My Cup Runneth Over
Page Four
It didn't take them long to get to Carlos's and get some things for him and take care of his mail and such. They were back at Trent's within about an hour. Entering the apartment, Carlos headed off to the bedroom to unpack the things he brought. Trent was still feeling uneasy about leaving Carlos tomorrow. The uneasiness was nothing like he had experienced before his lover had been hurt, he just really didn't like the idea of leaving him home alone. He had seen the dizzy spells too many times, how they hit without warning and took so much out of Carlos. Trent really didn't like to think about what might have happened had he not been there to catch his lover several of the times he faltered over the last week. Trent followed Carlos into the bedroom to watch him unpack.
As Carlos was putting his clothes in Trent's dresser he suddenly grinned with fond memories as he reached into his bag and pulled out something very familiar. He turned to his lover grinning even more while holding up his own pair of handcuffs. "I thought we might need an extra pair," he said, with that wicked smile on his face and sparkle in his eyes.
Trent saw the grin before he saw the handcuffs. The grin was his undoing, the handcuffs only made it worse. "Oh, you did, did you?" Trent said, trying very hard to hide both his own wicked grin and keep the lust out of his voice and eyes.
Trent walked over to where Carlos was at the dresser, still grinning at him and holding up the handcuffs. He remembered how much his lover had enjoyed the handcuffs at the lake as well as the time he had gotten a little bit more aggressive than normal in their lovemaking, when he had tossed him across the kitchen table. Trent decided to try something a little different this time and play it by ear. He knew his lover well enough by now to tell what was pleasing him and what wasn't.
Getting to where Carlos was standing, keeping his emotions as calm as he could under the circumstances of wanting to jump his lover, Trent took the handcuffs out of Carlos's hand. "Give me the key," Trent said in a calm and even voice, holding out his hand waiting for the Carlos to put the key in it.
Carlos watched his lover as he walked towards him, looking straight at him the whole time. When Trent got to where he was and took his handcuffs his breath caught and his pulse was racing. He was completely turned on and his passion and desire were rising higher and higher with each passing moment. He stared longingly at his lover and put the key to the handcuffs into Trent's hand, breathless with anticipation at whatever his lover had in mind.
**So far so good,** Trent thought, seeing the obvious desire in his lover's eyes. Trent folded his hand over the key very deliberately in front of Carlos before turning and walking over to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed then put the key to the handcuffs on the bedside table. Trent held the handcuffs draped over two of his fingers, the cuff parts dangling, in a place so Carlos could see them very easily.
Carlos watched every move his lover made -- from the way he held the key in his hand so securely to watching him move over to the bed and sit down. It was so exciting and he couldn't wait to find out what his lover had in store for him. Trent always turned him on and this time was no exception, his arousal becoming stronger and his penis becoming harder by the moment.
Again using the very even, very calm voice, which was getting harder and harder to maintain, Trent said, "Take your clothes off." He only hoped he survived this part, he was about ready to explode.
Carlos looked his lover in the eyes and his heart began to beat even faster, his desire climbing even higher. He was so excited and barely able to think coherently -- he only knew he loved Trent's words and didn't want to take his eyes off of his lover. Carlos moved slowly from standing where he was in front of the dresser so that he was now standing directly in front of Trent who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He first lifted his T-shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor, followed by using one foot then the other to push his shoes off his feet. Then he unsnapped and unzipped his pants and slid them down his body, followed by his underwear. Then he took his socks off and stood there completely naked and completely aroused.
Trent was using every ounce of willpower and every technique in self control he knew to keep himself outwardly calm. Inside was a different matter altogether. Carlos removing his clothes in front of him, along with his lover's very obvious arousal at this game, were pushing Trent very fast towards that snapping point. He only hoped he could maintain this long enough to excite his lover even further, heightening Carlos's pleasure as well as his own.
Trent looked Carlos up and down then got off the bed and moved a step forward, closing the distance between them. In the same voice he had been using before, Trent said, "Kiss me."
Carlos was in complete awe of the wonderful and exciting power that his lover had over him. How he could be made to feel this way -- so thrilled at what his lover was doing without even touching him -- was beyond anything he could have imagined. As his lover moved forward and spoke Carlos responded to his lover's request and kissed him. It was pure pleasure and the way he was asked and the voice his lover used just increased his passion and arousal even further.
