Love Song
Page Four

After thinking for a couple of minutes Carlos got a bright smile on his face that went from ear to ear. "Let's go to the arcades. There are lots of fun things to do there," he said, starting to *not* act his age. They walked side by side down the fairway through the park which eventually took them to the arcades. "See over there? That's the ring toss, and over there are the basketball hoops -- I was always good at those," he said proudly. "And over there are the clown faces. There's a balloon and you squirt water through the clown face to blow the balloon up. The first one to pop a balloon wins. You game?" he asked excitedly.
"Oh, Sweetheart! Will you win me one of the BIG stuffed animals? Please?" Trent attempted the female voice again and batted his eye lashes for emphasis. He didn't pull it off very well.
"You bet I will, honey," Carlos said, grinning broadly. He loved this act of Trent's and it was fun to see him so happy. "Why don't we start with the coin toss?" Carlos suggested. They headed off in that direction. Once there Carlos bought $10 worth of change -- two rolls of dimes -- and they each took a roll and opened it.
"Ummm, Carlos? I don't mean to be too ignorant here, but just what is the object of this game?" Trent asked, having never really played the arcade games.
"The idea here is to have your dime land on the selected target and stay there. The prize awarded depends on the object you chose to throw at," Carlos explained.
"Uh, huh," Trent said, not quite getting the point but willing to give it a try.
One at a time they tossed each dime towards the various plates and objects within the boxed in area. Carlos was quite pleased that Trent learned so fast. He watched Trent and his strategy feeling certain that one of them would strike it big.
Trent had to admit this thing had it's appeal. It didn't take him too long to get fairly good at it, but the whole idea still seemed a bit strange to him. He was beginning to think the thing was rigged when his dime fell on a plate and stayed instead of falling right off.
Carlos just stared at the dime on the plate for a few moments unable to believe what had just happened. "Uh, Trent, buddy? You *sure* you never played this game before?" he asked, still surprised, but very happy for his friend. Carlos himself had never found this easy and rarely had a coin land on a plate much less stay there.
"Nope, not before today. Beginners luck I guess," Trent said, refraining from explaining it was just a matter of aim, force of throwing, and trying out what worked and what didn't until you got the right combination.
Carlos noticed that the game operator was interested in knowing what prize Trent wanted and Carlos picked it out -- a medium/large stuffed teddy bear. He thought it was perfectly appropriate under the circumstances. "Here you go, buddy," he said, and when he handed it to Trent a gift of his love went right along with it.
Trent refrained from his 'adoring woman' act in front of the game operator. Instead, he said, "And just what are we suppose to DO with this the rest of the day? It hardly fits in a pocket." Trent was rather pleased with himself and the prize despite the fact they really were going to have to do something with it other than carry it around.
"Why don't we put it in one of those lockers for safekeeping and we'll pick it up on the way out, OK?" Carlos suggested. He looked around and spotted the lockers not too far away and watched as Trent put his bear in the locker, closing the door and putting the key in his pocket.
Returning to where Carlos was waiting, Trent said, "Lucky Bear is all safe in his little aluminum teepee until we come back for him."
Carlos was surprised at Trent's use of his Indian name and he smiled broadly remembering those times. "You remembered, Soaring Eagle," Carlos said, using Trent's Indian name in return.
"More games? Or do you want to do something else -- maybe another ride?" Carlos asked.
"More games are fine. What others are *you* good at?" Trent said with the slightest bit of sarcasm on the word 'you'. Not enough to hurt, just enough to tease.
"Oh that's it, rub it in. Well, I happen to be the resident expert at basketball hoops," Carlos boasted. He led them over to that section of the arcade and paid for their turns. The object here, Carlos explained, was to take the basketballs -- three of them -- and try to sink a basket for all three. The prize gets larger for each basket you sink, he went on to tell his lover. Carlos smiled to himself. This would be where he remained undefeated. Carlos threw the first of the three balls and missed. The second and third missed, too. He stood there and just watched the balls bouncing on the ground -- having completely missed their intended target.
Trent paid for more basketballs. "Try again. You are a little out of practice," Trent said smiling encouragingly at his lover.
"Thanks, Trent," Carlos said and smiled back at his lover, then began shooting baskets again. The first one missed again. Carlos put his concentration into aiming a little more to the left and the second shot went right down the center. "Yes!!" Carlos said.
Trent was grinning from ear to ear watching Carlos and his basketball toss. He really was amazing. And he really WAS out of practice. It only took a few shots before he was back at his best.
Carlos picked up the third basketball and contemplated how he would aim this one and he chose the right side this time. The ball bounced lightly on the rim once then teetered into the basket. Carlos stood there smiling. Once again his lover gave him what he needed to help him through something -- even a game of basketball at the amusement park's arcades. **Another reason to love him,** he thought, making a mental note to add that to his steadily growing list. "Your turn, buddy -- and thanks," he said with a warm loving smile.
