My Cup Runneth Over
Page Three
Finishing their shopping, they headed back to the car and loaded the groceries in the trunk. Heading back to the apartment, Trent pulled into the parking lot and parked. Getting out and opening the trunk, he picked up the bags with the frozen stuff in them and another bag or two, then stepped back to let Carlos take some of the bags.
Carlos grabbed several of the bags and followed his lover up to the apartment, thinking of what he wanted to do to Trent. His arousal hadn't stopped since they left the apartment to go to lunch and throughout lunch, and especially dessert, it had grown even stronger. He had to control himself at the store and now that they were home he was ready for that party to begin in earnest.
Heading up to the apartment, Trent was wondering if he was going to manage to get the frozen stuff put away before Carlos pounced him -- or he pounced Carlos. The party might have quieted down, but it hadn't gone away entirely. Getting the door open and then shut behind them, Trent headed to the kitchen with the bags.
Carlos immediately put down his bags in the kitchen and, turning to Trent, he said, "I'll go back down and get the rest." He kissed Trent and was gone, returning in just a few moments with the rest of the groceries in his arms which he sat down on the kitchen counter.
Trent had been extremely surprised when Carlos said he was going out for the rest of the bags. Then when he kissed him and left, Trent was left standing there with the freezer door and his mouth wide open. He smiled and shook his head. As soon as he thought he had him figured out, Carlos found some way to do something he didn't expect. Trent got all the frozen stuff away and a few of the refrigerated things by the time Carlos was back with more bags.
"That it or is there more?" Trent had meant the bags, but from the look Carlos was giving him, he realized that wasn't how it sounded, or more to the point, how Carlos was taking it.
"That's it, baby -- all of it," Carlos said, moving closer to Trent and when he got within arms reach he pulled his lover into his arms quickly, holding him as close to his body as possible with his arms wrapped around him tightly. He kissed Trent as passionately as he ever remembered doing, his tongue demanding and seeking entry into his lover's mouth to taste the sweetness that he knew was there -- that was pure Trent -- that belonged to him. This was the most wonderful taste in the world and he needed it to quench that never ending hunger and thirst that he never seemed able to satisfy.
Trent kissed Carlos back with just as much passion as he was being kissed with. The party that had started long ago, then had to quiet down, was in full swing once again. When the kiss broke, Trent said, "That's it? That's all of it?" making a pun of Carlos's words about the groceries but referring to something else now.
The teasing was wonderful and Carlos laughed knowing full well what it meant and his own party was going strong now. He looked deeply into his lover's beautiful blue eyes and kissed him again, then after a few moments he broke the kiss and looked into his eyes once more. "I love you so much," he said. Suddenly, without warning, he leaned down and wrapped his arms around his lover's legs -- just below his butt -- and lifted him up so Trent was lying across his shoulder then headed towards the bedroom.
To say Trent was surprised by Carlos's actions would be an understatement. To say Trent totally loved Carlos's actions would also be an understatement. "Carlos! What on earth are you doing?" Trent said, smiling from ear to ear and laughing in surprise and delight at Carlos's actions.
Carlos was grinning knowing that his lover was thoroughly enjoying this. "What do you *think* I'm doing?" he asked, knowing full well that the element of surprise was to his advantage and he just loved it. He kept smiling as he walked towards the bedroom, his lover over his shoulder. He very much felt like Conan -- more so now than ever before -- and he smiled even brighter at the thought.
Trent shook his head and continued to laugh. Looking down from his position draped over Carlos's shoulder, he said, "Hey, nice view from up here." Trent reached his hand down to Carlos's backside and put his hand on it, squeezing it very firmly and waiting for a reaction.
Carlos jumped a bit when his lover squeezed his butt and he was thrilled -- sparks flying throughout his body. Trent always knew exactly what to do and this time was no exception -- his arousal becoming so much stronger with that squeeze. "Enjoy the view while it lasts, baby, because it's ending right... about... now," he said as he reached the bed and lightly and playfully tossed Trent onto it. Carlos climbed over his lover and lay down on top of him then kissed him hard and passionately -- his tongue claiming what belonged to him -- tasting all of the sweetness his lover had to offer him.