During the kiss, Trent moved his hips gently against Carlos's, rubbing his still clothed body against his lover's naked one. Then backing up and breaking the kiss, he looked Carlos in the eyes, needing to be sure this was what his lover wanted. He saw nothing but lust and desire there, so he continued with the game.
The sparks flying throughout his body were electrifying and Carlos was becoming even more aroused as his lover rubbed his body against his, feeling Trent's hips gently move against his. It was so sensual and erotic, the feelings fueling his already strong arousal even further.
Taking hold of one of the open handcuffs, letting the rest dangle, and doing so where Carlos could easily see this, Trent indicated the bed and said, "OK, sailor, get on your knees, face the headboard, put your hands behind your back."
Carlos looked at the handcuffs and his eyes danced and sparkled with desire, his passion rising even higher. He looked at Trent and the words his lover spoke sent thrills through him. "Yes, sir," he said and climbed onto the bed and faced the headboard as requested, full of love and lust for the man who could make him feel this way. He was thrilled with everything his lover was doing and was very excited and waiting with anticipation for whatever it was his lover had in mind.
Trent was still managing somehow to maintain his control. He wasn't really sure how at this point though. The site of Carlos crawling eagerly onto the bed and waiting for him, his eyes full of love and passion -- it was very erotic. Trent's erection was getting uncomfortable.
Once Carlos had done as he asked, Trent climbed on the bed and put the open cuff he had been holding on one of Carlos's wrist. He did it only gently enough to be sure he didn't hurt his lover or get it on too tightly. Taking hold of the other cuff, Trent pulled Carlos's arm forward, towards the headboard, pulling Carlos forward so he was bent at the waist, his arms bent at the elbows, forearms on the bed. Putting the free cuff behind the bed post then back around, Trent put the other cuff on Carlos's free wrist.
Carlos was filled with even more passion than he thought possible. His erection was becoming harder by the moment and the wonderful sensations coursing through his body were like nothing he'd experienced before. He loved it when Trent put the handcuffs on him and tied him to the bed post, and the position of his body was incredible -- it felt wonderful. This thrilled him even more and he began to pant with more excitement and anticipation than before which just further increased his arousal.
Trent got off the bed and turned back around to face the bed. Greeted with the sight of Carlos on the bed, along with his lover's panting, Trent had to look away for a moment and take a few deep breaths to control himself. Managing to hang onto it somehow, Trent looked back at Carlos then began to take his own clothes off -- very slowly.
Carlos was on his knees on the bed -- ready and waiting -- and Trent was standing by the bed slowly taking his clothes off. The anticipation was building inside of him and he was breathless waiting for his lover -- he loved how Trent was taking charge. The way his lover looked at him sent thrills through his body and his arousal grew even more at the anticipation and waiting that he was going through -- it was exquisite and wonderful and he was loving every second of it.
Trent managed to continue to move slowly, drawing out every move. It wasn't meant to be erotic in and of itself, his taking off his clothes slowly, but rather the waiting was meant to be the part to enhance the excitement. Problem was it was enhancing Trent's excitement too, watching his lover watching him. The look in Carlos's eyes was driving Trent to the edge very fast. He had to break eye contact -- look somewhere other than his lover's eyes -- to keep this up.
Carlos watched carefully not wanting to miss a single moment of watching his lover removing his clothes. He found it so sexy, very exciting, and he began panting even heavier. This was incredible -- the effect his lover was having on him was beyond anything he could have imagined and he was enjoying every moment of it.
After removing all his clothes, Trent picked up the KY and started -- very slowly -- to prepare himself for their joining. He wanted to do it where Carlos could watch. Also, even though he wasn't done yet, not ready for the game to be over, he knew when it was, when he finally lost his restraint, this was going to be fast and he wanted to be ready.
Carlos had already been thrilled beyond expectations up until this point -- then when Trent was finally undressed completely he looked at him in awe -- how beautiful he was standing there completely naked and gorgeous. He watched as his lover began to prepare himself with the KY. His excitement rose even higher and he watched -- no stared -- intently at every movement his lover made preparing himself.
