My Cup Runneth Over
Page Ten
The rest of the meal went normally, Trent managing to hold his focus in the here and now. After dessert, Trent took the dishes to the sink and started the water to wash them. Once again, as he stood there, with the water running, his mind wandered off again, **I think it might be worth a try. Can't know for sure unless we do.**
Carlos watched as his lover took the dishes off the table and over to the sink to be cleaned. Once again it was very clear that Trent had become distracted and he decided that it was time to find out what was going on. He was becoming a little more than just concerned at this point. He got up out of his chair and walked over to where Trent was standing at the sink, came up behind him, put his arms around his lover's waist and hugged him. "What's on your mind, baby?" he asked, his chin resting on his lover's shoulder.
Trent hadn't heard Carlos approaching and was totally startled when he hugged him, startled enough he jumped. "Gees, you startled me. You sneaking up on me now or was I gone again?" Trent asked, knowing the answer already.
"You were completely gone, baby," Carlos said softly. He took one of his hands and reached past Trent to turn off the water. Then he turned his lover around in his arms and looked into his eyes. "Something has been on your mind all evening. I think we need to talk about it. Come on -- let's go sit down," he said, taking his lover's hand and leading him into the livingroom and over to the couch where they could sit and talk.
Trent just watched as Carlos turned off the water, then turned around as his lover turned him, just moving as Carlos moved him. He looked at Carlos when he looked at him and spoke, knowing he was right. He took Carlos's hand and followed him. He was ready to talk about it anyway.
Once they were seated Carlos looked at his lover expectantly, waiting for him to open up about whatever was on his mind.
Trent sat down next to Carlos on the couch moving automatically into his embrace that was waiting for him. He turned to look at Carlos who was waiting for him to speak, then turned his head back forward. He wasn't quite sure where to begin and thought for a moment before speaking. "I didn't think...," Trent started to say, but stopped and thought for a moment instead. "I never thought...," he stopped again, still not hitting on what he wanted to say or how he wanted to say it. "I was thinking about tonight -- your welcome home treat for me," he finally managed to get out more than a fragment of a sentence.
Carlos looked at Trent and wasn't sure what his lover was trying to say, only that it had to do with tonight and their lovemaking. **Maybe he didn't like it and he doesn't know how to say it?** was the thought running through his mind as he continued to look at his lover, waiting patiently for Trent to say what was keeping him so preoccupied and distracted all evening.
Trent glanced back at Carlos, looking for a reaction, still not sure exactly how to say what he was trying to say. Not that he was embarrassed or didn't want to talk about it -- he just truly wasn't sure how to say what he wanted to the way he meant it. When Carlos just continued to look at him and wait, Trent looked away again, still trying to decide how to say what he wanted, then spoke again. "In particular, the handcuffs," he added to what he had said before.
Carlos looked at Trent and thought about what his lover had said. **So that was it -- the handcuffs,** he thought. It wasn't their lovemaking -- it was the handcuffs -- his lover didn't like the handcuffs. Carlos didn't know what to say at this point -- Trent hadn't even looked at him when he spoke and that was on his mind, too. "You didn't like them did you?" he said, more of a statement than a question. It was very important to him that he know how Trent felt about it.
Trent looked back at Carlos. "No, that wasn't what I meant at all. I did like them, that was the problem," Trent said, then added, "Or more to the point, the surprise."
Carlos just looked at Trent and was surprised beyond words. This wasn't the answer he was expecting. He didn't know what to expect but this was the furthest from his mind from the bits and pieces his lover had spoken up to this point. "You did like them?" he said. "What's on your mind about them -- I know something is and we need to talk about it, baby," he added, wanting to get Trent to say anything and everything that was on his mind about the handcuffs and the whole experience they shared earlier.
Trent was still a bit unsure of exactly how to explain himself, but he needed to try. "I've never minded using them with you -- with them on you, don't get me wrong here. You obviously like it -- that's all that matters. But the reverse, on me, well, I didn't...," Trent trailed off seemingly looking for the right words.
