My Cup Runneth Over
Page Eight
Carlos rolled onto his side and turned Trent around in his arms to face him, looking into his eyes with all of the love he had, ready to show him how much he was loved.
Trent quickly and hungrily caught Carlos's mouth in a kiss. After several minutes, he broke the kiss and said, "Now, if everyone tried that when they got caught by a bear, they might get away. Not that *I* am looking to get away."
"Mmmm..., you'd better *not* be," Carlos said, grinning wickedly and kissed Trent again voraciously, attempting to satisfy his appetite which he never could seem do. After some time he broke the kiss and looked Trent in the eyes. He gently urged his lover to lie on his back, then lay on top of him straddling his body as he began to nuzzle Trent's neck in his favorite spot -- nipping, biting and licking him -- his tongue sensuously tasting his lover's sweet soft skin.
Trent kissed Carlos back just as hungrily. When the kiss broke, he gladly lay back, only too happy to let his lover work his magic on him. By the time Carlos was on top of him, Trent was trembling with anticipation. He put his arms around his lover as he began to nuzzle him and moved his head back to give Carlos more room. He moaned softly, enjoying it so much. When Carlos began to nip and lick him too, Trent moaned louder, "Oh, Carlos, so good... so... good..."
Carlos thrilled to the sound of his lover's moans, exciting him even more as he listened to them. Knowing how much pleasure it brought to Trent meant the world to him. After a few more licks and nips to his lover's delicious neck, he began to move down Trent's body quickly, his desire to join with his lover increasing rapidly with each passing moment -- not knowing how much longer he could hold out, but wanting to give Trent all of the pleasure he possibly could. He lifted himself up off of his lover's sleek, sexy body, removing his outer costume and tossing it aside. He moved his body until his mouth was directly over Trent's nipples, then lay back down on top of his lover and looked Trent in the eyes with intense desire.
Trent loosened his arms around Carlos to allow him to move. But needing to keep up the contact with his lover, Trent put his hand to his lover's head, running his fingers through his hair as his lover removed his costume. Realizing it would be easier to run his fingers through Carlos's hair without the Conan headband, Trent removed it from his lover's head and tossed it in the general direction of the floor.
When Carlos moved back and lay down on top of him again, Trent saw the look in his lover's eyes and whimpered. The power of the lust and love coming from his lover's eyes allowed no other reaction.
Continuing to look into Trent's eyes Carlos nearly melted completely at the look on his lover's face and when Trent whimpered that almost took him over the edge right then and there. He basically attacked Trent, placing one hand over one nipple with his fingers pinching and massaging it while taking the other nipple into his mouth and sucking it hard -- harder than he ever had before, knowing he'd never get enough as he sucked the nipple into his mouth and between his teeth, nipping and biting it.
Trent saw the change in his lover's eyes and he whimpered again, louder. When Carlos began his dual assault on his nipples, Trent cried out in his passion -- loudly -- arching his back and tightening his grip on his lover's hair with one hand and grabbing the bed with the other. As Carlos continued to give him such pleasure, Trent moaned over and over again, almost one continuous moan, arching his back in an attempt to move himself closer to his lover's wonderful mouth and hand.
Carlos was so very pleased that lavishing his lover's nipples with such attention was bringing Trent such wonderful pleasure. His lover's moans and arching of his back were all he needed to continue and soon he had both of Trent's nipples as hard as they could possibly get. That was it -- all he could take -- he needed to join with his lover now, he wanted to fill his lover's body with his own, to bring pure ecstasy to them both.
Trent was disappointed when Carlos stopped pleasuring his nipples, but it was only a momentary disappointment. He knew his lover was near the edge, as was he, needing to join with him. Nothing could have pleased Trent more. He wanted his lover inside him and now wasn't fast enough.
Carlos reached down to remove Trent's loin cloth, and after getting a little help from his lover, he got it off him and tossed it over his shoulder not concerned with where it landed. He softly and sensuously kissed his lover's very rigid shaft and licked the accumulated fluid from the head before moving towards the nightstand to retrieve the tube of KY to prepare them for their joining.
