Morning Glow
Page Eleven

Carlos was so comfortable lying on top of his lover and he didn't ever want to leave him -- not for a second. The feel of his lover holding him tight was the best. When he felt Trent's hand moving around on his back and the other in his hair he moaned softly, his pants almost completely subsided, but still breathing heavily. His lover's hands everywhere felt wonderful and he reveled in being in his lover's arms. When Trent caught his mouth in a kiss he returned it passionately, full of all of the love he had inside, moaning into his lover's mouth over and over as the kiss continued, not able to get enough of the sweetness of Trent.
Breaking the kiss and finally able to speak a few words, Trent said the only thing he could even think of to say at the moment, "I love you so much, Carlos." As usual, it seemed so inadequate to express what he wanted to.
"I love you too, Trent," Carlos said, smiling, then put his head back down on Trent's chest and sighed contentedly, still breathing a little raggedly after their wonderful lovemaking and that incredible kiss they just shared. "Hold me, baby..., please hold me," he said softly, needing that closeness for a little while longer. He closed his eyes and knew that there was no better feeling than what they shared together in their very special love for each other.
"Oh, that can definitely be arranged," Trent said, tightening his hug around Carlos, being more careful this time how he was holding him to hug him. "I love holding you, you do know that, I hope?" Trent said, more a statement than a question. Trent moved his hand to Carlos's hair again, kissing the top of his head and running his hand through his hair.
"Mmmmm..., I sure do," Carlos murmured softly almost completely recovered now, but still loving the intense closeness that they were sharing at this moment. Trent's kisses felt wonderful and those combined with feeling his lover's hand running through his hair was starting to arouse him and he lifted his head slightly to look at Trent. He dropped a few kisses on his lover's chest and looked him deeply in the eyes. "Just what are you trying to do to me?" he asked, the famous twinkle coming back into his eyes.
"Well, I was trying to run my hand through your hair until you moved it," Trent said, putting his now free hand back on Carlos's back, "But it seems other parts of your anatomy have a different idea about which part needs my attention." Trent could see the stirrings of Carlos's arousal in his eyes and feel it against his own body. Trent really did NOT know where Carlos got all this sexual energy from, but he was sure if they could figure it out, they could make lots of money.
Carlos chuckled at his lover's referral to his arousal. He was definitely aroused, something that happened very easily whenever Carlos thought about, looked at, or touched his lover in any way -- and that meant he was aroused twenty-four hours a day. He smiled again thoroughly enjoying those thoughts running through his head. "I'm ALWAYS in need of attention, baby," he said seductively, suggestively, heat and passion rising high and fast as he looked into his lover's eyes.
Trent smiled at Carlos and hugged him tighter, then very quickly rolled them both over and just as quickly he sat up, straddling Carlos, one knee on each side of his body, Carlos lying flat on the bed, Trent sitting on his lower abdomen. Looking directly into Carlos's eyes, Trent grinned his best wicked grin and said, "So, any of those toppings left I wonder?"
Carlos was very surprised when Trent rolled them over, but he was thrilled and very excited, breathless with anticipation of what his lover had in mind. That wicked grin of his was so very sexy and captivating and he just stared into Trent's eyes, those endless pools of blue, waiting for whatever was planned for him to start. He felt like he couldn't breathe it was so exciting. "There's plenty leftover," Carlos said breathlessly, beginning to pant now in earnest, unbelieving what was going to happen -- not even knowing yet, but knowing that it would be everything wonderful in the world all because of his lover.
"I sort of thought there might be," Trent said, grinning at Carlos still, "Let me just see." Trent looked over the side of the bed without moving his body. "Can't really see...," he moved his upper body so he was leaning in the direction of the side of the bed he was looking over, "Nope, still can't really see." With that he climbed quickly off of Carlos and off of the bed and got down on the floor on hands and knees where Carlos couldn't see him.
"Yup, lots of toppings down here. You were right, Carlos," Trent remained out of sight, "Hummm..., we still have some chocolate, but I can't eat that...," Trent was attempting to draw this out awhile, "We still have some strawberry, but that's been done... Some pineapple, but that's kinda chunky to drip and drizzle very well... AH! Here we go! Caramel!" Trent held the jar up over his head where Carlos could see it. Straightening up just enough so Carlos could just see his face, Trent asked, "Is that acceptable?"