Finishing preparing himself, Trent finally moved where Carlos couldn't see him then climbed onto the bed, well behind Carlos, then moved up to where his lover was waiting for him. His restraint was all but gone at this point, looking at his lover in this position. But before he used his fingers on the inside of Carlos he needed to use his hands on the outside. Putting down the tube of KY, Trent used both his hands to fondle his lover's backside, knowing the reaction this always got from him.
Carlos's breath caught in his throat -- he was nearly beside himself with excitement and anticipation now as Trent moved out of sight. He waited for what seemed like an eternity -- filled with passion and desire -- and the eroticism that all of what his lover was providing to him was sending him places he'd never been before. When he felt Trent's hands on his behind he shivered in delight -- sparks flying throughout his body and he began to tremble more from his lover's wonderful touch that he could never get enough of. How he wanted this to go on and on. "Ohhh, baby... so... goooood... so... very... good...," he said, panting heavily between the words he had just spoken, enjoying his lover's touch beyond imagination.
Taking another deep breath, Trent managed to hold on. His lover's words were almost his undoing. Picking up the KY, Trent put some on his fingers and put them inside of Carlos. The idea as always was to prepare him for their joining, but Trent's intent this time was totally to stimulate. Moving his fingers around, touching all the right spots, Trent continued to please his lover and himself by doing so.
Carlos gasped with pleasure when he felt his lover's fingers enter his body -- it was wonderful and erotic and sent even more sparks through him. His passion and desire increased even more -- filling him with more need than he had ever known before. Everywhere that Trent touched him was like no other -- each touch of his fingers more and more erotic than the last one, and he began trembling even more as his desire and passion continued to increase.
Trent could feel his lover's excitement with each touch of his fingers and this in turn pleased him. He knew the game was almost at an end -- Carlos wasn't going to last much longer and neither was he. But he wanted to give everything he had to Carlos before finally letting them both fall off that edge.
The handcuffs felt wonderful and they were adding so much feeling and eroticism to what Carlos was already experiencing. Being held this way while his lover was doing the most incredible wonderful things to him was more than he ever thought he could feel and he wanted it to go on and on and on. Carlos turned his head to look at his lover, saw the pleasure Trent was experiencing from what he was doing to him, and that was almost more than Carlos could stand. The look in Trent's eyes and the expression on his face thrilled Carlos even more and he wanted and needed all that his lover could give him. "More... so good..., baby, please..., more...," he said, panting even faster and harder than before, his mind floating with everything his lover was doing to him -- it was exquisite and he couldn't possibly ever get enough.
When Carlos looked back at him, Trent caught his eye. That was it. He couldn't hold back any longer. The words his lover spoke, the increase in his panting, but mostly the look in his eyes -- Trent was slipping off the edge fast.
Trent broke his eye contact with Carlos as he removed his fingers from his body. Reaching around his lover's body, Trent grasped Carlos's shaft with his hand at the same moment he entered his body with his own shaft. Trent thrust all the way in, fast and deep, moving his hand on Carlos's organ the same way, hard and fast. Pulling back just as fast, he thrust in again, using the same motions on Carlos's outside as inside.
Carlos kept eye contact with Trent. When his lover looked away and he also felt Trent's fingers leaving his body he moaned and whimpered -- he knew it was time for their joining. He gasped then moaned loudly when his lover took hold of his penis and entered him -- the feeling of both happening at the same time was overwhelming and he nearly came right then -- it was all he could do to hold onto his restraint. The penetration was so different with his body in this position and it felt incredible, wonderful. Trent was the most sensational lover and what he was doing both inside and outside of his body sent more thrills through him increasing the erotic feelings he was having right from the start. He wouldn't last at this pace Trent had set and he didn't want to -- he only wanted them to climax together and go over that edge at the same time. He never looked away when his lover entered his body and now his eyes were full of even more passion as he looked at his lover. "So... good, baby... so good...," he said, panting even harder if that were possible.
There was just too much stimulation for Trent to hold on any longer. The flood gates had opened and the flood was right behind them. Trent continued to thrust into his lover hard and fast, the difference in the angle changing the sensations. With one more hard and deep thrust, Trent bent over Carlos just enough to bury himself as deep within his lover as he could. He came and he came hard, Carlos following him only seconds later.
