My Cup Runneth Over
Page Seven
Looking down towards the end of the bed, Trent noticed the sword that came with the Beastmaster outfit sitting on the far side of the end of the bed. "Hey, what happened to the Conan sword?" Trent wondered out loud as he sat up and started to reach for the Beastmaster sword at the end of the bed.
Moving quickly Carlos intercepted his lover's attempt at getting the sword and grabbed the handle, brandishing it in the air and thinking of Conan and how he used his sword in the movie. "Conan's got it now," he said, grinning wickedly at Trent. He was enjoying himself enormously and was very pleased with himself. "Now who's the Beastmaster?" he asked in a low, husky, seductive voice, full of passion and desire, his own arousal beginning as he watched the way Trent was looking at him.
"HEY!" Trent was very surprised at this turn of events. "That's MY sword! Carlos, quit playing with my sword!" Trent said, the double meaning of his words totally on purpose, making a grab for the sword and not getting it away from Carlos.
Carlos was very quick and moved the Beastmaster sword he was now holding out of Trent's reach, slicing the air with it. "*Your* sword?" he asked, loving Trent's double meaning. "I haven't even gotten to *your* sword... yet," he said very suggestively, with that wicked grin becoming even more wicked.
Trent looked around for the Conan sword. Seeing it across the room, he jumped off the bed and went to get it. Grabbing it up quickly, he held it up with two hands, over to one side above his shoulder as if to strike with it. "There can be only one!" Trent said in an ominous tone. "Oh, sorry, wrong movie," he added in a mock apology.
Heading back over to the bed, grinning and swinging the sword around, Trent said, "Two can play at this game! Now I got YOUR sword to play with!" Trent stopped swinging the Conan sword and just held it up so Carlos could see it, "And now *I've* got the bigger sword."
Carlos was only too anxious to join Trent in this fun game they were playing. "So I noticed," he said, smiling. "Well, we'll just see who has the biggest sword," he said, thoroughly enjoying the play on words they were having. Carlos got to his knees on the bed and swung his sword around and then motioned for Trent to come even closer. "I'll show you all about playing with swords," he said, enjoying this very much and wanting it to go on and on. He was so aroused and his lover knew exactly what to do to make him feel that way.
The joke once again was on Trent. He was trying to make a joke, talking about swords and teasing Carlos about having his Conan one, which *was* bigger. But one look at his lover kneeling on the bed swinging the prop sword, still wearing the Conan outfit, minus the loin cloth, and now sporting a hard on and Trent was overwhelmed again. Dropping the Conan sword to the floor, Trent pounced on Carlos, grabbing the Beastmaster sword from his lover's hands and tossing it to the floor before pushing him over backwards and climbing on top of him, kissing him hard.
Carlos was surprised and very, very pleased when Trent dropped his sword and pounced on him, loving the way Trent took his sword away from him. Then the way he climbed on top of him and kissed him -- so hard, so good -- it took his breath away and his arms wrapped tightly around his lover as he kissed Trent back just as hard, his tongue seeking entry into his lover's mouth to taste everything that was Trent. He moaned into Trent's mouth, wanting to memorize every detail to be sure he didn't miss a thing.
Trent knew he was totally out of control and he was loving every minute of it. The fact Carlos could drive him to this only made him want his lover all the more. Finally releasing Carlos's mouth, Trent moved his hand to his lover's very hard shaft. "Now I really have your sword to play with," he said, taking a hold of Carlos's penis, gripping it firmly.
How Carlos loved Trent was beyond anything he could imagine. He felt overwhelmed and completely taken over and he loved every second of it. He gasped with pure pleasure and then whimpered when he felt his lover's hand touch his penis -- he had such a firm grip and he became even harder than he was before. "You sure do," he said, panting, his heart beating very fast as he looked at his lover, full of passion and desire. He kissed him voraciously, his tongue tasting all of the sweetness that belonged to him. With his arms wrapped around his lover's back, Carlos suddenly rolled them over so that he was lying on top of Trent continuing to kiss him hungrily, never getting enough of his delicious lover.
