Morning Glow
Page Five

Trent got out of bed and put on his robe and headed out to the kitchen to fix lunch. He got out the things he needed for the sandwiches and started to fix them. Finishing them, Trent put plates and napkins on the table then went to retrieve his lover from the bedroom.
"Come on, lunch is ready," Trent said, going around to the side of the bed to help Carlos up. "Slow and easy now," Trent said helping Carlos to get up slowly. Grabbing his robe, Trent held it up for Carlos to put on. Tying it for him, Trent smiled at his lover. "After you," he said, gesturing for Carlos to go ahead and swatting his backside lightly as he did so.
Carlos accepted Trent's help gratefully and got out of bed slowly. After Trent so lovingly and carefully tied his robe, he started towards the kitchen and enjoyed his lover's playful swat on his behind. He turned and looked over his shoulder and blew him a kiss, then continued on into the other room to the table and took a seat.
Trent followed Carlos out of the room then went into the kitchen returning to the table with their drinks and a bag of potato chips. "Why don't we watch TV while we eat?" he said, going and turning the TV around so they could see it from the table and getting the remote. Trent turned the TV on and then put the remote on the table and went to get the sandwiches.
"What the heck show is this?" Carlos asked, looking at the oddly dressed characters.
Coming back to the table with the sandwiches, Trent looked at the TV to see what Carlos was talking about. "Haven't you ever heard of 'Xena Warrior Princess'?" Trent asked, pretending to be shocked he hadn't. He sat down at the table.
"No," Carlos said, watching the TV. "The blonde is really cute. Is that Princess Xena?" Carlos asked.
"No, the one with the dark hair and the sword is Xena," Trent informed Carlos.
"So who's the guy with the goofy hat?" Carlos asked.
"And just how am *I* supposed to know?" Trent asked, "I never said I watched it, you know."
"Actually, he's kinda cute, but that hat has *got* to go," Carlos teased Trent, who rolled his eyes at him.
"Tuna sandwich?" Trent asked, offering the plate of sandwiches to Carlos.
Carlos took one of the sandwiches that Trent offered him and put it on his plate. "Thanks, baby. I appreciate you making lunch," he said, and took a healthy bite of his sandwich. "Mmmm..., this is very good, Trent," he added, really enjoying everything Trent thought of for lunch. He grabbed a handful of potato chips and ate those between bites of his sandwich, while continuing to watch Xena on TV.
"You're welcome," Trent said, watching Carlos eat. After just watching his lover eat for several minutes, Trent managed to snap out of it enough to help himself to a sandwich and a few chips. Turning his attention to the TV, Trent watched as the show got stranger. **Very noisy show,** he thought.
They finished up the sandwiches and Trent picked up the plates and took them into the kitchen and put them in the sink. Returning to the table, he handed Carlos the package of Hostess Cupcakes he insisted he had to have. "Here," Trent said, handing them over to Carlos as if the package was too hot to hold on to.
Carlos's smiled when Trent handed him the cupcakes, particularly at the way he was handling the package. "Thanks, Trent," he said happily. He opened the package, took one of the cupcakes out and took a nice healthy bite, savoring the rich chocolate flavor and cream filling. "Mmmm..., sure is good," he said, knowing his lover didn't like the junk food but he appreciated that Trent indulged him in his favorite snacks.
Trent returned to the kitchen and did the few dishes then returned to the table to find Carlos happily eating cupcakes and watching the end of Xena. He smiled at the sight, his heart overflowing with love for this wonderful man, his lover.
Carlos finished the second cupcake he had started and was enjoying the end of Xena. "That was a pretty good show," he said.
"A bit noisy for my taste," Trent commented, "What is all that screeching about anyway? Must be that tight leather outfit and breast plate Xena's wearing. Can't be comfortable."
"Why don't we go into the livingroom and see what's on next?" Carlos asked as he picked up the remote and began to channel surf, getting up from the table slowly. He felt much better but he wanted to take it slow just in case.
