Morning Glow

Page Six

After putting the pizza in to bake and setting the timer, Trent turned around and looked at Carlos with a very naughty gleam in his eye. He went over to the table and sat down in Carlos's lap. "Now, about that sword of yours," Trent said, very seductively, reaching inside Carlos's robe and wrapping his hand around his lover's already stiffening shaft.

Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of his lover as he walked towards him. When he sat in his lap, Carlos wrapped his arms around him tightly, pulling him close. He gasped when Trent touched his penis -- the sparks, the sensations -- they were almost too much. It was all he could do not to come right then. "How about *your* sword?" he asked sensually.

"Oh, I'd say it's ready to do a little battle for the right cause," Trent answered, letting go of his grip on Carlos's shaft and running his fingers up and down it instead. "But you might want to check on it's battle readiness," Trent added, catching Carlos's mouth in a kiss.

"I think I can handle that," Carlos said teasingly, after the kiss. He opened his lover's robe and slid his hand down Trent's chest until he reached his already very hard penis. "Oh my, what do we have here?" he asked sensually. Just knowing that Trent was so hard and ready for him turned Carlos on even more, making his own erection even harder than before.

Trent sucked in his breath sharply when Carlos touched his erection. "Oh..., that feels SO good," he said.

"God, baby, what you do to me," Carlos said, then brought their lips together in a very tender, passionate kiss that quickly became hotter with the intensity that he was feeling. He didn't care who made love to who, he just wanted their bodies joined together, taking care of each other and making sure they both arrived at that special place one more time. How it could be this wonderful time after time he didn't know, except that he had the most incredible lover. He continued kissing Trent, not wanting to stop -- his tongue dueling with his lover's, tasting everything, all the wonderful sweetness that was pure Trent. When he had to break the kiss out of the need for air, he hugged Trent tightly and kissed his cheek before he went back for another taste, to try and satisfy a thirst for something to which there was no end in sight. That was something else that Carlos was extremely grateful for. He moaned over and over into Trent's mouth, unable to think coherently anymore, breathing heavily, shaking with passion and desire, not wanting to wait a moment longer.

Trent returned his lover's kisses, tasting him, unable to get enough of him. Soon his passion had over taken him once again and Trent could wait no longer. Getting up from Carlos's lap, Trent pulled Carlos to his feet slowly then moved so his lover could put his upper body over the table, resting on it for support. Trent pulled Carlos's robe up over his back and fondled his rear end lovingly before moving to get the KY out of his robe pocket to prepare them to join.

Carlos was very ready for their joining. When he leaned over the table, he was filled with such excitement and anticipation of what was to come next. His lover was going to join with him and they would become one -- that act between two people who loved each other as much as they did was very special. They were once again about to experience the wonders of their love for each other. Carlos gasped, sucking in a deep breath when Trent fondled him, it literally took his breath away at what his touch did to him. He closed his eyes and his heart began to pound even harder. He was moaning softly, anticipating that magical moment when they would become one.

Trent used the KY to prepare himself first, then took more of the lubricant on his fingers and inserted them into Carlos's body. He moved his fingers in and out and around in just the right way to give his lover as much pleasure as possible. Carlos's moans and reactions to his touch were so exciting to Trent. Unable to wait any longer, he removed his fingers from Carlos's body and replaced them almost immediately with his shaft, thrusting in slowly but steadily and deeply. He began to move right away, pulling back then thrusting forward again, slowly at first but picking up the pace with each thrust.

When Trent entered his body Carlos was nearly beside himself with desire -- he almost came at the first touch of his lover's very hard shaft. Once Trent was completely inside him and he felt the whole length of his lover, once again he nearly came -- it was all he could do to hold onto his restraint. He pushed back against his lover, encouraging him to thrust as deeply as he could. He was thrilled when Trent moved in and out of him so deep, increasing his speed with each thrust. "That's so good, baby, so very, very good...," he managed to get the words out between pants -- he was so hot. His lover was creating the most incredible feelings inside his body and mind. He began to pant even heavier now, nearing that peak -- that special place -- he wanted Trent to give it all to him, as fast, deep and hard as he could. He was ready and he wanted to take Trent to the same vacation spot too, so they could arrive there together.