Carlos was thrilled beyond all expectations and wonder as his lover continued to thrust hard and fast, again and again -- it was incredible, exquisite -- and he was climbing higher and higher, closer to that peak. That last thrust took him the rest of the way over the edge. He watched and felt as his lover bent over at the waist and he cried out loudly in his pleasure at the wondrous sensation that filled his body when the position changed and Trent buried himself inside him. Only seconds after feeling his lover come hard inside him he came himself -- breathing very hard, unable to speak. He was still in that wonderful place that Trent had taken him to and it would be quite some time before he would return to normal.
Trent collapsed against Carlos's back, still buried deep inside him. This angle of their bodies was so different and added to the feelings as Trent continued to feel the after effects of his orgasm. Finally able to stop shaking and to move, he caressed Carlos with his hand and dropped kisses on his skin where his head lay against his lover's back.
Carlos loved the feeling of Trent's weight on his back, having him buried so deep inside him still, the closeness meaning so much to him. He sighed softly as his lover kissed and caressed him -- loving every second of their closeness. He wanted to speak, to say something, but he couldn't -- he had quite a ways to go before he would be able to, but when he did he wanted to hold Trent and cuddle him, telling him how much he enjoyed everything and how much he loved him.
Once Trent was recovered enough to be able to move, he reached up as far as he could at this angle and kissed what turned out to be Carlos's back, between his shoulder blades. Straightening up, he removed himself from his lover's body reluctantly, then moved to get the key to the handcuffs. Getting the key to the cuffs from the bedside table, Trent went to unlock the handcuffs that were still holding his lover to the bed. Carlos was watching him and as Trent moved to open the cuffs, he first bent to kiss his lover's mouth. He was still in awe of what this wonderful man could do to him, the passion he could bring out in him -- the depth of it.
Carlos was amazed, as he always was, at the wonderful loving that they shared -- that Trent had given him. It was always so passionate and Carlos had never felt such strong desire in his life or felt so loved. He loved Trent more than he ever thought could be possible or that he felt he could ever show him. He would spend the rest of his life taking care of and loving Trent in every possible way. He returned Trent's kiss with all of the passion and desire he had inside -- feeling like he was the luckiest man in the world to have someone so incredible in his life. He was slowly coming down from his wonderful climax and breathing a little heavy still. He just wanted to hold Trent in his arms and cuddle him close, showing him how much he meant to him.
Breaking the kiss, then adding another quick peck for good measure, Trent smiled at his lover then moved to open the handcuffs. Unlocking one, so Carlos could then move, Trent helped his lover move so he was sitting on the bed. Bringing the other hand to him, the one still in a cuff, Trent unlocked that one, too. Making eye contact with Carlos, Trent then pulled his lover's hand to his mouth and kissed his wrist then smiled.
Carlos smiled back -- the biggest brightest smile he was capable of and watched as his lover went to remove the handcuffs. He looked Trent directly in the eyes and when his lover kissed his wrist it was soft and sensual, and he smiled again. "Thank you, baby," he said, loving everything that Trent was doing.
Trent turned around and put the handcuffs and the key on the bedside table then turned back to Carlos sitting on the bed. The look on his lover's face and in his eyes made Trent feel so good. He knew he had pleased Carlos and he couldn't have been happier. Trent lay down on the bed beside his lover then reached out his arms to pull him down to him, to hold him close as he finished his return to earth.
Carlos never took his eyes off of his lover as he put down the handcuffs and the key -- the thoughts of how it felt to have those around his wrists while they were making love sent more of those wonderful sensations running through him. Trent always knew exactly what to do and made their lovemaking the best it could be. It was so powerful and strong. To know what they had together was the most incredible feeling -- making him the happiest, luckiest man in the world. "I love you so much, baby -- more than you'll ever know," he said, then went to his lover's arms. He adored the feeling of Trent pulling him down close and he wrapped one arm around his lover's waist then lay his head down on Trent's chest, breathing in the wonderful scent of his lover, while trying to come down the rest of the way from the special place Trent had taken him to only moments before.
Trent kissed the top of Carlos's head as he settled it on his chest. "I love you, too," he said simply, not knowing what else to say -- at a loss for words to express his feelings as usual. He was just glad Carlos understood without being told, just as he himself did about Carlos's feelings for him.
