My Cup Runneth Over
Page Five
Trent's appointment was a bit late, something he was just as glad for, since the party Carlos had started in his pants was slow to go away. He was decent by the time the client showed up. The appointment didn't last as long as he thought it would either, so he was done and on his way to pick up what he needed for that evening, to call in the bet he and Carlos had made.
Trent was grinning from ear to ear by the time he got home. He still knew Carlos would likely greet him at the door as soon as he heard him. So taking one of the two things he was carrying, checking to make sure he was leaving the right one, he carefully put it down in the apartment hallway, out of sight, wanting to keep it a secret for now. After doing so, Trent started to unlock the door to his apartment still holding the second item.
Carlos heard the key in the door and knew Trent was home -- his wonderful lover was back and he was so anxious to see him and hold him that he nearly forgot to get out of bed slowly -- but he did remember and got up slowly enough, then proceeded to walk quickly to the front door laughing inwardly at the discussion on the phone earlier about the front door versus back door entry. The smile on his face was huge as he beat his lover in opening the door. When he did he grabbed Trent's arm and pulled him firmly, yet gently, into the apartment, wrapped him in a big hug and kissed him more passionately than even he thought possible -- once again tasting his lover's wonderful sweetness.
Trent wasn't exactly surprised this time at being pulled into the apartment and into Carlos's embrace, but he was still carrying the garment bag over his arm. So despite kissing Carlos back for all he was worth, he could only put one arm around him and hope what was in the bag didn't get in the way of anything vital as it was caught between them when Carlos hugged him.
Carlos finally had to break the kiss out of the need for air and when he did he realized that his lover was holding a garment bag which he hadn't even noticed in his rush to hold him. He looked at Trent with his eyebrows raised. "And what have we here?" he asked his curiosity peaked.
"Huh, what?" Trent said, still a bit distracted by Carlos's wonderful kiss. "Oh, this?" he said, moving his arm a bit -- as much as he could with it still caught between them. "I'm sure you remember our bet from the lake? And you lost?" Trent knew he did, but he just wanted to be clear about what this was about. "I thought of what I want as payment," Trent grinned shaking the garment bag, "This is for you."
"For me?" Carlos asked, looking at the garment bag then at Trent then back at the garment bag again. Finally his eyes rested on his lover who was grinning. Carlos looked at him and was more curious than ever now. "Just what do you have in mind here?" he asked curiously, taking the garment bag from Trent.
"Why don't you open the bag and look?" Trent said, taking hold of the hanger part and holding the garment bag up so Carlos could unzip it and look inside. Trent was barely containing his laughter at this point. The look on his lover's face was priceless and likely to get more so when he opened the bag.
Carlos unzipped the bag carefully -- in total suspense from wanting to know what it was that was inside, knowing from his lover's expression that he was up to something. When he finished unzipping it he couldn't believe what he saw and he felt his face becoming quite warm and he was sure he was blushing. Once he slid the garment bag off he saw every detail of the Conan outfit that his lover was holding. All of the pieces were there to make the costume complete -- boots, wig, headband, fake sword -- and he looked at Trent, beginning to get an idea of what his lover wanted. "I see -- quite an outfit you're holding there," he said smiling.
"And it'll look even better with you wearing it," Trent said grinning, still holding the hanger but pushing it towards Carlos to take.
Carlos's eyebrows shot up considerably. As he took in his lover's grin, he nodded his head in full understanding of what his lover expected him to do. "Oh no, buddy... If you think I'm going to wear that...," he said in protest, blushing and trying not to as he tried to keep from taking the outfit from Trent.
"Now, just who's idea *was* it to make the bet anything the other person wanted? Humm?" Trent asked. He wasn't going to push his lover into something he really didn't want to do, but he didn't think this really fit that category. But he wouldn't keep insisting too long.
Carlos had to admit to himself that Trent was right -- it was his idea to make the payment of the bet anything the other wanted and he had lost the bet. He gave a lot of credit to Trent for his ingenuity in creating the form of payment he had come up with. The more he looked at the Conan outfit Trent was holding the more his interest was beginning to take hold, although he still wasn't quite sure.
Trent saw Carlos still looking at him and not taking the costume. Trent roared at Carlos, to remind him of the Tiger's victory over the A's, the way he had won the bet. Trent had been practicing the roar and was getting better at it.
Suddenly Trent roared and it was very impressive. Carlos took the outfit from his lover a little reluctantly and headed towards the bedroom to change.
Trent tried to suppress the grin of satisfaction at Carlos taking the outfit from him, but he wasn't sure he actually managed to. He watched his lover head to the bedroom carrying the outfit on the hanger. As soon as Carlos was safely in the bedroom, out of sight, Trent opened the door to the apartment as quietly as possible, retrieved the other garment bag and quickly went and stashed it in the coat closet where it wouldn't be seen.
Carlos found himself getting just a little more embarrassed as he worked at getting the costume on. He wondered just how Trent had managed to pull this off -- renting the costume and getting this whole idea together, but he just shook his head and looked in the mirror above the dresser as he put the pieces together like he remembered from the movie.
Heading into the livingroom and sitting down in a chair facing the bedroom door, Trent was waiting for Carlos to get the costume on. He was grinning again. He couldn't seem to help himself. This whole thing was just so amusing to him, especially since he knew it was nothing remotely like what his lover had been expecting as payment when he had made the bet.
