Love Song
Page Two

Carlos just stood there enjoying the feeling of the nice soft towel against his body and the fact that Trent was drying him off. He couldn't believe it and he was going to try his best to hide this from Trent, but he was getting aroused again. He knew his lover had had enough for one day and he probably had, too. Still though, the thought of never getting enough of his lover sent thrills through him. "Thanks, Trent, I really appreciate that," Carlos said, holding out his hand for the towel and wrapping it around himself before Trent got a look at his growing concern. Carlos knew it would go away as soon as he put his mind elsewhere and that was what he decided to do. They were both too tired and he knew it.
"Oh, no you don't!" Trent said, snatching the towel away. "You're not going to manage to hide that behind a towel! Nice try, but it ain't working!" Trent teasingly scolded. "Carlos Sandoval, have you taking been mega doses of Viagra and forgot to mention it to me?" Trent really was more than a little amused at this.
Carlos turned red at that -- he was embarrassed somewhat that he had a hard on that strong after the day and night of sex they'd had, but it was true and he couldn't deny it. "No, I'm *NOT*!" Carlos retorted at Trent's accusation, even if he was teasing him, "I happen to be very much in love with you -- can I help it if just thinking about you turns me on?"
Trent thought that was a very good answer. He smiled brightly and just a bit seductively at Carlos. "I would be more than happy to take care of that 'problem' for you, but I really don't think I'm *up* to anything more myself, shall we say?" Trent informed. "You really are insatiable, aren't you? Man, I do not GET it! You have worn me OUT!" Trent said, loving every minute of this from him being worn out to Carlos's obvious desire for him.
Carlos looked at Trent with so much love in his eyes and on his face. Here was a man, his lover, admitting he wasn't *up* for anything, yet willing to give Carlos what he needed. He thought he would burst at the seams as this gently reminded him of how much Trent loved him. He breathed in deeply and walked over to Trent and kissed him lovingly. "Thank you. I accept your kind offer," he said sincerely, and he meant it from the bottom of his heart.
Trent picked up the towel again. "OK, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm still wet here. You want to do this or me?" he asked, "You can hardly concentrate on having your clock cleaned if I'm dripping water all over you and the bed, now can you?"
Carlos smiled -- he was so in love with this man he couldn't believe it. He took the towel from Trent and began to dry him off very carefully and gently. He wanted to kiss Trent all over, the temptation was so strong. He couldn't resist dropping a couple of kisses on his back as he continued to dry him off, being extra gentle with Trent's crotch. Just running the towel over Trent's body made him more aroused and he was becoming hotter than ever.
"Mmmm..., that feels nice," Trent murmured, loving the feel of the towel on his skin -- Carlos's kisses on his back. He closed his eyes, feeling so good, so relaxed.
Carlos finally had Trent completely dried off from head to toe. "I think that just about covers it," Carlos said, dropping the wet towel on the floor.
Trent turned to Carlos and smiled. "So, you ready for me to take care of that 'problem' of yours, Conan?" he asked.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Carlos said, smiling affectionately at his lover, as they walked towards the bed to lie down. Saying he was ready was an understatement -- he'd been ready for Trent for almost all of his life and he closed his eyes and just relaxed into the nice soft bed, waiting for the pure sensational bliss that was sure to follow.
As Carlos settled himself comfortably on the bed, Trent just looked at him. How did he ever get this lucky? Was this really real? This handsome, wonderful man in front of him, this man who had been his very best friend for years, was he really now his lover? He still couldn't believe it. He thanked God once again for giving him such a wonderful gift -- for blessing him so. Trent climbed up on the bed to join Carlos. He started to settle in his favorite place, half on and half off of his lover, but changed his mind. Crawling on top of him, he lay down full length on Carlos, then started nuzzling him on the neck.
As soon as Trent began nuzzling him Carlos began to moan softly. It felt so good, so right. His arms came up around Trent's back to hold him close, to feel more of his wonderful, soft skin pressed onto his. Having Trent's weight on top of him was arousing him even more and he wanted to feel everything. He ran his hands up and down Trent's back soothingly and very sensually, the heat within his body beginning to consume him now. "That feels so nice, baby," Carlos said softly, and continued to moan over and over while Trent nuzzled him.
Not moving off of Carlos, but rather just sliding himself down a little, Trent moved down Carlos's chest with his nuzzling finding one of his nipples and nuzzling it. Then, extending his tongue, Trent ran it around the nipple slowly, then faster, until it rose to meet his licks. Taking the nipple in his mouth he gently sucked on it then released it. Slowly kissing a trail to the other side, Trent found the other nipple and gave it the same attention he had given the first, adding tiny nips to the sucking.
