Morning Glow
Page Nine

Walking back into the bedroom Trent got his robe and put it on, holding up Carlos's for him to put on. "You ready for breakfast? Or was that a silly question?" Trent asked the always seemed to be hungry Carlos.
Carlos followed Trent into the bedroom and really appreciated Trent holding his robe for him and he slipped into it easily then tied the belt. "Mmmm..., you know me too well, baby," he said laughing as his stomach began to rumble louder. He started walking towards the kitchen and was at the doorway when he suddenly became dizzy and his head had some pain running through it. His pulse was racing and his heart was beating faster, but not as bad as the last time this happened. He reached out for the doorway to hold onto, feeling weak and unable to stand anymore without support.
Trent wasn't far behind Carlos when he saw him hesitate, then reach for the doorway. He was right behind him in no time, catching him around the waist, supporting him with his own body from behind. "Easy, now," Trent said, making sure he had a good hold on Carlos, "Come on, back to bed with you." Trent eased Carlos back to the bed and sat him down then helped him slide back into the bed. Climbing in after him, Trent gathered Carlos in his arms and held him tight.
Carlos wasn't really aware of what was happening other than he didn't feel well at all. His vision had blurred momentarily then cleared, but his head was still hurting and he was so thankful that Trent had been there to help him, giving him the support so he didn't fall, getting him back into bed. He needed to lie down and knew that was the best thing for him. It felt good when he was finally lying down and had his lover's arms around him holding him tight -- he felt safe and warm. "Thank you, baby," he said, nestling against his lover as he lay there, hoping it would pass soon.
"You're welcome. Now, just rest and let it pass," Trent said, gathering Carlos closer to him, brushing his hair with his hand.
Carlos needed Trent's strength at the moment and having his lover's arms wrapped around him felt so good that he just lay there absorbing the warmth that went along with it. He didn't feel like talking anymore, he just wanted to lie still and think about nothing at all. It was easier on his head and didn't hurt quite as much if he closed his eyes, so he did that for a while. It wasn't long before his stomach began growling, reminding him that they were on their way to have breakfast when he had had his dizzy spell. He realized how hungry he was and was certain that Trent had to be just as hungry. "Trent? Why don't you go on ahead with breakfast, OK? Maybe breakfast in bed for us?" he asked, not wanting to hold anything up. He could rest while Trent was making breakfast, then they could enjoy it in bed together.
Trent looked down at Carlos and debated his request. He probably DID need to eat, that was an important part of his health, too. And his stomach was making itself known -- loudly. And despite the fact he was still obviously in some pain and discomfort, Carlos was talking coherently. "You sure you'll be OK in here if I do? You really do need to eat, so I hear," Trent said, rubbing Carlos's stomach and smiling at him.
"I'll be fine, baby -- you go on ahead," Carlos said, and he meant it. He still didn't feel well and he wanted to rest. He also needed to eat. He smiled when Trent started rubbing his stomach trying to calm its loud cries to be fed -- he loved it when his lover touched him that way. Carlos was far from well, but he thought that once he ate he would be able to sleep, and right now sleep was tied for first place on the agenda. Food and sleep -- then he hoped the dizzy spell would be gone and he would be feeling better.
"Well, OK," Trent said smiling at Carlos, still rubbing his stomach, "I guess you have to behave yourself while I'm gone." Trent carefully let go of Carlos and sat up in bed looking at him. "You want to keep your robe on or you want me to help you take it off before I go?" he asked.
"Off would be nice, thank you," Carlos said, grateful for the offer of help. He pushed the covers aside some to make it easier to get his robe off and with careful help from Trent he was out of his robe in just a few moments, with his lover laying the robe across the bed. "Thanks, baby," he said smiling, then started to reach for the covers to pull back over himself. He couldn't believe how tired he was just with that little effort.
"I'll be back," Trent said to Carlos, in a very bad Arnold Schwarzenegger imitation, "Oh, sorry, that's your line, isn't it?" Trent leaned over and kissed Carlos's stomach. "But it really shouldn't take long," he added, then kissed Carlos's mouth too, smiled at him and got out of bed to go make breakfast.
Carlos tried hard not to laugh at his lover's attempt at imitating Arnold, but it was difficult. He was so cute and it was just plain irresistible. Carlos smiled when Trent kissed his stomach, then he returned his lover's kiss on his mouth with all the love he had, then watched him go into the kitchen to make breakfast for them.
