Morning Glow
Page Ten

Carlos smiled -- he was so full of himself at this point knowing that his lover's curiosity was getting to him. It excited him all that much more and his arousal was becoming even stronger at the anticipation of what he knew would be a wonderful experience later on. He continued to eat his ice cream, enjoying every mouthful, while watching his lover *trying* to eat his. It was all he could do not to laugh -- Trent was absolutely adorable when he knew that Carlos was up to something and that made his desire for his lover rise even more. He flashed another smile at Trent and went back to eating his sundae.
Trent was about ready to explode. He wasn't sure if that was what Carlos was trying to do to him or not. There was something a bit different here. But that smile! **Man, is it warm in here?** Trent thought. He wasn't sure he could wait for whatever Carlos had up his sleeve, or up his robe, or if he was going to be able to enjoy it once they got there. He was way too aroused for anything slow. **How does he *do* this to me?** Trent wondered for the umpteenth time as he looked up at Carlos eating his sundae.
That was all Carlos could take. His lover was on the edge and so was he. He knew he couldn't take much more and that thrilled and excited him beyond anything he ever expected, knowing he could have this effect on Trent. He got up out of his chair and moved very fast over to where his lover was sitting and grabbed his wrist gently but firmly and pulled him up out of his chair, then pulled him close and tight. He kissed him hard on the lips, his tongue seeking out what was his, tasting and loving and demanding. His passion and desire were extremely high at this point and he wanted to fuck the living daylights out of Trent -- he could barely think straight now, all he knew was that he had to be inside his lover, bringing him pleasure and excitement. He continued to kiss Trent until they needed to break the kiss out of the need for air.
Trent was surprised when Carlos moved from his chair, but only because it was so sudden. He was so aroused he was about to do the same thing himself, Carlos just beat him to it. When his lover pulled him close and kissed him, Trent was glad Carlos had ahold of him. He moaned into Carlos's mouth, thrilling to the feel of his lover's tongue in his mouth, tasting the sweetness that was left over from his lover's sundae and the sweetness that was Carlos all in one combination. It was very good. Very.
When the kiss broke, Trent looked at Carlos, straight in the eyes, breathing hard. The man had him totally speechless and totally aroused and they had done nothing but kiss. Trent continued to pant, looking at his lover, waiting for his next move.
Carlos looked into Trent's eyes and the look he saw combined with hearing his lover's panting and seeing his longing and anticipation put Carlos almost over the edge. He could wait no longer. There was no time for any preliminaries or taking this slow -- they were both ready and Carlos intended to give Trent everything he had. He took Trent by the wrist again and led him over to the fireplace where there was a nice fluffy, soft, very thick rug and he lowered Trent down onto the rug. Then, after instructing Trent to stay put, Carlos went into the bathroom and got the tube of KY. Returning to the livingroom, he got onto his knees and got ready to prepare his lover for their joining.
When Carlos looked at him it was all Trent could do to breathe. His heart was racing, he was so hot he felt like he was on fire. When Carlos released him from his embrace and took hold of his wrist it was all Trent could do to follow him. Then his lover lowered him to the floor and told him to stay put. All he could do was make a noise that sounded like something between a moan and a whimper. When Carlos returned to him, KY in hand and joined him on the floor, Trent could only stare, his vocalizations having turned into whimpers. **Why is Carlos taking so long?** Trent thought and looked at his lover again, barely holding it together.
Carlos noticed the stare and knew what was on his lover's mind having been there himself many times before. Flipping Trent's robe over his back, Carlos then took some of the KY and put it on his fingers then inserted them quickly yet carefully into his lover's body to prepare and stretch him, to get him ready. He removed his fingers just as quickly. After coating his rock hard penis he thrust into Trent as hard and long and deep as he could, careful not to hurt him, but taking him very fast.
Trent continued to whimper and stare as he watched Carlos with the KY. He moaned softly when Carlos put his fingers inside him, then resumed the whimpering as he watched Carlos prepare himself for their joining. When Carlos entered him, taking him fast and hard, Trent cried out, not his usual moans, something more, something stronger, then took up his usual moaning. It was so intense, so good.
Carlos didn't pause but continued to thrust time and time again -- harder, faster, deeper -- over and over -- not getting nearly enough -- his lover's cries and moans thrilling him, making him even more excited and he began to moan loudly himself. He was fast and furious about it -- wanting to fuck Trent very hard, the sound of his moans mixed with Trent's was exquisite. Carlos was more turned on than he could ever remember and that made him thrust harder and deeper.
Trent continued to moan loudly, interrupted only by his heavy panting and his occasional deeper cry of pleasure. He closed his eyes shutting out everything but the feeling of his lover inside him and the sounds of his lover's moans, mixed with his own. He wanted it to last and last -- he also needed to come.