"Why don't we go back in the bedroom and watch? You could still use the rest," Trent said, hoping he wasn't going to get an argument. "That way when you're feeling all better," Trent walked up to Carlos and put his arms around him, sliding one hand down to his rear end and patting it lovingly, "We're already *in* bed for the more important things," Trent added in a seductive voice.
Carlos loved having Trent's arms wrapped around him -- it felt so good, warm and loving and gave him a lot of strength. When Trent touched his behind that was almost too much -- his lover's special touch sending those familiar sparks through his body. He smiled and brought their lips together in a very passionate kiss. "I think that being in bed sounds like a perfect idea," he said, grinning. "And somehow I don't think it'll be long before I'm *up* for the more important things," he added, with that wicked grin of his on his face.
"Now how did I know that, I wonder?" Trent said smiling at his lover grinning at him. "Come on," he said, and moved so his arm was around Carlos's waist, his lover's arm over his shoulder, not out of need for support this time, just out of love of being close. He took the remote from Carlos and turned off the TV then put it back on top of the set.
Walking into the bedroom, Trent went to the far side of the bed with Carlos, taking his robe off for him and getting him settled in bed. Going back around to the other side, Trent took off his robe and climbed into bed beside Carlos. Grabbing the remote he handed it to Carlos then made himself comfortable before gathering Carlos into his arms and holding him tight.
Carlos appreciated everything Trent did for him and he got into bed and snuggled all the way up against Trent's body. When his lover's arms wrapped around him he felt like he was in heaven. Nothing in the world could beat that and he once again reminded himself that he was the luckiest man in the world. He handed the remote back to Trent once he was settled.
"OK, let's see what kind of utter nonsense we can find to watch now," Trent said, remembering the kids shows from earlier. "If we find a show about talking shoes, I'm *not* watching it. Just so you know," Trent informed Carlos.
Carlos laughed at Trent's remarks in reference to 'Lidsville' and 'The Banana Splits'. "What? You mean no talking shoes? Our day wouldn't be complete without that," Carlos said, teasing his lover. "I'm right there with you, baby -- no talking shoes. There must be something good on," he said, watching the screen as Trent flipped the channels.
Trent stopped on what looked like the beginning of a baseball game. "Hey, there's a game on. Wonder who's playing?" Trent said, knowing it was probably not the Rangers. Trent was waiting for them to say who was playing, but knowing they were probably going to watch it anyway.
"A game sounds fine, Trent," Carlos said smiling -- remembering the first day they were together as lovers. It was at Trent's apartment during a baseball game. The lovemaking they shared that day came into his mind once more and he was filled with love and desire for this man who was so incredible.
"Humm, Tigers vs. the A's. Sound good to you?" Trent asked Carlos, "Of course we know Detroit will whip Oakland's collective butts, but we can watch anyway."
Carlos laughed hearing Trent say that the Tigers could beat the A's. "Yeah, right -- I think it's going to be the other way around, baby," he said, looking up at his lover.
"Oh, you think so, do you?" Trent teased Carlos on his choice of winning teams.
Carlos brought their lips together in a passionate kiss then turned his attention back to the television set to watch the game. "This should be good -- very good," he said, with a certain tone to his voice, and he wasn't just referring to the baseball game.
"You just like those home runs, I know you," Trent quipped back, also not referring to the baseball game.
"They do score so well, don't they," Carlos said sensually, already very turned on by their closeness and the playfulness and teasing they shared. He had never felt better than when they were loving and teasing each other, knowing full well what the other was thinking.
"So, you think the A's are gonna win, huh?" Trent asked, "Care to make a little wager on that?"
"You bet I do," Carlos said, fully intending the pun. "How about the winner gets to choose their method of payment?" he said slyly, seductively and with all of the intent to drive Trent crazy with desire. "It can be anything he wants -- anything -- and it would give a whole new meaning to the name *home run*," he added, emphasizing the baseball term.
