Morning Glow
Page Twelve

Trent turned off the shower and pulled the drain closed and started the tub water. Sitting down and leaning back, he held out his arms for Carlos to join him.
Carlos watched as Trent got the tub ready for them and when he saw his lover's arms waiting for him, he smiled very happily and went into them, sitting in the tub with his lover, putting his head on Trent's chest. "I love you so much, baby," he said lightly running his hand across his lover's chest, his fingers enjoying the wonderful feel of his skin underneath them and the feel of his lover's chest hair as he played with it gently, the soft curls loosely wrapped around his fingers. It felt so good, so very good to be like this, and he sighed out of pure contentment and happiness dropping more soft kisses on his lover's chest then looked at Trent and smiled.
Trent wrapped his arms around Carlos when he joined him, holding him close, putting a hand in his still wet hair. "I love you, too," he said, laying his head down on top of Carlos's. After a few minutes of sitting there like that, Trent noticed the tub was full, or close to it. "Don't mean to interrupt the moment, but you either need to turn off the water or let me go long enough so I can," Trent said, lifting his head from the top of Carlos's, "Either that or we are in for a flooded bathroom and a BIG hotel bill for the damages."
Carlos laughed softly at the thought and the image of them in the tub as it overflowed. He lifted his head off of his lover's chest then moved to turn off the water while at the same time turning on the jets for their wonderful whirlpool action. He settled back in the same position he was in before, kissing Trent passionately first, then he lay his head down on his lover's chest again, playing with his chest hair once more. "How's that -- better?" he asked, smiling up at Trent with all the love he had shining through his eyes.
Trent kissed Carlos back then gathered him back into his arms. When he looked up at him, Trent smiled back at his lover. "Yes, that's better," Trent said, bending his head forward and catching Carlos's mouth in another kiss, hugging him a little tighter as he did.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss with even more passion and desire and his arousal was growing stronger by the minute. He loved the feel of Trent's arms around him and when Trent hugged him even tighter he thought he was in heaven it felt so good. He melted into his lover's embrace as he returned the kiss, his tongue once again seeking entry to claim what belonged to him -- to taste the wonderful sweetness that was pure Trent.
Continuing to kiss Carlos, Trent moved one of his hands up to his lover's chest and started to caress it gently and softly, teasing one of his nipples. Trent deepened the kiss and at the same time began rubbing and teasing his lover's nipple a little more aggressively.
Carlos sighed into his lover's mouth immediately upon the feel of his hand on his chest. The feelings and sensations running through his body were incredible and he couldn't get enough, moaning even more intensely when Trent touched his nipple. Carlos was going crazy with passion and desire now, wanting more -- much more. When his lover rubbed and teased his nipple more aggressively he leaned into Trent a little more, further deepening the kiss, his tongue dueling with Trent's, tasting everything, savoring it all, cherishing that which belonged to him -- his wonderful lover.
Still kissing Carlos and holding on to him with both arms again, Trent shifted his position so he could move Carlos underneath him, so he was sitting back in the tub in the same place Trent had just been. Breaking the kiss, Trent moved his mouth slowly down to Carlos's nipples, kissing and licking his way down, finally capturing one in his mouth and sucking on it, running his tongue around it as he did.
Carlos loved it when Trent took charge, shifting their positions. When he was in the seat his lover had just moments before been sitting in, it felt even better because of how he got there. He was breathing heavily by this time. When Trent broke the kiss he started panting as he watched Trent move down to his nipples. To watch that tongue of his lover's lick his body and work its way down was unbelievable, but it was happening. He couldn't get enough. When Trent sucked on the nipple finally, and he felt his hot tongue swirling around, it was making Carlos's passion soar even higher. He loved every second of it -- moaning loudly, never wanting it to end. He couldn't take his eyes off of his lover, enjoying seeing his nipple in Trent's mouth, watching his lover lavish his nipple with sweet, loving attention.
Releasing his lover's nipple from his mouth, Trent began to lick and kiss his way to the other nipple. As he did so, he brought his hand up to fondle the nipple his mouth had just left. Finding the other nipple with his mouth, Trent licked it back and forth a few times before swirling his tongue around it, taking it into his mouth and sucking it.
The feel of his lover's tongue leaving his nipple then licking his way to the other one was incredible, sending sparks flying through his body and he moaned even louder as his lover kissed his body. When Trent took the other nipple in his mouth and began sucking it, Carlos arched his back briefly and cried out with the intensity of the feelings that were created by his lover's wonderful touch. That, combined with feeling of Trent's hand on his other nipple, was intensifying his passion and desire and he alternately moaned and whimpered, showing his passion.