Figuring out where all the pieces went to completing the costume took a little bit of time. "Are you sure about this?" Carlos asked, loud enough to be heard in the other room, feeling a bit self-conscious and embarrassed, but not overly so. He knew Trent was enjoying the idea of collecting his payment -- that grin of his made it rather obvious, and the fact that his lover went to all of this effort made Carlos feel good about it even if he was embarrassed. He just had to smile as he was about ready to put the finishing touches on the costume.
"Yes, I'm sure about this," Trent called back, stifling a laugh, "You figure out where everything goes?" It really was a very good representation of the movie costume, nothing cheapy looking about it. Even the plastic sword was done very well and looked as close to a real sword as a plastic sword could get.
"I'm working on it," Carlos answered, as he figured out the last few pieces. **Oh no, you've GOT to be kidding!** he thought to himself as he finally put this one piece on after looking at it for several minutes and not really believing he was doing this. "Uh...,Trent? Baby? You don't really expect me to wear this wig do you?" he asked in a tone that sounded a lot like whining.
Trent was very amused. He wasn't sure he could keep this out of his voice to answer or not, but he tried. "Yes, I expect you to wear the wig. Conan has long hair," he said, not sure he kept the smile out of his voice but managing not to laugh.
Carlos looked at himself in the mirror. He was done -- completely outfitted now, and he couldn't believe how he looked. "I really can't believe you're making me do this," he said whining again. Now that he was dressed in the costume he knew he was going to have to face Trent.
"Hey, the payment of the bet was your idea. You shouldn't have made the bet if you weren't ready to pay up," Trent said, hoping he wasn't pushing his lover too far. He really didn't think he was, but he wouldn't make him wear it long if he was really that uncomfortable about it. But Trent really wanted to at least see it once Carlos was completely outfitted. "So, are you about done in there?" Trent asked, not keeping the laugh totally suppressed this time but almost.
Carlos could hear the laughter in his lover's voice and the curiosity he had about how much Trent was enjoying himself was just confirmed when he heard that. Carlos looked at himself again and had to smile -- it was beginning to grow on him although he wasn't quite ready to let Trent in on how much. He turned around and walked into the livingroom so that Trent could look at what he had created. He was starting to become very interested in seeing his lover's reaction.
Trent was really trying to control himself and was determined not to laugh when he saw Carlos in the Conan outfit. He wasn't sure *how* he was going to keep from laughing, but he wasn't going to. Stealing his determination when he heard Carlos coming, Trent watched the doorway. He was totally unprepared, however, for his reaction. He needn't have worried about how not to laugh. One look at Carlos in the Conan outfit and he was totally aroused. He could feel himself blushing, the heat rising in him as his pants became almost uncomfortable. He just stared, getting hotter and harder by the second, at a total loss for words. He tried to say something only to have the words catch. He cleared his throat and tried again to no more success than before.
One look at his lover told Carlos all he needed to know and whatever embarrassment he had been feeling left and was replaced completely by total lust and desire for the man sitting in the livingroom chair. He stepped into the room and took a few steps towards the chair where Trent was sitting then stopped and stood there, smiling and giving his lover even more time to look at him. He could see that Trent was very aroused and that made his own passion and desire rise even higher. His lover couldn't even speak from the effect this outfit was having on him and that thrilled him even more.
Trent just sat there staring at Carlos. Had he really thought this was a joke? He found the joke to have been totally on him -- his reaction surprising him still. Shifting his position in the chair, he cleared his throat and tried to speak again and still couldn't. **Hard to speak with your jaw on the floor,** he thought to himself. Trent got up from the chair continuing to stare at his lover who was now looking at him with lust in his eyes.
Carlos was loving every single second of this -- he was thrilled beyond anything he could imagine at seeing his lover completely without words. He now realized what a terrific idea Trent had had with this costume and the love, passion, desire and tremendous lust he felt for Trent just increased as soon as he saw his lover get out of the chair. The feeling of standing there in the costume and seeing the effect it was having on his lover was driving him crazy and he grinned at Trent with his eyes sparkling.
Trent stood there continuing to stare. Then his lover's expression changed from amused smile to lustful grin and Trent wasn't sure he could continue to stand on his own, much less move. But move he did, continuing to stare at Carlos, looking him up and down, his pants tight beyond any comfort zone at this point.
Finally reaching his lover, Trent looked first at Carlos's face, then down at the costume again. Putting out first one hand then the other, Trent began to run his hands over Carlos's bare chest continuing to look him up and down. Finally managing to look his lover in the face again, he again tried to speak, only to have something between a moan and a whimper escape him -- nothing resembling speech.
Carlos watched his lover's every step as he moved closer to him never taking his eyes off of Trent and when he felt Trent's hands on his chest he sucked in his breath sharply. When Trent made that sound, Carlos's arousal became nearly overpowering at that point -- his lover was almost completely irresistible and he didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to hold out. Leaning down, he quickly put Trent over his shoulder, just as he had yesterday, and walked back toward the bedroom.
There was no laughing this time when Carlos picked him up and carried him over his shoulder to the bedroom. Only a whimper this time. He still managed to enjoy his view from atop Carlos's shoulder -- and quite a view it was, clad in the Conan loincloth. He whimpered again, surprising himself once again at his own reactions.