Trent looked at his lover grinning at him and thought he might live to regret this, especially if the Tigers were having an off day, but he decided to go for it. "OK, you're on," Trent said, smiling at his lover and the way the wicked look in his eyes increased when he agreed to the bet. **Uh, oh,** Trent thought to himself.
Carlos looked at his lover and grinned happily. "Deal. This is going to be one heck of a game," he said, again not just referring to the baseball game. He was looking forward to the A's winning and him being able to take Trent to new heights of romance and passion.
Trent muttered out loud to himself, but meaning Carlos to hear, "Oh, no, what have I gotten myself into here?"
"Come here," he said, reaching up to pull his lover's head down gently so that he could kiss Trent very passionately, his tongue once again searching out and tasting everything that was Trent. "There. Now does that give you an idea of what you're in for since the A's are going to win?" he asked, teasing Trent again. The game was just returning after a commercial break so he turned his attention back to the game since he didn't want to miss a second of the victory that he knew would be forthcoming.
Trent decided this would indeed be interesting if the A's won. He wasn't sure exactly what he was going to want for himself if the Tigers won, but maybe that would be half the fun. Saving the 'favor', dragging out the collecting of the bet for a while.
They watched the game, each cheering their own team until Oakland came up to bat in the second inning. Quickly two men were on base and the next man up was a strong hitter. Trent was hoping he was having an off day.
"Come on -- you can do it," Carlos said excitedly watching the batter take a few practice swings before stepping up to the plate.
Trent was watching Carlos and getting much more enjoyment out of that than watching the game. He watched his lover with great amusement as the batter was swinging. How could one person love another so much? His love for Carlos was overflowing as he watched him watching the game.
The first ball thrown to the batter was a strike. The second one was a ball, the third a strike, the fourth a ball, and on the fifth ball thrown to him the batter swung hard and sent the ball out of the playing field and high into the stands. It was all Carlos could do to contain himself and he began shouting, throwing his hands in the air in celebration. "ALL RIGHT!!!!" he said, over and over, then looked at Trent who was not looking very happy at the moment. "Oakland 3 -- Detroit 0," Carlos said, rubbing it in happily.
Trent was trying very hard to contain his amusement at Carlos's enthusiasm. He was just having such a good time watching him he wanted to laugh, but thought it better to pretend to be less than thrilled about the score. "It's only the second inning, you know," Trent said, putting on the best 'I am not pleased' voice he could find, considering the fact he was ready to laugh.
"You do know what this means, don't you? I'm winning!" Carlos said, reaching up to pull his lover down for another loving passionate kiss on the lips. "That's just the beginning," he murmured softly, seductively, as he pulled his lover closer to him and began to run his hands up and down Trent's chest while he nuzzled Trent's neck in that favorite spot.
"You mean the A's are winning," Trent said, trying to keep the nuzzling from affecting him, but not managing to. "Or are you going for your own home run?" he asked, looking down at his lover nuzzling him.
"You know me too well, my love," Carlos said, his voice husky with desire. "First the A's are going to win, then I'm going to do things to you that you won't believe. A home run is just the beginning," Carlos said, trying to be mysterious, but knowing full well that he wasn't fooling either of them.
"I'm really not sure how much more unbelievable you can manage to make this," Trent said, getting very aroused but trying to continue to talk, "But I think that home run can be arranged long before anyone wins the game."
Carlos continued to nuzzle his lover's neck and ran one hand up and down his lover's chest softly and sensually, wanting to arouse Trent as much as possible.
"Oh...," Trent moaned unable to contain it any longer. Carlos's mind was far from on the game on the TV anymore and neither was his. Trent took his hand and lifted Carlos's face to his. He kissed his lover passionately and wrapped his arms around him again. Trent let one hand stray down to fondle Carlos's rear end.