Trent felt like he was on fire. He was so totally out of control, so hot for his wonderful lover, his feelings and desires raging out of control. When Carlos rolled over on top of him, Trent was thrilled, moaning into his lover's mouth with the anticipation of what was to come.
His lover's kisses were wonderful, and when Trent moaned into his mouth Carlos was nearly beside himself, the heat within his own body washing over him in waves of passion and desire, climbing higher and higher with each passing moment.
Trent broke their kiss out of a desperate need to speak. He really didn't think he could -- he surprised himself totally when he heard the words from his head actually come out of his mouth, words he thought would be incoherent if even possible at this point. "Fuck me, Carlos! Fuck me now!" Trent's eyes matching the urgency and desire in his voice.
Carlos was surprised and very pleased when he heard his lover's words, and he looked into Trent's eyes, seeing the urgency there -- the desire -- and seeing and knowing Trent's desires only made his own increase with more intensity than he had ever known before. "That would be my pleasure," Carlos said very sensually, then raised himself off of his lover's body and helped Trent to roll over and get on his hands and knees. Carlos got up off of the bed, retrieved the tube of KY from the nightstand, then thoroughly prepared himself to join with his lover.
Trent was only too happy to move to his hands and knees at his lover's urging. He could barely contain himself at the moment, he was so totally out of control with his feelings and needs. Hearing his lover's words and feeling him move to get the KY, Trent moaned then whimpered -- their joining couldn't be fast enough for him.
After making sure he moved Trent's costume out of the way, Carlos carefully, yet quickly, entered his lover, not stopping until he was completely joined with him.
Trent whimpered again when Carlos moved his costume out of the way. He looked back at Carlos just in time to see as well as feel him enter his body. He cried out in pure ecstasy at the feeling of his lover entering him, joining them as one. He pushed back against Carlos, wanting his lover as deep within his body as possible, wanting to be joined with him as completely as was possible.
When Carlos heard Trent's whimper it turned him on even more and he became even harder as he entered his lover's body, hearing his lover cry out. As Trent pushed back towards him, Carlos thrust as deeply as he could inside his lover's body. Without hesitation he pulled almost all the way out then very quickly thrust himself all the way inside again, as fast, deep, and hard as possible. He looked at his lover with all of the love, passion and desire that he had ever had, such incredible love and adoration for the one man who could make him feel this way.
Looking up at Carlos's face as his lover began to move, Trent caught his lover's eye. Staring at Carlos, in total awe and so very excited by the look and emotions he saw on his lover's face and in his eyes, Trent moaned, "Oh, my God...," before closing his eyes and giving himself over totally to the intense feelings his lover was creating not just in his body but in his soul.
Carlos put his hands on Trent's hips and began to thrust over and over again -- faster, deeper, and harder each time, wanting to take Trent all the way to that very special place -- to fuck him hard, giving him everything he could, pulling his lover to him as he thrust harder and deeper each time. He was moaning loudly now, he knew they were both very close to their waiting climaxes. This was so very intense, so incredible, and it was heart, body, and soul that were involved here -- that's what made it all so amazing to him -- so special. He began to speed up, taking Trent fast and furiously now, thrusting harder, deeper and faster, wanting to bring his lover every possible pleasure.
Trent could hardly believe what was happening. Not only was he totally out of control -- he was again being taken to somewhere totally new by his wonderful lover. The sensations, the feelings, the depth of it all -- physically and emotionally -- spiritually. His eyes were still shut closing out everything else but himself and his lover and their joining. Nothing else mattered.
As Carlos continued to thrust inside him, Trent continued to moan loudly and pant. Soon the moans had turned to deeper cries of pleasure and passion broken up only by his panting. He was trembling so he wasn't sure he was going to be able to remain in his hands and knees -- to support his own weight -- much longer.
Hearing his lover's wonderful moans just increased his own desires even further and Carlos sped up his thrusting even more, his hands on Trent's hips pulling his lover's body towards him to increase the depth of each thrust. It felt so good, so sexy and incredible -- he couldn't get enough. When Trent's moans turned to cries of pleasure, that took him closer to the edge than he'd ever known. His own cries mixed with his lover's to create something he'd never heard or experienced before. He reached around Trent's waist and took his lover's very hard penis in his hand and began pumping it up and down in a rhythm to match that which his own shaft was providing deep inside his lover's body.
