Morning Glow
Page Two

Trent drank the last of his Pepsi from the cup and put it back in the bag the food had been in. Gathering up the rest of the trash, he tossed it in with the cup. "Let's put the rest of the groceries away then go take a look around. How does that sound?" Trent suggested.
"That sounds like a great idea," Carlos said, eager to see the area. It looked beautiful and he wanted to see as much as possible their first day there. He went into the kitchen and started taking items out of one of the bags and putting them into the fridge. Since some of the items were produce, he needed to put them into the crisper at the bottom, so he leaned over, pulled open the drawer, and deposited the items there for proper storage.
Trent turned around from putting something in a cupboard to see Carlos bending over putting things away in the refrigerator. **Oh, my goodness!** Trent's heart skipped a beat. He just couldn't help himself, that rear end was too darn cute, especially in blue jeans, as it was now. Trent moved up silently behind his lover and put his open palms on Carlos's rear end, running them up and down before squeezing his rear end firmly.
Carlos was so busy putting the food away he never heard Trent come up behind him and he started when he felt his lover's hands on his rear. When Trent squeezed his butt he nearly jumped but didn't, keeping in mind the proximity of the door to his head. It was thrilling, the feel of his lover touching him and he stood up and turned around and pulled his lover close to him, kissing him for all he was worth -- tasting everything that was Trent. His tongue intertwined with his lover's, making sure he didn't miss a thing. He ran his hands up and down Trent's back, enjoying the wonderful sensations that this closeness provided, moaning softly into Trent's mouth. This couldn't go on long enough as far as he was concerned.
Trent kissed Carlos back with all the passion that had been building up in him all day. He ran his hands down to Carlos's rear and again rubbed his hands up and down before squeezing and pulling his lover forward. Trent was amazed to feel that although Carlos was aroused, it was he himself who was much farther out in front in that department.
When the kiss broke out of the need for air, Carlos held Trent as close and as tightly as he could, reveling in the fact that he was so lucky to have this wonderful man in his life.
Continuing to keep his hands on Carlos's rear end, Trent put his mouth close to his lover's ear and said, "Care to try 'Up Against the Counter'? You won't be disappointed."
"I'd love to," Carlos said, beginning to breathe heavily already, nearly panting in anticipation. He kissed Trent hard, pulling his body up against his, wanting to feel their erections rubbing against each other, that very intense feeling that was building up even more at his lover's provocative suggestion. He was very ready and Trent's love and desire for him was amazing like always. He would never ever get over the way Trent looked at him with so much love and passion in his eyes. "I'm ready whenever you are," he whispered in a low husky voice, looking deeply into his lover's eyes. Oh, God, how he loved this man and the way Trent loved him.
Realizing this wasn't his apartment where there were now tubes of KY stashed all over the place, Trent knew he'd better take care of that before this got any more intense. "Save my place for me, will you? I'm right *here*," Trent said, squeezing Carlos's butt firmly before letting go of him to go get the KY out of his bag.
Carlos jumped, then melted into Trent's arms as soon as he squeezed his butt, holding onto him for a moment, really panting now, his excitement beginning to become unrestrained, wanting to let go and get to that special place that only his lover could take him. Once again he was amazed at the way Trent made him feel. When his lover let go of him, he watched him in breathless anticipation, waiting for his return.
Returning and putting the lubricant on the counter, Trent put his arms back around Carlos's waist, sliding them down to his backside again. "Now, is *this* the right spot?" he asked, squeezing Carlos again.
Carlos closed his eyes at his lover's touch, once again melting into his arms -- loving what Trent did to him. "Oh yeah..., that's definitely it," he said, then kissed Trent hard and very passionately, moaning into his mouth, wanting everything his lover had to give him. "I want you inside me, baby..., please...," his words trailed off but his meaning was clear and his passion higher than before from the excitement his lover was promising to give to him.
"Oh, I *do* think that can be arranged," Trent said in a very low seductive voice. Trent slid his hands back up and then around to the front of Carlos, keeping contact with his body until he got to his belt. Moving back from his lover just enough to do so, Trent unbuckled Carlos's belt, then undid the snap, and then zipper on his jeans. Hooking his fingers into both his lover's jeans and underwear, Trent pulled them down slowly over Carlos's hips, then his legs.