Carlos continued to look at his lover, listening to every word he spoke, trying to understand what he meant, but he didn't. Trent was obviously having difficulty saying what he wanted to and Carlos didn't know what to say or ask at this point. **He didn't like them after all,** was what was on his mind -- that he had done something that his lover had had difficulty with in some way. Yes, Trent had said he liked them but there was *something* about them that had Trent acting like this and Carlos didn't know what to say. He looked at his lover hoping he would keep talking about whatever was on his mind.
Trent looked at Carlos looking at him. He knew he had the wrong idea in his head, he could tell by the expression on his lover's face -- the look in his eyes. He had been trying to avoid bringing up past love experiences and past partners, but there was no other way to get his point across and get it across in the way he meant it. He took a deep breath and continued. "I'd tried it before, with me on the receiving end and I didn't like it. I really didn't want to do it again -- I started to object but you didn't give me a chance to finish," Trent smiled -- a smile turned quickly into a wicked grin remembering Carlos's eagerness.
At first Carlos was upset at hearing his lover's words -- hearing how he hadn't enjoyed it in the past -- and he realized that he had indeed been quite fast about it and hadn't given Trent time to react before or after he put the handcuffs on him. But then his lover smiled -- wickedly, too -- and he relaxed somewhat, feeling better that his lover had something more to say and was well on his way to getting it off his chest. He smiled back at Trent and waited for him to continue.
"But now I'm glad you didn't give me a chance to say anything," Trent said, still surprised at his own reactions, "I really did like it. All of it, including the handcuffs."
Carlos was very surprised at this moment and he was stunned beyond words. He smiled more brightly at his lover -- very pleased to hear that Trent had enjoyed it -- all of it, including the handcuffs. His surprise had worked out well and he couldn't have been happier that he brought his lover such enjoyment. That was all he wanted and it seemed to have worked out fine. He didn't know what to say -- he was feeling surprised, and a little overwhelmed at the emotion that was running through him at the moment, too. He just kept looking at his wonderful lover and smiled happily.
Trent saw the change in expression on Carlos's face and knew he was getting his point across, which made him happy. "I'm not sure if it was that it was so fast or so different or just the fact it was you," Trent paused and put his hand to Carlos's face, "But I *did* like it, very much. That was what I was thinking about. It surprised me."
Carlos smiled the biggest smile ever and the emotion that had been overwhelming him threatened to take him over the edge as he closed his eyes and leaned his face lightly into his lover's hand, loving the feel of Trent's hand on his face. After a few moments he opened his eyes and smiled happily. Nothing could have made him more happy than hearing Trent say those words -- that he liked it as much as he did. He couldn't think of a thing to say and hoped that his eyes and expression would say it all.
Trent smiled at Carlos, his smile once again turning to a wicked grin rather quickly, and continued, "That..., and do you think we might try it again? Only slower this time? Just to be sure?" he asked, knowing the answer before he did. "Scientific curiosity and all that...," he added, his wicked grin turning back into a smile at the expression on his lover's face.
Carlos's breath caught in his throat -- he wasn't expecting this at all. He was happy that his lover had enjoyed it earlier, but to be asked to do it again -- this was wonderful, exciting, and told him just how much Trent really did enjoy it earlier. His eyes began to sparkle when he saw Trent's wicked grin. After getting over the initial surprise of being asked he nodded his head and smiled back at his lover. "You bet we can try it again -- and we'll take it as slow as you like," he said softly. "Just say when," he added, wanting Trent to make the decision about when the handcuffs would be used. He leaned in closer and brought their lips together in a tender passionate kiss, tasting the sweetness that was pure Trent.
"How about now?" Trent asked, not really breaking the kiss but talking around it.
Once again Carlos was surprised -- very pleasantly so, and he deepened the kiss, moaning softly into his lover's mouth as he did so. His tongue intertwined with Trent's to make sure he tasted everything as his arms tightened their hold around Trent, wanting to feel his lover's body pressed up against his as his passion climbed higher and higher.
Trent kissed Carlos back, his own passion rising as he felt his lover's intensity. He had realized Carlos would be happy to oblige his request, but he hadn't known it would affect him quite this much. It pleased him all the more to know his request, something he wanted for him, was pleasing his lover so much.