Continuing to suck on the nipple in his mouth, Trent ran his hand from his lover's other nipple down his chest to his abdomen. He ran his hand around on it, stopping to fondle his lover's navel, putting his finger in it, caressing the area around it, then rubbing his hand back and forth across it. Trent released the nipple in his mouth and moved to kiss Carlos again, deeply and passionately, continuing to caress his abdomen and navel.
Carlos shivered with the wonders of his lover's touch as his hand moved down his body. The touch to his navel, especially when Trent put his finger in it, causing him to cry out with such pleasure. He returned his lover's kiss very passionately and deeply -- the combination of the kiss and Trent's hand on his abdomen and navel thrilling him to new heights. It was wonderful, his entire body thrilled to every sensation that his lover was creating. He was beginning his journey to that wonderful vacation spot once more and loving every second of it.
Ending the kiss, Trent backed up from Carlos and got up on his knees. Reaching out both hands to his lover, he helped him to his knees also then pulled him into his embrace, capturing his mouth in another kiss. Trent ran his open palms down Carlos's back stopping on his rear end, where he first fondled it then cupped it in both hands and pulled his lover closer to him, pressing their bodies and their erections together.
Carlos was almost breathless, he was breathing so hard -- his panting increasing with every passing moment. He moved with his lover easily and moved to his knees and melted into Trent's embrace, returning his kiss even more passionately than before, moaning into his mouth again and again. He felt his lover's hands on his backside and then moaned louder when their erections touched. That was so incredible, erotic and wonderful and he wanted more of them being pressed together, their hard shafts against each other.
Trent continued to hold their bodies together tightly but began to move his hands around on Carlos's rear end. Breaking the kiss, he put his mouth near his lover's ear and said, "You ready to take this tub on a final test drive? See what this tub and I can do to you? See if it meets with your final approval before purchase?"
Carlos was panting hard. "Ready for the test drive, but I want to do the driving," he managed to say. He felt nearly out of control -- the friction of their hard shafts pressed against each other, their bodies so very hot as they held each other tight. Carlos was being taken over completely and he loved it. He was ready and wanted to give everything he had to Trent.
Trent was very surprised at this request, understanding his lover's meaning perfectly. He pulled his head back so he could look at Carlos, look in his face -- his eyes. He was serious. Trent wasn't sure he could switch 'sides' so late in their lovemaking, but he was willing to try. He nodded his understanding and agreement, then let go of Carlos and moved to the side of the tub. The more he thought about this, the more exciting it got -- definitely something he'd never done before, changing sides mid-stream.
Carlos was excited when Trent agreed to change sides mid-lovemaking and he watched his beautiful lover move to the side of the tub. He was curious as to what his lover was thinking at this point, but he also felt that Trent would be excited by this sudden switch. He hadn't said anything but he didn't need to either -- they understood each other perfectly. That was all that ever mattered. How he could love someone this much he didn't know, but one thing was for certain -- Trent was his whole world and all he needed. He looked at Trent and smiled the most loving, adoring smile he had. Then he went over to Trent and pulled him close, kissing him very passionately and deeply, his tongue searching once again for the incredible sweetness that was pure Trent.
Trent's arms went around Carlos and he kissed him back. He was really liking this change in 'sides' the more he got used to it. He was letting go of his control slowly and it was exciting. Going from leading to following wasn't as hard as he first thought it would be and it was very arousing he found. He moaned into Carlos's mouth, allowing his lover to take the drivers seat completely, getting very anxious for his test drive.
Carlos was thrilled when Trent moaned into his mouth -- the sensations created from the moans were incredible and that just increased his arousal, making his own passion and desire climb even higher than before. He moaned into Trent's mouth, and the combination of their moans was taking him closer to the edge. Keeping their bodies tightly pressed together Carlos whispered into his lover's ear. "It's your turn. Are you ready?" he asked as seductively as possible. He loosened his hold on his lover, turned him around in his arms, and encouraged him to lean over the side of the tub.
Trent moaned softly at his lover's words in his ear. "Yes. Oh, yes...," Trent more or less moaned, too, wondering where the words even came from. The thrill when Carlos turned him around and as he leaned himself over the tub, positioning himself near a water jet, was incredible. He turned his head back to watch Carlos, not wanting to miss any of this, it was all so exciting.
Hearing his lover say yes thrilled him even more and Carlos was ready to give it all to Trent. He loved it when Trent turned his head to watch him. He wanted to make sure that he was very detailed in everything and to take his time so that his wonderful lover could see everything he was doing. Slowly, Carlos reached for the KY that was by the tub, flipped open the cap and squeezed some onto his fingers right where Trent could see this perfectly. Then he coated his fingers carefully, taking his time, drawing this out, then gently he inserted his fingers into his lover's body stretching him, preparing him for their joining.