Trent moved around a bit and lifted up so Carlos could get the loin cloth off of him. For some reason he was not really sure of, the way Carlos tossed the loin cloth aside fascinated him and he watched it as if in slow motion until it was out of sight. Just as he turned his attention back to Carlos, his lover kissed then licked his erection. Trent whimpered at the kiss and moaned at the licking, then began to pant as he saw Carlos move to get the KY.
Carlos tossed the lubricant onto the bed beside his lover and quickly yet seductively removed his own loin cloth, standing in full view so that Trent could watch his every move, tossing it aside on the floor when he had it off.
Trent watched, again as if in slow motion, as Carlos tossed the KY on the bed. He wasn't sure why he found it fascinating nor what his lover was doing by tossing it there, he only knew he needed to watch it fall to the bed beside him. Trent turned his attention back to his lover and watched as Carlos removed his own loin cloth. It was so erotic. He whimpered softly as he watched, then watched as the loin cloth was tossed aside to join his on the floor.
Carlos walked over to the edge of the bed and with a firm hold around his lover's legs he gently pulled Trent closer to the edge of the bed so that his legs were hanging over.
Trent was very surprised but very thrilled when Carlos took hold of him and moved him. The feeling of sliding across the bed -- of his lover's grip on his legs, it was so good. He moaned loudly when his lover grasped his legs, then continued to pant hard as Carlos moved him, the slightest whimper escaping him once his lover had him where he wanted him -- in a position so they could join.
After helping Trent move into position, Carlos took the tube of KY and squeezed a healthy amount of it onto his fingers then, leaning down slightly, he inserted them into Trent's body, stretching and preparing him for their joining. He knew that his lover was ready to join with him so he withdrew his fingers and put more of the lubricant onto his very hard penis, then shifted his position so that he was leaning over his lover with his hands on the bed on either side of Trent. He entered his lover's body gently but very quickly, going in as deeply as he possibly could, moaning softly as he did so.
Trent moaned loudly when Carlos put his fingers in him to prepare. He enjoyed his lover's fingers inside him but he was so ready to join with him, so close to the edge. He wanted to speak, but as usual, found he couldn't. Only a whimper escaped him as he felt Carlos remove his fingers almost as if he had spoken to him. Then his lover was entering him with his shaft, joining them as one. Trent cried out in his passion then inhaled sharply, letting the air out in a very ragged sigh. It was so good to be joined with his lover, so pleasing.
Listening to Trent's sigh when they joined as one sent Carlos to that edge and all he wanted to do now was take them both to that very special spot where they would fall off into total complete bliss together. He immediately pulled out and thrust inside his lover's body as hard and deep as he could -- again and again -- each thrust faster, harder and deeper than the one before it. He wanted to fuck Trent as hard as he could and that thought made his body crazy with desire. He increased the speed of his thrusts, moving faster, harder and deeper than he ever remembered, getting even closer to that wonderful peak where they would soon explode into sheer bliss.
Trent reached up and put his arms around Carlos as he began to move inside him. It was so good, so wonderful, his lover giving him such pleasure. "Oh, yes...," he moaned, again surprising himself with words, then lapsed into moans as Carlos continued to move inside him. When Carlos increased his thrusts, Trent began to cry out with each one, each thrust bringing him closer to his climax.
Carlos supported his weight with one hand and took his other and wrapped it around Trent's hard shaft and began pumping it fast and hard to match the rhythm his own body was giving him inside. After two more very hard, very deep thrusts, Carlos cried out loudly as he came very hard and deep within his lover's body, his lover coming in his hand at the same time.
When Carlos took hold of his erection, Trent cried out again using words he thought he was incapable of. He had surprised himself a lot tonight with words of passion. "Oh, Carlos!" he cried, closing his eyes as he did so. With only a few more thrusts, Trent came and came hard, moaning loudly, feeling his lover come inside him at the same time.
Carlos could barely hold himself up as he lovingly kissed Trent's stomach and chest until the spasms subsided to the point where he could gently remove himself from his lover's body. He moved Trent back on the bed a little more so he was lying more or less on top of it, then lay back down on top of Trent, holding him close and dropping sweet soft kisses on his lover's cheek, forehead, nose and finally his lips -- brushing his own lips against his very tenderly. "I love you so much, baby," he said softly then lay his head down on Trent's chest and listened to him breathe.