That whimper was all Carlos needed to hear and when he got close to the bed he tossed his lover onto it in a similar way that he had before. He lay down on top of Trent immediately, kissing him hard and passionately, his tongue searching out the sweetness that he craved so much and could never get enough of. After several minutes of deep, passionate kissing, he finally had to break the kiss to catch his breath and when he did, he was so full of lust -- even more than he remembered feeling before.
Trent just stared at his lover from the bed. It seemed like it was in slow motion, watching Carlos approach him and climb on top of him. It couldn't happen fast enough and it couldn't last long enough. Trent's arms went around Carlos and he ran his hands over his back, running them down to the loin cloth he wore, then back up his back again. He kissed Carlos back, moaning into his mouth as he did so.
Carlos slowly lifted himself off of his lover and slowly took off just the loin cloth piece of his outfit then looked Trent in the eyes with everything he was feeling shining through them. Then very slowly he lowered himself onto his lover again so he was lying on top of him once more. He kissed Trent a little softer this time but just as passionately and equally full of lust and desire for him.
Trent loosened his hold on his lover allowing him to move, watching every motion he made as he removed part of his costume. As his lover lowered himself once again to lay on top of him, Trent heard another almost involuntary whimper escape from him as Carlos then captured his mouth in another of his sweet kisses. His arms went back around Carlos, holding him tight. His hands started to caress his lover's back again, as he slid his hands down to where the loin cloth used to be.
Carlos was completely taken over by the feel of his lover's hands where he had had the loin cloth on earlier and hearing Trent whimper as he kissed him increased his desire for his lover even more. He moaned softly into Trent's mouth his passion rising higher by the moment.
Trent kissed Carlos back hungrily. This was just so overwhelming to him. The sight of his lover still dressed as Conan, the wig tickling him as they kissed, he couldn't get enough.
Once again Carlos only broke the kiss out of the need for air and then he slowly lifted himself up off of Trent, got onto his knees straddling his lover's body then pulled his lover's shirt up over his head and tossed it onto the floor. He then lay back down slowly on top of Trent and captured his lips again in another tender, passionate assault -- tasting all of the sweetness that belonged to him -- that he could never get enough of, moaning into Trent's mouth again and again and loving the feeling of lying on top of his lover.
Trent released his grip on his lover allowing him to sit up, his hands moving to Carlos's waist as he did. He lifted his arms and moved a bit as his lover removed his shirt then he put his hands back on Carlos's waist. He just looked at his lover -- staring at him, unable to do anything else. Trent continued to stare as Carlos lay down again. He slipped his hands back around his lover to hold him tight as they kissed -- then moving them once again on his lover's back, caressing him as the kiss continued.
The feeling of having his lover's arms around him was so strong, felt so very good, and Carlos couldn't get enough of his lover's touch as they continued to kiss -- very deep passionate kissing -- his tongue intertwining with Trent's tasting everything -- not wanting to miss a thing. As far as he was concerned they could kiss and stay like this all night long it was so wonderful and delicious. This time when the kiss broke he took a necessary breath and looked Trent in the eyes while gently caressing his lover's face with the back of his hand. "I love you so much," he said softly with all of the love and desire he had inside reflected in his voice, which also held an equal amount of lust.
Trent couldn't get over the sensuous feel of the wig tickling his face and neck. It was so different, so erotic. When the kiss broke and Carlos spoke, Trent could only look at his lover, eyes full of love and desire. He was panting hard, his passion high.
Carlos lowered his head and gently began to nuzzle his lover's neck -- licking and kissing it softly, knowing how much Trent enjoyed that and Carlos wanted to bring every possible pleasure to his lover.
That was it for Trent. He let out a loud moan as Carlos began to nuzzle him. The nuzzling always excited him but this time, the hair of the wig was tickling his chest and it was so sensuous. He closed his eyes and put his head back, giving Carlos more access to his neck and giving himself over totally to the wondrous pleasure his lover was giving him.
Carlos was experiencing more than he thought possible -- more than he'd ever dreamed of when he heard his lover moan loudly, no matter how many times he'd heard his lover moan before. He continued to nuzzle Trent's neck only now he began to bite the incredibly soft skin gently, nibbling on it and alternating the bites with licks and kisses.
Trent hadn't thought the nuzzling could get any more arousing, but when Carlos began to gently bite him, Trent realized he had been wrong. The first gentle bite caused him to cry out in his passion. He continued to moan and pant as Carlos continued his loving assault on his neck.
Carlos moved down to Trent's nipples where he stopped and took one nipple into his mouth and as he held it in his teeth, his tongue swirling around the tip of the nipple. Carlos kept this going until the nipple was as hard as it could possibly get before releasing it. As soon as his mouth released the nipple he put one hand over it and massaged it to keep it hard while he moved to the other nipple and, taking it into his mouth, he repeated exactly what he had done to the first and soon both nipples were formed into hardened peaks.
Trent was panting very hard and moaning softly when Carlos moved on to his nipples. The hair of the wig still creating the most sensuous and exciting addition to Carlos's expert attention to his nipples. Trent again cried out when Carlos took his nipple into his mouth, holding it with his teeth. He cried out again when his lover moved to the other nipple to work his magic on it. Had he ever been this hot before? This far out in space with his passion? He didn't think so.
