My Cup Runneth Over
Page Six
It wasn't long before the food was ready and they were eating. Trent was managing to control himself but barely. He decided that for once he was just as glad his body wasn't cooperating with his thoughts or Carlos wouldn't be able to eat his dinner at all. But as they approached the end of the meal, he found his body was catching up with his mind.
Carlos finished first as usual and sat back and watched his lover finish his meal. "I'll do the dishes, baby," he volunteered.
Trent smiled. The smile turned into a grin which then turned into laughter. The idea of Conan doing dishes was just too much. "Humm, I wonder if Conan ever volunteered to do the dishes for that blonde that was after *him* and *his* body?"
Carlos started laughing, remembering the movie and the blonde that was after Conan. "I don't know about *that* blonde, but this Conan has his *own* blonde," he said, laughing. He was full of pride -- it was a very high compliment and he felt himself becoming very aroused at his lover's words. Trent always aroused him -- his words, his voice, his touch, his scent -- anything that had to do with him aroused him and it was incredible how his lover could have this effect on him.
"A blonde just as after your body as she was after his," Trent grinned, hoping he made it out of the kitchen before jumping Carlos. "Thank you, Conan. I'll take you up on your kind offer," Trent said, smiling lovingly at Carlos. Normally he wouldn't have done so, but he had plans and this was the perfect opportunity to put them into motion. Trying to be as casual sounding as he could, Trent said, "Mind if I wait in the livingroom? Not sure I can keep my hands to myself if I stay in here. Never get the dishes done that way." He wasn't sure he had pulled off the casual.
Carlos smiled at Trent and got up from the table slowly and went over to his lover. He leaned down and gave him a brief, sweet, tender kiss then reached over and started to collect the plates off of the table. "You go on ahead and I'll catch up to you when I'm done," he said with a bright smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "Don't you start without me," he added.
"Now would I do that? Actually, I think I might need that cold shower again," Trent said, getting up and smiling at Carlos, then kissing him on the cheek, his lover's hands full of dishes. Trent headed out of the kitchen but had no intention of sitting in the livingroom. Going to the coat closet, he retrieved the other garment bag he had stashed there earlier and headed to the bedroom with it.
Working as quickly as possible, Trent got the pieces of his own outfit out of the garment bag and, after taking off his robe, started putting the pieces of it on. Like the Conan costume, this one was very true to the movie, nothing cheap or tacky about it.
Carlos put all of the dishes in the sink and filled it with hot water and soap. As he washed them he was remembering their wonderful afternoon -- their beautiful lovemaking was filling him with desire throughout his mind and body -- an overwhelming feeling at times and he didn't know how he could ever get enough of his incredible lover.
Having the thing more or less on, Trent put on the wristband. When he went to put on the longer one, the one with part of a glove on it, he discovered he had the wristband on the wrong side. Hurrying as much as he could, he switched the wristband to the other side then got the one with part of a glove on the appropriate side.
Heading to the mirror with the headpiece, Trent stopped when he saw himself in the mirror. He couldn't believe his eyes. He just stood there looking at his reflection for a moment. **Damn! Carlos was right,** he thought to himself, moving himself from side to side looking at himself in the mirror, **This is kinda creepy...** Leaning forward, he put the headpiece on and fussed with his hair to get the right effect.
Carlos rinsed and dried the dishes, putting everything away in it's proper place. After wiping down the table and making sure the kitchen was in order he decided that everything had been finished to his satisfaction. He left the kitchen and went into the livingroom and was surprised when his lover wasn't there. "Trent?" he called, wondering where he was.
Trent had just gotten his hair right when he heard his lover call him. "Sorry, Trent's not here any more," Trent said heading out of the bedroom. Entering the livingroom, still walking, Trent said, "Just Dar, the Beastmaster," he finished his entrance into the livingroom, in full Beastmaster outfit, and stopped and struck a pose. He then made the bird call Dar used in the movie to call his bird. He had been practicing that, too, along with the roar. He had found the bird call, unlike the roar, came very easily though.
