm the accommodating sort," he added, knowing full well he couldn't get enough of Carlos either.
"Yes it is. Like I said before, I'm the luckiest man in the world," Carlos said. The look on his face spoke volumes about how much he loved Trent. "You're right up there with me Trent, as far as being insatiable," Carlos retorted, knowing Trent was loving every second of this as was he.
Trent attempted the 'I am totally innocent here' look but didn't manage to pull it off.
The last five miles passed quickly and they found themselves looking for the hotel. "There it is," Carlos pointed as he saw it, then pulled into the parking lot. He looked at Trent and smiled. "Thank you again for thinking of this," he added, then gave Trent that look -- his lover's look -- and got out to get their gear and check in.
"Now, I know times have changed and all Carlos, and the world is much more accepting now than it used to be," Trent said in a totally serious tone, managing to hide his laughter, "But I really think it might be a good idea to check in as Mr. and Mrs., don't you? Just for appearances, mind you."
Carlos turned his head sharply and flashed Trent a look then busted up laughing. "That was priceless Trent, really good," he said, not able to stop laughing. He shook his head and grabbed his bag heading to the front desk of the hotel with Trent right beside him.
After checking in and getting to the room, Trent looked around and was very pleased with his final choice of hotel. It was well worth the extra effort to find it. After the bellhop had left, he walked over to Carlos who was paying more attention to all the fun 'toys' in the room than him. Grabbing Carlos from behind and hugging him tightly, effectively pinning his arms to his sides, Trent said, "All right you, that's enough of playing with the all the gadgets. Man here in need of TLC."
"Well, the first gadget I want to play with is you if you'll let me go," Carlos said seductively.
"I got yer gadget right here, pal," Trent said.
Carlos managed to turn himself around in Trent's arms. "Right *here*," Carlos said, as he grabbed Trent's crotch.
Trent sucked in his breath when Carlos grabbed him then managed to say, "Yes, that would be the gadget I was referring to."
Carlos began by kissing Trent very passionately his tongue searching for Trent's, tasting, exploring, taking in the taste of Trent's mouth completely. It was a searing, binding kiss, full of promise for much more to come. He began to nibble on Trent's earlobe, then moved down to his lover's neck slowly, very slowly, until he got to that now famous spot that he knew Trent loved to have him pay attention to and he stopped there to nuzzle him.
"Mmmm..., now that's some mighty nice playing, mister," Trent said, already getting very aroused from Carlos's nuzzling alone.
Carlos could tell that Trent was getting weak in the knees already and he took him by the hand and led him over to the bed and lowered him gently down onto it so that Trent was lying on his back, never taking his eyes off of his lover the whole time. He continued where he left off, nuzzling Trent's neck lovingly, spending a long time there, making sure Trent enjoyed every moment of what he had to give.
"Oh, Carlos, that is soooo nice," Trent murmured, "Mmmm..." Trent closed his eyes giving himself over to Carlos and the wonderful things he could do to him.
Carlos stopped only for a moment to lift Trent's t-shirt out of his pants and over his head then tossed it aside. He then went to work on arousing Trent even more by using his tongue to lick Trent's nipples slowly and bite them in-between the licks. He went from one nipple to the other, back and forth, until both nipples were very hard and Trent was starting to writhe underneath him.
"Ohh, so nice...," Trent murmured, trying to keep from lapsing into the moaning he seemed to have adopted as of lately. Not a good idea to get the management after them for all the noise, "Yessss..., so..., nice...," he continued.
"You haven't seen nice yet," Carlos said, in the most seductive voice he had. He continued to tease Trent's nipples making sure they stayed hard and fully aroused. He slid his tongue down the center of his lover's body until he got to his navel where he dipped his tongue in the center and pressed deeply until he felt Trent squirm even more underneath him. He knew this was another spot to be explored regularly and he made a mental note to remember that.
"Oh..., so...," Trent managed before lapsing into the moaning when Carlos put his tongue into his navel. He was just going to have to try to control the volume.