Carlos felt Trent's body move lower and as his lover's tongue licked his nipple he felt his entire body being licked by a flame, the searing heat rushing right through him. When Trent added the nips along with the licks it was almost too much and he became instantly harder -- much harder than he was earlier. He began to mumble in a mixture of English and Spanish as he writhed on the bed still holding Trent on top of him. Carlos was experiencing everything he had ever dreamed about and this was pure heaven feeling Trent's mouth on his hot body -- making him even hotter with every lick and nip.
Trent felt Carlos's erection responding quickly to his attention to his nipples. It really did make him happy to know he was bringing his lover pleasure. Releasing the nipple from his mouth, Trent slid his body farther down Carlos, kissing a trail as he went, until he reached his navel. He plunged his tongue directly into the middle then licked outwards in circles, adding a few nips for good measure.
Nothing could hold Carlos back when Trent's tongue pressed into his navel -- he arched his back high and then sank back down again, his breathing increasing rapidly and his mind drifting again. He ran his hands through Trent's hair then placed them on Trent's back to encourage him, although he knew that his lover was there with him, expertly knowing what he needed. Continuing to moan, his back arched again and again as Trent licked and nipped his navel. Carlos was fighting now to hold on to whatever restraint he had left. This was so good and he wanted it to last forever, but he was too close and on the edge.
Trent knew Carlos well enough by now to know his lover's climax wasn't far off. Sliding down further, Trent began to lick and lightly nip around the base of his lovers shaft before moving up to the head, trailing his tongue up the side as he did. Using the tip of his tongue only, Trent licked the fluid from the opening of his lover's shaft, teasing him, before taking it suddenly into his mouth as far as he could. Sucking hard, he drew his mouth back up and swirled his tongue around the head before again taking Carlos into his mouth all the way.
The sensations were building even higher now and Carlos could feel Trent going lower, knowing exactly what it took to make him feel this way. When Trent's tongue touched him he shivered with a feeling of anticipation he was becoming very familiar with and he reveled in it. No one else had ever made him feel this way and no one else ever would. It was all that more exciting when Trent took Carlos in his mouth -- his wonderful mouth was around him now and he almost lost it right then and there. When his lover took him all the way into his mouth again, Carlos could hold back no longer. The restraint he had been holding onto broke and he sent his hot, rich essence into Trent's mouth with a tremendous climax.
Trent swallowed every drop of the fluid Carlos released into his mouth, enjoying the feeling, the flavor, everything about the experience. Reluctantly releasing his mouth's hold on his lover, Trent slid back up Carlos, staying on top of him, until he could put his head on his lover's chest just below his chin.
Carlos was slowly coming back into himself but it was going to take a little while to get back from that special place Trent had just taken him. "Thank you, Trent, that was wonderful," Carlos said, still a little out of breath.
"You're very welcome, Carlos," Trent said, enjoying the closeness of their bodies. After a few minutes Trent slid off to the side, putting his head back on Carlos's chest. "Mmm, this is so nice," Trent said, once again realizing just how lucky he was to be here in his lover's arms.
Carlos welcomed Trent into his arms and tightened their hold around him. "It sure is. In fact, I just don't think it can get any better," Carlos murmured softly, kissing Trent's forehead. He ran a hand through Trent's hair, kissing him again. "Rest, baby, go to sleep now," he said quietly, noticing how deep Trent's breathing had become over the last few minutes. After Trent fell asleep Carlos allowed himself to also, still holding Trent in his arms.
Trent woke up slowly in Carlos's arms. He wasn't sure what time it was but he could tell by the light in the room it was daylight. He really didn't want to move, he was so comfortable. He also didn't want to wake Carlos before it was necessary. So he lay there in his lover's arms, enjoying the closeness, listening to Carlos's breathing, listening to his heartbeat. Before he knew it he had a big grin on his face, happy to be alive, happy to be here with Carlos's arms around him.
How much time passed he wasn't sure, but finally Trent felt it really was getting late and they did want to get to the park when it opened. Reluctantly he lifted his head from Carlos's chest and turned his head so he could kiss him softly on the mouth. As his lover began to stir, Trent kissed just a little harder, running his tongue across Carlos's lips.
Carlos felt Trent move in his embrace and then a moment later felt a warm, loving, inviting kiss on his lips. He was coming out of a very deep sleep, but he felt the pressure of the kiss increase which brought him out of his sleep even more and he returned the kiss with equal pressure. As soon as Carlos felt Trent's tongue running across his lips he parted his own. His passion took over as he took Trent's tongue into his mouth where he could savor it and duel with it.
Trent smiled inwardly when Carlos opened to him and invited his tongue into his mouth. It felt so good to wake up like this, to wake up to his lover's kisses. Slowly ending the kiss, but not moving his mouth very far away, Trent said, "Good morning, lover. You ready to go ride a few rides today instead of just me?"