Trent laughed again when Carlos reacted to his squeezing him. He was grinning again as Carlos dumped him on the bed then climbed on top of him. Trent was so very turned on by this latest surprise of Carlos's he was wondering if he could even wait to get his pants off before coming. He kissed Carlos back hungrily, his tongue looking for something in his lover's mouth he might have overlooked before.
Trent's arms went around Carlos, holding him tightly on top of him. The feel of their erections, still both trapped inside their jeans, was turning Trent on even more, if such a thing were possible. He reached down with his hands to Carlos's backside again and pulled him close, making the connection even more intense.
Carlos moaned into his lover's mouth at the feel of their bodies pressed so closely together and the intensity of their kiss. It was incredible and wonderful -- everything he could ever want or hope for. He was overwhelmed, his passion and desire threatening to overtake him. Trent's hands pulling him close made his erection so much harder he didn't think it was possible -- he just wanted to come, needed to come -- to join as one and share that wonderful vacation spot once more.
Continuing the intense kissing, Trent moved his arms back up and hugged Carlos tightly. Getting his legs out from under Carlos, he wrapped them around his lover's legs then, in one quick motion, rolled them both over so he was on top of Carlos. As soon as he was on top, he let go of his lover's mouth then sat up so he was straddling Carlos, sitting on his lower abdomen.
Carlos was very surprised at this move by Trent -- he hadn't expected it, but he loved it -- Trent's responsiveness and aggressiveness turned him on -- wildly so, and he was thrilled beyond anything he could have expected. His lover kept coming up with ways to surprise him and this was one more reason to add to the ever growing list of reasons why he loved this man so very much. He looked up at his lover breathlessly -- loving the feeling of being straddled and having Trent sitting on top of him. He looked into his lover's eyes with his own eyes full of passion and desire -- a desire that was so deep and coursing so fast through his body and he wanted to be one with his lover right then, right at that moment. The words were in his head but he was unable to speak and get them out -- to tell his lover what he needed. Carlos just kept looking at Trent with everything he was feeling shining through his eyes.
Trent looked down at Carlos watching him. He knew his lover was very close to the edge, could feel it through his jeans, pressing against his rear end as he sat on Carlos. His own restraint was slipping, but he managed to control it -- for now. Looking Carlos in the eyes, Trent slowly and seductively pulled his own shirt off and tossed it to the floor.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of his lover -- he was completely mesmerized by him and everything he was doing. He watched as Trent took his shirt off -- it was so slow, so sexy and seductive -- and Carlos sucked in his breath when the shirt finally came off and he was looking at his lover's beautiful strong chest. His breathing was becoming ragged and his desire was climbing even higher as he began to moan and whimper.
Keeping up eye contact, Trent started to remove Carlos's shirt slowly, pulling it up, leaning forward as he went, until his lover had to raise his arms and move a little so he could get it the rest of the way off him. Tossing this, too, to the side and onto the floor, Trent leaned down and captured Carlos's mouth in a kiss before sitting back up again, moving back a little and moving his hips around just a bit as he did so, rubbing Carlos's erection through his jeans.
Still looking into his lover's beautiful blue eyes Carlos watched and felt Trent take his shirt off, just as slow and seductive as when Trent took his own shirt off just a few moments before. Carlos's moans and whimpers were increasing now -- becoming more frequent as his lover touched him. He returned his lover's kiss with all of the passion and desire he had and when the kiss broke he was breathless once more, only to suck in his breath again when Trent rubbed his very hard erection. It was so sexy and erotic to feel this through his jeans -- it was a completely different feeling -- and he moaned loudly at the wonderful contact then whimpered his pleasure at what his lover was doing to him.
Continuing to use all his restraint to move slowly, Trent slid back on his lover's body, keeping just enough pressure on Carlos to stimulate him as he moved, until he could unbuckle Carlos's belt. Moving slowly and carefully, mindful of his lover's raging erection, Trent got his belt undone and his pants unzipped. Getting hold of the jeans, Trent began to slowly pull them off of Carlos, his lover lifting up a bit so he could get them over his hips. Trent stopped momentarily to take off Carlos's shoes and socks, then continued with his jeans until they were off of him.
Carlos moaned loudly as his lover moved while keeping the pressure on his body -- it was wonderful and very erotic, and he expressed his pleasure by moaning again and again with whimpers in-between. When he felt Trent taking his pants off, he helped by lifting up so that Trent could take them off the rest of the way, moaning and whimpering as he did so.