Getting to the kitchen Trent busied himself with making breakfast, getting out ingredients, finding a very nice big tray to take it all into the bedroom on. **Breakfast in bed must be something they expect you to do here,** he thought to himself. Trent knew Carlos's dizzy spells and headaches were normal, but they still made him uneasy. It was hard to see Carlos like that, so unable to help himself, the sparkle gone from his eyes.
Carlos lay in bed a little concerned. He knew that what he was experiencing was normal, but he was growing tired of it. He felt like his spells were never going to go away and he was trying hard not to show how frustrated and upset he was. He just wanted things to go back to normal, when he could go through an entire day without a headache or dizzy spell. Carlos knew that he would have to make the best of it while he was going through this. He decided not to let it get to him. He would be fine and he knew that -- and with his lover by his side, he had all he could ever want or need.
It wasn't long before Trent was done, everything on the tray -- **Man, this is a nice tray,** he thought -- and he was headed back to the bedroom. "You're still awake and still hungry, I hope," Trent said, putting on his best cheery voice and smile. As he approached the bed, on cue, Carlos's stomach growled -- loudly. Trent had to be careful not to drop the tray as he started to laugh.
Carlos took one look at the huge tray that Trent had brought in and thought his eyes would pop out of his head -- the food was incredible -- French Toast, his favorite, with the works to go with it. When his stomach growled, Carlos couldn't resist laughing, even though his face had to be as red as a tomato by that time. He noticed it was all Trent could do to keep from losing it with the tray as he began to laugh at the timing of his stomach. "Can I help you with that?" Carlos asked, innocently.
"I think you've done enough already," Trent continued to laugh. He took the tray around to the far side of the bed and put it over Carlos's lap so he could hang on to it while Trent got into bed. "Now don't eat it all before I get a chance to get back in bed," Trent said, smiling at Carlos looking at the food, then kissing him on the cheek. Going around to the other side of the bed, Trent took off his robe and got back in bed beside Carlos.
Carlos smiled at Trent's words and after looking at the food again he knew it was so very true -- he could easily eat all of it the way *his* stomach was growling. He adored the kiss his lover gave him, then waited while he got back into bed before getting ready to dig into his breakfast. "This looks delicious and smells absolutely wonderful," he said, looking at his lover and smiling. "Thank you for making breakfast -- for going to all this trouble," he said, although he knew that Trent enjoyed doing this -- he also wanted his lover to know how much his efforts were appreciated. Now he looked at his food and didn't know where to start.
"You're welcome and it wasn't any trouble. Doing things for you is never any trouble. Now eat before your stomach starts singing again," Trent said, putting some of the French Toast on Carlos's plate then helping himself to some.
Carlos had to laugh -- his stomach did anything *but* sing. It was a weak, tired laugh, but he laughed nonetheless. He adored Trent's teasing -- loved it in fact -- and hoped it would never change. He watched Trent load up his plate and accepted it gratefully and started to put his toppings on his French Toast. He decided to go for all of it at one time. He had always enjoyed jam and syrup on his French Toast but Trent had brought a jar of honey in too, so he put all three on and dug in. "Mmmmm..., delicious, baby..., wonderful," he said, between mouthfuls.
Trent just watched Carlos. He was very amused at the sight of Carlos and all his toppings, but put on his best 'that is so gross' look and just shook his head and started to eat his own breakfast.
The strawberry jam mixed with the syrup and honey did wonders for Carlos's hungry stomach and it started quieting down rather quickly. Then he switched to raspberry jam and found that every bit as tasty. He alternated jam flavors on different pieces of the French Toast until he couldn't eat anymore, then he put his plate to the side and looked at his lover. "That was a wonderful breakfast -- thank you," he said, leaning towards Trent to kiss him sweetly and tenderly. He wanted to watch Trent enjoy the rest of his breakfast because, as usual, Carlos ate faster and was done first.
"Well, that was one sweet kiss -- literally," Trent said smiling and making 'tasting' motions and noises with his mouth, "Very interesting flavor combination there." Seeing Carlos was looking better made Trent very happy.
"Thank you, baby," Carlos said. He enjoyed the sounds Trent was making, which were beginning to arouse him. He wasn't quite ready for anything physical yet, but he was feeling better after eating and lying there -- and his lover was definitely turning him on as he always did no matter what.
"You still need to sleep or are you feeling better enough to watch TV?" Trent asked.