Carlos was so excited and his heart was beating so fast as Trent climbed off of him, then off the bed. Then at the mere mention of the different flavors of syrup left over his arousal became even stronger -- sending his passion soaring even higher. He wanted nothing more than to be touched and taken to the greatest, highest extreme that he knew Trent could take him to. His lover knew just what to do to bring out everything he had and Carlos knew there would be an incredible journey waiting for him to take. Next to chocolate, caramel was Carlos's favorite and the thought -- just the imagination of caramel topping on his body sent shivers of excitement through him. "Caramel is perfect, baby..., just perfect," he said breathlessly, as if he were holding his breath almost and pushing the words out. That's how excited he was and he wanted this to last and realized that Trent was drawing this out for all it was worth. Carlos just loved it, every bit of it.
Trent smiled at Carlos and climbed back up on the bed and kneeled beside his lover. Trent looked at the jar in his hand and then looked at Carlos lying on the bed watching him. "I think we need something else here," Trent said, "Be right back. Now don't you go anywhere." Trent put the jar of caramel on the bedside table and got off the bed and headed for his bag he brought from home.
Coming back to the bed, Trent held up a pair of handcuffs for Carlos to see. "I told you I could find these. I brought them in case you wouldn't stay in bed like a good boy when I told you to this weekend," Trent said. He hadn't been sure of Carlos's real interest in using them in an erotic manner and he still wasn't. He needed to be sure before using them. "Are you going to be a good boy and stay in bed? Or do I need to use these?" Trent asked, giving Carlos an out to say yes he would stay put and Trent would forget the handcuffs.
Carlos's breath caught in his throat when he saw the handcuffs. He had wanted this for so long. Now that his lover was holding them he had to have it, feel them on his body -- this was thrilling, exhilarating, shook him deep down with pleasure at their mere presence. "I'm glad you found them," Carlos said, already panting with anticipation. "You'll need them," he said between pants, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Yes, I thought I might," Trent said, seeing the very obvious look of desire in his lover's eyes and the increase in his arousal, in addition to his words. Climbing on the bed again, closer to the headboard of the bed, Trent reached down and picked up one of Carlos's hands and put one of the cuffs on his wrist. Picking up his other hand then taking both of them and raising them over his head, Trent slipped the other handcuff behind then around one of the posts making up the headboard before fastening it to Carlos's other wrist. "There, now you can't get away," he said.
Carlos watched Trent intently as his lover took first one arm then the other up over his head and then handcuffed him to the bed post. He closed his eyes and moaned several times, then whimpered softly to show how much he was enjoying this. Carlos loved it, every second of it. The incredible sparks shooting through his body were making his heart race -- he felt so good, very good lying there handcuffed. It was an incredible feeling to know that his lover was going to do whatever he wanted to him. Carlos had no idea what Trent had in mind but it was always sensational and the handcuffs would just add a new sensation to the list.
Trent got back in the position he was earlier, kneeling beside his lover on the bed, and looked at Carlos watching him. Continuing to watch his lover, Trent picked up the jar of caramel again and opened it very slowly. He took his finger and stuck it in the jar, withdrawing it covered in caramel. Allowing it to drip off for a moment, he then took his finger and put it in his mouth, sucking the caramel off as he withdrew his finger. "Mmmm, that's good," he said, smiling at Carlos.
Carlos watched, fascinated, as Trent dipped his finger into the caramel. Watching it drip off his finger, then as his lover sucked the luscious topping off his finger, it sent even more thrills through his body. Carlos was so pleased and excited. This was erotic and so sexy, and Trent looked wonderful as he sucked his finger. Carlos continued to watch, his eyes fixed on his lover and everything that he was doing, not wanting to miss anything, knowing that this had just started. He wanted it to go on for a very long time -- and his body was crying out for more, lots more of what his incredible lover had already started.
"I'm betting this tastes even *better* on you though," Trent said, in a sensuous voice. "I think it's time to find out, don't you?" Trent took the jar of caramel sauce and put it over the top of Carlos's nipple. Slowly he tipped the jar and allowed the caramel to drizzle out on to Carlos's nipple and chest, then tipped the jar back up and moved it to the other nipple and did the same.
Carlos could barely breathe -- this was so exciting and more than he even realized when he was doing this to his lover only minutes ago. It was incredible and he couldn't get enough. He had no idea what it would feel like and when the caramel syrup touched him he instantly became more aroused and the sensations it sent through his body were leaving him breathless. He started to pant with excitement, anticipation and the wonder of it all. "Yes, baby..., yes," was all he could say at this point -- it was becoming an effort to speak at all.
After his lover's nipples were coated, Trent tipped the jar back up and moved it lower, stopping at Carlos's navel. He again slowly tipped the jar and drizzled caramel sauce around his lover's navel and then, lastly, allowed it to continue in a slow stream to fill his navel to the top.