Carlos was mesmerized by Trent's touch -- wanting more, so much more. When his lover touched his belt, he sucked in his breath in growing anticipation of what was about to happen. He watched as Trent unbuckled it, then the feeling of his pants and underwear being slid down over his legs by his lover was overwhelming and he started to grow weak in the knees. **How am I supposed to last?** he wondered, and put his hands on his lover's shoulders as he moved down the length of his body.
Trent stood back up and looked at his lover watching him. He slowly undid his own belt, then snap and zipper on his jeans. Then in the same manner, hooked his fingers in his own jeans and underwear and pulled them down. Standing back up, Trent looked at Carlos before again taking him by the waist and running his hands down his back to his now bare backside, pulling him close again, bare flesh to bare flesh. He caught Carlos's mouth in a very passionate kiss, tasting his lover, wanting more.
Carlos was riveted now -- he couldn't stop staring at Trent -- that lovely wonderful sexy man in front of him, the way he touched his backside left him wanting more, much more. He loved the feeling of their skin being pressed together, it was very intense and he could never get enough. When Trent kissed him he returned the kiss with all of the fire and passion he had inside him, making his need more urgent, yet wanting them to take their time. It was always so good -- so very, very good. He loved it when their tongues dueled and tasted each other -- it was so powerful, all consuming, sensual. It drove Carlos close to that familiar edge where pure bliss waited on the other side. He couldn't wait to get there.
Trent couldn't take waiting any longer. Releasing his lover's mouth from the kiss, then his body from his embrace, Trent turned his lover around so he could lean on the counter that was now in front of him. Picking up the KY from the counter, Trent put some of it on his fingers to prepare his lover to receive him. He didn't take as much time as usual doing this since he didn't think he could last much longer -- he needed to be joined with his lover. Trent only made sure he prepared Carlos well enough so that he didn't hurt him, then quickly prepared himself. He entered his lover slowly, pushing himself all the way in as far as he could.
The moment that Trent touched his body, his fingers preparing him, that was more than enough and he wanted his lover's very hard penis inside him right then. When that happened it was the most incredible, wonderful feeling. Carlos was leaning against the counter with his hands and he pushed against his lover, causing Trent to push further inside him and it drove Carlos crazy with desire. His breathing became heavy, deep -- he was barely able to think coherently. He shifted positions, from leaning against the counter to raising his upper body on top of the counter until he was lying across it, with his lover deeply imbedded inside him. It was very sensual on the counter -- the feeling was intense and the feeling of his lover inside him changed because of the angle, making it deeper than before. It felt so good, and he wanted everything Trent could give him. He knew Trent would give him everything -- he always did -- he was the best lover in the world.
After a moment to allow Carlos to adjust, Trent began to move inside of him. He wanted to go slowly, to make this last, but that just wasn't happening. They were both too close to the edge, too close to their orgasms. As Trent increased the speed of his thrusts, he took hold of Carlos's shaft and moved his hand up and down at the same pace as his thrusting. Finally unable to hold himself back any longer, Trent let himself go and after just a few more thrusts, he came inside his lover, sending his essence into Carlos's body. Carlos followed him over the edge just a moment later, coming in Trent's hand.
This was just too intense -- so right, so very good. Carlos wanted it to go on forever but there was no way that was happening. He had to have his lover come inside him and he moved with Trent, squeezing his hard shaft to encourage him to come. When Trent began stroking his penis he nearly came right then but held onto his restraint until he felt his lover come inside him. When he did, it was the most incredible, satisfying experience -- his lover's hot rich essence flowing deep inside him. Carlos fell over that edge right after that, coming in Trent's hand, feeling himself let go, falling into that pure bliss -- that wonderful place he loved so much. That was all he could think about -- he couldn't speak or talk, just breathing was an effort after an orgasm like that.