After a few more minutes Carlos had to break the kiss reluctantly out of the need for air. He looked at Trent and smiled, once again overflowing with love for the most incredible man in the world -- his lover. Suddenly overwhelmed with emotions, Carlos put his arms underneath Trent and stood up, picking him up in his arms and headed to the bedroom smiling and looking into his lover's eyes, filled with more passion and desire for this incredible man in his life than he ever thought could exist for one person.
Trent smiled back at Carlos and as he did, he saw the change in his lover's eyes, his emotions taking him over. He was surprised only momentarily as Carlos scooped him up from the couch and headed to the bedroom with him. His own emotions taking over, Trent put his arms around Carlos's neck and laid his head on his lover's shoulder. As Carlos carried him, Trent snuggled his head against his lover's shoulder. He was the slightest bit apprehensive now that he had decided to try this again. But the look on Carlos's face now -- the look on his face when he had first understood what Trent had been trying to say -- the look on his face when Trent had asked for this -- it was worth anything, anything he might find uncomfortable about this. But he didn't think he would this time.
Carlos carried Trent into the bedroom and over to the bed, laying him down on it gently. His emotions were running so high right now, his love for Trent overpowering him beyond anything he'd ever known or felt before. It was totally amazing and he was in complete awe of the effect that even thinking about his lover had on him. Here he was looking at him -- so handsome, so beautiful -- lying there on their bed. He was going to make the most incredible passionate love to him. He reminded himself once more of how lucky he was and made a mental note to make sure he never forgot it -- not for a minute.
Trent looked up at Carlos as he gently put him down on the bed, seeing nothing but overwhelming love and tenderness there, he knew it would be OK, no matter what happened.
Carlos reached out with both his hands and framed Trent's face bringing their lips together in another deeply passionate kiss, his tongue probing deep inside his lover's mouth to taste everything once again -- something he could never get enough of, moaning into his lover's mouth.
Trent all but melted at Carlos's kiss. Their kisses were all special, but this one was different. As Carlos continued to kiss him, then moaned into his mouth, so very obviously enjoying this, what apprehension he still had was fading fast.
Once again Carlos had to break the kiss to get some air. When he did he smiled at his lover once more. He removed his own robe, and then Trent's, with his help. He framed Trent's face in his hands again and looked into his eyes. "We're going to take this as slowly as you want to," he breathed softly, looking at his lover and smiling.
Looking deeply into his lover's eyes when he spoke, what little apprehension Trent was still feeling left completely.
"Are you ready?" Carlos asked, wanting to be sure before he started to put the handcuffs around his lover's wrists.
Trent smiled ever so slightly at his lover, his eyes overflowing with love and trust and excitement. Putting both his hands in front of him, he put his arms close together, his wrists next to each other, and lifted them towards Carlos.
Carlos couldn't have been more pleased and happy than he was to see his lover holding out his arms to him with his wrists together. He knew this meant that his lover was ready, wanted to try it again, and Carlos was determined to make it a wonderful experience for him. He was equally determined that if at any point along the way Trent were to change his mind then he would stop immediately -- he wouldn't hurt his lover or break his trust in him in any way at all -- not ever.
Carlos took Trent's hands in his, keeping his wrists together. He dropped several soft tender kisses on each wrist, then licked each wrist softly and sensuously several times before he stopped and looked into his lover's eyes and got ready to move on to the next step.
Trent closed his eyes as Carlos kissed his wrists, savoring the feeling of his lover's lips on his skin. The kisses were so soft, so loving. Then he felt his lover licking him and he let out the softest of moans before opening his eyes to look at Carlos who was looking back at him.
Hearing his lover's moan encouraged Carlos even further knowing that his lover was enjoying himself. Keeping his lover's wrists together in one hand, Carlos took his other hand and softly caressed Trent's face, then leaned forward until he brushed his lover's lips lightly with his -- a whisper of a kiss -- then pulled away slightly and looked at his lover and smiled brightly.