Carlos laughed and looked at his lover. "I'm ready to ride the rides, but the best ride of all is you," Carlos said very seductively, pulling Trent close to him and kissing him hard, his tongue probing, searching, tasting everything that was Trent. "I love you," he said, nuzzling Trent's neck in his favorite spot. "Hmmm, does that mean you're anxious to get to the park?" Carlos asked, teasing him, looking at the bright light shining in Trent's eyes. He knew how much Trent loved amusement parks.
Trent grinned at Carlos. "You bet I am! Aren't you?" he asked.
Carlos pulled Trent close and hugged him tight. "Then let's get this show on the road," Carlos said, not even thinking about that comment before he said it. They had been referring to male/male sex acts in the bumper cars at the park and how that could be a public educational tool. It just hit him and he had to laugh. **Some show,** he thought.
"Race you to the shower," Trent said, smiling from ear to ear. With that he scrambled out of bed and dashed for the bathroom.
Carlos scrambled out of bed and raced after Trent to the shower but it was too late. Trent had had a good head start and beat him there easily. "Now, how do you like your shower? Cold... or... hot?" Carlos said, whispering seductively into Trent's ear as he grabbed him, throwing his arms around him and kissing him all over the face and neck before jumping into the shower that Trent had started. Carlos laughed -- he loved being playful and he was having just so much fun.
"I'm sure I can stand a hot shower, but I don't know about you, Carlos. You gonna make it through a *whole* day with out any, umm..., high rise problems? Maybe cold is in order here?" Trent teased, handing Carlos the soap and washcloth.
"Ha ha -- very funny," Carlos laughed, taking the soap and washcloth from Trent and cleansing him thoroughly and lovingly. "So buddy, which ride do you want to start off with? What's your favorite?" Carlos asked, continuing the teasing, handing Trent the soap and washcloth now.
Lathering up the washcloth and beginning to wash Carlos, Trent said "I think the bumper cars are right *up* there on my favorites list." Trent knew this was going to be an interesting experience when the time came they actually went on the bumper cars, if they could stop laughing and/or lusting long enough to do so.
"Bumper cars?" Carlos said, rather suggestively. Now *that* sounded like a great idea to him and he chuckled just thinking about it and all the fun they would have together today, just like they always did when they were together.
Barely finishing up washing Carlos, Trent was out of the shower and drying himself before the last drop of water from the shower head hit the floor. "Will you come ON already?" he said impatiently.
"I'm coming already," Carlos said, putting his own towel back on the rack and heading out into the bedroom to get dressed. He selected a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then got dressed in record time. "Now it's YOUR turn to get moving already. We want to get there right when they open up so we can do everything," Carlos said, laughing as he went over to where Trent was getting dressed and dropped a few kisses on his neck.
"Oh no you don't! You get away from me right now, Carlos Sandoval, I know where those neck kisses lead. Go on, over there," Trent said with mock sterness in his voice and on his face. He pointed to the other side of the room. "Go on! Let me finish getting dressed," he added.
Carlos retreated to the other side of the room as told, pouting and looking dejected the entire way. "You don't love me any more," he whined, taking on Trent's flair for the dramatic quite well.
Trent chuckled at Carlos's display of mock rejection. Having finished dressing, he decided it was time for another quick drama display of his own. Trent quickly moved to where Carlos was standing by the end of the bed and tackled him, knocking him down on the bed. Trent straddled Carlos on his hands and knees and looked him in the eyes, his face only inches away now, and said, "Oh, yes I do TOO still love you. I love you with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind and all my body and anything and everything else you can come up with. But right now I wanta go ride roller coasters, got that?" With that he jumped off the bed and headed for the door. "You coming or what?" he said back over his shoulder in Carlos's general direction.
"You bet I am," Carlos said, grinning at Trent's latest dramatic outburst as he got up off the bed and followed Trent to the door. They left the hotel room and entered the already bright sunlight for a day full of promise and adventure at Six Flags Over Texas.
Once at the Park entrance there was so much to see and do they didn't know where to begin. They both wanted to do everything possible during their stay there. "Where do we start?" Carlos asked.
Pretending to be giving this great thought, Trent said, "I suppose the bumper cars should wait until there is a bigger crowd... how about just starting at one end and working our way around the park?"
"That sounds like a great idea -- that way we won't miss a thing," Carlos said. "Although I have to say I can't wait to give those bumper cars a thorough workout," he added, whispering in a tone that was very sexual, teasing Trent about their upcoming performance in the male/male sex act department.
Trent hadn't quite decided yet just how he was going to really manage the roller coaster riding. If the park got very crowded the lines for them would be very long with very long waits. He could hardly go off and leave Carlos sitting on a bench for hours on end. He would just have to play it by ear he supposed. If he never got to ride one all day, it really didn't matter. He really wanted to spend time with his lover, not the roller coasters.