"I'd like to watch TV, but I hope you don't mind if I do fall asleep," Carlos said, wanting nothing more than to lie in his lover's arms and be held while they watched TV together. He also planned on them making love later on and he wanted to be ready for that -- very ready. Just the thought of it started his arousal.
"Of course I don't mind if you fall asleep," Trent said, touching Carlos's face with his hand. "If you need to sleep you need to sleep. You really *are* still recovering here, a fact we both seem to forget from time to time," he added, running his hand through Carlos's hair as he smiled a smile of pure love at him.
Carlos smiled again at his lover and was so thankful for his understanding. Of course Carlos knew that Trent would understand -- he never doubted that for a moment but he still felt like he had to say it. He nodded his head in agreement with his lover about remembering that he was indeed still recovering.
Trent finished up the last of his breakfast and put the plate back on the tray. Reaching for the TV remote he turned on the TV and handed the remote to Carlos. "Let me get rid of this tray and I'll be right back," Trent said, getting out of bed and putting his robe on. Coming around to the far side of the bed he took the tray from over Carlos's lap and headed to the kitchen to clean up.
Carlos took the remote and began to channel surf, looking for something on that they could watch and enjoy. He settled back in bed a little and listened to his lover in the kitchen, smiling once again at the wonderful breakfast they had just enjoyed together.
Returning to the bedroom in a few minutes, Trent took off his robe and got back into bed with Carlos, sitting up against the headboard and pulling Carlos close. "Find anything worth watching?" Trent asked, not really even knowing what was on TV on Sunday mornings.
That was exactly what Carlos needed when Trent got into bed and pulled him close. Their bodies lying next to each other that did more for him than anything else. "I haven't found anything yet," he said, still channel surfing -- hoping to find something good on. "Mmmm..., thank you again for breakfast and for taking care of me," he said. "I love you so much," he added, then he looked up at his lover -- his eyes full of love for the man who made his life -- his whole world -- complete. All he needed was his lover's arms wrapped around him.
"You're welcome, again," Trent said, "And I love you, too." Trent kissed Carlos's forehead. "I noticed it's almost the top of the hour, should be able to find something just starting. Hey, what's that?" Trent said, seeing the beginning of what looked like a movie. "You ever seen 'Splash' before? Isn't it about a mermaid? Oh, look, it has Darryl Hannah in it," Trent said, teasing Carlos, giving his lover a squeeze with his arms to emphasize it. "I know about your thing for blondes," he added in a very sensuous voice.
"You've got that right, baby," Carlos said, grinning from ear to ear. "And you haven't seen anything... yet," he said very seductively, his voice already becoming husky and his need to make love to Trent was growing stronger as the minutes went by. "This movie looks good -- let's watch it," he said, still smiling, already thinking of what he wanted to do *after* the movie.
"You're not fooling me, you know. You have your mind anywhere but on the movie," Trent grinned at Carlos and hugged him. "After the movie -- at least," Trent informed Carlos and his libido, "You need to rest."
Carlos returned Trent's hug tightly and then looked at him grinning from ear to ear. "You know me too well, baby," he said, feeling better than he had earlier but not well enough. Trent was right and Carlos couldn't deny it even if he didn't like it -- he did need to rest. There was plenty of time to make love to his precious Trent after he got some rest. He nodded his head in agreement. "You're right -- and after the movie maybe I'll see if I can sleep for a while," he said looking at his lover with so much love in his eyes.
"Sleep? Is THAT what they're calling it these days? Yes, I have heard that expression," Trent teased, "But *real* sleep would probably be better for you. Now let's watch the movie, OK?"
They had been watching the movie and making comments on it and laughing away for quite some time. "This should be interesting, looks like she's going to take a bath," Trent said, nudging Carlos.
"I only have eyes for you, baby," Carlos said, turning to nuzzle Trent's neck softly before returning his attention to the movie.
"And the bathtub, right?" Trent commented, remembering Carlos eyeing the whirlpool tub last night, "What the heck? You mean the tail comes back if she gets wet? She put salt in there, you think it needs to be salt water for the tail to appear?" Trent was enjoying this.
Carlos just looked at the screen then at Trent, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know -- what do mermaids like to swim in?" he asked, grinning, glad to see that his lover was enjoying himself.