"Oh, no! Not me, I don't DO basketball, no way!" Trent said, holding up a hand to ward off the basketball Carlos was trying to hand him. Basketball had never been anything Trent was very good at and he sure couldn't hit these smaller than regulation hoops. "You go again," Trent suggested, paying for some more balls.
"You sure?" Carlos asked, not wanting to keep Trent around something he wasn't comfortable with. Seeing the smile on Trent's face as he bought some more balls for him he realized that Trent had made up his mind. This time Carlos scored all three in the basket. "I'm baaack!" he exclaimed happily, practically jumping up and down he was so excited. This time it was Trent's turn to pick out the prize.
Trent picked out the exact same bear Carlos had picked at the coin toss, only a slightly different coloring. Handing it to Carlos he answered the look in his lover's eyes by saying, "I figured Lucky Bear needed some company. Hey, I don't SEE any stuffed eagles, do you?"
"Thanks, buddy," Carlos said, taking the bear from Trent. "And thanks for buying me another round. I owe you," he added, in reference to the boost in self confidence he just literally won back at the game.
Walking over the lockers to put the new bear in one, Trent said, "I think we better get this new one a teepee of it's own. If we don't, heaven only knows what we'll find them doing when we get back later."
Carlos looked at his lover and completely lost it. He was laughing so hard at Trent's words, imagining the bears creating a ride of their own. "Hmmm... we could call it 'The Ride of a Lifetime'? But somehow I think that title has already been taken," he said lovingly.
The lovers continued to enjoy the rest of their day. All too soon they heard the announcement on the loud speaker that Six Flags, "Will be closing in fifteen minutes. We hope you enjoyed your day here at Six Flags." Trent asked, "Anything we want to get before we leave? Frozen Banana with nuts or anything?" Trent snickered, "And we do need to stop and get the bears out of their teepees. Wonder if they found a way to get into the same one by now?"
Carlos turned a shade of pink before he started laughing at remembering the day's events. "Yes -- we do need to get a couple of those bananas with nuts and then rescue our bears out of their teepees. Once they had the bears, they headed to the Durango and onto the road that would take them back to their hotel. "This day was perfect Trent, thank you for sharing it with me and being a part of everything," Carlos said, holding Trent's hand in his. He couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and show Trent how much he meant to him. He was thinking of the hot tub and giving each other a massage, lots of lovemaking and enjoying each other's company by holding each other and talking.
"Yeah, it was pretty nice, wasn't it?" Trent agreed. At this time, one of the bears in the back fell onto the floor. Looking around then back at his lover, Trent said, "Carlos! Didn't you put seat belts on the children? One of them just fell on the floor!"
Carlos grinned. "I guess I forgot -- we'd better check for signs of injuries," he said pretending to be serious. It was only a few minutes later when they pulled up into the hotel parking lot, parked, got their bears and bananas and went into their room. Carlos placed the bears in a chair and then pulled Trent close and tight and looked into his eyes deeply. "I love you very much," he said.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said and captured his lover's mouth in a soft kiss, "So, what do you want to do now? Watch some TV? Play some backgammon? Shoot some pool?"
Carlos grabbed Trent up in his arms and threw him on the bed.
"Does this mean you don't want to watch TV?" Trent asked grinning, more than a little surprised at being scooped up and tossed on the bed, but totally loving it.
Carlos climbed on top of Trent and kissed him deeply, very deeply, his tongue longing for Trent's, to taste his lover again. He'd waited half the day and he wasn't going to wait any longer. He continued kissing Trent everywhere, his lips, neck -- that special spot Trent loved so much -- kissing and nuzzling it, his passion rising faster and faster, not being able to get enough of his wonderful lover. "God, how I love you," he said finally, going back to nuzzle Trent's neck and hold him close. Carlos looked into Trent's eyes very deeply while softly caressing his cheek. "You mean the world to me," he said, the sincerity in his eyes reflected the sentiment behind the words.
Trent was all out of words. He was also all out of restraint. In answer to his lover's words, he caught Carlos's mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Putting his arms around Carlos tightly he rolled them over so he was lying on top, continuing to kiss his lover the whole time. Trent broke the kiss and moved his mouth down to nuzzle Carlos as he started to pull on his lover's shirt in an effort to get it off of him.
The entire time that Trent was nuzzling him Carlos felt like he was going to explode he was so aroused. He helped his lover take his shirt off and pulled Trent down close to him kissing him voraciously, trying to satisfy his hunger. He pulled Trent's shirt off and ran his hands over his chest, noticing that his nipples became hard just at the light touch he provided. "Make love to me, please?" Carlos asked softly, sensually, as he kissed Trent passionately, indicating he was ready for his lover to enter his body and take him to that wonderful spot he had taken him to before.
