My Cup Runneth Over
Page Two
With a quick squeeze of his arms, Trent moved his head back just a bit to look down at Carlos. "You want one of those interesting showers sitting down again?" he asked, referring to how they had showered when at the cabin over the weekend.
"I'd love one, baby," he said, knowing he was too tired to stand up at the moment. He really wanted to have a quick shower and go back to bed for a little while to cuddle and fall asleep in his lover's arms. He looked at Trent and smiled, bringing their lips together in a soft, tender, passionate kiss.
Trent smiled at his lover looking at him, then returned his kiss -- his sweet kiss. He smiled again, bringing his hand to Carlos's face for a moment, then got up to get the soap and washcloth. Getting back down on the tub floor, Trent started to wash Carlos off, slowly, gently. He didn't rush, but he didn't take his time either. Carlos was obviously tired and needed to sleep again or at least just rest quietly in bed.
It felt so good -- his lover gently bathing him, full of the same loving care it always was. Carlos closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of his lover and the soap, feeling the warmth of the shower and the washcloth running over his body.
Finishing up washing and rinsing Carlos, Trent held onto the soap and washcloth and looked at Carlos. He knew his lover enjoyed washing him almost as much as he enjoyed having him do it, but he *was* perfectly capable of doing it himself, and Carlos looked so tired. "You want to do me now or you want me to do it myself?" Trent asked, then continued in a sensuous tone, "You can watch me."
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. He loved to wash Trent -- that was part of the pleasure of taking a shower together, although the idea of watching his lover wash himself was appealing, especially when Trent used that wonderful sensuous tone in his voice. "How about we share -- but when we get to *this* part, I'll take over," he said just as sensuously -- touching Trent's penis lightly when emphasized the word 'this'.
Trent just grinned at his lover. He was too much sometimes, really. "I think you've already taken over that part very well," Trent chuckled, thinking about the amount of sex they had managed to have in the short time they had been lovers, "But you're more than welcome to wash it, too. It seems to spend as much or more time in your possession as mine, so it seems fair."
Carlos had to laugh -- it was true after all. "You do have a point -- and I'll take the utmost care of it," he said, giving his lover's penis a light, loving squeeze as he spoke.
Soaping up the washcloth well, watching Carlos watching him, Trent took the cloth and started running it over his neck and shoulders and arms. He was being very slow and deliberate in his movements, making the most of having Carlos watch him. Moving on to his chest, he ran the washcloth over first one side then the other, slowing down to make slow circles over each nipple. He then ran the washcloth down to his abdomen, again making slow circles, that moved outwards. And lastly, he took his finger, with the cloth under it, and deliberately put his finger in his navel, running it around, cleaning it well.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off Trent -- each movement of his lover's hand. Watching the washcloth sweep across Trent's body was very exciting and each time he slowed down over one of his own nipples, Carlos watched in fascination, amazed at the effect this was having on him. He kept watching as Trent made his way lower and lower down his own body. He breathed out heavily when his lover put his finger in his navel -- it looked so inviting and he leaned forward to kiss his lover passionately. He wanted more but he wasn't up to it.
Taking the washcloth and soap he handed them to Carlos. "Time for you to take over," Trent said in a very sensuous voice, "And can you do my back, too? Couldn't reach it myself." Trent turned around so Carlos could wash his back for him first, before his front.
Carlos took the washcloth and began with his lover's neck, cleaning it thoroughly, gently, then moved across his shoulders, dropping sweet tender kisses along the way. Making his way to his lover's hips he encouraged Trent to stand so he could then wash the lower half of his body. He cleansed his lover's behind carefully, slowly and kissed him several times, then slid his hand lovingly between his lover's cheeks and gently cleaned there too, making sure to lightly massage the area.
Trent was enjoying the washing as always. He was enjoying the kisses even more. Standing when Carlos wanted him to, Trent closed his eyes and just absorbed the feelings his lover was causing in his body. The feeling of his rear end being cleaned so gently and lovingly was very good, very erotic.