Trent watched every move Carlos was making. It was taking way too long. Trent realized he was doing it on purpose to draw this out for him, but he was getting impatient. When his lover finally put his fingers inside his body, he moaned, closing his eyes briefly, then opening them again to look at his lover, to watch him and what he was doing.
Carlos never took his eyes off Trent, maintaining eye contact throughout, until he knew that Trent was ready to receive him. Slowly and gently he removed his fingers and moved towards Trent's head dropping kisses on his body along the way. When he got to his lover's mouth he kissed him hard -- voraciously -- a man hungry to satisfy his appetite. It was deep, passionate and very satisfying.
Trent was momentarily disappointed when Carlos's withdrew his fingers, but only a for a split second -- he knew this meant his lover was ready to join with him and nothing could have pleased him more. Then Carlos was moving towards him, kissing first his body, then his mouth. Trent closed his eyes again and moaned softly with each kiss on his body, and louder at the kiss on his mouth.
When Carlos finally had to break the kiss out of the need for air he looked deeply into Trent's eyes for a moment, then moved back slowly so that he was behind his lover and just slightly off to the side so that Trent could see what he was about to do next.
Trent wanted to say something, but discovered he had lost his speech again. He wanted to ask Carlos, beg him to hurry, to at least say 'please' or 'now'. All that came out was a whimper as Trent watched Carlos purposely stay where he could see him and what he was doing.
Carlos continued to watch Trent closely and he realized that his lover was so close already that he might be drawing this out a bit too long. When Trent whimpered Carlos knew it was time and he knew that Trent was well prepared and that it wouldn't hurt his lover at all to join with him right now without further preparation. He put the tube of KY down next to the side of the tub watching Trent carefully for his reaction. All he saw was desire, and hearing that whimper had thrilled him.
Carlos had clearly gotten his message even if Trent hadn't been able to speak it in words. He was so excited when Carlos put the tube of KY away without coating his shaft. He moaned softly, then closed his eyes when Carlos broke the eye contact with him.
Without any further hesitation Carlos moved behind Trent and carefully inserted his very hard shaft inside his lover -- gently, until he was all the way inside. He immediately pulled back, almost all the way out, then thrust in again -- slowly at first, trying to keep the pace slow and make it last, but seeing the pleasure he brought his lover combined with his own passion and desire rising higher and higher and he knew that it wouldn't last much longer for either of them.
When his lover entered him Trent cried out in his passion, much more than a moan at this point, then began to moan as Carlos pulled back and began to thrust, each slow thrust bringing out a moan from deep within him. In addition to the feelings of his lover inside his body, each thrust moved Trent's shaft closer to the water jet of the tub, increasing his already intense pleasure.
Hearing his lover moan each time he thrust inside him brought Carlos much pleasure -- each thrust became harder, deeper -- still trying to keep a slow pace to extend their lovemaking. But like many times before, this wouldn't remain slow any longer and Carlos began to intensify his thrusts -- faster now, panting heavily, moaning loudly with each thrust. He kept up the speed and intensity of his thrusts, each one impossibly harder and deeper than the last -- he wasn't sure how he could do that but it was happening, and he was thrilling to the wonder of it all, his mind spiraling towards that vacation spot, watching his beautiful lover as he continued to thrust inside his body giving him every pleasure he possibly could.
Trent couldn't believe the intensity of the thrusts Carlos was managing. It was so thrilling, so good. He continued to moan his pleasure, each thrust causing a new moan -- they were starting to almost over lap each other -- almost a continual moan.
Carlos was on the edge now and so was his lover. He reached around Trent's waist and wrapped his hand around his lover's hard shaft and began pumping it just as hard and fast as his own shaft was thrusting deep inside Trent's body.
When Carlos took hold of his shaft, Trent cried out again, unable to express his passion with just the moans any longer -- each of the last few thrusts causing him to cry out.
After several more of the hardest, deepest, most intense thrusts Carlos was capable of, he came so hard and with such force he thought he might collapse. He was panting very hard, his lover coming just as hard at the exact same time in his hand.
Trent came and came hard, crying out loudly, then moaning as the spasms continued. He felt his lover coming deep within his body at the same time as he came in his lover's hand. It only intensified an already intense orgasm. Trent was glad he was laying against the tub for support. He was sure he couldn't have maintained any kind of upright position unaided at this point.
Carlos lay across Trent's back for a few moments until the large spasms subsided then he gently and carefully removed himself from his lover's body. He returned right away to drop loving kisses all over Trent's back and then turned Trent around and pulled him to him and held him close and tight, softly caressing his back and kissing his head, then running a hand through his hair. He couldn't speak or even think clearly, but it had been wonderful and he was very grateful for the man he was holding in his arms -- his lover, his life, his world.