Once he had the jeans in his hands, Trent tossed them to the floor on the side of the bed to join the rest of Carlos's clothes. Trent made direct eye contact with his lover then and got on his hands and knees and crawled up towards him, all the way to his mouth for a deep and passionate kiss before he backed up and removed Carlos's underwear in the same slow fashion as he had removed his pants.
Carlos never took his eyes off of his lover -- it was too much -- very sexy with everything Trent was doing to him and the anticipation was building as his passion and desire coursed even faster and hotter through his body. He was full of love for this man and what he was doing to him was something so incredible -- he loved every moment of it. He watched intently as his lover crawled up to him and returned his kiss with all of the burning passion he had inside. He put everything he had into the kiss then when the kiss broke he watched Trent move away and take his underwear off. He sucked in his breath again and moaned then whimpered softly at his lover's touch. He was very ready to join with his lover but this slow, erotic approach Trent was taking was turning him on even more -- making his body even hotter than he thought was possible. His already hard erection was getting even harder.
Trent was using every ounce of self restraint he possessed to continue to keep this slow. He wanted to rip his own pants off and fuck the living daylights out of Carlos, but he also wanted to take Carlos as high as possible before he fell off that edge, making it all the better for his lover when he did. But looking at the desire in Carlos's eyes and hearing his moans and his whimpers were doing things to Trent he wasn't going to be able to control much longer.
Trent got off the bed watching Carlos the whole time. He took off his shoes and socks first, then slowly, deliberately and just as erotically as possible, he began to take off his belt, then pants. The underwear came off a bit faster, but he still managed to keep it fairly slow. He was losing it fast.
Carlos continued to watch in fascination as Trent took off his shoes and socks -- moaning and whimpering over and over -- the eroticism of the way he was doing it so deliberately and slowly was making his desire climb even higher than before, his erection all that much harder. He didn't even think that was possible. He was on the edge now and he still wanted this to go on, to have his lover draw it out -- but he needed to join as one with his lover -- to have his lover take him and fuck him hard and come as hard as possible inside him -- for him to come as hard as he knew he would when that time arrived. He continued to moan and whimper again and again until his lover's underwear was gone and he was looking at Trent's incredibly beautiful and very hard penis -- thrilling him at the sight of it -- and he whimpered again, looking at his lover with all of the love, passion and desire he had inside.
When Carlos looked directly at him and whimpered, Trent snapped. It all happened so fast, Trent wasn't sure exactly how he did it. Grabbing the KY off of the bedside table first, he pounced on Carlos in one fluid motion, ending up straddling him again on hands and knees. Catching Carlos's mouth in the most passionate kiss he was capable of, Trent hungrily searched Carlos's mouth with his tongue before releasing it so he could move to prepare them so they could join.
When Carlos saw his lover's restraint snap he was thrilled beyond imagination -- he knew the moment was here and that his lover was going to join with him very soon. He couldn't take his eyes off of Trent -- the man was simply amazing -- so beautiful and wonderful, and he wanted his lover inside of him right then. He returned Trent's kiss as passionately as he could -- with everything he had inside, his tongue dueling with his lover's, tasting everything that belonged to him -- the wonderful sweetness that was pure Trent.
Moving quickly, Trent backed off of Carlos then prepared his shaft. Seeing the urgency in his lover's eyes and feeling his own, Trent tossed the KY in the general direction of the bedside table, then entered Carlos gently, but quickly, all the way in, as far as he could go.
Carlos watched and it was so sexy and thrilling to see his lover preparing himself to join with him as one. He loved that Trent was passing by some of the preliminaries -- he didn't need or want them -- he only wanted his lover inside of him, to feel his body joined with his. When Trent's very hard penis entered his body he moaned loudly and arched his back, thrilling to the wonderful feeling of their joining. Receiving his lover was the most incredible sensation he could imagine and he felt his lover moving quickly all the way in and as far as he could go and Carlos knew his ecstasy was just beginning.
Trent pulled back as quickly as he had entered Carlos, only to thrust again, just as quickly, but not as gently. Seeing from his lover's reactions he wasn't uncomfortable without the usual preparation, Trent let himself go, continuing his thrusts, but increasing the hardness and the depth with each thrust.