Exiting the latest in a series of the smaller rides, Trent said, "Oh, hey, look! Hardly any line for the Tilt-A-Whirl! Come on!" With a quick yank on Carlos's sleeve, Trent was off to get in line. Amusement parks brought out the kid in him and he didn't care who knew or how it looked. It was way too much fun to care. Turning back around to look at Carlos, who was just standing there looking at him like he was nuts, Trent said, "Will you come ON!"
Carlos shook his head and laughed. "I'm coming," he said, and joined Trent in line. He loved the way his lover was acting -- like he did when they were kids -- carefree, happy, running around wanting to do and see everything. It brought back a flood of memories and he smiled once again, reminding him that he was the luckiest man in the world.
Carlos watched the people riding the Tilt-A-Whirl, and he couldn't wait for it to be their turn. "We're going to have a great time today Trent, you wait and see," Carlos said.
Trent looked at Carlos grinning at him. "Well, of *course* we are," he said, rolling his eyes as if Carlos had just stated the world was round or the sky was blue. How could they not have fun if they were together? No matter what they were doing? "Just wait for those bumper cars," Trent said, then turned around since the line was moving again, and headed through the entrance to the ride, looking for an open car.
Carlos laughed heartily -- ready for the bumper cars and the ride they would be giving *them*. "I can't wait," he said, grinning from ear to ear and following Trent into the open car he found.
The ride began and they were both laughing so hard as their bodies were being thrown against each other from the centrifugal force created by the ride. It was a wonderful feeling -- sparks were shooting throughout Carlos's body from the heat and electricity that Trent was supplying him with.
"Oh, man, why can't they just run these things for a few more minutes? Seems like they just get moving when they stop the darned things," Trent complained as the ride stopped. He knew his pout would most likely not work on the ride operator to get her to run the thing longer, but he did use it on Carlos. "Guess we'll just have to come back and ride again later," he said, climbing out of the car now that the ride had come to a complete stop and it was safe to exit, according to the bored voice of the ride operator who also added, "Thank you for riding the Tilt-A-Whirl and please enjoy the rest of your day here at Six Flags." **Oh, I intend to,** Trent thought.
Carlos was grinning from ear to ear as he got out of the car. He too wanted the ride to last longer. "We'll come back later and ride this again," he said. "That was too much fun," he added. He rubbed his hands together in anticipation for the next ride. "OK, buddy, which one next?" he asked, looking all around to see what ride would capture his interest, although he could easily have gone for the bumper cars right then after the close contact in the ride they were just on.
"Oh, I *know* that look Carlos, don't you think I don't. And the bumper cars are on the other side of the park so just take your mind off of it," Trent chose his words carefully so anyone who might be listening would just think they were talking about Carlos's favorite ride. Well, OK, it *was* his favorite ride, but not the one he was referring to in the way he wanted it to sound to others.
"Who me? Well, then obviously *you* were thinking the same thing I was," Carlos said, laughing at just thinking about the fun they were having and how much more was in store for them both. "Lead the way, buddy," he said, and waited for Trent to decide what was next on the list of things to do.
"How about the 'Roaring Rapids'? You up for that yet? The entrance is over there and we could check out the line," Trent suggested, "Of course you do get kinda wet. But it is nice cold water, cools one down nicely when they are all hot." Trent just grinned at Carlos.
"Hmmm... that sounds good, Trent -- but if I do this ride and get too cooled down then I guess you'll just have to warm me back up later," he said, his voice just loud enough for Trent to hear it.
"I'm not sure you could ever get that cooled down, Carlos, but I'm sure something can be arranged if you do," Trent said back, in a low voice.
"Ha ha, buddy -- you'll get yours, just wait and see," Carlos grinned right back at Trent, "Sure, let's take on these 'Roaring Rapids'."
"Oh, I *intend* to get mine," Trent said, grinning, before turning and heading for 'The Roaring Rapids' ride.
They stood in line and watched as the large cars filled with people. They were like huge rafts -- with several people per raft. The raft started on a conveyor belt and went up about the equivalent of one story, maybe a little less, then turned once and went down -- looked like it was straight down to them -- into a huge pool of water at the bottom, shooting up spray everywhere. Not one person got off 'The Roaring Rapids' without being completely soaked. Everyone watching laughed each time a raft went into the pool. There was also a walkway above the pool so those not wanting to ride could get a little wet if they wanted by standing above that spot and wait for the spray that was sure to come.
They waited for their turn, enjoying being together and watching all the other patrons at the park getting soaked. "Um, Carlos? I think you have an admirer," Trent said, nodding discreetly to a pair of women watching them and smiling.
