Love Song

Page Three

Carlos waited for Trent to finish his ice cream and then they continued to make their way through the park, riding all the smaller rides. Eventually they found the first in a series of the bigger rides. Right there in front of them was the entrance to a huge roller coaster and Carlos felt nervous and scared. He kept telling himself he could do this. He wanted to ride a roller coaster. But not this one.

"Trent? I really want to try riding on a roller coaster with you. But not this one," Carlos said as he looked at the massive 'Texas Giant' in front of them and felt his stomach churning. "Maybe there's a coaster that is a little smaller and we could go on that?" Carlos asked, hopefully.

"Yes, there are smaller ones," Trent said, wondering just what was up and if this was just something Carlos thought would please him.

Carlos could read what was in his lover's eyes. He needed to explain himself. "This is for me. I want to do this -- I need to do this. I've wanted to do it for some time. With you here, with you beside me, I think I can finally do it," Carlos said softly, remembering the times he had tried and failed.

Trent looked at Carlos. He was telling the truth. He wanted and needed to do this for himself. Trent smiled at his lover. "Sure, come on," Trent said and started off towards another part of the park.

Thankfully, the line wasn't long for 'Runaway Mountain'. The bigger, faster, high tech coasters got all the crowds. The smaller ones were all but forgotten. This was good though since the wait would be the worst part of the ride.

"Come on. Let's give this one a try if you're still determined," Trent said. Carlos had been very quiet on the walk over.

"Yes, I am, buddy -- and thanks for understanding, I really appreciate it," Carlos said, taking a deep breath as they entered the line for 'Runaway Mountain' -- the roller coaster Carlos hoped would give him a new experience he'd never been able to participate in before. He felt scared, nervous, excited and happy all at the same time. He just hoped that excited and happy would win out in the end.

Having spent the brief time in line talking about nothing and everything, the idea being to distract Carlos from thinking about the impending ride, it was now their turn to get in line for a car. Picking a middle car, the 'easiest' ride, they waited their turn for the next car. Continuing to talk to Carlos about nothing in particular, Trent had to really try hard to keep himself from taking his lover's hand as they got in the car.

Carlos took a deep breath and got into the car telling himself that it was fine, he was fine, with his lover. He was about to embark on a new experience that he hoped would change is life for the better -- a fear that would be dealt with finally.

As the train started to move from the station, and they were out of view of the crowd on the platform, Trent took Carlos's hand as discreetly as possible and continued to talk about everything and nothing.

Carlos was pleased to no end when Trent took his hand in his and he squeezed it lightly to show him how much it meant to him. He looked all around, where the car was going, the car they were sitting in, getting a feel for everything. Yes, he was going to do this and he would enjoy it he told himself.

At the beginning of the first hill, just as the train caught to go up the incline, Carlos's hand tightened on his. Trent said, in a voice that meant no nonsense, "Close your eyes and keep them that way until I tell you you can open them. And NO peeking. You keep that other hand on the safety rail and your feet flat on the floor of the car. And if you want to close your eyes again after I tell you that you can open them, you just do it. No one is going to see you." Trent then resumed his ramble about nothing and everything, running out of material fast.

Carlos did as he was told, knowing Trent well enough that the tone he used meant business. He closed his eyes and didn't peek once. He concentrated on his lover's voice, trying to block out everything else. It was working -- the more he concentrated on Trent, the less he noticed of the other people in the car, even the noise of the ride seemed to lighten some. Maybe this would work after all he thought, and once again he squeezed his lover's hand, this time to reassure him that he was still hanging in there.

Trent knew from experience, and other coaster nuts, that the first hill was the bad part. It took so long and it was a slow time going up -- way too much time to see where you were. Once the ride started to move, you were never in one place long enough to notice the height even if it was almost as high as that first hill. The trick was to not open your eyes too soon, but also, not wait too long or you missed the thrill if the ride itself. As the car crested the hill, Trent was waiting until they were actually moving to tell Carlos he could open his eyes. Trent took the instant before this happened to take his lover's hand, the one he had been holding, and place it firmly on the safety rail in front of him. He covered Carlos's hand with his own and squeezed. "You can open them now," he said.

Carlos opened his eyes as soon as he heard Trent say the words and he was amazed at what he saw. He had a rush going through him immediately at the sight before him, or below him in this case -- he'd done it -- he was going down the first roller coaster hill in his life. He had the feeling in the pit of his stomach and he was nervous but there was an excitement mixed in there that was foreign to him and he just stared now at the ground rushing up to meet them. "Whoa," he said, letting out a little bit of the excitement, awe, and yes, some fear too, as the car made it's way down the hill picking up speed all the way.

Trent grinned and squeezed Carlos's hand again even though he knew he would most likely not feel it. The sound coming out of his lover's mouth might not be fear free, but it wasn't total fear and panic either. This was good.