Encouraged by his lover's movements and words, Trent let go of his restraint. Reaching around Carlos's waist, he took hold of his lover's shaft and began to move his hand up and down it. But it probably wasn't necessary. Almost as soon as he touched him, Carlos came in his hand, Trent following him over that edge only seconds later, coming deep within his lover's body.

That was the most intense feeling when Trent touched his penis and he came immediately -- came hard into his lover's hand. It was wonderful, incredible -- and Carlos just couldn't get over the intensity of it all. The only feeling greater than that was feeling his lover come so hard and so deep inside his body. Carlos was breathing too hard to think let alone speak. He just lay across the table as he tried to come down from the wonderful climax he'd just experienced.

Trent released his lover's organ, but remained inside of him, laying down across Carlos's back, trying to regain his breath, moaning softly.

"Mmmm..., feels so wonderful, baby," Carlos murmured softly, his lover still deep inside him. There was no feeling more loving in the world than that.

Finally able to move, Trent removed himself from Carlos's body, then lay back down on him again, running his hand over his back, dropping kisses on his neck and shoulders.

After Trent separated their bodies, Carlos once again enjoyed the special sensations when Trent returned to him, lying across him again, touching him, kissing him, and he was in pure bliss.

Finally straightening up, Trent helped Carlos up and into the chair and sat down in his lap again. He put his arms around him, his head on top of Carlos's, his lover's head against his chest. Holding Carlos's head to his chest, Trent said, "I love you so much, Carlos." Trent kissed the top of his lover's head, then put his head back down on top of it again.

Carlos wrapped his arms around his lover tightly, kissing his chest, leaning against him. He loved holding Trent this way, keeping him so close to him, holding him tight, enjoying his kisses, and their closeness. "I'm so very lucky to have you," he said. "I love you so much, Trent," he added, and reached up to bring their lips together in a tender passionate kiss, tasting the sweetness in his lover that he knew he would never get enough of.

Trent kissed Carlos back then settled his head back on top of his. He wasn't sure how long they had been making love or how long they had been sitting there holding each other, but when the timer for the pizza went off followed immediately by Carlos's stomach growling, Trent lost it laughing. The timing was too funny. "OK! OK! I'll get the pizza!" Trent said to Carlos's stomach, rubbing it lovingly as he said it.

Carlos loved it when Trent rubbed his stomach and he looked at his lover and grinned happily. "I guess I'm the punctual type -- or at least my stomach is," he said laughing. He took Trent's hand in his and kissed it before letting it go so that Trent could take care of the pizza.

Still laughing happily, Trent got up and took the pizza out of the oven then got the plates, silverware, drinks and his applesauce and brought them to the table. He smiled at Carlos making faces at his applesauce and then went back to get the pizza off the stove. Bringing the pizza back with him and sitting down, Trent cut the pizza, serving Carlos first, then himself.

Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. "Thank you, baby, this looks and smells wonderful," he said, getting ready to take his first bite. After he was done with his first piece and his stomach had quieted down considerably, he got up and went over to his lover and kissed him passionately, then returned to his seat and helped himself to another piece. "This is delicious -- you make a great pizza," he added, then started in on his second piece.

"Actually, it did come out rather nice, didn't it?" Trent commented. He rarely made pizza just for himself -- too much trouble -- but he really liked it. But even more, he liked cooking for Carlos who was always so appreciative, no matter what he fixed him. Trent helped himself to another piece and served Carlos another, noting he was almost done with the last one.

"Mmmmm..., thanks, baby. This really is good. Thank you," Carlos said, smiling at his lover, then took a healthy bite out of the piece of pizza that Trent had just served him. It really was good -- excellent in fact, and Carlos felt like he was on top of the world having his lover cook for him and taking care of him the way he did.

Looking towards the window, Trent said, more out loud to himself than to Carlos, "I wonder what the weather is doing?" He got up and looked out the window. Coming back to the table and sitting down again, he said, "Looks clear so far. No clouds. Hope it holds when it gets dark. I sure like the idea of star gazing on the beach with you later." Trent smiled at his lover who was just finishing the last of his pizza. "Don't forget we got marshmallows to roast in the fireplace. We could take them to the beach with us, as long as Lucky Bear is willing to build one of his world famous fires to cook them in, that is. If it's up to Soaring Eagle to build the fire, we'll have to eat them cold, I'm afraid."