Carlos lifted himself off of his lover and moved to the end of the bed where he took Trent's shoes and socks off, unbuckled his lover's belt, unsnapped then unzipped his lover's pants and encouraged Trent to lift up and help him slide his pants off. Carlos was very careful to guide the pants and underwear gently over his lover's very hard erection, then slid them over his thighs, down his legs then tossed them onto the floor with the rest of his clothes. He kissed Trent's penis softly then retrieved the tube of KY that was on the nightstand and got ready to prepare himself to join with his lover.
Trent opened his eyes when Carlos moved off of him. He watched in fascination as Carlos removed what was left of his clothing. When his lover moved to his belt to undo it, Trent let out another whimper. He was so very hard, he needed his pants off and he needed them off now. Lifting up a bit to help them come off faster, Trent could only moan when they were finally off his hips. Watching as Carlos tossed them on the floor then kissed his shaft, Trent again whimpered, but louder this time. He continued to watch in fascination, panting hard and moaning softly, occasionally interrupted by a soft whimper, as Carlos got the KY and to prepare them so they could join.
Carlos looked at Trent who now had his eyes open and he made full eye contact and moved where Trent could see him prepare for their joining. He took a healthy amount of the lubricant onto his fingers then gently inserted two fingers, then added a third, into his lover, stretching and preparing his lover's body to receive him.
Trent continued to watch Carlos, panting hard and moaning. When his lover put his fingers inside him, he moaned louder, enjoying the sensations it caused in his body. He wasn't sure exactly where he was or where he was going, he only knew it was someplace new, someplace beyond where Carlos had ever taken him before. It amazed and thrilled him and he moaned again as his lover moved his fingers around inside his body.
Carlos loved hearing Trent pant and moan and when his lover whimpered that was the best of all -- it meant the most to Carlos -- he knew that his lover was experiencing the utmost pleasure when he whimpered. He leaned down and kissed Trent's very hard shaft again and after a few minutes of stretching he gently removed his fingers from his lover's body.
Still moaning at the feel of what his lover's fingers were doing to him, Trent whimpered then cried out softly when Carlos kissed his shaft. He was very high indeed this time, but was nearing the edge of that high cliff. He needed his lover to join with him, he needed to feel Carlos inside him -- to wait for his lover to join him before falling over that wondrous edge. When he felt his lover withdraw his fingers, he knew the time was very close and he whimpered again -- louder -- staring at Carlos and continuing to pant.
Carlos took some more KY then carefully and thoroughly coated his own very hard penis. He moved his position and then gently thrust himself inside his lover's body not stopping until he was all the way in.
Trent moved his hands to Carlos's waist as he began to join their bodies. When his lover finally joined their bodies as one, Trent cried out once again in his passion. But this time it was combined with a loud whimper, making for a totally different sound to his cry. He was still staring at his lover, still watching his every move intently, adding to his passion.
Carlos was nearly beside himself listening to Trent cry out with this new sound -- it was even more special than anything he had ever heard before -- it was so wonderful and incredible and he knew that he was giving Trent even more pleasure than he realized, and he looked at Trent in the eyes with all of the passion and desire and love he felt shining through.
Once Carlos was all the way inside him, Trent moved his hands from his lover's waist to his backside, pulling him forward, increasing the depth of their joining. What Trent felt was contentment and let out a sigh of pleasure. However, combined with his panting and moaning, it was a very ragged sigh. After holding his lover to him for a moment to enjoy the feeling and depth of their joining, Trent eased his hold on Carlos -- but keeping his hands on his lovers backside -- to allow him to move.
His lover's hands moving from his waist to around back felt so very good, and when his lover pulled him forward he arched his back which added to the sensation and feeling as Carlos buried himself even deeper inside of Trent. His lover's sigh made him feel so good and he leaned down and captured Trent's lips in a brief, tender, passionate kiss, never able to get enough of his sweet lips.
Trent was beside himself when Carlos leaned forward to kiss him. He kissed him back with much enthusiasm, even if it was a brief kiss. It added to their lovemaking, no matter how brief it was.
Carlos pulled back slowly, his incredibly hard penis sliding nearly all the way out before he thrust himself back in all the way -- as deep as he could go, repeating this and increasing a little in speed and depth with each thrust, but not going too fast, just a steady increase in rhythm as the passion and desire continued to climb. They were both well on their way to that very special vacation spot once again.
Trent let out a loud moan with each thrust of his lover's shaft inside his body. As his speed increased, the moans turned over to cries of passion. Finally unable to control himself any longer, Trent closed his eyes and put his head back, continuing to cry out with each thrust -- to pant in-between.
Carlos was getting closer to the edge with each thrust and each of Trent's loud moans increased his own passion and desire even more. He increased the speed of his thrusts a little more and with each one he buried himself even deeper than he thought possible, his lover's body felt so good to be inside of -- incredible -- and he couldn't get enough. His mind was floating towards that wonderful place that he knew he would get to very soon -- that wonderful peak where he would fall off with his lover in complete and pure bliss.
Carlos looked at Trent who was so beautiful lying there underneath him and he began to increase the speed and depth of his thrusts even more, no longer able to keep the slower pace no matter how much he wanted to. He was too close to the edge and he knew that his lover was right there with him.