"Oh, like suddenly *I* am a mermaid expert?" Trent hugged Carlos again, just loving the back and forth and enjoying the movie with him. "Uh, oh, he's getting up. He's gonna see that tail. Then again, maybe he'll like that even better than the legs," Trent said, liking this movie more than he thought he would.
"You always were a leg man," Carlos said, trying to keep the smirk off of his face. "What about *my* legs?" he asked, smiling from ear to ear, teasing his lover while he watched the movie.
"Your legs, my dear, are perfect," Trent said, "And MUCH better than a tail."
Carlos just looked at Trent and shook his head. He had to smile though -- Trent was so cute -- and he did adore his lover's comment about his legs. It was amusing to him that Trent thought his legs were better than a tail and he giggled quietly and watched the movie.
"I don't believe this, he's going to knock the door down just cos she locked it?" Trent said, thinking that a bit drastic since she was talking to him and all. Not like he didn't hear her or something.
Carlos just watched as the movie unfolded, waiting to see what would happen and the suspense building up, and he wondered if she would be caught tail between her legs or not.
"Oh, tail's gone. She got herself dry," Trent commented.
"Had me going there for a minute," Carlos said, really having gotten into the movie and hoping who she really was wouldn't be discovered.
From the movie
Alan: "You OK?"
Madison: "Yeah."
Alan: "Well, why wouldn't you let me in?"
Madison: "I was shy."
Alan: (in a disbelieving voice) "You were shy? After the car and the elevator and the bedroom and on top of the refrigerator you were shy?"
Trent and Carlos looked at each other then both broke up laughing -- laughing so hard they couldn't stop, barely able to breathe.
Finally catching his breath and some semblance of sanity, Trent said, "We never thought of on TOP," and they were both off in a fit of laughter again.
Carlos just shook his head while he laughed, holding his sides. "We sure didn't," he said. During his total fit of laughter he made sure he would not forget this idea if the opportunity ever came about.
"I'm not quite sure of the logistics of that, really," Trent said, wiping the tears of laughter off his face, almost back to normal.
Carlos knew he would figure out a way if there was one and knew that would please Trent to no end. Finally getting his laughter under control, he found he too had to wipe his eyes from having laughed so hard. The movie was great and they were having a wonderful time. Carlos looked at Trent and it made him so very happy to see his lover enjoying himself so much, that he just smiled the biggest, best smile he had at him, thinking about how much he loved him.
They finished watching the movie still laughing and commenting. When it was over Trent said, "That was a really good movie, I liked that. Very funny." Trent looked at Carlos trying to decide if he was ready for his after the movie treat or was ready to sleep.
"Yes, it was very good -- I enjoyed it too, and I hope we rent it sometime -- I'd like to watch it again," Carlos said, only now his thoughts were drifting to his lover. He leaned over and pulled Trent to him gently, then brought their lips together in a loving passionate kiss. He felt better than he had earlier but he still had a bit of a headache. But as horny as he was and as much as he wanted to make love to Trent, he didn't feel he was up to it right then. "I'm sorry, baby, but I'd really like to lie down and rest for a while, maybe sleep for a little bit," he said, smiling at Trent. "But later is another matter altogether," he said with such conviction and certainty in his voice and that look in his eye.
"You don't need to apologize to me, Conan," Trent said, "If sleep is what you need, sleep is what you need and what *I* want you to have. Even Conan had to sleep sometime. Or I assume he did." Trent moved so he was lying down in the bed then let Carlos readjust his position so he had his head on Trent's chest. "Just go to sleep," Trent said, kissing Carlos's forehead and running his hand through his hair.
Carlos looked deeply into his lover's eyes and smiled, once again appreciating this man so much for everything he said or did. Of course Trent would understand, and Carlos knew that, but he still wanted Trent to know that sleeping wasn't his first choice. After Trent was comfortable, Carlos lay down and put his head on Trent's chest -- very cozy and warm -- he could feel his lover's heart beating steady and true. He loved it when Trent kissed him and the feel of his lover's hand in his hair made him feel so good and safe. He put one arm around his lover's waist and within a few minutes he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he was in a deep sleep before he knew it.
Trent wasn't sleepy and hadn't intended to fall asleep, but next thing he knew he was waking up. After he was awake, he realized what had woken him up -- Carlos's stomach was at it again, growling away. Trent started to chuckle even though he tried not to -- Carlos was still asleep -- but he couldn't help it. How could he sleep with all that noise going on anyway?