As the ride sped downhill and into the first turn Carlos's excitement grew and a little of the fear he had just experienced started to disappear. He was beginning to loosen up a little, although he still had his hands firmly placed on the rail. That, and his lover's hand on his, was all he needed now -- and he started to allow his body to feel the ride as the smaller hills came up. They still sent a rush through him, and a little fear, but it was a sudden fear that didn't last long, not like the slow climb up the very first larger hill. Carlos was happy -- this was working, and he wasn't doing so bad after all.

Trent reluctantly removed his hand from atop his lover's as the car slowed then came into the station so they could get off the train. He looked at Carlos to get his reaction but he couldn't really read it. It wasn't all fear but he wasn't sure he had really enjoyed it either. But one thing was for sure, Carlos had done it and just that would go a long way to making him feel better about himself and what he perceived to be a silly problem. Phobias were not silly and they were not normal fears where mind over matter or willpower would work to conquer them.

Carlos had felt Trent's hand leave his and he realized that they had arrived back at the station. He released his hands from the rail and climbed slowly out of the car once it had stopped. The thoughts and feelings running through him were a mixture of shock, surprise, fear, excitement and awe. The adrenaline was flowing -- fast. He didn't know what to say so he just started talking. "Wow, Trent, I did it, buddy -- I can't believe I did it! Did you see it? Those turns, the hills, and when it dove under WATER! That was too much! I really can't believe I actually rode a roller coaster!" Carlos said, going on and on about his great accomplishment. "Thank you," he said, looking at his lover. He wouldn't have made it through without Trent being there to literally hold his hand throughout the entire ride.

Trent was grinning from ear to ear watching his lover. Carlos was acting like a kid on too much sugar and Trent really loved it. It meant Carlos had gotten the demons that were his phobia at bay, if only for a short time. This pleased Trent, especially since he had helped his lover to do it. It took every effort and all his control not to sweep his lover into a joyful embrace, but he managed not to.

"You're very welcome," Trent said, "But I didn't really do anything. Except hold your hand."

Carlos smiled at his lover -- the look on Trent's face said it all. Trent was pleased and that made Carlos even happier although it was mostly for himself that he had wanted to do this. "You did a lot more than you realize, Trent. A lot more," he said, and he hoped the look on his face and in his eyes reflected the feelings deep in his heart at that moment.

Trent, still grinning at Carlos, said, "Hey, I'm hungry. Let's get some food." He *was* hungry, but more importantly, this break gave Carlos a chance to really think about and enjoy his accomplishment. "You go sit down over there," Trent said, pointing at a food area with tables, "And I'll get us something, OK?" Trent took off in the direction of a concession stand to again play 'which junk food can I tolerate?' with his appetite.

"Food sounds great! I'll grab a table and see you in a few minutes," Carlos said, quickly finding a table and sitting down. He went over the events surrounding the roller coaster in his mind again. He was so happy and excited that he actually did it and he once again reminded himself how lucky he was to have Trent in his life. Trent was the sole reason that he was able to do what he did -- taking that big step today. He would never forget the love and special care Trent took in seeing him through it. Just then Trent showed up with the food and Carlos looked at his lover with the most loving, adoring look he was capable of. "Thank you," he said. He wanted to wrap his arms around him and kiss him, but that would have to wait until later -- then he would show Trent how much what he did meant to him and how much he loved him.

"It's just hot dogs and fries not chocolate doughnuts," Trent said, totally missing the point, "Oh, and onion rings."

"Thank you for what you did for me today, Trent. I really couldn't have done it without you and later on I am going to show you how much you mean to me," Carlos said, smiling lovingly at his beautiful lover seated across from him. He then grabbed some onion rings and a couple of hot dogs and began to eat, not realizing how hungry he was until then.

"You already thanked me for that. And I didn't do anything anyway. You did all the work," Trent said, "But I suppose I wouldn't turn down an offer like that, Conan."

"So, what's next on the agenda?" Carlos asked, really wanting nothing more than to hold his lover in his arms and make love to him. He tried to focus on eating his food and trying not to show how aroused he was.

"You know, these hot dogs on a stick are really rather obscene looking," Trent said as he contemplated the very phallic looking thing is his hand. Picking up a large onion ring he put it over the hot dog. "Hummm, maybe we should get some of these to go?" he commented, making a joke, but the look on Carlos's face when he looked up was no joke. The party in his pants had returned and just from the look in his lover's eyes.

Carlos looked at Trent lovingly and when their eyes met he saw the expression in his lover's eyes change and he knew that Trent was feeling as much passion and desire for him as he was for Trent. He watched while Trent held the hot dog on a stick with the onion ring on it, knowing that Trent was seriously thinking about what to do with it. He smiled and then laughed, his lover bringing out the playfulness in him, and he picked up his own hot dog, putting an onion ring on it like Trent had with his, and he smiled and bit into it.