Trent felt Carlos removing himself from his body and return to kiss him. He was momentarily disappointed at the loss of his lover's shaft and their joining, but thrilled with the kisses. He just couldn't move at the moment. He could only continue to moan and try to remember to breathe and enjoy the feelings. Then Carlos was moving him and gathering him into his arms and holding him and hugging him and caressing him. It felt wonderful, but he still wasn't capable of doing much in return. He just leaned against Carlos's body, grateful he was holding him upright. He continued to pant hard and moan softly. Finally able to move in the least, he managed to raise his arms and hugged Carlos to him. He pressed his body as close as he could to his lover, his head on his chest. He wanted to be as close to him as he could -- he didn't want any space between their bodies at all. He was unable to completely accomplish this, of course, but he came very close to it.
Carlos held Trent even tighter, and closed his eyes when he felt his lover's arms go around him and hug him. He could never get enough of the closeness that they shared after their lovemaking and he wanted to stay like this forever. Carlos continued to caress his lover by running his hand up and down his back, through his hair, kissing his head. Finally regaining a little breathing regularity but far from normal yet, he pulled back a little, not breaking their hold on each other but just enough so that Carlos could bring their lips together in a sweet, tender, passionate kiss that he hoped would express half of how he felt right then. He looked at Trent with all of the love he had in his eyes. "I love you, Trent..., so very, very much. You'll never know how much," he said, then brought their bodies close together once more and hugged him as tightly as he could, caressing his lover once more.
Trent managed to return his lover's kiss, but not with quite as much passion as he would have liked. He was still breathing way too hard, still unable to speak. When Carlos pulled him close again, he hugged him back and put his head back on his lover's chest.
Carlos realized that his lover needed to sit down, so keeping his lover's body close to his he lowered them both until they were sitting down in the tub, the wonderful warm water swirling around them and the feel of the pulsating jets supplying a gentle massage. Carlos leaned back against the tub and drew Trent into his arms, holding him against his chest, running one hand through his lover's hair while dropping sweet soft tender kisses on his head. "Rest my love, just rest," he said quietly and soothingly, just wanting to take care of Trent the best way he knew how.
Trent gratefully moved with his lover back into the tub. He had needed to sit but hadn't been able to get the words out to ask. He put his arms around Carlos as much as the tub allowed and put his head on his lover's chest.
Carlos continued to hold Trent and kiss and cuddle him. After some time, Carlos looked down at Trent, still snuggled against him. "You OK, baby?" he asked, a bit concerned by his lover's quietness.
Trent's breathing had calmed and he was finally able to talk, or so he thought. "I'm OK, Carlos, really. I just think you managed to fuck my brain out again," he said, "You don't see it on the side of the tub or anything do you?"
Carlos laughed softly and looked at his lover, still caressing him so lovingly. He turned his head and pretended to look all around the tub. "Nope -- no brain found on the side of the tub," he said still chuckling lightly. He bent his head down to kiss Trent on the forehead and smiled, softly caressing his lover's cheek. "I'll take that as a compliment then," he said knowing very well what his lover was trying to say and it was the exact same way he felt. "You're an incredible lover -- I can't get over what you do to me, and fucking my brain out is only the beginning," Carlos said sensually, going back for another kiss, but this time on the lips -- a tender passionate kiss.
After the kiss ended, Trent put his head back down on Carlos's chest and stroked it gently. "Yes, I have noted your brain missing a few times afterwards," Trent chuckled, starting to feel more or less normal again, "And I *do* see the appeal of these tubs. We'll definitely have to get one of our own."
Carlos loved the feel of Trent's head on his chest and him stroking it. His touch was always special and he closed his eyes at the feel, the closeness that they were sharing, holding his lover close to him and running one hand through his wet hair. "Yes, our own tub -- a wonderful idea," he said, his voice soft and filled with wonder about everything they had just experienced. Their lovemaking was beautiful and indescribable -- everything it should be and so much more. "We'll have many more experiences like the one we just had, baby, that I promise you," Carlos said, the tone of his voice showing he meant every word of it.
"Humm, we may be the cleanest private investigators in the business -- or the most water logged -- or both," Trent chuckled. "Always been a shower man, myself, but I could get used to a nice bathtub like this. Providing you're in it with me, of course," Trent said, lifting his head up looking for a kiss and finding one waiting for him.
Carlos looked into Trent's eyes and chuckled at his words, his own eyes dancing at the thought of two PI's who were turning into prunes by being in the tub too long. "Well, I'm becoming a *lot* more interested in tubs for the future," he said very suggestively, and he knew his lover was too. "Of course, I'll be right there with you, baby -- I wouldn't have it any other way," he said. When Trent looked at him he saw the desire in his eyes and in his face and Carlos bent his head down to give his lover the most passionate, deep, satisfying kiss he could. After breaking the kiss to catch his breath he caressed his lover's cheek with the back of his hand and looked deeply into his eyes. "I love you," he said and smiled lovingly.