Carlos looked at his lover and smiled with all of the love he had in his eyes. He adored Trent so much and the reference to their Indian names warmed his heart in a very special way. "We're going to have a wonderful evening under the stars and I would love to build us a nice roaring fire so that we can roast those marshmallows," he said and got up from the table, walked over to Trent, and kissed him passionately. "I think we have the perfect evening already started, Soaring Eagle," he said lovingly, then he kissed him again.

Trent returned Carlos's kisses, but on the second one, pulled him down into his lap and continued the kiss, putting his arms around him. "You weigh more and you're not quite as furry, but it's much more pleasant to hold you in my lap than the stuffed Lucky Bear," Trent said, then added, "And you kiss better, too."

Carlos just melted into his lover's arms and the words that Trent spoke meant more to him than he would ever know. "I'll sit in your lap anytime," Carlos said smiling and holding his lover tightly against him. He returned Trent's kiss with all the love he had inside, then looked him deeply in the eyes. "Thank you, baby. You're a wonderful kisser yourself. Everything you do is wonderful," he added, running a hand through Trent's hair before pulling him close once more. He thanked God again for this man, for bringing them together -- and he hugged Trent tighter as he continued to sit in his lap. After a few more minutes went by he was suddenly curious about something. "Just how did the stuffed Lucky Bear kiss anyway?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"It was a bit fuzzy, but not bad," Trent teased Carlos. Continuing in a seductive voice he added, "But no where NEAR as good as you." Trent smiled at Carlos sitting in his lap. He ran his hand up and down his lover's back just loving the feel of him. "So, are you ready for dessert yet? Still have more banana split stuff. Although I'm not sure how much whipped cream there is left," Trent chuckled and tightened his arms around Carlos momentarily, remembering yesterday's creative use of whipped cream.

"I'm always ready for dessert and I sure do like the sound of banana splits. Somehow I think we can manage to get all of the whipped cream there is out of the can," Carlos said, smiling mischievously. He was remembering how much fun they had with the whipped cream yesterday and it brought a smile to his face as the memories ran through his mind. It felt so good being in Trent's arms, feeling his lover's hand running up and down his back -- so soothing and comforting -- and he just wanted it to go on forever. Carlos looked at Trent and smiled. "I'm ready when you are," he said. "How would you like your banana?" he asked trying to be innocent. He was remembering the banana in the doorway from the previous night as well and what a wonderful time they had together making love.

"How about in a bowl with ice cream on it?" Trent suggested. He kissed Carlos again then helped him up out of his lap. Picking up the dishes from the table, Trent took them to the sink and got out the bowls, a knife, the bananas and the ice cream and took them to the table. "Here," Trent said handing Carlos the knife and putting the other things down, "You just seem to enjoy doing the bottom part so much and you're so good at it..." Trent turned and went back to the kitchen for the toppings before the look on Carlos's face sent him into fits of laughter.

"Mmmmm..., thank you, baby," Carlos said at the high compliment he was just paid for doing such a wonderful bottom. "And might I add that you do a wonderful top yourself," he said smiling wickedly at Trent.

"Why, thank you, kind sir," Trent said, returning with the toppings and setting them down on the table then sitting down again.

"One banana split *coming up*, baby," Carlos said, as he set about to make a banana split for his lover. He sliced the bananas carefully, right down the center -- after all, you had to have the perfect shape for the perfect banana split, right? He smiled and after putting the banana into a bowl he put several scoops of ice cream on top and then picked out a topping that Trent would like.

Trent was thoroughly enjoying himself watching Carlos making masterpiece banana splits. His heart overflowed with love once again for this wonderful man and he thought again how lucky he was to have him in his life and have him as his lover.

Carlos topped the sundae with the whipped cream, nuts and a few cherries then set it down in front of his lover. He then repeated the same procedure with his own sundae and soon there were two perfect sundaes on the table. "All set, baby, ready to be eaten," he said looking very pleased with his completed work of art.

Trent could barely control his laughter. "Is that you or your masterpieces you're referring to?" Trent managed to keep from laughing, but he was grinning from ear to ear.

Carlos just looked at his lover and smiled, enjoying the double meaning that his statement had had. "Both," he said simply, taking the first spoonful of his sundae and putting it into his mouth, the delicious flavor combination of everything swirling around in his mouth.