When Trent felt Carlos separating their joining, then moving him, then lying back down on top of him, he opened his eyes again. His spasms had subsided, but he was still shaking and still feeling dazed. He focused on his lover as Carlos kissed him lovingly. Finally able to move, he tightened his arms around Carlos then moved one hand to his lover's head when he put it down on his chest. Putting his fingers in his lover's hair, holding his head to his chest while he tried to regain his breath.
Carlos loved the feeling of Trent's arms wrapped around him tightly -- it felt so good, so warm and loved and very safe. He adored the closeness they shared after their lovemaking -- it was a special kind of love they shared and was deepened with each and every moment that they spent together. He sighed very contentedly, feeling his lover's fingers in his hair, while Trent held his head to his chest. His lover was still shaking and trying to get his breath back and Carlos soothingly caressed Trent's chest with slow, loving, tender strokes of his hand. He wrapped Trent's chest hairs lightly around his fingers and dropping more soft tender kisses on his soft skin while listening to his lover's heartbeat.
Starting to breathe a little easier, but far from back to himself, Trent began to run his hand through his lover's hair. As he came down a bit closer to earth, he kissed the top of Carlos's head, then reaching down with his lips, kissed his forehead. He was still panting but the moaning had subsided and he was more or less back in reality, just not able to speak quite yet.
"Mmmm..., that feels so nice," Carlos murmured softly, thoroughly loving Trent's kisses and the feeling of his lover's hand in his hair. He listened to his lover's panting and knew that while his lover was most of the way back, it would still be a while before he recovered his breathing completely. He hugged Trent tightly and dropped more sweet, soft, tender kisses on Trent's chest, and sighed again. He was happy beyond any words he could possibly think of and he closed his eyes, speaking soft words of love and endearment. "You're so precious to me, Trent. I love you more than I'll ever be able to say," he said, the emotion of his feelings washing over him as he held onto his lover, giving him every ounce of love and warmth he had to give.
Trent moved his hand from Carlos's hair to run it up and down his back as he took his other hand and lifted his lover's chin towards him, bringing their lips together for a kiss. "And I love you, too, Carlos, very much," Trent said, smiling at his lover who was looking at him.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with all of the love and passion he had inside, loving him beyond anything he could have possibly imagined. He felt the soothing caresses of his lover's hand running up and down his back and when the kiss broke he smiled at Trent -- the happiest, brightest smile he had. As he looked into his lover's eyes and heard the wonderful words Trent spoke and what they meant to him. He reached up with one hand to lightly caress his lover's face, then put his head back down on Trent's chest and snuggled against him, absorbing his warmth and never feeling more loved than he did right then.
Trent continued to run his hand up and down Carlos's back. "You know, something just occurred to me," Trent said starting to laugh at his own idea, "It's a good thing these costumes can't talk... Humm..., I wonder if they will ever be happy just going to costume parties again after tonight?"
Carlos laughed at Trent's words and tried to picture their costumes talking. "I think they've been introduced to a whole new kind of costume party after being with us," he said, continuing to laugh. "I'm sure they're as happy as they can be," he added as he ran one hand across his lover's chest softly, feeling Trent's soft skin, wrapping his lover's chest hair around his fingers periodically and breathing deeply of his lover's wonderful scent. He closed his eyes and sighed, resting very comfortably, thinking about the wonderful evening they had had, and how very grateful he would always be to have Trent in his life -- now and forever. "I can't thank you enough for bringing these costumes home, baby. It was a great idea," he said as he kissed his lover's chest once more then lay quietly, with his head on Trent's chest. His eyes closed as he took in the peacefulness of them being together in each other's arms and wrapped in each other's love.
Trent laughed at his lover's words -- laughing again at his own reactions and the turn the evening had taken. "I have to admit this was not at all what I was expecting when I thought of the idea," Trent said, laughing lightly again, "But it did turn out to be one heck of an evening." Trent kissed Carlos's forehead as he thought back over the evening.