Trent closed his eyes again when Carlos touched his face -- so lovingly, so tenderly -- he moaned very softly again. Then he felt his lover softly kissing him, ever so gently, and he opened his eyes when he felt the kiss end to find Carlos smiling at him -- such a beautiful smile his lover had! Trent looked at Carlos's face and was simply fascinated by what he saw there, realizing once again how totally this man, his lover, had captured his heart and his soul.
Carlos leaned in close again and nuzzled Trent's neck in his favorite spot -- licking and biting and lavishing the spot with loving attention moaning over and over again as his desire and passion continued to rise for his incredible lover.
When Carlos began to nuzzle him, Trent was gone, as usual. How could this man do this to him with such a simple act? "Oh... Carlos...," Trent managed between pants that were becoming more rapid quickly, "So good... so very... good...," Trent moaned again, but louder than before, closing his eyes as he did, giving himself over the wonderful sensations his lover was capable of creating in him.
It thrilled Carlos so much to hear his lover's moans -- moans of pure pleasure and enjoyment -- and he continued to nuzzle Trent's neck with loving kisses, over and over again -- continuing to moan himself as his passion continued to rise.
Moving slowly Carlos gently lifted his lover's arms over his head. With his other hand he took hold of first one then the other open handcuff -- still dangling from the headboard where Trent had been held earlier -- and slowly put them around his lover's wrists one at a time, watching Trent carefully for any indication that his lover wasn't comfortable with what he was doing.
Trent opened his eyes to watch Carlos as he lifted his hands over his head, towards the open handcuffs still dangling from the headboard. He turned his head just enough so he could look up and watch Carlos putting first one then the other handcuff on his wrists ever so gently. When they were both on, Trent looked at his hands for a moment, held snugly in place now by the handcuffs, then turned his attention back to Carlos's face and whimpered softly, once again, the power and depth of the love and passion in his lover's eyes allowing him no other response.
Hearing Trent's whimper turned Carlos on so much he couldn't believe it. His lover's whimpers had always had a strong effect on him, but this time it was overwhelming and Carlos was excited that placing his lover in handcuffs had had this effect on him. Carlos moved slowly down his lover's body and when he got near his lover's face he stopped. Kneeling on the bed by Trent's side, he kissed Trent very passionately, with all of the desire he had, tasting his lover's sweetness once more, moaning again and again into his lover's mouth. While he was kissing him he ran his hands lightly up and down his lover's chest, across his nipples, flicking them lightly as his fingers went back and forth over them.
Trent kissed Carlos back matching his passion, thrilling to the sound and the feel of his lover's moans. Out of instinct he started to move his arms to embrace his lover only to have his arms held firmly above his head by the handcuffs. He didn't have time to dwell on the fact he couldn't touch Carlos as his lover began to caress his chest and tease his nipples. He arched his back in response, the handcuffs again holding his arms in place as he pulled against them.
The responses Trent had to what Carlos was giving him just further stimulated him and he deepened the kiss even more, his tongue dueling with his lover's -- tasting everything -- never getting enough, while his hands continued to caress his lover's chest and tease his nipples.
Trent continued to thrill at the way Carlos was kissing him. When his lover deepened the already deep kiss even further, Trent moaned into Carlos's mouth, returning the passion and the fire in kind.
After a few more moments, Carlos broke the kiss and moved down his lover's body and placed his hand over Trent's left nipple and began massaging it slowly and deliberately while he took the right nipple into his hot mouth and began sucking on it hard, his tip of his tongue dancing across the top of the nipple with a feathery light touch.
When the kiss broke, Trent sucked in his breath sharply. He had been so absorbed in the kissing he hadn't realized his need for air. Watching Carlos as he moved down towards his nipples, Trent whimpered again, knowing and anticipating the pleasure his lover always gave him with his attention to his nipples. He watched as his lover took one nipple in his mouth and rubbed the other with his fingers. He arched his back as soon as Carlos began to suck on him, crying out as he did, again pulling against the handcuffs.
When Trent whimpered and then arched his back, it nearly drove Carlos over the edge -- how he loved it when his lover whimpered -- it was so erotic, so exciting. Knowing that Trent was enjoying himself meant the world to Carlos. Once he had both nipples hard, he switched positions and began sucking the other nipple hard while his hand played with the first one, until both nipples couldn't possibly get any harder, then released them gently.