Carlos moved down to thoroughly clean the back of his lover's legs. Once that was done he encouraged Trent to turn around and he began with his lover's toes, feet, legs, thighs, and finally finishing with Trent's genitals -- being extra gentle and careful with them -- loving them. He kissed his lover's penis lightly and lovingly before finishing bathing Trent. "All done," he said smiling, then directed Trent back into the water to get completely rinsed off.
Trent turned around so Carlos could wash the front of his body, again just enjoying the sensations. Trent was watching Carlos, but closed his eyes when he got to his shaft, so he was surprised, but pleased, when his lover kissed him there. As much as he wanted his body to cooperate, it wasn't going to, so Trent just enjoyed the erotic feelings without them leading to anything further.
Opening his eyes before moving back into the shower spray to rinse off, Trent noticed a similar lack of participation with Carlos's shaft. Trent knew now Carlos was even more tired than he was letting on. Finishing rinsing himself off, Trent tuned off the shower then put out both hands to his lover to help him up slowly. Once Carlos was on his feet, Trent put his arms around him and kissed him. "Very nice dual cleaning job, I must say," Trent said, after releasing his lover's mouth. "Let's get you dried off and back to bed, OK? Maybe you can sleep for a while?" Trent asked hopefully.
Carlos was once again very grateful for his lover's help in getting on his feet and he took both of his lover's hands getting up slowly. He wrapped his arms around Trent and held him close and tight as he returned his lover's kiss passionately. "Thank you, baby," he said, appreciating the compliment that Trent just paid him. He nodded his head at the suggestion of going back to bed which sounded wonderful to him. "Sounds like a good idea," he added, hoping his lover would join him and they could cuddle for awhile before he fell asleep.
Trent got out of the tub then helped Carlos out. He got a towel and dried his lover off gently and thoroughly. Deciding Carlos looked all but asleep where he stood, Trent didn't even offer him the towel to dry him off, but simply dried himself off quickly while Carlos watched then put his arm around his lover's waist and started to the bedroom. "I've never seen anyone fall asleep standing up before," Trent said, trying to make it sound like normal teasing. He really was concerned about Carlos, but again, knew it was to be expected.
Carlos laughed lightly at his lover's teasing, knowing he was worried about him. He didn't want Trent worrying although he knew that his lover wouldn't stop no matter what. His injury wasn't to be taken lightly and they both knew it, but he was getting better gradually and it wouldn't be long now before he was back to his old self. He was very appreciative of the help to get him back to bed and the feel of his lover's arm around his waist was very comforting. He tried not to lean on Trent too much as they made their way back to the bed.
Getting Carlos into bed and settled, Trent debated for a moment before climbing in next to him. He really did have a few things he needed to do, but Carlos looked so lonely in the bed all by himself, and he wasn't even *trying* to make the sad puppy face. Trent climbed in next to Carlos and gathered him in his arms. He put his hand in Carlos's still wet hair and stroked it, dropping kisses on the top of his head. "Go to sleep, my love," Trent said.
Carlos was very happy when Trent crawled into bed with him and he snuggled into his lover's arms, as close as he could to Trent's body. He sighed and closed his eyes when his lover ran his hand through his hair and the feel of his kisses were having a wonderful effect on him, easing him into a very sleepy state -- full of warmth, comfort, safety and love. He put one arm around his lover's waist and sighed as soon as he heard Trent speak, then after a while he began to breathe slower and slower -- the breaths becoming deeper as he felt himself drifting off to sleep.
Trent lay there holding Carlos, happy he was going to sleep. He continued to softly stroke his lover after he was asleep in his arms. Trent thought back on all that had happened in the last few weeks and once again marveled at it all. **Such a roller coaster ride,** he thought, then grinned when he remembered there had been a real roller coaster ride in there, too. He remembered Carlos's joy at riding the small roller coaster at Six Flags -- and the incredible lovemaking in the Durango afterwards.
Trent really didn't understand it all, but he was so grateful for it. He thanked God once again for blessing him so -- for blessing *them* so. Trent sighed deeply and settled himself just a bit further down into the bed, closing his eyes.