Carlos sighed and closed his eyes as soon as his lover began kissing him. He was on fire, full of passion and desire, and he returned Trent's kiss with everything he had inside. His lover's hand on his rear end sent those sparks through him and they were hotter than before -- threatening to overtake him and very soon.
Trent slowly and gently rolled them both over so that he was lying on top of his lover. He continued to kiss Carlos, but released his hold on his body so he could move his hand to his lover's chest, stroking it, teasing a nipple as he moved his hand up and down his lover's chest.
Carlos loved the feel of Trent's body on top of his and his hand on his chest -- looking up at him, watching everything Trent was doing to him. It was incredible -- so amazing. He arched his back as Trent teased his nipple -- it felt so good, so very good.
Trent released his lover's mouth and began to kiss and lick his way down to Carlos's chest, stopping to nuzzle and lick his neck before moving on.
"Oh, Trent..., that's so good... so good...," he said, his words and voice trailing off as he began to pant with excitement and anticipation of what was to come.
Sliding himself down his lover's body a bit, Trent reached one of Carlos's nipples and put out his tongue and licked it back and forth several times before running this tongue around it hardening it to a nub. He moved so he could do the same to the other nipple, then taking this one in his mouth and sucking on it gently. Moving back to the first nipple, Trent sucked on this one too, but more firmly, nipping it lightly. His hand came up and fondled the other nipple, pinching it gently at the same time he nipped the one in his mouth.
"Ooohh...," Carlos moaned loudly, unable to hold back any longer. The sensations were too strong, washing over him completely. When Trent's tongue worked on his nipple hardening it like that, it nearly drove him mad he was filled with so much desire. Then his lover applied dual stimulation -- pinching one nipple and nipping the other one with his mouth -- that dual effect did it. Carlos arched his back not being able to stand much more of this pure ecstasy before he would climax.
"God, Trent, please..., I want you now...," Carlos asked, panting very heavily, wanting his lover to join with him and to climax inside his body.
Trent let go of his lover's nipples and slid back up him just a bit and whispered in his ear in the most seductive voice he could manage, "I think that can be arranged." Trent was very ready to join with Carlos.
Carlos was beside himself now -- Trent having slid up his body -- sending those familiar sparks flying through him and it made him so hot, very hot. He wanted nothing more than to join with him and it couldn't be fast enough for him the way he was feeling. "I love you, baby," he said breathlessly, barely coherent from the excitement of it all.
Trent rolled off of Carlos and got the KY off the night stand then returned to his lover to prepare them to join. Trent took some of the lubricant and put it on his fingers and put them inside Carlos's body. He moved them around to prepare him and give him pleasure, watching his lover's face, getting more excited himself watching Carlos's reactions to the stimulation.
The feel of his lover's fingers inside his body was something Carlos couldn't describe or even think about clearly after the first few moments. It was incredible -- heat washing over his body, passion, desire -- rising very high very fast, he was already on his way to that special place. He arched his back over and over with each finger that was added, each time Trent touched those sensitive spots and erogenous zones inside his body. He was writhing and squirming now and he could no longer think straight at all, his mumbling a mixture of English and Spanish, becoming louder and more intense with each one.
Trent couldn't take it anymore. How could his lover get him so excited, so hard, by his words and reactions alone? He didn't care, he just needed to join with Carlos now, right now. Removing his fingers from Carlos, Trent quickly prepared himself with the KY and positioned himself to enter his lover. He entered him slowly, but steadily and deeply.
When Trent entered his body it was all Carlos could do to keep from coming. His lover's strong and very hard erection touched him in places and did things to his body he found so amazing and each time they joined it was like the first -- too much, very intense. He arched his back very high, as high as he could, to encourage his lover to move deeper inside him.