Carlos listened as his lover left the bedroom and made his way towards the livingroom hearing Trent's voice and the words he spoke. He sucked in his breath sharply and his pulse started racing very fast looking at him as he entered the livingroom -- so incredible and sexy in that costume. He was just standing there watching and listening to Trent make that bird call which he found to be very erotic and exciting. It was all so sexy and erotic that he couldn't speak -- all he could do was stare.
Trent could see the effect that he being dressed in the Beastmaster costume was having on Carlos and he loved it. He started to walk slowly towards his lover, the costume moving in an erotic manner as the one in the movie had. "Sorry, I don't know any bear calls," he said with a gleam in his eye, "But if you want to teach me one, I'd love to learn it." Trent walked up so he was standing in front Carlos, as close as he could get and still leave enough room for his lover to see the costume.
Carlos couldn't stop staring at Trent -- he looked wonderful. He watched spellbound as his lover walked towards him, the costume moving so erotically. Carlos wasn't sure how much of this he could take. He was fully aroused and getting more so with each passing moment. The nearness of Trent to his own body made him breathless with anticipation yet he could still only stare in complete awe of his sexy, erotic lover standing before him. "Teach you? I... think... I can find one to teach you," he said barely able to get the words out.
Trent grinned at Carlos, recognizing the reaction of his lover, having just been there himself earlier. "Let me try one of my own first and see if it works," Trent said, then lowered his voice and spoke in a very sensuous voice, the love and lust in his eyes and voice coming through loud and clear, "Come here, bear."
Carlos heard it, yet still couldn't believe it. Was that voice coming from his lover? Yes, it was, and it was so sexy, so incredibly sensual. The love and lust he saw in his lover's eyes and heard in his voice were like nothing he'd ever seen or heard before and he became so much more aroused than he thought possible. He moved towards Trent slowly, never taking his eyes off of his lover, until he had closed the distance between them completely, his breathing starting to become heavier.
"Oh, it worked," Trent said in the same sensual voice, adding a grin to the mixture, "Now I have to figure out what to do with my bear now that I got him." With that, Trent grabbed Carlos around the waist pulling his lover to him tightly, kissing him hard on the mouth. Breaking the kiss briefly, Trent said, "I don't recall the Dar in the movie doing that with his beasts, but he didn't have you." Trent didn't wait for a response, he immediately captured Carlos's mouth again, kissing him as he had been before.
That grin of Trent's nearly melted Carlos on the spot and he felt his knees becoming weak with everything that his lover was doing. The words his lover spoke were having an incredible effect on him. It felt so wonderful when Trent grabbed him to have his lover's arms around him. He returned his lover's sensational hard kiss just as hard, his heart beating so fast, his own lust and passion increasing by the moment. He whimpered when Trent broke the kiss and he heard the rest of his wonderful words. Then he kissed his lover back with equal intensity as before, moaning into Trent's mouth again and again as his desire started climbing higher and higher.
Trent knew very well the effect the costume was having on his lover. He also knew the more Carlos looked at him in it, the more his lover's desire would build. Knowing full well how the costume looked when he walked, Trent decided on his next move. Working his hand into the belt of the Conan costume, Trent got a firm grip around it. Then, breaking the kiss and grinning very seductively at Carlos first, Trent turned and started walking towards the bedroom, pulling his lover along behind him by the belt, making sure to take full advantage of the costume's movement as Carlos was treated to a view of it from the back.
Carlos continued to moan into his lover's mouth as the wonderful kissing went on, as he felt Trent's hand in his belt. Then the kiss broke, and before he knew it Trent was moving towards the bedroom. He stared at his lover, his eyes taking in everything -- the costume moving so erotically -- back and forth as his lover walked towards the bedroom, pulling him by the belt. He was breathless with anticipation and he let out a soft whimper as he followed his lover, completely awestruck by how sexy Trent was and how completely taken over he felt. His lover had complete control and he loved it. He whimpered again as he wondered what his lover had in mind for him.
The sounds Carlos was making were so erotic. The moans and now the whimpers. Trent was already on edge, but he controlled himself, wanting to give his lover everything he had, get him just as high as possible before his fall -- wanted to give his lover even more than what he had been given earlier.