When Carlos began to thrust harder and deeper, Trent knew his lover was close to the edge himself. He opened his eyes, barely able to focus on his lover, but managing to do so. Once again Trent looked in awe at the Conan costume his lover was wearing and it increased his passion -- he was surprised such a thing was even possible at this point he was so high already.
As Carlos continued to thrust fast and deep he wrapped one hand around his lover's very hard shaft and began to pump it hard and fast to match the rhythm of his own body. It took only a few more hard, deep thrusts before Carlos came with such intensity inside his lover's body that he nearly collapsed, his lover coming in his hand at the same time.
When Carlos took hold of his shaft, despite his efforts to keep his eyes open, he couldn't. Closing his eyes and shutting out everything but the incredible things his lover was doing, Trent gave himself over to the orgasm that had been building for so long -- unable to hold back any longer even if he had wanted to -- and he didn't want to.
Trent felt his lover come inside of him with great force, he himself coming with equal force at the same time. The feeling of his lover coming inside him, pouring his essence into his body, as he came himself, his own essence leaving, was always an incredible feeling. But this time, it was like no other. He was already so high and this just added to it. Trent had never experienced anything so intense in his life -- never.
Carlos was shaking still from his orgasm and he lay down gently on top of his lover and kissed his cheek and nuzzled his neck then put his head on Trent's chest enjoying the closeness that they always shared after they made love. After a while, when his shaking had subsided some, he gently and reluctantly removed himself from his lover's body, breaking their joining, but that was soon replaced by the joy in lying back down on top of his lover once more -- feeling his lover's heart beating, and never feeling so loved and warm and safe in his life.
Trent felt his lover lay down on top of him. His arms went around him automatically as he did but he wasn't really aware of much else yet. He felt his lover move, and released his arms a bit so he could, then tightened his hold when Carlos returned to him after ending their joining. He was still floating where ever Carlos had sent him, still breathing hard and moaning, the moans softening, but not as fast as usual. This descent back to earth was going to take a while.
"I love you so much," Carlos said, feeling like that was not nearly enough words to express how he was feeling at the moment. "How did I ever get so lucky?" he asked, kissing his lover's chest lightly, before sighing out of pure contentment and putting his head back on Trent's chest.
Trent heard his lover's words of love and was able to focus on them. He opened his eyes and hugged Carlos to him almost fiercely. He put his hand to Carlos's head and, finding the Conan wig there, pulled the wig off and tossed it aside. Trent returned his hand to his lover's own hair and put his fingers in it, holding his head to his chest.
It felt good when Trent pulled the wig off then put his fingers in his hair. Carlos enjoyed having his head on his lover's chest so much that he just smiled and sighed again very contentedly feeling so wonderful inside and very grateful to the man he had just made love with, the man he would spend the rest of his life with.
Continuing to pant very hard, the moaning almost subsided, Trent looked at his lover, his head still on his chest. "Oh, my God...," Trent managed to say, returning immediately to the panting, still looking at Carlos.
Carlos wrapped his arm around his lover's waist and held him close and tight -- Trent's words meaning so much to him. He knew his lover had enjoyed their lovemaking very, very much and that pleased him more than Trent would ever know. Carlos loved him more than he thought it was possible to love anyone or anything and he smiled even more and hugged Trent even tighter, sighing again, feeling like he was on top of the world.
Trent continued to pant and return to earth, still looking at his lover, not knowing what to make of all this, but knowing he had never experienced anything like it before. He really was at a loss for words, even when he could speak again. "My GOD, Carlos, that was incredible. I've never...," Trent hesitated looking for the right words and not finding them, "Thank you, Conan," he said finally, breaking his gaze at his lover and dropping his head back on the pillow. He continued to pant, his breathing starting to return to normal, as he finished his return to reality.
Carlos brought his hand up to his lover's chest and lightly swirled his fingers through the hair on Trent's chest, feeling his lover's wonderfully soft skin underneath and breathing in his scent that he could never get enough of. "You're welcome," he said, smiling brightly feeling very full of love for Trent -- more than he thought possible and he sighed again, listening closely to his lover's breathing which was becoming closer to normal. His own breathing was taking a while to return back to normal and he continued to breathe a little heavily while he still had his head on Trent's chest, running his hand lightly across it and feeling his lover's incredibly soft yet firm skin against it.
Finally more or less back from his vacation, Trent lifted his head back up as he reached under Carlos's chin and brought their lips together in a passionate kiss. Releasing his lover's mouth but keeping his face close, Trent looked into Carlos's eyes. "Thank you, Carlos. I love you so much," Trent said, not quite sure what else to even say to the man who had just taken him as close to heaven as he had ever been.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss passionately, the taste of his lover's lips once again quenching his thirst if only for a moment -- that was something he could never get enough of. "I love you, too," he said looking into those blue eyes of Trent's. Carlos slid off his lover, but just enough so he was not directly on top of him, then put his head down on Trent's chest once more and sighed happily.
Looking down at Carlos still clad in the Conan outfit, minus the loin cloth, Trent smiled. "Hey, this is cute without the loin cloth," Trent said, really liking what he saw. "But I think you better put the loin cloth back on for the rest of the evening or I may not be responsible for my actions," he added.