Trent hadn't intended to fall asleep, but the next thing he knew he was waking up. He looked at Carlos still asleep in his arms and smiled and kissed the top of his head ever so softly then continued to lay there holding him. He wanted his lover to sleep for as long as he wanted and needed to.
Carlos began to wake up slowly. He felt the warmth of his lover's arms wrapped around him and smiled, remembering how he fell asleep. He didn't want to wake up really, but it was time and he felt so much better for having rested as long as he did. He wasn't sure of the time, but knew his body had needed the rest and now it was time to wake up and continue on with the day and what they needed to do. He snuggled closer to Trent, if that were possible, and looked up at him. "Hi, baby," he said, smiling brightly. "Did you sleep too or just lay here with me?" he asked.
"Hi to you, too," Trent said, looking at Carlos and smiling, "I slept for a little while. How you feeling? Better?" Trent saw he looked much better -- still looked a bit tired, but the sparkle was back in his eyes.
"I'm still a little tired but feeling better than before," Carlos said with a smile, and it was true. He wanted to try and assure Trent that he was fine, and he was, but these spells were continuing and they would for a while longer before he got all of his strength back. He reached up to caress his lover's face with the back of his hand and looked deeply into Trent's beautiful blue eyes. "I love you very much, Trent," he said, and he continued to look at him and softly caress his cheek with one hand while his other arm held Trent closer to him as he dropped loving kisses on his lover's chest.
"I'm glad you're feeling better," Trent said, smiling at Carlos as he caressed his face. "You feeling better enough to go out to lunch and the store still? I can go myself and bring back lunch," Trent continued. As Carlos started kissing his chest, Trent smiled even more, looking down at his lover as he did, "Yes, I can see you're feeling better, but it's almost noon and your stomach clock is about to go off. You can't fool me." Trent put his hand on Carlos's stomach and patted it.
Carlos smiled and laughed at Trent's reference to his stomach clock being about to go off. He closed his eyes and sighed, loving the feel of his lover's hand on his stomach, patting it. It was very affectionate and loving and he hoped Trent would never stop doing that. He looked at his lover again and smiled. "Let's go to lunch and then shopping," he said, knowing Trent was right -- his stomach clock would be going off any time now and he didn't think it would be too much longer. Carlos dropped several more loving kisses on Trent's chest then reached up to bring their lips together in a passionate kiss before ending the kissing.
"I really can go myself," Trent said, knowing that wasn't happening from the look in his lover's eyes. Trent smiled at Carlos who was just being so darn cute again -- he just loved the reaction he got when he rubbed his stomach, so very appealing. "OK, let's go get this some food," Trent said, leaning down to kiss Carlos on his stomach where his hand had just been.
Once again Carlos laughed lightly when Trent kissed his stomach. It felt wonderful. He got out of bed slowly and stood up carefully, making sure he didn't get up too fast in case another dizzy spell presented itself, but it didn't and he was fine.
Trent got out of bed after Carlos, after having watched him carefully as he did, making sure he was steady and not going to falter. He went to the dresser and pulled out some clothes for both of them. Handing Carlos's clothes to him, Trent went about putting his own clothes on, watching Carlos and smiling so much on the inside he was sure it was spilling out to the outside. He was just so happy.
Carlos looked over at his lover who was getting their clothes out so they could get ready. He happily accepted the clothes he had been keeping there. He looked at his lover and saw him bursting at the seams with happiness and he pulled him into his arms and kissed him very passionately, his tongue seeking out the sweetness and pureness that belonged to him -- his lover. After several minutes he had to break the kiss -- reluctantly -- out of the need for air and he looked at Trent and smiled. "I love you more than anything in this world," he said, and kissed him again lightly this time, then held him close.
Trent's arms went around Carlos as he returned his kiss. He smiled at Carlos's words, then returned the second kiss. Putting his head against Carlos's shoulder, Trent said, "I love you too, Carlos." Trent picked his head up off of Carlos's shoulder and looked at him, brushing his hand through his lover's hair. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life? And as my lover?" It wasn't a question he expected an answer to, more a statement of fact and wonderment.