Trent was still managing to watch his lover as he pleasured his nipples. When Carlos changed sides, Trent arched his back and again cried out in his passion, but this time shutting his eyes and putting his head back on the bed. He was moaning now and panting hard in-between moans. He felt his lover release his nipples from his mouth and hand and opened his eyes, briefly disappointed, but knowing more was in store for him.
Carlos captured his lover's mouth in another passionate kiss on the lips then broke it and moved further down Trent's body and gently began licking his lover's shaft.
Trent kissed Carlos back with everything he had. He was so very excited, so very hot, so very hard. His passion was running so high, higher than ever, simply because he couldn't touch his lover. So he put all his passion, all his touches for his lover, in his kiss, touching him with his mouth and tongue. The kiss was over way too soon, but again he knew it just meant Carlos was moving on to some other way of pleasuring him.
Trent was again watching Carlos and saw him moving to his shaft. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to control himself or not. When his lover started licking his very hard shaft, Trent arched his back again, crying out, "Oh! Carlos..." his lover's name trailing off into a moan of pure pleasure, as he closed his eyes and put his head back down on the bed again.
Carlos didn't think he'd ever seen Trent's shaft so hot or so hard -- not ever. He was thrilled and excited that he could make his lover feel this way -- make it so intense for him -- that's what he wanted, to bring the utmost intense pleasure to his lover that he'd ever known. He licked the accumulated fluids from the head of his lover's penis then slowly moved until he was in-between his lover's legs, licking Trent's rigid shaft a few more times.
With his eyes still shut, Trent moaned loudly when he felt Carlos lick the head of his penis. He managed to control his strong desire -- his strong need to come as his lover did so, but he wasn't quite sure how. He opened his eyes again when he felt Carlos moving, panting hard and staring at him as he did. When he saw Carlos begin to move towards his erection again with his tongue, Trent whimpered, knowing it would be intense, then cried out when his lover's tongue met with his very hard shaft, putting his head back again, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to control his body. He wanted to wait for his lover to be inside him before he came -- he wanted them to come as one.
Seeing that his lover was very near the edge Carlos moved them both into position then gently and slowly entered his lover's body, continuing to thrust in until he was all the way inside as deep as he could go.
Trent cried out once again as his lover entered his body. He once again tried to move his hands only to be restrained by the handcuffs. As his lover continued to enter him, he pulled against the cuffs -- an almost primal need to touch his lover -- but unable to move. In a desperate need to touch something, Trent moved his hands back to the headboard and gripped it just above where the handcuffs were attached.
Once they were joined Carlos paused and brought their lips together in a short but deeply passionate kiss, his tongue once more searching out and tasting his lover's mouth -- savoring the unique flavor of Trent.
Trent opened his eyes again to find Carlos approaching him for a kiss. Trent whimpered yet again, then eagerly welcomed the kiss as he hungrily kissed Carlos back, unable to get enough, never wanting it to stop.
After breaking the kiss out of the need for air Carlos looked deeply into Trent's eyes and lifted himself off of his lover. "I love you, baby," he said as he began to thrust deep inside his lover's body.
Opening his eyes again after the kiss ended, Trent looked at Carlos who was looking at him with so much love -- so much desire. At his lover's words, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't. Instead, he just stared into his lover's eyes and panted, totally unable to do anything else.
When Carlos began to move inside him, Trent closed his eyes again, moaning loudly as he did. He gripped the headboard even tighter, hanging onto it as his lover thrust inside him. He was all but out of restraint at this point -- he wasn't going to last much longer.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of Trent -- the way that his lover was gripping the headboard, listening to his lover's moans -- it was so intense, so erotic. It turned Carlos on even more if that were possible. Each thrust inside his lover's body was deeper than the last one, and he was becoming harder with each thrust as well. He was on the edge and knew that his lover was too, and he continued to thrust hard and deep into Trent's body, watching the pleasure it brought to his lover and feeling the intensity in his own body rising to the peak -- that very special peak where they would fall off into total bliss together.