As he got to the bed, Trent turned around to face Carlos, looking in his lover's eyes. Then releasing his hold on his lover's belt, he turned his attention to the loin cloth Carlos was wearing. It took him a few moments to figure out how to get it off him, but he finally did. Looking back up at his lover's face, he said, "This costume had a loin cloth, too, that went under this leather thing," Trent indicated the long leather strips making up the lower part of the costume, "But I left it off." Trent moved the costume just enough for Carlos to see he wasn't wearing the loin cloth underneath it.
Carlos could hardly breathe as he watched his lover remove his loin cloth and listened to his words. He was so hard he didn't think it was possible. He didn't know how much more stimulation he could take. Trent was doing everything right, so perfectly, and being extremely erotic about it. Carlos moaned loudly then whimpered, completely taken over and captivated by his lover. He wanted to speak but all he could do was whimper and moan at the sight of his lover this way -- how Trent could have this effect on him was amazing and absolutely incredible -- he wanted so much more, all that his lover could give him.
Trent was always very turned on by Carlos's vocalizations during their lovemaking, whether he was speaking or making other sounds of pleasure. But the whimpering always did him in. It was so terribly erotic -- so very powerful. He managed to regain his control, at least for the time being, and climbed on the bed. Staying on his knees, he looked at Carlos watching him. Using a voice you might use on a real animal to coax it, but adding the slightest tinge of sensuousness to it, Trent said, "Come on. Nice bear. Come lie down on the bed," as he patted the bed beside where he was kneeling.
Carlos was completely mesmerized at this point and didn't hear or see anything else other than Trent -- his precious lover -- in front of him. He watched as his lover climbed onto the bed, patting the area beside him and calling him. Everything Trent was doing was perfect -- absolutely perfect. Carlos moved to the bed slowly and climbed onto it then lay down where his lover wanted him to, ready, eager and full of anticipation wondering as to what Trent had in mind. He wanted his lover to take his time, to do it all, to experience everything that was possible. Carlos wanted to speak -- to make his desires known but when he opened his mouth all he could do was whimper.
Trent watched Carlos as he did as he asked and climbed on the bed and lay down. It was so exciting to see his lover like this. Then Carlos whimpered again and Trent had to control his urge to just pounce. How exciting that whimper was.
Once Carlos was settled on the bed, lying on his back, Trent climbed over him, straddling him, one knee on each side of his body, over his lower abdomen. Not an easy task, though, since the objective was to sit down. He had to be careful of his own costume, Carlos's Conan belt, not to mention his lover's very stiff erection. But he managed to get himself in a position that accommodated everything.
Carlos watched every move that Trent made, the nearness of his lover's body making him suck in his breath sharply -- it was so intoxicating and filled him with wonderful sensations. He looked at his lover with all of the lust and desire he had inside, wanting everything Trent could give him -- beginning to breathe heavily in anticipation of what was ahead.
Once he was sitting, keeping some of his weight on his knees still, Trent put his hands on Carlos's abdomen, just above the belt his lover still wore. He then moved his hands slowly upwards, moving over his lover's chest then back down to his abdomen, caressing him, loving the feel of Carlos's skin under his hands.
The touch of his lover's hands on his skin made Carlos tremble with excitement -- how his lover always thrilled him with his loving touch -- his body's response always amazed him. Trent was so good, so very, very good, and Carlos closed his eyes and sighed, his heart beating very fast and his pulse racing even faster. "Oh, baby... what you do to me... more... please... don't stop..." he said softly, sensually, with all of the passion and love he had.
"Oh, I have no intention of stopping," Trent said, running his hands up to Carlos's shoulders, leaning his upper body over him as he did. Trent smiled at Carlos, continuing to run his hands over his lover's chest. Leaning over further, he caught Carlos's mouth in a kiss just as he passed his hands over his nipples catching one with each hand and pinching softly.
Carlos sighed again and opened his eyes as he felt his lover's hands moving up his body. How he loved the feel of Trent's touch -- anywhere, anytime -- and his entire body was trembling with desire which was increasing with each passing moment. He arched his back as his nipples were pinched and returned his lover's kiss with everything he had, moaning into Trent's mouth -- the kiss was so sweet, his lover's mouth tasted so good, so wonderful and he couldn't get enough. The already incredible sensations in his body were becoming even more erotic as the kiss mixed with the pinching of his nipples sent him even higher than he had been a few moments before.