Trent kissed Carlos back. Breaking the kiss, Trent said, "I think that can be arranged." Capturing his lover's mouth once again in a kiss, Trent moved his hips against his lover rubbing their growing erections together through their jeans.
Rolling off his lover and then the bed, Trent took off the rest of his clothes, never taking his eyes off of Carlos watching him. He found the tube of KY Jelly and put it were he could get it easily. Trent returned to the bed and his lover who hadn't taken his eyes off him -- eyes full of burning desire. Trent first removed Carlos's shoes and socks, then moved up to undo his jeans and take them and his underwear off of him, Carlos lifting up so he could get them over his hips.
Carlos began to tremble slightly as Trent removed his clothing, anticipating the wonder of their love making. It never ceased to amaze Carlos what his lover could do to him and this time would be no different. When he lifted up to help Trent remove his clothes his arousal became even stronger and harder than ever, sending sparks throughout his entire body. He once again found himself lost in those endless blue eyes and he wanted Trent inside him right away. He also wanted to stretch their lovemaking out -- to make it last all night long. Why did his mind go in so many different directions? It was as if once he was around Trent he lost all sense and he didn't care -- he just knew he had to have Trent and he wanted Trent to have him. "Please, Trent. I love you and I want you," Carlos said, a hint of some urgency in his voice.
Lying back down next to his lover, Trent began to kiss and nuzzle Carlos's neck. "That happens to be...," more nuzzling, "...a very good thing...," a kiss and more nuzzling, "....because I have no intention...," stopping the nuzzling and looking Carlos in the face, "...of leaving." Trent caught Carlos's mouth in a kiss and moved his hand down to lightly fondle his lover's shaft, now fully erect.
Carlos was moaning the entire time Trent nuzzled and kissed him -- enjoying the very special sensations his lover was bringing to his body. When Trent caught his mouth in that kiss it nearly took his breath away and he returned the kiss with equal passion. When his lover's hand touched his penis he almost lost it, gasping and arching his back a little in response to the incredible feeling that passed through his body.
Knowing they were both very close. Trent broke the kiss following it with a quick peck on the cheek. He reached for the KY and prepared himself to enter his lover while Carlos turned over and raised himself to his hands and knees. Trent then used the lubricant to prepare his lover, taking a little more time to do so, enjoying how Carlos reacted to his fingers and their movements inside him.
When Trent inserted his fingers inside of him in preparation for making love, Carlos squeezed them as a reaction to the sensations they caused -- a mixture of pressure and of great stimulation coursing through his body. He began to breathe more heavily now, wanting Trent inside him so fast he almost couldn't think straight, his softer moans from earlier increasing steadily. He enjoyed every sensation his lover's fingers were providing him.
Putting the tube of KY back on the night table. Trent moved behind Carlos and entered him slowly and carefully. Once he was all the way inside his lover he leaned forward against Carlos's back and kissed his neck. "I love you so much, Carlos. It feels so good when I'm inside you," Trent said between pants.
Carlos had held steady as Trent entered his body. His lover was always careful and gentle with him and that made Carlos love him all the more. Once he felt Trent was completely inside him he squeezed his lover gently but firmly to let him know he was ready and his breathing became more ragged than before -- he was almost panting. Then Trent leaned forward and kissed him. "I love you too, Trent, and I love you being inside of me," Carlos said.
Trent straightened back up and began to move inside of Carlos. He still held himself back, this still being new to his lover, but he did allow for more movement, more intensity than before.
Trent's thrusts did things to him that would take him to that wonderful vacation spot and that's what he wanted and needed. The intensity for Carlos was becoming too much now and he began to mumble in a mixture of English and Spanish, his moans becoming louder. He was clamping down on Trent's penis trying to hold onto his own restraint but it wouldn't last much longer even though he wanted it to.
Knowing neither he nor Carlos would last much longer, Trent reached for Carlos's shaft and began to move his hand up and down it in rhythm to his thrusts. Between his lover's moans and mumbling, which excited him as much as the physical, and Carlos squeezing him while he thrust, Trent gave in to himself and came within his lover with a loud moan, laying forward against Carlos's back as he did.
Carlos couldn't believe the incredible sensations coursing throughout his body. All he knew was that he was being loved and made love to in the most wonderful way and that he was on his way to that special place. When Trent wrapped his hand around his shaft, he almost lost it but he held on until he felt his lover come inside him and then he allowed himself that same release, panting and moaning still as his essence released into Trent's hand. Having his lover's body laying against him made him feel so good. After climaxing, Carlos gently lowered himself onto the bed so he was lying down flat on his stomach with Trent still on top of him. It felt so good, so right, and he didn't want to move, just be held by his lover's warmth and strength. "That was wonderful, Trent -- thank you," he said softly.