Carlos couldn't have been more thrilled with the sensations his body was experiencing. It was wonderful having his lover inside of him, Trent's thrusts were so hard and deep, each one increasing in hardness and depth. It was incredible -- and he loved it -- every moment of it, finding himself on his way to that wonderful bliss that Trent was taking him to. He looked at his lover with all of the passion and desire he had inside him and moaned over and over with each thrust, his passion rising higher and higher.
Unable to control his building orgasm any longer, Trent took hold of Carlos's shaft, grasping it firmly in his hand then pumping it hard. He knew it wouldn't take much to send Carlos over the edge, but he still grasped his lover hard.
Carlos arched his back and cried out loudly when Trent took hold of his penis. The sparks flying through his body were never ending, thrilling him even more than he thought possible. His lover's grip was so hard and so strong -- exactly what he wanted and needed. He was so close to the edge and ready to fall off with his lover -- to experience that wonderful climax together.
Carlos's reactions were all it took for Trent to complete the fall off the edge. Trent thrust one last time inside his lover, thrusting himself in as deep as he could. He came and came hard, crying out in his passion, just as Carlos came in his hand, increasing his own pleasure.
That last thrust was all it took for Carlos to come -- it was incredible -- and he came hard into his lover's hand, crying out loudly as he did so. He felt his lover come deep inside him at the same time, sending incredible feelings running throughout his body. How he loved to hear Trent's cries of passion and his own cries mixed with his lover's were even more incredible than he could have imagined.
Trent continued to breathe very hard, still shaking after his incredible climax, staring at Carlos, looking in his lover's eyes. He managed to get a hold of himself enough to let go of Carlos's organ and to remove himself from his lover's body. He lowered himself on top of Carlos, still breathing hard, still looking in his eyes, then finally put his head down on Carlos's shoulder, his arms going around him as he hugged him tight.
Carlos was still spasming long after his climax, breathing raggedly and panting. He couldn't take his eyes off of his lover. When he felt Trent leave his body there was still that momentary disappointment -- only fleeting though -- as he knew it would soon be replaced with the time they spent loving and being close afterwards. When Trent lay down on top of him, Carlos was very happy and looked him in the eyes. He was glad when his lover put his head down on his shoulder. He immediately wrapped his arms around Trent and held him close and tight, loving the feel of being held tight, too. He sighed and kissed Trent's head and then ran a hand up and down his lover's back soothing and comforting him. He was still breathing hard but there was so much he wanted to say to this man -- his lover, his life, his whole world. "I love you," he said, and tightened his hold around Trent momentarily, kissing his head again.
"Mmm...," Trent managed to murmur, resting his head on Carlos's shoulder, running his hand around on his lover's other shoulder and upper chest. He was coming back down slowly from his climax and now that the shaking had stopped, he was just floating and comfortable.
Carlos continued running his hand up and down his lover's back, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of Trent's hand on his shoulder. It was so wonderful to be here like this, together, feeling so close to one another. Carlos closed his eyes breathing in the scent of his lover and was so very happy that they had each other. He held Trent even tighter and kissed him again then let out a big sigh of contentment. "You're incredible and I love you very much," he said, running his hand through his lover's hair.
"I love you, too," Trent said, finally starting to touch ground again. He slid over just a little bit so he was not lying completely on top of Carlos -- in the same position, but to the side. He snuggled up against Carlos then looked up at him. "I must say you sure swept me off my feet that time," Trent said laughing, remembering how his lover had carried him into the bedroom.
Carlos remembered the image and the feeling -- the wonderful feeling -- of carrying his lover into the bedroom, and he laughed heartily, and kissed Trent softly on the lips. "Mmmm..., I sure did, didn't I?" he said, loving every second of the memory. As he continued to rub his lover's back soothingly, he looked Trent in the eyes and he smiled brightly. "You were pretty incredible yourself -- I love you so much," he said and brought their lips together in a passionate kiss.
"But I didn't sweep you off your feet. Bet I could though," Trent said, grinning and looking at Carlos, "Speaking of bets, you aren't forgetting about our bet at the lake are you?" Trent had finally thought of payment for said bet and wanted to remind Carlos of the bet, just to rub it in a bit before collecting.
Carlos just grinned at Trent -- loving the grin on his face and the rubbing in of the bet that his lover had yet to collect on. He took one hand and rubbed his chin pretending to be in deep thought. "Hmmm..., now why would I go and do a thing like that?" he asked with his eyes twinkling. "Besides, I know you wouldn't let me forget -- not for a second," he added, just loving this. He was very curious as to what payment his lover had in mind.