Carlos stroked the inside of Trent's body with his rigid shaft making sure he felt everything. With a few more very hard, very deep thrusts -- as hard and deep as he could make them -- he knew it was time and he reached around Trent's waist, grabbed his penis and began pumping very hard and fast to keep up with the rhythm he had created in his lover's body.
When Carlos touched his shaft, Trent lost what tiny hold he had on himself. He cried out loudly then gave himself over to the orgasm he knew was only seconds away.
With a sudden cry and huge spasm, Carlos went over the edge and came inside Trent -- his essence filling his lover's body. He came so hard he didn't think the spasms would ever stop. A split second later Trent came and Carlos felt the wonderful sensation of his lover coming, knowing he had thrilled Trent to his beautiful climax.
Trent heard Carlos cry out then felt him come hard inside of him. That was all it took for Trent to finish the fall and come himself. Crying out loudly, Trent came -- came hard -- panting and moaning, his other senses totally gone. As soon as the spasms stopped -- **How long did they go on?** he thought -- Trent fell forward on the rug in front of him, unable to stay on his hands and knees any longer. Carlos, who had just barely finished his own release, fell with him, on top of him, still connected with him, still shaking and panting himself.
After Carlos rested against Trent's back for several minutes, he gently removed himself from his lover's body and then rolled off of him and onto the nice soft, thick rug, pulling Trent gently to him and wrapping him in his arms, kissing him and running his hand through his hair. "I love you so much -- thank you, baby -- that was incredible," he said, tightening his hold around his lover.
Trent was vaguely aware of Carlos removing himself from his body. Then he felt himself being pulled to his lover's side. He went willingly, even if he couldn't help in the process much. Cuddling as close to Carlos as he could, his head on his chest, he continued to moan softly and pant.
Carlos held his lover tightly -- softly kissing his head again and again, running his hand through his hair, loving the feel of it in his fingers, enjoying the closeness of being together after their lovemaking. This was one of the best parts and he couldn't get enough of this any more than anything else when it came to Trent. He was still breathing too heavily himself to do much but lie there holding Trent, listening to his lover's moans and pants. They were wonderful sounds.
Finally able to move at all, Trent moved himself even closer to his lover, if such a thing were possible, getting half on top of him, his leg over Carlos's, his arm wrapped tightly around his waist. If he had been able to crawl inside him, he would have. He needed to be as close as possible to his lover. Trent moved his head around on Carlos's chest in a snuggling way, just in case there was some small pocket of space between his head and Carlos's chest. Words were still impossible as Trent rested there, still moaning, ever so softly now, and panting.
Carlos was pleased when Trent moved closer -- it felt so good, very, very good, and his lover being half on top of him like this just intensified the closeness of the wonderful after sex loving they always shared. He needed the closeness just as much and he wrapped his arms even more tightly around his lover and bent his head down to kiss Trent's forehead, then lifted his chin to kiss him tenderly on the nose then his lips. He then put his lover's head back on his chest so that he could rest for as long as he needed to. "Rest, my love," he said softly. His lover was still returning to himself as was he, and to listen to Trent pant and moan continued to send thrills and shivers of excitement through Carlos. What that meant to him he couldn't describe but to say that he was happy he had brought Trent so much pleasure would be considered an understatement. As far as Carlos was concerned, they could stay right here, like they were at this moment, forever.
Trent appreciated the words of love and the kissing, but was unable to react much. Trent snuggled his head tightly against Carlos's chest again when his lover put his head back down. Trent listened to his lover's strong, steady heartbeat under his ear and it helped calm him. His breathing almost back to normal, Trent lifted his head to look at Carlos. He wasn't really sure what to say. It had all been so intense, so exciting, all brought on by this man -- this wonderful man -- his lover. He wondered again how he had ever gotten so lucky to have this man in his life, much less as his life partner. Words were so inadequate. "I love you, Carlos," was all he managed, hoping his eyes and his heart and his soul said the rest.
Carlos looked deep into Trent's eyes when he felt him lift his head and he read all of the emotions and feelings that were running through his lover. It was very intense to him and obvious that Trent was feeling overwhelmed by it all. No words were needed and they never were -- Carlos knew how much he meant to Trent -- he hoped that Trent knew that. The *only* thing Carlos ever needed was to know that Trent was happy -- gloriously happy -- for his lover deserved every bit of that and much more. Carlos caressed his lover's face with his hand, continuing to look deeply into his eyes. "I love you, too -- so very, very much," he said, hugging Trent as he spoke those words. He sighed in pure contentment and kissed Trent again -- softly, tenderly and passionately on the lips. Here he was with Trent -- his lover -- his wonderful, beautiful lover, and he would spend the rest of his life with him. He was happy beyond words or any thoughts that could describe it well enough. "I love you," he said again, not able to get enough of saying it or seeing the look in Trent's eyes when he heard him say it.