Carlos just snuggled even closer to Trent's body if that were possible, sighing softly, never getting enough of his wonderful lover. He tightened his hold around Trent and kissed his chest softly and then watched his fingers as they ran up and down his lover's body.
Trent watched Carlos as he ran his hand around on his chest. He wasn't ready to sleep quite yet, but the evening was over and sleep was soon to come to both of them. Even though a lot of their costume pieces had been removed with their last lovemaking, Trent noted there were still pieces that needed to be removed.
Trent reached down and captured Carlos's hand and started to remove the wristband he still wore. Finding he couldn't do it one handed, he moved his other hand up from Carlos's back and managed to get the one wristband off of his lover, tossing it to the floor in the general direction of the rest of the parts of the costume, before bringing Carlos's wrist to his mouth and kissing it.
Carlos was mesmerized as he watched his lover remove his wristband and his eyes followed it when Trent tossed it to the floor, then went back to focus on his lover. He watched closely as Trent kissed his wrist sighing and shivering with excitement at the feel of his lover's sensually soft lips on his skin, feeling his heartbeat becoming faster.
Moving Carlos so he was lying flat on the bed, Trent got a hold of the other arm and repeated the process of removing the other wristband, ending by kissing his lover's wrist and then the palm of his hand, before putting his arm down and moving on to the rest of the costume.
Carlos watched intently this time -- his arousal growing stronger and stronger. He moaned then whimpered when Trent kissed his wrist. The feeling was so wonderful, sexy and very erotic the way Trent was removing the costume. The feel of his lover kissing his wrist, then his palm, was too exciting for words. He couldn't take his eyes off of Trent, his heart beating faster and the heat rising within him with each passing moment.
Trent sat up a bit, but not all the way, and moved on to Carlos's Conan belt. Looking at Carlos watching him first, Trent smiled then moved his attention to unbuckling the belt. Once undone, with a little help from Carlos, Trent got the belt out from around his lover's waist and tossed it to the floor, too. Taking his open palms, Trent ran them over his lover's skin where the belt had just been, massaging the area with his hands, then leaning over to kiss it a few times.
Carlos smiled lovingly at Trent and watched carefully as his lover unbuckled his Conan belt, sucking in his breath sharply as he lifted up a little to help his lover get it out from under him. He closed his eyes and moaned softly as he felt Trent's hands moving across his skin, then whimpered several times as his lover kissed the same area, the sparks flying throughout his body. He didn't want this to stop, it was beautiful, wonderful, sexy and erotic and he knew he could never get enough.
Trent looked up at Carlos as he kissed his lover's waist again. He grinned at him then sat up the rest of the way and moved down to tackle getting Carlos's foot gear off. It looked complicated, laces and fake fur, but as Trent took a closer look at them, he was happy to find they were really just boots made to look like the complicated Conan foot wraps from the movie. Finding the zipper on one, Trent took hold of it and started to unzip it slowly, looking up at Carlos as he did.
Continuing to watch Trent's every move, Carlos sucked in his breath again as he felt his lover's incredibly sexy lips kissing his waist, whimpering at seeing his lover's grin, that very wonderful grin he loved so much. As Trent began to unzip his boot he looked straight into his lover's eyes and began to moan and whimper alternately, completely thrilled and excited beyond anything he expected to feel.
After the boot was unzipped, Trent moved himself and his lover's leg so he could pull the boot off, then tossed it to the floor to join the growing pile already there. Trent ran his hands up and down his lover's calf then down to his foot, massaging the foot before moving his hands back up the leg, then putting the leg back on the bed.
Carlos arched his back and moaned a little louder as Trent removed the boot then tossed it aside like he had done with the rest of the costume. The feel of his lover's hands on his calf, then massaging his foot, it was nearly too much and he had to hold onto his restraint -- he was so aroused, so very hard already and becoming harder by the second. He wanted more -- so much more, everything Trent could give him.
Trent had only been intending to excite Carlos with this last game of the evening. He really didn't think he was *up* to anything more himself. But just like the rest of the surprises of the evening, Trent found himself becoming aroused again listening to his lover enjoy himself, seeing his lover's growing arousal at his touch. He smiled at Carlos and moved to the other boot, repeating the same process for removing it he had with the first.