When Carlos took hold of his shaft, Trent was sent even farther out towards wherever it was he was being sent. He wasn't quite sure where it was -- he was sure he hadn't been there before -- but it was an incredible place and he cried out in his pleasure loudly.
After a few more of the deepest, hardest, fastest thrusts he was capable of Carlos cried out loudly and came very hard and very deep inside his lover's body -- so hard he felt like it would never stop -- his lover coming in his hand at the exact same time.
It only took a few more thrusts by his lover -- a few more caresses by Carlos's hand, and Trent came and came hard. "Oh, my God! Carlos!" Trent cried. He shocked himself totally with the words that erupted from his mouth much the way he erupted in his lover's hand. He could not have stopped the words even if he had wanted to -- and he didn't want to. He could not have stopped the words even if he had known they were there to be said -- and he didn't.
After his orgasm ended, Trent wanted to collapse on the bed, he was so drained, but he couldn't move, even though he had no idea how he was holding himself up. He just remained as he was, on hands and knees, panting, moaning -- completely overwhelmed by the whole experience start to finish.
Carlos continued to hold his lover's shaft until he felt the spasms subside, then he gently released it and dropped several sweet tender kisses across Trent's back. After his own spasms subsided some, he gently removed himself from his lover's body and lay down on his back on the bed, drawing Trent into his arms and holding him close, kissing the top of his head, and running a hand through his hair. He couldn't speak -- he was breathing too heavily, but he was very aware of what a wonderful lover he had in his life, and what a very lucky man he was.
Trent felt the warm kisses to his back and his lover removing himself from his body. But he still couldn't move, remaining as he was, eyes closed, on hands and knees, still panting and moaning. Then he felt Carlos lie down on the bed and reach up to him, drawing him into his embrace. Keeping his eyes closed he let go of himself and simply fell into Carlos's arms, knowing there he was safe. He was still not sure where exactly Carlos had sent him, but he knew he wanted to come back to earth wrapped in Carlos's arms.
Carlos held Trent very close to his body, wrapping one arm around him tightly while running the other one up and down his lover's back soothingly. He knew Trent was completely drained and he smiled, knowing he had brought his lover great pleasure. Carlos kissed Trent's forehead and continued to come down from his own incredible orgasm that his wonderful lover had given him. Their lovemaking was always so very special -- getting better, even more wonderful each time.
Trent continued to lie in his lover's embrace, enjoying being held and kissed. But he was still too far away to be able to do more than accept the caresses and continue to try to breathe.
Carlos placed one hand under Trent's chin and lifted his lover's head to gently kiss his cheek, the tip of his nose then a sweet tender kiss on the lips before laying his lover's head down again to rest. "I love you, baby -- I love you so much," he said, softly, wrapping both arms around Trent's back again and hugging him tightly to his body, wanting to hold Trent in his arms as long as he could.
Trent moved as Carlos moved him, finally opening his eyes to look at his lover before he put his head back on Carlos's chest. He understood his lover's words, he appreciated them, but he couldn't respond in kind, not yet. Finally able to move, he wrapped his arm tightly around his lover's waist and moved his head so his ear was right over Carlos's heart. Listening to the strong, steady beat -- still a bit fast from his own orgasm -- made his descent back to earth easier. He closed his eyes again and began to breathe a bit easier listening to his lover's heartbeat.
Lying there with Trent's head on his chest made him feel very loved, safe and warm, and Carlos couldn't get enough of it. He tightened his hold around Trent even more as he listened to his lover's breathing, knowing Trent was returning back from where they had both been -- a very special place that gave them more than they could ever imagine. He began running one hand up and down Trent's back again, offering soothing comfort as he kissed his lover's forehead again, speaking softly to him, wanting to keep Trent in his arms for as long as he could -- reveling in the closeness, their love for one another, and knowing he was the luckiest man in the world. "Just rest, baby..., just rest," he said softly, quietly, running his hand up and down Trent's back, holding him tight with the other arm.