"Just wanted to be sure," Trent said, putting his head back on Carlos's chest, "And of course you'd try to forget about it -- or hope I did." Trent added a little laugh to this designed to sound like he was plotting something. Not that he wasn't -- he was -- but he wanted to rub this in, really he did. Carlos was just so darn cute when he was trying to get something or some information from you that was not forthcoming.
Carlos laughed heartily when he heard Trent's laugh. **Trent sure is enjoying himself here. I know he's up to something,** he thought to himself as he continued to try and figure out what Trent could possibly want to collect as his payment. He held his lover tightly and ran a hand up and down his lover's back loving the feel of Trent's head on his chest. It felt so good, so comforting to hold him and he leaned down and kissed his lover's head and sighed contentedly, still wondering what Trent was up to.
Trent smiled knowing he had Carlos wondering about the payment again. What he had in mind really would be fun, he thought. Looking up at Carlos again, Trent said, "I need to go put the rest of the groceries away and put some more laundry in, but I want *you* to stay put. You still need your rest," Trent said, running his hand through Carlos's hair, "You think you can survive in this bed without me for a little while?"
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. "I'll be fine here, baby," he said, and kissed Trent softly on the head. "I'll miss you but I'll survive," he added, smiling. He then released his hold that he had around his lover so that Trent could leave to do what he needed to.
"I won't be gone all that long. We can watch TV or something when I get back, OK?" Trent smiled and looked at Carlos, then kissed him before getting out of bed. Looking for his robe, he remembered it was still in the dryer. Smiling at Carlos still lying in bed, Trent headed off to the dryer to get his robe.
"That sounds good, baby," Carlos said and returned his lover's kiss tenderly. He watched as Trent left and headed out of the bedroom. He settled into bed and thought about the weekend and the wonderful time they had at the cabin and he just kept smiling -- he was happier than he ever thought possible -- happier than he had ever been in his life.
Taking his robe from the dryer, Trent put it on. He set Carlos's on top of the dryer then got the load of clothes from the washer and put it in the dryer. Starting the washer again for another load, Trent picked up their jeans and started to empty the pockets out so he could wash them. Finding the bottle cap he had stepped on in the lake that weekend, he smiled, remembering the wonderful weekend they had spent together. He started to throw the bottle cap away then changed his mind, putting it in his robe pocket instead.
Carlos pulled a pillow to him and hugged it close to his body, with part of it under his head. He was tired and he put his head down on the pillow, trying hard to keep his eyes open so he could watch TV with Trent when he returned to their bed. He was thinking of all of the wonderful times they had spent together and the wonderful day they had had already today.
Finishing in the laundry area, Trent picked up Carlos's robe and headed into the kitchen to finish putting away the groceries. **At least I got the ice cream put away before Conan struck,** Trent laughed to himself.
As hard as he tried Carlos couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about the weekend, how lucky he was to have Trent in his life, and what a wonderful future they had ahead of them.
Trent finished putting away the groceries then picked up Carlos's robe and the bag of KY from the drug store. He laughed again and the thought of the expression on the cashier's face at their purchase of several full size tubes of KY Jelly as well as a dozen or so travel sized ones and nothing else. It really had been a Kodak moment. He put one of the travel sized KY Jellies in each of their robe pockets then headed back to the bedroom, robe in one hand and bag of KY in the other, stopping to put the bottle cap from the lake on the shelf next to the stuffed Lucky Bear. He smiled and petted the stuffed toy's fur, remembering the fun they had had at Six Flags.
Entering the bedroom, Trent was surprised but very pleased to see Carlos sound asleep. He really did still need to rest. He smiled, putting Carlos's robe across the foot of the bed then heading into the bathroom to put the KY away, **Not that it'll stay in the cupboard long,** Trent thought, and broke out in a huge smile. **We really are going to have to find someplace to buy it by the case, I think,** Trent smiled again at the thought.
Putting all the tubes but one away, Trent took the one out of it's packaging and headed back to the bedroom. He put the new tube in the bedside table drawer and picked up the old tube, mostly gone, from the floor where it had landed earlier. He smiled, remembering their lovemaking, and put the tube on the table.