Carlos never stopped watching Trent, making sure he didn't miss a thing his lover was doing, or the way his lover looked and the expression on his face when he was doing it. Now that his nipples were covered in syrup and he was enjoying the sensations, he watched in complete awe as he lover filled his navel with the caramel topping. That was a feeling like no other and he thrilled to this new sensation, adding to the erotic feelings he was already having. He shuddered with the incredible feelings that were running through him. It was so exciting -- he couldn't wait for more. "More, Trent..., so... good...," he struggled to say, panting heavily, trying to express his desires to his lover, but he knew that Trent understood perfectly. He never took his eyes off his lover and waited to see what would happen next.
Trent looked at his lover again. He took the jar and it's top and put them on the bedside table then turned his attention back to Carlos, looking him over, as if trying to decide where to start. Then he put on a look of puzzlement. "Something's missing here," Trent acted as if he were thinking hard. "Oh, yes, I know," he said, as if he had just realized the missing ingredient.
Carlos was so excited watching his lover trying to decide what was missing, and he wondered what it would be, his mind racing to figure it out but not caring either -- just knowing it would be exciting and thrilling was more than enough. He began to tremble with anticipation.
Trent got off the bed again, disappearing where Carlos couldn't see him. "No, that's not it...," Trent said, making alot of noise with the jars, "No, not it either... now where did I put... AH! There it is!" Smiling from ear to ear as if he had found a great treasure, Trent climbed back up on the bed and smiled at Carlos and held up a maraschino cherry for him to see. "Can't have a Caramel Carlos Sundae without a cherry, now can we?" Trent said, taking the cherry and putting it in Carlos's navel, on top of the caramel syrup already there.
As soon as his lover disappeared Carlos's anticipation grew even stronger and he was trying to think of what Trent could be up to. He didn't have to wait long and when Trent held up the maraschino cherry his arousal became even stronger and his passion and desire for his lover to do whatever he desired to do to him was thrilling. He watched Trent closely, never taking his eyes off of him as he placed the cherry in his navel and the feeling that created was like none other and he moaned softly, followed by a whimper. It was sensational, and he began panting even harder now, just so excited at everything Trent was doing to him. "So good... so very good...," he said between pants, moaning softly.
Trent smiled at Carlos's words. "No, I think you got that backwards. That's my line. *I'm* the one that gets to eat the Carlos Sundae -- good, so very good," Trent said, "At least I'm assuming so. Think it's time I made sure, don't you?"
Breathless with anticipation, panting harder at Trent's words, Carlos could only nod his head in answer to his question.
Starting with the nipple closest to him, Trent began to lick off the caramel sauce. He wasn't paying any specific attention to the arousing the nipple, rather just licking off the sauce, which of course was all over the nipple. "Mmm, this *is* good," Trent said after a few licks, "Beats having it on ice cream even."
Carlos couldn't feel Trent's tongue licking the syrup off his skin and nipple but he knew it had to be there. He could feel the syrup moving around, sliding across his skin and that sensation alone was already sending him somewhere very high -- he was beginning to soar now, but he had a long way to go and wanted this to last a very, very long time. He would keep his restraint in check until the last possible moment.
Once all of the sauce had been licked off the one nipple, Trent stopped and looked at it as if judging if he had done a good enough clean up job on it. "Just a tiny bit left here," he said to himself but out loud. With that he took Carlos's nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hard, swirling his tongue around it while it was in his mouth, cleaning off the last of the caramel from it. Trent released the nipple from his mouth and looked at it again and smiled a smile of satisfaction at a job well done. "All clean!" he said, and looked at Carlos and smiled again.
Carlos watched Trent -- watched him looking at his chest, at his nipple and the expression on his lover's face thrilled him every bit as much as everything else that Trent was doing to him. He cried out loudly when Trent sucked on his nipple -- the feeling of his lover's hot mouth on it and the wonderful way Trent was sucking him was one of the most wonderful feelings he had ever experienced. He wanted so much more -- he would never be able to get enough of Trent. "Oh, baby..., yes... more... please...," he said, trying to talk between pants and moans.
"More? I suppose that means you want me to clean that one off too, huh?" Trent said, pointing at Carlos's other nipple still covered in caramel sauce. "Well, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it...," Trent said in mock resignation, then changing his tone, "Besides, I can't leave a job half done now can I?"
Carlos couldn't speak, he was too captivated by his lover's eyes and expression to say anything at all. The only thing he could do was to nod his head, reaffirming that he did indeed want and need more -- everything Trent could give him. Then he shook his head in answer to the question about leaving a job half done. That would be incomprehensible and Carlos needed and wanted every sensation flowing through his body that was possible and leaving the job half done wouldn't accomplish that -- not at all.