Carlos loved it when Trent kissed the top of his head and he sighed with pure contentment and happiness as he settled against his lover even further. His arm wrapped around Trent's waist even tighter, holding him closer than before, loving and enjoying their closeness and the deep love they shared for each other.
Running his hand up and down Carlos's back, Trent kissed his lover's head again. "The things you do to me are really beyond belief, you do realize that?" Trent said, "Or maybe that is more rightly what you can get me to do to you?" he added, in a slightly teasing tone, referring to the handcuffs and the latest 'game'.
Carlos looked up at Trent and smiled brightly, his eyes sparking, that wicked smile playing on his lips. He reached up with his hand and caressed his lover's cheek gently with the back of his hand. "What you do to me is so wonderful -- each time is even more amazing," he said. He didn't know how to explain it or even if he could. It was pure love -- and they had more than most people would ever experience in a lifetime. "We are something else, aren't we though?" he asked, smiling brightly, looking at Trent. He was not just referring to tonight or sex but to all aspects of their relationship together.
"Something else, yes," Trent said in a teasing tone, "But just *what* is the question here." Trent moved his hand to his lover's face looking him straight in the eye. Changing his tone entirely, not teasing anymore, he said, "Soulmates," knowing he didn't need to explain himself further.
Carlos met Trent's gaze and looked him straight in the eye. He swallowed hard when his lover spoke. It filled him with more emotion than he realized he had. When he heard the word 'soulmates' that was it, he was all undone -- that word said it all and he knew that that's exactly what they were. He took his lover's hand, brought it gently to his lips and without breaking eye contact he kissed Trent's hand lovingly then brought it to his face and leaned his cheek against the palm of his lover's hand. "Soulmates," he whispered, and kissed Trent's hand once more, still looking his lover straight in the eye, then settled down against his chest once more, wrapping one arm snugly around Trent's waist and letting out a deep sigh.
They lay there in comfortable silence for awhile. "Why don't we watch some TV for a little while," Carlos suggested, trying to stifle a yawn. He was feeling tired but not quite ready to fall asleep yet and wanted to cuddle with Trent for a little while longer.
"Sounds good to me. But why don't we get under the covers first?" Trent said, not really waiting for an answer, having heard the sleepiness in his lover's voice. Gently extracting himself from Carlos's embrace, Trent got up and started tugging on the blankets making Carlos have to move around a bit to get it out from under.
Carlos was so comfy, cozy and tired -- and he didn't really feel like moving but the idea of being under the covers sounded wonderful and he moved a little to try and help some anyway.
Trent smiled at his lover as he moved around, not getting up, and then got his feet under the covers. Trent managed to find the TV remote before crawling back in the bed next to Carlos, pulling the covers up and then gathering him back in his arms in the same manner as they had been lying before, but this time under the covers. Trent kissed the top of Carlos's head again as he turned on the TV, knowing his lover was already fading on him.
The covers did feel wonderful, but what was even better to Carlos was when Trent crawled under them and held him in his arms -- the warmth and love he felt was like nothing else and he blinked a few times and tried to stifle another yawn, knowing sleep wasn't too far off and he doubted he could stay awake much longer no matter how much he wanted to. He sighed with happiness as Trent kissed him again and watched to see what would come on TV.
Trent smiled and ran his hand up and down Carlos's arm in a soothing manner. Soon his lover's breathing was slow and even, and he was sound asleep. Trent kissed the top of Carlos's head again, and watched the show he had turned on TV. He had no idea what it was -- some game show -- and didn't really care, he was only half watching it.
When the show was over, Trent turned off the set and stretched his arm out to try to put the remote on the bedside table without moving. He missed but didn't move to pick it up. He just shifted his position ever so slightly so he was lying down more flat on the bed. Carlos stirred ever so slightly in his sleep and Trent kissed his lover's forehead before shutting his own eyes to wait for sleep to come to him, too.
Waking up to what was becoming their usual routine, the lover's showered -- with the usual sex in the shower -- ate breakfast -- quieting Carlos's stomach that had started whining mid-shower -- then returned to bed. Carlos still needed rest, even though he looked less tired today, and Trent wanted to spend as much time as possible with him before he had to leave to go to work. He was only going to be gone a few hours, but he was still worried.