Trent released Carlos's mouth then kissed and licked his way down to his lover's neck, stopping to nuzzle and lick and kiss him there. His hands kept up their attention his lover's nipples, massaging them, rubbing them, in addition to pinching them and rolling them lightly between his fingers. Moving his mouth down from his lover's neck, Trent moved his hand from one of the nipples and took it in his mouth, sucking on it gently, running his tongue around it as he did.
Carlos felt like he was floating when the kiss ended -- he was enjoying the wonderful pleasure Trent always gave him. He watched everything his lover did which only increased the already amazing sensations that were filling his body. He moaned over and over again with each lick and kiss his lover gave him, whimpering when Trent reached his neck. He cried out at the way his lover was lavishing his nipples with his hands. When Trent took one in his mouth he arched his back high and cried out loudly as his hands reached up to wrap around his lover and hold him. Carlos looked at Trent and continued to alternately moan and whimper, loving everything Trent was doing to him and unable to speak to ask for even more. He wanted this to go on for as long as possible -- it was so good, so incredibly erotic and he couldn't get enough.
Trent was so incredibly turned on by Carlos's moans and whimpers. His cries of passion a turn on in their own right, but the whimpers always got to him the most. He was so ready to join with his lover he could barely stand it any longer. But he also wanted to take his lover as high as he could -- he also couldn't resist Carlos's other nipple. How he loved licking them and sucking on them. He let go of the nipple in his mouth and moved to the other, bringing his hand up to caress the nipple he had just been sucking. Finding his lover's other nipple with his mouth he sucked on it hard, pulling it into his mouth and between his teeth and gently bit it as he continued to suck on it.
Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of his lover -- he was captivated watching Trent. When his lover moved from one nipple to the other he cried out again, louder this time as Trent sucked on this nipple even harder -- loving it -- it took his breath away. He was panting hard now, feeling Trent's hand on his other nipple while he was biting the nipple in his mouth. Carlos arched his back even higher, moaning and whimpering over and over again -- beside himself with passion and desire.
The costume his lover was wearing was incredible -- looked very sexy and erotic, Carlos could feel it against his body and that just increased the sensations he was experiencing. He was trembling with all of the wonderful erotic feelings coursing through his body and it was perfect -- everything his lover did was always perfect. He wanted even more -- so much more. "Please..., baby, please... oh, baby...," he said, trying to say what he wanted. As much as he wanted more of what his lover was already doing he didn't know how much more he could stand -- he was ready to join with Trent and he wanted Trent inside him -- taking him all the way to that wonderful vacation spot.
Trent couldn't take any more of Carlos's vocalizations of pleasure. He was too ready to join, as was his lover. He released both of his lover's nipples, the one in his mouth and the one in hand and lifted himself off of Carlos with the intent of getting the KY off of the bedside table. But as he lifted up he was looking down and saw Carlos's navel, just peeking out above the Conan belt. He just couldn't resist it. He suddenly had to put his mouth on it -- his tongue in it -- if only for a moment.
Moving carefully to avoid any mishaps with either costume, Trent got to his hands and knees, still straddling Carlos, and backed up. When his mouth was even with his lover's navel, he reached out his tongue and ran it around and around it, before dipping his tongue inside and pressing down. Closing his mouth around the flesh, he sucked on it while keeping his tongue pressed in the center.
Carlos whimpered when Trent released his nipples -- he missed his lover's wonderful incredible touch already. He watched as Trent backed up looking even more sexy and erotic with the way the costume was moving with his body. He couldn't take his eyes off of Trent for a second. As soon as his lover's hot tongue touched him he cried out again -- even louder, arching his back at the wondrous sensations that were running throughout his entire body. **How can it be this good -- this powerful every time?** he wondered. But he knew the answer to that already -- it was all because of his precious Trent -- the incredible man and lover he was.