It was time to unbuckle Trent's pants and Carlos did so following that by removing them. He got a little assistance from Trent in that department as he lifted up to help. Carlos caressed his lover through his underwear. Trent was really moaning now and his body was beginning to show the signs of arousal nearing it's peak.
Working very hard to control his volume, Trent continued to moan as Carlos undressed him and caressed him. How could Carlos *do* this to him so fast? Oh, who cared? He loved it and could never get enough of it.
Carlos knew he didn't have a lot of time but what he did have he wanted to make the most out of for Trent's sake. He carefully and slowly removed his lover's shoes and socks, then underwear, then caressed his shaft skin to skin, feeling the heat and the throbbing, fully thickened and waiting for him.
Carlos stood up and undressed none too slowly as he knew they were both ready and he didn't want to wait any longer than he had to to give Trent what he wanted -- what they both wanted. He reached for the KY Jelly, which he had had in his pocket since they left Dallas, then climbed on the bed where he carefully prepared himself and Trent. Carlos entered Trent slowly, taking his time.
When Carlos entered him Trent moaned but managed to keep the volume down. He loved how it felt when they joined this way, and each time it happened, he reveled in the feeling and the closeness.
Once Carlos was inside, the adjustment didn't take long as they were getting used to each other by now and he began thrusting inside Trent quickly, the passion consuming him very fast this time. His hand wrapped around Trent's shaft and he began to stroke it in a rhythm to match his thrusts.
When Carlos began to thrust, Trent decided to shut his mouth, really tight, in an effort to muffle his moaning. But *damn* it felt so good. This was working pretty well on cutting the volume until Carlos took hold of his penis and began to stroke him in rhythm with his thrusts. Trent lost his control, threw his head back and moaned loudly, once, twice... he was nearing his climax fast.
Carlos knew those moans well and, coupled with the way Trent threw his head back and the way his body moved, Carlos knew his lover was very close. Once Trent threw his head back that was a clear signal to Carlos and he increased his thrusts inside his lover's body -- harder, deeper and faster. He kept stroking Trent in rhythm with his thrusts and with one more thrust inside Trent, he came inside his lover's body at the precise moment that Trent came in his hand.
When Carlos began to thrust deeper inside him Trent had lost even the ability to care he wasn't in control of himself any more. It was so good, so very good. Then one last thrust by Carlos and they both came at the same time, adding to Trent's total bliss.
Carlos took a while to come down from his spinning orgasm and he knew that Trent was having the same experience. He kissed Trent's face adoringly and gently removed himself from his body, then he lay on his side drawing his lover to him and wrapped his arms around his waist holding him very close and nuzzling his neck. "I love you very, very much," he said softly. "That was wonderful," he added.
Again Trent continued to moan after his climax, the moaning becoming softer as he came down into himself again. By the time Carlos had him wrapped in his arms he was almost quiet but still trying to regain his voice. Finally Trent managed to speak. "Carlos, how do you *do* that to me? And every damn time? You're just a totally amazing lover," he said. Truer words he had never spoken.
"You're the amazing one, Trent. You bring out the best in me which makes me able to give my best to you," Carlos said, very sensually still nuzzling Trent's neck. "Mmmm, you're so good," he said, tightening his hold around Trent and enjoying that special spot he loved to nuzzle knowing that Trent loved it too. "So what's next in store?" he asked softly, not really wanting to move from this spot.
"I think I noticed a hot tub in the bathroom with our names on it," Trent said, "Unless you want to get some food first? Room service maybe?"
"I am hungry, actually -- I think room service is perfect," Carlos said, "Then that hot tub sounds very inviting indeed. So what would you like me to order -- anything special in mind?" he asked, nuzzling Trent still and holding him close. "How does pasta sound? Anything you want -- just name it," he added.