Trent smiled back at Carlos. He couldn't help it, not that he wanted to anyway. Just every once in a while when Carlos looked at him and smiled and said he loved him, his heart just flip-flopped and he wondered for the umpteenth time how he ever got so lucky to have this man in his life and as his lover. This was one of those times. "I love you, too," Trent said, settling his head back against Carlos's chest. The water felt so good and relaxing, so nice. "Hey, maybe we can get one for the office too," Trent teased, not being serious at all.
"Hmmmm..., now *there's* an idea," Carlos said, teasing his lover back while he ran his hand through his hair, "It certainly would make for some interesting office conversation." He laughed at the image in his mind. "So where would we put it? The loft? The back office for our *private* parties?" he asked, emphasizing the word private but totally teasing his lover back. He leaned down to bring their lips together in another kiss that was full of tenderness and love for the one person who owned him heart and soul.
Trent looked around in the tub, sizing it up. "Maybe we should get a hot tub for the office? Like we had at the hotel we stayed in at Six Flags."
"That would be perfect, baby -- then we can have our business meetings there, and have our *private* meetings at home," Carlos said, totally loving the idea. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I hate to bring this up, baby, but it's almost time for us to go. Check out time is soon, and we need to get ready," he said regretfully, his voice a mixture of the incredible enjoyment and peace they had found this weekend and sadness that they had to leave.
Trent put on his best pout face and got out his best ten year old voice. "But I don't wanta leave," he whined, knowing Carlos was totally right, but he really didn't want to get up or for their weekend to end. "Can't we just stay here? Huh? Can't we? Please?" Trent tried.
Carlos smiled hearing his lover talk that way. Looking at that wonderful pout on his face that was picture perfect made him happy -- he loved it when Trent was like this. "I don't want to leave either, baby," he said, leaning down to kiss him again, even more passionately this time. He took one hand and ran it across his lover's forehead, playing with his hair that whispered across it, and looked into his eyes with all the love he had. "We'll come back here very soon -- I promise you that," he said. "We'll even get the same cabin," he added, already thinking about the next time they could make it out there. He would make the time for them and he decided to start planning another trip. "Now, I really think we should start to get ready to go, my love," he said, kissing him once more.
"Oh, all right," Trent continued in the ten year old with a major pout on mode, "If we have to... I might have to do it, but I don't have to like it." He tossed in one last pout for good measure before pushing away from Carlos then getting up. Once he was standing, Trent put out both hands to Carlos to help him up. "Slowly, remember," Trent said, switching to mother hen mode.
Carlos laughed, shaking his head at his lover's wonderful pout and ten year old voice. It was perfect, just perfect. "No, you don't have to like it. I don't like it any more than you do," he said, laughing softly. He was having such a wonderful time enjoying his lover being like this and he took Trent's hands and got up slowly, very much appreciating the help.
Trent got out of the tub, then helped Carlos get out, holding out both hands to help him and steady him as he had before. His lover was doing better, but the dizzy spells could hit so fast. Trent turned off the whirlpool jets and pulled the drain to empty the tub. He turned back to Carlos and smiled at his lover standing there watching him, extra cute all dripping wet.
"Thank you, baby -- thank you for watching out for me and taking care of me," Carlos said, grateful for the love of this wonderful, incredible man. He pulled Trent close to him and kissed him again, then grabbed a towel and began drying his lover off, beginning with his hair and giving his scalp another nice massage, and then drying off his body, careful not to miss anything and being extra gentle with his genitals. "All done," he said smiling.
"And a lovely job you did of it, as always," Trent said, looking down at his now dry body. "Now, come here so I can return the favor," he said with just the tiniest hint of sensuousness to his voice. He knew they really did have to get going, but he just couldn't help himself. Carlos was just so darn cute standing there all wet. Trent dried his lover off from head to toe. When he towel dried his hair, Trent couldn't help thinking about Carlos's promise to grow his hair out a little for him. He couldn't wait for the lovely curls to grow in. "OK, you're all nice and dry, too. Humm, wonder if we can figure out how to put real clothes on? Been in our robes -- and *less* -- all weekend, almost," Trent said.