Trent smiled at Carlos when he spoke the first time, then returned his kiss. And when he spoke again, Trent broke out in the biggest grin he had -- not really sure why, but not intending to stop it either. Perhaps just from the sheer joy of seeing Carlos understood how the words didn't seem adequate or that he saw his own feelings reflected back at him. He wasn't sure. He only knew he was so happy he could barely contain himself. "That was some mighty fine topping you did there," Trent said, "Not just the bottom you're so good at, I see -- or should that be feel?" Trent was remembering their comments from earlier about the banana splits.
"You make a pretty good bottom yourself -- a very fine bottom," Carlos said, grinning back, then reaching his arm down to gently but firmly fondle his lover's behind. "Wonderful. You're an incredible lover, do you know that?" he asked, but he meant that more as a statement than a question. He hoped Trent knew how good he really was. He pulled Trent closer and kissed him lovingly and adoringly -- very passionately and full of tenderness and a very special kind of love.
"Well, thank you," Trent said, taking the double meaning of Carlos's words when he fondled his rear end, "Incase you hadn't noticed, I think yours is pretty spectacular, too." Trent laughed to himself at his inability lately to keep his hands away from his lover's rear end, no matter what it's state of dress.
"Thank you, baby," Carlos said, laughing too.
"And as far as that incredible lover thing goes, I think it's a team effort here," Trent continued, totally meaning every word, "I never knew it could be so good. It never has been before. Not that I have ever had any complaints, mind you, but this is so -- different, special." Again Trent felt words were just not doing his true meaning justice.
Carlos felt something inside him change -- he suddenly felt like he was overcome with feelings that were so incredible he could cry just from the sheer emotion and raw power that Trent's words had on him. He knew the depth of his lover's feelings for him and he began to tremble slightly at knowing how much he was loved -- Trent was right -- who knew it could be this good? It was so wonderful, so incredible, and they had so much more to experience together. He slowly turned a little to look at Trent and he stared straight into his lover's beautiful blue eyes, softly caressing his cheek with his hand. "We can have a repeat performance anytime you like," he said, and he meant it. It had been a fast and furious time together -- but they both loved it and wanted it again soon. "Yes, it was very special," Carlos said, and he kissed Trent again lovingly. "Very special," he added with a smile.
Trent realized from Carlos's words he hadn't made himself clear. He lifted his head from Carlos's chest, continuing to look him in the eye. "That wasn't what I meant, Carlos," Trent said, "Not that this particular time wasn't right up there in the Guinness Book of Spectacular Fucks." Trent thought for a moment before continuing, picking his words better to get Carlos to understand what he meant. "I meant, from that very first time with you, it's been better than anything to come before it. And the fact it just keeps getting better and better, well...," Trent wasn't sure what else to say, "It's as if it's not just our bodies making love but our souls. Does that make sense?" He wasn't sure it did, but he had no other way to express what he felt.
Carlos thought about everything Trent said and reflected back on the first time they made love. He remembered every detail and it was so very special because it was their first time together. It was warm and loving, just like now. Then he thought back to all of their lovemaking -- and it was true, very true -- without a doubt each time they were together it wasn't only better, but it was like their souls were connected deep down, rooted to each other -- their lovemaking reaching their inner depths of who they were. It was like nothing he'd ever known before and he knew what his lover meant now. He just lay there holding Trent. He couldn't think of anything to say at first, so he just held Trent tighter and closer to him in response to his lover's words as the emotion he was feeling washed over him. "Yes, it makes sense -- perfect sense, baby," he said finally, now fully understanding what Trent was talking about. Carlos hugged his lover tighter and held him closer than before, breathing in the scent of him and just enjoying his presence in his life, thanking God once more for bringing them together.
Trent smiled, knowing he had made himself clear. He smiled, knowing Carlos understood him. He smiled, knowing Carlos felt the same way he did. Trent put his head back on his lover's chest and just enjoyed the closeness and being together like this with the one he loved so much, the one who loved him so much.
They lay there in each other's arms just being quiet. After some time, despite the soft rug, the hard floor started to make itself known. Trent turned in his lover's arms so he was looking right at him. "As nice as lying here is, we'd be more comfortable in bed, don't you think?" Trent said. Carlos still needed his rest and the afternoon in bed watching TV and cuddling sounded pretty darn good to Trent anyway. "I need to do the couple dishes from lunch and then we can watch some TV? No talking handkerchief shows though," Trent said, grinning, waiting for Carlos to roll his eyes at him.
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. "Bed sounds wonderful," he said, looking at him with that certain twinkle in his eyes, and leaned down to kiss his lover. "You go on ahead and pick out a show since you don't like the talking accessories kind," he added, laughing and rolling his eyes at his lover. "I'll take care of the dishes and be back in a flash," he said, then let go of his lover so they could get up.