Trent just sat there and stared at Carlos, and what he saw in his eyes. Then Carlos smiled at him and bit into his hot dog. It really hadn't been Trent's intention when he put the onion ring on the hot dog, but, well, what *could* one do once pushed? Looking around first to make sure there weren't too many people around, Trent proceeded to nibble the onion ring while it was still on the hot dog. He finished by biting through the final remnants of the onion ring, releasing it from around the hot dog, and caught the rest of it with his tongue, sucked it into his mouth, then grinned at Carlos.

Carlos knew that Trent was enjoying himself to the fullest knowing it would get to him the way that he took the onion ring off of the hot dog and into his mouth. He smiled and did the same with his onion ring, licking his lips in the most deliberate, slow sensual way he could. Then he looked at the hot dog and put it into his mouth, biting down and taking a nice healthy mouthful, making sure he chewed very carefully -- slowly, so he didn't miss anything, including the look on Trent's face. He could tell that Trent was at about the same stage he was. He also realized it wouldn't take much longer for them both to go farther. Carlos continued to enjoy his hot dog, periodically making sure his tongue made it's way to his lips to wipe them clean.

Carlos licking his lips and grinning at him was taking it's toll. But when, after the last careful lick, Carlos missed a spot of mustard in the same spot as the spaghetti sauce from last night, Trent could take it no more. Since the Eleven O'Clock Eyewitness News was NOT how he wanted their friends and family to find out about their new relationship, Trent looked away and said, "Carlos? You have mustard on your face." Not looking up, Trent touched his own face with his finger to indicate the position of the mustard just as he had last night, "Right there," he added softly.

Carlos grinned when he noticed that Trent was pointing to where the mustard on his face was. He recalled the last time that this happened and he knew what that meant. How he loved it when Trent had rushed him that way -- hugging him and knowing how he was able to drive his lover to do that to him. He knew he was doing that to Trent again, and it pleased him enormously.

Still without looking up, Trent said, "Maybe we should just finish eating this stuff and then we might *relax* again?" wondering again just how Carlos managed to do this to him time and again.

"Relax?" Carlos asked, his eyebrow raised at the suggestive tone in Trent's voice. He wanted it just as badly as Trent did and Trent knew it. "I think that can be arranged," Carlos added, looking at his lover again -- in the most loving way he could in public. He wanted to be with Trent -- hold him, love him, and revel in the two of them being together. He continued eating his food like Trent suggested, until they were both done. "Are you decent yet?" Carlos asked, referring to Trent's high rise problems.

"NO! And I'll never be decent again, I'm beginning to think," Trent said, still looking down, loving the whole thing, "But I think I can move from the table now," he added quietly with a small smile.

Gathering up the trash and throwing it out, once again they headed out to the parking lot to the Durango. **Maybe we should have just stayed at the hotel?** Trent laughed to himself.

Carlos was almost bounding for joy he was so happy. Between the roller coaster he'd ridden and the ride he was about to take, this day couldn't get any better. He was filled with such a charge of energy -- a rush really -- the adrenaline pumping through him like nothing he'd ever known before. Carlos wanted nothing more than to be with Trent again and that was about to happen. It was all he could do to walk to the Durango calmly, but he managed to keep himself in check until he got there and they climbed inside.

Once Carlos and Trent were in the Durango, Carlos grabbed his lover by the shoulders and kissed him hard, very hard -- all of his energy and passion was thrown into this and he wanted to fuck Trent like crazy. Carlos could see that his lover wanted that as much as he did and that he couldn't wait any more than he could. Carlos unzipped and pulled down Trent's jeans and underwear, then turned him around, gently pushing him to his hands and knees. Carlos removed his very hardened penis from his own jeans. After preparing himself and Trent to prevent hurting him, he entered Trent fast, much faster than before, with an intensity and furiousness he had never known.

Trent was a bit surprised at first by Carlos's actions, his seeming desperation. But it made sense. The man was full of adrenaline. But the surprise only lasted an instant as Trent was about ready to explode himself. The surprise was replaced very fast by his own raging desire to have Carlos inside him right then. Trent moaned when Carlos entered him.

There was so much love there that the longing and desire was simply overpowering and Carlos began thrusting inside of Trent practically the moment he had entered into him. As his thrusts became more intense, so did his inability to keep a hold on his restraint any longer.

Carlos's thrusts coming immediately weren't soon enough, Trent thought, as he lost all sense of control yet again. He was panting in an attempt to keep the moaning down but he wasn't sure it was going to last long. But neither was he or Carlos.

Carlos reached for Trent's shaft and began to stroke hard in rhythm to what his own body was doing inside his lover. Within moments Carlos came with such intensity that he couldn't breathe for a few moments.

It was over in moments. Or was it hours? But the intensity was like nothing before. Trent came and came hard at the same time as his lover did inside of him. He couldn't even hold himself up any more on hands and knees, collapsing on the seat beneath him, Carlos on top of him, still inside him. Was there anything else in the world any more but them and this moment?