Now Trent was sucking his navel and he arched his back even higher, grabbing onto the bed, as what restraint he had left, he was very close to that edge. With the feeling of his lover's tongue in his navel, his hot delicious mouth around it sucking it, he alternately moaned and whimpered, his head moving from side to side, mumbling in a mixture of English and Spanish now, as his passion and desire were higher than he'd ever experienced before.
Trent had known he wouldn't be able to keep this up for long, but he really hadn't been able to resist his lover's beautiful navel. He knew Carlos was more than ready, as was he, to join and finish the last of the climb before they fell together off that edge into bliss. Releasing his lover's navel from his mouth, Trent nipped it a few times for good measure before crawling back up to Carlos's mouth to catch it in a brief kiss before moving to get the KY from the bedside table.
Breathless with anticipation, Carlos knew that his lover was as close to the edge as he was. He whimpered again -- softly -- when Trent removed his mouth from his navel -- it had felt so very good, but he knew then that his lover was ready to join with him and that the incredible oneness that they would feel was only moments away. The nipping Trent gave his navel made him suck in his breath then let it out. Then his lover was kissing him and he returned the kiss with every ounce of passion, desire, love and lust he had inside him. When the kiss broke and he saw Trent moving to get the KY he began panting hard, so ready for their joining.
With the KY in hand Trent, still on hands and knees, backed up yet again, allowing the leather strips that made up his costume to drag up and down Carlos's body. He backed up further this time until he was back far enough for his lover to move his legs so they could join. Once Carlos had done so, Trent took some of the KY on his fingers, putting them inside his lover to prepare him and stimulate him further.
The costume was incredible -- not only the way it looked -- very sexy and erotic, but the way it moved was even more spectacular and Carlos was transfixed, mesmerized and couldn't take his eyes off of Trent for a second. He didn't want to miss a thing. When he felt Trent's fingers preparing him he was never more stimulated in his life than he was right then and it was all he could do not to come at that moment. He began to writhe and squirm, making his lover's costume touch him even more and increase the sensations he was already feeling. His lover's fingers were touching all the right places and he threw his head back and arched his back moaning and whimpering as Trent pleased him so. "Oh, Trent... please, baby..., now... I want you inside me now...," he said between pants, then brought his head back so he could look at his lover with all the love and desire he had inside shining through his eyes.
Trent was more than ready anyway, but when Carlos looked at him and asked, Trent was unable to wait any longer. It was simply too much for him, his lover asking for what he was so ready to give. He removed his fingers from Carlos's body to prepare himself. Trent hadn't stopped to think of the logistics of this with the costume on. The long leather strips were very much in the way. Taking the front part of the garment, he flipped it up so it was lying across Carlos's abdomen, a few of the strips of leather reaching his lover's chest. Putting some of the KY in his hand, then tossing the tube aside, Trent had to put his hand under the costume to prepare himself. Once he had done so, keeping his hand under the costume, he guided himself carefully inside his lover -- unable to see what he was doing, so going slowly and carefully. Once he was inside his lover, once they were joined, he removed his hand from under the costume.
The feel of the leather against his skin was so tantalizing, so erotic, so amazing that it took his breath away. Carlos watched every single thing that his lover did -- not wanting to miss a step of Trent preparing himself to join with him. This was incredible not being able to see his lover joining with him because of the costume, but that just increased the intensity of the feelings already coursing through his body. It was truly wonderful and it felt so good when they joined. He reached out and put his hands on either side of his lover's face to softly caress him and look at his incredible lover. He loved Trent so very much -- more than he would ever know.
Putting his hands on the bed beside Carlos, one hand on each side, Trent leaned forward all the way to capture his lover's mouth in a kiss. He began to move slowly inside his lover as he kissed him, but it just wasn't enough. Breaking the kiss, Trent said, "I love you so much, Carlos," before moving back so he could move faster inside his lover's body, the speed they both needed now, they were both so close to their release.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with all of the love and passion he had inside -- his lover tasted wonderful. Feeling his lover inside him at the same time was almost completely overwhelming -- the emotion was washing over him in wave after wave of pure ecstasy. When the kiss broke, Carlos brought his hands down as his lover moved back, knowing that their lovemaking was near the edge that they were both so familiar with -- so intense, so beautiful. They were about to fall off that edge into pure bliss together. "I love you too, Trent," he said, breathing heavier and looking at his lover, completely spellbound by how sexy he was and what incredible feelings he was experiencing.