Looking at Carlos sleeping peacefully, Trent just stood there and looked at him for a few minutes, studying him, watching him sleep. His heart once again overflowed with love for this wonderful man, his lover. He thanked God once again for bringing them together.
Trent was done with what he needed to do, so he started to climb into bed next to Carlos, but he stopped short of touching the bed. **If I get in, I'm going to wake him up more likely than not,** Trent realized. He didn't want to do that. And he wasn't sleepy himself, he just wanted to hold Carlos while he slept, be close to him. He realized he was thinking of himself here, not Carlos. But he wanted to be with his lover, hold him, cuddle him. Trent stood next to the bed looking at Carlos, debating with himself. How long he was debating, he wasn't sure, but he finally decided to leave Carlos to sleep and go find something else to do. It was hard, very hard, but the desire for his lover to get well -- and sleep was what he needed now -- was what finally persuaded him to leave.
Glancing back at Carlos a few times before actually leaving the bedroom, Trent finally managed to get into the livingroom and away from his lover. Sitting down on the couch, feeling very alone all of a sudden, Trent realized how nuts he was being. It wasn't like they could spend 24 hours a day together for the rest of their lives -- they had to be apart sometimes. It had just worked out that they *had* been together 24 hours a day for the last few weeks since they had become lovers. Except for that awful time Carlos was missing. But Trent knew it couldn't go on that way.
First, they had been at work or at one of their apartments. They had spent their first weekend together at Six Flags. Then Carlos had been missing. When he returned, they had been together in the hospital, then here, then at the lake. **For heaven's *sake* Trent, he's just in the next room,** he thought to himself. He smiled and laughed at himself, feeling again like a school kid in love. He turned on the TV and started channel surfing, looking for something worth watching.
After a few shows had come on and gotten over, Trent got up from the couch and went to the laundry area and took the clothes out of the dryer and put their jeans from the washer in to dry. He then headed into the kitchen to see what time it was and to start some prep work for dinner if it was late enough. He was surprised to find it was getting late. He started fixing dinner knowing Carlos's stomach clock would go off at 6pm on the dot.
Having everything almost ready for dinner, Trent turned off the stove and went to wake Carlos and his stomach for dinner. He smiled remembering commenting to Carlos earlier it felt like three of them in the relationship -- him, Carlos and Carlos's stomach.
Getting into the bedroom Trent could see Carlos was still asleep. Walking to the bed and climbing on this time, Trent crawled over to Carlos and kissed his cheek. Getting a bit of a response, he moved his mouth down and kissed his lover's neck -- a little more response. He moved to his lover's mouth and kissed him ever so gently on the lips.
Carlos felt the loving soft touch of Trent's lips on his and he returned his lover's kiss passionately. He looked into Trent's eyes and reached out with a hand to caress his cheek gently. "Thank you, baby -- that was a wonderful way to wake up. How long have I been asleep?" he asked, feeling refreshed after his nap. He wanted to hold and cuddle Trent, to be close to him. Just at that moment his stomach growled and he grinned, then laughed. "Let me guess. Dinnertime?" he said, laughing with his eyes shining brightly.
Trent lost it laughing. "So what was your first clue it was dinnertime? The smell of pork chops cooking or Snoopy here whining?" Trent rubbed Carlos's stomach still laughing, "Yes, it's suppertime."
Carlos was laughing but also trying to put on that puppy face again and loved it when Trent referred to his stomach by the name of Snoopy. That was his favorite Peanuts character and it fit him totally and they both knew it. The feel of his lover's hand rubbing his stomach just added to all of the warmth and love he was feeling and he couldn't help but smile even more.
Trent kissed Carlos on the stomach and then on the mouth before moving off the bed so his lover could get up. Grabbing Carlos's robe for him, Trent waited as he got to his feet then helped him on with his robe. "All nice and clean from the washing machine with a brand new travel size tube of KY in the pocket -- just for emergencies," Trent said, turning Carlos around and tying his robe for him.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss passionately -- his lips tasted so sweet he could never get enough. He slowly got up out of bed and slipped into his robe that Trent was holding out for him. It felt so soft and fluffy just out of the dryer. "Mmmm..., thanks, baby -- it feels so soft and fluffy. I think we'll need to have one of those emergencies soon," he said, then laughed thinking about the KY they purchased at the store earlier and the look on the cashier's face.