Carlos had heard his lover's laugh -- and felt his stomach growl -- and between the two he could no longer sleep. He began to wake up slowly, stretching a little bit, then looked up into his lover's eyes and smiled.
Carlos was stirring, no doubt woken up by Trent trying not to laugh, and Trent kissed him on the forehead. "I think it's time to wake up and feed that stomach of yours again, Carlos," Trent said, smiling and laughing softly.
"Mmmmm..., food sounds wonderful, baby," Carlos murmured softly, looking at his lover adoringly and smiling his brightest smile. How he loved to listen to his lover laugh -- it brought such joy to his life and he couldn't help but keep smiling at Trent. He reached up and pulled his head down gently to bring their lips together in a sweet, tender, passionate kiss, his tongue searching to taste and claim what belonged to him. As sweet as always, Carlos could never get enough to quench his thirst and they kissed for several minutes until the need for air caused them to take a break. Just then, on cue as always, Carlos's stomach began to growl even louder. It was apparent that it would be denied no longer. Carlos looked at Trent and had to laugh at his stomach's sense of timing.
Trent had kissed Carlos back with just as much passion. He never got tired of kissing him, never. And then the kiss broke and Carlos's stomach started in again and Trent smiled at his lover still chuckling. "You should get this a TV show," Trent said rubbing Carlos's stomach, "It's comedic timing is just impeccable."
"Hmmm..., that's not such a bad idea," Carlos said, going from a chuckle to a laugh. He loved it when Trent rubbed his stomach. He picked up his lover's hand, kissed his palm, then placed his lover's hand back on his stomach for more rubbing.
Kissing Carlos's stomach and then his mouth, Trent got out of bed and put his robe on and headed to the kitchen to make lunch. He wasn't sure if Carlos was up to following or not, so he decided to just let him decide. If his lover hadn't joined him in the kitchen by the time lunch was ready, he would bring it into the bedroom.
After a couple more minutes in bed, Carlos couldn't stand it anymore and he had to be with his lover. He wanted Trent, to be close, wanted them to make love. He got up, put his robe on, then went into the kitchen and came up behind Trent, turned him around and pulled him close and tight -- all of this happening very fast.
Trent heard Carlos approaching but was a bit surprised when he turned him around. He was just expecting him to sit in a chair and keep him company. But as soon as Carlos hugged him, Trent could feel his lover was fully aroused. It pleased him.
Carlos moved Trent to the far counter and lifted him up onto it and kissed him hard on the lips, his tongue pushing its way inside his lover's mouth to once again claim that territory that belonged to him. He was full of passion and desire, fully aroused, and he wanted Trent to make love to him. Opening his lover's robe, Carlos took hold of Trent's hardening penis. It hardened further at his touch. He moved his hand up and down it to arouse Trent more, to make him ready to join with him.
Trent was very surprised at being lifted up to the counter, but he was loving it. As soon as Carlos touched his shaft, his erection, which had just started, was instantly harder. Carlos moved his hand on his shaft making it even harder, until he was ready to make love to him.
Out of the need for air, Carlos finally had to break the kiss. He looked into his lover's eyes deeply. "It's time for 'On Top of the Refrigerator'," he said, in a low, husky voice. He kissed Trent again, equally as hard, before climbing onto the counter himself. Pulling Trent to his feet first, Carlos then leaned forward across the top of the refrigerator.
Trent was totally taken by surprise and he was totally loving every minute of it. He flipped Carlos's robe up over his back and then, unable to resist that lovely rear end of his, fondled it before opening his own robe and preparing himself with the KY taken from his pocket. Taking more of the lubricant on his fingers, he put them inside his lover who was making the most lovely picture draped over the refrigerator. It was getting Trent very excited just by looking at him.
Carlos was thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his lover's fingers inside his body -- knowing that he was moments away from the exquisite feeling of having his lover join with him, that they would become as one and rise to that wonderful peak together -- to climax and fall off into the pure bliss they had come to know and love so many times before. He was already so very excited, moaning softly at first but the moans were becoming louder with each moment of sweet torment that his lover's fingers were providing him. He was beginning to writhe and squirm now as his anticipation was growing much stronger -- needing to join with his lover.
Watching Carlos enjoy himself, squirming under his touch, the moans, Trent could take it no more. He removed his fingers from Carlos replacing them with his shaft, slowly, but steadily and deeply, fondling his lover's rear end as he did. Stopping for only an instant, Trent pulled back and thrust in again, faster this time.