Trent was panting so hard he wasn't sure he would ever catch his breath again. Still gripping the headboard tightly as Carlos continued to thrust inside him, Trent managed to open his eyes again and to focus on his lover. What he saw on his lover's face, what he saw in his lover's eyes as he looked back at him, caused him to loose what little self control he had been maintaining. He let go of the headboard and again tried to reach for Carlos, the handcuffs holding him back. With nothing left to hold onto, Trent simply let himself fall off the edge, not wanting to hold back any longer anyway, giving himself over to the intense orgasm only seconds away.
Carlos looked deep into his lover's eyes as he thrust into him again and again -- the intensity, speed, and depth increasing with each one. He saw his lover letting go of the headboard -- letting go of his restraint -- and trying to touch him but the handcuffs restraining him. That was all he needed and with one more very hard, deep thrust, he came and came so hard and deep inside Trent's body that he didn't think his orgasm would ever stop, Trent coming very hard at the same time. Still joined with his lover as one, he leaned forward and brought their lips together in a light, sweet, tender kiss that only lasted a few moments but was a very passionate kiss and filled him with so much love.
Just as his own orgasm started, Trent felt his lover start to come inside him. They both came long and hard -- it was very intense. Trent loved it when this happened, so perfectly timed, his own essence leaving his body -- his lover's entering it. But this went on for so long -- like nothing before. Trent was aware of Carlos kissing him, he thought he was responding by kissing him back, but he wasn't totally sure. He was only aware of the great pleasure it gave him as his orgasm ended, adding to the already intense feelings running through him body and soul.
After a few moments, when his spasms had subsided some, Carlos gently withdrew himself from his lover's body then straddled him dropping soft tender kisses on his body, working his way up his lover's body slowly, licking and kissing gently until he reached Trent's lips and kissed him tenderly once more enjoying watching his lover as he came down from his climax.
After the kiss ended, Trent felt Carlos move and remove himself from his body and begin to kiss and lick, him moving upwards. He was still panting very hard and moaning as he came down from his climax, and each kiss, each lick Carlos applied to his body caused a moan of pure delight. It was going to be a long, slow, wonderful trip back down to earth from where he was. When Carlos reached his lips, Trent sighed rather than moaned, letting out a ragged breath as he exhaled. It was all so wonderful. He again tried to move his hands to his lover's body, but stopped himself this time before he strained against the cuffs still holding him.
Carlos lay down next to his lover and propped himself up on one elbow and put his other hand to Trent's face, softly caressing his cheek. "You're so special, baby -- I love you so much," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Trent heard Carlos's words and appreciated them very much, but all he could do was turn his head and look at his lover -- **So very handsome!** -- looking at him. He continued to pant, the moans starting to subside, and look at Carlos. He started to move his arms again, wanting to embrace his lover, but remembered the cuffs this time and didn't even try.
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled -- he didn't expect Trent to say or do anything -- he just wanted his lover to enjoy himself and take all the time he needed to come down from his climax while he adorned Trent with all of the love he had inside. Still caressing Trent's face with one hand he leaned forward and nuzzled his lover's neck in his favorite spot -- licking, kissing, and biting -- for several moments, wanting to give his lover every pleasure.
Trent continued to stare at Carlos and pant. He was coming down now, slowly and gently, drifting down, watching his lover, enjoying his smile and his attentions. When his lover moved forward and began to nuzzle him, Trent moved his head back so he would have more room. He again started to move his hands and stopped -- wanting to hold Carlos, to put his hands in his hair as he kissed and licked him.
Carlos kissed Trent's jaw, his cheek, tip of his nose, and finally... his delicious lips. He traced the outline of his lover's lips with his tongue, savoring the shape and flavor of them before gently kissing them several times very lightly, knowing he could never get enough of them. Once again he propped himself up on his side next to his lover and watched him as he came down from wherever he was, running one hand across Trent's chest.
Trent closed his eyes, enjoying the kisses to his face. When his lover reached his mouth he kissed him back, starting to be recovered enough to respond in kind to Carlos's wonderful kiss. Not quite yet able to speak, Trent again watched Carlos as he lay next to him looking at him. This time he moved his hands, forgetting again about the handcuffs, needing to hold his lover and to touch him. His wrists once again strained against the cuffs before he remembered them and stopped pulling.