Trent smiled at Carlos's wanting to try out the new tube of KY in his pocket. "I'm sure we'll have some kind of emergency, uh, pop up, before long," Trent teased.
"We can make an 'emergency' anytime we want, baby," he said, laughing once again at the image of all of the KY they purchased.
Trent just smiled and shook his head at his lover and his libido. "You ready to eat now? We're having," Trent continued, using a very bad on purpose Humphrey Bogart voice, "Pork chops and applesauce."
Carlos smiled and remembered the wonderful pork chops from last time. "I'm ready, baby. I'm really hungry and your pork chops will be perfect," he said, and he meant it. He really loved Trent's pork chops.
"Come on then, let's eat before everything gets cold. Not that I suspect it would make a whole lot of difference to Snoopy," Trent said and patted Carlos stomach again, then took his hand before leaving the bedroom, needing the contact after being without it for a few hours.
Carlos smiled at his lover and laughed when Trent patted his stomach again, loving the reference to Snoopy. "All right -- I'm ready to eat," he said, taking his lover's hand and following him out of the bedroom.
Taking Carlos over to the table before letting go of him, Trent said, "Sit down and I'll get the rest of the meal." He smiled and kissed the sad puppy face Carlos made when he let go of him, "I'm just going to get the food to feed you, you know, not going to Siberia."
Carlos couldn't help himself -- Trent was just too cute -- his lover always had a way of making his sad puppy face go away. Carlos smiled when Trent kissed him and he sighed and watched him get the rest of the meal while he smiled from ear to ear at his lover's words.
After each helping themselves, they started eating. Trent was still concerned about leaving Carlos alone tomorrow even though it couldn't be helped and was only for a few hours. "You sure you're gonna be OK here by yourself tomorrow? I really don't like leaving you alone. Those headaches and dizzy spells come on so fast," Trent said, trying not to sound too much like a mother hen, "I suppose asking you to stay in bed won't work or anything?"
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled -- his eyes full of all of the love he had inside. He knew how worried his lover was about him and he also knew that he wasn't completely well yet, and that what Trent was afraid of happening could happen while his lover was at work. "I know you don't like leaving me and I don't want you to, but I'll be all right," he said, sounding full of confidence. He truly wasn't worried like he was in the past, but he knew he wasn't over it and he could have more spells at any time. "I'll stay in bed and only get up when I have to," he said, loving Trent more now at this moment if that were possible. "I love you," he added, and smiled brightly at him from across the table.
Trent looked at Carlos gauging his words. He knew his lover would never lie to him or try to fool him in any way, but the sincerity behind his words to stay in bed were important. Trent smiled. "Your staying in bed does make me feel better, but I still don't like leaving," Trent said in all honesty. Not really wanting to even think about tomorrow any more at the moment, Trent changed the subject. "You really don't have much here in the way of clothes and such. Not that you've been wearing much -- or needed to," Trent said grinning wickedly across the table at Carlos, "You want to go to your place and get a few things? Your mail must be piling up if nothing else."
Carlos smiled even more brightly at the idea of bringing some of his things to Trent's. "You're right about that, baby -- neither of us has been wearing much lately," he said, laughing wickedly himself with his eyes sparkling remembering once again the wonderful weekend at the lake and all of the wonderful times they'd had together. "That's a great idea -- it will be nice to have some things here," he said, nodding his head in agreement with his lover's idea.
Trent smiled at Carlos. He knew he would have to stay here at least until the doctor gave him permission to drive and resume something closer to normal activity. Trent was very conflicted with his feelings on this though. He wanted Carlos well and healthy again, of course, but he really liked having him with him all the time. He didn't want to even think about a time that wouldn't be the case. He knew of course that they would continue to spend time together, both at work and in their off hours, he just wasn't sure how it was going to work out. Trent shoved the thoughts from his head and watched Carlos as he finished eating. He smiled again, then went about finishing his own meal.