Carlos cried out immediately upon feeling Trent's very hard penis enter his body -- he was so ready for it, yet it was so intense every single time. He couldn't hold back at expressing how wonderful it felt, the incredible sensations flowing through his body, making him want more -- his beautiful lover creating all of this by joining with him. As soon as Trent began thrusting Carlos started pushing back against his lover, encouraging him to move as fast, as deep and as hard as he could within his body -- he wanted it all, needed it all. He moaned over and over again, crying out as the thrusting continued.
Continuing to thrust, faster each time, Trent stopped fondling Carlos's rear end and instead reached around him to grasp his shaft. Finding it to be close to the cool refrigerator, Trent moved his lover's shaft so it was pressed tightly against the fridge while he caressed the other side of it with his fingers.
Carlos didn't know how he held onto his restraint when Trent took hold of his penis -- he nearly came the moment he felt the touch of his lover's hand. He gasped and cried out again. When Trent positioned his penis against the fridge and then touched him with his fingers he sucked in his breath -- very pleased and surprised. He moved hard against his lover -- very hard -- pressing back into him and then pressing hard onto his own shaft -- moving closer and closer to that edge he was so ready to fall off of. "Oh God, Trent..., please... now... I'm... ready...," he said, panting between words -- his shaft so very hard he thought he'd explode. He wanted Trent to give it all to him -- not hold back anything at all. "You're so good, baby..., very good...," he said but his voice trailed off as he was just soaring too high to continue to speak.
Trent had lost his restraint. Carlos's reactions were too erotic, too overwhelming. Taking hold of his lover's shaft with his whole hand, Trent pumped it hard as he thrust into Carlos equally as hard at the same rhythm. Just a few more thrusts and Carlos came in Trent's hand, came hard, Trent following him only seconds later.
That was it -- when Trent took his penis into his hand Carlos was on the edge -- the very highest point. The combination of his hard shaft being pumped and his lover's shaft stroking the inside of his body as hard as he possibly could sent him over that edge and he exploded, coming hard into Trent's hand, releasing everything he had -- he thought it would never end. A few moments later he felt his lover come inside him, his rich, hot essence feeling wonderful inside his body. He was shaking so hard he couldn't think or speak and it would be quite some time before he would be able to do so.
It was all so intense. Once again Trent couldn't move for a moment or so. Finally able to move a bit, Trent released Carlos from his hand but remained inside him, falling forward across his back. He couldn't stop shaking and he was breathing so hard. Finally calming down a bit, Trent removed himself from his lover's body then resumed his place across Carlos's back, hugging him tightly.
Carlos didn't want the joining to end but eventually it had to. When it did he knew his lover would be back to caress and hug him. No sooner had Trent left his body internally than he returned to lie across his back and hug him -- such a wonderful feeling. He adored the after sex loving so much. He still couldn't move however, and he struggled to regain control of his breathing which was still quite ragged, he was still panting heavily. "Oh, baby..., that... you... were... wonderful," was all he could say and he had to work quite hard at being able to say anything at all, but he had to find a way to tell Trent how special that was.
Trent stayed where he was, but began caressing Carlos's back soothingly, dropping kisses on his back. Reaching up as far as he could, he just reached Carlos's cheek and kissed it. Then, whispering near Carlos's ear, said, "You weren't so bad yourself."
The touch of his lover felt so good, his soft kisses were so soothing and comforting. As he very slowly returned to himself the loving attention he was receiving from Trent was what he needed.
Straightening up finally, Trent helped Carlos to stand. Waiting for a moment for his lover to get his bearings, Trent then helped him to sit down on the counter. Getting off the counter himself, he moved in front of Carlos, still sitting on the counter, and hugged him tight, his head on his lover's chest. After a moment or so, Trent pulled back just enough to look at Carlos and smile at him and kiss him, then hugged him again.
There was no way that Carlos could have stood up on his own -- his legs were like rubber and he was still shaking from the incredible orgasm he'd just experienced. He was grateful for the help, and when he was sitting on the counter he held his lover tightly against himself. He smiled at Trent when his lover looked at him then returned the hug once more, sharing their closeness, coming down from that very special place that he had been sent to.
"I see the appeal now of 'On Top of the Refrigerator'," Trent said, his head still against Carlos's chest, "I wonder how many couples try it out after seeing that movie?" Trent chuckled at the idea and moved back again to look at Carlos. "At least I understand the logistics of it now," Trent said and smiled at Carlos. "Leave it to you to figure it out," he added, running his hand through Carlos's hair and still smiling at his incredible lover.