Carlos watched as his lover removed the other boot, whimpering over and over again as his desire for Trent increased even more.
Now that Carlos's costume was completely off, Trent turned his attention to the remains of his own. Moving up a bit on the bed, closer to Carlos's head where he could see better, Trent started by removing his wristband, slowly, purposefully. When he had it off, he tossed it to the floor and, after glancing at Carlos and giving him a wicked grin, started to remove the other wrist gear, the one that was longer.
Carlos nearly lost his restraint when his lover moved closer and gave him that deliciously wicked grin and began removing his own wristbands, watching and not believing that he was even harder than he thought could ever be possible. He started to pant watching Trent as he reached for the longer wrist gear. It felt so exquisitely erotic -- more than he thought his senses could ever experience -- yet here he was enjoying the wonderful things that his lover was doing to him. "Oh, baby, what... you... do... to me," he said between pants, wanting to touch his lover everywhere, breathless with anticipation, and wondering what Trent would do next.
"Oh, but I'm not done yet," Trent said, grinning at Carlos again. Putting one leg up on top of the other knee, Trent slowly unzipped one of his boots. Getting hold of it, he pulled it off as erotically as he could, under the circumstances of it not wanting to come off easily, then tossed it on the floor. Putting his other leg up this time, Trent repeated the process, this boot coming off a bit easier.
Carlos moaned then whimpered at Trent's words and his grin, once again sucking in his breath as he watched Trent unzipping one of his boots -- slowly, seductively -- and he began to writhe with passion and desire, breathing heavier as he continued to watch Trent toss that boot to the floor and remove the other one. He whimpered again, panting very fast and he couldn't possibly have been more aroused than he was at that moment. "Please... Trent...," was all he could say -- he was at a loss for words this time as his mind was already moving towards that wonderful place he'd been to so many times before -- the incredible bliss Trent had brought him over and over again, and he wanted to go there again -- fall off that peak together with his incredible lover.
Trent could still not believe how excited he was considering he really hadn't thought himself capable again tonight. But excited he was, very much so, just watching Carlos watching him, listening to his lover's whimpering and panting, watching his growing excitement. He was already so incredibly hard when his lover looked at him and asked for the thing Trent wanted to give him -- needed to give him -- so badly anyway. But at his lover's words he grew harder yet.
Trent moved so he was on his hands and knees then crawled over his lover, straddling him, bringing his face close to Carlos's. "I love you so much...," Trent said, capturing Carlos's mouth in a hungry kiss before he could say anything in response.
Carlos watched his lover, unable to take his eyes off of him as Trent moved closer, crawling over him, then straddling him -- every move was so very erotic and sexy -- he was captivated and spellbound -- not wanting to move even if he could, enjoying what Trent was doing. It always thrilled him to hear his lover's words and he returned Trent's kiss with hunger like he'd never known before -- trying to satisfy his appetite yet knowing he never could. Trent's mouth was delicious, tantalizing, sensuous and he deepened the kiss, his tongue searching out and finding Trent's, to intertwine with it and memorize everything he could, moaning softly as he did so.
Releasing his lover's mouth, Trent backed up, still on hands and knees, moving down Carlos's body quickly -- but also slow enough so that he could drop a few kisses as he moved. Pausing ever so briefly at his lover's very erect shaft, Trent reached out with his tongue and licked the accumulated fluids there, before continuing to back up so he could join their bodies.
Carlos moaned as Trent kissed his body, his breathing becoming faster and deeper with each sweet kiss his lover gave him. When Trent licked his penis he arched his back high, moaning then whimpering as he felt his lover continuing to move down -- knowing that their joining was very near, making him even more excited.
Finding the KY more or less exactly where he needed it to be, still lying on the bed after it's last use, Trent opened the tube and prepared himself with the lubricant as his lover moved so he could enter him. One look at Carlos and the look of urgency in his eyes and Trent tossed the tube aside, knowing with his shaft well coated and their earlier lovemaking, there was no need for any further preparation.