Trent picked up the speed and intensity of his thrusts as he moved back. By the time he was back to a position where he could move very fast, he was all but out of restraint. He managed to hold on to it for several hard, deep, fast thrusts, but soon lost his control. Moving his costume yet again, Trent found Carlos's shaft and took hold of it. Moving the costume once again enough so it was out of the way, he began to stroke his lover's organ, grasping it firmly and moving his hand up and down it.
The speed of Trent's thrusts were so intense -- so pleasing, and Carlos was beside himself as each one brought out even more passion and desire than the one before it. They were so hard and deep, feeling so wonderful. The costume moved up and down his body creating the most incredible erotic sensations he'd ever felt. It was all so wonderful and he couldn't get enough -- not nearly enough, as he moaned again and again -- looking at his lover -- not wanting to take his eyes off of him for a moment. When Trent took his penis in his hand Carlos arched his back and cried out, reaching up with his hands and placing them on his lover's behind encouraging him to move even deeper inside him.
Trent had been at the brink already when Carlos put his hands on his rear end. His lover's moans of pleasure, his cries of passion, all had him ready to explode. But the feel of his lover's hands on his rear end, his hands grasping part flesh and part leather costume, were too much. With one last deep, hard thrust, Trent cried out loudly and came buried deep inside his lover, the deepness enhanced by his lover's grip on him.
His lover was incredible -- always providing never-ending pleasure to him and what Carlos was experiencing now was so overwhelming that when his lover thrust so deep and hard that last time that was all it took. Feeling Trent come so deep inside him sent him over the edge and he arched his back high and cried out as he came and came very hard -- for so long he wasn't sure it would ever end. He couldn't speak, he could barely think, his breathing was very fast and heavy. With the feeling of Trent still being buried deep inside him and of not wanting to stop holding his lover, he kept one hand on Trent's rear while he moved the other up and down his lover's back as he began the very slow return to himself -- coming down from this incredible orgasm was going to take a while.
Once his lover's orgasm had ended, Trent let go of Carlos's shaft then lay down on top of him. He put his head on Carlos's shoulder and continued to breathe heavily, still recovering from the intensity of his own orgasm. The feeling of his lover's hand still on his backside, holding them together -- keeping them joined -- was very erotic, very pleasant. As Trent began to come down a bit further to earth, he began to kiss his lover's chest and run his hand over his side and chest, feeling Carlos continue to breathe heavily under his hand and his body.
Carlos was floating. He felt so good, very good -- and when Trent lay down on top of him one arm wrapped around his lover's back, holding him very close and tight, while his other hand remained on Trent's rear -- thoroughly loving the feeling of their still being joined after their wonderful lovemaking. He let out a ragged sigh, still breathing quite heavily, when Trent ran his hand over his chest and side -- it felt incredible, sending sparks throughout his body. He never stopped being in awe of the effect his sensational lover had on him with his touches -- they amazed him each and every time -- he would never get enough, not ever. He wanted to speak, to say something, but he couldn't quite yet, so he held Trent close and tight, not wanting to let go -- to keep their closeness for a while longer -- as long as he could.
Finally able to move, and more or less back to his senses, Trent lifted his head up and smiled at Carlos -- who was still far from back to earth -- then captured his mouth in a soft and tender kiss. Breaking the kiss fairly quickly -- Carlos was still breathing hard -- Trent looked at his lover and smiled at him again. "Maybe we should look into buying these costumes?" Trent said, not quite sure what had gotten into either of them but loving it totally.
Carlos smiled at his lover who looked so beautiful smiling at him and returned his kiss with everything he had although he was breathing heavily still. Trent's kiss was so very tender, soft and sweet and he closed his eyes taking it all in and enjoying it. When it broke he opened his eyes and smiled at Trent again, panting, still coming down from his wonderful climax a little while ago. "Oh yes, I definitely think that's something we should do," he said between breaths, trying to regain control of his breathing but he wasn't there yet.
"Yes, sorta thought you might feel that way," Trent said, smiling even brighter at his lover, seeing the gleam in his eye at the thought of the idea.