"You're very welcome, Lucky Bear," Trent said, realizing the appropriateness of the name now and wondering just what kind of vision the old Indian man had, the man who had given them those names so long ago in childhood.
Carlos smiled and laughed softly when he heard his lover refer to him by his Indian name. It was wonderful to hear that again and he turned his head and sighed gently, feeling very sated and content. Nothing could be more perfect he thought to himself and he sighed again softly, relaxing more into the bed.
Trent gently removed himself from his lover and then kissed the back of his neck. He took his hands and ran them up and down Carlos's arms and kissed his cheek lovingly.
"Mmmm..., that feels so nice," Carlos said very softly as he felt Trent's hands on his arms and the kiss on his cheek nearly made him hard with arousal again. He could make love to him anytime they wanted -- that's how much power Trent had over him.
Rolling off of Carlos, Trent pulled his lover into his arms and hugged him tight against himself, leaning down to kiss his forehead before settling his head back on the pillow. "I knew I was right about you liking to be rear ended," Trent teased.
Carlos went very willingly into Trent's arms -- he loved this part almost more than lovemaking itself, it gave him so much more of Trent -- strength, warmth, love, security, safety. If that was all he ever got from Trent he would consider himself extremely lucky -- the luckiest man in the world. He laughed inwardly at the thought -- he'd been telling himself that how many times now? His list of why he loved Trent was getting longer by the minute and he reminded himself that this was only the beginning. He sighed and snuggled into his lover's embrace further, wanting more close contact with the one person who owned him completely. "You're right, I do like being rear ended, and you can feel free to rear end me anytime you like," he said very seductively.
Trent moved his hand up to stroke Carlos's hair. "Humm, now *there's* an invitation," Trent said back equally as seductively, knowing the effect that tone of voice was likely to have on his lover. Carlos's lifted his head from Trent's chest and looked up at him eyes full of love and lust. **Yup, I was right,** Trent thought. He smiled at Carlos, then leaned down to catch his mouth in a kiss.
Carlos returned that kiss with a fire and passion that was ignited when he looked into his lover's eyes. He kissed with such desire that he was almost out of control and he wrapped his arms around Trent pulling him closer as the kiss became more heated, tongues intertwined, tasting each other, taking in each other for all they were worth. Carlos broke the kiss reluctantly out of the need for air and he looked at his lover, into his blue eyes, with more love and lust than he ever had before.
Trent had only meant to arouse Carlos's fire again. But one look in his lover's eyes and he was becoming aroused himself again. He had stopped questioning it by now, but it still amazed him, this power Carlos had over him and his desires.
Carlos was breathing very heavily now and it was also becoming more erratic, ragged, and he pulled Trent closer and kissed him harder, his tongue searching for Trent's again, to taste more of him -- he couldn't get enough and he wanted his lover again. It didn't matter if he made love to Trent or Trent made love to him. He just didn't want the lovemaking to stop.
Trent was breathing heavily when the kiss finally broke. "How do you do this to me, Carlos?" Trent managed between pants, "No, I don't care how, just keep doing it." Trent lapsed into a moan as Carlos began to nuzzle his favorite spot.
Carlos smiled hearing his lover's words of encouragement as he nuzzled that spot on Trent's neck that he loved so much. It made his fire burn even hotter as he alternated between kissing and nuzzling his lover's neck. "Oh, what you do to me," he whispered softly, continuing the slow sweet torment of the nuzzling he was giving Trent. He reached over and moved his lover's chin towards him and kissed him harder, more passionately and, by his lover's response, he knew they were both ready again.
Trent moaned into Carlos's mouth as his passion rose again. Losing himself once again in the feelings Carlos's brought out in him.
"I think it's my turn to rear end you unless you'd like a repeat performance," Carlos said softly, sensually. It didn't matter to him at all which way they made love -- all of it was wonderful and all he wanted was Trent.
All Trent could do was shake his head at Carlos. He had no idea if his lover even knew which he was shaking his head yes *for* but it didn't really matter. As long as the were together, as long as one was making love to the other -- they were making love to each other -- it didn't matter.
Carlos reached for Trent's shaft and stroked it lovingly. He slowly and thoroughly kissed Trent's neck, nuzzling him a little more on that favorite spot before moving down to his throat and dropping a few soft kisses there. He moved down his lover's body, moving a little faster now since they were both ready, but he did want to kiss, lick and nip at Trent's nipples until they were hard.