"Pasta sounds good," Trent managed to say, despite the nuzzling that was turning him on again, "Carlos, if you don't stop that I have a feeling food may have to wait. Course that doesn't mean I might not find something else to eat."
"Now who's insatiable?" Carlos said, with a grin. Stopping the nuzzling somewhat reluctantly, he said, "I'll order room service and you get comfy -- maybe take a shower if you want, then get your robe on, OK?"
Trent decided a shower sounded like a very good idea. **Even if I do have to take it alone,** he thought. He got his things out of his bag and headed for the bathroom.
Carlos went to the phone and picked up the menus that were on the table where the phone sat and looked at what there was to choose from. He saw that the collection was quite varied, but ordered spaghetti with meatballs, a bottle of wine, and Italian ice cream for dessert.
Emerging from the bathroom in his robe and towel drying his hair, Trent said, "That felt good even if I was lonely. You know you could do with a shower yourself. I'd keep you company but someone has to wait for the doughnut delivery."
"Well, it just so happens that doughnuts are *not* on the menu tonight," Carlos replied laughing at Trent's teasing about his dietary habits. "Room service should be here shortly, and in the meantime, I'll go ahead and take a shower -- it does sound like a good idea," he added.
Carlos grabbed a few things and headed into the bathroom, turned on the nice hot water and stepped in. **This feels so nice,** Carlos thought, as the hot water ran down his body. **I see what Trent meant when he said it was lonely,** he thought to himself. He would be with Trent soon enough and they had all night and the entire weekend to be together. He was also hoping to try out that hot tub later. He closed his eyes and let his thoughts just drift to wherever they wanted to go which was, as always, to Trent. That man had captured him mind, body and soul -- he was committed for life and he loved the feeling. **Thank you, God, for bringing us together,** he thought with a smile as he finished his shower and came out into the room to see that the food had arrived.
"Mmmm, smells good," Trent said, lifting the covers off the hot food now that Carlos had joined him. "Nice choice," Trent said, sincerely. Sitting down in one of the chairs he had put at the room service table he looked over at Carlos who was just standing there smiling at him. "So, are we gonna eat this or are you gonna stand there grinning at me all night?"
"I could smile at you forever, you know that, don't you?" Carlos asked, more of a statement than a question actually.
"I bet *that* job pays a lot," Trent said.
"Ha ha, very funny," Carlos said. "And yes, we *are* going to eat this," he added in a rather ominous tone, going over and sitting down at the table.
"Uh, oh," was all Trent managed to say to this.
Carlos couldn't wait to dig into his food and he smiled as he started to put a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth. Remembering the Chicken Chow Mein event from the other day at work, he carefully, slowly and very, very deliberately sucked the noodles into his mouth, making sure he had Trent's full attention. Carlos's plan was to take as long as he could tormenting Trent with this and he took another mouthful to satisfy his hungry stomach, then another to tease Trent again. He kept this up -- alternating feeding himself and then being very teasing and seductive to Trent with his slow sucking of the noodles.
Trent just watched Carlos and his 'eating'. After a few minutes, he swallowed hard, then managed to say, "Is it warm in here?"
Looking down at his own plate, Trent said, "Hey, no fair! No egg rolls. Or cucumbers. Or carrot sticks. Just *meat*balls." With that, Trent stabbed one of the meatballs with his fork, picked it up and started delicately licking the sauce off it, using just the tip of his tongue. Still using just the tip of his tongue, he ran it around on the meatball. When he saw Carlos had stopped mid-chew to watch him, Trent very purposefully popped the meatball in his mouth and bit down on it hard, then chewed normally, smiling and looking very smug.
Carlos just stared at Trent -- couldn't take his eyes off the way he was licking that meatball and wishing it was him that tongue was teasing. He was becoming much more aroused now and if he hadn't been in his robe already he would have had to slip into something a bit more roomy because wearing pants was no longer an option at this point.