Once Trent was all the way in, he leaned his upper body forward and captured Carlos's mouth in a kiss while beginning to slowly move inside him, but the slow pace wasn't going to last long. Trent broke the kiss and lifted himself up so he could move faster and deeper inside his lover, but keeping the pressure of their bodies on Carlos's shaft, pressed between them.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss passionately until it broke. He was panting so hard, his pulse racing, as Trent moved inside of him. **How can it do so much to me each time and feel like the first time?** he wondered as he writhed with excitement underneath his lover. It was so very intense and he loved every minute of it. His moans increased in intensity and volume -- he was nearly out of restraint and didn't know how much longer he could hang onto what was left. He wanted to come, but he needed his lover to come inside him at the same time. That was the most special feeling of all -- when Trent climaxed inside his body.
The excitement caused by Carlos's ever increasing moans were all it took. Trent could hold back no longer. Keeping up the pressure of their bodies on Carlos's shaft, Trent thrust himself deeper and harder into his lover. Just a few more thrusts and Trent came inside of Carlos, his lover coming only seconds later.
There was no way Carlos could speak to convey how he was feeling at that moment. It was wonderful, incredible, and he was soaring to that peak -- the edge that he would soon fall off of. With his lover's thrusts becoming deeper and deeper he couldn't hold back any longer -- once his lover came inside him that was all it took and Carlos climaxed just as hard as he thought he would.
Trent let his upper body back down again, lying on Carlos, breathing raggedly, recovering from his climax. Once he was capable of moving, he kissed Carlos on the mouth -- how wonderful to kiss him on the mouth at this moment -- and moved so he could gently remove himself from Carlos's body. After doing so, he laid back down on top of him, putting his head on his lover's shoulder, listening to his heart beat, waiting for him to return to himself.
Carlos was breathing very hard -- panting in fact -- his pulse still racing. The wonderful feeling of where Trent had sent him was still unbelievable even after this many times and he returned his lover's kiss with all he had to give. He once again regretted the separation of their bodies, but always, like before, Trent returned to him once more. Carlos adored having his lover's weight on top of him. He wrapped his arms tightly around Trent, running a hand through his hair while they both came back to themselves. "God, I wish you could know how much I love you, baby," he said. "You were absolutely wonderful," he added, kissing the top of his head.
"Oh, I think I have some idea about that," Trent answered Carlos, lifting his head to look at his wonderful lover. "Since it is somewhere around how much I love you," Trent said, catching Carlos's mouth in a tender kiss.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled lovingly, returning his kiss with so much love, passion and desire that he was sure he would be ready to love him again in just moments. "I think we're the two luckiest people in the whole world," he said, caressing Trent's cheek with his hand.
"I do agree with you there, Lucky Bear," Trent said, smiling at Carlos. Trent rolled off his lover then gathered him into his arms. "Wonder if they had any home runs in the ballgame while we hit our own? Certainly not as pleasurable I'm sure," Trent said, running his hand through Carlos's hair lovingly and kissing the top of his head.
"Come here," Carlos said, pulling his lover close to him and kissing him for all he was worth, his tongue once again tasting everything that was Trent. He grinned and laughed at Trent's reference to their lovemaking being like hitting a home run in baseball. "No home run either team scored could possibly measure up to the one we just had," Carlos said. He was half-joking, but trying to be serious. Their lovemaking was always incredible and he couldn't think of one thing that could possibly surpass it let alone come close to it. "I guess we could go back to the game and find out," he said, turning his attention back to the television.
Trent tightened his hold on Carlos as he settled back into a position to watch TV again. Carlos was right. They were two of the luckiest people in the world. They had been very blessed before, when they were just best friends, the bond had been so strong. Now that they were lovers it was so intense it was, well, indescribable. He was so grateful they had finally realized their true feelings for each other. Such joy born from a moment of intense sorrow.
**Oh, my God! Was that why I was having the dream about Bryan again? Was that what it meant this time?** Trent couldn't believe he hadn't seen it before. Bryan had brought him and Carlos together that day. Carlos had even disappeared and then returned to him like Bryan wanted to and couldn't. Now Bryan could move on, now he could rest.