Carlos turned around and looked, and sure enough, there were two women who were obviously very interested in them. "OK, Sherlock, any bright ideas on this one?" Carlos asked. "Of course, we could always say we're taken," he added, barely able to contain his laughter.
Pretending he hadn't heard Carlos, Trent said, "I'll let you have the blonde. I know your passion for blondes." Trent grinned. "Seriously, Carlos, they're so far back in line, I don't think they're a 'threat' of any kind. Course, we could just give them a nice little bumper car show," he added.
Carlos pretended that he hadn't heard Trent's comments in reference to the bumper cars but he was fully aware of the impact his flirting would have on him. He continued to look at the two pretty women -- his mind was on his lover, but he decided to have some fun with him by teasing him a little. He flashed that famous smile of his that never failed to get women near him -- and he got a response in return -- the women were giggling lightly and smiling and waving back.
"Oh, Carlos, you are BAD!" Trent said, laughing and smiling at Carlos's flirting. Trent realized too late, when the women reacted, that his smiling and laughing at Carlos was being misinterpreted by them as flirting. Thankfully the line was moving again and they were up next to board the ride.
The line had gotten to the point where they could no longer see the ladies and Carlos turned to face the direction they were headed. He very nonchalantly asked, "Who..., me?" grinning from ear to ear.
After the ride ended they got off laughing and commenting about how wet they were, their sneakers making that squishing sound as they walked. "Didn't you say the bumper cars were next?" Carlos asked, smiling broadly.
Trent just smiled and shook his head. "Carlos, I really have no idea what I'm going to do with you," Trent said, wanting to add he really *did* have a few ideas. More than a few, actually.
Carlos glanced at Trent when he said that, his eyebrows raised considerably. He had a few ideas of his own about what he wanted Trent to do to him.
"How about something to eat while we dry off a bit? Wouldn't want to short circuit the bumper cars or anything," Trent commented. "I don't suppose they even *sell* anything but junk food here, do they?" Trent sighed, "Well, when in Rome..., what kind of horrible concoction are you up for?"
"Mmmmm, I'm hungry, that's for sure," Carlos said, his stomach having started growling shortly before the raft ride. "I think I'll let you decide, buddy. Whatever you pick out will be fine," he said, knowing full well that if he went, he'd come back with the largest selection of junk food to be found anywhere, his resolve to his vow of a healthy diet having been broken.
"OK, let's at least go to that bigger stand over there where there is at least some variety of junk choices?" Trent asked, pointing at a concession stand a little ways off. "You go sit down and *try* to stay out of trouble? Please?" Trent said, when they got to the food stand, just sure Carlos would have picked up half the park by the time he got back.
Carlos shot Trent a look for that remark but had to laugh at how true his remark was. After all, he'd just flirted with those two women in the line for 'The Roaring Rapids'. He smiled knowing that he had gotten underneath Trent's skin in a very good way -- exactly what he was hoping for.
Returning from the concession stand, Trent found Carlos sitting at a table looking particularly cute all wet. "This stuff is even worse than I was expecting. I refuse to call it food," Trent complained as he sat down at the table across from Carlos.
When Carlos looked at the array of food his eyes just about popped out of his head. Then he saw the basket of fries. "Oh please tell me those are what I think they are," Carlos said, then risked peeking inside the basket. "CHEESY FRIES!!!" Carlos exclaimed happily. He dug right in without giving it another thought.
Trent just shook his head, trying not to laugh at Carlos's enthusiasm, and mumbled out loud, as if talking to himself, while unwrapping the hamburger he had gotten for himself, "Now, why did I just *know* those would go over big? I said to myself, 'just pick out the most disgusting, junkiest thing on the menu and Carlos is just sure to love it'. And darned if I wasn't right."
Carlos pretended that he hadn't heard Trent's remarks about the food that he was so obviously enjoying. He just knew that it would get to Trent with what he was about to do and that was all that mattered. Carlos took one of the perfectly cooked fries that was smothered in the rich cheddar cheese sauce and held it above his mouth and let the cheese drip right in, then bit down hard and deliberately on the fry and chewed slowly, running his tongue along his lips periodically to make sure he was getting Trent's full attention.
Looking up again at Carlos, Trent was now just staring at him. He swallowed hard and looked away before he had to put several napkins in his lap to hide the party going on in his pants. He tried to eat, but it wasn't working. He couldn't help himself, he had to look back up at the Cheesy Fry Show.
Carlos knew he was getting to Trent and he kept up the act, this time deliberately dripping some cheese sauce onto his paper plate that had been provided with the food. He used his finger and picked up some of the cheese sauce on it and proceeded to use his tongue to lick it all off, little by little. He then went back to eating his fries the same way -- biting into each one slowly and deliberately, licking his lips sensually in-between to make sure he got every bit of cheese sauce onto his tongue and then slowly into his mouth.