"Oh God, baby -- that was incredible! You're wonderful, do you know that?" Carlos said, dropping kisses on his lover's neck and nuzzling him as he lay on top of Trent, still connected to him. He slowly and gently removed himself from his lover's body then turned Trent around and drew him into his arms. "Are you all right?" he asked. He knew that had taken a lot out of Trent by the way he collapsed, but he also knew that Trent had enjoyed himself thoroughly.

"What? Yeah, I'm all right. Better than all right," Trent said, still trying to catch his breath.

Carlos wrapped his arms even more tightly around Trent's body, starting to nuzzle him again in his favorite spot. "I can't believe that each time is even better than the last," Carlos whispered.

"I've got news for you, Carlos. You know that popular vacation spot we've talked about?" Trent said, still breathing hard, "It's just the waiting room." All Trent could do was just lay in his lover's arms and recover. "I do think if Six Flags adds THIS ride to it's line up it needs a warning that it may be to intense for some riders."

"Riders must be 54 inches long... I mean tall?" Carlos quipped, teasing Trent about his comment. He instantly tightened his hold around Trent even more loving the feel of his body next to his. He dropped a few more kisses on his neck along with some more nuzzling.

"54 inches long? Ouch!" Trent teased back.

"Hmmm... how's this one? 'Riders should refrain from this ride if they are prone to heart problems'," Carlos said, laughing lightly and pulling Trent so close and tight that he thought their two hearts could actually physically touch. He couldn't get enough of Trent.

"There's nothing wrong with your heart, I see," Trent said, "But it might be a wise precaution for others." Trent pulled back ever so slightly, just enough to catch Carlos's mouth in a kiss. Could he ever get enough of his lover's kisses?

Carlos returned Trent's kiss hungrily -- wanting more -- knowing he would never get enough of his wonderful lover. No words could ever describe how he felt about Trent. When the kiss broke out of the need for air he said softly, "I'll take that as quite a compliment, lover," then kissed him again, more passionately this time.

"You want to head back into the park, Conan, or you looking for another time through this ride?" Trent asked, knowing how fast Carlos could be ready again.

"I think another time through this ride would be wonderful," Carlos said, beginning to nuzzle Trent's neck again, softly, just the way he knew Trent enjoyed. He kissed then nuzzled that favorite spot of Trent's over and over -- his skin tasting so very sweet -- that which was his to touch and feel. He lifted Trent's chin towards him and brought their lips together in an incredible, passionate kiss, Carlos's tongue searching for Trent's to taste and duel for that sharing of the incredible bliss they always shared together.

As Carlos nuzzled him, Trent worked his hand up under Carlos's shirt finding and caressing one of his nipples. Once it had hardened in excitement, Trent gently pinched and rolled it between his fingers. Breaking their kiss, Trent moved his mouth down to take up where his fingers had left off, sucking hard and running his tongue around the nipple at the same time.

Carlos gasped when Trent touched then hardened his nipple. He couldn't resist crying out softly when Trent's tongue touched the nipple. This was too much and he was almost completely hard immediately. When Trent sucked hard on his nipple, it was all Carlos could do to keep from coming right then and there. He ran his hands through Trent's hair and began to writhe from the excitement his lover was creating for him. "Oh God, Trent..., what you do to me," he said as softly as he could. He was so focused on Trent and what his wonderful lover was doing to him that he had to try to remember to keep his voice down, but it was oh so difficult -- Trent was bringing everything he had in him to the surface and he continued to writhe at the contact and desire that Trent was giving to him.

Running his hand slowly down Carlos's abdomen to his crotch, Trent was amazed to find his lover very hard once again. He was getting used to it now, and he simply loved it, but it still amazed him how quickly his lover could be ready again. Beginning ever so gently to rub the underside of his lover's shaft, Trent let go of Carlos's nipple and moved his mouth down his chest and abdomen slowly, licking as he went. When he reached the waist of Carlos's pants, he moved his mouth and tongue to his lover's shaft and began licking it. Between his fingers on the underside and his tongue on the top side of Carlos's organ, his lover was nearing his release and Trent knew it.

Carlos didn't know how much more of this he could stand. He was loving every minute of this -- from the exquisite touch of Trent's hand to his ardent tongue -- licking his shaft and creating new wonderful sensations he could have sworn he'd never felt before. This was just beyond belief, yet it was really happening and Carlos reveled in the wonder of it all. He began to writhe even more now as Trent's tongue licked his hot, moist organ. He didn't know how much longer he could hold back and he didn't want to either. He was seeking that pure incredible sensation of sweet release that only Trent could provide.

Moving his tongue to the head of his lover's penis, Trent gently licked the fluid accumulated there before taking the entire shaft into his mouth very quickly, knowing what the change in the sensation would do to his lover. Sucking hard he moved his mouth back up and once at the top, swirled his tongue around the head then quickly took Carlos back into his mouth as far as he could.