Trent let go of his lover's shaft and gently removed himself from his body, then leaned forward over Carlos, who's upper body was lying on the counter now. He hugged his lover tightly as he kissed the back of his neck and back and shoulders. "I love you so very much, Carlos," Trent said, waiting for Carlos to recover enough to stand up.
Carlos felt Trent leave his body and was briefly disappointed -- it was something he always missed when their joining ended -- but it had to at some point, he knew that. When his lover hugged him he felt better instantly. Feeling Trent's kisses did so much for him that Carlos doubted he could ever explain it to anyone's satisfaction. "I love you too, Trent," he said, still panting, but nearing normal now.
Finally thinking he could move, Trent stood up and moved back enough to help Carlos to stand up and turn around. He then stooped down and got a hold of his own underwear and pants, pulling them up and snapping and zipping his jeans. Trent stooped down again and took hold of Carlos's underwear and pants and pulled them up, allowing Carlos to adjust himself in them before Trent snapped and zipped the jeans back up. Buckling his own belt, then Carlos's, Trent looked at his lover, who had been watching him while still leaning back against the counter.
It was amazing -- Carlos felt his lover help him off of the counter and stand up, which he was grateful for since he didn't think he could do it by himself right at that moment. He still needed the counter for support as he watched Trent first pull up his own pants, then helped out Carlos by pulling his up, zipping and snapping them.
Trent smiled at Carlos and took him in his arms and kissed him again. "Now that was a nice way to start off our weekend, wouldn't you say?" Trent asked.
"I can't think of a better way to start the weekend, baby, thank you," Carlos said, returning Trent's kiss very lovingly, with tenderness and passion, so very happy that Trent was in his life. He hugged his lover close and tight -- running his hands up and down his back. "I love you very, very much," he said softly.
Running his hand through Carlos's hair, Trent smiled. "I love you too, Lucky Bear. You recovered enough to go prowl the woods?" Trent asked.
Carlos laughed at his lover's use of his Indian name -- how he loved that, and he hoped it would never stop. He nuzzled Trent's neck briefly in response before answering him. "I'm fine, ready to go explore this beautiful area with my wonderful lover by my side," he said.
"No growling at or scaring other campers though if we see any. And no stealing picnic baskets," Trent added in a mock stern tone.
Carlos pretended to pout at not being able to growl, steal picnic baskets, or scare campers. His pouting didn't last long since he knew it rarely had the effect he was hoping for on his lover and besides, he wanted to go ahead and start exploring their weekend getaway. Carlos grinned and took Trent's hand and headed for the door. Carlos dropped his lover's hand as they went outside and they started to walk towards the lake.
Side by side the two lovers walked towards the lake, the bright sunlight glistening off the beautiful blue pristine water. Carlos enjoyed listening to the birds singing and the fresh air smell. He took as deep a breath of it as he could, his ribs still reminding him they were there and still quite bruised. It wasn't a long walk to get to the lake and it was indeed beautiful, the sun's bright rays glistening off of the water.
**It really is beautiful here,** Trent thought, taking a deep breath. The smell of the pine trees was wonderful. The lake looked so nice and inviting. Getting down to the lake, there was a small beach area. Trent noticed there was no one else to be seen at all around the area. **Must not be the right season for this,** he thought. But weekend getaways were always in season. Maybe it was just too early in the day? He wasn't sure, but they were alone from what Trent could see.
Trent looked over at Carlos and smiled. Sitting down in the sand, Trent took off his shoes and socks and then started to roll up his jeans legs. "Come on, let's get our feet wet," Trent said, pulling on Carlos's pants leg in an effort to get him to sit down and take off his shoes.
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled -- it was so serene -- the lake, peace and quiet, but most of all he was there with the love of his life and he couldn't possibly be any happier than he was at that moment. He sat down next to Trent and took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his jeans, then leaned over and kissed his lover quickly on the cheek. "Last one in is a rotten egg," he said, teasing his lover, then got up and headed towards the cool blue, crystal clear water.