Carlos watched Trent prepare his shaft and was glad that his lover understood his need -- his desire was so strong that he wanted and needed Trent inside him right away -- he didn't want to wait any longer for their bodies to be joined as one. He was already heading for a wonderful climax, an incredible orgasm that his lover would bring him to -- that they would travel to together -- and he looked into Trent's beautiful blue eyes asking for their journey to begin.
After moving into position to enter Carlos, Trent looked up at his lover, looking in his eyes, as he entered his body -- slowly, gently, steadily -- until he was all the way inside. Once they were joined, Trent leaned forward over Carlos, laying down on top of him, never breaking their eye contact. Trent smiled lovingly at Carlos before capturing his mouth in a kiss and beginning to move slowly within his body.
Carlos looked deeply into his lover's eyes, into those beautiful endless pools of blue that were filled with so much love and passion. He moaned as his lover entered him -- it was so gentle and slow and he felt so warm and safe and loved, filled with a passion of his own that was taking over him mind, body and soul. He wrapped his arms around Trent thoroughly loving the feel of Trent's body lying on top of him. He smiled his best smile at Trent and returned his lover's kiss with everything he had -- every ounce of desire and love and passion, his soul filled to the point of overflowing with the love he had for this man, for his partner in life -- his best friend and lover. As Trent began to move within his body Carlos moaned again -- softly into his lover's mouth, the feeling like nothing else he'd ever known before.
Continuing to kiss Carlos, Trent brought his hand up and began to fondle his lover's nipple. He continued to move inside Carlos, but was increasing the speed slowly. Even though this was slow, it wasn't lasting long -- both of them were so very near their release.
The moment Carlos felt his lover's hand on his nipple he arched his back and moaned louder, his body filling with ecstasy as Trent increased the speed with which he was moving inside him. He was so hard, so very hard with desire and passion, and he knew that he wouldn't last long and neither would his lover. They were both approaching the edge fast. It felt so wonderful, so incredible, and he couldn't have been more excited feeling everything his lover gave him -- both physically and emotionally. There was no greater sensation in the world than what he felt with Trent inside him, and he moved his body with Trent's -- matching his rhythm as they moved closer to their wonderful climaxes.
As much as Trent was enjoying the kissing and the slow pace of his movements, he was too close to the edge to maintain it any longer. Breaking the kiss, Trent removed his hand from his lover's nipple, putting both hands on the bed, one on either side of Carlos. Lifting himself up a bit so he could move better, Trent began to move faster, his thrusts becoming deeper. He was still very close to his lover's mouth even with his new position. Reaching down as far as he could with his mouth, as Carlos reached up with his, once again they were able to kiss.
Carlos was filled with so much passion and desire, spiraling up to that incredible peak where he knew pure bliss awaited him and his lover that he arched his back immediately to encourage Trent to thrust even deeper than he was already -- moaning again and again and waves of passion washed over him. The kiss was wonderful -- Trent's lips were deliciously sweet adding to the ecstasy he was already feeling. He brushed a hand through his lover's hair while he took his other arm and wrapped it around Trent's lower back holding him lightly. He moaned into his lover's mouth loving the kissing while making love -- it added even more to the incredible sensations that were already there.
Carlos's reactions were almost more than Trent could take -- it was simply too erotic. But when Carlos moaned in his mouth as they kissed, Trent lost what little restraint he had. Continuing to kiss his lover, Trent thrust just a few more times before coming deep within his lover, Carlos coming only seconds later, his shaft pressed between their bodies.
Those last thrusts of Trent's were all it took and Carlos couldn't hold onto his restraint any longer and he came hard, the feeling of their bodies being pressed together making him spasm long after his climax. It was so wonderful and had taken him even farther over that edge than he'd ever experienced before.
Trent finally released his lover's mouth out of the need to breathe. He was panting hard as the last of his orgasm subsided. Laying back down on top of Carlos, Trent's arms went around his lover, hugging him, as he put his head down on Carlos's shoulder and continued to try to catch his breath.
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent tightly, running them up and down his lover's back soothingly as he slowly came down from his incredible orgasm. He ran a hand through Trent's hair and listened to him try to catch his own breath and return back from his orgasm. Carlos kissed his lover's forehead and sank back into the bed to try and recover from the most intense, wonderful, erotic orgasm that he'd ever experienced as he continued to run one hand up and down Trent's back while absorbing his love and warmth.
