Morning Glow

Authors: Kitty and Annie
Email authors: Here
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Trent and Carlos
Series: Love Changes Everything -- Story Five
Trent woke up wrapped in Carlos's arms. **What a wonderful way to wake up,** he thought to himself for the hundredth time. Or could it really only be a couple of weeks worth of times? It seemed so right and so natural that he really wasn't sure. He sighed with contentment.
Trent couldn't tell if Carlos was awake or not since he was still spooned up behind him. But the light in the room told him it was early morning and they did want to get going -- they had a four hour drive to Lake Brownwood and could check in as early as noon. Trent picked up one of Carlos's arms that were wrapped around him and brought his lover's hand to his lips, kissing the palm, waiting to see if there was a response.
Carlos stirred slightly when he felt his lover move next to him and he smiled when Trent kissed his hand. He opened his eyes slowly, coming out of a deep, peaceful sleep to the most wonderful way he could think of to wake up. **So this is what Trent meant when he said he didn't want to patent his special alarm clock,** Carlos thought, his smile getting even bigger.
Turning over in his lover's arms, Trent kissed Carlos on the lips. "Good morning, lover. You ready to go frighten some fish?" he asked.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with everything he had. "Good morning to you too, baby," he said, smiling, kissing his lover again. "You bet I'm ready. Let's get started, shall we?" he asked, kissing Trent again. He got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to start the shower. He stood in the doorway and looked at his lover -- so very beautiful -- and smiled brightly at him. "You coming?" he asked rather suggestively.
Trent looked at Carlos standing in the doorway with that gleam in his eye, the gleam Trent knew all too well. **How handsome he is,** Trent thought yet again, **Especially with the beginnings of a hard on.** Trent smiled at his lover's words. "Not yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time," Trent said. He got out of bed and went to his lover standing in the doorway looking oh-so-cute. Putting his arms around his waist then running his open palms down to his lover's backside, Trent was rewarded with the beginning hard on getting harder. Trent smiled at his lover. "See, what did I tell you?" He kissed Carlos on the lips quickly then let him go and moved past him into the bathroom and over to the shower.
Carlos smiled, his hard on was becoming more intense, thanks entirely to the most wonderful man in the world who could bring it out in him. The feel of his lover's hands on his behind did the most amazing things to him and he couldn't get over it. He turned around and smiled as he watched his lover walk by him and stop next to the shower. Carlos walked over to him, put his arms around Trent's waist and pulled him close and kissed him very passionately. He then released him and stepped into the nice hot, steamy water that was just waiting for them, holding out his hand to his lover.
Taking Carlos's hand, Trent joined him in the shower. Once again he took his hands and put them around his lover's waist and ran his palms down to his rear end. "I think *this* is where I was just a moment ago," Trent said, emphasizing the word 'this' with a squeeze of his hands.
Carlos sighed at his lover's words -- it brought such an intense feeling to him and he just reveled in it. When Trent squeezed his rear end, he gasped with pleasure and nearly lost it. **How can one simple act do so much?** he wondered. Actually, it wasn't simple at all. It was because of Trent's love for him -- that's what caused him to feel the way he did and as far as Carlos was concerned it would never stop.
Continuing to run his hands over Carlos's backside, Trent caught his lover's mouth in a kiss before moving his mouth slowly down to his nipples. He teased each nipple in turn with his tongue, running it around and around the nipple before finally sucking on each.
Carlos was in heaven -- his lover was starting on his way to taking him to that very special spot once again and he couldn't wait to get there. When Trent's tongue touched his nipple Carlos sucked in his breath and ran his hands through his lover's hair, holding on a little bit while his nipples hardened. He couldn't believe how hard they got or how Trent was able to do so much -- it was incredible and he wanted more.
Trent firmly gripped Carlos's rear end and pulled him forward, pressing their erections together tightly. As he did so, he added his teeth to the assault on his lover's nipples, nipping him gently but firmly.
"Ohh, baby...," Carlos murmured softly when he felt Trent's hard penis against
his -- it was nearly too much and he had to fight to keep from coming. Feeling his lover's teeth on his nipples really sent him into a higher place and he could have sworn he was off the ground, that's how light his mind was at that point. He held Trent to him to encourage more of the biting and kept himself pressed firmly against his lover to feel his erection -- so very good and hard.