Trent sat there on the sand for a moment looking at Carlos rushing towards the water, now in a total hurry to go wading. He smiled and shook his head, getting up from the sand and following his lover to the water's edge. "So, is it cold? It *looks* cold," Trent waded into the water a bit, "It *is* cold. No wonder there's no one around here." As his feet adjusted to the cold, Trent waded in further until he was in as far as he could go without getting his rolled up pants wet. "Are you coming in or are you just going to watch me?" Trent asked Carlos who was still on shore.
"I'm right behind you," Carlos said, wading in and moving up until he was standing beside his lover. "Now I'm right here," he said, smiling.
"Yes, you certainly are," Trent said smiling at Carlos. He wanted to hug him close, but even though they appeared to be alone, he decided it was probably not a good idea. So he just smiled again.
Carlos was so happy. He took another deep breath of that crisp pine air, then let it out slowly, enjoying every moment of it. He couldn't believe they were there seemingly by themselves. It felt so good, the peace and quiet, his lover by his side. **Could it get any better?** he asked himself. He didn't think so and he smiled again at Trent before wading out further into the water. Then he reached down and scooped up some small rocks -- the flat kind you use for skimming across the surface of the water and he threw several watching the water ripple each time. "Want to join me?" he asked, looking back at Trent.
Trent watched Carlos as he waded out further into the lake trying to decide whether to follow him. "You're getting your pants wet, you know," Trent informed Carlos. Shrugging his shoulders he followed Carlos out farther into the lake. It wasn't too cold once you got used to it, he decided.
Carlos watched Trent as he waded out to meet him. He was so beautiful and he decided that he could never get enough of watching his lover in every way. Carlos was indeed getting his pants wet, but it didn't bother him and he continued to skip rocks across the water, remembering back to when he was younger and used to do it regularly. "You know something, Trent? We're going to have to do this more often," he said, grinning from ear to ear.
"What, get our pants wet?" Trent asked, "Or freeze our toes numb?"
Carlos was tempted to grab his lover, hug him tightly, then swing him around a couple of times just out of the sheer joy of being together. It was a wonderful feeling and they were now enjoying the great outdoors together for the first time as lovers. He couldn't wait to see what the rest of the weekend had in store for them.
"Ouch!" Trent exclaimed. Lifting up his foot then looking at the lake bed to see what he has stepped on. Bending down he retrieved a beer bottle cap and sighed. **At least it wasn't glass,** he thought as he stuck it in his pocket to throw out properly later.
Carlos turned around when he heard Trent cry out. He was dismayed to see a bottle cap in his hand. "Are you all right?" he asked, wanting to make sure. After looking at his lover's foot carefully Carlos was relieved to see that there were no cuts or tears, maybe some bruising later but that would most likely be it.
"I'm fine. Now give me my foot back before I fall over. If I go into the water you do, too," Trent promised.
"Why don't we go sit on the shore for a while?" Carlos suggested and started towards shore. His head was aching and he was tired but he didn't know why. As he started back towards the shore he got a bit woozy. He really wanted and needed to sit down. **Why is this happening?** he wondered. He felt a little nauseous, too. He was still on his feet, but he moved slower now, trying to get through the water to the beach. "Trent?" he said quietly, needing some help to get out of the water.
Trent was a bit surprised at Carlos's request to go in, but he followed him in. He had already sensed the change in Carlos before he said his name. Moving faster to catch up, Trent instinctively put his arm around Carlos's waist to support him as Carlos's arm went over his shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of this water," Trent said, helping Carlos the rest of the way to the shore. Going to where they had left their shoes and socks, Trent helped Carlos to sit down.
"Thanks, Trent," Carlos said, sitting down and closing his eyes for a few moments. When he opened them the lightheadedness was better, but the headache and nausea were still there.
Sitting down beside Carlos, Trent touched his lover's arm soothingly. "Think you tried to do too much too fast. And it's pretty sunny out here. The doctor did say that might bother you for a while. You rest for a few minutes and then we better go back inside, OK?" Trent smiled at Carlos, hiding his concern as best he could. Yes, the doctor had said it was normal, but Trent still didn't like to see it happen.
Carlos didn't feel well at the moment and nodded his head slightly in agreement with Trent, hearing his words. He knew it was too much too soon but he wanted things to go back to the way they were and he was a little frustrated. "A little rest sounds good," he said, trying to smile, loving the smile on Trent's face -- one of love and support that he knew he could always count on to make him feel better.