"And why am I not surprised?" Trent said outloud to himself, as he got up and took the ice cream back to the freezer.

"Mmmmm..., very good eating if I do say so myself," Carlos said, after Trent sat back down. "Is yours the way you want it?" he asked in the most innocent face he could put on, but was afraid he wouldn't be too successful. The truth was, they both knew he was *always* ready to love and be loved and right this moment was no exception.

"Yes, just fine, thank you, Carlos. Lovely banana split you made me," Trent said, eating his ice cream and enjoying both the ice cream and Carlos's growing arousal. "Lot's of nice whipped cream," Trent said, licking whipped cream off his spoon.

Carlos continued to eat his sundae, making sure he didn't miss a single drop, even using the tip of his finger to scoop up all of the remaining topping out of the bottom of the bowl. He finished first as usual and sat back watching Trent as he ate his sundae.

Trent purposely left a long strip of banana in his bowl. When he was done with the rest of his ice cream he picked up the banana piece, covered in sundae goo, with his fingers and ate it, not getting overly teasing, but not missing any opportunity to get suggestive with it.

Carlos watched as Trent ate the banana. He was trying hard to keep his very strong desire from showing right then. He was glad they were sitting down because there was no way to hide his very hard erection at what he was witnessing. **Uh oh,** he thought, as he watched his lover's expression and noticed that familiar teasing look. **He's going to rub this in for all it's worth, I just know it,** he thought. He loved it -- absolutely loved it -- but couldn't openly admit it because the teasing was just too much fun.

Finishing, his ice cream, Trent proceeded to get up from the table and take the dishes in the kitchen and start to wash them, leaving Carlos sitting there looking at him, he was sure. He was afraid to look.

Carlos watched as Trent started towards the kitchen, then got up and was right behind him all the way in. "Are you done eating for the night?" he asked, still teasing Trent about his earlier comment and the way that Trent had suggestively eaten his banana.

Facing the sink and away from Carlos on purpose to hide the smile on his face, Trent tried to keep the smile out of his words, but he wasn't sure he did. "Done eating? Humm, let's see, pizza, banana split... Oh, you're right Carlos, I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me," Trent paused for effect, "We're going to have toasted marshmallows later, aren't we?"

Carlos was not expecting *that* to be the answer to his question and he put the best puppy dog look on his face he could. He knew that Trent was teasing him and he loved it -- it was one of the things at the top of the list that Carlos loved most about Trent -- and he was very happy that his lover was enjoying himself so. Carlos stood there behind his lover, watching him wash the dishes, and he couldn't take it anymore.

Trent was trying very hard to keep from grinning from ear to ear but not managing to. He was turned away from Carlos so he didn't have to see the sad puppy face he knew was going full force. He had every intention of giving his lover what he wanted and himself a very nice second dessert, but Carlos was so appealing when he was asking for attention. Really.

Carlos suddenly grabbed Trent, wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him firmly against his body so that his lover would have full body contact with him and he made sure Trent especially felt his full, hardened erection. "NOW can you think of anything else you'd like to eat?" he asked, whispering seductively into his ear, then turned his lover around in his arms and kissing him for all he was worth.

Trent started laughing despite his effort not to at his lover's words and actions and being turned around to face Carlos. When Carlos kissed him he kissed back with as much passion as he had. When the kiss broke, Trent put his hand inside his lover's robe and took hold of his erection, stroking it lovingly. "This doesn't feel much like a marshmallow -- way too hard. But I guess it might make a nice snack," Trent said as seductively as he could.

Carlos loved Trent's laugh -- it was light and loving, so precious. He moaned into his lover's mouth when he kissed him back -- it was incredible the way he felt right then. He gasped and closed his eyes when Trent touched his penis -- that magical touch of his as he stroked it with love and care the way he did making him harder than he already was, harder than he thought possible. "Mmmmm.., no marshmallow there, baby -- not possible when I'm around you," he said, beginning to pant with excitement and anticipation at what Trent was going to do to him.

Trent let go of his lover's shaft and put his hands on his waist and turned both of them around so Carlos was backed up against the kitchen counter. "I think 'On the Counter' is in order here," he said, helping Carlos to lift himself up so he was sitting on the counter.