Trent moved to the other nipple, stopping to lick off a few stray drops of caramel on the way. Getting to the nipple, he put out his tongue and began to swirl it around the nipple, moving the sauce around a lot but not really cleaning it off. Once the nipple was hard with excitement, Trent sucked it into his mouth, sucking off the caramel as he did. The taste really was wonderful. Releasing the nipple from his mouth, Trent licked up and down and back and forth across it until it was completely clean, just like the other one. "Now, don't ever say Trent Malloy leaves a job half done," he said as he looked at Carlos and grinned again.
Carlos loved it -- Trent was taking his time and drawing this out for all it was worth and that was driving him crazy. When Trent sucked his other nipple into his mouth he arched his back high, crying out again with the sheer pleasure of it all. It was wonderful and exciting, all of his nerves tingling with a rush of anticipation for what else his lover could possibly give him.
Trent moved his eyes very obviously towards Carlos's navel. "Guess it's time for the main course, wouldn't you say?" Trent said, more a statement than a question. Moving so he could lick Carlos's navel, he contemplated the cherry for a moment. "Some people like to start out eating the cherry first and some save it for last. Hard decision," Trent said, then started licking the caramel from around Carlos's navel while he thought about it. He then dipped his tongue in and around Carlos's navel, getting a fair amount of the caramel out from under the cherry before it moved to roll to the side.
"Guess that decides that. I better eat it now before it rolls away," Trent said, then took the cherry in his mouth and looked up at Carlos. "I really shouldn't be selfish with this," he said. He bit the cherry in half first then moved up to take Carlos's mouth with his own, kissing him deeply, letting him taste the caramel in his mouth. Then, making sure to leave half the cherry in Carlos's mouth, Trent broke the kiss and moved back, chewing on his own half of the cherry and smiling at his lover.
Carlos watched as his lover moved closer to him with the cherry in his mouth and when Trent kissed him he returned the kiss, moaning into his lover's mouth with pure passion and desire. The familiar sweetness of his lover and now, combined with the caramel topping, he was nearly beside himself. As the kiss broke, he took his half of the cherry into his mouth and watched as his lover moved back down his body eating his own half of the cherry -- chewing it slowly and seductively -- never taking his eyes off of his lover for a moment.
Trent moved back to Carlos's navel to finish the clean up job there. He licked back and forth and up and down and round and round before finally dipping his tongue into his lover's navel and moving it around in an effort to get all of the caramel out. Finally satisfied with his efforts, Trent looked up at Carlos from where he was. "That was a very nice main course. Really. But I think it's time for dessert," Trent said and grinned his very best wicked grin at Carlos.
Carlos couldn't believe what an effect Trent was having on him -- it was absolutely incredible and he watched closely as his lover licked him over and over -- his tongue skillfully taking care of all of the caramel in his navel until it was completely clean. He was breathing even harder now if that were possible and he just stared at Trent, his eyes ablaze and full of so much desire and passion. He whimpered when Trent flashed his wicked grin. He knew it well and the promise it held.
Trent got the jar of caramel sauce off of the bedside table and moved a little lower with it. He held the jar over Carlos's very erect penis and started to tip it, looking at his lover as he did so.
Still mesmerized by his lover, Carlos watched intently when Trent picked up the jar of caramel syrup again and as he started to tip it he looked his lover straight in the eye, his own eyes sparkling with the intensity of what this was doing to him.
Turning his attention back to the caramel, Trent drizzled the caramel over Carlos's shaft, letting it hit the head of it and then slowly trickle down the sides. Trent alternated his gaze from the jar, to see what he was doing, and Carlos, to see what he was causing.
Carlos arched his back high when the syrup touched his very hard penis -- it was so erotic and wonderful. The sensations that filled his body were taking him even higher and he knew this would be a wonderful ride to the top where he would fall off and visit that special vacation spot his lover had taken him to so many times before. He was writhing and squirming now. Feeling the caramel on his penis and being handcuffed made it all the more special and very erotic. He was thrilled beyond expectations and wanted everything his lover could give him.
Trent finished his caramel drizzling and put the jar back on the bedside table. Moving back to Carlos's shaft covered in caramel sauce, Trent got into a position so he could start his 'dessert'. "One normally eats an ice cream cone from the top down, but I think I have to make an exception here. This one is too drippy to eat that way," Trent commented on the caramel running down Carlos's shaft. "With one exception," Trent said, putting out his tongue and licking the opening of his lover's shaft to get the accumulated fluids there. It was a very interesting taste combination, he thought, very nice.