After sitting quietly for a few minutes, Trent moved to put Carlos's shoes and socks back on him before putting his own back on so they would be ready when Carlos felt he could move.
Carlos watched as Trent put his shoes and socks back on his feet, then turned to his lover and smiled a little more brightly than before. "I think I'm ready to go back to the cabin now," he said, still not 100% but feeling a little better. "Thank you, baby, I love you," he added softly, as he got ready to stand up.
"Whoa, what a minute," Trent said, putting his hand on Carlos's shoulder, keeping him from getting up on his own. "Let me get up first so I can help you. Like it or not, it's what your getting," Trent said in a tone that meant no arguments.
Carlos remained sitting, knowing his lover was right -- he needed help and he would wait until Trent was ready to help him. "Thanks, baby -- I really do need your help," he said, smiling at the loving man before him who he knew was worried but was trying hard not to show it.
Getting to his feet, Trent put out both his hands to Carlos to help him up, "Just take it slowly, OK?" Once Carlos was on his feet, Trent again put his arm around his lover's waist to help him inside and out of the sun where he could rest.
Carlos did move slowly and found that it helped. It felt good to have his lover's arm around his waist and he put one arm around Trent's shoulder as they made their way back to the cabin. His head still ached and his stomach was upset but he knew he would be better off inside and resting for a while, so he kept moving slowly with Trent until they were finally inside the cabin.
"Come on, let's put you to bed," Trent said, taking Carlos into the bedroom. Carlos had really been leaning on him on the way back so Trent wanted him sitting as soon as possible. Undoing his belt and pants, Trent managed to get Carlos's pants and underwear down enough so his lover could sit on the bed without getting it soaking wet. Once Carlos was sitting, Trent got his shoes off him then began fighting with the wet denim of Carlos's wet rolled up jeans legs. Finally getting the pants off of him he then got his lover's shirt off him, too. Trent pulled the covers and sheet back and helped Carlos get settled in the bed. "I'm going to go get you something to drink. I'll be right back to make sure you don't get cold or lonely in that big bed by yourself, OK?" Trent smiled at Carlos then went to the kitchen for some juice.
The bed felt so good to Carlos -- he just wanted to lie there and rest. He hoped his stomach and head would quiet down soon. "I definitely couldn't handle being in this bed without you, baby," he said smiling. "Hurry back," he added, watching his lover go towards the kitchen.
Trent returned to the bedroom with a large glass of juice. Handing it to Carlos, he said, talking in his no nonsense way again, "You drink it slowly, even though it's a big glass, you got that?"
Carlos slowly took a few sips of the juice that Trent brought him and it tasted so good. He didn't realize how thirsty he was and had to remind himself of what Trent said -- just a little at a time, so he set the glass back down.
Trent followed the same procedure with his own pants that he had with Carlos's, not wanting to get the bed wet if possible, but needing to sit to get his wet pants off. Finally winning the battle to get them off, Trent took off his shirt then crawled into bed next to his lover, gathering him into his arms and hugging him. "You just rest, OK? It should pass soon according to what the doctor said," Trent soothed as he kissed the top of Carlos's head and held him, moving his hand up and down his lover's arm.
When Trent got into bed and pulled him close that was the best feeling in the world and Carlos wanted to stay like that for as long as he could. He wrapped his arms around his lover and loved the feel of Trent's kiss on his head and his hand sliding up and down his arm -- it was all so very comforting. He sighed in contentment and cuddled even closer to Trent's body to absorb everything he possibly could. "The juice was delicious -- thank you, baby," he said, and he kissed Trent's chest, resting his head there with one arm around his waist.
"You're welcome," Trent said, continuing to hold Carlos close and run his hand up and down his arm.
They rested for a while and periodically Carlos took sips of his juice keeping in mind to take it slow and easy, and he felt himself getting gradually better. After about forty five minutes or so his nausea was dissipating and his headache was very light. "I'm feeling so much better, baby," Carlos said, then reached up to capture Trent's lips in a tender, passionate kiss. "Do you want to watch some TV?" Carlos asked.