Trent just sat there holding Carlos and thinking about it. It was so clear, so obvious. He thanked God once again for bringing them together as lovers and this time he thanked Bryan, too, and said good-bye, allowing him to leave, not trying to hold him back any longer -- not needing to.
Carlos enjoyed nothing more than having his lover's arms wrapped around him and feeling so loved, safe and warm. He leaned against Trent and felt his strong heart beating, sure and solid. After a few minutes he noticed that Trent was very quiet, like he was lost in his thoughts. "Trent? What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.
"Huh, what?" Trent saw Carlos was looking at him, looking expectant, as if he had asked him a question.
"I asked you what was wrong? You seemed so far away," Carlos repeated softly. He wasn't pushing, merely asking. It wasn't usual for Trent to be so quiet and he just wanted to make sure his lover was all right. He put his hands on his lover's arms that were holding him and held Trent's arms closer to his body.
"Nothing's wrong," Trent said, stating the truth, "As a matter of fact, everything is right." Trent smiled at his lover, a smile from his heart and soul, not just his face. Trent bent his head down and kissed Carlos tenderly on the lips then pulled back and smiled at him again. "Very right," he added.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled. There was something different, something special in his lover's smile that was soothing from deep down. Carlos didn't question it -- there was no need to. He returned Trent's kiss and when Trent pulled back he looked deeply into his eyes. "I'm glad to hear that," Carlos said, and he reached up to bring their lips together in another passionate kiss, reveling once more in the love of the wonderful man named Trent Malloy. "I love you, baby," he said, snuggling even closer to his lover's body, enjoying their closeness.
Trent returned Carlos's kiss. "I love you too, very much," Trent said, holding Carlos tightly as he snuggled into him, his smile one of total peace and contentment.
Trent and Carlos both turned their attention back to the TV and the baseball game. Trent was a bit surprised to see it was now the bottom of the fourth inning. **How long were we making love or how fast was everyone struck out?** he wondered and smiled. "Let's see, no new home runs," Trent said as they showed and announced the score. "Well, we have some more time for the Tigers to pounce," he said, smiling for no reason at all but to be sitting here, holding Carlos and watching the ballgame together.
"You really think that the Tigers can come back from a three run deficit?" Carlos asked, trying not to laugh. He would not laugh *at* his lover and Trent knew that, but his optimism for a team that wasn't playing very well showed a lot about the man. Carlos had to give him a lot of credit for believing in his team. "I suppose it's possible," he added, trying to rub it in that his team was winning the game so far.
"Well, of course it's possible. They have five more innings to play," Trent commented, still smiling happily.
The game was far from over and Carlos realized he shouldn't get too carried away just in case there was a sudden turn of events. He pulled Trent close to him and snuggled close against his body with one arm around his lover's waist, watching the game and very happy that he and Trent were wrapped in each other's arms, holding each other close and tight. Carlos suddenly noticed the lineup of the next three batters for Detroit. **Uh oh, I've got a bad feeling about this,** he thought, and he hoped he was wrong.
Trent was barely holding it together and keeping a straight face when Detroit turned around and did exactly the same thing Oakland had done earlier in the game. Two men on base, strong hitter coming to the plate. The first swing was a strike, but he hit the second pitch with ease, sending the ball flying into the stands where the camera showed a young kid, smiling from ear to ear, who had caught the ball.
Carlos couldn't take it -- his team was the one in trouble now and so was he. He tried to keep from acknowledging Trent's pleasure at seeing his discomfort at watching the sudden turn of events in the game. **I guess his optimism paid off,** Carlos thought. He had to hand it to Trent for having faith in his team when things seemed so bad. He glanced at Trent and saw the smile on his face of happiness that his team was doing well and catching up and Carlos couldn't help but smile, then went back to watching the game.
"Do I hear roaring?" Trent teased Carlos, "Humm, I think I do. Hey, I can hear these things you know, beastmaster that I am." Trent attempted a roar, but wasn't sure it came out very well. He was going to have to practice his roar, he decided.