"Wait, now was that you'll be back *in* a flash or you are going to flash me when you get back?" Trent teased. "Probably both," he said outloud, but more to himself.
Once standing Carlos helped Trent up from the floor, pulling him to his feet and into his embrace then kissed him tenderly. "I'll be right there," he said softly, and watched as Trent went into the bedroom.
Trent didn't really like letting Carlos do the dishes, but he didn't show it. There were very few to do and he knew Carlos didn't like the way he had to be babied since the head injury. So Trent just smiled and nodded and, taking the KY with him, went to the bedroom to wait for his lover. He took off his robe and got into bed, putting the KY on the bedside table and grabbing the remote for the TV as he did.
Carlos went into the kitchen, finished the dishes that were remaining and put the beginning of his plan into action by grabbing all of the toppings off of the table, putting them behind his back, then going into the bedroom trying to hide the famous grin.
Trent saw 'The Grin' and knew Carlos was back to planning something. "Uh, oh. Just what do you have in mind?" Trent asked, not sure he could take whatever it was, but sure he would enjoy every second of it, "And just WHAT do you have behind your back?"
Carlos was hoping to keep the toppings a secret until the time was right so he walked over to the far side of the bed from where Trent was, keeping the toppings behind his back and away from his lover, then knelt down and put them on the floor, took off his robe, then climbed into bed. He pulled his lover into his arms and kissed him hungrily -- tasting his luscious mouth then released him and looked into his eyes, full of passion and desire. "That will do for starters," he said panting a little. "Did you find something to watch?" he asked.
"Did I find something to watch? What kind of an answer is that? What did you put on the floor?" Trent asked, attempting to get away from Carlos and look.
Carlos grabbed Trent and pressed him back into the bed firmly, then lay half across him, effectively pinning him while his kissed him passionately, his tongue demanding entry into his lover's mouth -- to taste the wonderful sweetness that he could never get enough of.
"This isn't going to work, you know," Trent informed Carlos, trying to keep from laughing, "I still want to know what you put on the floor even if you do pin me to the bed and kiss me." Trent attempted to wiggle out from under Carlos.
"There's plenty of time for that later -- now how about we watch some TV and cuddle for a while," he said with a big grin, the famous twinkle in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Trent, keeping his body close to his so that they could cuddle and watch TV, but also so that he could keep his lover away from the surprise he had planned for later on.
Trent attempted the sad puppy face but he really couldn't pull it off. That was Carlos's talent. "I want to know what's on the floor," Trent said in his best 'little boy who's mom just said he couldn't have a cookie' voice, "You're mean, Carlos." Trent pretended to pout about being held in bed where he couldn't see the floor.
Carlos had to laugh -- Trent was good, very good. In fact -- his lover was as good at his little boy imitation as *he* was at his puppy dog face, and he almost couldn't take it anymore. He was so tempted to give in and surprise Trent with what he had in mind, but he really wanted the suspense to build, and for them to have some cuddle time first. "After the show, baby -- then you'll find out what mean really is," he said suggestively, leaning down to kiss him again, tasting everything that was Trent -- his tongue searching out his lover's once more. Then after breaking the kiss he arranged them so that he was lying back against the headboard and pulled Trent to him, keeping his arm around him while they watched TV. "What show did you pick out for us to watch?" he asked curiously.
"In case you hadn't noticed I haven't even turned on the TV yet," Trent said, "For a private investigator, you're very unobservant." Trent handed Carlos the remote then started running his hand over Carlos abdomen. He wasn't overly interested in what was on TV, not that he was *up* for anything else either. But he liked touching Carlos. He liked Carlos's reactions to his touching him even better.
"Well, maybe if you hadn't tried to get at my surprise you could've had a show picked out already," Carlos teased back, but soon lost all of his concentration and thought as Trent ran his hand over his abdomen. He loved it when his lover did that -- the feelings and sensations running through him were incredible and he closed his eyes briefly then opened them, nearly breathless at his touch. He was beginning to breathe harder and his arousal, that had already started before he even got into the bedroom, was growing stronger. He took the remote and turned on the television set, channel surfing to try and find a program worth watching. Trent's loving hand on his abdomen was winning though, and between the effects of that and his lover's little boy voice, it was all Carlos could do to even *look* at the TV screen. "What do you think of this show, baby?" he asked, trying to maintain some restraint, or it would soon be over.
"Oh, I like this show just fine," Trent said, not looking at or talking about the TV. He continued to run his hand slowly over Carlos's abdomen, pausing to run his finger around his lover's navel.
That was it, Carlos couldn't take watching the TV anymore. "And quite a show it is," he said his voice low and husky, his mind and body filled with passion and desire as his lover continued to excite and thrill him by touching his abdomen. When he felt his lover run his finger around his navel he arched his back and closed his eyes, letting out a soft moan, his tongue running across his upper lip. "So good... feels so good...," he said between pants as he began breathing much heavier now. He was becoming harder, his arousal increasing rapidly, his heart beating so fast now as his mind began to drift and his passion began to soar higher.