Releasing Carlos's nipple from his mouth Trent backed him up against the shower wall so he could keep the pressure of their bodies pressed together while he removed his hands. Fishing the KY out from behind the shampoo, Trent finally released the pressure of their bodies and moved back giving his lover room to turn around.
Carlos moved back easily with Trent, knowing what he wanted -- what they both wanted. He made sure they didn't lose body contact and he did his part in keeping their bodies pressed together while moving back against the shower wall.
With Carlos leaning against the shower wall, Trent put KY on his fingers and inserted them into his lover. He moved them around in just the right manner to give pleasure to Carlos as well as to prepare him for their joining.
"That feels so good, baby..., so very, very good," Carlos said, panting hard. He was ready and was looking so forward to the moment when they would join as one. That was the ultimate and from there they just accelerated to the top, to the peak of bliss before they would climax together and it would be so wonderful -- the most sensational feeling in the world.
Taking more lubricant and preparing himself, Trent then entered his lover with his penis, entering slowly but steadily until he was all the way in.
Carlos moved back towards his lover in anticipation of their joining and was very thrilled when he felt Trent enter his body -- it was a wonderful feeling and one he could never get enough of. He felt everything Trent had to give him and he squeezed his lover's hard penis gently but firmly to let him know he was ready, wanting him to fill him all the way, giving him everything.
After a moment for Carlos to adjust, Trent began to move inside his lover, long, slow, deep thrusts. As their passion and urgency grew, Trent sped up his thrusts and reached around his lover's waist and took hold of his shaft. Wrapping his hand around Carlos's organ, Trent moved his hand in rhythm to his thrusting.
As Trent continued to thrust inside him, Carlos began to breathe very heavily, panting hard. He was nearing that point where he couldn't think or barely speak. Then his lover was right there pumping his shaft with his hand, adding more sensations to the already incredible ones he was feeling. He was on the edge and it wouldn't take much more before he fell off.
Sensing his lover was near the edge, Trent let go of his own restraint and with just a few more deep thrusts, he came inside his lover at the same time Carlos came in his hand.
As soon as Trent came inside him and he felt his lover's essence enter him, that wonderful feeling flowing through him of having satisfied his lover, that was all that Carlos needed and he came immediately -- timing it perfectly with Trent's orgasm. It was all he could do to hold on that long but he loved it that way -- it meant so much to him.
Trent leaned forward against Carlos, bracing himself on the shower wall, their bodies still connected. After managing to catch his breath, Trent removed himself gently from his lover's body then kissed the back of his neck lovingly. He turned Carlos around to face him, putting his arms around him for support, and hugged him tightly. "I love you so very much, Carlos, so very much," Trent said, putting his head on Carlos's shoulder. They stood there for a few minutes, just hugging, the water still running over them.
Carlos just leaned against the wall, not being able to move at that point. Trent's kisses felt wonderful and when his lover turned him around Carlos hugged him and enjoyed the feeling of his lover's arms around him for support. He kept hugging Trent -- couldn't get enough -- never would. "I love you, too, -- very, very much, baby. What did you do to me? That was wonderful -- absolutely incredible," he said, not knowing if he would ever be able to show Trent how much he meant to him.
After several minutes, when they had both returned to themselves, Carlos got the washcloth and soap and cleansed his lover thoroughly, taking extra gentle care with his genitals, kissing Trent in between washing the different parts of his body. "All done," he said after a few minutes, handing the washcloth to Trent. "I love you," he said, and kissed Trent on the lips very passionately.
Trent looked down at his now clean body then back and Carlos. "And a very fine job you did of it, too," Trent said as he took the soap and washcloth from Carlos, "You really should add that to your resume, too. You never know what kind of interesting jobs you might find."
"Mmmm, thank you for the compliment, baby, but the only one I'm ever doing this to is *you*," Carlos said, kissing his lover passionately, wrapping his arms tightly around him and pulling him close.