Carlos continued to hold Trent close to him -- not wanting to let go of the closeness they were sharing. He suddenly got a bit of that wicked grin on his face which added to his smile. "And I think that the sooner we buy them the sooner we can use them again," he added in his most seductive husky voice, still breathing heavily. "I love you so very much," he said softly.
Trent couldn't help but chuckle when the gleam in his lover's eye reached his mouth and he grinned at him in that way he had that made Trent's heart skip a beat. "We do have them rented for the whole night. And the night is hardly over," Trent said with just a hint of suggestiveness in his voice.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled brightly. "Mmmm..., you're so right -- we do have a lot more of the night ahead of us," he said in a soft, dreamy voice thinking about what they had just experienced together.
"Now, I think I perfected my bear call, but as to actually mastering that beast in you, I just might have missed something," Trent said, then put on his own wicked grin and continued, "So I might have to try it again, just to be sure."
"I love your bear call, baby -- it's wonderful and you have definitely perfected it -- no doubt in my mind," Carlos said, and smiled even more brightly when his lover put on that wonderfully wicked grin of his. "You can try again, anytime. I can't wait to experience more of your beast mastering technique -- you're so incredible," he added sensually, seductively -- the idea of Trent wanting to be sure he mastered the beast in him was filling him with passion and desire once more, amazing him again at how much of an effect Trent had on him.
"I could get out the handcuffs," Trent said in a seductive voice, "That might master a few beasts. Don't forget we've got two sets now. But I much prefer to master my beasts but keep them wild -- much more fun that way."
Carlos looked at Trent and if he hadn't still been breathing a little on the heavy side he would have sucked in his breath at the sound of his lover's voice -- very seductive and always sexy to him. His eyes brightened considerably at the thought of handcuffs being used, but he also enjoyed the idea of staying wild, too. "You want to keep me wild? I can definitely stay wild for you, baby," he said, trying to growl like a bear, smiling at his less than perfect imitation but enjoying his attempt at it anyway.
"Hey, nice growl," Trent laughed happily at Carlos's bear noises and smiled, then reached up his hand and put it in Carlos's hair. "I don't mean to rain on your parade here and I really do enjoy still being one with you and all, but are you comfortable like this, Lucky Bear?" Trent asked, referring to the fact Carlos was still holding on to his rear end keeping them connected.
His lover's hand in his hair felt wonderful and Carlos smiled, briefly closed his eyes, then opened them and looked at Trent. "I'm always comfortable with you, Soaring Eagle. I suppose it is time to end our joining... only for now though," he said smiling. "I do want to hold you very close for a while," he added, and reached out to put one hand under his lover's chin to bring their lips together in a sweet tender kiss. He took his other hand off his lover's behind and gently caressed Trent's face allowing his lover the movement necessary to remove himself from his body.
Trent grinned at Carlos after the kiss. "Did I say I was going anywhere?" Trent teased, then gently removed himself from Carlos. When his lover had his legs back on the bed, Trent slid off him so he was lying more beside Carlos than directly on top of him. He reached up looking for a kiss, finding one waiting for him, before he settled his head down on Carlos's chest. He ran his hand over his lover's chest a few times before finally putting his arm around his waist and hugging him tight. Trent breathed in his lover's scent then let out the breath in a sigh of pure contentment.
Carlos smiled at his lover and as always he felt that momentary disappointment when their joining ended but as soon as Trent was settled he wrapped his arms around him, holding him very close and tight. He tasted his lover's sweet, tender kiss -- knowing he could never get enough of Trent's incredible love. It felt so wonderful lying there with Trent -- his lover's head resting on his chest. When Trent's arm wrapped around him and he hugged him then sighed, Carlos beamed with happiness -- knowing his lover was happy and content. Carlos kissed the top of Trent's head and sighed himself, feeling very warm, safe and loved. "You're so special -- I love you very much, Trent," he said softly, and kissed the top of his lover's head once more, while he held him very close.
"I love you, too," Trent said, moving his hand up to his lover's abdomen, caressing him lightly, moving some of the leather strips from his costume -- some of which were still lying across Carlos -- off to the side.