Carlos sighed. It was a sigh of contentment and pure happiness. He loved the feeling of his lover drying his hair, and he smiled knowing that soon there would be more hair for him to run his fingers through. It thrilled him when Trent ran his hands through his hair and it would be even more exciting when he grew his hair out, especially knowing how much his lover would enjoy his longer hair and the curls. "Well, now that you mention it, I don't know if I remember what real clothes look like," he said, totally loving what Trent had to say. "Thanks for drying me off, lover," he said, and pulled Trent close to give him another kiss. "Now, I guess we should see if we can even *find* our clothes," he said laughing, leaving the bathroom and heading into the bedroom.
"Actually, I think they're still in the kitchen," Trent said, chucking, "I forgot about them, but that's where I dumped them when we got back from frightening fish in the lake last night. I did have my mind on *other* things at the time." Trent went out to retrieve their clothes. He came back into the bedroom shaking the sand out of them. "Here you go, Conan," Trent said, handing Carlos his clothes.
"Thank you, Dar," Carlos said, accepting his clothes from his lover. "We did things that frightened fish?" he asked, laughing at Trent's description of their wonderful time in the lake the night before. "Think they've recovered yet?" he asked, thoroughly enjoying this.
"I don't know. Probably not," Trent said, "First that Wicked Witch of the West thing of yours, my bad singing and then you stinging me. They may never be the same again."
Carlos finished getting dressed and started to put things together so that they could leave, looking all around the bedroom to make sure all of their clothes were packed, and getting the personal toiletries out of the bathroom. He took one last look around and sighed -- knowing how much he was already missing the cabin and they hadn't even left yet.
"Looks like we got everything in here. Wonder what we should do with the stuff left in the kitchen? Take it with us? Throw it out? Not a ton of stuff left," Trent said. Remembering the toppings on the floor he continued, "But I really think we need to leave the rest of those toppings right where they are. Give the cleaning people something to talk about for a while." Trent was laughing at the idea of the cleaning crew finding the toppings on the floor and chocolate and caramel sauce on the sheets.
Carlos burst into a fit of laughter at the thought of the toppings on the floor. He pictured the cleaning staff and the expressions on their faces and it was too much and he lost it. "Maybe we should hang around just to see what happens? That would definitely be a Kodak moment," he said, laughing even harder. "As for the rest of the stuff -- let's just throw it out," he said, trying to speak coherently between fits of laughter, looking at his lover helplessly.
Looking at the handcuffs he had just picked up, Trent said, "If these were cheap handcuffs, I'd suggest leaving them hooked to the bed to finish the picture." Trent was laughing harder now at the image of the cuffs dangling from the headboard, "Hey, see any rope around here? We could tie that to the bed posts."
Carlos laughed even harder if that was possible and actually started looking for some rope to tie to the bed posts. "What's a cabin in the woods without rope?" he asked trying to make it sound of the utmost urgency that they find some rope to tie to the bed posts leaving the management with fond memories of who was in their cabin. "I love it, Trent -- great idea," he said. He didn't know how much more laughing he could stand, practically crying as it was.
"I *was* kidding, but, well... It would be funny," Trent said. He had just been joking, but the idea of the management finding the room like that really was pretty hysterical. Trent took one last look around the bedroom to be sure they had everything. "Come on. If you're serious, I suspect there is more likely to be rope out here somewhere other than in the bedroom," Trent laughed, heading out to the main room and kitchen, "Doubt they provide rope for the bedroom." The idea of really leaving some tied to the bedposts was starting to grow on him.
"Let's do it," Carlos said enthusiastically, still laughing hard, but really wanting to leave that image in the cabin for the management to find. "There has got to be some rope here somewhere," he added, following Trent into the main room. He set his bag containing his belongings down and began to look around for some rope. "Find anything yet?" he asked trying to control himself, but it wasn't working too well -- he was just having way too much fun with this whole idea.
Trent headed into the kitchen to see if they had left anything there they wanted to take with them, but to look for rope too. **The things that man can talk me into. I really was just kidding,** Trent shook his head at himself. Noticing the KY on the counter from last night, he stuck it in his pocket. **The toppings and rope, if we find any, are enough for one time,** he thought, seriously considering leaving the KY on the counter.
Carlos was looking in every nook and cranny, in the cabinets, even under the couch. He didn't find anything but he wasn't about to give up either. He just couldn't accept the idea of *not* finding something to tie to the bed posts leaving everyone a reminder of their visit.
Finding nothing else of theirs they wanted or needed to take, and tossing the few food items left into the trash, Trent started looking in some of the cupboards he hadn't opened. Under the sink, he found what he was looking for. Grabbing the scissors he had noticed out of one of the drawers, he walked back into the main room to find Carlos still looking around. Trent held up the ball of twine he found under the sink. "Will this do?" he asked, his eyes dancing, laughing in spite of himself.