Trent was alternating panting and moaning, having been driven to that place Carlos so easily took him where words barely formed in his head, much less could come out of his mouth. He gasped and arched his back when Carlos attended to first one then the other nipple with his mouth.
Carlos grabbed the tube of KY Jelly and, after putting some on his fingers, he gently inserted them into Trent to ready him for their lovemaking. His lover's reactions were turning him on even more.
Trent squirmed with pleasure when Carlos put his fingers inside him. It felt so good, so very good. Trent moaned his pleasure.
Carlos kept his fingers inside his lover until he felt that Trent was fully ready to receive him, then he slowly removed them and prepared himself with more KY to keep from hurting his lover. Once that was done he entered Trent's body slowly, gently, and waited until Trent was ready. He then began to move inside of his lover, gently at first, but the passion was there and although he wanted it to go slowly and take a long time, he felt that neither he nor Trent would be able to last. It didn't matter though, making love with Trent was the most incredible feeling in the world to him, so short or long, fast or slow, it didn't matter.
As Carlos had entered him, Trent moaned again, once again enjoying the feeling of being one with his lover.
Carlos never took his eyes off Trent who was looking deeply into his eyes. They were face to face and the rush of intimacy that Carlos felt was enormous. He began to speed up, thrusting harder and harder, going inside his lover deeper than he ever thought possible. He was panting now as he reached for Trent's shaft and began to stroke it in the same rhythm that he was filling his body with.
As Carlos's thrusts became harder, deeper, Trent gave himself over to his moans -- he couldn't help himself, he didn't think he wanted to. When his lover took hold of his organ and began to caress him, Trent broke the eye contact with his lover and threw his head back, closing his eyes and moaning loudly. He was beyond caring who heard him.
Carlos was in heaven watching his lover's reactions and hearing him moan the way he was. It thrilled him to know that he was the cause of so much enjoyment in his lover's life and he planned on bringing him more. The panting increasing as his breathing became more unsteady and ragged, Carlos thrust even harder and deeper into Trent, stroking his shaft at the same time. With one more final deep, hard thrust, he came inside his lover with great intensity and brought his lover to climax at the same time, his hot, rich essence pouring into his hand.
Trent felt Carlos come inside him at the same time he came in his lover's hand. It was so intense when they came at the same time. Feeling his own essence leaving his body to be replaced by that of his lover's entering it. It was an incredible feeling.
After most of the spasms had quieted down Carlos gently removed himself from Trent's body and then gently lowered himself down until he was lying on top of his lover, kissing him with passion. "I love you so very much," he said and began nuzzling his neck once more. He drew Trent into his arms and just held him close never wanting this to end.
Trent continued to pant long after his climax, unable to speak yet. His arms went around his lover when he laid down on top of him and held him tightly. He lay under his lover, enjoying the feeling of Carlos on top of him, of Carlos kissing him, of Carlos nuzzling him, just enjoying Carlos.
Finally able to speak, Trent looked at his lover, still nuzzling him. "You are totally amazing, you do realize that, don't you?" Trent took one hand and began to stroke Carlos's hair. "You have been told that before, I assume? I can't be the first to notice what an amazing lover you are," he asked.
Carlos looked into Trent's eyes deeply when he said those words because, coming from him, those words meant everything. He had had compliments before but they meant nothing -- Trent made it all worthwhile and Carlos couldn't have been happier that he brought such joy to his lover. "Thank you, Trent, it's wonderful to hear, but you are the amazing one, I hope you know that," Carlos said in reply, still nuzzling Trent's neck and dropping kisses on that special spot. He loved feeling Trent's arms around him and all he wanted to do was stay like that. "I just hope you know how much I love you," he added, smiling, then captured his lovers lips with his in a soft tender kiss, yet filled with passion. After the kiss was over Carlos put his head on Trent's chest.
"Hey, I just thought of something. What happened to those frozen bananas you brought back from the park? Did the bears eat them?" Trent asked.
"Oh, that's right! I almost completely forgot about the bananas. Let me get them," Carlos said, and slowly rolled off of Trent and retrieved the bananas. "Here you go, and see? All of the chocolate has melted so you'll be happy with your banana now," Carlos added happily.
"Now *that* is disgusting looking," Trent remarked, looking at the bananas sitting in the pool of melted chocolate filled with chopped nuts.
Carlos eyed the small pool of chocolate sauce that had accumulated and he dipped a finger into it and put it into his mouth slowly, sucking the chocolate off a little at a time, then using his tongue, he licked his finger first up one side then down the other. "Isn't this great?" he asked, continuing to lick the chocolate sauce off his finger, sucking hard. He was enjoying Trent's reactions thoroughly. Carlos loved teasing Trent. He wasn't expecting anything sexual to happen at all, he was just having fun reminding Trent of the food shows from earlier in the day.