Not even knowing where he got the willpower to do so, Trent finally managed to pull his attention away from Carlos and to his hamburger which had now become the most interesting thing to look at. Again, talking as if to himself, Trent said, "It's times like this I wish I had taken up wearing a hat like Walker."
"You, uh, say something there, Trent?" Carlos asked, teasing him and rubbing it in all the more, absolutely enjoying every single second of this. It had to be absolute torture for Trent, although he knew it was in the sweetest way. If Trent could only see the look on his own face -- it was priceless.
Still looking at his hamburger as if it was something one simply must look at or go blind, Trent said, "Carlos, if you don't stop that you better be prepared to give these people here a nice unadvertised show for their viewing pleasure. I won't make it to the bumper cars."
Carlos looked at Trent innocently -- or so he thought anyway -- and ate a few more fries the same way, hoping that Trent would make good on his promise. "Having a problem there, Trent? Something I can do for you?" he asked, once again trying so hard to be innocent, but the teasing light in his eyes and in the tone of his voice gave it all away.
"Yes, I can think of a few things but nothing that won't get us arrested. I can just hear it now -- 'Ex-army officer and ex-Dallas police officer arrested today at Six Flags for doing the horizontal hokey-pokey on a picnic table. Film at eleven,'" Trent said, "Now, if you don't stop that right now and behave yourself I'm going to figure out a way to eat this hamburger in a way you'll never forget." After a pause, Trent continued, "I was thinking a nice trip to the Durango to 'relax' might be in order, but you'll have to behave yourself and be a good little boy and let my high rise problem, umm..., unrise." Trent made his own problem even worse by thinking about it.
"No problem, Trent -- I can behave, see?" Carlos said, and like the good little boy that was, he used the plastic utensils provided with the food and started to eat the rest of his fries without the extensive Cheesy Fry Show going on.
"Carlos, you couldn't behave if the Pope was here and you know it," Trent said, attempting to eat the thing in his hand passing for a hamburger. After a bite or two, hunger had won him over and he decided it wasn't quite as bad as it looked.
"Well, hurry up and finish so we can, uh, 'relax' for a while," Carlos said, that twinkle in his eyes getting brighter by the minute.
"If you don't just be quiet we may never be able to leave this table ever again," Trent complained, loving every minute of it. He really didn't like losing his control like this, but, well, he was finding self control and Carlos were two things that just didn't belong in the same sentence together.
Carlos lapsed into silence knowing that Trent was on the edge. He sat there watching Trent hungrily eat his hamburger. He was quite amused that Trent had finally given in, eating the type of food he would normally avoid. He had to smile, it felt so good, so natural when it came to his lover and he wanted to have that smile on his face forever. He simply waited quietly for Trent to finish while he enjoyed the thought of the moments ahead they would be spending as lovers.
Finishing the second hamburger, which he had to admit tasted kind of good, Trent crumpled up the wrapper and put it with the rest of the trash on their tray and looked up at Carlos for the first time in a while. "OK, I think I can move from here without embarrassing myself. You still *up* for some relaxation or is that just about the stupidest question in the world?" Trent asked, remembering yesterday and that Carlos had out lasted him by a long shot.
"Of course I'm still *up* for some relaxation," Carlos said, shooting him a grin that had the wickedness Trent should be accustomed to by now. "Shall we?" Carlos asked, picking up the tray with all of the wrappings on it, walking over to the garbage receptacle and throwing everything away.
**Oh, and just when I thought it was safe to move from the table he shoots me 'The Grin',** Trent thought, shifting himself just a bit as he got up from the table.
They started towards the entrance of the park to get their hands stamped for their return visit a little later on. Trent noticed with satisfaction there was no one to be seen at all in the parking lot. He had remembered from an earlier visit, when he had had to return to the car for a jacket, that the place was deserted during park hours. They were also parked off to one side quite a ways. Unlikely even if someone did come out here they would wander by the Durango.
"Well, Carlos, looks like we get to try out that back seat thing after all," Trent said, trying not to sound too anxious but not quite accomplishing it.
Carlos just smiled at his lover, knowing all too well that Trent was looking forward to this as much as he was. "I've been wanting to test out that back seat with you for quite some time now," Carlos said, very seductively as they got closer to his truck.
"I bet you say that to all the girls," Trent said, attempting a female sounding voice and not quite getting it.
Carlos laughed hard when he heard Trent's imitation of a woman's voice -- or attempt at one anyway. "That's priceless, Trent, really priceless," he said, laughing.
Once they got there Carlos unlocked the doors and they made themselves comfortable -- there really was more room than either of them expected. The tinted rear windows and high front seats made a very effective sight barrier. They held each other looking into each others eyes. Carlos brought Trent's lips to his and kissed him tenderly, yet passionately. "Mmmmm, what you do to me," he said softly, brushing the tip of Trent's nose with his.