Carlos looked deeply into his lover's eyes and smiled, laughing along with Trent. "I don't know, but I think we should win first prize," he said seductively. He was nearly back to normal now, but was still breathing a bit heavily. He was also horny again as hard as that was to believe, even *he* had difficulty fathoming that after the incredible love they had just made. "Great logistics -- you said that right," he added, loving the feel of Trent's hand running through his hair, smiling at Trent with all of the love he had for him shining though. "I love you so very much, Trent," he said, and brought their lips together in a passionate kiss, then pulled back a little to look his lover in the eyes and softly caress his cheek with the back of his hand.
"And I love you, too," Trent said, still smiling at Carlos. Reaching out his hand to caress Carlos stomach, Trent asked, "And how did you get Mr. Noisy here to be quiet? Think I better finish making lunch before he starts in again, don't you?"
"Well, if he does start making noise again I know a sure fire way to quiet him down in a big hurry," Carlos said, with that wicked smile of his, and then grinned from ear to ear.
Trent kissed Carlos again, then helped him down from the counter, straightening his robe for him. "Go sit down, it's almost ready anyway," Trent said, smiling and doing his own robe back up before heading back to making the sandwiches.
Carlos walked over to the table and sat down, watching his lover make their lunch. He sighed out of pure contentment and joy, thinking back to every detail of what they had just experienced together. He smiled, his heart bursting at the seams knowing that there was nothing greater in the world than the love they had for each other. He continued to watch Trent and was thankful once again for having this man in his life -- his lover and partner for all time.
Trent finished making the sandwiches and put them on plates. Taking them to the table he handed Carlos his plate like it contained plutonium. "Here. These are the ones with mayonnaise. How anyone can eat that instead of Miracle Whip is beyond me. Just don't expect me to kiss you for a while afterwards, OK?" Trent teased his lover.
Trent went back in the kitchen for the chips and drinks. Returning to the table he sat down and started to eat his sandwiches. Looking over at Carlos who was looking at him and not eating he said, "What?" sure he had inadvertently done something 'cute' again.
"You think my sandwiches with mayo are not worthy of a kiss?" he asked incredulously, knowing his lover was teasing him, but wanting to tease him back. "Well, I think that expecting me to kiss you after you eat will be expecting a miracle," he said, totally intending the pun toward the dressing that Trent used on his sandwiches. He smiled, flashing that incredible smile that went from ear to ear, with just a touch of that wickedness he was so famous for. Then he picked up one of his sandwiches and took a nice big healthy bite, enjoying every bit of the wonderful flavor. "Thank you, baby -- this is very good," he said, smiling.
"Oh, I think you got that backwards. You not kissing me would be the miracle. No doubt about that. Probably make the front page of the 'National Inquirer' and everything," Trent said, eating his lunch and grinning at Carlos. "And don't think you would get away with not kissing me," he added, "I wouldn't allow that." Then in his best imitation of 'The Soup Nazi' from 'Seinfeld', he added, "No miracle for you!"
"You'll never have to worry about that -- nothing in the world could keep me from kissing you over and over again. In fact, if I had my way I'd never stop kissing you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, all year long," Carlos said, looking lovingly at Trent, watching him eat his sandwich.
"Oh, that would go over big with our clients," Trent said, loving the idea, "And I think your stomach might have something to say about being denied for so long."
"You being in my life *IS* a miracle -- and one that I thank God came true," Carlos added, then he smiled again and returned to eating his own sandwich.
Trent looked at Carlos and smiled. "Well, *that* I agree with you on, totally," Trent said. He realized it might not technically be a miracle, but brought about by God he was sure of and under very out of the ordinary circumstances. That was enough for him.
"We really should eat up the rest of the banana split stuff for dessert. We can hardly take it with us if we don't. So, you uh, *up* for some ice cream after this?" Trent knew he didn't need to ask, but he had to. He loved to get a rise out of Carlos, both figuratively and literally, which his comment was likely to do.
Carlos's eyes lit up at the thought of dessert -- and he had an idea that was sure to please Trent beyond his wildest imagination. He tried to hide his smile and wicked thoughts as his mind began to plan this idea out in detail. "I'm always *up* for ice cream," he said, trying to smile innocently and knowing he probably wasn't getting away with it, which made him love his idea even more.