Carlos watched carefully, not wanting to miss one single detail. He watched Trent put the jar down, then followed his lover's every movement as he got into position. He couldn't take his eyes off of Trent and he was beside himself as his lover's tongue reached out to lick his hard penis -- it was so hard -- and he arched his back in response, writhing and squirming in exquisite pleasure that his lover was providing. The handcuffs added so much eroticism to the experience that he cried out as Trent's hot tongue captured the fluids from the head of his penis. It was wonderful -- absolutely wonderful.
After taking the one lick at the head of his lover's shaft, Trent moved down to the base and began, again, to lick off the caramel sauce, not making big deal out of specifically licking to stimulate, just licking to get the sauce off. He moved around and around, up and down, side to side. Licking off one area only caused the sauce from above to trickle down, so there was a lot of licking involved.
"Oh, Trent..., oh, baby..., good, so very... gooood...," Carlos said, panting heavily between words, writhing more now and thrilling to the incredible feel of the handcuffs keeping him in position. It added so much to his pleasure and desire and he cried out over and over, louder and louder as his arousal became even more intense while his lover continued to lick his penis. He never felt such incredible sensations before and he knew he was on his way to that very special vacation spot. He wanted to come so hard and have it last and last. It wasn't time yet though -- he knew there was more in store for him and he wanted it all before he came -- all of it -- everything Trent could possibly think of. Trent was the very best lover in the world and what he was experiencing right now was just an example. "Oh baby..., please... more... oh, so good...," he kept saying and continued crying out his pleasure.
Trent continued to lick Carlos's shaft, but increased the pressure of his tongue a bit, meaning to stimulate him now. His lover was reaching his limits, he could tell. Finally getting the majority of the caramel off of his lover's shaft, he moved to the head which still had some on it, some that had not trickled off yet. Trent swirled his tongue around the head over and over, getting every last drop of caramel.
His back arched high -- very high -- as soon as Carlos felt the increased pressure of his lover's oh-so-hot tongue on his increasingly hard shaft. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer no matter how much he wanted to -- what Trent was doing was so perfect -- loving, wonderful, incredible. When his lover's tongue swirled around the head of his penis, he arched his back again and cried out very loudly this time, straining very pleasurably against the handcuffs. The thrill it sent through him to feel their presence was incredible. He became even more excited and he writhed and squirmed, crying out over and over in pure pleasure.
Finishing licking the head off, Trent moved back to admire his work. "Not a bad cleaning job if I do say so myself," Trent said, and smiled at Carlos.
Carlos looked at Trent smiling and he was panting so hard but he had to speak, he had to say something. "Please, baby..., please... so... hot... want to... need to...," he finally said. That was all he could actually say as his heavy panting continued.
Looking back at his 'cleaning job', Trent said, "Oh, dear! I seem to have missed a spot. Here, let me fix that right now." Trent took Carlos's shaft in his mouth, all the way, very fast, and sucked on it, hard, very hard. Moving his head back up slowly, when he reached the top, he again swirled his tongue around the head then repeated the motion of taking his lover in his mouth again, all the way.
Carlos arched his back higher than ever and cried out louder than ever -- it was so sudden when Trent took his rock hard penis into his mouth all the way like that but he absolutely loved it -- the feeling was incredible, feeling Trent's mouth around him, his mouth sucking him as hard as he was -- he'd never felt Trent suck him this hard before and he writhed and moaned, over and over again as his lover continued to suck him.
Not moving back up again, but continuing to suck on Carlos's shaft, Trent felt his lover's orgasm begin and soon his hot essence was shooting down his throat. Trent swallowed hard and fast. Carlos was coming hard and long, like nothing he had felt before. He was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to end when finally it did.
It had been building since the beginning but this was unlike any other climax he'd ever felt. They'd all been wonderful but this was different. He had been on the edge for a long time, something he had never done before, and he suddenly couldn't hold back any longer and didn't want to. With one more surge that began to take him over the edge he cried out louder than ever before -- writhing and thrusting, thrilling to the handcuffs -- finally exploding into Trent's hot mouth. He was amazed at how much he had and that he kept coming with no end in sight. He kept sending his essence down Trent's throat until he was completely expended, but the spasms were nowhere near ending.
Trent continued to suck on his lover after his tremendous explosion, making sure he didn't miss anything. Releasing his lover from his mouth, Trent gave him a few more licks just to be sure he had gotten all the caramel and fluids off of him, then moved back up to the head of the bed. He debated for a moment whether to take the handcuffs off now or later, and decided to leave them on for now.