"I like the sound of that," Carlos said seductively as Trent helped him to sit on the counter. This was becoming so hot and sexy. Carlos just loved the way Trent treated him, taking care of his needs and making it so loving, fun and very exciting. He watched Trent -- didn't want to take his eyes off of him for a second. He wanted to see everything his lover was doing to him and that just made him pant more with the thrilling sensations his lover was providing for him.

Once Carlos was on the counter, Trent untied his lover's robe and opened it up, running his open palms over his chest. Trent continued to run his hands over his lover's chest, stopping to rub and pinch both nipples with his fingers, finally moving his mouth forward to take one in his mouth and suck on it hard.

Try as he might, Carlos watched for only so long before the sensations that washed over him swept him away and he closed his eyes. He gasped suddenly when Trent first touched his nipples with his hands, then sucked on one -- it was so hard and very, very good -- and Carlos had to work hard at not coming right then. He reached out and ran his hands through his lover's hair, urging him on, but Trent didn't need any guidance -- he was perfect at what he was doing and Carlos placed both hands on the counter to support himself as he arched his back bringing his body closer to his lover's mouth.

Trent moved his mouth to his lover's other nipple and sucked hard on it also, then released it to move his mouth slowly down Carlos's chest, licking and kissing as he went. He stopped only for a moment to lick and nip Carlos's navel, moving on quickly to his erection, that would not be denied attention any longer.

Carlos shuddered and gasped -- the sensations that were filling his body as his lover was sucking on his nipple were incredible and he cried out at the ecstasy his lover was providing him. He once again ran his hand through Trent's hair and urged him on, encouraging him to give him everything he had -- he was such a wonderful lover.

Trent lovingly licked just the head of Carlos's shaft, tasting the fluid accumulated there. He continued to lick just the head, back and forth, round and round, then took it in his mouth and sucked on it, continuing to swirl his tongue around it.

That was nearly it for him -- Carlos couldn't take much more. As much as he wanted it to last he knew it wouldn't -- it was too good, so very wonderful and loving. The sparks that were touched off as soon as his lover's tongue touched his very hard penis, licking the fluid from the head, nearly made him come. He watched Trent licking him, unable to take his eyes off of his lover. "That's so good, baby... you're so wonderful," he said speaking breathlessly he was panting so hard. He wanted this to go on forever but he needed to come -- he was at that peak and wanted to go just a little further until he fell over that edge and into the state of pure bliss that Trent always gave him.

Knowing Carlos was very near his release, Trent took his lover's shaft into his mouth as far as he could. Sucking hard he moved his mouth back up slowly but steadily, swirling his tongue around the head when he got there. He repeated this only a few times before, taking him in his mouth one last time all the way, Carlos came hard, exploding in Trent's mouth. Trent continued to suck on Carlos after his orgasm, unwilling to miss any of his fluids.

Carlos continued to thrill to the sensations that his lover was giving to him, panting hard -- almost unable to breathe. But when Trent took his penis into his mouth as far and as deep as he could he nearly lost it, closer to the edge than he realized was possible without climaxing. His lover's mouth was too good, too hot, and after a few more times of Trent sucking him hard and deep, Carlos could no longer hold onto his restraint. "Oh God, Trent!" Carlos cried when he came -- it was with such force that it took him by surprise and, from the feelings running through his body, he thought it would never end.

Reluctantly releasing Carlos from his mouth, Trent licked him a few more times to be sure he was cleaned off, then put his arms inside his lover's robe and around his waist, resting his head against Carlos's chest, waiting for him to come down from his climax.

Carlos was panting so hard he couldn't think or speak at that point -- what he had just experienced was too incredible. After his lover had taken care of him and cleaned him thoroughly, it was a few more minutes before he could speak, and it was between pants when he did. "That was wonderful, baby, thank you so very much," he said, holding Trent close to him, loving the feeling of his lover's head resting on his chest. That felt wonderful and he just wanted them to stay like that. He ran a hand up and down Trent's back and slowly returned to himself. He leaned down and kissed the top of his Trent's head. "I love you, Trent," he said softly, full of passion and love for the most wonderful man in the whole world.

Trent was enjoying standing there, holding his lover, his head against his chest. He tightened his grip and snuggled against Carlos when he spoke. "I love you too, Carlos. You feel so good...," he trailed off just enjoying the moment of holding his lover and of being held and caressed.