Trent continued to lay there in Carlos's arms, being calmed by his lover's heartbeat, being calmed by his soft words and caresses. Finally back to earth enough that he could talk, Trent lifted his head from Carlos's chest and looked at him. But words, even though he was sure he could talk, totally failed him. He started to speak -- several times -- only to stop himself. He just continued to look at his lover, not knowing what to say, nothing was adequate -- nothing. Finally, unable to find anything else to say to Carlos that made any sense whatsoever, Trent said, simply, "I love you," then kissed his lover softly on the lips before returning his head to his chest.
Carlos looked at Trent with all of the love he had inside -- never feeling more loved than when he saw the way his lover was looking at him. Words weren't necessary, he could see the depth of Trent's feelings -- that his lover wanted to say something but couldn't. Still holding him with one arm he lightly caressed Trent's cheek with the back of his other hand, looking at his lover with complete adoration. He returned Trent's soft kiss and it was the most delicious sweet kiss he'd ever tasted, then put his hand on Trent's head as he returned it to his chest. "I love you too, Trent -- more than you'll ever know," he said very softly, holding him close and tight, encouraging his lover to rest for as long as he needed to. He was very comfortable and wanted nothing more than to hold Trent in his arms forever. Carlos sighed very happily and contentedly.
Trent lay with his head on Carlos's chest. He was recovered physically from his experience, his breathing normal, his heartbeat regular. But mentally was another matter. Every time he had been with Carlos, from that very first time, had been so special. But this time -- this time it was beyond anything he had experienced before. Earlier in the day, when they had made love just after Carlos had put the Conan outfit on, it had been so beyond anything else before. Now again -- and farther beyond. Trent hadn't known such a thing was even possible.
Trent lifted his head from Carlos's chest again and looked at him. He needed to tell him -- he needed for him to understand. "Carlos, I...," he stopped and thought about his words again, "It's never...," he stopped again. Trying one more time, he said, "You..."
Carlos looked at Trent and gently caressed his lover's cheek. He had been there himself and knew how hard it was to put those feelings into words. "It's all right, baby. I understand -- I've been there before. I know what you're feeling and experiencing. Words aren't necessary, my love," he said, smiling and speaking very softly, as he continued to caress Trent's face. He leaned down to sweetly and tenderly capture his lover's lips in a wonderful kiss, then kissed Trent's forehead before pulling back to look at him again. How lucky he was to have Trent in his life -- and knowing how much pleasure he brought him only made Carlos that much happier. "I love you," he added as he continued to hold Trent close to him.
Trent listened to his lover's words, looking him in the eyes as he said them. He could tell Carlos was speaking the truth -- that he really had been there -- words really weren't necessary, that he did understand. He kissed Carlos back then looked him in the eyes again when the kiss ended. He was pleased with what he saw there and smiled. "I love you, too," Trent said, smiling even brighter at Carlos before returning his head to his lover's chest.
The feel of his lover's head on his chest made Carlos feel so very good, so content and happy -- more than he thought possible. He let out a big sigh and kissed the top of Trent's head, then ran one hand up and down his lover's back while enjoying the closeness they were sharing, holding his lover close and smiling as he remembered every detail of their wonderful lovemaking. It had indeed been very special and he was very pleased that Trent had been moved so much by it. That meant the world to him and he would never forget it.
Trent continued to smile just thinking about the whole evening, especially the fact he had really intended the whole thing as a joke. He started laughing at nothing in particular just out of being so happy and the turn around the evening had taken.
Carlos looked at Trent -- at the way his lover's eyes sparkled and the expression on his face as he laughed. What a wonderful laugh Trent had and how happy he was and that's all Carlos wanted. He kissed his lover's cheek and, finding Trent's laughter contagious, he started laughing too, holding Trent close and tight and having a wonderful time just being happier than he ever thought possible. What this man could do to him was beyond anything he could think of and he would always be grateful for having Trent in his life as his lover, best friend and partner for life.
"OK, Conan, what are *you* laughing at?" Trent asked, not even sure why he was laughing. Trent turned his head so he was looking at Carlos. "The fact you're so good with your sword?" Trent grinned at his lover looking at him and laughing.