"That's good. One more thing I don't want to share any more than my personal alarm clock," Trent said, chuckling. Moving back from Carlos just enough so he could, Trent soaped up the washcloth and then started to wash Carlos off. Reluctantly, and only when he finally had to, Carlos let go of Trent so he could wash him from head to toe. Trent smiled and enjoyed watching his lover's reactions to being washed. When he was finished he returned the soap and washcloth to their proper places and then made sure Carlos was rinsed off well. Turning off the water they got out and Trent handed Carlos a towel and took the other for himself.
No matter what, Carlos could never prepare himself for the thrills and anticipation that ran through his body when his lover touched him. It was like no other experience in the world and he felt so blessed to have this man in his life to give him so much love and pleasure. He moaned and sighed -- not with sexual desire -- but with pure pleasure at the way his lover was caring for him. When his lover had rinsed him and handed him a towel, he dried himself off slowly and savored the feeling of the soft towel against his freshly cleaned skin.
Moving to the bedroom and getting dressed, Trent asked, "You want to eat something here before we go or grab something on the way?"
"Why don't we get something on the way?" Carlos suggested. He knew they were both anxious to get on the road and begin their weekend.
"Sounds good," Trent said, "Now, as far as cars go. You really shouldn't be driving that far. Remember, you really *are* still recovering no matter how good you feel. So we can either take my car, which won't be as comfortable for the long ride, or I can drive your truck. You have a preference?"
Carlos thought for a moment and realized that Trent was right -- he probably shouldn't drive even though he felt fine except for an occasional headache. "We'll take the Durango. It'll have more room in it for our stuff, too," he said, and got his bag ready to carry outside.
Trent smiled at Carlos. He was hoping for that but wanted it to be Carlos's choice. His car was hardly designed with long distance car trips in mind.
"Ready?" Carlos asked, waiting for Trent to finish packing so they could get their weekend started.
"You bet," Trent said, picking up his bag and walking over to Carlos who was waiting for him rather impatiently. Following Carlos to the door of the apartment, Trent couldn't help but remember Carlos's reactions just a few minutes ago to his hands on his rear. Besides, it looked so cute in it's blue jeaned house, Trent couldn't resist reaching out and gently squeezing Carlos's rear end. When Carlos turned around to look at him, Trent just put on the innocent 'and why are you looking at me?' face.
Once they were at Carlos's truck, he unlocked the door and put their bags in the back, then handed the keys to Trent who unlocked the doors. They climbed inside and began their drive to the lake. "What a great day," Carlos said, smiling at the warm sunny day and at his lover sitting next to him. "How long do you think it'll take us to get there?" Carlos asked, his excitement growing at the weekend ahead.
"About four hours," Trent looked over at Carlos with a twinkle in his eye, "You're not going to start with the 'are we there yet' stuff *this* soon are you? Should I have brought cookies and juice to keep you from getting cranky?"
Carlos looked at Trent and pouted. He knew it wasn't very likely to work, but it was worth a try, and every once in a while he got what he was looking for. "Can I help it if I'm excited about the lake, the cabin and the whole weekend ahead of us -- in privacy? Enjoying the great outdoors together?" he asked, getting even more excited just thinking about the possibilities. Once more he looked at his lover and smiled, still not believing that they were for real, together, head over heels in love with one another, and about to embark on another fun filled weekend together. **Then again, every moment we're together is to be treasured, that's for sure,** he thought and smiled even brighter after that. "If you need to take a break, we can stop anytime," he said.
"I hope you're right about the privacy. I'm not sure how crowded the area will be. But it wasn't hard to get reservations at the last minute so let's hope," Trent said, knowing the cabin itself would certainly be private enough, "Now, as to a break, does that mean you're hungry? We haven't been on the road long enough for me to need a break, but I am getting hungry. How about we stop at the next exit. Will that quiet that noisy stomach of yours? Before it starts singing again?" Trent smiled remembering how vocal Carlos's stomach had been yesterday.
Carlos shot his lover a look for that remark. True, his stomach did have a way of making itself known when it was hungry, but he had to laugh in spite of himself and he shook his head and smiled, laughing heartily. "Yes, let's stop at the next exit. My stomach will definitely make itself known later on if we don't stop soon," he said, and tried to act pathetic, but he figured Trent wouldn't buy it for a second. He looked at Trent once more to see what his reaction was and it didn't surprise him to see his lover rolling his eyes and shaking his head. **Just like I thought -- he didn't buy it for a second,** Carlos thought to himself and laughed even more. He was getting too predictable all right, but it was so much fun to have Trent taking such great care of him. "Where should we go eat?" he asked, thinking that there would be a wide variety to choose from.