The sensations that Trent provided were changing and creating wonderful effects within Carlos's mind and body. When Trent took him in his mouth all the way that was it and he arched his back high and released all of his hot rich essence into Trent's mouth. It was going to take several minutes to come down from this ecstasy that his lover had just brought him.

Trent swallowed taking every drop of his lover's fluid into himself, continuing to suck gently after his lover's release to get all of it. Releasing his lover from his mouth, Trent sat back up taking Carlos in his arms and hugging him and gently stroking his hair as he came back down into himself.

"Thank you, Trent -- that was wonderful," Carlos said softly, still trying to catch his breath.

"You're very welcome," Trent said, continuing to hold Carlos to him and stroke his hair.

"That feels so nice. I love you so very, very much," Carlos said. "I only wish that words could express half of how I feel about you, but they don't do you justice," he added thoughtfully. He continued to lie in Trent's arms enjoying the feel of Trent's body next to his. Trent's arms around him giving him warmth, and the soft smooth stroking of Trent's hand in his hair ,were all he needed to know once again how loved and safe he was. "Are you up to more rides in the park now?" Carlos asked. He really didn't want to leave the comfort of being in his lover's arms but they hadn't quite seen the whole park yet.

"I was up to more rides in the park a few minutes ago," Trent chuckled, "But as I recall there was a request for a second ride on this one. You still amaze me Carlos, really you do." Trent kissed his lover on the forehead. "OK, mouse back in the house," Trent said, as he pointed at Carlos's crotch, "Or we might still make the Six O'Clock news yet." When Carlos moved to put himself back in his pants, Trent pulled his own pants and underwear back on.

Carlos finished putting himself back together then kissed Trent lovingly before getting out of the truck. "Why don't you go ride 'The Texas Giant', Trent? I'll wait for you," Carlos said encouragingly, knowing Trent wouldn't want him to feel left out.

"Why don't we just wait and see what the line is like when we get there?" Trent said, as they headed back towards the park, "Those lines can get very long and I'm not leaving you alone for a long time. Heaven only *knows* what I'll find when I get back." Trent chuckled remembering the ladies from earlier in the day.

"And just what is *that* supposed to mean?" Carlos asked with a feigned hurt expression on his face. He thought for a moment and then it hit him and he burst out laughing. "You're priceless Trent, you know that? If those ladies even get close to me I'll chase them away," Carlos said, trying very hard not to laugh but it just wasn't working. He was having too good a time at Trent's expense but he knew that Trent was aware he was teasing him.

They got into the park and made their way to the line for 'The Texas Giant' and much to Trent's surprise the line was much shorter than expected and something he was comfortable with in leaving Carlos to his own devices while he was gone. Carlos stood with him as far as he could go then left and found a bench to sit on and wait for him to return.

In spite of having to leave Carlos alone, Trent was excited about going on 'The Texas Giant'. It was one of the best wooden roller coasters in the country and well worth the wait. The line moved quickly and Trent was soon riding the giant roller coaster. Exiting the train, then the ride, Trent spotted Carlos on a bench and started walking towards him. When he got closer, he could see Carlos was eating something. When he got close enough, and saw what it was, he started laughing so hard he was sure he would never stop.

Carlos looked up when he heard the familiar laughter -- no doubt directed at him. There was his lover, looking exhilarated from just having just gotten off 'The Texas Giant', and yes, Trent was laughing at him. "Something funny, Trent?" he asked innocently. No food show was on Carlos's mind this time but he *was* enjoying the look on Trent's face and what had to be on his lover's mind.

"Who, me? No, nothing funny, not a thing," Trent said, trying very hard to control his laughter but not managing to do so in the least. Trent sat down on the bench next to Carlos. One look at his lover trying to be very innocent and eat his chocolate covered frozen banana on a stick and Trent was laughing again full force in no time.

"How was the ride, buddy?" Carlos asked, trying to pretend Trent's laughter wasn't getting to him. "Want some?" he added, offering what was left of it to Trent, who declined most likely for the reason that he was laughing too hard to be able to eat.

Again attempting to control his laughter, Trent said, "I sure am glad to see you got the kind with nuts on it." And he was laughing again.

"So, how was the ride?" Carlos asked, innocently finishing the last of the frozen banana and tossing the stick away. Getting no reaction but more laughter, Carlos got off the bench and walked away through the park towards more rides they hadn't even seen yet.

Trent just shook his head then, still laughing, he got up and followed Carlos in the direction he was going -- the one that they had been heading in earlier.

Just as Trent caught up with Carlos, they both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the next ride. They looked at each other and grinned from ear to ear. The bumper cars were right in front of them. "Hey buddy, we have to do these. Come on," Carlos said, so excited he almost couldn't stand to wait in line. Thankfully the line was short but he had to work hard at not grabbing Trent's hand in all the excitement. He did remember what they had discussed in relation to the bumper cars of course and he wondered if Trent would be thinking the same thing.