Carlos lifted his head off of his lover's chest and looked at Trent, smiling at him with all of the love he felt for this wonderful man. "I thought maybe it was time for the rest of the costume to come off," he said sensually then brought their lips together in a brief passionate kiss.
"No way," Trent said, after Carlos released his mouth, "You're wearing that all evening." Trent was hoping he would survive the evening of having to look at his lover in this outfit. "You can leave the wig off, I know that can't be comfortable, but the headband goes back on, too."
"All night?" Carlos asked, a questioning look on his face with his eyebrows raised. This wasn't what he expected -- then again the costume certainly hadn't been expected either and it had been a wonderful way to spend the later part of the afternoon. He smiled the most adoring smile at Trent then kissed him sweetly and tenderly. "Oh I am, am I?" he asked, moving to lay next to his lover propped up on one elbow, looking at him while his other hand ran lightly across Trent's chest. "And just what makes you think I'm wearing this all night?" he asked, curiously.
"You don't have to sleep in it, but all evening, yes," Trent said in answer to his lover's question about how long, "As for what makes me think you're wearing it? Do I need to roar at you again? You did notice I've been practicing, didn't you?" Trent grinned at Carlos.
Carlos laughed, remembering the roar from earlier. Indeed his lover had been practicing. "Yes, I noticed -- and you know what they say... practice makes perfect," he said and brought their lips together in another passionate kiss. "I'm very happy to wear it for you, baby -- but you can still roar at me anytime," he said rather suggestively. He really did like it when Trent roared at him -- it was very sensual and very exciting.
Looking at Carlos still clad in the outfit minus the loin cloth was having a major effect on Trent. "And I didn't notice the rest of the costume hindering your performance any," he said, "Just the opposite I would say, actually."
Carlos felt himself blush a shade darker than he ever had before, he was certain of that. He very much appreciated the wonderful compliment his lover paid him. "Why, thank you very much, kind sir," he said, taking Trent's hand and kissing the back of it.
Trent reached out a hand to Carlos's chest and began to stroke it. Just as he made a pass over his lover's stomach, it voiced it's opinion of what activity should come next -- dinner.
Carlos sucked in his breath sharply as his lover ran a hand over his chest and just when he thought he had blushed more than he ever had, his stomach started showing it's desire to eat and he laughed and blushed even more than he just had moments ago. He looked at Trent and shook his head laughing, the timing of his stomach was impeccable and it definitely couldn't be taken for granted.
Trent broke up laughing at Carlos's stomach's timing yet again. Would he ever get used to it? He just found it so delightfully funny. If he didn't know better he would swear Carlos could control it. Trent, still laughing with his hand on Carlos's stomach rolled over on top of his lover, pushing him onto his back as he did. He kissed him, still smiling and laughing then asked, "I take it Snoopy thinks it's suppertime. You ready to eat?"
That felt so wonderful when Trent rolled them over. He loved it when his lover took the aggressive stance and did something like this without any hint of it coming. Carlos returned his lover's kiss laughing too, thinking about his wonderful timing. "Yes, baby, I'm ready to eat. I'm starving," he said, and he raised his head up and brought Trent's neck to his mouth so he could playfully bite his lover's neck to signify his hunger. "Snoopy is definitely ready for supper," he added, laughing even harder.
"And Conan is starting on my neck," Trent laughed. "You keep that up and it may be a while before Snoopy gets fed," Trent warned. Right on cue, as if it had heard his words, Carlos's stomach growled again. Trent laughed even harder, kissed Carlos's stomach and then rolled off him, then off the bed, still laughing.
Carlos sighed and put his hand in his lover's hair briefly as Trent kissed his stomach -- how he loved it when his lover did that. He was laughing way too hard to get off the bed at the moment. After his lover rolled off of him and got off the bed, he laughed even harder when his stomach growled again. "All right -- I guess we can't keep Snoopy waiting," he said in mock resignation, finally getting off the bed standing up slowly.
Trent found his robe and put it on. "If you're going to keep me company, you better put that loin cloth back on. It's going to be difficult enough to concentrate on cooking without more distractions adding to it," Trent said, wondering if he was going to survive the night.
Carlos blushed again and felt the heat rising in his face again as he looked for and found the loin cloth. He put it back on and grinned wickedly at his lover. "I'm going to see what I can do about those distractions," he said with that special sparkle in his eyes. He knew full well that Trent was going to have a difficult night ahead of him and Carlos was going to enjoy every moment of it.
Trent had turned back to watch Carlos put the loin cloth on, against his better judgment, which said not to. He really was having a hard time of it, quite literally, looking at his lover in the Conan costume. "Don't forget the headband, Conan," Trent said, pointing at the floor where the headband had landed with the wig.
Carlos looked at Trent and grinned, then bent over and picked up the headband off of the floor and put it back on, going over to the mirror to make sure it was in the proper position. After all, that was critical to the outfit -- every piece had it's exact proper placement and then it would be considered complete. He turned around and faced his lover, striking a Conan pose he remembered from the movie. "There! How's this?" he asked, very pleased with himself and knowing without a doubt how much this was affecting his lover.