Trent continued to move his hand over Carlos's abdomen but increased the area of his caresses to include his lover's chest. Oh, how he loved to run his hand over Carlos's chest! It felt so good under his hand. He paused to run his finger around each nipple before moving his hand again, dipping down to his abdomen then heading back up to his chest again.
Carlos's moans were increasing in intensity and volume, becoming louder with each touch of his lover's hand as it moved across his abdomen. When Trent moved up to his chest he sucked in his breath and arched his back even higher, thrilling to the ecstasy of the incredible skill of Trent to be able to do this to him -- to bring out all of his senses. He began to writhe and squirm, panting heavier now as his body responded more and more to his lover's touch, sending him on his way to that wonderful vacation spot. He closed his eyes and once again ran his tongue across his upper lip, trying to quench his desire. "You're so... good, baby..., so very good," he said again between pants then began moaning very loudly, unable to control his rising passion any longer -- what Trent was doing to him was driving him near the edge and he needed to come.
Trent was a little surprised at the intensity and the quickness of Carlos's arousal. He had barely touched him. But he loved that his touch could bring his lover such pleasure. Trent knew Carlos was very close to his release already, but he simply couldn't ignore his lover's nipples. He loved the feel of them in his mouth so much and the reaction it always got from Carlos.
Moving himself so he was in a better position to do so, Trent took one of Carlos's nipples in his mouth and sucked on it -- first gently, then a little harder, slowly increasing the suction. As he did so, he reached his hand up to rub and fondle and finally pinch his other nipple, nipping the one in his mouth gently as he pinched the other.
"TRENT!" Carlos cried out, arching his back as soon as his lover's mouth covered his nipple and he began sucking on it -- it was so intense, so wonderful. He started panting much more heavily now that Trent was sucking harder and harder on his nipple -- he couldn't get enough of his loving attention. His nipple being lavished by his lover's hot mouth was intense and he kept crying out over and over as the intensity grew and grew as Trent pinched the one nipple and nipped the other. He ran his hands through his lover's hair and up and down his back to make more body contact with him but with each pinch and nip -- not to mention the sucking of his nipple -- increasing his passion. Carlos couldn't take much more and he threw his arms out to the side grabbing onto the bed and he arched his back over and over again, panting, and moaning with an occasional cry of passion. He was almost delirious with ecstasy now and right on the edge ready to fall off.
As soon as Carlos grabbed at the bed, Trent knew he had to move fast or miss tasting his lover's essence. He let go of Carlos's nipples, pausing for only a moment to look at his wonderful lover, enjoying his passion so. Trent moved his hand down Carlos's abdomen again, pushing back the sheet and blanket covering him as he did so. After uncovering his lover's very erect and very hard shaft, Trent moved himself so he could take Carlos's shaft in his mouth.
When Carlos felt the covers being pulled back he knew that his lover was about to give him a wonderful orgasm and his passion soared even higher at the thought, the longing and anticipation having been built up with such perfection that he knew he would just explode when it happened.
Trent first licked the fluid from the head, savoring it for only a second before taking his lover into his mouth all the way very fast. Sucking hard, he pulled his head back slowly then, getting to the top, took him into his mouth again quickly. There was only time for Trent to take his lover into his mouth a few more times before Carlos erupted in his mouth, coming hard, sending his fluids down Trent's throat.
Licking the fluid from the head was one thing -- that was sending sparks flying throughout his body, but the instant that Trent's hot mouth took his penis inside, and so very fast, it made Carlos suck in his breath and he began to tremble as the intensity as everything increased so much. As his lover continued to suck him he found himself getting even closer to that edge than he thought possible until suddenly he cried out loudly. He arched his back very high as he came so hard, exploding inside Trent's mouth, sending everything he had down his lover's throat. He spasmed over and over with no end in sight until he was completely expended, his whole body shaking.
Trent continued to suck on his lover briefly after his orgasm ended. Releasing Carlos reluctantly from his mouth, Trent licked him a few more times to be sure he got everything his lover had released, then climbed back up to Carlos's side and lay down next to him again, putting his head on his chest and his arm around his waist, to wait for him to return to himself.
Carlos couldn't think, or speak -- he just lay there shaking still from the incredible orgasm he'd just experienced. He had closed his eyes, but felt Trent's presence by his side. When Trent put his head on his chest and his arm around his waist he felt so comforted and safe and he put one arm around his lover and used his other hand to run through Trent's hair. He tried to say something to show how much what Trent had done meant to him. "God, baby..., I... love... you... so... good...." was all he could say before he had to try and catch his breathing again -- he was still panting so hard.