Carlos loved this part -- the thoroughness of his lover taking care of cleaning him felt so good, so very good. He was panting very heavily and couldn't speak, he could barely think. All he knew was that he was at that very special vacation spot and didn't want to leave there. When Trent moved up to be by his side he was very excited. He loved the after sex closeness almost as much as the sex itself. It always meant so much to him to be close to his lover and he knew Trent loved it, too.
Lying down next to Carlos, Trent hugged him tightly, putting his head on Carlos's chest. This was a very different feeling, without Carlos returning his hugs. But he waited for Carlos to come back down from his orgasm, cuddling up next to him and hugging him and running a hand over his chest lightly.
It felt so good feeling Trent hugging him and, with the handcuffs still holding him, Carlos felt some of that erotic feeling still. It was an incredible combination being held by handcuffs and hugged by his lover. The feel of Trent's hand running over his chest was enough to send shivers of excitement through him. It was indescribable, delicious and very sexy and erotic. Carlos also wanted to hug Trent and rub his back and just share the closeness, holding his lover tightly against him.
After a few minutes Carlos began to return to himself and his breathing became more regulated. "Oh, God, baby -- that was the most incredible experience -- thank you so very much," he said. He hoped his eyes and expression and words would at least start to tell him how much that meant to him. When he could hug him he planned on telling and showing him more, by holding him close and tight and loving him.
As much as Trent loved to hold and cuddle Carlos, he discovered part of it was being held and cuddled back. He was just moving to release Carlos's hands when his lover spoke. Trent looked at Carlos and smiled. "You're welcome, but it was my pleasure, really," Trent said, speaking the truth. It thrilled him to have brought his lover such intense pleasure.
Carlos smiled at his lover and all he wanted to do at this point was to hug him close and tight and kiss him over and over again. How he could ever thank his lover he didn't know. Carlos realized that Trent knew how much he had enjoyed himself, but it was still important that he show his lover in every way possible how much he loved him and what that experience meant to him.
Trent moved and got the key to the handcuffs. He unlocked one side, releasing one of Carlos's hands, then pulled the other to himself and unlocked the second cuff, kissing his lover's wrist before releasing his hand. He put the cuffs and key on the bedside table and then returned to Carlos. He lay down beside him, head on his lover's chest, and hugged him tightly.
Carlos looked into Trent's eyes as his lover removed the handcuffs that had held him during his glorious pleasure just moments ago. When Trent returned to his side, Carlos reached for his lover and hugged him tight. He was still trembling from his incredible, wonderful orgasm and all he wanted was to hold his lover and not let go. "I wish I could really explain how wonderful that was. Oh, baby, what you do to me. You're the most incredible lover -- I hope you know that," he said, and took one hand and ran it up and down his lover's back while holding him close to his body with the other one and kissing his head. "I love you more than you'll ever know," he added, and looked Trent straight in the eye before capturing his lover's mouth in a very passionate kiss.
Trent was happy Carlos felt that way about his lovemaking abilities, but he was still of the opinion Carlos had that reversed. It was his lover that was incredible, not himself. "Thank you, but I really don't think I'm any more incredible at this than you are," Trent said, putting his head back on Carlos's chest and just enjoying being held and stroked.
"We are something, aren't we?" Carlos said smiling, but it was a statement, not a question, for there was no doubt in his mind at all that they were wonderful together in every way. Carlos pulled Trent even closer and continued to run his hand up and down his back, caressing him and reveling in their closeness, which he knew they both treasured so much.
"Now *there* is the understatement of the year," Trent chuckled, hugging Carlos a little tighter as he said it. "You know, this is a really nice place we found here. We need to consider coming back here, or moving in here, or something," Trent said, commenting on the wonderful weekend they had spent together. "And I love this bed. Beats the heck out of my," Trent paused then looked at Carlos, correcting himself he went on, "*Our* bed at home. Think maybe it's time to go shopping for a new bed?"
"We definitely have to visit here again -- very soon," Carlos said, reflecting back on the weekend. Carlos looked at Trent and smiled. "I love this bed, too, and we can go shopping for a new one anytime you want," he added, smiling again and brought their lips together in another very passionate kiss, running one hand up and down Trent's back and holding him close. "I love you very much," he added, smiling and looking into his lover's eyes with all the love he had.
Trent smiled at his lover. "You think they make beds with extra heavy duty springs?" Trent laughed at the idea, "This should prove interesting, bed shopping together. Will give the sales clerks something to talk about for weeks, I bet."