"Assuming we don't go to a 'real' restaurant, and I assume we don't want to take the time to do that, any fast food place is about the same to me. You can pick whatever you want since you seem to be able to tell the difference between the food from one place to the next," Trent said. The breakfast menus really were the worst, in his opinion.
Seeing an exit coming up, Trent moved to the right hand lane and prepared to exit. Trent watched Carlos look around at the various eating establishment signs as they exited. "Well? Which way? Which House of Grease and Junk do you want to eat at?" Trent teased Carlos, waiting at the stop sign for him to choose before leaving the exit ramp. Luckily, no one was behind him while he waited for Carlos to make up his mind.
Carlos looked both directions at the tremendous number of fast food restaurants. "The House of Grease and Junk... I mean, the *restaurant* of my choice would be McDonalds. Turn right, baby -- then it's about halfway down the first block on the left," Carlos instructed, knowing full well that his lover was right -- this wouldn't be the healthiest breakfast in the world, but it would work for now, and they had all of their other meals to make up for it.
Trent smiled and turned the truck to the right as instructed and headed for McDonalds.
They pulled in, parked, ordered and sat down to eat at one of the tables. Carlos was more hungry than he realized and in no time flat he had completely polished off his breakfast, his stomach gratefully satisfied -- for now anyway. He was pleased that Trent had found a way to enjoy these occasional fast food visits fully realizing, of course, that Trent did this because he loved him so very much. Carlos sighed inwardly and just smiled. **I really do have it all, don't I?** he thought as he finished drinking his juice and watching Trent finish his meal.
Trent smiled at his lover across the table, long done with his meal, waiting for him to finish. True, he didn't really care for the fast food he had been eating more of lately, but it really didn't matter to him as much as pleasing Carlos and spending time with him did. Finishing his meal, Trent smiled at Carlos again. "I'm done. Let's go," he said.
Once they were both done, they threw their garbage away then got back into the Durango and back onto the road headed towards the lake. "Do you know anything about where we're going?" Carlos asked curiously. He was fairly certain Trent hadn't been there, but he wanted to ask about what he might know about the lake and the area surrounding it.
"No, nothing I didn't read about on the Internet which was mostly about the place we're staying, not much about the area. Other than there really is a lake there," Trent said, "I take it you've never been there before either?"
"No, I've never been there before. I guess this is a first for both of us," Carlos said excitedly. "What can you tell me about where we're staying?" he asked, practically bounding with anticipation at the thought of a cabin by the lake. He couldn't wait to get there.
"It's private cabins, but nothing too rustic. Indoor plumbing and everything," Trent teased, "Actually, the pictures made it look very nice. Kitchen, bathroom with whirlpool tub, fireplace," Trent changed his tone to a very sensuous one, "Nice oversized beds."
"Mmmm..., sounds very nice indeed," Carlos said, then looked at his lover his eyes twinkling. "I can't wait to try the bed out," he added, his voice low and husky already. "The tub sounds great for after, and that fireplace -- we can give the word *fire* a whole new meaning," he said, as suggestively and seductively as possible.
Trent smiled at Carlos's words. "Yes, I had a feeling that might be what you'd think of the accommodations," Trent said. "We'll need to get our own meals, but I figure we can order out or go shopping and get stuff to cook there. I assume that's what the kitchen is for," Trent added, "And of course if we ever actually manage to leave our 'privacy' long enough to fish, we can eat those, assuming we catch anything."
"Let's go shopping on the way so we won't have to leave once we get there. I have a feeling this is going to be someplace we'll never want to leave," Carlos said, hoping Trent would agree to that. "Fishing sounds like a great idea -- and we'll catch plenty to have for atleast one meal," Carlos said proudly, knowing how well they could both fish.
"Why don't we wait and see what time it is when we get there? If we're too early for check in, we can go find a store. But if we get there after check in time, we can stow our stuff and see what's available as far as the kitchen goes," Trent suggested. "We *have* to go shopping if you expect to eat. And I don't think your stomach will take it silently if it's not fed," Trent teased, then added, with a chuckle, "And you're not the one with your ear over it all night."