Trent smiled, his head still on Carlos's chest. It pleased him to no end knowing he could bring his lover such intense pleasure. He lifted his head to look at Carlos who was still panting. Smiling at his lover, Trent reached up his hand and caressed Carlos's hair and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "And I love you, too," Trent said, his heart and soul overflowing with love for Carlos -- overflowing into his eyes to shine there as he looked at his lover.
It felt so good to lie there with his lover by his side. Carlos loved it when Trent ran his hand through his hair. He returned the kiss with all of the love he had inside -- he put every ounce of feeling and devotion into the kiss. He saw the look in his lover's eyes and read it perfectly and smiled. He pulled Trent to him for another kiss -- longer, deeper -- his tongue searching and tasting, making sure he had captured everything that tasted of his lover. Then, still panting slightly, he broke the kiss out of the need for air and looked deeply into Trent's eyes. "I love you so very much," he said, then let his lover settle at his side again so that he could rest some more. After that wonderful orgasm he still wasn't quite back yet and it was all so incredible and overwhelming that it would take a while longer.
Trent returned Carlos's kiss then put his head back on his chest to let him rest and return to normal. He didn't mind in the least. He loved laying there in Carlos's arms, listening to his lover's heart beat, hearing and feeling him breathe. After a while, Carlos seemed to be more or less back to normal. "You still want to watch TV?" Trent asked.
"Sure, that sounds good. Why don't you pick something out?" Carlos suggested, wrapping one arm around his lover while channel surfing with the remote in his other hand. "Let me know when you see something that interests you," he said, making sure he didn't skip over the channels too fast.
"Oh, I see something that interests me all right, but it's not on TV," Trent said, putting his hand lightly on Carlos's chest and smiling at him before returning his attention to the TV.
Carlos loved lying in bed with his lover by his side -- he was sure there wasn't a greater feeling than being with the one you love and he knew they were the perfect example of what love is all about. He smiled and let out a big sigh of contentment, happier than he'd ever been in his life. He pulled Trent closer to him and ran his hand up and down his lover's back while continuing to channel surf so Trent could pick something out for them to watch.
Trent noticed the same shows starting to repeat in the channel surfing line up. "Sure is a whole bunch of nothing on," Trent commented at the lack of programs worth watching at the moment, "I think I would settle for a talking shoes show right about now." He watched as Carlos continued to flip the channels still not finding anything to watch. "I suppose we might turn off the TV," Trent said, turning this head to look at Carlos, then continuing in a tone of mock frustration, "But I just don't know *what* we'll do all afternoon in this nice... big... comfy bed if we do."
"Well, I have a few ideas on that subject," Carlos said seductively, and turned off the TV and tossed the remote in the general direction of the bedside table. He put a hand under Trent's chin lifting his head up then he leaned down slightly to capture his lover's lips with his in a kiss that started out soft and tender, then became harder and more passionate, his tongue demanding entry into his lover's mouth to once again taste the sweetness that was there and belonged to him.
Trent kissed Carlos back, never getting enough of kissing him. Whether they aroused him physically or not, they always aroused his heart and his soul. But this one was stirring his physical fire again, amazing him totally. How could he be so unready one minute and the next he was getting aroused? He still didn't know, and he really had stop questioning it, but it still amazed him, and he hoped it never stopped happening.
Carlos lifted Trent up slightly so that he could lie him down in the bed, then Carlos got half on and half off of him and kissed him again very deeply and passionately for several minutes until he needed to break for air. He looked at his lover with his eyes twinkling and that famous smile on his face. "How's that for starters?" he asked in a low husky voice filled with desire.
"Very nice. Very nice, indeed. I'd say you're on your way to building another award winning fire, Lucky Bear," Trent said, smiling at Carlos and the way he was looking at him. He knew he was about to find out what Carlos had been planning and most likely what he had put on the floor and what he had kept him from seeing earlier.
"Lucky Bear is very pleased that Soaring Eagle is happy," Carlos said smiling, then went back for another deep, long, very passionate kiss -- seeking out even more of his lover's exquisite taste, and like always, he was rewarded with more than he could have ever imagined. After a time he needed to break for air once again, and when he did, he looked at Trent, deep into his eyes, with all of the love he had inside shining through them. Then he began to nuzzle his lover's neck, knowing how much they both loved that spot, and how much pleasure it brought to Trent. He licked, kissed and even nipped over and over until he felt Trent's passion rising.
Trent kissed Carlos back, his physical arousal increasing, catching up fast with his heart's arousal. When the kiss ended and Carlos began to nuzzle him, he moved his head back slightly to give his lover better access to his neck. As Carlos nuzzled, then licked and nipped him, Trent started to moan softly. "Oh, Carlos, what you do to me," he said between moans, "So good... so very good..."
Carlos lifted himself off of his lover and caressed his cheek softly and kissed his lips tenderly. "Stay right there, don't move, and close your eyes," he instructed, then waited for Trent to do as he asked.