Trent simply stared as Carlos retrieved the headband and put it back on. Had he really honestly thought this was a joke? He was getting aroused again just watching his lover. This was not going to be an easy night. Then Carlos struck a pose. **Oh my God!** he thought to himself as he felt his pulse quicken and his temperature rise yet again. "I think I need a cold shower," Trent said, quickly turning and leaving the room before he pounced on Carlos. He took several deep breaths on his way to the kitchen to make dinner, hoping he made it through the meal. He wasn't sure he would.
Carlos couldn't contain himself any longer. He had been able to up until that point -- knowing that he was getting to his lover. When he struck that pose he knew that Trent was on the edge and it took everything his lover had to go into the kitchen. Carlos burst into laughter at his lover's words. "I'll just bet you need a cold shower. Not that it would do much good," he said, struggling to get the words out between fits of laughter.
Trent kept walking towards the kitchen hoping he could actually get his hands to stay off of Carlos and make dinner. "That's right, just laugh and rub it in," Trent chuckled, wondering why he ever thought this was going to be a joke on Carlos. The joke was on him totally, even if he did like it. His lover's laughter was only making matters worse.
Carlos knew he had his lover and it would be an interesting evening for him the way things were going. He kept laughing as he walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Can I help?" he asked, trying very hard to be innocent and knowing very well that it would never work.
Trent had actually managed to get out a pan to start cooking, putting it on the stove, and was headed to the refrigerator to get out the food, but at his lover's words, he turned and looked at Carlos sitting there grinning at him and laughing. He tried to speak, but all he managed was a sound he had never heard himself make before. It was some kind of a mixture of a whine, a whimper and a moan. He was so aroused he was all but ready to come and they hadn't even touched.
Carlos stopped laughing as soon as he saw the look on his lover's face. Fully captivated by that look and that sound -- a sound like no other he had heard his lover make before. Carlos was out of his chair in a second, moving quickly towards Trent. He pulled his lover close and tight as his lips descended onto Trent's hard and passionately, tasting his lover for all he was worth. He moved Trent backwards until he was leaning up against the refrigerator, untying and opening his robe as he did. He broke the kiss gently then nuzzled his lover's neck lightly, moving his way slowly yet steadily down his lover's body dropping soft light kisses as he went until he reached his nipples where he stopped and looked into his lover's eyes before continuing.
Trent still had his arms loosely around his lover as he moved, his hands on Carlos's back. Looking down at Carlos, watching his lover excite him further, Trent was surprised at the depth of his own passion as Carlos stopped to look at him. He wanted to say something, he wanted to ask his lover to hurry, but the words were gone. He just stared at Carlos, panted heavily and whimpered.
Looking at his lover Carlos understood the need, having been there many times himself, and he quickly took one nipple into his mouth. But it didn't take much -- as soon as his tongue touched the nipple it was hard -- instantly. He then moved to the other one very pleased to see that it responded the same way.
Trent moved one hand to his lover's hair as Carlos moved to take one of his nipples in his mouth. He cried out, moving his head back against the refrigerator, as Carlos took the nipple in his mouth, then again as his lover moved to the other. He was on the edge and not sure he could hold himself back from the fall, not sure he wanted to.
Carlos looked up at his lover again as he sank to his knees and moved even lower. Without hesitation he took Trent's very hard shaft in his mouth all the way and sucked hard -- very hard.
Trent moved his hands to his lover's shoulders as he moved lower down. When his lover took him in his mouth, Trent cried out in his passion, surprising himself totally with words, "Oh, Carlos!" He tightened his grip almost involuntarily on his lover's shoulders as he sucked on him, moaning loudly and closing his eyes.
Carlos continued to suck hard on Trent's penis, thrilled by the sounds of his lover's moans and words -- it was so wonderful to hear them, to know how much pleasure he was giving his lover -- and that made him suck even harder. He moved his mouth slowly up and down his lover's rigid shaft as his tongue bathed Trent's penis with loving licks and touches, up and down, side to side, then he swirled the tip of his tongue around the head of Trent's penis.
Trent continued to moan loudly as Carlos continued to please him. The moans were coming so frequently it was almost one continual moan -- only his panting was breaking it up at this point. He was so very close to coming -- he just gave himself over to it and let himself fall.
The tight grip Carlos's mouth had around his lover's shaft continued as he sucked hard. Knowing Trent was ready to fall over the edge he took his lover's penis into his mouth as far as he could and sucked hard one more time.
His lover always knew the right thing to do. When Carlos took him all the way into his mouth and sucked hard, Trent cried out -- then came and came hard. His eyes were still shut as he continued to spasm, sending his essence down his lover's throat.
Carlos continued to suck hard on his lover's penis as Trent came, swallowing every single drop of his lover's wonderful essence. He was excited at how hard Trent came and how much of the rich fluid there was to taste and enjoy. Then he licked and cleaned every drop off of Trent's penis before releasing his lover from his mouth as he looked up at Trent -- at his beautiful lover who he had just enjoyed giving so much pleasure to.
When the major spasms were over, Trent simply couldn't stay standing, even leaning back against the refrigerator for support. He bent his knees and more or less collapsed to the floor, first kneeling, then sitting back on his feet. He opened his eyes to look at his lover, still dazed and still panting and moaning.