Oh, this was too good, simply too good. If he didn't know better he would think Carlos's had planned it. Picking up the banana in front of him, still dripping chocolate, Trent put it in front of Carlos and asked, in his very best innocent voice, "Carlos? Will you lick the chocolate off my banana please?"
"I'd be more than happy to," Carlos replied, moving close to Trent, very close. Carlos took the banana from Trent and put it to his mouth slowly. His tongue licked the banana sensually -- as provocatively as he could, knowing it would drive his lover crazy. That's exactly what he wanted to do -- get Trent very aroused, like he did their first night there, when Trent lost his restraint and basically attacked him. Carlos made sure that every lick of his tongue removed more and more of the divine chocolate sauce from the banana, pausing every so often to run his tongue very suggestively across his lips, making sure he got every last bit of chocolate off them and into his mouth..., well, also to make sure he would bring out everything he had to make Trent go for him. Once he had finished cleaning all of the chocolate sauce off Trent's banana he handed it back to him. "There you go. Will there be anything else?" he asked innocently.
Trent watched as Carlos licked off the banana getting more and more aroused as he did. OK, so he couldn't exactly hide his arousal, since he was sitting there naked, but he could try to keep it out of his voice. When Carlos was done, Trent took the banana back from him. "Why, thank you, Carlos, that was very nice of you," Trent said and put the banana in his mouth and began eating it as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Except his raging hard on.
Carlos's plan had failed and he couldn't believe it. None of his charms or devious devices had ever failed him, but here he was, having to face his first failed attempt at getting his lover to break his restraint. On the other hand, he had to give Trent credit for still holding on considering the hard on he noticed his lover had. He smiled inwardly -- it would only be a matter of time now. After all, Carlos still had his banana to eat and he *knew* that would finish whatever resolve Trent had for sure. He picked up his banana and put it into his mouth and began sucking on it lightly, moving it in and out of his mouth slowly and steadily, wanting to savor every moment of Trent's raging hard on and obvious growing discomfort with it. He ran his tongue up and down the banana, then deliberately bit down, taking a nice healthy amount of the banana into his mouth making sure he chewed it slowly and deliberately, using all of the mouth action he could to make Trent's resolve weaken.
Carlos was doing this on purpose. Trent knew it, he loved it, and he couldn't take much more of it. There it was, that snap in his head that was his resolve breaking. He was wondering if Carlos could hear it snapping too. Trent threw what remained of his banana and stick across the room. He grabbed the remnants of Carlos's out of his hand and tossed it across the room, too. He then more or less pounced on his lover, sending him over backwards to lie on the bed, kissing him hard as soon as his lips were within reaching distance.
Carlos knew Trent's resolve would snap just like it had the other night, but this was even more intense than before and it sent thrills through him that he thought could only be dreamt about. His sudden landing on the bed after Trent pounced on him almost knocked the wind out of him. Then his lover's lips were on his, kissing him hard, and he returned the kiss with equal intensity, his arms wrapping themselves around Trent's body holding him close and very tight.
Trent wasn't sure how exactly he managed to speak, but he did, "Someone here order a fast and furious fuck?" Before Carlos had time to answer, Trent had rolled off him and pulled him onto the floor, kneeling beside the bed again. Grabbing the KY and preparing himself and Carlos very quickly, Trent entered Carlos fast. He was still gentle but there was nothing slow about it either. Allowing only a short time for Carlos to adjust Trent began to thrust, almost unable to control himself. This was not lasting long. He reached around and grabbed Carlos's erection, none too gently, and moved his hand in rhythm to his own thrusts, pumping hard.
Carlos couldn't believe what was happening -- his lover was taking him just like he wanted. He could tell that Trent was almost out of control and that thrilled him. He knew Trent would be gentle enough and take care of him, but the thought of a little wildness sent thrills through him. He liked the way that Trent took charge and did what he wanted with his body. When his lover took hold of his penis that was almost the end of it for Carlos. He was concentrating hard on making it last but Trent was on the edge and so was he and he wanted to just explode in the complete bliss that only Trent could provide.
Trent continued to thrust hard, deep, fast, moving his hand on Carlos's shaft at the same time. One last thrust and Trent came, buried deep inside his lover, while Carlos came in his hand at the same time. Letting go of his lover's shaft, Trent fell forward against Carlos's back, still buried deep with in his body. His breathing was ragged, he was panting like he might never breath right again. It was intense -- very intense.
Carlos's breathing was very ragged and he couldn't regulate it. This was very intense and he knew it would be quite an ending when he finally came. Trent's thrusts were indeed fast and furious and Carlos loved every second of it, thrust after thrust moving faster and deeper in him each time. Finally his lover came inside him and it felt so wonderful and at that precise moment he himself came right in Trent's hand. He was in heaven -- Trent sent him there to that special place again. He didn't know how he could do that each time, but he did.