Continuing to run his hand across and up and down his lover's chest Carlos watched Trent, awed by the beautiful exquisite man lying there next to him, and he looked deeply into his lover's eyes. He wanted to hold Trent in his arms and to have his lover hold him back, sharing that very special closeness that meant so much to both of them. His lover was moving his hands indicating the need to hold him so Carlos moved off the bed to the nightstand where he had placed the key earlier, picked it up, and opened the handcuffs, gently releasing his lover from his restraints.
Trent was grateful Carlos understood his need and moved to get the key to the handcuffs. He wasn't quite able to speak yet to ask. His need to hold his lover was overpowering and he moved his hands against the cuffs again as his lover retrieved the key. He relaxed again to let Carlos open the cuffs, watching his lover open them.
After returning the key to the nightstand, Carlos took Trent's wrists in both of his hands and lightly kissed his wrists then massaged them gently and lovingly. He then brought his lover's arms back over his head and went to lie by his Trent's side once more, this time pulling his lover close to him, wrapped his arms around him tightly, and kissed his lover once more on the lips -- lightly, tenderly, sweetly. "You're my whole world -- I love you so much," he said softly.
Trent was ready to move his arms around Carlos when his lover picked up his hands and kissed his wrists where the handcuffs had been just a moment before. He watched his lover rub his wrists, then thrilled when Carlos brought his hands over his head where he wanted them to be so desperately. Trent moved his arms quickly around his lover as soon as they were free, hugging him to him tightly, running his hands up and down Carlos's back.
Trent returned Carlos's tender kiss, then after he spoke, Trent returned to his lover's mouth with his own, looking for a more passionate kiss as he hugged and caressed his lover, seemingly not able to do so well enough.
Carlos felt his lover's desire and kissed him harder, more passionately, his tongue searching out and tasting everything that was Trent. He wanted to make sure he didn't miss a thing -- feeling like he could never get enough of the wonderful flavor of his incredible lover. He breathed softly against Trent's skin, full of desire for this man, holding him so close and tight, closing his eyes at the feel of his lover's arms around him. Carlos knew that his lover had enjoyed himself, but he wanted to know how much and what if anything he didn't like. It was important to him that they talk about it and share their feelings but he wanted to give him time to come back down all the way and give him a chance to bring it up himself first. He kissed Trent's cheek and held him even closer if that were possible, reveling in the closeness and the scent of his lover.
Trent continued to caress Carlos and hold him close but the overpowering urge to do so was calming a bit, not that he could ever really get enough of touching his lover. "You feel so good...," Trent said, then moved his mouth to his lover's neck and nuzzled and licked him softly. "Mmmm..., you taste good, too," he added, laughing softly about nothing particular, just out of joy.
Trent continued to nuzzle and lick Carlos as he gently pushed his lover over onto his back with Trent lying on top of him. Stopping the nuzzling and lifting his head up enough to look at Carlos, Trent grinned at his lover. "I guess it just takes a cop to know the proper use of handcuffs," Trent smiled even brighter and kissed his lover's mouth briefly, "They teach you that at the academy?"
This was what Carlos wanted and needed -- having Trent nuzzle and lick him -- it made him feel so good, so loved. He looked at his lover and smiled back at him, loving the feel of his lover's body lying on top of him. He put his arms around Trent and held him even closer to him. "They sure did," Carlos said grinning. "I take it you liked it -- all of it -- then?" Carlos said a little more seriously, wanting to make sure.
Trent moved his face so it was only inches away from Carlos's. "Ummm hmmm," Trent said, nodding his head yes slowly and grinning wickedly at Carlos before capturing his lover's mouth in a kiss. "That must have been a very popular class at the academy, especially the lab assignments. Not many absences from it, I suspect," Trent said, still grinning.
"Yes, and I've only shown you one of the techniques I have in mind. If you'd like to try others sometime I'm sure that could be arranged. I do have my own methods of putting one in police custody," he said softly and seductively, rubbing Trent's back as he spoke, his eyes sparkling, happy knowing that his lover had enjoyed it so much.