Trent looked at Carlos. There was more going on behind that twinkle in his eye than usual. Carlos was planning something. Trent wasn't sure whether to be afraid or aroused. He settled for aroused, or his body did anyway. The party in his pants, if he had been wearing pants, had started.
Carlos knew he had him -- it was written all over his lover's face no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He realized full well that Trent knew he was *up* to something, and just as Carlos was fully aroused, he knew that his lover was, too. He was very pleased knowing how much he could arouse Trent -- it meant the world to him and he was about to show his lover a whole new meaning of arousal.
"It's just ice cream, you know," Trent said, "And bananas. I think we used up the whipped cream." Trent picked up the plates from the sandwiches and took them to the kitchen. Returning with the last of the ice cream and bananas as well as bowls and a knife, Trent handed the knife to Carlos and set down the other things. "Here. You're the bottom again. I mean, you do a good bottom. Uh, wait -- oh, just fix the ice cream!" Trent said, leaving to get the toppings.
Carlos broke out into a fit of laughter as Trent walked away -- shaking his head at the words Trent was using -- or tried to use to describe fixing the ice cream. "You're a pretty good top yourself," he said, calling out after his lover, still chuckling and having a great time fixing the ice cream -- still thinking about his idea.
Trent was grinning from ear to ear and trying not to laugh. Getting the toppings he headed back to the table with them and set them down and sat down himself, waiting for Carlos to finish his wonderful bottom making. "You know, you really *do* do that well," Trent commented on Carlos's ice cream and banana prep work.
"Thank you, baby," Carlos said, appreciating the compliment and smiling proudly at his sundae making. He took a look at the toppings and started opening jars -- trying to decide which topping to put on his lover's sundae. "You realize you're the best topping... I mean top... Here, you make the top part of the sundae, then it *will* be a masterpiece," he said, handing the spoon over to his lover, so he could watch Trent complete the makings of the perfect sundae, while he still went over the details of his idea in his mind.
"And just who else have you ever been topped by?" Trent asked, grinning and accepting the bowls with the ice cream from Carlos. Trent put some of each of the toppings on Carlos's sundae and most on his. Since the whipped cream was gone, he added nuts and extra cherries, but it still didn't finish off most of the stuff. "Humm, still a lot left here. Now who was it that insisted he had to have ALL the kinds of toppings? Hummm, could it have been -- Carlos?" Trent teased. There really was an awful lot of topping stuff left. But Carlos had insisted one or two kinds simply wouldn't do. They had gotten them all.
"Well, one does have to have choices, and this way we had them all right here," Carlos said, smiling rather innocently which he figured probably wouldn't work with his lover but was always worth a try. He watched as Trent put just about everything there was on top of their sundaes and waited for him to finish so he could eat the great looking work of art. "You're really good at making the top and bottom come together," he said, loving the effect he knew it would have on his lover.
"How good of you to notice. I do try. It's much more enjoyable that way," Trent said back, just as innocently. "Here you go. A little heavy on the toppings maybe, but a nice big gooey mess, just like you like it," Trent said, sliding the bowl across the table to Carlos, "Sorry there's no whipped cream left. I did get a bit carried away eating it the other night." Trent was just waiting for the effect that was going to have on his lover, knowing he was already aroused.
Carlos rubbed his hands together in anticipation of his bowl of ice cream and nice gooey toppings and the lovely look of all of the toppings running into each other and swirling into one big mess and he couldn't wait to dig into it. He picked up his spoon and looked at his lover "Thank you, baby -- this is absolutely perfect," he said. "And as I recall, we both got carried away by the whipped cream," he added, very much aroused already. He knew that his lover was also aroused but trying very hard to hide just how much. Carlos's eyes twinkled and he tried to hide the smile that threatened to spread all the way across his face -- with that special wickedness added to it. Oh, his idea would work beautifully and he couldn't wait to get started. While thinking about and savoring the details in his mind of his idea, he enjoyed spoonful after spoonful of his delicious sundae and watching Trent enjoy his.
"I'm glad you like the way I topped you -- I mean your sundae," Trent said, trying to eat his ice cream. He was watching Carlos and knew there was more going on here than just the usual banter, but he didn't know what. He knew he would in time. Of that he was sure.
Go to Page Ten

The above movie dialog in this story is a direct quote taken from "Splash", screenplay by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel and Bruce Jay Friedman