Carlos broke up laughing when his lover attempted to roar -- it was just wonderful and perfect timing, too. He looked up at Trent again and reached up to pull his head down for a loving, tender, passionate kiss. "You make a very good beastmaster, Dar," he said, loving every second of this. "You can roar for me anytime," he said, kissing him once more before releasing him to watch the remainder of the game.
"I'm glad my roaring amuses you," Trent said, chuckling at the idea of roaring at Carlos. Trent tightened his hold on his lover, "They're only tied now, anyway."
Carlos smiled once more, snuggling close to Trent when he tightened his hold on him. How he loved that so -- he felt so good, so warm, safe and loved. He closed his eyes and sighed for a moment taking a moment to absorb everything that was Trent. "You're right -- they're only tied and anything can happen," he said, and looked up at Trent and smiled again, kissed him tenderly, then snuggled even closer to him as he turned his attention back to the game.
The score remained tied as they continued to watch the game. Some close calls were had on both sides several times, but no home runs until the eighth inning when Detroit scored a run. Bases were loaded, the batter hit the ball hard, sending it into the outfield where the guy trying to catch it missed it, letting the runner from third make it to home. The next batter promptly made the last out of the inning and the teams changed places for the ninth inning.
Carlos attempted a quiet groan, but wasn't sure he succeeded. His team had the perfect opportunity to catch the ball but missed, giving the Tigers a run and putting them in the lead. "I don't believe it," he said in exasperation. He couldn't hide how he felt about his team's mistake, but it was just a game, or so he tried to remind himself.
Trent was trying very hard not to show how much fun he was having at this turn of events, but he knew Carlos knew he was. Of course he had no idea what he was going to require for payment of the bet, but he would think of something.
Carlos did his best to try not to look at his lover, knowing that Trent was thoroughly enjoying himself. **I wonder what he's going to want for payment?** he thought, and then got that familiar sparkle in his eyes and wide wicked grin on his face, feeling certain that his lover would want to make love to him as his form of payment. The thought pleased him immensely and he couldn't wait to lose the game all of a sudden, but of course he couldn't let Trent know that.
Oakland had a very sad ninth inning. All three batters promptly made outs and the game was over, Tigers -- 4, A's -- 3. Trent attempted his roar again. **I'm going to have to practice that, really,** he thought. "And was I right or what? Detroit whipped Oakland's collective butts, right? Right? Huh?" Trent said, the last of this accompanied by some mild squeezing and shaking of his arms that were still around Carlos.
Carlos couldn't believe it. His team -- the A's -- lost. They were supposed to win -- they always won against the Tigers. How was he going to live this one down? "Yeah, right -- go ahead and rub it in -- go on," he said, knowing that Trent would do just that -- loving every second of it, too. Carlos rolled his eyes and tried to look upset about his team losing, but wasn't sure he was succeeding very well. He did want his team to lose in the end so he could find out what Trent's preferred method of payment would be. "OK, so you won the bet. What form of payment are you looking for?" he asked, trying to hide the famous grin and the twinkle in his eyes.
Trent could tell Carlos was more than a little pleased he had lost, but he wasn't going to let on to knowing this. "I don't really know. I'm going to have to think about this," Trent said, making it sound like he was teasing, that he knew perfectly well, but was pretending not to. Fact of the matter was he really didn't have any idea. Carlos was expecting something sexual, Trent was sure of that, but he had no idea what to suggest or 'order' that they hadn't already done anyway. He would think of something eventually though.
Carlos just stared at Trent. "No idea? You really don't know what you want?" he asked, his eyebrows raised. "Well, as soon as you do I'm sure you'll let me know, right?" he asked seductively, not able to hide what *HE* hoped the payment would be.
"Oh, yes, I'll let you know," Trent said, trying to sound mysterious, "But no one ever said it had to be sexual, you know, Conan." Trent was going to have fun driving Carlos nuts with this, he decided.