Carlos laughed and held Trent tighter and closer to him, still rubbing his back. "Hmmm... yes, it will definitely be very interesting indeed. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to bed shopping with you. Just think of all of the *tryouts* we're going to have to give the different beds," Carlos said, laughing even harder at the images he had running through his head at what he wanted to *do* during these tryouts. "After all, there will be hundreds of beds to choose from and we *do* have to find the perfect one," he added with that wicked smile on his face once more. His eyes sparkled as he pulled back to look at Trent, just adoring his lover beyond words.
Trent looked at Carlos and the look in his eyes. "I think you're going for getting us on the Six O'clock Eyewitness News again, really I do," Trent said. "And any bed with you in it is the perfect one for me," Trent said, putting his head back on Carlos's chest.
Carlos laughed at the thought of them on the news. "I see -- first it was the 11 o'clock news, now it's the 6 o'clock news. Does this mean our ratings have improved?" he said suggestively as he continued looking at his lover, his eyes dancing mischievously.
"No, it just depends on when we go shopping I guess, afternoon or evening," Trent said, "And there was *never* anything wrong with our ratings."
Trent picked his head back up from Carlos's chest and moved it a bit. "I think I missed some caramel. Carlos, you have sticky nipples," Trent commented knowing now he had sticky hair.
"Well, we'll just have to clean them off, won't we?" he asked seductively, still with that wicked smile and sparkle in his eyes as he gazed lovingly at Trent. "You know a bath would be very nice right about now," he added softly, already starting to become husky with desire.
Trent picked his head back up and looked at Carlos grinning at him. "Don't you ever get enough? I mean, ever? Not that I mind or anything, I was just curious," Trent teased his lover, totally in awe of and thrilled by his lover's sexual abilities.
"How could one ever get enough of you, my love?" Carlos said, stating a fact, not asking a question. He kissed Trent very passionately again, then caressed his cheek with the back of his hand, while looking deeply into his eyes.
**Good answer,** Trent thought. "I don't think everyone would agree with you, but I'm glad you feel that way. I'd hate to be a pest, since I can't seem to get enough of you either," Trent said.
"Ready for a bath?" Carlos asked, still with that sparkle in his eyes, that famous wicked grin of his still on his face. It was so very true -- he would never be able to ever get enough of his lover -- it would be like trying to drink everything at once to quench a thirst that would keep on needing quenching forever. When something was this good, this wonderful, you wanted it to go on forever and ever.
"Yes, but we really *do* need a bath here. And I've got caramel in my hair," Trent really was feeling pretty sticky himself in more places than his hair, "You think you can manage to control yourself long enough for a shower then move on to a *bath*? You can't fool me. I know your mind is on that whirlpool tub."
"Well, that *is* asking a lot of me to control myself when I'm around you, but I think I can manage," Carlos said laughing, then pulled Trent closer and kissed him again just as passionately as before. "Of course I'm thinking about the tub -- I thought if we're thinking of getting one of our own we should try it out one more time before we leave, make sure it fits our needs," he added, trying very hard to be innocent, but knew he was not pulling that off with any success at all.
Trent smirked at Carlos and his innocent act. "I see. Purely research here, right? Uh, huh. If you say so," Trent said, not buying it. Trent broke into a smile then, "Come on, let's go. We don't have all that much longer before we have to check out of here." Trent got up putting out his hand to Carlos who was finally remembering to get up slowly. Trent grabbed the KY as they headed to the bathroom.
Getting the shower going first, Trent got in and put out his hand to help Carlos. Once he was in the shower with him, Trent kissed him thoroughly before breaking the kiss and grabbing the shampoo to get the sticky out of Carlos's hair. Putting the shampoo in his hand then in Carlos's hair, Trent started to wash his lover's hair. "Give any more thought to growing this hair out a bit?" Trent asked hopefully.
"I've thought about it plenty, baby, and I'll grow it out -- how long would you like it?" Carlos asked, feeling like he was in heaven. He adored it when Trent had his hands in his hair and knew that Trent would prefer it if he had longer hair. He wouldn't mind growing it out a little longer, just not too long. He closed his eyes and took in the scent of the shampoo and Trent's loving hands in his hair -- it was wonderful and he breathed deeply the whole time just relaxing and enjoying the tingling sensations running through him.
"Just enough so it curls," Trent said. "And a little more to get my fingers in," he added. He really did love putting his hands in Carlos's hair, and having a bit more there to put them in would be nice. "I really do like the curls," he said, moving Carlos back into the shower spray so he could rinse his hair.