"What's wrong, Carlos? You lose your appetite again?" Trent asked, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
"Uh..., what?" Carlos stammered, his concentration so focused on Trent's mouth. The way Trent bit down so hard on that meatball was driving him crazy. He tried very hard to bring himself into focus and concentrate on what Trent was saying. "Oh, appetite. Yes..., no..., I mean, I'm fine. You? How's your appetite?" Carlos said, very innocently as well.
"Just fine, as a matter of fact. This is really good," Trent said. He really was hungry and he wasn't about to stop eating *or* teasing Carlos.
Turning his attention back to his spaghetti, Trent picked up a forkful and without twisting it, rather letting it hang off his fork in long strands, he lifted his fork up high and started eating the spaghetti from the bottom of the strands up, making sure to use his tongue to catch the straying strands of noodles. When he had finished with the forkful of noodles, he licked the sauce off his lips very slowly.
It was almost Carlos's undoing when he saw Trent's tongue reaching for the noodles. It was all he could do not to get out of his chair, go over to Trent, grab him and make love to him right then and there. It took every ounce of concentration he had to focus on his food and he took another forkful himself to feed his hungry stomach. By then he had brought himself back down enough that he could continue to tease Trent, which he had no intention of stopping at all. He took more noodles, but 'accidentally' allowed one to slip off his fork, which he 'coincidentally' happened to catch with the tip of his tongue. The noodle lay there, draped across his tongue, until he slowly sucked it back into his mouth. Just like Trent did a few moments before, he ran his tongue across his lips slowly and deliberately, making sure the look on his face was nonchalant and very innocent.
Continuing as if nothing at all was out of the ordinary, just two best friends eating a meal, Trent, who had been watching Carlos and getting plenty excited, said very casually, "You missed a spot of sauce, right there." Trent pointed to his own face indicating the sauce location on Carlos's face.
Carlos used his index finger to very slowly take the sauce off his face and onto his finger. With careful, sensual deliberation, he put his finger inside his mouth and sucked ever so slowly -- extremely slowly, his cheeks accentuating the intended gesture. He then ran his tongue up and down his finger a couple of times before putting another forkful of spaghetti into his mouth. "Thanks for telling me about that, Trent," he said, and took a sip of the wine before continuing to eat. He wasn't even going to look at Trent because he knew he would lose it at that point if he did.
Trent was barely controlling himself after Carlos's last display of finger sucking and licking, but he managed to continue as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. "Carlos, I really don't mean to bother you, but you missed some of that sauce. Here, let me get that for you," Trent said. Standing up and leaning over the small table, catching his robe from falling in the food with one hand, Trent leaned over and licked Carlos's face, just to the side of his mouth, where he had indicated the sauce had been. Sitting back down as if it was the most natural thing in the world to lick sauce off of someone else's face, Trent finished up his spaghetti.
When Trent had come over and licked his face it was all Carlos could do not to tackle him and just fuck him right on the spot. Still though, he could do this, he could outlast Trent and he had every intention of doing so. "Thanks, Trent, I really appreciate that, I really do," he said, and touched his own cheek very sexually -- just plain inviting Trent over. He then went back to eating, continually making sure that he ate those noodles as sexually as he could.
Watching Carlos finish his spaghetti took every ounce of self control Trent had. "So, you up for dessert?" Trent asked when Carlos was finished, intending the pun.
"Dessert? I think I could definitely handle that," Carlos said, fully intending his pun.
"Let's see what we got here," Trent said as he took the cover off the dish sitting in the ice. He assumed it was ice cream, but wasn't 100% sure, "Ooh, ice cream. And just how *did* you know, Carlos?" Trent's weakness for ice cream wasn't a secret.
"Oh, a little birdie told me," Carlos said smiling, remembering Trent and his peppermint ice cream from the other night. The hotel didn't have peppermint, but they did have a kind Carlos knew Trent would like.
Trent stuck his finger in the ice cream and, crooking it, snagged some of the ice cream. He brought it to his mouth and tilted his head back and dropped it in his open mouth. "Mmm, that's good," he said going back for more.