Trent was surprised when Carlos stopped his nuzzling and got off him until he again remembered whatever it was on the floor. "Just where did you think I was going to go?" he asked, of Carlos's instructions, as he closed his eyes as his lover told him to.
Once Trent had closed his eyes, Carlos began to smile with the wickedness adding to it and he leaned over the side of the bed and reached for the jars of toppings he had brought with him earlier. He opened the jar of his favorite kind -- chocolate -- and drizzled some onto his lover's nipples, slowly, making sure each nipple had a light coating over it. That would do nicely for starters then he would continue on with other parts of his body as he progressed.
Trent jumped just a bit when the chocolate topping touched his nipple. After a moment he remembered the left over sundae toppings and smiled. It really was a very erotic feeling, the syrup being drizzled on his nipples. He moaned ever so softly. "Can I open my eyes now?" he asked when he felt the topping stop drizzling on him.
"Not just yet, my love," Carlos said, getting himself back into position over Trent's body so that he could do this just right. He began slowly, first nuzzling his lover's neck again to take up where he left off, then he licked his way down his lover's body until he reached the luscious chocolate syrup that was covering those wonderful, beautiful nipples that he was about to torture sweetly.
Trent was a bit surprised when Carlos returned to nuzzle him where there was no syrup, but the surprise didn't last long. No other thought lasted long once Carlos started nuzzling him. Trent began to breathe harder and moan softly. When Carlos began to move, Trent let out one slightly louder moan, then resumed the softer ones.
Carlos took his time, drawing out every move he made, wanting this to last and to build up such emotion and passion and desire that they would both burst from it all. He finally made his way to the nipples themselves and he began with the right one by licking lightly, almost teasingly, around the edges. When most of the syrup was gone from there he looked at the nipple itself longingly.
Trent was about ready to start squirming. What was taking Carlos so long? There wasn't any syrup where he was licking, not that he had felt anyway. Then Carlos finally started licking his nipple, licking off the syrup and teasing his nipple. It was so good and he wanted more.
"Now you can open your eyes," Carlos said sensually. There was still so much syrup there and it just had to come off, so Carlos without hesitation put his mouth over the nipple and sucked hard, very hard, his tongue cleaning off all of the syrup at the same time.
When Trent opened his eyes and saw the look on his lover's face and in his eyes, he whimpered ever so slightly, "Oh, Carlos, please..." But he need not have asked. Carlos was already on his way to finish the job, sucking Trent's nipple into his mouth as Trent was saying 'please'. "Oh, Carlos!" Trent moaned loudly, arching his back as he did.
Hearing his lover moan and whimper was all Carlos needed and he continued to suck hard until the nipple was completely clean. Trent's back arching did wonders for Carlos, sending thrills through his body knowing he was giving his lover so much pleasure. Now that that nipple had been thoroughly cleaned it was time to move on and he shifted slightly so that he would have a better angle to work the same magic on his other nipple.
Trent felt the slightest disappointment when Carlos finished with the first nipple. But it didn't last long. He knew there was topping on his other nipple and that was where Carlos was headed.
This time Carlos teased and licked lightly with his tongue all around the nipple until it was spotless then again he took this nipple into his hot mouth and sucked as hard as he could, lightly rubbing the nipple between his teeth as his tongue glided across and swirled around the nipple, making sure that every bit of chocolate syrup was completely gone.
Trent was watching Carlos as he licked and teased this nipple. He was whimpering softly and panting as he watched, unable to take his eyes off of Carlos's tongue.
Carlos slid his body across his lover's and nuzzled his neck again briefly. "This is only the beginning," he whispered into Trent's ear. He leaned over the side of the bed and brought up the strawberry syrup and this time drizzled a nice gooey line of it right down the center of Trent's chest. "Ready for what comes next?" he asked suggestively.
When Carlos nuzzled him and then spoke, in his ear, Trent just looked at him, breathing hard and staring. Then his lover got another jar of topping and drizzled it on him. "Oooh..." was all he could manage to say with the feelings the topping hitting his body were making in him. Then when Carlos asked if he was ready, he just looked at his lover and the look on his face and in his eyes. He tried to say something, but it didn't come out of his mouth. Instead, he moaned softly followed by another whimper.
Carlos lowered himself over Trent's body slowly, but not touching it, wanting to draw out the anticipation in his lover, to let him feel everything that he had to give him. He then leaned down a little more -- still not letting his body make contact with Trent's -- and with his tongue he began to lightly run it up and down Trent's chest in a very teasing way, moving his tongue back and forth as he moved up and down the length of Trent's upper body, from the base of his lover's neck to just above the navel.
Trent watched as Carlos drew out the anticipation. He was all but squirming by the time his lover finally touched him with his tongue, caressing his body with it, licking off the syrup he had drizzled there. Trent continued to breathe hard and watch his lover. It was so good, so very good. Trent moaned a bit louder and arched his back.