It was hard for Carlos to catch his breath long enough to answer his lover's question and even then he wasn't sure he could. "I'm laughing because *you're* laughing," he said laughing even harder now that he was talking about it. "Thank you, baby -- and may I say that you are very good with *your* sword, too," he added, grinning back then bursting into another fit of laughter.
Trent continued to smile at Carlos and his laughter. "Why, thank you," Trent said, "You know it's not the size of the sword but how you use it. Not that the Beastmaster sword is *that* much smaller than the Conan one or anything."
"Mmmm..., yes, and you know how to use it very well," Carlos said, his laughter subsiding considerably. He meant those words from the bottom of his heart and he looked into Trent's eyes, then tenderly kissed him on the lips. "I love you," he added, smiling brightly as he looked at Trent once more.
"Thank you, again. But it is the inspiration to use it well that has a lot to do with it," Trent said smiling at Carlos, then putting his head back on his lover's chest still smiling.
Carlos settled back down into bed holding his lover in his arms, wanting to cuddle with him. He thought about Trent's first day back in the office. Soon he would be back at work, by his lover's side in their other partnership, and he was looking forward to when that day would come. "So what's your day look like tomorrow?" he asked, thinking that Trent would probably go in for part of the day but hoping they could have some time together.
Trent's smile faded just a bit. He really hated having to be separated from Carlos while he was still recovering. He was trying very hard to only go in to the office when absolutely necessary and one of those times was tomorrow. "I have to go in to the office for the afternoon," Trent said, "Probably be there most of it, too. But I'll be here in the morning and we can have lunch together before I go."
Trent turned his head without lifting it from Carlos's chest and looked at his lover. "You'll still promise to stay in bed while I'm gone, won't you?" He really hated playing mother hen, but it made him feel better to know Carlos was staying in bed while he wasn't there.
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. He knew that Trent was worried about him and he loved Trent's mother hen routine. "I promise, baby," he said, and smiled as he looked at his wonderful lover and best friend again. "So fill me in on what's happening at the office," he added, holding Trent in his arms and feeling so very loved.
Trent smiled at Carlos and kissed him briefly on the lips. "Thank you," he said, "That really does make me feel better about leaving you here by yourself."
Carlos returned Trent's sweet kiss and smiled at his wonderful lover. "You're welcome," he said.
Trent then went on to fill Carlos in on their ongoing cases and the other few things business related that had come up while they had both been gone. It was going well and looked like it would stay that way.
Carlos listened to what Trent had to say about the cases they had and was very pleased that things were going so well. It really helped to alleviate some of his worries about their being gone and his injury having delayed things as they had.
"We've had some calls for new cases, but I don't think we should take on anything new at least until you see the doctor on Friday," Trent said, "When we know when you'll be back to work, we can think about new cases." Trent was hoping he wasn't going to get an argument. Carlos didn't need to be rushing back to work before he was ready and Trent didn't want to have to be away from him more than he had to until he was fully recovered.
Carlos nodded his head in agreement with Trent. His lover was right and as much as he really wanted to go back to work now, he knew that the time wasn't right -- he wasn't ready. "I agree, baby -- I think we should wait, too. Friday will be here soon enough and then we'll have the answers we need to make the necessary decisions," he said, smiling and looking at Trent.
"Good," Trent said, not wanting to dwell on it any longer. "So, we still have some evening left here. How about TV? A movie? We just watched the Conan ones and Beastmaster. How about Highlander?" Trent asked, referring to his earlier lapse into movie lines, "'Course the TV show is better, but the first movie is pretty good."
"Highlander sounds great -- I've never seen it," Carlos said smiling, looking forward to finding out what it was all about. "Where do you want to watch it? In here or the livingroom?" he asked, either one suiting him.
"Which ever one, you're definitely going to have to put that loin cloth back on," Trent chuckled, still preferring the Conan costume without but knowing he wouldn't survive very long if Carlos didn't put it back on. "Actually, I think I'm going to have to put mine on, too, this leather isn't very comfortable against bare skin. Let's move to the livingroom," Trent suggested, getting up from the bed and looking for the loin cloth that had come with his outfit. Seeing the Conan one on the floor where he had dropped it earlier, Trent tossed it to Carlos still on the bed, purposely not turning around to watch this time.