"Oh, I can think of a few things to do to you, all right," Trent said seductively, capturing Carlos's mouth in another kiss, this one filled with more passion, less tenderness.
Carlos's reaction to this kiss made his heart skip a beat or two and he grabbed Trent, pulling him closer, and returned his kiss with equal passion, hungering for more.
Trent ran his hand over Carlos's still damp t-shirt finding a nipple and teasing it though the material of the shirt. Once he had the attention of the one nipple, he moved on to the other and did the same to it.
Carlos moaned, a little softer than normal, when Trent touched him through his t-shirt. There was something about the wet shirt that, when connected with his lover's touch, sent his feelings to somewhere they'd never been before. When both of his nipples hardened it was almost too much and he felt his restraint couldn't be held back much longer.
Continuing the kiss, Trent slid his hand down Carlos's chest and abdomen, ending up at his crotch. He stroked Carlos through the still wet material of his pants before unzipping his fly and moving his hand inside the opening. Trent caressed his lover through his underwear before moving his hand inside that too, pulling his already hard shaft out of his pants.
Carlos continued to moan, the volume increasing as Trent's hand moved down his body, and when Trent's hand touched his crotch he gasped. His body began to feel like it was already going to that special place that his lover always took him, yet he had barely begun. Carlos was so thrilled and excited at his lover's touch.
Breaking their kiss, Trent moved so he could take Carlos's erection in his mouth, slowly doing so, ever so slowly, until he had it in his mouth as far as it would go. He moved back up, just as slowly, but sucking hard as he moved.
Carlos arched his back immediately and very high as soon as Trent took him into his mouth. His hands reached out to touch his lover, running his hands through his hair, enjoying the feelings that were pulsating through his body. He could hardly sit still -- every sensation he was feeling made him want to come right then, but he held onto his restraint for as long as he could. This was just the most wonderful experience he could imagine and he never wanted it to end.
Trent knew Carlos wasn't going to last much longer. Speeding up, he continued to take his lover into his mouth over and over again, sucking hard each time.
As Trent continued to take him into his mouth, moving up and down, Carlos's body began to shake and tremble with passion and desire for the one man, one person, who could love him this much and make him this happy.
Sensing his climax was imminent, Trent took Carlos into his mouth one last time as far as possible, then sucked hard. Carlos came strong and hard, releasing his fluid into Trent's mouth. Trent continued to suck on him after his release in an attempt to get every last drop of his lover's essence. Reluctantly releasing Carlos from his mouth, Trent moved back up to kiss Carlos and kiss him hard. He was very close to the edge himself.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss just as hard and then kissed him again, even harder. Gently breaking the kiss, Carlos nuzzled Trent in his favorite spot, while his hands massaged Trent's crotch much the same way that Trent had done to him moments ago.
The nuzzling always got to Trent. Always. When Carlos touched his crotch he almost came right then and there. He managed to hold himself back, but he didn't manage to hold back the moan that escaped his mouth.
Carlos released Trent's completely hardened penis from the confines of his clothing and ran his tongue up and down one side then the other -- from front to back, making sure he covered everything. He licked the fluid seeping from the opening of the head then took his lover in his mouth as far and as deep as he could and began to suck hard moving Trent in and out of his mouth, up and down, his tongue increasing the sensations for his lover.
When Carlos touched him with his mouth Trent put his head back and moaned again, reminding himself he really needed to keep it down, but not sure if he had accomplished this or not. He was so close, it wasn't going to take much to drive him over the edge he was holding himself back from.
Carlos knew Trent couldn't last much longer and he sped up his rhythm, sucking even harder now, faster too. Suddenly Trent came with such force, pouring his wonderful essence into Carlos's mouth. He made sure he got every last drop and cleaned his lover thoroughly. He then pulled Trent into his arms. "You have no idea how much I love you, do you?" he asked, then kissed Trent very passionately, but with a lot of tenderness.
Trent was sure he would never breath normally again he was panting so hard. When Carlos kissed him he could barely respond to it. Finally breathing more normally, Trent managed to say, "I think I do," in answer to his lover's question, which was really more of a statement. Continuing to lie there in his lover's embrace, Trent finally got his breath back completely and managed to say, "I think this is a ride they might consider adding to their line-up here at Six Flags. It would be very popular, don't you think?"
"It would definitely be the most popular one here," Carlos said, nuzzling that part of Trent's neck he loved so much. "You're incredible," he whispered, and continued to hold Trent while they both recovered from their wonderful time together. After a while they looked at each other and smiled, feeling totally content. "Well, are you ready to go back in and ride some more rides?" Carlos asked Trent.