Carlos continued to hold Trent close to him, loving the closeness, the feel of their bodies touching each other -- it was like nothing else mattered, and nothing did really -- just the two of them being together. He continued to caress Trent's back and kissed him on the top of his head over and over again -- soft tender kisses, while he held his lover's head against his chest. That felt so good, so very, very good. "You feel so very good, baby," he said. He couldn't say enough thanks to cover how he felt about having Trent in his life.

"Mmmm...," Trent snuggled against Carlos's chest some more, kissing it a few times as Carlos kissed his head. Trent was sure if he could purr, he would be now.

Carlos felt he could stay like this day and night and he leaned down and kissed Trent's head again softly caressing his cheek with the back of his hand. "I love you so very much," he whispered softly.

"I love you too, more than I can ever say," Trent said, feeling his words again to be totally inadequate to express what he was feeling. Lifting his head from Carlos's chest, Trent looked up at his lover, reaching up for a kiss. Once his mouth was joined with Carlos's, Trent hugged him tighter and then moved back from the counter, helping Carlos down.

Carlos returned Trent's kiss with all of the passion, love and desire he had inside him. His lips were delicious and once again he reminded himself that he was the luckiest man in the world. He pulled Trent closer and held him tighter as he got off the counter with his lover's help, still kissing deeply and passionately.

Breaking their kiss, Trent backed up just enough to readjust Carlos's robe and tie it shut again. "Why don't you go sit down in the livingroom and I'll be in as soon as I finish the dishes? We have a few hours before it's dark enough to go star gazing and marshmallow roasting. Maybe something on TV?"

All too quickly the kiss ended and Carlos was opening his eyes to see and feel Trent tying his robe shut. He smiled at his lover, taking in everything he could then he kissed him again, softly and tenderly. "TV sounds great. Don't take too long," he said sensually, not wanting to be away from his lover any longer than absolutely necessary. He went into the livingroom and sat down on the couch, turned on the television and began to channel surf. "Anything in particular you want to watch?" he asked, just in case he saw something that Trent was interested in then it would already be set up by the time he joined him.

"Anything but a show about talking clothing accessories is fine with me," Trent said, still not quite over how bizarre that kids show about the talking hats had been. Trent finished up the few dishes and dried his hands on the dish towel. Seeing the 'Kiss the Cook' apron hanging beside it, he remembered Carlos wearing it this morning, and nothing else, and smiled at the memory. It really had been a lovely sight and very arousing. Very.

Carlos laughed softly when he heard his lover referring to the show with the talking hats that they had watched earlier that morning. He really had forgotten how bizarre the show was, but the look on Trent's face had been truly priceless. Carlos knew that Trent had gotten some enjoyment out of the show despite how ridiculous it was.

Heading into the livingroom, Trent sat down next to Carlos and snuggled up next to him. "So, you find a show about talking eye glasses? Belts? How about socks? Maybe a show about sock puppets or...."

Carlos turned to his lover and kissed him hard and passionately, quieting his attempts at further references to talking clothing accessories. He deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring all of Trent, tasting everything that was his -- savoring the flavor and memorizing all of it. The kiss lasted a very long time and Carlos moaned softly in his lover's mouth, full of the most wonderful sensations that this man could provide. It was truly amazing how he could love someone so much and be loved just as much in return. He pulled Trent as close to him as he could and held him tightly until the need for air necessitated a break in their kissing. "That was delicious -- thank you," he said, breathlessly.

Trent was wondering what had gotten in to him, besides the thought of Carlos in just an apron and a smile. He had thought he wasn't *up* for anything only five minutes ago and now he was ready to climb down Carlos's throat tongue first. "You're welcome," Trent said, when the kiss broke out of the need to breathe, "But you ain't seen nothin' yet."

Carlos's eyes sparkled with their usual shine and brightness, but their brilliance rose considerably when he heard those words his lover just said to him. "Just what is it you've got to show me?" he asked very seductively, his voice becoming husky with need and desire.

Turning around so he was on his hands and knees facing Carlos, he started kissing him again, full force, nothing held back, unable to taste him well enough or kiss him deeply enough. Continuing to kiss his lover, Trent managed to maneuver Carlos around so he was lying on the couch while Trent was straddling him on hands and knees, still trying to get his tongue down his lover's throat.