After a short wait in line, it was their turn to board the ride. As the attendant let them through the gate to find a car, Trent simply couldn't help himself. He was still on a high from the frozen banana laughter. "Carlos, be careful not to get rear ended," Trent said and turned and went for an open car before he started laughing his head off again.

Carlos just stared at Trent's back watching him walk to an open car. **I can't believe he actually said that!** he thought, **Yes, I can. I set myself up for it, that's for sure.** He decided that the best way to remedy this situation was to make sure he 'bumped' Trent as often as possible. Rear, front, sideways, any which way he could. He might even invent some new ways if he gave it serious enough thought. The idea appealed to him as he was certain Trent was designing his own plan of attack.

Putting on the safety belt and looking around to see what car Carlos had ended up in, Trent spotted his lover across the enclosure, grinning from ear to ear with a very naughty glint in his eye. Well, two could play at that. Trent just smiled and looked as if nothing was out of the ordinary in the least. Just then the power to the cars came on and the cars started to move and Trent attempted to steer out of the crowd of cars he was stuck in and head in Carlos's direction. Rear ending him was all he had on his mind. As a matter of fact, if he could manage it with the other riders around, he just might try to tail gate him and just keep bumping him from behind.

It didn't take Carlos a moment to pick Trent out of the crowd and if the look on his lover's face was any indication The Bumper Car Wars were about to begin. He felt like a kid again and that was because of his lover and the special way he had with him. Once the power came on Carlos floored it. Even though the cars didn't go very fast it was enough to get quite a jolt when you hit someone else or they hit you. Carlos made his way to the other side of the driving arena and kept that grin on his face as he plowed into Trent, knocking his car slightly sideways. "Nice bumping into you -- see ya," he said hastily, then made a beeline out of there, knowing Trent would be in hot pursuit.

**Oh, he is SO not getting away with THAT!** Trent thought as he tried to get his car to go in the direction he wanted. **Why do I always get a car with a mind of it's own?** he wondered still trying, without any luck, to get his car to cooperate. Finally managing to steer it in the direction Carlos had taken off in, Trent turned only to see his lover had turned around and was headed straight back at him.

After Carlos had taken off, he turned to look over his shoulder and seeing that his lover was dead in the water, with his car not being able to maneuver very well, he couldn't resist the opportunity to attack from behind. He once again went as fast as the car would travel and rammed into the back of Trent's car. "Got a little problem there, buddy?" he asked, grinning wickedly. He was being bad and he knew it. What's more, he was enjoying himself to such an extent that he started laughing as hard as Trent had been earlier when he was eating the chocolate covered frozen banana. "I'm sorry buddy, really I am," he tried to say but ended up speeding away again at the look on Trent's face.

**Oh, he is SO gonna pay for that,** Trent thought, **If I can just get this car to MOVE!** Finally managing to get his car to head in a straight line, Trent surveyed the area for Carlos. He spotted him off on the other side of the enclosure again, being chased by a couple of women quite intent on bumping him good and chasing him in his direction. Carlos wasn't watching where he was going at all. Trent pulled his car up in front of Carlos's, pulling it sideways, causing him to plow right into the side of Trent's car, effectively stopping him in his tracks, as the ladies in question caught up from behind and both smacked into him hard from behind.

Carlos never saw it coming. All he knew was that he was on the run from two women who were bent on catching him so he floored it to get away from them. He was having the time of his life, hoping Trent would see this, but what he hadn't counted on was that Trent *had* seen them and used it to his advantage. Carlos plowed right into the side of Trent's car coming to a very sudden stop which gave him quite a jolt. A split second later Carlos received another jolt -- harder than before, when the two women hit him straight from behind. He looked at his lover then at the women then back to his lover again. "Hey, you double teamed me," Carlos said, looking from Trent to the ladies then back to his lover again.

Trent grinned from ear to ear and said, "Hey, I warned you about getting rear ended," then floored his car and took off, his car apparently having had it's own mind jolted enough to cooperate with the driver, leaving Carlos behind with the women who had rear ended him.

Carlos practically had to pick his jaw up off the floor after watching Trent take off, Trent's words still ringing in his ears. He was suddenly reminded about the two women behind him when he heard them giggling. **Oh great, how do I get out of this one?** he thought. He turned around to look at them and smiled. "I hope that you enjoyed yourselves, ladies. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get even with someone," he said very politely and then took off to give Trent another bump.

Carlos found Trent on the other side -- the furthermost corner of the floor and he stopped and looked. If he wasn't mistaken it appeared to him that Trent was going to charge him. **Well, two can play and I guess we'll see what happens,** he thought. Carlos got ready and waited. Then they hit the gas at the same time heading straight for each other. They collided head on in the center of the area just as the power to the cars went off, ending the ride. Carlos and Trent just sat there and looked at each other for a few moments before bursting into almost uncontrolled laughter. After the ride conductor announced the end of the ride they got out of the cars and left the area.