As time went by Trent found that he needed to stretch and he shifted positions a few times in his seat. However comfortable the Durango was -- and it was very comfortable indeed -- one's body still gets a little stiff after driving for a while. "How about we pull over somewhere so we can get out and stretch?" Trent suggested. "I saw a sign for a rest area not too long ago. I think it said ten miles, so it should be soon. Or I'm sure there'll be a zillion fast food places at the next exit -- there always are. Depends on if you need a junk food fix or not," Trent said.
Carlos grinned from ear to ear and his eyes lit up rather brightly. "Hmmm..., I wonder if they're still serving chocolate cream filled doughnuts at this time of the day?" he asked. "No, just a rest stop is fine... unless you're hungry of course," Carlos added, looking over at Trent.
"I've seen an awful lot of Dunkin Doughnuts at these exits, too. You must not be the only one with an unnatural attraction to the things," Trent said, remembering the excitement in Carlos's eyes when he had produced the bag of doughnuts at work that day a couple of weeks ago, "Of course I could take care of any left over frosting problems you might have this time. And no, I'm fine, rest area it is."
"Mmmm, I sure do like the idea of you taking care of the left over frosting problems and I could make sure there are plenty of those and in several different places, too," Carlos said wickedly, grinning from ear to ear at the thought. "All right, rest area it is then," Carlos said.
"Oh, hey, there's another sign. Rest area one mile," Carlos informed Trent.
"That's good. I really need to get out and stretch," Trent said stretching slightly in his seat. He looked at the road sign up ahead and put his turn signal on and exited the freeway pulling into the rest area, parked, and turned the engine off.
Trent got out and stretched. "I'm heading to the men's room. You coming with or you just stretching?" Trent glanced at Carlos mid-stretch and had to control the urge do grab him and kiss him or more. **Gees, the man is beautiful!** he thought.
Carlos stretched and looked at Trent. He wanted to make love to him right then, just take him into the back seat of the Durango and give him all the love he had to give. "I'm right behind you," Carlos said, and followed Trent to the men's room.
Walking back to the Durango, Trent noticed the rest area was deserted. **Too early for a crowd even if this is a Friday,** he thought. An idea forming in his mind, Trent got back in the driver's seat and waited for Carlos to finish getting in.
Carlos had barely had a chance to sit back down in the passenger seat when Trent leaned over and grabbed his crotch. Not waiting for a reaction, Trent unzipped Carlos's fly. Putting his hand inside the opening the zipper made, Trent caressed Carlos through his underwear before reaching inside to touch bare flesh. Caressing Carlos and running his fingers up, down and round his shaft, Trent felt Carlos responding.
Carlos was surprised at first but that didn't last long -- he became aroused as soon as Trent grabbed his crotch. "Oooohhh, that feels so good," Carlos said softly, his voice starting to become husky. "God, baby, what you do to me," he added, his arousal increasing at the steady touch of Trent's hand.
After a moment of caressing him, Trent freed Carlos's shaft from his underwear and pants. Caressing in earnest now, he moved his hand up and down in a steady rhythmic motion.
Carlos leaned back in the seat as Trent began stroking him. He couldn't believe what was happening. This was just too incredible and the feel of Trent's hand around him was sending his mind and his body into another world altogether. He didn't want this to end, but continue on all day and night. He wished he could make that happen, too. "Please, Trent... this feels so good... you're wonderful," Carlos said, breathing raggedly now, his heart starting to race and his body temperature was beginning to rise rapidly now.
Continuing the steady rhythm but increasing the speed, Trent continued to move his hand up and down Carlos's organ. Trent was able to watch Carlos, really watch him, in his pleasure. It was simply the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. And to know he was causing it to happen and giving his lover such pleasure at the same time was very satisfying to him.
Carlos was breathing very raggedly now and could barely think a coherent thought. All he knew was that Trent's hand stroking him was more than he could stand. "Oh, Trent, baby -- please... this is so good, you're incredible," he said, and he began to tremble from the excitement of it all. He never felt so alive. Trent had the power to bring this out in him -- this part of him that wouldn't exist without his lover.