Carlos smiled at Trent's words. He ran one hand up and down Trent's back, holding him even tighter. "Mmmmm..., we're both very lucky, baby. I don't know what I would ever do without you," he said, returning his lover's look. He brought their lips together in another wonderfully sweet passionate kiss that deepened as the moments passed. Carlos never got enough of his lover's delicious sweetness, until the need for air once again caused him to have to break the kiss. A moment later his stomach clock went off -- a sure indicator that it was near lunchtime. Carlos laughed, shaking his head, and looked at Trent as his eyes danced with delight. "I think it's lunchtime," he added, and smiled at his lover pulling him into another tender kiss then hugged him close and tight.
Trent laughed at Carlos's stomach growling and rubbed it without any hope it would quiet it. "Why do I get the idea there are three of us in this relationship? You, me and your stomach?" Trent teased, "I think we should finish getting dressed before neither of us can get our pants zipped or the third party here," Trent patted Carlos's stomach, "Will be most upset with us."
Carlos just loved it when Trent rubbed his stomach -- it was such a warm and loving feeling and he enjoyed his lover's teasing about his stomach clock immensely. "Mmmm..., I think you're right, baby," he said, realizing how hungry he was. "Where do you want to go to eat? I'm in the mood for steak," he said, looking at his lover brightly and kissing him briefly on the lips.
"How about Outback Steakhouse? Got lots of junk for you and they still manage to serve real food, too," Trent suggested.
"That sounds great, Trent. Hey, I said I was in the mood for steak," Carlos said, thoroughly loving and enjoying his lover's teasing about his junk food habits, but also trying to pretend to be hurt as well. It wasn't working and he knew it wouldn't, but they both loved to tease each other and that was worth everything to him. He smiled and looked at his lover as he finished getting ready then turned and walked to the door, wanting to give Trent another kiss before they left.
"You're also in the mood for junk," Trent said finishing getting dressed, "You can't fool me, you know." Trent smiled at Carlos then followed him to the door. "You waiting for me to open the door for you?" Trent teased Carlos who had stopped at the door looking expectant. "Or you waiting for this?" Trent said in a sensuous voice as he put his arms around his lover's waist and kissed him.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss very passionately and was thrilling to the feeling of his lover's arms around him. It was wonderful and he was full of desire once again -- the constant never ending desire to love Trent in every possible way. He held his lover close and tight, never wanting to let go, to continue the kiss and never stop tasting the wonderful sweetness that he so longed for and could never get enough of. He deepened the kiss, moaning softly into Trent's mouth as he did so.
Feeling Carlos's rising desire, Trent broke the kiss and pulled back a bit and looked at his lover. He put his hand to his lover's face, smiling from ear to ear, the happiness inside him again bursting out to show on his face -- to dance in his eyes. "Can you wait until we get back home, Conan? Or do we need to delay our departure?" Trent was still in awe of Carlos's readiness to love him at a moment's notice -- in awe of it and totally thrilled by it.
Carlos smiled and looked at Trent when he broke the kiss -- seeing the look on his lover's face and in his eyes. It was wonderful and thrilling and he loved to see Trent this way. "I can wait, Dar," he said, smiling that wicked smile with his own eyes sparkling brightly. He pulled Trent close and kissed him once more -- lightly this time -- and then walked out the door and waited for his lover in the hall with the biggest smile on his face he could possibly have.
Trent watched as Carlos opened the door and walked out, waiting for him, grinning. He chuckled and shook his head, then followed his lover out the door, closing and locking it behind him. "Come on," Trent said passing Carlos and heading for the parking lot, "Let's go feed that whining puppy of a stomach of yours."
Carlos burst into laughter at his lover's words then tried to pretend he was hurt having heard his stomach being referred to as a whining puppy. "Oh, very funny," he said, grinning at Trent, but he absolutely loved it. They both knew that when it came to food there was no match to it's timing or it's need for food or how much he could eat either. Carlos just continued to smile at his lover as they made their way to the car to go to lunch. They had just reached the car when right on cue his whining puppy stomach made another appearance and growled loudly. "What can I say? Right on time as usual," he added, laughing hard once again.