Trent picked up his head and looked at Carlos. "So, how do you feel about having lost that bet of ours now?" Trent grinned, knowing this whole experience had turned out to be something that surprised them both.
Carlos smiled, remembering every detail of their incredible, erotic, sexy afternoon and evening together so far. It had been a complete surprise and he couldn't have been more pleased. He looked at his lover and smiled the best, brightest smile he had. "I've never been so happy to lose a bet in my life," he said. "I sure am glad baseball season is here -- I see a lot more losing bets I'll be making," he added, his smile turning a bit wicked and his eyes twinkling to match. He sure was looking forward to the months ahead and all of the opportunities that he would have to lose the bets he planned on making. **What a way to go,** he thought and his smile turned even more wicked. "You sure know how to collect in style," he said.
Trent smiled at Carlos. "Does this mean you intend to lose every time?" Trent asked, "That hardly makes for a fun bet." Then he said, quieter, as if to himself, "Not to mention I may run out of ideas long before baseball season is over."
Carlos smiled and laughed lightly -- wondering how many ideas his lover could come up with considering the number of baseball games still left in the season. "Well, I *was* planning on winning a few myself. I can't let you have *all* the fun of deciding on the form of payment to collect," he said very sensually, leaning down to kiss the tip of Trent's nose.
Trent remembered something he had seen at the costume shop when he had picked up the outfits. "They did have a nice mermaid costume at the place I got these from. I could have gotten that for you," Trent grinned his best evil grin at Carlos, "Then we might have seen for sure how your legs compared with a tail," he paused to let that sink in before continuing with, "And how you would look with long blonde hair." This sent him off in a fit of laughter, closer to snickering, at just the idea of Carlos in a long blonde wig.
"Mmmm..., now *that* would have been interesting," Carlos said, chuckling at the thought -- the image playing in his head of the character in the movie. "My legs? You're questioning my legs?" he asked in mock disbelief at his lovers reference to comparing his legs to a mermaid's tail. "Very funny," Carlos said, trying -- unsuccessfully -- not to laugh at his lover's laugher to the reference of him with long blonde hair. Carlos adjusted his arms a little moving his hands and began tickling Trent, trying to find just the right spot so that he could get the most out of it.
"Nice try, but this isn't going to work, Conan," Trent said actually enjoying the tickling, "I'm not ticklish. Except my feet. And those...," Trent held up one foot, "Happen to be covered up at the moment." Trent, like Carlos, was still wearing the costume's foot gear -- in his case, knee high suede boots.
"Hmmm..., so I see," Carlos said, stopping his tickling to look admiringly at his lover's legs, which were extra sexy in those long boots. "Well, I think your feet are safe," he said laughing lightly. He was having too much fun and knowing his lover was enjoying this as much as he was added all that much more to his enjoyment.
"That's good. It wasn't exactly easy getting these things on," Trent indicated his foot gear again, "But I must admit I like them. Very comfy. Might get a pair of my own."
Carlos put a hand under Trent's chin and lifted his head so he could bring their lips together in a sweet tender kiss then hugged him tight. "I love you more than anything in the world," he said softly, running one hand up and down his lover's back and simply enjoying the closeness they were sharing.
Trent grinned at Carlos. "You're sure it's not just this cute outfit?" Trent asked, knowing of course it wasn't, but also knowing the effect his costume had had on his lover -- the effect their costumes had had on both of them.
Carlos smiled back at Trent, loving the grin on his lover's face -- how handsome he looked, how sexy he was. He reached down and playfully ran a hand through the leather strips of Trent's costume and his eyes sparkled with all of the love he had inside for this man -- his lover, his partner in life.
"Absolutely...," Carlos kissed Trent, "...positive," he said, then kissed him again. He pulled back a little and looked at Trent and grinned. "But that outfit is very cute -- especially since *you're* wearing it," he added, and he sighed a sigh of pure contentment and happiness, just looking at him -- something he could never get enough of.
"Your's is pretty cute, too," Trent said, "Especially without the loin cloth," he chuckled a bit even though he was telling the truth, and despite his efforts not to, getting aroused just looking at his lover still in the costume.
Go to Page Seven