Carlos was close to his release and Trent could stand it no longer. He simply had to put his mouth on Carlos. Trent leaned over and licked off the fluid accumulated at the opening of Carlos's organ. He savored the flavor before moving on to take Carlos into his mouth as far as he could. Trent sucked hard then moved back up keeping the suction all the way up. Trent swirled his tongue around the head before again taking Carlos back into his mouth as far as possible.
"Oh, God, Trent!" Carlos cried when Trent put his mouth around his shaft. That was too much -- feeling Trent's tongue licking the opening and tasting his fluid -- that was sweet torment, and he almost released right then. He held onto the sensation a little while longer, but when Trent began to suck on him he began to writhe and squirm in his seat. He reached out to run his hands lightly through Trent's hair. As Trent took him in his mouth again as far as he could, that was it, and with one large spasm, he came inside Trent's mouth sending his rich fluid into Trent.
Trent continued to suck on Carlos after his climax. He loved the taste of Carlos and he wanted every last drop of his fluid. Finally, reluctantly releasing Carlos's shaft from his mouth, he gently returned it to his underwear and pants and zipped the pants back up. Trent sat up to watch his lover recovering from his orgasm. He was again struck by just how good looking this man in front of him was.
It was several minutes before Carlos felt like he even had a heartbeat, let alone being able to breathe. He pulled Trent close to him and kissed him passionately. "That was wonderful -- you're the most incredible lover, you know that?" he asked, kissing Trent's forehead, cheek, then lips again. "Thank you," he added, holding Trent close to him. **How did I ever get to be this lucky?** he wondered.
"You're welcome. It's wasn't cookies and juice, but figured it might keep you from getting cranky anyway," Trent teased Carlos, "You ready to hit the road again?"
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. "In a minute," he said. Seeing that no one was around he moved over so he could bring their lips together in a very passionate kiss, his tongue once again tasting everything that was Trent. It was so very delicious and he knew he would never get enough -- not in a lifetime. "Now I'm ready," he said lovingly, releasing his lover so that they could continue their journey to the lake.
Trent smiled at his lover, wondering once again just what he had done to be so fortunate to have this man in his life. He started the Durango up again and pulled out of the parking spot and headed back to the highway.
Carlos noticed as their trip progressed that the scenery got more beautiful with the tall trees and he could already tell that the air would be very fresh when they got there. He didn't dare ask Trent the infamous question 'Are we there yet?' so he watched his lover while they drove along and reached out to hold his lover's hand for a while. "I love you, baby," he said, and leaned down to kiss the back of Trent's hand.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said smiling and squeezing Carlos's hand before glancing briefly at his lover grinning at him, gleam in his eye. "Oh, look, there's a sign for the hotel. I need my hand back, Carlos, sorry, next exit it seems. Didn't realize we were that close already." Trent spoke the truth. Where had the time gone to? It seemed like just moments since they started out. **Must be the company,** he thought.
Carlos released his lover's hand so that he could drive with both hands on the wheel, but he didn't take his eyes off his lover for a moment. If he had his way he would never take his eyes off of Trent -- never. Carlos's curiosity did get the better of him though and he had to turn and look to see where they were and what was waiting for them. It was beautiful -- the trees were so tall -- just like he thought they would be and he couldn't wait to get out and start exploring their weekend home away from home.
Trent looked at his watch. "It's just noon. Why don't we check in and dump our stuff and get a look at the kitchen before finding a store, OK? So we'll know better what to buy?"
"That's a great idea, Trent," Carlos said, smiling happily. "I can't wait to go to the store and then get to the lake to do some fishing," Carlos said excitedly, after they had parked and started to the manager's office to check in.
Having checked in and gotten the keys and cabin number, they got back in the Durango and drove to the cabin. Getting out and grabbing some of their stuff from the back, they went to check out the cabin before going to the store.
The cabin was really very nice indeed. Made to look rustic without actually being rustic. It had all the modern conveniences, yet it still managed to feel like a cabin. "This is really nice," Trent said and put his bag down and went to look in the kitchen.
Carlos just looked at the cabin taking in everything. He loved the fireplace with the rock face around it and the soft fuzzy rug in front of it -- looking very cozy. There was a couch in front of it and to the right of the livingroom was the bedroom. He made his way in that direction and put his bag down, the huge fluffy bed not escaping his attention. **Soon, very soon,** he thought, knowing his lover would be as anxious as he was to try it out.