"I can see you are," Trent commented after Carlos kissed him. Carlos still needed to rest so Trent was glad he suggested TV. "Good idea on the TV, but not sure what's on this time of day," Trent said, looking around for the remote and finally spotting it on top of the TV itself. Trent kissed Carlos on the forehead. "Be right back, save my place," Trent said, getting out of bed to get the remote.
"This place is not only saved -- it's reserved for you permanently," Carlos said smiling, beginning to get that sparkle in his eyes back.
Trent climbed back in to bed and got settled again with Carlos snuggled up to him but in a better TV watching position. He turned on the very large TV and started flipping channels to find something to watch.
"Mmmmm...," Carlos murmured snuggling as close to Trent as he could get after he got back into bed. "This is the most wonderful feeling in the world," he said. He kissed Trent's chest again, then lay his head against it once more, with his arm wrapped around his lover's waist, holding him close. Carlos felt warm, safe and very loved. He looked at the television as they watched a program that was good, but since they joined it in progress, they didn't really know what it was. Soon it was over and right on schedule, as if a timer had gone off, his stomach let out a growl. He grinned sheepishly up at his lover, trying to keep his face from turning as pink as he was sure it was getting. "What's for dinner?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear.
Trent lost it laughing. "Does that thing go off at six every day?" Trent teased, rubbing Carlos's complaining stomach, "We got the stuff to make pizza and we got pork chops. You have a preference for tonight?"
Carlos loved it when Trent rubbed his stomach and this time was no exception. He brought their lips together in a sweet kiss, then looked into his lover's eyes deeply. "I guess my stomach is predictable, isn't it?" Carlos said laughing, too. "Mmmmm..., tough choice -- how about pork chops tonight?" Carlos asked, "Can I help?"
"Yes, you can help by staying in bed," Trent commented, "I just might allow you to come out to the table to eat though." Trent got up from the bed and located his bag and dug out his robe and put it on. Finding Carlos's bag, he dug his robe out and put it on the end of the bed, then went and picked up Carlos's empty juice glass. "I'll bring you some more juice before I start cooking," Trent said and left the room.
Carlos loved the way that Trent took care of him, looking out for his best interests. That's what love is all about -- he knew that -- but the way Trent took care of him was far more than he ever expected, more loving and caring than he thought could even be possible between two people. He sighed in pure contentment and settled back into bed watching as his lover took his glass and went into the kitchen.
Trent came back with another glass of juice for Carlos. Putting it on the bedside table he kissed Carlos and smiled at him then went to fix dinner.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss passionately then smiled back as he watched Trent once again disappear into the kitchen. He picked up his fresh glass of juice and drank it in a short period of time, only a few minutes, feeling much closer to normal. His headache was nearly gone and he felt that once he had dinner that he would feel the way he did before the incident happened.
Carlos could hear Trent moving around in the kitchen and rifling through drawers looking for what he needed. It wasn't long before he smelled the pork chops cooking and his stomach was rumbling even louder, making itself known to anyone who would listen. Carlos laughed softly and remembered the feel of his lover's hand rubbing his stomach earlier. He really enjoyed that and he knew that was one more thing to add to his list of reasons he loved Trent. "How's it going?" he asked loudly, so Trent could hear him, still wanting to help, but staying in bed like his lover asked, knowing he should rest a little while longer anyway.
"Just fine," Trent yelled back in a tone indicating everything was anything but 'just fine'. More drawer rifling could be heard followed by a louder drawer slamming, "The kitchen and I are just having a disagreement and it's winning." Trent finally found something to use to fix the salad with.
"Are you sure you don't want any help?" Carlos asked. He attempted to laugh quietly, but he wasn't sure he succeeded.
"I hear you sniggering at me in there, don't think I don't," Trent said loudly in Carlos's general direction, "And no, the kitchen and I finally came to an understanding," Trent added, then in a teasing tone continued, "No need for you to come save me from its wrath or anything."