Trent checked his pockets as if looking for something. "Sorry, all out of Milk-Bones this time," he said, then got in the car and unlocked Carlos's door so he could get in. "You'll just have to wait until we get to the restaurant," Trent smiled and patted Carlos's stomach once he was settled in the car.
Carlos just stared at Trent when he mentioned Milk-Bones. He shook his head and laughed even harder and got into the car, loving Trent's hand patting his stomach. It was always something he enjoyed and looked forward to. He tried to put on a sad puppy face to match his growling stomach at having to wait to eat, but it wasn't working, as usual, so he just continued to laugh as he buckled himself in before they left.
Trent started the car and headed to the restaurant. Once there they parked and got out. Getting to the entrance of the restaurant, Trent said, "You better keep that puppy quiet. Doubt they allow pets in here." He grinned at Carlos and held the door for him to enter.
Carlos followed his lover to the door and grinned at him -- loving the reference to his hungry whining puppy stomach as Trent held the door open for him. They went inside the restaurant and waited for the hostess to seat them. "This place smells wonderful," Carlos said, taking in the scent of the BBQ'd steaks, and other freshly prepared dishes that filled the air. His stomach was really threatening to make itself known and he hoped they would be seated soon or he'd be well known throughout the restaurant shortly. He couldn't stop smiling though at the warm feelings it brought thinking of his lover's hand on his stomach. Later, he told it silently -- later.
Trent had to agree with Carlos, the place did smell wonderful. His own stomach was about to join Carlos's in whining if they didn't eat soon. They were finally seated in a booth out of the heavy traffic area. Sitting down and taking the menu and thanking the hostess, Trent couldn't help noticing, once again, Carlos was oblivious to the obvious attraction of the hostess to him. He just smiled and started to look at the menu.
Carlos accepted his menu from the hostess and thanked her and immediately started looking at it, trying to decide what he wanted to eat. He had decided on a steak and baked potato for the main course with a Bloomin' Onion for an appetizer and Ranch dressing to accompany it. He lay his menu down on the table and looked across the table at his lover.
For no good reason Trent's eyes wandered to the dessert menu. Seeing the items one could order there, Trent started laughing so hard he was afraid he was attracting attention.
"What's so funny?" Carlos asked in amusement watching his lover laughing hard over something on the menu. He picked up his menu again, hoping he could find out what it was and waiting for Trent to answer so he could look at it.
"Desserts," Trent managed to say while trying to stop laughing.
Carlos picked up his menu again -- he had to see what was making his lover laugh so hard and when he reached the dessert section of the menu he joined Trent laughing looking at a dessert that he knew he would have after the main meal. After all, he reminded himself -- a meal wasn't complete without dessert, right? "Oh, this is priceless, Trent -- really priceless," he said, barely able to get the words out he was laughing so hard and looking at Trent who was almost beside himself. "Can you believe the name of this one? Chocolate Thunder?" he said, with that special sparkle back in his eyes again, the hint of wickedness back on his lips.
Managing to get himself under a little control, but still laughing, Trent looked at the menu again to see just what a Chocolate Thunder was. Seeing the next dessert on the menu, he started in laughing again. When he could speak, he said, "Well, I'm getting the Cinnamon Oblivion." He waited for Carlos to take a look at the ingredients of the dessert, waiting for the look on his face.
Carlos looked at his menu to see what Trent was talking about and broke up laughing even harder when he saw the list of ingredients -- caramel sauce being one -- and he remembered in full detail the incredible experience he had while being handcuffed to the bed post at the wonderful cabin in the woods. He looked up at his lover and smiled. "This is perfect, Trent -- really perfect," he said, laughing harder, knowing what was on both of their minds.
"I'm not sure 'perfect' is the word I would use," Trent said, shifting his sitting position just a bit. Despite the laughter, Trent was very glad they were sitting in a booth and out of the main traffic area. The party in his pants was starting. "Maybe now would be the time to really try for that Six O'clock News spot on us?" Trent was still laughing, "But I didn't bring the handcuffs."