Carlos looked up and when he saw the ball of twine in his lover's hand he started laughing even harder than before if that was possible. "That's perfect, baby, absolutely perfect," he managed to get out before laughter took him over completely. It was so much fun and to see Trent enjoying the idea as much as he was. It made it all that much more wonderful. "Come on, let's go give them a souvenir of our stay here," he said, and he walked back into the bedroom and waited for Trent.
"I really can't believe I let you talk me into this," Trent said, following Carlos into the bedroom. "You go around to that side," Trent instructed, handing Carlos the scissors and then climbing into the middle of the bed on his knees, near the head board. Tying a slip knot with a nice size loop in it in one end of the twine then holding on to it, he handed the ball of twine to Carlos. Holding the loop at about the right place for someone lying in the middle of the bed to have their hand, Trent continued his instructions, "Wrap it around the bedpost twice then cut it." Carlos did so. Pulling the twine back and motioning to Carlos to hand him the ball, Trent measured off another piece of twine the same size and held it up for Carlos to cut with the scissors. Trent smiled at his lover, then started laughing again when he caught his eye after he cut the twine.
Carlos just laughed watching Trent readying the twine to be tied to the bedposts and obviously having a good time doing so. He looked at Trent holding the twine after he cut it and the thoughts running through his head gave him shivers of excitement remembering being handcuffed to the bed and the wonderful things that Trent did to him during that time.
"Here! Just tie this one to that side!" Trent said, handing the piece with the loop to Carlos, still laughing himself. Making another slip knot and loop like the first, Trent got off the bed and tied his piece of twine to the other bed post. Tossing the loop end of the twine towards the center of the bed, Trent picked up the ball of twine and looked at their masterpiece. "I really would like to see their faces. Really," Trent said, laughing again, taking the scissors from Carlos.
"It would be priceless, that's for sure," Carlos said, nodding his head in satisfaction looking at the bed now complete with their own version of handcuffs. He started laughing again and shook his head as he walked out of the bedroom and back into the livingroom to pick up his things. It was time to leave now and he headed out to the Durango and put his things inside, then went back to the cabin to see what else needed to be done.
Trent followed Carlos out of the room, heading first to the kitchen to put the twine and scissors back where he found them. Coming out of the kitchen, he found Carlos coming back inside. Walking up to his lover, he slid his hands around his waist to his back then down his back to his rear end, rubbing it lightly as he kissed him. "You're sure we have to leave, huh?" Trent asked, really not wanting the weekend to end.
Carlos closed his eyes and sighed when Trent put his hands on his behind -- he loved that so much, it felt very good. He opened his eyes and returned his lover's kiss passionately, wrapping his arms around Trent and pulling him close and tight. "Keep doing what you're doing and we'll never leave," he said, and he meant it, but they really did have to get going -- it was nearly checkout time and they still had a long drive home. "I'm afraid we do have to go, baby, but I promise we'll come back here very soon," he said, then kissed Trent again softly and tenderly. "Very soon," he added smiling brightly, then he released his lover and, after taking one last look at the cabin, went outside to the Durango.
"Oh, OK, but I *still* don't have to like it," Trent whined and followed Carlos out the door.
After checking out and paying the bill, they got back in the truck. Trent started the engine and they headed for the highway. "It's getting close to dinner time, and since I don't want to listen to this," Trent reached over and patted Carlos's stomach, "Complaining all the way home, why don't you be looking for some place to stop for dinner."
Carlos smiled when Trent patted his stomach. He loved it when Trent did that and he reached for his lover's hand and kissed his palm lightly then released his lover's hand. "I'll be on the lookout all right," Carlos said. If the truth were told he had eyes in the back of his head when it came to fast food. He laughed inwardly at thinking for a second that his lover didn't already know that. "We wouldn't want my stomach to be singing all the way home now would we?" he added, laughing at the thought of his stomach growling all the way back to Dallas.
"Well, it would be better than all night, but no, probably not a good idea. I don't care for the idea of a hungry bear in the truck," Trent said. Actually, he was pretty hungry himself. Just to prove this point, his own stomach growled -- loudly -- and he started laughing so hard he was glad there wasn't much traffic on the road.
Carlos nearly lost it completely when Trent's stomach growled. "Oh, that's priceless, Trent, truly priceless. Your stomach now instead of mine?" he asked, raising his eyebrows and laughing very hard. "Instead of a hungry bear we now have a hungry eagle -- this is great, baby -- really great," he added, holding his sides he was laughing so hard.
"I'm glad my stomach amuses you," Trent said, trying to stop laughing and not doing a very good job of it, "We can't have yours be the only one with a sense of timing, now can we?"
Carlos reached over and rubbed his lover's stomach a couple of times before pulling his hand away, speaking soothingly to it and letting it know that food was on it's way. Carlos looked out the window and he could see some signs coming up along with a lot of lights. "I think we're in luck -- looks like we're getting close. It won't be long now," he said looking over at Trent's stomach and he broke out in another fit of laughter again.