**Hmmm...,** Carlos thought, **Two can play at this game.** He took his spoon and got a nice healthy amount of the ice cream on it, then dipped the tip of his tongue in it and curled his tongue along his upper lip, allowing the ice cream to drip slowly into his mouth. Then his tongue licked his upper lip until all traces of the ice cream were gone. He kept up this pattern and occasionally used his finger to take some ice cream off his lip and then suck and lick his finger. He acted very innocent throughout this process -- and was enjoying every second of what it had to be doing to his lover, because what Trent was doing to him was making him so very hot. He was as close to full arousal as he could get without Trent touching him.
That was it. Trent lost it. He honestly thought he heard something snap in his head. He jumped up from his chair and was around the table before his chair hit the floor, his quick exit from it sending it over backwards. He grabbed Carlos out of his chair, hugged him to him as tight as he could, and started kissing him for all he was worth. Trent tasted ice cream and spaghetti and Carlos all in one mixture. It was good -- VERY good.
Carlos was nearly floored as Trent rushed him. When Trent grabbed him it was all Carlos wanted and his arms went very willingly around his lover's neck, holding him just as tightly and returning Trent's kisses, giving him everything he had. He tasted the spaghetti and the ice cream, but most of all, he tasted Trent. He couldn't get enough -- he wanted more, so much more. He ran his hands through Trent's hair and moaned softly into his mouth as the kisses continued -- long deep kisses that he hoped would never end.
Trent wasn't in the mood for anything slow. Now that the dam had burst on his control, the flood was in full force. But this was only Carlos's second time at what Trent had in mind and he knew this still had to be as gentle as it could be under the circumstances.
Without releasing Carlos's mouth, Trent backed up until he felt the bed behind him. He released Carlos's mouth and body and, moving around behind him, removed his lover's robe, then his own. Pushing down on Carlos's shoulder, Trent encouraged him to kneel on the floor by the bed.
Carlos moved with Trent easily and knew what his lover wanted and it was the same thing he wanted. He was fresh out of control himself and he wanted Trent inside him so fast he couldn't even think straight. He kneeled on the floor by the bed just as Trent asked and he leaned forward so that his upper body was on top of the bed and he was bent over at the waist. "Please, Trent -- don't wait. I want you inside me right now," Carlos said, his voice very urgent, low, husky and filled with desire.
As Carlos knelt on the floor, Trent found the tube of KY. Kneeling down behind Carlos, Trent made first himself then Carlos ready. It was only his desire not to hurt his lover that allowed Trent to enter him as slowly as he did. Once he was all the way inside him, he started to move slowly.
As soon as Trent was inside his body Carlos began to move, making his desire known, his readiness to accept whatever his lover had to offer him. He wanted Trent to take it fast, not slow like before. Slow was good then, but now that he knew what to expect, Carlos wanted it faster this time and harder, too. He wanted and needed to experience it all and he knew that Trent was only holding back because he was afraid he'd hurt him. It was up to him and he knew it.
"Please, Trent -- faster..., please go as fast and deep as you want. I'm ready and I want you to," Carlos pleaded, his breathing becoming ragged now with anticipation as his arousal became even higher.
Encouraged by Carlos's words and movements and his own burning desire, Trent thrust harder and deeper. He was still holding himself back, but not as much as before. He knew with the added sensations he wasn't going to last long, he was so worked up.
The intensity of Trent's thrusts becoming harder and deeper was exactly what Carlos needed and wanted. He moved with Trent easily, squeezing his lover's shaft in encouragement, wanting even more, although Trent seemed to understand his needs perfectly.
Trent reached around and grabbed Carlos's penis in a firm grip and began to move his hand in time with his trusts. After just a few more thrusts, the flood won one more time as Trent, unable to control himself any longer, came with great intensity inside Carlos, moaning loudly and falling against his lover's back as he did.