Carlos went back into the kitchen and took his first good look. "This is a great place, Trent -- thank you for thinking of it," he said, and pulled his lover to him in a warm passionate embrace, kissing him for all he was worth. "Did you figure out what we'll need while we're here?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with that familiar gleam. He knew they had to go shopping first, but he couldn't resist teasing his lover a bit to build the anticipation.
"Personally, all I need is you," Trent said, then put his open palms on Carlos's rear end, "And the KY, of course," Trent patted Carlos's backside lovingly, "But there are other considerations here." Trent slid one hand up and put it over Carlos's stomach and rubbed it, eyes twinkling, "So yes, I took a look at what we need to get."
Carlos kissed his lover again before releasing him and headed out the door back to the Durango. "You coming?" he asked, waiting for Trent to join him so they could shop. Carlos was very anxious to get back and try out their new surroundings.
Trent just grinned and shook his head, then followed Carlos out the door, locking it behind him. He climbed into the driver's seat and started the truck.
Pulling out of the hotel entry way, Trent turned right and hoped he could follow the directions the manager had given him to the grocery store. They found it easily and pulled in to an almost empty lot. **Probably still too early for most tourists and too late for locals,** Trent thought, looking over at Carlos getting out of the truck.
Trent got out of the Durango and followed behind Carlos who was already half way to the door. "You might wait for a person, you know," Trent said when he caught up, "You afraid they'll sell out of the good doughnuts or something?" Trent smiled his best smile at Carlos as he got a cart from the end of the row of carts.
After finishing their shopping and loading the groceries into the Durango, Trent got into the driver's seat and started the engine. Looking over at Carlos, Trent smiled and asked, "What say we stop and get something for lunch today? I'm hungry and ready to check out our weekend getaway and don't want to fix stuff. I noticed a Wendy's on the way in, that OK?"
Carlos smiled, his stomach was rumbling slightly and he was doing his best to keep it from becoming so loud that his lover would notice, although he did love the way Trent teased him -- it meant the world to him. "How did you know I was hungry?" he asked, innocently -- or trying to be anyway. "Wendy's sounds great," he added, knowing what he wanted already as soon as he heard the name.
Trent looked at Carlos. "How did I know you were hungry? Aren't you always hungry?" Trent asked, pulling out of the parking space and heading towards Wendy's.
Carlos shot his lover a look, laughing at how well his lover knew him. That was at the top of the list of reasons why he loved Trent Malloy. The man was incredible in every way and Carlos thoroughly loved his teasing, something else he couldn't get enough of.
Arriving back at the cabin, Trent grabbed a couple of the grocery bags and the hot food and headed for the door. Unlocking it and going in, he headed for the kitchen to put away the frozen stuff he brought in first. Turning around to find Carlos putting down more bags of groceries, Trent asked, "Is that it or are there more? Got the frozen stuff put away, the rest can wait anyway. Let's eat, I'm hungry."
"This is the last of it and we can put it away after lunch. I'm hungry too," Carlos said, sitting down at the table ready to eat. He had ordered a double bacon cheeseburger, large fries and a large Frosty. He waited until Trent got his food out of the bag, wanting them to eat together.
After getting out his hamburgers and unwrapping one, Trent looked up at Carlos who was waiting for him. "Something wrong with your food? Not enough grease or something?" Trent asked, taking a bite of his hamburger and smiling. Actually, he liked the fact Carlos waited for him. He loved to watch his lover eat. He wasn't quite sure why, but he did. Maybe it was because he was so enthusiastic about it. Maybe it was how he could find such creative ways to eat when he wanted to. He wasn't sure, he only knew he liked to watch him.
"Nothing wrong -- I'd just like to eat with you," Carlos said smiling, "Actually, the food looks and smells great." Carlos found that his hamburger was indeed delicious -- from the first bite to the last it tasted great and once he was done with that he began eating his french fries. He smiled because the last time he had fries was at Six Flags when he enjoyed the Cheesy Fries and put on quite a show for his lover. Eating his Frosty last, Carlos was done with his meal and watched Trent as he finished his second hamburger.
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