"Oooh, we gonna play good cop, bad cop?" Trent asked the way a kid asks to go to somewhere exciting. "You gonna be a good cop...," Trent asked, sensuously, then kissed Carlos briefly on the mouth, "Or a bad cop?" he added, then kissed his lover again.
"Well, I guess that just depends on how you act, now doesn't it?" Carlos said very suggestively kissing Trent back. "I mean, if you behave yourself then I can be the good cop, but if you misbehave then I'll just have to be the bad cop," Carlos said rather mischievously, returning his lover's kiss more passionately this time, giving Trent just a hint of what he would be in for no matter which cop he played. "It's all up to you," he added very seductively, kissing him harder this time yet just as passionately as before.
"Oh, I know exactly what's up for me -- I mean to me," Trent said, feeling Carlos getting aroused again, his lover's erection pressing against him. "But I think you got that good cop, bad cop thing wrong," Trent said, then continued in a suggestive voice, "If you're a good cop then I'll give you your reward. If you're a bad cop then I'll have to think up an appropriate punishment for you," Trent paused, looking at the look on his lover's face and totally loving it. "So you see, it's really all up to you," he finished, capturing Carlos's mouth in a slow passionate kiss.
After breaking the kiss that Trent noticed had aroused Carlos even further, he looked at his lover, the beginnings of a wicked grin on his face as he spoke. "You know, you never got your shower this morning," Trent said, the grin getting more wicked as he continued, "If we remedied that right now, I could *join* you." Trent moved his body just a little, so his own shaft was now meeting with Carlos's, then moved his hips around a little, rubbing his own erection against his lover's. "Does that sound good, cop?"
Carlos saw the wicked grin on his lover's face and he smiled -- how he loved that grin, it was so special and he knew the promise that it held. When he felt Trent's erection pressing against his, he moaned then sighed as sparks shot throughout his body, the heat inside him rising as his passion and desire to be joined with his lover increased with each passing moment. "That sounds wonderful," he said, beginning to pant with excitement and anticipation.
"Now, how did I just *know* that would be your reaction?" Trent said, changing from a wicked grin to a beaming smile. "Come on," Trent said, kissing Carlos quickly on the lips, "I'm getting anxious to play with my cop." With that, and another wicked grin, Trent climbed off of Carlos and off the bed.
Carlos returned his lover's sweet kiss, smiled brightly, then followed his lover off of the bed. "And I'm just as anxious to find out how one plays with a cop," he said, his own smile turning rather wicked as he looked at Trent full of love and desire.
Trent's wicked grin was back full force. "You mean *this* time," Trent said, then turned and headed for the bathroom.
Carlos's grin got even more wicked as he chuckled and followed Trent into the bathroom.
Carlos managed to get a shower and shampoo as well as being thoroughly and completely played with. Finishing the shower, both lovers ready for some rest, they decided on a movie to watch and settled into bed to watch it, snuggle and be close after the wonderful evening of lovemaking. By the time the movie was over, Carlos was sound asleep in Trent's arms and Trent was all but asleep himself. Turning off the TV, he put the remote on the bedside table then kissed Carlos ever so softly, so as not to wake him, on the forehead, and then on the top of his head, before moving slowly down into the bed so he was lying flat. He kissed the top of Carlos's head again, smiling to himself at the beautiful curls just starting to show themselves, then closed his eyes. He was asleep within moments.
Thursday passed uneventfully. The lovers woke in each other's arms, happy as always to wake up that way. Shower, breakfast and back to bed for some closeness before work were the morning events. The paperwork Trent had been expecting arrived at about 11am but they left it until the afternoon.
After lunch they both worked on the paperwork. Trent was glad he'd thought of this since it gave Carlos a chance to do some work without pushing himself. Carlos was pleased to feel like he was doing something useful again.
Dinner and more TV for the evening, Trent talking Carlos into starting to watch the Highlander TV series tapes that he had expressed an interest in seeing when they watched the movie.
It was all in all a pleasant day, interrupted now and then by lovemaking, which made it all the more pleasant. They fell asleep in each other's arms, each of the lovers happy and content and feeling lucky beyond all reason to have the other one in their life.
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