"I don't know. I kinda liked this ride, really. I wonder if they have a suggestion box somewhere? Course they might need a name for the ride. 'Blow High, Blow Low' comes to mind," Trent said, noticing Carlos was giving him 'The Look', the one that indicated Carlos thought Trent was totally daft. Continuing as if nothing were out of the ordinary at all, "No, don't like that? How about 'Heads Up'? 'Yes, We Have No Bananas'? 'Hard Time'? 'Blow Jobs R Us'?"
"Come here you," Carlos said, firmly pulling Trent to him and kissing him before he came up with any more names, teasing him about the beautiful blow jobs they had just enjoyed giving to each other. Drawing back from the kiss he said, "There, now does that give you any ideas for names?" he asked, teasing. "But I kind of like 'Blow Jobs R Us'," Carlos said, looking at Trent, his eyes dancing with delight at the thought.
"I did have a few more ideas, but they seem to have slipped my mind at the moment," Trent said, referring to the kiss.
"Well, there's plenty more where that came from," Carlos said, kissing Trent again, tenderly.
"Why don't we go find the suggestion box -- I think there's one near the entrance. We'll have to be quite detailed in our description though -- we certainly don't want the patrons of the park to miss anything," Carlos said, having the time of his life teasing Trent right back.
"Yes, good idea. Long detailed description. One thing we need to be sure not to leave out though," Trent paused, looking at Carlos's crotch. "Put the mouse back in the house when you're done," Trent said, putting his own mouse back in it's house.
Carlos blushed a very deep shade of pink and put his mouse back in it's house, then they finished getting ready to head back to the park.
Getting back inside the park, Carlos asked, "Which way do you want to go now?"
"That way is a very nice way," Trent pointed to the right, the direction they had gone earlier that morning, "It's pleasant down that way, too," he pointed to the left, "Of course, people do go both ways," he crossed his arms in front of himself pointing both ways.
"Cute, Trent, very cute," Carlos said laughing, looking in both directions and finally deciding to go the way they hadn't gone that morning. "I wonder what ride is coming up next? I can't wait until I've seen the whole park -- this has been something I've wanted to do for a long time," he said, the ten year old in him coming to the surface. He was looking at every ride he could see and trying to take in everything, as if he was trying to make sure he didn't miss a thing. "Oh, Trent, do you think we could stop and get some cotton candy?" Carlos asked, his diet completely blown already for the day, he figured he could enjoy another indulgence he hadn't had since he was little.
Trent made a face. "Sugar, pure sugar! As long as I'm not treated to The Cotton Candy Show I suppose that might be arranged. Oh, and that extends to the cardboard tube too, Carlos. No licking the mousey substitute." Trent was quite aware even if Carlos promised to be a good little boy, it wouldn't last long.
"Now Trent, would *I* do *that*?" Carlos asked putting on his best innocent face.
Walking up to the stand selling cotton candy, Trent saw the stand next to it. "Oh, ice cream! I'm going to get some, be right back," he said leaving Carlos standing in line to get his cotton candy.
When Trent returned from getting his ice cream cone, he found Carlos sitting at a table as far back in a corner as possible. He knew then he was now about to witness The Cotton Candy Show whether he wanted to or not. He rather thought he did though, especially since he now had ammunition to fire back with. How was one suppose to eat a hamburger suggestively? Now, an ice cream cone, that was a different matter altogether.
"Hey, sailor, buy me a drink?" Trent asked as he sat down in the chair he thought would obstruct the view of his pants best.
"You betcha -- what would you like?" Carlos asked, the ice cream cone not escaping unnoticed.
"I suppose a Sloe Screw is out of the question?" Trent asked.
"I'd be more than happy to supply that anytime, buddy," Carlos replied innocently, continuing to eat his cotton candy and pretending that he wasn't becoming aroused.
Trent had decided he wasn't going to get naughty with his ice cream if Carlos didn't start The Cotton Candy Show, so he just ate his ice cream and tried not to look at Carlos too much. But he did seem to be behaving himself. Trent guessed he might have realized the ice cream cone might just be his undoing should an 'I can eat this more suggestively than you can eat that' war start.
The entire time he was enjoying his cotton candy Carlos felt that he could take Trent easily in another food game should it ever start. Still though, he had promised Trent earlier that he would be good, and as difficult as it was, he would make sure he showed Trent he *could* behave himself... at least *once* in a while. "How's your ice cream?" he asked. "I'm about done here, and I'm anxious to go on some more rides," he said, throwing his leftover cardboard tube away.
"Actually, it's pretty good for plain vanilla. Only other kind they had was chocolate. And the two swirled together," Trent informed Carlos, even though he was sure he could care less about the ins and outs of soft serve ice cream.
Go to Page Three