Carlos just loved it when Trent took him like this -- loving him aggressively, so very full of passion and desire. It increased the love and desire that he felt for Trent which he didn't think was possible. He returned Trent's kiss just as deeply and passionately, unable to get enough, but hungrily going after more. It felt so wonderful lying on the couch with his lover over him -- he enjoyed knowing that Trent would enter his body at any moment and make love to him -- it was so powerful, so overwhelming, and he began to tremble in anticipation of their joining.

Continuing to kiss Carlos, Trent managed to untie both of their robes and open them before lying down on top of him. Breaking the kiss finally, Trent moved his mouth on to Carlos's neck, kissing, licking, biting softly. By the time he got to his lover's nipples he was almost out of self restraint. But those nipples were so inviting. Trent took first one then the other into his mouth, sucking hard, biting gently.

Carlos caught his breath as Trent opened his robe -- his hands reaching up to caress his lover's chest, barely able to breathe at all. Just the mere thought of them as one, making love to each other, was the most amazing thing and it was about to happen. As soon as Trent began licking, kissing and biting him he nearly lost it -- his restraint barely under control. He arched his back so high when his lover began sucking his nipples -- it was incredible and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. He was breathing much heavier now, almost panting. He looked into his lover's eyes deeply "I want you inside me, baby..., please..., make love to me," he said in a voice filled with all the passion and desire he had for Trent.

Trent was just getting ready to move off of Carlos when his lover asked for what he was so ready to give him. He was far beyond speech, but moved off of Carlos to prepare them to join. Fumbling in his robe pocket, Trent managed to find the KY and hold on to it -- getting the cap off was another matter. Finally doing so, Trent took some of the lubricant and put it on his fingers. Putting them inside of Carlos stretching him, preparing him, Trent purposely moved them to please his lover, watching his reactions as he did so. He was sure he was going to come at the sight of Carlos enjoying himself alone.

When Carlos first felt his lover's fingers inside him he nearly came -- it was so intense. Trent was making sure to touch him in all of the right places, increasing the wonderful sensations washing over him. He began to writhe and squirm, arching his back. His moans, which started softly at first, increased in intensity with each passing moment, becoming louder each time.

Carlos was almost at the peak of ecstasy already and he couldn't wait to go over the top. He pulled Trent down to him and kissed him hungrily -- almost attacking him with the desire and passion that was overtaking him. His tongue claimed the territory that belonged to him, tasting everything, memorizing every detail that was Trent, not wanting his lover to wait any longer. Carlos wanted Trent to join with him right that second, make passionate love to him and take them both over that edge so they could fall into that wonderful bliss together.

Trent was more than a little surprised when Carlos grabbed him, kissing him hungrily. But he loved it, and all self restraint went out the window at that point. Pulling away from Carlos's grasp, Trent removed his fingers from Carlos, hurriedly prepared his shaft with the KY and entered his lover very quickly, drawing back just as fast and thrusting in again all the way. Trent knew neither of them was going to last much longer they were both so close to that edge.

Carlos was completely breathless when Trent pulled away from him -- the sensations overwhelming him once more. He watched his lover prepare himself, getting ready to join with him. Once he did, the excitement rose even higher than before -- each thrust taking him higher and higher to that edge, that incredible peak. He looked into Trent's eyes the entire time they were making love -- watching the beautiful expression of love shining through his lover's eyes right back at him. Carlos arched his back high and squeezed his lover's shaft, encouraging him to move as fast and deep as he wanted -- he wanted everything Trent could give him. He wanted them to climax together when they reached that special place.

Taking hold of Carlos's shaft, Trent moved his hand up and down it as he thrust into his body fast and hard. A few more thrusts, a few more movements of his hand and they both came and came hard, Trent buried deep inside Carlos, Carlos in Trent's hand.

Carlos was beside himself now, the pleasure and intensity sending him so fast and so high towards that edge where he could reach that famous vacation spot he had come to know so well and all because of his magnificent lover. Feeling his lover's hand on his very hard shaft sent thrills through him, those familiar sparks shooting throughout his body. As Trent thrust inside his body so incredibly hard and fast, Carlos was enjoying the dual pleasure of his lover inside him and his penis being stroked and caressed to climax. He arched his back over and over again, higher and higher each time -- moaning loudly now, out of control. His restraint could be held back no longer as he exploded into Trent's hand just as Trent exploded and came inside of him. It was always incredible and Carlos was breathing very raggedly. He closed his eyes trying to come down from this, but it would take quite some time.