Carlos could barely contain himself at this point -- he was laughing hard and was just as uncomfortable as Trent sitting there -- his own passion and desire rising very fast. He looked at his lover and smiled -- a smile full of love and devotion and passion. "I think you've got a good idea there, but I'd really miss those handcuffs," he said, laughing, his eyes sparkling and that wicked smile playing on his lips.
The waitress came over to take their order, looking at them like they were nuts, but being polite about it. They ordered their meals then sat back to wait for the appetizer Carlos had ordered. Trent was still grinning from the thought of the dessert menu and, unable to stop himself, he took his foot and ran it up and down Carlos's lower leg under the table.
Carlos was very pleased and found it very sexy to have his body touched this way -- and he had visions of what they could do under the table. He smiled his most wicked smile at Trent, his eyes showing the promise they held. His desire was climbing even higher -- his ability to resist the temptation to leap over the table and grab his lover was reaching its limits with him. "Keep that up and we'll be inventing the Five O'clock News," he said smiling very wickedly. He knew he would barely be able to finish his lunch and then there was the shopping trip after that -- then they would finally be home and he could do what he wanted to do to the love of his life.
Trent put on his very best innocent look and voice. "Oh, is that your leg, Carlos? I thought it was the table leg. I am *so* sorry," Trent said and grinned at his lover, wicked look in his eyes despite the innocent look on his face and in his voice.
Trent took his foot away so Carlos would think he had stopped his game of Footsie Under the Table, but he was far from done. Removing his shoe with his other foot, Trent took his foot, now covered in only a sock, and ran it up Carlos's leg again, then headed back down to his jeans hem and got his foot under the fabric of the jeans, pushing his foot up as far as he could under the jeans.
Momentarily disappointed when his lover took his foot away, Carlos was thrilled to feel Trent's foot return, minus his shoe. The sensations it created throughout his body as his lover's foot ran up his leg made him suck in his breath sharply. He was careful to watch his reactions being in public, but this was very sexy and he was getting hotter with every lingering second. Then his lover's foot was under his pants touching his bare skin and he closed his eyes for just a moment to absorb the wonderful feelings it created and sighed deeply. He opened his eyes and looked at Trent with love and lust, letting his lover know what would be in store for him later on.
Trent kept his very best innocent look on as he looked back at Carlos. It wasn't easy though. The look Carlos was giving him was making his own arousal approaching uncomfortable. They were in public, and Trent really did know better, but he couldn't help himself. The reaction he was getting was too good.
Taking his foot out of Carlos's jeans leg, Trent ran his foot up his lover's leg again. But this time he didn't stop when he got to his knee. Moving forward this time, Trent ran his foot up Carlos's inner thigh then back to his knee again then back up his thigh a little farther this time.
The feel of Trent's foot on his thigh was very appealing -- sexy in fact -- and Carlos wished they were not in public right now since he had a lot of ideas running through his mind of just what he wanted to do to his lover. He smiled at Trent and hoped that the look in his eyes would show his lover how much he enjoyed it and what it meant to him and that there was a promise of more to come once they got home.
Trent continued to try to keep his innocent look on, but it was changing fast to a wicked grin. Not there yet, but changing over. He wanted this to continue, but knew better.
Carlos's appetizer arrived right on cue. Trent preferred *his* idea of an appetizer better, but stopped rubbing his foot on Carlos's leg to let him eat, something he enjoyed watching, too. Trent managed to find his shoe under the table with his foot and get it more of less back on, using his hand to then readjust it.
When Carlos was most of the way done with his Bloomin' Onion, their main courses arrived. Just in time. Trent's stomach was about to take over for Carlos's in the whining department.
As usual, Carlos was finished with his meal before Trent. As Carlos sat and watched him finish, Trent started thinking about dessert again and started grinning -- first to himself, then at Carlos. He couldn't help himself despite the effect he was sure his naughty grin was having on Carlos. It wasn't helping the party in his own pants that had started up again with a vengeance.