Carlos had moaned softly at first, but as the energy rose to it's peak, he became more vocal and his moans became louder until, with the last few thrusts of Trent inside him, he came. It was a climax like no other. He could have sworn that his lover had taken him somewhere he'd never been before. He couldn't move or even catch his breath and his mind was just floating.
Trent lay against Carlos's back as he came back to his senses. As he did, he gently removed himself from his lover then started to kiss the back of Carlos's neck tenderly. Carlos was still breathing raggedly and panting. As his lover's breathing eased up a bit, Trent asked, "Carlos, are you all right? I didn't hurt you did I?" He was afraid in his excitement he might have gotten too rough.
Carlos couldn't really speak yet, but he wanted to convey to Trent that he was all right, more than all right. He shook his head from side to side and just continued to stay in the position he was in, practically too weak to move. What Trent had just done to him was so powerful, so strong, and so filled with emotion and passion that it had drawn out all of Carlos's reserves and he found himself completely drained at that moment. He wanted to lie down on the bed and just be held by Trent, but he wasn't even sure he could get there. He was still breathing quite heavily although he was coming back into himself slowly.
Carlos was obviously having trouble of some kind. Trent was pretty sure the shake of the head Carlos gave him meant he hadn't hurt him. But whatever it was, kneeling on the floor was hardly the place to be. Straightening up, then standing up, Trent put his arms around Carlos's waist encouraging him to move on to the bed with his help. "Come on Carlos, up on the bed," Trent said. He had to really help him move and was surprised at this. Climbing up on the bed beside him, Trent took Carlos in his arms and held him, kissing him softly and caressing his hair lightly with one hand.
Carlos lay there in Trent's arms, feeling very safe, secure and loved. His breathing was still off, but it was getting closer to normal and he was coming down into himself even more now. He appreciated Trent helping him to bed because he was in no shape to do that himself, even though he wanted to. Trying to grasp more control now, he had to let Trent know that he was all right -- at least as all right as a man could be after experiencing something that intense.
"God, I love you, Trent. That was so special -- that was perfect," Carlos said. That was all he could get out before he needed to rest again. He just wanted to lie there and be held, have Trent's arms wrapped around him tightly.
"Ssshhh...," Trent soothed, finally completely understanding Carlos's 'problem', "You don't need to talk, just lie there, OK? You'll be fine in a little while, I promise." Trent continued to hold and caress Carlos. "Now that you've been there, don't you agree with me that would make a lovely and popular vacation spot?" he asked.
"Um hmm," Carlos murmured happily, very content and sated beyond anything he could have ever imagined. He loved the feeling of Trent inside him and he wanted it again -- soon. He knew Trent had still held back and he wanted -- needed -- to experience *everything* Trent had, all the power, passion and emotion inside him. He wanted Trent to put all of that into *his* body -- all of it next time -- not holding back a thing. He snuggled a little more against Trent, finding some energy to do that much, and he held Trent's arms that were holding him.
After some time had passed, Trent asked "How about I go and get the hot tub going? Come back and get you when it's ready?"
"Mmmmm, I like that idea -- thanks, Trent," Carlos said, and turned onto his back when Trent left to go into the bathroom. After a couple of minutes he couldn't stand to be alone any more and he was horny as all get out again -- this time it was *his* turn to give it all to Trent and he was going to do just that if he had anything to say about it.
Carlos went into the bathroom looking for Trent and found him there adjusting the spray of the jets and getting everything set up. There were even candles by the hot tub, which just added to the horny mood Carlos was already in. Carlos came up behind Trent and grabbed him, squeezing his butt firmly with his hand. Trent jumped and turned around in Carlos's arms which allowed him just enough room to do that. Then Carlos began kissing and nuzzling Trent.
Trent was busy fussing with the hot tub controls and didn't hear Carlos come in the bathroom. He was genuinely startled when Carlos grabbed him. He turned around in Carlos's arms to be greeted by his smiling face and then his kisses. And then the nuzzling. "Carlos, you really should go out for the Olympics in the nuzzling competition. There would be no contest, really," Trent said as he moved his head back to give Carlos more room.