Settling in bed beside Carlos, Trent looked at his lover. "I really wish I didn't have to leave you here alone, but it really can't be helped. And, yes, I know, you'll be fine, I know...," Trent said, before Carlos could say it, "But it doesn't mean I have to like it."
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled, trying to reassure him even though he knew that his lover would continue to worry until he was completely recovered from his injuries. "I know you don't like it, baby -- but it really will be all right," he said, knowing he didn't have to say anything but also wanting to. He continued to smile at Trent and to hold him close lying next to him with his arm around his waist, enjoying the last bit of time together before his lover had to go to work.
They spent some time watching TV and just being together. As the time approached for Trent to leave, he looked down at Carlos contentedly watching TV wrapped in his arms. "You sure about the TV dinner for lunch? I really am happy to make you some sandwiches before I go," Trent said.
"The TV dinner is just fine with me, baby -- thank you for offering to make me sandwiches though," he said, looking up and smiling at his lover. How wonderful he was to want to do so much -- and it didn't come as any surprise to him, but he knew that Trent wanted him to have everything he could possibly want or need.
"Don't forget you promised to stay in bed unless you had to get up," Trent said feeling very apprehensive now that time for him to leave was so near. He just wanted to assure himself everything that could be done was being done for Carlos.
"I won't forget -- I promise," Carlos said, smiling and holding his lover tighter. He knew Trent was worried and he wanted to do everything he could do to reassure him that he would be all right while he was gone.
"I should have some time to call you before my one o'clock meeting," Trent informed Carlos, wondering himself at this point why he was babbling on so other than he was stalling. He really did need to start getting ready to go.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled. "Mmmmm..., I'm looking forward to it already," he said, and realized that this was very hard on both of them. He wanted nothing more than to convince Trent that everything would be fine, but he knew that his lover would worry no matter what he said so he decided to hold him and be as reassuring as possible. "I can't wait until one o'clock," he added with an extra smile.
"Actually it'll be before one, my meeting is at one. More like 12:30 or so," Trent said, knowing he was stalling now. He looked at the clock again. He simply had to get going. "I really do have to get ready to go," Trent said, looking down at Carlos, not wanting to leave him.
Carlos knew this was very hard on Trent -- on both of them -- and he didn't want his lover to leave but he knew he had to and he tried not show how much he wanted his lover to stay at home with him.
Very reluctantly Trent got up and got some clothes out to put on. Bringing them back over to the bed he started to put them on. "You're absolutely sure about the sandwiches? I still have time to make them...," Trent caught himself acting like a mother hen this time. "Sorry, I just don't want to leave you," Trent admitted yet again.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled reassuringly again. How he loved him so and his being a mother hen really felt good, but he also realized that they both had to get back to their daily lives and for right now, he wouldn't be joining his lover at work. "It's all right, baby -- I understand and I don't want you to go either, but I'll be fine here until you get back," he said, smiling at his lover again.
"I know," Trent said, meaning it, but still not liking it. Having finished getting dressed, Trent crawled onto the bed where Carlos was now sitting up and had been watching him. Staying on hands and knees, he kissed his lover then said, "You be careful and take care of yourself while I'm gone, OK?"
Carlos returned his lover's kiss tenderly and looked at Trent carefully. "I promise I will," he said, and then kissed Trent again, passionately. "Say 'hi' to Kim for me, OK?" he added, wishing he could say it in person himself, but he knew it wouldn't be much longer before he would be able to
"I will," Trent said, knowing he really had to leave now, but not moving any too fast to do so. "I love you very much," he said, then kissed Carlos again before smiling at him and finally getting off the bed.
Going to the dresser, Trent got his wallet and keys and turned around to look at Carlos again. He smiled at his lover sitting there in the bed watching him. "See you later. Should be somewhere around three or so," Trent said then smiled and left the room reluctantly.
Carlos smiled and watched Trent while he got off the bed and got ready to leave. "I'll see you around three then. I love you and I'll miss you," he called out as his lover left the room.