It was so erotic to Carlos, the feeling of his lover underneath him, arching his back. The glorious sounds of Trent's moans and whimpers were nearly enough to drive Carlos over the edge right then, but it wasn't time yet. There was still so much more to do. This time when his tongue made his way up to the base of Trent's neck he nuzzled him again then suddenly kissed Trent hard and with all of the passion and desire he had inside, his tongue demanding entry once more to seek out what was his and quench his thirst. He wanted to share with Trent what he was tasting -- the syrup mixed with his lover's own scent. It was incredible, sexy and very erotic. The best part was that Carlos had even more planned. "Hold on, baby, there's a lot more ahead," he said as soon as he broke the kiss to breathe.
Trent began to whimper a little louder when Carlos began to nuzzle him again. It surprised him when Carlos suddenly caught his mouth in a kiss. He moaned in his lover's mouth, then kissed him back full force, tasting the strawberry of the syrup and the taste of Carlos and underneath them both, himself. It was driving him to the edge very fast and he moaned again in Carlos's mouth. When Carlos broke the kiss and spoke, Trent could only continue to pant and stare at his lover. He couldn't take much more, he was so worked up. He tried to tell Carlos, to ask Carlos, to plead with Carlos -- he needed him now, but he was way beyond words. The only thing coming out of his mouth was a noise that was somewhere between a moan and a whimper, or both together. He wasn't sure.
Carlos knew it had to be soon for his lover and for himself -- there wasn't much more either of them could take. Carlos reached for the KY and coated himself thoroughly, then after putting some more KY on his fingers, he inserted them into his lover's body, touching him everywhere, making sure he was coated and prepared.
Trent was glad to see Carlos understood his need. He watched as his lover prepared himself so they could join. He had seen it so many times before, but he just stared this time as if it were the first time he had seen it. Then Carlos moved on to preparing him. Trent moaned when his lover put his fingers inside of him, moaning again and again, between pants, as he moved them around, stimulating him further.
Almost immediately after removing his fingers from his lover, Carlos replaced them with his own hard penis and thrust carefully all the way -- hard and as deep as he could, then withdrew immediately and thrust again, this time even harder and deeper. He kept going, over and over again -- harder and harder, deeper and deeper, the intensity and speed of his thrusts increasing rapidly as he began to moan and pant loudly, no longer able to think clearly or to focus on anything except the extreme pleasure he was giving to his lover and himself.
The whimpers were gone, replaced by moaning. As Carlos sped up his thrusts, Trent began to cry out in his ecstasy, not able to hold on much longer to what little restraint he had left.
Trent's moans and cries turned Carlos on more than anything and listening to them caused him to increase the pace of his thrusts even more. He knew his lover was on the edge and he wanted Trent to come and come hard -- very hard. He reached out and took hold of his lover's hard shaft and pumped very hard and fast to keep up with the same rhythm he was providing inside him.
Trent lost his restraint when Carlos took hold of his shaft. He cried out loudly then continued to moan, closing his eyes and giving himself over to the incredible orgasm he knew was only moments away.
A few more thrusts and Carlos exploded inside Trent with such force he was certain it would never end, a split second later, Trent came very hard in Carlos's hand. The spasms went on for several minutes, then, still panting hard, Carlos removed himself gently from his lover's body and lay down on top of him, wanting and needing the closeness that they always shared after their delicious lovemaking. He couldn't speak or even think of much else other than how wonderful it had been and hoping that Trent felt the same way.
Trent had already fallen over the edge when he felt Carlos come inside him with such force. It added to his orgasm that had already started. He came hard, crying out loudly, shaking after the spasms finally stopped. He was vaguely aware of Carlos removing himself from his body and breaking their joining. Then Carlos was on top of him and his arms went around him automatically, hugging him tightly, almost fiercely, to himself. He loved this man so much and what he could do to him time and again was beyond belief.
Carlos loved it when his lover's arms wrapped around him -- it made him feel so safe, warm and very, very loved. He was still panting hard and trying to return to himself, but it would take some time before that would happen. Carlos just enjoyed being like this so very much and he could stay like this forever. His breathing finally slowing somewhat he sighed and snuggled closer to his lover's body if that was possible. All he needed and wanted was to feel his lover holding him tight like he already was -- it felt wonderful -- there was no better feeling, and he couldn't get enough.
As Trent started to return to himself, his breathing calming a bit, his moans only soft now, he loosened his grip just a little bit on Carlos, not realizing how hard he had been hugging him, not wanting to hurt him. He moved one hand around on his lover's back and the other he put in his lover's hair. He still couldn't speak, but caught Carlos's mouth in a kiss, hoping he was capable of that, if not speech, but needing to do it even if he wasn't. He was.
Go to Page Eleven