"Mmmm, why thank you, sir," Carlos said softly, then continued nuzzling Trent's neck. He captured Trent's lips with his and kissed him passionately, with all he had, his tongue connecting with Trent's and their tongues intertwining to know everything about the other. He intended to make love to Trent as Trent had just made love to him -- fast, deep and hard. This thought alone just sent Carlos's sexual desire into overdrive and he pulled his lover closer and held him tighter. "In the hot tub or out?" he whispered into Trent's ear.
Trent simply could *not* believe this. Carlos was ready to go again? After reaching the vacation spot? And seemingly for the first time? But ready he was, Trent could feel Carlos's growing erection. "It's your twenty bucks, sailor. Where ever you say," Trent said.
Carlos took hold of his lover's hand and climbed into the hot tub with Trent following right behind. He sat down on the long bench seat and pulled Trent gently beside him then wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly. He put his hand under Trent's chin looked into his eyes deeply. "You are my light and my life," Carlos said quietly, beginning to kiss his lover passionately.
It felt so good in the hot water, wrapped in Carlos's arms. Trent was all out of words when Carlos said what he did. There just weren't enough words or the right words to say what he wanted in return. And then Carlos was kissing him -- it never got old, it never lost its thrill. From that very first kiss that guided him back to reality from the pit of despair to this kiss right now, they were all so good, so meaningful.
Carlos could sense what Trent was thinking and feeling as he kissed him and he encouraged him to just relax and let him do all the work. Nothing needed to be said back, Carlos fully understood. The longer the kiss lasted the more passionate it became, more urgent, his thoughts racing, his arousal reaching new sensations with the tingling water from the jets dashing across his hot skin, skin that was becoming hotter with each passing moment. He kissed Trent voraciously, hungering to satisfy his appetite, yet knowing that would never happen. To love Trent Malloy was like loving the ends of the Earth. Could one really travel the distance and see everything, explore all there was to see and do in one lifetime? Carlos intended to do everything he could to try to make it happen, that was for sure.
Trent couldn't believe he was getting so aroused yet again. This hadn't happened to him since he was in his early twenties. What magic did Carlos have to do this to him? Love. Pure love. Trent for Carlos, Carlos for Trent. There was no other explanation. He moved his hand to Carlos's chest and began to rub it, again, just enjoying how it felt under his hand. When Carlos broke the kiss, Trent moved his mouth to Carlos's nipple and began to run his tongue around and around it until it was hard with excitement. Moving his mouth to the other nipple he did the same to it. Finally he took it in his mouth and sucked gently, then harder, adding his teeth and nipping lightly.
Carlos moaned softly when Trent touched his chest, his touch worked magic. Right from the start -- from the first day -- he knew that he would be with Trent forever. His touch became hotter with each passing moment and Carlos could hardly stand it. When Trent took one of his nipples in his mouth it was nearly over, as fast as it had begun. How he loved what this man could do to him. His breathing became heavier and he was going to come soon if this continued much longer. "Oh Trent, I want to make love to you so much," Carlos said, very seductively, beginning sound husky with desire now.
Wanting to further Carlos's desire, if such a thing were even possible, Trent responded to his lover's words by sucking harder on the nipple in his mouth and reaching up his hand to rub and pinch the other.
Carlos moaned loudly when Trent began sucking harder on his nipple and that was all it took. He broke free from Trent's hold and lifted Trent up, gently pushing down on him until Trent was kneeling on the bench and leaning over the side of the hot tub. Carlos got the tube of KY Jelly that he had placed by the tub earlier, planning on this happening, and carefully coated himself, then made sure that Trent was carefully and thoroughly prepared so he wouldn't hurt him. He entered Trent very quickly. Even though they were getting used to this, it was always like the first time -- just as exciting and full of love and anticipation, passion and intense pleasure. They would know complete happiness when they finally climaxed together.