Trent stopped at the door to the apartment and looked back towards the bedroom. He realized he was being just a bit childish about the separation thing. He also realized real life did have to start up again -- he was going to be separated from Carlos, no way around that. But this was the first time since the night Carlos had been hurt and it was bound to be more difficult. However, he also realized he wasn't being childish about the very real dizzy spells and what might have happened before -- what might happen now -- if he wasn't with Carlos when one hit. Trent took a deep breath and opened the door and left, headed to Thunder Investigations.
Carlos sat in bed for a few moments and he already felt lonely. He knew it was inevitable that this day would be here, but that didn't make it any easier. He looked around for the remote to the TV and finally found it on the floor. He turned the set on and channel surfed until he found some old comedy reruns and he watched laughing and enjoying them.
By the time Trent got to the office he was feeling a bit less apprehensive. He still missed Carlos terribly, but he knew that was to be expected and natural. It was the fear of Carlos needing him and him being gone that was the hard part still. It was too real. He pushed it as far out of his mind as he could and headed up the steps to Thunder Investigations.
After about half an hour talking with Kim, catching her up on Carlos and his condition, then catching up on the business doings since he had been away, Trent was finally alone with his thoughts again. Pushing the thoughts from his head and resisting the urge to call Carlos just to hear his voice, Trent got out the work he needed to do -- what had brought him to the office today in addition to his meeting at 1pm.
When the shows Carlos had been watching were over, he turned and looked at the clock and sure enough -- his stomach clock went off at the same time. He got up slowly and went into the kitchen and got a microwaveable Macaroni and Cheese out of the freezer and within ten minutes he was eating lunch and satisfying his whining puppy. He smiled, knowing what Trent would say and missing his lover's hand rubbing his stomach.
Trent finished up with the work he was doing and looked at his watch. He was done a bit early, but not overly so. He was glad he wouldn't have to sit too long and do nothing. He knew keeping busy was keeping him sane at the moment -- or at least keeping him from worrying. He was going to call Carlos and check on him but he had another call he needed to make first.
Trent had finally decided on a payment for the bet he and Carlos had made at the lake, the bet he had won. Getting out the phonebook and looking up the number he needed to call, Trent asked some questions, found out what he needed to know, then made arrangements to pick up what was needed later that afternoon. Hanging up the phone, Trent was grinning from ear to ear, really rather proud of himself for thinking this up. He also couldn't help imagining what Carlos's reaction was going to be. He smiled even bigger at the thought of it.
Once Carlos was finished with lunch he went back to bed and pulled the covers up and continued to watch TV waiting for Trent to call. He was looking forward to hearing from his lover -- he missed him so much already.
Trent looked at his watch again and was surprised to see he had been daydreaming for about ten minutes. **Carlos will do that to a person,** he thought, smiling again at the wonderful thoughts he had been having. Picking up the phone, he dialed his own apartment to check up on Carlos and see how he was doing.
Carlos was so excited when the phone rang that he reached over toward the nightstand and picked up the receiver faster than he thought possible. "Hello?" he said, hoping it would be his lover on the other end of the line.
"So how are you doing all by yourself? Haven't burned the place down yet, have you?" Trent teased his lover, "You get lunch OK?" Trent lapsed into mother hen mode without even realizing it.
Carlos laughed lightly, loving Trent's teasing. It sounded so good to hear his voice. "I finished lunch about twenty minutes ago, and the place is just fine," he said still laughing. "So how have you been doing? How's Kim?" he asked, knowing his lover was concerned and trying to relieve him of any worries knowing they probably wouldn't go away entirely, but he was fine and wanted Trent to know that and feel reassured that he was all right.
"I'm doing OK. Miss you, but otherwise all right," Trent said, "And Kim's just fine. Happy to have someone back at work besides just her, I think, but she won't admit it."
Carlos laughed a little harder hearing that. "That sounds just like her, too. I'm glad to hear that. How's work going?" he asked, wanting to know what was happening now that Trent was there finding out first hand.
"No big problems that I can see so far. Got the paperwork out of the way and just waiting for my one o'clock appointment to get here," Trent said, "Not really sure how long that will take, but I'll be home after that." Trent changed his tone, lowered his voice, "I miss you, Lucky Bear."