"Not sexual?" Carlos repeated, partly in shock. **Hmmm..., I wonder what he's up to?** he thought, and realized that Trent might very well decide to drag this on -- making him more curious by the minute. He decided not to let Trent see him squirm, so he told himself to just be patient and wait it out -- Trent would tell him sooner or later.
Carlos turned and reached up so that he could bring their lips together in a very passionate kiss, tasting his lover -- wanting to savor the flavor of Trent once more. He wrapped his arms around his lover tight, pulling him close, and just held him for a few minutes, until once again, on cue, his stomach started growling. He tried to keep from laughing, but it wasn't working. "I think it's dinnertime," he said, looking into Trent's eyes.
Trent broke up laughing. Carlos's stomach was getting very vocal as of late and it really had a great sense of timing. "Yes, I guess it is," Trent said, still smiling and laughing and now rubbing Carlos's noisy stomach, too, "I think Dar can master The Great Stomachbeast with some food. Pizza is on the menu. You want to come keep me company or stay in here? You can't help, unless it's from a chair at the table, but you can watch." Trent wasn't letting Carlos over do again if he could help it and standing when not necessary was *not* happening.
"I'll keep you company, baby -- I don't want to be away from you and I really like to watch you cook," he added with a big grin on his face and that sparkle in his eye. He kissed Trent once more then got ready to get out of bed to go into the kitchen with his lover.
"Good. I'm sure I can find something for you to do to help from a chair," Trent said in a seductive tone, but really meaning cutting up things to go on the pizza.
"Oh, I can help, all right," Carlos said, just as seductively, loving every minute of their teasing and playfulness that they shared.
Trent got up first and waited for Carlos to get to the edge of the bed then offered him his hands to help him up. Once Carlos was standing, Trent got his robe for him and helped him into it, then put his own on.
Taking his lover's hands and very grateful for the help, Carlos got out of bed and slipped into his robe that Trent was holding for him.
Heading out to the kitchen, Trent waited until Carlos was settled in a chair then went to start making the pizza. He started by mixing the crust and putting it aside to rise, then got out the toppings they had gotten. Most were already sliced, but the mushrooms and onions weren't, so Trent cleaned them and then put them on the cutting board and took them to Carlos at the table. "How about doing some slicing while you watch?" Trent asked, putting the cutting board down on the table and handing Carlos the knife.
"I can definitely handle that," Carlos said, taking the knife from Trent. "Of course there are *other* things I would like to handle more," he added very suggestively. He flashed his lover that now famous wicked grin and the sparkle in his eyes was even brighter than before.
"Not with that knife you won't," Trent grinned at Carlos, then returned to the kitchen.
Carlos began to slice up the mushrooms and onions and was really enjoying himself. "What else would you like me to *do* for you, baby?" he asked, once again being as sensuous, suggestive and seductive as possible.
"Sit there and behave yourself?" Trent said, loving Carlos's teasing, "Or is that too much to ask?"
"Of course I can behave myself," Carlos said, trying to make it sound like he was insulted by Trent's comment that he couldn't sit still and behave himself. Of course they both knew that Trent was right -- but they also loved to tease each other about it as much as they could.
Trent went to the table and retrieved the sliced mushrooms and onions from Carlos. "Thank you, Conan, you slice things very nicely," Trent said, giving Carlos a quick kiss, "And you didn't even have to take out your sword to do it, either."
"You're welcome, Dar, I'm glad I didn't need my sword either, although it's ready at a moment's notice," he said and grinned at Trent while he walked back into the kitchen. "Anything else I can do for you?" he asked, trying to make it sound innocent.
"Nope. Just about ready to put this in the oven. Just don't know what we're going to do for twenty five minutes while it bakes though," Trent said, thinking it was about time Conan's sword came out to play.
"Oh, I think we can *come* up with something," Carlos said, with that wicked smile and sparkle in his eyes that was becoming brighter by the second.
Go to Page Six