Trent was a little surprised when Carlos moved so fast, but he had been trying to get him to pounce. He smiled happily to himself that he had gotten Carlos to that place where nothing else mattered in the world but joining with him and doing so quickly, with urgency. It was good that way, very good. Carlos entered him very quickly, surprising him again, but he loved it. Trent sucked in his breath sharply and moaned loudly.
Carlos began moving inside Trent with such an intensity that it took his breath away. He moved faster and faster, deeper and harder inside his lover. He absolutely couldn't get enough. He knew he would come soon, but he had to give his lover every possible pleasure before he did. He felt Trent's body respond to his and as his lover moved underneath him, his own passion rose. Carlos was encouraged to continue on even harder and faster.
Then Carlos was moving inside him hard, fast, deep. No preliminary slow strokes, just wild abandon. Trent couldn't get enough of Carlos inside him and moved to meet his lover, moaning with each thrust into his body. This wasn't going to last much longer for either of them.
Carlos thrust into Trent over and over again, even deeper than he ever thought possible. Finally on the edge he could hold back from no longer, he came inside Trent's body, filling him with his essence. He lay down against Trent's back breathing very heavily.
Trent came and came hard at the same time as Carlos. Carlos lay down against his back after, trying to recover his breath. It felt so good, his lover's weight on top of him but in a different way. Trent was still breathing hard, his now usual moans diminishing for several moments. Finally able to speak, he turned his head as far as possible towards Carlos, still draped over his back and said, simply, "Thank you, Conan."
Carlos couldn't believe Trent said that and he laughed heartily. "Very funny, Trent," Carlos said, but he actually loved it -- that was quite a compliment and he enjoyed it. Carlos dropped several kisses along Trent's back and nuzzled his neck for a moment or two before removing himself from Trent's body and then helping him to turn around and sit back down in the hot tub so they could just soak and relax. "Mmmm, thank you so much. You're one in a million and I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me," Carlos said, kissing Trent softly. Then he pulled Trent to him in an embrace as they relaxed against the wonderful feel of the jets of the hot tub. Carlos gently caressed Trent who had his head on Carlos's shoulder, and kissed the top of his head.
"You're not so bad yourself, Conan," Trent said, chuckling at his own joke, which was only half joke. Trent settled back into Carlos's embrace. Was there anywhere else so safe? The water felt so good and feel of Carlos's body against his. He was so relaxed. Trent started to drift off to sleep in spite of himself.
Carlos felt Trent drifting off to sleep and he encouraged him by nuzzling him in his favorite spot and holding him firmly against his body knowing that Trent felt safe that way. He was so happy to have Trent in his arms and in his life that nothing else mattered in the world. He just concentrated on feeling the beat of his lover's heart against him and knowing that he was sleeping peacefully.
Trent started awake and jerked into a sitting position as he did so. When he realized where he was he settled back against Carlos. "Man, did I fall asleep? For how long?" he asked Carlos.
"You were completely out for about twenty minutes. Feel better, lover?" Carlos asked, smiling and stroking Trent's cheek.
"Sorry, don't know what came over me. Except all the sex, and the hot water, and the wine and... humm, maybe I should just go back to sleep," Trent said.
Carlos lifted Trent's chin towards him and kissed him softly on the lips. "Let's get out and go to bed. I think I'd like to give you a nice massage and then it's off to sleep with you," Carlos said lovingly.
"Well, a massage isn't necessary. I couldn't *be* more relaxed, but I sure wouldn't refuse one, especially from you. And sleep is sounding better and better," Trent managed. The hot water was making him spacey again. "Let's just get out of this hot water before I zone out on you again," he added. Trent stood up and climbed out of the tub and went to retrieve the very soft oversized bath towels the hotel provided. Coming back to the tub he found Carlos standing beside it waiting for him. Trent handed Carlos one of the towels but then took the one he still had in his hand and started to dry Carlos with it.
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