Carlos himself always had the same problem -- he and kitchens didn't get along. Still though, it was something very special -- they were together, his lover was going to all of this effort and trouble to cook for them when there were places to get food to go. He sighed -- another reason to love Trent Malloy -- and smiled, closed his eyes, and breathed in the smell of the pork chops cooking. He just lay there relaxing, the bed was so deep, fluffy and soft. Carlos was very curious as to what else Trent was cooking up for dinner, but he waited patiently -- or as patiently as his loudly rumbling stomach could stand.
After getting the rest of the meal ready and on the table, Trent turned off the stove, leaving the hot food there to stay warm, and went in to fetch Carlos. Smiling at his lover lying in bed, Trent said, "Come on Conan, food's ready." Trent went around to the far side of the bed, picking up Carlos's robe as he did, to help his lover out of bed if he needed it. "You get up slowly, OK?" Trent instructed.
"Don't worry, I'm not in *too* much of a hurry to get out of this warm, cozy, soft, fluffy, wonderful bed," Carlos replied, teasing Trent, trying to entice his lover to join him as soon as possible -- not that Carlos doubted that that would happen soon anyway. He got out of bed slowly, grateful for the love and support that Trent was showing him.
Once Carlos was standing, Trent held out his robe for him to put on then waited while Carlos tied it. Trent smiled at his lover and kissed him before saying, "Come on, you ready to shut that noise up?" smiling and rubbing Carlos's stomach as he said it.
Carlos returned his lover's bright smile and his kiss that was so very soft and sweet. "I'm always ready," he said, laughing as Trent rubbed his stomach. This was becoming a standard -- Carlos's stomach growling, making itself known, and Trent rubbing it. It was wonderful and Carlos loved every second of it. He took Trent's hand in his and kissed it to let him know how much he enjoyed it, then they went into the kitchen to enjoy their meal.
Carlos took a seat at the table and Trent went to get the hot food from the stove. Returning with the plate of pork chops and bowl of vegetables, Trent handed the chops to Carlos to help himself while he did likewise with the vegetables. Exchanging the bowl of vegetables for the plate of chops, each helped themselves again.
Carlos took some of the pork chops for himself and handed the plate back to Trent. It was a well known fact that Carlos wasn't particularly fond of vegetables and did his best to avoid them if he could, but he reminded himself that he was trying to eat more healthy and he took a small spoonful of them to help balance out his meal.
"Oops, forgot the salad dressing," Trent got up to get the dressing, "Need anything else while I'm up?" Trent asked.
"No thanks, baby -- I've got everything I need right here," Carlos said, his eyes twinkling, that familiar sparkle back after his earlier incident left him not feeling well. He couldn't wait to dig into the wonderful smelling dinner that was waiting in front of him. After Trent brought the dressing back to the table, he dug into the first pork chop with relish. "Thank you, Trent, this is very good," he said after the first few bites. It was no time at all before he had finished his entire meal and he was very full and satisfied. Everything was delicious and he looked forward to the next time Trent would make this. He got up slowly and walked around the table to where his lover was sitting and kissed him tenderly and passionately, then returned to his seat and waited while he finished his meal.
Trent kissed Carlos back, not quite understanding what the big deal about cooking dinner was, but always very happy to kiss and be kissed by Carlos. Very happy. Trent smiled at his lover after he sat back down. He noted Carlos looked much better and was relieved. **Probably just the long trip and being out in the sun,** he thought. The doctor had told them it might be a few weeks to a month before all signs of the injury were gone.
"Why is it I'm always still eating when you're done?" Trent asked, not really expecting an answer, just making an observation.
Carlos laughed softly and with all the love he had in the world for this man. He wasn't making fun of him in the least. "I did have to do *something* to get that stomach of mine to quiet down," he said still laughing. "Unless of course you wanted to rub it all night long," he added, looking deeply into his lover's eyes with the hint of mischievousness that could only mean one thing where Carlos 'Conan' Sandoval was concerned. "So, what have you planned for dessert for us?" he asked very seductively, his voice already husky with desire.
"Now, why do I get the feeling that question has nothing to do with cake or ice cream?" Trent asked, knowing Carlos was back to feeling like himself now.