"Just wait until it gets a load of what I have to feed it," Trent said, still trying to curb his laughter so he could drive and doing a decent job until Carlos started in laughing again. "Will you stop that? You want me to lose control of the truck and rear end a total stranger?" Trent asked, loving the double meaning in his words.
Carlos was beside himself now -- he didn't know what to do. To not laugh was out of the question at this point so he just continued laughing hard, still holding his sides. He shot his lover a glance at the words he used and broke up all over again, trying to imagine the image of them explaining to a complete stranger what happened and why. "Good... one," he managed to say trying to catch his breath between fits of almost uncontrollable laughter. He shook his head and just looked at Trent again, absolutely loving the good time they were having. "Just keep your eyes on the road Hungry Eagle," he said, looking at Trent's stomach and laughing hard all over again.
"Not sure if I like that name, much," Trent said, still trying to control his laughter to drive, "You know all the gross stuff eagles eat? Then again, that's probably what's IN most fast food."
"Yes, I know what eagles eat. However, that is NOT what you'll find in fast food. Well, not most of it anyway," Carlos said, pretending to be hurt at his lover's comparison of an eagle's diet to that of fast food. He was sure it wasn't working though -- it rarely did, and when one was laughing as hard as he was then trying to switch from laughter to hurt was difficult at best, but he gave it a try anyway.
Trent saw an 'exit one mile' sign. "I can assume you can find a suitable place to eat at this exit, Soon to Be Hungry Bear? Yes?" Trent asked, seeing a sea of neon signs at the exit.
Still laughing Carlos nodded his head and pointed at a familiar sign. "How about Wendy's?" he suggested. They had stopped at Wendy's once before and he thought he remembered Trent didn't think it was as bad as some of the other fast food choices, so he figured this would be the better place to stop and eat.
Having noticed the Wendy's sign, which was closer to the highway, Trent turned right then headed to Wendy's. Pulling in and parking, Trent reached over and rubbed Carlos's stomach again just as he was about to open the door to get out. "No singing tonight. I'll just have to wait and catch the next show I guess," he said, smiling at Carlos. Trent removed his hand and got out of the truck.
Once again there was that loving hand rubbing his stomach and Carlos just loved it. "Next show time will be breakfast tomorrow," he said laughing softly, thinking about breakfast in the morning already and they hadn't even had dinner yet. He got out of the truck and followed Trent into Wendy's where he ordered a Bacon Double Cheeseburger, large fries, Broccoli Cheese stuffed potato, a large Frosty and a soda. Then he looked at his lover curious as to what he would order.
Trent made the 'junk, pure junk' face he knew Carlos was expecting at his choice of food. Getting two hamburgers, the salad bar and Pepsi for himself, he was waiting for some comment from Carlos. "You go ahead and grab a table while I get my salad stuff, OK?" Trent said.
Carlos smiled at Trent and his ordering of the salad bar which didn't surprise him in the least. Trent did enjoy his salad and Wendy's had a pretty decent salad bar too, if you liked the stuff to begin with, which Carlos didn't. "Sure, buddy..., and don't worry, you won't find any eagle diet in the salad bar stuff," he said, and started to laugh as he walked off to find a table. He picked one out in the corner so it was a little more private, sat down, and waited for his lover to return with the food, laughing quietly.
Trent joined Carlos at the table. "You were right, Carlos, no wild animal guts to be had on the salad bar," Trent said, starting to eat his salad then opening one of his hamburgers.
"Well, that was a lovely way of putting it," Carlos said, looking at his burger in a whole new way. However, he ate it and polished off the rest of his meal, followed by his Frosty, rather quickly. Always being the first to finish eating, he sipped on his soda while watching his lover eat his meal.
Trent just grinned at Carlos and his comment about the salad bar and continued to eat his meal. About halfway through his own, he noticed Carlos was done and watching him. "Do I eat slow or do you eat fast?" Trent asked, not really wanting an answer, just making a comment.
Trent was done in a few more minutes and they gathered up their trash, throwing it away on the way out the door. Getting back in the truck, Trent waited for Carlos to be settled before starting the engine. He looked over at his lover and smiled. He wanted to kiss him, but they were sitting right in front of the windows to the restaurant so he didn't. "I love you, you know," he said with words, instead of with the kiss he wanted to say it with.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled. He wanted to pull his lover to him and hug him close and tight and kiss him with all of the love and passion he had inside, but they were in public. So instead he looked into Trent's eyes deeply. "I love you, too -- very much," he said, and smiled his best brightest smile at his lover.
Go to Page Thirteen