Slowly Trent came down into himself enough to realize he was still connected with Carlos. He carefully removed himself from his lover then draped himself back over Carlos's and started kissing his neck and back tenderly as his lover recovered his own breath.
Carlos was still breathing heavily and he loved staying connected with Trent, feeling him inside still even though they had both climaxed. He didn't want his lover to leave his body but he knew it had to happen. When Trent gently removed himself from his body Carlos shivered slightly, but a moment later Trent was back on top of him, kissing him on the back and neck and he loved that and just relaxed enjoying everything Trent was doing and the feeling it provided once again -- the love, warmth and safety that only Trent could give him.
Finally gaining enough breath and strength that he thought he could move, Trent straightened up then stood up. Remembering last time, he helped Carlos up onto the bed. Lying down next to his lover and taking him in his arms, Trent kissed Carlos's forehead and asked, "Are you OK, Carlos? I didn't hurt you did I?" Trent didn't think he had, but he had to make sure.
Carlos was recovering and it was faster than the last time but still much slower than Trent's rate of recovery. He nodded his head in answer to Trent's question. "I'm better than OK -- that special place gets more special each time. We've really got to experience that more often," he said, and felt like that was the understatement of the year.
"You know, if people knew getting rear ended would send them there, the body shops would have a more business than they knew what to do with," Trent commented.
Carlos pulled Trent's arms tighter around him, wanting to touch as much of his lover's body as possible. He was so content and he knew Trent was, too. "Thank you, baby, that was wonderful," he said softly. Carlos was so relaxed -- it had been such a perfect, beautiful day and he was so in love that he didn't think there was anything left in the world that would make his life any better. "How about the hot tub?" he asked. He felt like staying cuddled with Trent, and he also felt like falling asleep in his lover's arms, but he wanted to get a nice treatment from the hot tub first.
Trent thought about it. Sounded nice but he didn't really want to move.
"Come on, baby, a nice soak in the hot tub will feel wonderful," Carlos said to his lover, gently releasing himself out of his lover's embrace. Turning over he kissed Trent tenderly and passionately, then got off the bed, stood up, and took Trent's hand, leading him to the bathroom.
**Guess we're moving,** Trent thought. Just as well, he wasn't really up to making decisions right now.
Carlos got the hot tub ready, the jets on about half blast. Once everything was set he watched his lover get in and take a seat on the long bench seat on the opposite side from where he got in. Carlos stepped in right after him and went to sit next to his lover, each of them having a jet with the pulsating spray against their backs. He put his arm around Trent, holding him close. It felt wonderful having his lover by his side.
**Mmmm, this does feel nice,** Trent thought. "Good idea Carlos, this feels good," Trent said as he snuggled into his lover's embrace. He was very relaxed, very content.
Carlos found himself leaning back into the wall of the tub bringing Trent with him as he began to melt in the hot water and the pulsating jets relaxing his muscles. He noticed that Trent seemed to be enjoying himself and he was glad he suggested the idea, watching his lover relax in the water. It had a lulling effect, yet it was energizing, too. It could completely relax you, take the aches out of your body if you had any, and then invigorate and refresh you to start all over again if you wanted. He looked at Trent and smiled again. "How does it feel?" he asked.
"Nice, very nice," Trent said slowly, drawing out the words. Had he ever been so relaxed? So at ease? So safe or loved or warm? He didn't think so. "Do we really have to go back to Dallas tomorrow? Couldn't we just live here?" he asked.
Carlos laughed softly at Trent's words, he knew exactly what his lover meant because he felt the exact same way. "Mmmm..., that sounds like a wonderful idea to me," Carlos said, speaking softly as he caressed his lover's face gently with back of his other hand. "I don't want to go back any more than you do, but we do have to get back sometime. We do have the rest of tonight and tomorrow morning before we have to go so we still have plenty of time to do whatever we want to," he added, once again speaking softly. He tightened his hold around Trent, drawing him closer to his body, and ran his other hand through Trent's hair. He kissed Trent's forehead, then captured his lover's lips with his in a tender passionate kiss, keeping his hold around his lover to continue providing that warmth and love that he knew Trent needed and enjoyed so much. "Why don't I give you a nice massage when we get out of the tub?" he suggested.
Trent thought it would feel very nice but he was also very content where he was. "You do realize if I relax any more I may just melt, don't you? And just how will you explain THAT to housekeeping? Or Kim? Or my mother? Or..."