Trent couldn't move for a moment, the orgasm so strong, his body still shaking from it. He finally managed to release his lover's shaft from his hand and gently remove himself from Carlos's body. Trent then collapsed on top of his lover, breathing hard, moaning softly, the intensity of it all still overwhelming him.

As always, Carlos was very momentarily disappointed when their joining ended, but that was soon replaced with joy and incredible happiness when his lover lay back down on top of him. He loved having his lover's body weight on top of him and he wrapped his arms around Trent tightly, still breathing very hard. He kissed Trent's forehead and ran his hand through Trent's hair. "I love you so very much, baby," he said between breaths. "You're incredible -- so wonderful," he added, running his hand through his lover's hair once more.

Trent appreciated the words his lover was speaking, the caressing and cuddling, but he was far from being able to talk. He managed to put his arms around Carlos and hug him in response to him, but he continued to breathe hard and moan softly. **How could this possibly ever get better?** he thought for the umpteenth time. But there was always a time later when it did. This had just been so intense, so overwhelming, and had come on him so fast.

Carlos continued to caress his lover, running one hand up and down his back while the other held him close and tight to his body, feeling all of Trent's weight -- wanting them to stay pressed together. He kissed his lover's cheek and forehead, speaking soft words of love and endearment, while his lover slowly returned to himself. Feeling Trent's arms wrap around him made him feel even more loved and warm and safe than he thought could ever be possible. "I can't get over it, Trent. You're the most amazing lover -- everything is always perfect, so incredible. You're magnificent at knowing exactly what to do to always make it so very special and wonderful each and every time," he said. There really were no more words to adequately describe how he felt about their lovemaking. This was the closest he could come to expressing how he felt except for holding, kissing and caressing his lover with everything he had.

Trent was amazed at Carlos's words. They were almost an exact duplicate of what he had been thinking. Finally able to speak, Trent lifted his head from his lover's chest and looked him in the eye. "OK, have you started reading my mind now? I was thinking almost that exact same thing before you said it. Only about you," Trent said, then put his head back down on Carlos's chest, dropping a few kisses on it as he did, "How do you make it so perfect, so right, so special for me every time? No matter how or where or what the act of love is?" Trent didn't expect Carlos to have an answer for him any more than he had one for Carlos. But it still amazed him and he needed to say it.

Carlos loved the soft tender kisses that Trent dropped on his chest and he caressed his lover when he rested his head on his chest once more. The closeness they were sharing meant more to him than he could ever imagine or ever thought possible. He kissed his lover's head once more and ran a hand through his hair. "It's a very special kind of love, baby, one that we're lucky beyond words to have found. We're one, you and I, for all time," he said softly, sweetly and with such desire that he could very easily make love to Trent again right that second. He wrapped his arms around his lover tightly and held him closer to his body. He just wanted to enjoy even more closeness and give Trent as much pleasure as he possibly could.

"Yes, must be it. I can't think of anything else to explain it," Trent said, moving his head to catch Carlos mouth in a kiss. He smiled at Carlos looking at him, then moved to straighten up and sit up on the couch and waited until Carlos was sitting upright too, then snuggled back into his embrace. "Did you find anything on TV to watch? We still have an hour or two before it's really dark enough to star gaze," Trent asked.

"Haven't found anything yet -- had something else on my mind at the time," Carlos said smiling, then picked up the remote. "Do you have a preference on what you want to watch?" he asked as he handed the remote to Trent since he wanted to have both of his arms free to hold his lover.

Trent took the remote from Carlos and started channel surfing. "You asked me that already and that was how the sock puppets came up," Trent commented, loving the way Carlos had shut him up about talking socks. "Not much on worth watching, or so it seems," Trent said, "But this is the middle of an hour. Let's just leave this on." Trent wasn't really interested in what was on TV anyway. He was much more interested in being cuddled and held. Settling back further in Carlos's embrace, Trent sighed, running his hands up and down Carlos's arms that were holding him. It didn't make a bit of difference what was on TV. Trent was totally happy and content.

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