Carlos felt a thrill run through him at hearing his lover tone saying those words. It had only been a few hours since Trent left yet Carlos missed his lover more than he could imagine. "I miss you too, Soaring Eagle," he said. Then he had an idea. "You couldn't get home fast enough to find out what's waiting for you," he added, in a very sexy, seductive tone.
Trent looked around a bit trying to decide how much, if any, of this Kim could hear. Deciding probably not a lot, if any, but not really willing to take a chance, he kept his words neutral. "I think I have a pretty good idea. I have seen it a few times, you know," Trent said, still keeping his voice down, but not whispering, "And many of those times were quite up close and personal."
"Very up close and personal as I recall," Carlos said, in the same sexy voice. "As a matter of fact, I am planning on giving you even more than you can imagine. I'm going to fuck you hard as soon as you walk through that front door," he added in the most husky voice he could -- already full of passion and desire for his wonderful lover. He was turned on already and planned on doing so much more later when Trent got home.
Trent was glad Kim couldn't see him at this moment. At Carlos's words, he actually felt himself blush. He shifted in his chair a little, glad there was a desk over his lap, even if there was no one else there. Struggling to maintain an even tone, Trent said, "I see. What if I used the back door?" Trent had no back door to his apartment but couldn't resist the word play.
Carlos smiled the widest brightest smile he could and only wished Trent were there to see it. "Front door or back door -- either entry will work just fine, and you will be very satisfied. *Very*," he said, with all of the love and lust he could put into his voice. "I'm going to take you to places you've never been. You'll have a very special night tonight," he said, wishing his lover were there right then so he could get started on his promise.
"I do think you're going to have your work cut out for you trying to find a new place, but I'm sure you can do it. You always do," Trent said, hoping the party in his pants would be quieted down by the time his one o'clock appointment got there, "And you know any night with you is special, no matter where it is." Trent couldn't help but smile to himself thinking about what he had in mind for tonight. Yes, it was going to be special all right -- well, memorable at the very least.
"Oh, I can do it -- I can take you *anywhere*," Carlos said in a slinky sexy voice, loving the effect he knew he must be having on his lover. He was having a great time but he also realized that it was nearly one o'clock and their client would be arriving soon. He probably shouldn't carry this on much further and make it difficult for Trent to quiet the party in his pants that was no doubt going on at this moment. He smiled at the thought.
"It's a mighty fine party you're taking me to right now, but I'm not so sure our client is going to be very impressed with it," Trent said, noting the time and hoping the party had time to wind down before one, "Suppose you can hold off on the door prize until I get home?"
Carlos had that famous sparkle in his eyes and he was smiling very happily only his lover couldn't see it. "I'm glad you enjoyed our little party and I can hold off until you get here," he said softly loving the reference to the door prize, "I love you so much and can't wait until you're home."
"That mean you won't start without me?" Trent teased, "'Course if you do, I know you'll be ready to party again by the time I get there."
Carlos laughed heartily -- his lover's teasing did more for him than he would ever know. "I won't start without you -- not ever. And I'm always ready to party with you -- anytime, baby," he said with all of the love and desire he had in his voice, letting Trent know he was ready any time and wanted him home in his arms. "You just finish up with that client and hurry home, OK?" he added, very anxious to show his lover just exactly what he had in mind.
"I will. I'm still figuring it will probably be about 3pm before I get there though," Trent said, "Plenty of time for you to watch the soap operas." Trent changed his tone to a more serious one, "I'll see you when I get there, Lucky Bear."
Carlos listened to every word his lover spoke and laughed at the idea of him watching soap operas. "I'll be waiting for you Soaring Eagle," he said softly and sensually, wanting to leave Trent with a reminder of what would be waiting for him when he got home. He hung up the phone and sighed -- how he missed Trent so very much already and he couldn't wait for him to get home. He looked at the clock and it would only be another two hours.
Trent hung up the phone then just sat there smiling at it. When he realized he was smiling at the telephone, he chuckled **Yes, I have definitely lost it,** he thought, **Or found it.** He wasn't sure which.
Carlos got up slowly and went into the kitchen to get himself a large glass of water and then returned to the bedroom, climbed back into bed and drank almost half of the water before setting it down on the nightstand. Then he turned the television on and looked for something interesting to watch and found more reruns of some of the older comedies so he watched those hoping the time would pass quickly until Trent got there.
Go to Page Five