"Why, whatever do you mean?" Carlos asked, trying to look innocent, but knowing full well that it wasn't working, never did work, and most likely never would. He took a sip of his water and tried to wipe the grin off his face but he was having way too much fun. He wanted to take Trent in his arms, hold him close and tight, and then make love to him all night long. "Did you say cake and ice cream?" he asked, suddenly getting a second wind on his appetite. After all -- a meal is not complete without dessert -- and making love to Trent Malloy was a whole other kind of dessert altogether and one he wanted to take all night to taste and explore.
Trent was very amused at Carlos's innocent act. He really did love to watch it. He also knew perfectly well what he was getting himself into with this, but he knew it was going to be fun anyway. "Well, you're the one that insisted on all that sundae stuff. And the bananas? I was assuming banana splits were the idea? Or am I totally off base here?" Trent asked, keeping it totally innocent himself.
"You could never be totally off base, baby," Carlos said, those eyes of his still twinkling very brightly. He was enjoying this very much and knew his lover was, too. "Mmmm..., banana splits sound wonderful," he said, rubbing his hands together like a kid about to stick his hand in the cookie jar. "I'm ready anytime you are," he said, his voice full of suggestiveness and still as husky as before.
"I just bet you are," Trent smiled at Carlos then picked up the dishes and headed for the kitchen, "And why do I get the feeling we're *still* not talking about ice cream?"
"Anything I can do?" Carlos asked, once again being as suggestive, seductive, and sexy as he possibly could be.
"No, I can handle it myself," Trent said back, wondering what kind of reaction that was creating.
"Oh, I have no doubt you can handle it," Carlos said, laughing at Trent's choice of words. **He's as horny as I am. It's working perfectly,** he thought to himself, rubbing his hands together even more now.
Putting the dishes in the sink, Trent got out bowls, the bananas and a knife as well as the ice cream and scoop and took them back to the table, "Here, why don't you do the bottom while I do the top, I mean go get the toppings," Trent hardly held it together for his purposeful word play. He quickly turned and headed back into the kitchen before he lost it laughing.
"I'll be the bottom for your top anytime, baby," Carlos said, not believing Trent's use of words. He loved it and was getting very excited and turned on, knowing Trent well enough to realize he was in the kitchen trying to hold himself together. His lover was every bit as turned on as he was and that just increased Carlos's desire to have him in his arms. The banana splits were going to be very interesting indeed he decided.
Gathering up the toppings -- **How many kinds did he BUY?** Trent wondered -- and getting the squirt can of whipped topping and cherries, he headed back to the table to find Carlos had gotten the bananas and ice cream in the bowls. "Top is here. I mean, here are the toppings," Trent said, setting the everything down.
"Your bottom is right here," Carlos said, pointing to a bowl with a banana and ice cream in it.
Barely keeping it together after Carlos's comment, Trent picked up the ice cream and took it back to the freezer before he started laughing and didn't stop. He came back and sat down. "Did I forget anything?" Trent asked looking at Carlos opening the many jars of toppings.
Carlos looked at the lovely array of toppings Trent brought to the table and smiled brightly once more. "Your top is perfect," he said. "I mean the toppings are great," he said, playing on Trent's words every bit as much as his lover was. "You didn't forget a thing," he added as he put some of each kind of topping, nuts, cherries and whipped cream onto his ice cream and banana. Carlos picked up his spoon and began to dig into his sundae. "This is incredible, baby, what do you want for a top?" he asked. "I mean what are your choice of toppings?" he asked innocently.
Trent was really afraid to say anything. He wasn't going to keep from falling apart laughing if he did. So he just grabbed some toppings and added them to his ice cream. After adding some whipped topping he thought he had himself under control enough to speak. "Nuts?" Trent asked, looking at Carlos and trying very hard to look innocent, "You have the nuts?"
"Oh, I definitely have the nuts," Carlos said, passing Trent the bag of chopped nuts and attempting to look very innocent. Carlos returned to eating his ice cream and finished it with a few more spoonfuls. He put his bowl down on the table and sat back in his chair, sipping on his water as he watched Trent eat his sundae.
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