"Mmmmm..., I love it when you have your fingers in my hair -- it feels incredible, you do have quite the touch, you know," Carlos said, meaning every word. "The longer it gets the more curly it is, so very soon you'll have all the curls you want, my love," he said softly and sensually.
Trent grinned just thinking about the soon to be curls. Finishing rinsing his lover's hair, Trent moved on to washing Carlos's body, realizing the areas that needed washing were the ones that were going to get him worked up the fastest. Trent smiled and started washing Carlos's chest off.
Carlos sighed deeply of pure contentment at the relaxing shower he was sharing with his lover. When Trent began cleansing his chest, his heart started to beat faster and his arousal became stronger. He looked at his lover with his eyes full of passion and desire. "You're wonderful and I'm the luckiest man in the whole world," he said and leaned forward to capture Trent's mouth in a hungry kiss -- the hunger only just beginning.
Trent kissed his lover back. "Hey, what happened to 'I can control myself'?" Trent asked smiling and going back to washing Carlos. "This does *not* look very 'in control' to me," Trent commented, pointing at Carlos's growing erection, then moving to wash him there, loving every second of Carlos's not being in control.
"Well, I did say I *thought* I could manage to control myself," Carlos said, emphasizing the word 'thought'.
Trent continued to wash Carlos. "You're right, you did say you thought you could," Trent said with a dramatic sigh of resignation in his voice.
"I won't deny that I'm insatiable when it comes to you, baby. You're one in a million," he added, smiling brightly at Trent. Knowing that his lover loved it when he wasn't in control. He continued to smile with the same wickedness and sparkle in his eyes that he had all afternoon.
"That *is* a pretty good reason, I guess," Trent said, then looked up to see Carlos smiling at him, "Hey! No fair using 'The Smile' on me. You know what that does to me."
"You do know me very well, don't you?" Carlos asked, but it was a question they both knew the answer to already.
"Yes, apparently so," Trent teased, using the resigned voice again, but grinning from ear to ear. When Trent was finished washing Carlos he asked, "Did I miss anything?"
"Not a thing, baby, not a thing -- perfect cleaning job as always," he said lovingly and he kissed Trent passionately again. "Your turn now," he said, turning Trent around in the shower and backing him into the spray so that he could begin by giving Trent a luxurious shampoo just like the one his lover had given him moments ago. He massaged the shampoo deep into his lover's hair, down to the scalp, using his fingertips to make sure that the scalp got the full treatment with his fingers moving in opposite directions from each other to intensify the feel for his lover.
"That feels nice...," Trent said, starting to feel aroused again. Trent understood Carlos's feelings about never getting enough, his body just didn't want to cooperate the way Carlos's did. But it was still more than he had ever been able to experience before.
Carlos knew that Trent was aroused and it made him happy that he affected his lover that way. Finished shampooing his lover's beautiful blond hair, he eased him back into the water to rinse him thoroughly then began washing the rest of him. He started with his lover's neck, then the shoulders, and then his lover's chest -- his gorgeous well-defined chest. As he cleansed Trent he made sure to clean not only his skin thoroughly, but the hair as he ran his hands across Trent's chest lovingly, looking into his lover's eyes as he did.
"You're trying to get me to purr again, aren't you?" Trent asked, wishing he could -- it might best express his feelings at the moment.
Carlos leaned very close to his lover and made a purring sound into his ear. Then he moved back in front of his lover and continued to wash him but he took his time, dropping a few kisses on different parts of his lover's body -- light, soft, caressing kisses.
"Not bad," Trent said, wishing he could make a similar noise to show his appreciation. Trent closed his eyes as Carlos moved on, just enjoying the feeling of the soap and the water and his lover's touch.
Carlos moved lower making sure he cleaned every part of his lover's body thoroughly. He was more than pleased to see his lover's erection. He kneeled down and took extra special, gentle care in cleaning his lover's penis, then cleaned his legs and feet, including his toes. Once he was done he stood back up and put the washcloth aside and directed his lover back under the spray of the shower so that he could get all of the soap off of him. "There, all done," he said smiling.
Trent looked down at his now clean body. "And a mighty nice job you did, as always," Trent looked up at Carlos and smiled at him. "Now," he said in a more seductive tone, "Are you ready for that second test run of the whirlpool bathtub?" Trent changed his tone to a more normal one, "Just to be sure it is what we want to get. Purely scientific."
"Uh huh, purely scientific of course," Carlos said, nodding his head, but his facial expression told a different story. Trent was just as sexually aroused as he was and they were going to test *these* waters for reasons that were completely other than scientific and they both knew it. Carlos had to laugh inwardly at the thought and he couldn't wait to get into the tub with his lover.
Go to Page Twelve