Carlos leaned down and kissed Trent a little harder this time, cutting him off mid-sentence, his tongue savoring the taste that was pure Trent. He continued the kiss for a while longer then reluctantly had to break it out of the need for air. He looked into those deep blue eyes of his lover's and smiled. "There now, that relaxed you and you're still right here in my arms," he murmured softly.
"No place I'd rather be," Trent murmured, snuggling into Carlos's embrace further.
Carlos began nuzzling Trent's neck in that favorite spot of his. He wanted to provide every sensation and feeling of love he could give Trent, and he started with this, noticing how very responsive Trent was when his neck was being nuzzled. He always enjoyed it, and as long as he did, Carlos would keep nuzzling him.
"Mmmm, feels so nice...," Trent murmured, again, drawing out his words.
Carlos captured Trent's lips again in another tender assault, tongues intertwined, tasting each other.
"You taste so good, Carlos," Trent said after the kiss had ended. "Like bananas," he added, chuckling just a bit.
"Bananas? Well, thank you," he said. Carlos smiled and ran his hand through Trent's hair again then pulled Trent even closer than before, leaning down to kiss him a little harder now, the passion that was there and would never go away was rising fast. Carlos wanted to continue tasting Trent for as long as he could and that would be forever as far as he was concerned. This kiss lasted for several minutes then once again Carlos had to break for air. "What you do to me," he said softly, wrapping his arms around his lover tightly, holding him very close and tight. He loved the way Trent felt in his arms and he would always be there to give Trent everything he needed. "I love you so much," he said, and brought Trent's lips to his again for another kiss, the passion increasing.
Trent could feel the excitement rising in Carlos again. Actually, that wasn't all he felt rising in Carlos, or on him. Trent was just finally recovering completely from their last time and Carlos was ready to go again. His lover never ceased to amaze him. Trent lifted his hand and ran it over Carlos's chest, stopping briefly to gently tease his nipples with his fingertips as his hand passed over them. Breaking their kiss, he moved down to nuzzle Carlos while his hand kept up the caresses on his chest.
Just the mere touch of Trent's hands on him sent so many thrilling sensations throughout his body. He was gently reminded again just how wonderful his lover was in everything he did and how lucky he was to have him in his life.
Moving his mouth down slowly, ever so slowly, Trent licked and nipped his way around first one then the other of his lover's nipples, never actually touching them with his mouth. As he did this, Trent slid his hand ever so slowly down Carlos's body finally stopping just above his already erect shaft.
Carlos wanted Trent to touch his nipples, to make them so hard he couldn't stand it. It was incredible that he could feel the way he did yet Trent hadn't even touched his nipples. His breathing was increasing rapidly, his desire becoming stronger by the moment, his penis so hard and nearly ready to release. He had to hold on as long as he could to enjoy everything his lover was giving to him.
Trent took one of Carlos's nipples in his mouth and sucked hard and grabbed hold of his shaft at the same time. He began to move his hand up and down his lover's shaft in a steady motion, sucking on first one nipple then the other with the same rhythm.
"Oh God, Trent," was all Carlos managed to say when Trent took a nipple into his mouth, his shaft into his hand. That's what he wanted and it instantly sent Carlos's desire climbing even higher than before, his breathing becoming very ragged now, starting to feel himself going to a very special place that only Trent could send him to.
Trent could tell Carlos was very close to his release. He increased the pressure and speed of his hand and added his teeth to the nipple. That was all it took. Carlos came in his hand, in the tub.
Carlos couldn't take any more -- Trent had succeeded in taking him to a very special place once again and he climaxed with such emotion and passion that it nearly knocked the wind out of him.
Releasing his lover's shaft and nipple, Trent took Carlos in his arms and caressed him and kissed him lightly, allowing him to return to himself.
Carlos was breathing too heavily to say anything and he just allowed himself to lay in his lover's arms to recover slowly. After several minutes he said, "Thank you, baby, that was wonderful," his head on Trent's shoulder, enjoying the feeling of being held close by his lover. He doubted he could ever feel better than he did at that moment -- safe, loved and very warm.
"You're welcome. But you don't have to keep thanking me. It's part of the job description," Trent said, "Right there on the first page of the application. 'Must be willing to give hand jobs and blow jobs at a moments notice in any locale'."
Carlos lifted his head from his lover's shoulder and looked at him. "And just what job would THAT be?" Carlos asked, not quite sure he wanted the answer.
Trent looked at Carlos and smiled, "Why, Conan's Lover, of course. What did you think? Park Ranger?"
Carlos groaned then laughed -- he found Trent's sense of humor wonderful and he loved it when his lover teased him about being Conan -- it was a very high compliment and it meant a lot to him that Trent thought that way about him. "Well, I may not have to thank you, but I *want* to thank you. You do more for me than you'll ever know," he said kissing Trent firmly yet tenderly.
Go to Page Five