After exiting the ride Trent managed to catch his breath and said, "How's your rear end, Carlos?" going off in a fit of laughter again. Had he ever had this much fun in his life before? He didn't think so.

"Very funny, Trent. Very funny. I'll bet yours is in the same shape that mine is in so I wouldn't laugh so hard if I were you," Carlos retorted, trying his best to keep Trent from seeing how much he loved Trent's laughter.

"Oh, but my rear ending was much more enjoyable," Trent said, trying to pull off something resembling sensuous but way too caught up in the laughter to do it.

Seeing Trent happy was really all that mattered and as long as he could provide that to him he would be the happiest man on Earth. As he watched Trent practically doubled over in laughter he found himself laughing too -- caught up in the moment -- and he wanted to pull his lover into his arms and just hold him, nothing else, just hold him.

"Come on, let's get out of here before those women try that on you without the bumper cars," Trent said, starting up again in the direction they had been headed.

"Ha ha -- you're really having fun with me at my expense aren't you?" Carlos teased, knowing full well that Trent only said that out of love and knowing how popular Carlos had always been with women. They both knew they were teasing each other and they loved it because it just strengthened the bond between them.

"Oh, look! Train ride! Can we go on the train ride next?" Trent said, purposely acting like a ten year old this time, "Pleeeease!"

Carlos looked at Trent and rolled his eyes. "Yes, we can go on the train ride," Carlos said as they got in line. The line was pretty short and Carlos selected the car in the very back so they could be alone. Once they were seated the engineer blew the horn and the train started to chug down the track. Once they were away from the station Carlos took Trent's hand in his and squeezed lightly. He needed Trent to know how he felt about him. He turned his head and sent Trent a look to match the feelings that ran through his hand to Trent's.

Trent smiled to himself when Carlos took his hand. Had it only been a week? How was that possible? And how had they come so far in such a short time? It did make sense though. The feelings of romantic love had been there, on both sides, for a long, long time. It was just that neither of them had let them come to the surface, allowed them to be voiced. Once that happened, though, once they had been honest with each other about their feelings, one for the other, it wasn't a matter of the feelings then developing, it was a matter of what was already there being allowed to come out. So it made sense it was so fast and so intense. A lot had been suppressed on both sides for many years that was now being freely and joyfully expressed.

Trent smiled at Carlos and squeezed his hand back. Talking softly, so as not to be overheard, Trent said, "I love you so much, Carlos. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Trent squeezed Carlos's hand again. He wanted nothing more than to kiss him but he knew he couldn't. Not here, it had to wait.

Carlos felt a lump growing in his throat from Trent's words and the look to match them. He squeezed Trent's hand and once again looked into those blue eyes of his. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know," he said in as loud a voice as he could get away with without being overheard. He was thinking about his life before Trent which meant nothing -- and just the thought of that day in Trent's apartment, the day that changed everything forever, he counted himself the luckiest man in the world. Trent may think he'd take that title someday but Carlos had already decided he would retain it. Carlos vowed silently at that moment to make sure Trent would always be safe, happy and loved no matter what it took for him to do that. He smiled and squeezed Trent's hand again as they sat back and enjoyed the ride which took them through the park.

Reluctantly letting go of his lover's hand when they returned to 'civilization', Trent exited the train. Turning around to watch Carlos climb down from the train, he was again struck by how good looking he was. **No wonder those women wanted to rear end him,** Trent chuckled to himself.

"So, where to now? I think we're getting close to where we started this morning. Anything in particular you want to go on again?" Trent asked, "And *no* I do *not* mean that new ride prototype we discovered in the parking lot!" not waiting for 'The Look' to even hit his lover's eyes much less his mouth. He could easily be undone by 'The Grin' right now.

"You mean to say you're tired of the prototype? Don't you realize how much testing has to be done before those rides actually *make* it to the park?" Carlos asked, teasing Trent.

"You do have a point there. I guess someone has to make the sacrifice and just ride that ride until they can't ride it no more," Trent said, then added, "It really is *hard* work but someone has to do it I suppose."

"Yes, it is hard work, but more enjoyable work I can't imagine," Carlos said, smiling with pure love in his eyes and in his heart just thinking about those moments in the Durango. It was fast and furious but not any less loving or caring than the other times. They were just expressing it in a slightly different way and they both reveled in it. Carlos thought for a moment then said, with a wicked grin, "We could always give the bumper cars another ride," and waited for Trent to lose it laughing again.

Trent grinned and managed to stifle his laugher, all though he wasn't really sure how. "I suspected you liked being rear ended," Trent said, his words dripping with double meanings.