Carlos laughed as he caught his loin cloth. "Thanks, Trent -- I needed that," he said, bursting into another fit of laughter thinking of the words he just used. He stood up and carefully put it on again, noticing that his lover couldn't look at him and he smiled and tried not to laugh so hard. He knew how tempting it was and that Trent was trying very hard not to pay any attention to him until the loin cloth was back in place.
"That's right, just laugh at my lack of self control," Trent said over his shoulder in Carlos's general direction, laughing himself as he did so. Finding the loin cloth that came with his costume, Trent got it on then, still without turning around, said, "I'll go find the movie and put it in the VCR." He walked out of the bedroom heading for the livingroom and his videos without turning around. He knew better than to look this time.
"All right, baby -- I'll be there shortly. Don't start without me," Carlos said, continuing to laugh lightly as he finished making sure his loin cloth was put back on properly and securely.
"Not unless it's a cold shower I won't," Trent said under his breath but loud enough for Carlos to hear.
"I heard that," Carlos said, laughing a little harder and louder this time at his lover's words. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and knew Trent was, too -- they always enjoyed teasing each other. He headed into the livingroom, sat on the couch and waited for his lover to join him.
Getting the tape and putting it in the VCR and turning on the TV, Trent headed to the couch to join Carlos who was waiting for him. **Oh, my God!** he thought yet again at the sight of Carlos on the couch, hoping he was going to make it through the movie.
Carlos watched as his lover walked over to the couch looking ever so sexy in that Dar costume and silently thanking him for coming up with the idea in the first place. Carlos couldn't get his mind off of the way Trent looked and the way the costume's leather strips swished as he walked -- so erotic, so sexy -- and he planned on showing his lover just how much later on.
Trent sat down next to Carlos. Deciding it was probably in his best interest *not* to have to look at the Conan outfit, Trent leaned into Carlos's embrace rather than gathering his lover into his. It didn't matter, as long as they were holding each other. Starting the movie then tossing the remote aside, he noticed he was still going to have to look at his lover's bare legs clad in the Conan boots. He really did like his legs. He turned his attention to the movie and tried to concentrate on it.
As soon as Trent sat down Carlos drew his lover into his arms and held him close and tight -- thoroughly loving the closeness they were sharing, something he could never get enough of. He was very flattered when Trent looked at his legs, knowing that his lover liked them meant a lot to him and he smiled realizing that Trent was going to have just as difficult a time watching the movie as he was. He leaned forward a little to kiss Trent on the cheek then held him as closely as he could while they settled down to try and watch the movie.
**Oh, *that* helped,** Trent thought after Carlos had kissed him. Not that he wanted him not to, but this was going to be difficult enough as it was.
After they had been watching the movie a while, Trent had an idea. "You know, those kilts are awfully cute. I think I may have to pay another visit to that costume shop next bet you lose," Trent grinned, turning around in his lover's embrace just enough to look at his face and see his reaction, "You *do* know the proper way to wear a kilt don't you?"
Carlos looked at Trent with his eyes sparkling, eyebrows raised. The idea of losing another bet was just too enticing for him to resist. "No, actually I don't -- but I imagine you'd be willing to teach me," he said in as innocent a voice as possible knowing full well that it wouldn't work. He loved Trent's grin and it thrilled him to think of the possibilities of wearing a kilt and just what his lover had in mind.
"I haven't actually worn one myself, mind you, but you aren't supposed to wear anything under it," Trent informed Carlos even though he was pretty sure his lover knew that already, "I haven't figured out quite *why* either. I think it would be cold and nothing but a bother, especially in battle, but what do I know?"
"Hmmm..., well, I think we're just going to have to find out," Carlos said matter-of-factly, smiling with just a touch of wickedness around the corners of his mouth. "We may as well know first hand, right?" he asked, trying to be even more innocent if possible. He did think it was a good idea -- and he couldn't wait to get Trent in a kilt. His lover certainly had a way of thinking of the most sexy, seductive and erotic ideas and he was really looking forward to losing another bet. "So what are we betting on this time?" he asked, absolutely loving every moment of this.