Carlos continued to eat and was very full and satisfied by the time he was finished. It had been wonderful and he really did enjoy his lover's cooking tremendously -- it was that extra touch and effort that made him feel even more loved than he thought possible. He knew that Trent was worried about him no matter how hard he tried not to show it. He was also fully aware that no matter how well he rested or took care of himself that something could still happen, but he wasn't going to focus on that. Carlos knew that he would do everything possible to get well and he promised Trent he would stay in bed tomorrow and that was exactly what he was going to do. "Thank you, baby -- this was wonderful," he said, and he meant every word as he took his last forkful of food from his plate and ate it with delight, his plate now completely cleaned. He sat back in his chair and smiled brightly at Trent -- he really couldn't get over how good it was. He smiled and watched Trent finish his meal since once again -- just as his stomach clock was always on time -- he finished eating ahead of his lover. Some things were always predictable and would never change -- and Carlos hoped they never would. He was a very lucky and very happy man.
"You're welcome, of course, as always," Trent said, still not quite getting what was so exciting about him cooking, other than Carlos didn't have to do it himself, "But it's not exactly difficult. Besides, it's always nice to do something for such an appreciative audience." Trent smiled thinking about how much he loved watching Carlos eat and still not quite getting the reason for it.
Finishing his own food, Trent got up and started to clear the table. "Just let me get the dishes done and we can get going to your apartment," he said.
"All right -- I'll start getting ready then," Carlos replied and he headed off to the bedroom to get dressed and figure out just what he wanted to bring over to Trent's. He figured he would be staying at Trent's until his recovery was complete -- so a few items of clothing and any other essentials he needed he could pick out once he got to his place and that would be fine. After getting most of the way dressed he sat down on the edge of the bed and put his socks and shoes on, and he was ready to go.
Trent smiled as he watched Carlos head off to the bedroom. He was just as glad his lover hadn't volunteered to help with the dishes -- he wasn't sure he could keep his hands in the dish water and off of Carlos about now. He had been thinking too much about having to be separated from him and he didn't like it. **Get a grip, Malloy,** he thought to himself. Tomorrow wasn't going to be easy for him.
Finishing the dishes, Trent headed to the laundry area and got their jeans from the dryer. Taking them and their the other load of clothes from earlier, Trent headed to the bedroom to get dressed, **If you can remember how,** he chuckled to himself. Entering the bedroom Trent saw Carlos sitting on the end of the bed all dressed and ready to go. "Now *there* is a lovely picture," Trent commented on Carlos sitting there looking at him.
Carlos watched smiling as his lover came into the bedroom with an armful of their clothes and he couldn't take his eyes off of Trent. How he loved this man so and he really wanted to get *un*dressed and do a lot more than just look at Trent. "Thank you, baby," he said, appreciating the wonderful compliment very much. He was so incredibly in love with this man it was amazing and so very powerful the way that Trent could make him feel with just a few words or the way he looked at him. He just had another reason to add to his list of why he loved him so much and he smiled and waited for his lover to get ready.
"Hey, no need to thank me, you're the one making the lovely picture," Trent said, putting their clothes away as he spoke, "I was just noticing the view."
Trent went over and retrieved his clothes from the floor where they had been left earlier and started to get dressed. Carlos was, of course, watching him.
Carlos continued to smile and watch Trent as he got dressed, not taking his eyes off of him for a second. "I believe *you* are the lovely picture now," he said, complimenting his lover.
By the time he sat down on the bed to put on his shoes and socks, Trent was ready to take his clothes back off and forget the trip to Carlos's apartment, but he continued to put on his shoes. What his lover could do to him without even touching him was beyond all reason -- certainly something he had never experienced before. Trent finished and stood up. "You ready to go now?" Trent said, looking down at Carlos still sitting on the bed smiling at him.
"I'm ready to go," Carlos said and stood up, walked out of the bedroom to the front door, then into the hallway, followed by his lover who locked the door behind them. They made their way down to where the cars were parked. "Are we taking yours or mine?" he asked. He knew he wasn't bringing more than a few things, so either vehicle would be appropriate.
"Guess it depends on how much stuff you're bringing," Trent said, wishing to himself it was going to be a lot but knowing it was probably just a few things.
"I figure that a few changes of clothes and maybe a couple of other things will be it," Carlos said. As much as he wanted the day to arrive when he was fully and completely over his injury he wasn't looking forward to the day when the 24 hours of nonstop togetherness would end. He wished it could go on forever, but he reminded himself that they had each other no matter what, and they would still be spending as much time together as possible and he smiled with happiness. His heart filled with pure joy at the love and desire he had for the one man who meant more to him than anything else in the world.
"OK, let's take my car then," Trent said, heading to the car.
Go to Page Four