"I definitely like being rear ended and your rear end enjoys it as much as mine does," Carlos retorted, teasingly again. He just loved the way they could tease each other back and forth. "I've heard that the park has good shows -- we can check that out. Are there any rides you want to go on again?" Carlos asked curiously.

"No, nothing specific. I wouldn't mind going on 'The Roaring Rapids' again, but I don't really want to get soaked again. My shoes are still damp from the first time," Trent commented, shaking one foot, "Show sounds fine. Anything specific or just find the next place they have one and go?"

"Let's just make our way through the park and we'll check out the first one we see," Carlos said as they started walking. It wasn't too long before they came upon an open theatre and the stand out front listed the show times. "I don't know what this is, but why don't we give it a try?" Carlos asked, looking at Trent for his opinion.

"Sure, why not? Not too long to wait either," Trent said. They went into the theatre and found some seats near the back. Not exactly private but not in the middle of the crowd either. After a few minutes the show started and they found out they had just sat down to a 'Broadway Review'. Trent started snickering. "You want to leave?" he asked Carlos. Neither of them cared much for show music as a rule.

"No, since we're here we may as well stay and check it out," Carlos replied, settling into his seat to listen to the show. He was also hoping he could hold his lover's hand during the show. "Who knows, this could be a whole new experience for us," he said, turning to Trent and smiling that special smile.

"I do have to admit I'm gaining a whole new appreciation for the stuff," Trent said, referring to 'their song' which just happened to be a show tune.

The show was nothing spectacular, mostly teenagers smiling way too much and singing and dancing and belting out show tunes that were up and peppy and full of fun. Then the mood of the show changed and some slower songs, sung by one or two individuals, rather than the whole cast, started. When one young woman started singing 'Memory' from 'Cats' Trent started to laugh then quickly tried to hide it. No one around them would ever figure out why he was laughing at an otherwise tragic song. But he did poke Carlos a few times with his elbow. "Try not to hum along now, Carlos," he managed to say between the snickers the laughter had turned into.

Carlos stifled a groan. It seemed that no matter what he did he just couldn't get away from that song or the show behind it. "Go ahead and laugh -- enjoy yourself completely at my expense," he said in a low voice. He tried very hard to ignore the elbow jabs his lover was giving him. He was considering pulling Trent to him to kiss him in an effort to shut him up. He had joked about having learned to hum the entire score backwards because he'd seen the show so many times and Trent had never let him live it down. Today was no exception as he was being reminded by the laughter and elbow jabs.

Trent managed to get himself under control during the next song. It wasn't easy but he did it. He just loved teasing Carlos about 'Cats'.

The next song was about to start, something from a show called 'Miss Saigon' they were informed by the loud speaker. A young woman and man stood on stage singing back and forth to each other. Trent was totally silent, listening to the song. It was beautiful.

At this point in the song Trent reached out his hand looking for Carlos's only to find Carlos's seeking his. He took his lover's hand as they listened to the rest of the song.

The rest of the audience was applauding but Trent could only sit there staring ahead. Then he turned to look at his lover, still holding his hand, not caring who saw them.

Carlos couldn't move or even speak. He was focused on that song -- the words playing over and over in his head long after the song ended, his lover's hand still in his. He was so moved -- the words were so beautiful and the music too. Finally he turned to look at Trent and he saw the way Trent was staring and knew it had affected him the same way. "Wasn't that something?" Carlos asked, his voice displaying the emotion he was feeling. He didn't know what to say, words seemed so inadequate to express what he was feeling.

All Trent wanted to do was take his lover in his arms and hold him -- hug him tight to himself. But he couldn't. All he could do was look back at him. Glancing away finally, Trent noticed for the first time they were still holding hands. Squeezing his lover's hand and then reluctantly releasing it, Trent managed to say, "Maybe there's more to this show music than we thought?" Not much of a joke, but he didn't feel like joking. But he needed to break the mood fast. This wasn't something for public display.

"Yeah, maybe there is," Carlos said thoughtfully. When Trent took his hand away that brought Carlos back to reality -- he realized they were still in public and they had to refrain from doing that. It was nice while it lasted. The song's music and words continued to play in his ears. "Is there more after this?" he asked quietly, wondering what was next in store.

They watched the rest of the show which picked back up to light songs to get you back in that fun loving mood. The rest of the music really was as bad as most show music, in Trent's opinion. After the show ended and they got up to leave, Trent said, "Then again, maybe it's just selected songs that aren't so bad?" He grinned at Carlos who he could tell was thinking the same thing. "Come on, let's go enjoy the rest of our day here at Six Flags," Trent said, imitating one of the bored ride operators.

Carlos couldn't help but laugh at Trent's perfect imitation of the ride operators. They did all sound alike, actually, and he found it quite amusing. "That's very good, Trent. If you ever need a job you'll fit right in here," he teased.

"I'll keep that in mind," Trent said, "Maybe they need someone to work the bumper cars?"

Go to Page Four