Carlos could see that Trent couldn't stay on his feet and moved to help ease him to the floor. He looked Trent in the eyes and ran a hand through his lover's hair. Then he rearranged himself so that he was sitting flat on the floor, his back against the cupboard, then helped Trent out of the position he was in and got him into his lap. He wrapped his arms around him and held him tight, dropping light, soft, loving kisses on his head, neck and shoulders as he rocked Trent gently back and forth in his arms while his incredible lover returned to himself.
Trent couldn't have resisted as Carlos moved him to sit in his lap. Not that he wanted to resist -- he went more than willingly -- but he was so dazed after his orgasm he just moved as Carlos wanted him to. Trent laid his head against Carlos's shoulder and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of being in his lover's arms, feeling totally safe and loved. He was still panting and moaning ever so softly, the dazed feeling slowly going away.
Carlos continued to rock his lover in his arms ever so gently and quietly, kissing him on his face and neck -- light, sensual, loving kisses as his lover continued to pant and moan. He knew Trent would take some time to return from wherever he was, and Carlos would hold him and caress him as long as his lover wanted and needed him to. He closed his eyes and sighed, then he smiled and kissed Trent's forehead, breathed in the scent of his lover's hair and lay his head on top of Trent's, tightening the hold his arms had around him, giving him every ounce of strength, warmth, love and security that he had.
As Trent came a bit farther down to normal, he put his arms around Carlos, snuggling against him as close as he could, his head still on his lover's shoulder -- his eyes still shut. His breathing was still a little fast, his pulse not quite back to normal, but getting there. He was still floating -- returning ever so gently and softly to earth -- his lover's soft attentions bringing him more joy as it allowed and encouraged his slow return.
Carlos continued to hold his lover tight, with his own head on top of Trent's. When Trent snuggled closer and put his arms around him, Carlos tightened his hold around Trent even more and he smiled, reveling in the fact that they were together, that his lover was in his arms. He rocked Trent slowly and gently back and forth while his lover returned to himself. "You're so wonderful -- I love you, baby," he said very softly and soothingly.
"Mmmm...," Trent managed to vocalize, then in a lazy, totally relaxed voice, "I love you too, Carlos." Trent sighed contentedly and hugged his lover tighter briefly. Opening his eyes, finally more or less focused again, but not moving or changing their positions, Trent said, "That was something else, Conan. Not sure just *what* yet, but very nice. Thank you." Trent chuckled quietly, then said, "You sure do learn fast." He was still amazed at how quickly Carlos had adjusted to being with another man, considering he never had been before they became lovers.
The way his lover spoke, sounding so relaxed made Carlos feel very good. He knew that Trent had enjoyed himself thoroughly and it brought him great pleasure knowing that. The extra tight hug meant the world to him and he returned it and kissed the top of his lover's head softly. "You're welcome, baby. I'm so very glad you enjoyed it," he said smiling brightly and he kissed Trent's head again.
"You have a real gift for understatement," Trent chuckled, "Enjoyed doesn't *quite* cover it." He smiled and looked up at Carlos.
Carlos looked down at Trent and into his eyes -- those beautiful deep pools of endless blue -- and he smiled, then brought their lips together in a tender passionate kiss. He sighed happily, tightened the hold he had around his lover, then kissed him again, followed by nibbling lightly on his ear lobe for a few moments. "I enjoyed it, too -- very much," he said lovingly, then kissed Trent's head again.
"And now you're going after my ear?" Trent said, remembering it had been his neck earlier. "We were on the way to getting supper for Snoopy when we got -- uh -- sidetracked, or I did and you had to come after me," Trent said, looking at his lover again, still wearing the Conan outfit and still making his pulse race, "You ready for some food? If I promise to try to control myself?"
Carlos laughed lightly and very happily as he held Trent tightly in his arms. "Mmmm..., I think food sounds like a wonderful idea -- Snoopy is getting rather hungry," he said, laughing a little harder as his stomach growled right on cue. "As for controlling yourself, I suppose it would help if I weren't in this costume?" he asked, knowing that Trent wanted him in it all evening long but thoroughly enjoying the effect it had on his lover.
"Oh no you don't," Trent said, looking at Carlos and smiling. "You're not getting out of this that easily. That costume is on for the night," Trent said, then added a wicked twist to his smile, "Well, *most* of it stays on."
Carlos brought their lips together in another tender kiss then released the hold he had around his lover so Trent could move from his lap. Carlos stood up slowly and then helped Trent to his feet, drawing him close for a nice hug and one more kiss. Just then his stomach let out another deep growl and he couldn't contain himself and burst out laughing. "Snoopy's hungry, what can I say?" he asked, throwing his hands in the air.
Trent laughed and rubbed Carlos's stomach -- how he loved the reaction it always got, "Go sit down and I'll do my best to control my raging desire for you, Conan -- at least long enough to fix dinner."
Carlos smiled and sighed in pure contentment -- how he loved it when Trent rubbed his stomach. It was wonderful and loving and it meant more to him than his lover would ever know. He took Trent's hand in his and kissed his palm before putting it back on his stomach for a little more rubbing. "All right, baby -- I'll sit down while you fix dinner. Then we can pick up where we left off," he said very suggestively. He kissed his lover once more before taking a seat at the table.
Trent just grinned at Carlos, wondering just how his lover was going to react to what he had in store for the rest of the evening. Trent closed up his robe as he went to the refrigerator to get out the things to fix dinner.
Go to Page Six