Carlos tried hard not to let Trent's grin get to him but it did -- as it always did -- and he found himself getting even more aroused if that were possible. He wanted his lover right then and there, and it was all he could do to keep himself sitting there and hold his restraint in check so that he didn't grab his lover and kiss him with all of the passion he had inside. He continued flashing his own wicked smile at Trent and, along with his sparkling eyes, he was sure that his lover was having a difficult time dealing with his own restraint.
Trent had just finished his meal when the waitress appeared. Taking their empty plates, she asked, "You ready for dessert now?" Trent looked at Carlos and they both burst out laughing, much to the surprise and dismay of the waitress. Trent managed somehow to say, "Yes, thank you," to the waitress who now seemed convinced they were from Mars or something, atleast from the way she was looking at them. She smiled politely anyway and took their plates and went to get the desserts they had ordered.
Carlos was laughing and shaking his head when the waitress arrived with their desserts. When she placed the desserts in front of them he shot Trent a look that spoke volumes about what he was thinking. The cabin -- the handcuffs -- all of the wonderful memories of the fun, sexy, erotic moments at the cabin were on his mind with the desserts they were about to enjoy. Carlos thanked the waitress who was still looking at them strangely. After she left he took his spoon and after scooping some ice cream and topping into it he licked it suggestively looking at his lover -- just enough to have the effect he knew it would have on him, his smile becoming even more wicked.
Trent watched Carlos despite the fact his better judgment was saying not to. He was rewarded by the party in his pants getting louder. Managing somehow to drag his gaze away from Carlos long enough to watch what he was doing, Trent picked up his spoon and dipped it into the caramel sauce on his dessert. Looking back at Carlos, he lifted the spoon full of caramel up over his dessert and tipped it ever so slowly, allowing it to drizzle back down onto the ice cream slowly.
Carlos watched in what seemed like slow motion as his lover took the caramel sauce and let it drizzle over the ice cream. He was so aroused now that he decided he would need to add a pair of pants one size larger to his wardrobe just for going out purposes. This was nearly too much having to watch this and he tore his eyes away and put his focus on eating his dessert.
Trent couldn't help but smile, knowing he had won the battle and the war this time. However, he would have to wait to reap his reward -- later. The party in his own pants, at the thought of the reward, was getting uncomfortable. He decided he better just eat his ice cream and hope it cooled him off.
Carlos ate bite after bite suggestively but not quite as suggestively as he had before, knowing neither one of them could take much more, but they were enjoying the teasing and the memories they were sharing in the knowing glances they gave each other. Carlos couldn't resist taking a little extra time in cleaning off his spoon to make sure all of the chocolate sauce was gone, but it wasn't nearly as suggestive as he wanted it to be -- just a couple of extra licks and a wicked glance at Trent to make sure he was watching and Carlos was very satisfied -- both with the dessert he just finished and the dessert he knew would be waiting for him once they got home.
Trent ate his dessert and tried not to notice Carlos's tongue and wicked glances. He did try, it just wasn't working very well. But the dessert was fabulous. The cinnamon apples combined with the caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream were out of this world. Noticing Carlos was done with his Chocolate Thunder, Trent said, "You want to try some of this? No cherry to share, but it really is good." He pushed the dessert a bit closer to Carlos offering him a taste or two, hoping it wasn't the last he would see of it entirely.
Carlos smiled wickedly at his lover as he took the bowl and helped himself to a couple of spoonfuls. "Mmmm..., delicious, baby," he said, smacking his lips like a young kid savoring every bit of the flavor, especially that caramel sauce. He pushed the dessert back towards Trent and speaking softly he said, "Would you like to try *mine*?" he asked, in a sensuous tone but quiet enough that no one else could hear but his lover.
**Well, that didn't help quiet the party,** Trent thought, his arousal getting worse at his lover's words. Managing to keep control of his voice though, Trent said, "Try your what? You ate all your dessert. You spill that caramel sauce in your lap or something?" Trent knew Carlos's party just likely got louder, too. He smiled as innocently as possible.
"There are *other* kinds of desserts you know," Carlos said sensuously and seductively, smiling back at his lover just as innocently.