"I wasn't suggesting we bet on anything at the moment, just making mental notes for next time we do," Trent said, noting the idea had an obvious appeal to his lover. "Besides," Trent continued, "If you lose, *you'll* be the one in the kilt with your sword swinging free, not me." Trent really did like the idea of Carlos in a kilt. He smiled rather wickedly at the idea as he turned back to watch the movie.
"Um hmm..., so that's how it's going to be is it?" Carlos asked, smiling wickedly and holding Trent even closer to him than before. "Well, I guess we'll just see about that, won't we?" he asked. It was really more of a combination of a question and a statement. Carlos hoped he would lose whatever bet might be made at a future date, although the thought of his lover in a kilt was awfully appealing and the more he thought about it the more he liked the possibilities. He tightened his hold around Trent and turned his attention to the movie, feeling very content and happy with the love of his life in his arms.
When the movie was over, Trent reached over and retrieved the remote and stopped the tape and put it to rewind. Turning around in his lover's embrace so he could look at him, Trent said, "So, did you like that? Can't believe you've never seen it before."
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled. "Yes, I did -- it was quite good actually. I never saw it before now and I'm glad you suggested it," he said, then pulled Trent to him even closer and kissed him softly on the lips. "Thank you," he added, smiling with his eyes twinkling and shining brightly.
"The TV show is *still* better," Trent commented, "And don't even ASK about the sequel movies." Trent shook his head in disgust just thinking about it.
"Well, hopefully we can watch the TV show sometime -- it sounds good," Carlos said, looking forward to it.
Trent grinned at Carlos. "I think that can be arranged," Trent said, not bothering to mention he had them all on video tape.
"So, you ready to go to bed, Conan? You worn out yet or was that a silly question?" Trent asked having already observed Carlos's rising interest not to mention feeling his own.
Carlos was very horny and knew his lover was, too. Bed -- with the idea of going to sleep -- was *not* on his agenda at all. "You know me very well, my love," he said, smiling wickedly and giving his lover a quick kiss on the cheek before getting off the couch to go to the VCR to take the tape out.
Trent watched Carlos get up to take the tape out of the VCR, his own rising interest rising even more at the site. Trent smiled wickedly even though Carlos couldn't see him, then stood up and stretched a bit waiting for Carlos to finish with the tape.
Carlos removed the tape from the VCR and put it back into its case and returned it to the rest of Trent's collection of videos. When he turned around he was completely frozen at the sight now in front of him. His beautiful sexy lover was even more sexy as he stretched, the leather strips from his costume moving up and down his body in the most erotic way he'd ever seen. Carlos felt his hard on becoming even harder. In just the few moments of watching Trent, he had one of the most raging hard ons he'd ever remembered. He started to move slowly towards his lover, still captivated by how fluidly he moved and the effect that the costume was having on him.
Trent stopped mid-stretch when he saw Carlos advancing on him. He really had just been stretching -- realizing too late the effect it must be having with the costume on. "Help! There's a bear loose in my apartment!" Trent said, "Where's my sword?" he added, then took off towards the bedroom, going around the far end of the couch -- the side away from Carlos.
When Trent took off Carlos stopped momentarily, surprised by this move, yet thrilled by the response his lover had to the way he had been approaching him. "I got your sword right here," he said, quickly running after Trent.
Trent laughed at his lover's words but still managed to keep up his pursuit of his sword.
Carlos ran past the couch from his end and followed his lover into the bedroom enjoying the chase. Getting closer to the bed he reached out and grabbed Trent around the waist, taking his lover with him as he fell onto the bed, landing on his back with Trent on top, held very close to his body. His hard on had just become even harder, if that were possible.
Seeing his sword on the floor near the bed, Trent was heading for it when he felt Carlos grab him around the waist causing him to laugh harder. Falling with his lover onto the bed, still being held tightly, Trent said, while still laughing, "Help! Help! I've been caught by a bear!"
Go to Page Eight