"So I noticed," Trent said, barely in control, remembering the banana splits at the lake -- the whipped cream in particular. The waitress chose that moment to bring their bill. Trent didn't trust his voice to talk any further at the moment so he just smiled at her when she left it.
After Trent was done with his dessert and the bill had been paid and tip left, he looked over at Carlos who was still grinning at him and trying to be innocent. "I don't know about you, but I need to sit here for a few more minutes," he said, wondering if Carlos was approaching decent yet himself.
After a few more minutes of just sitting and Trent purposely *not* looking at Carlos, he felt he could get up without calling undue attention to himself. "I think I'm decent now. Well, as decent as I ever get with you around," Trent said, trying not to grin too wickedly but it wasn't easy. "You ready to leave?" he asked, wanting to be sure Carlos's pants party was under control, too.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled lovingly at him once more. "I think now is as good a time as any," he said, and proceeded to get up from the table and wait for his lover to join him. He couldn't wait for them to go shopping and get home so he could have his second dessert of the afternoon and it would be the best kind one could ever have. Just the thought of their bodies joining as one began to increase his arousal again and he tried hard to keep his thoughts in control so he could walk around in public without the party in his pants being noticed. He smiled inwardly at the thought then headed for the door of the restaurant with his lover right behind him.
Trent followed Carlos out the door and to the car. Getting in and waiting for Carlos to be settled, Trent said, "I kinda hate to bring this up, no pun intended, but we're going right past the discount drug store and we could use some more KY. For some reason we seem to use a lot of it." Trent grinned at Carlos then started the car. "Last time I was there they had sample sizes. Never realized how handy those could be before," he said, wondering just how embarrassing this was going to be.
Carlos looked at Trent and grinned from ear to ear. "We do use a lot of it that's for sure, baby," he said. He was so tempted to pull his lover close for a deep passionate kiss that he knew they both wanted and needed. Feeling that his party was about to get started again he smiled lovingly at Trent. "And you're right -- those sample sizes are handy," he said, with just the hint of suggestiveness in his voice knowing what they were both thinking of.
Trent grinned as he pulled out into traffic headed for the drug store, "Wonder if you can get it by the case any where?"
Pulling in to the parking lot of the drug store and parking, Trent saw there weren't too many people here at least. Looking over at Carlos, he said, "Want me to go in by myself? Might be less embarrassing."
Carlos couldn't stop smiling at Trent -- how he loved him so. "Where you go, I go," he said suggestively and, after unbuckling his seatbelt, got out of the car and waited for Trent to join him. He knew it might be embarrassing but he didn't want to wait in the car alone and really meant it when he said that where his lover went he would be -- right by his side.
Trent shrugged his shoulders and got out of the car grinning and they headed into the store.
After making their purchase, they returned to the car. Putting the bag in the trunk, Trent went around and got in the car. Waiting for Carlos to get in, Trent looked at him and said, "So, you think we'll be dinner conversation for that cashier's family tonight?" Trent couldn't help but laugh remembering the expression on the young woman's face when they checked out. It really was priceless.
Carlos laughed and shook his head. It really had been funny and he wouldn't soon forget the cashier's expression either. "I definitely think that our presence in the store will make some form of conversation tonight when she gets home," he said chuckling. "The look on her face couldn't have been better," he added, grinning at his lover.
Trent pulled the car out of the space and back into traffic headed for the grocery store. Getting there he parked and got out. He couldn't help but remember when they had gone shopping at the lake. "Come on, Lucky Bear, let's get some food so we can keep that puppy of yours quiet," Trent said, heading towards the entrance of the store.
Carlos was right behind Trent getting out of the car and he laughed at his lover's reference to his puppy stomach and was absolutely loving every second of it. "Well, don't forget about your stomach clock too, Soaring Eagle," he said, remembering the time that Trent's stomach actually beat Carlos's when it came to eating time. True it was only once, but it was classic and Carlos wasn't about to forget it -- he was having too much fun and knew that Trent was too, and he continued to laugh heartily as they headed to the grocery store.
"One time! *One* time!" Trent grinned at his lover as they walked in and got a cart.
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