Finally recovered enough to even think about moving, Trent moved one of his arms from around Carlos with the intent of removing himself from his lover's body. But he realized he didn't want to -- he wasn't ready to break their joining -- not quite yet. Instead, he took his hand and put it to Carlos's head, putting his fingers in his hair, and brought his lover's mouth to his for a soft and gentle kiss. "I love you so very much," Trent managed to say, then captured Carlos's mouth in another kiss.
Carlos returned Trent's soft, gentle, loving kiss with equal amounts of gentleness and love -- full of passion for his lover -- the most wonderful man in the world, moaning softly into his lover's mouth and enjoying the feel of his lover's hand in his hair. When the kiss broke he looked at his lover and smiled brightly listening to Trent's words of love which filled him with emotion to the point of overflowing. "I love you, too," he said, then gently yet eagerly kissed his lover back with all of the love he had inside, wanting Trent to know just how much he was loved.
After the kiss broke, Trent smiled again at Carlos, giving him another quick kiss before taking his hand out of his hair then moving so he could gently remove himself from Carlos's body -- he did so reluctantly, but he did it.
Once Carlos was lying flat on the bed, Trent slid off of the top of him and to the side, putting his hand back in his lover's hair. Looking up at his hand and Carlos's hair, Trent said, "Hey! This is starting to curl!" Looking back down at Carlos, he continued in a sensuous voice, "Very nice," then captured his lips once again in a tender kiss.
Whenever their joining ended it was always something Carlos felt disappointed about but it never lasted long and was always replaced immediately with more closeness and the touching he wanted and needed so much. He smiled and sighed at the feel of his lover's hand in his hair and laughed at Trent's happiness about his hair beginning to curl, and the wonderfully sensuous voice he spoke in. He looked into his lover's eyes and said in a soft, sexy voice, "I thought you might like that. I do aim to please," then returned Trent's kiss tenderly and passionately.
After the kiss ended, Trent said, "Yes, I did notice that." He combed his hand through Carlos's just starting to curl hair as he looked at it and smiled. Looking back at Carlos, who was grinning at him, Trent continued, "But the hair is just an added bonus as far as I'm concerned."
Still looking deeply into Trent's eyes Carlos felt a surge of so much love inside of him that he wrapped his arms a little tighter around his lover while Trent ran his hand through his hair. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them at hearing his lover's sweet words. "Thank you, baby," he said, he didn't know what else to say but felt like there should be something -- the words Trent spoke meant the world to him.
Trent moved his hand to his lover's chest and caressed it lightly and lovingly as he put his head back down on Carlos's chest. As he did so, he realized he was still wearing the Beastmaster headpiece and reached up and removed it laughing at himself. "And just how long were you going to let me wear this before saying something?" Trent asked still laughing, looking up at Carlos and holding the headpiece up for him to look at.
Carlos looked at Trent and laughed, not realizing himself that Trent was still wearing the headpiece. "It looks so good on you, baby, and I did have other things on my mind," he said in a husky voice as he brought their lips together in a tender passionate kiss.
"Oh, you did, did you?" Trent said sensuously as Carlos brought their lips together. Still holding the headpiece, Trent tossed it over hand, over his back, in the general direction of the floor then brought his hand back to Carlos's chest as they kissed.
After a few minutes Carlos broke the kiss out of the need for air and he looked at Trent and sighed, running his hands up and down his lover's back and holding him close, never wanting to let go.
Putting his head back down on his lover's chest when the kiss broke, Trent yawned, despite his effort not to, then laughed. "I think you've worn me out again, Lucky Bear," Trent said.
Carlos softly and gently caressed his lover's back with one hand while he ran another hand through his hair thoroughly loving the feeling of Trent's head on his chest. He sighed deeply and his eyelids fluttered a few times and he laughed lightly at his lover's yawn, struggling himself to stay awake. Lifting up just enough to kiss Trent's forehead he touched his lover's cheek softly then lay back down again, holding Trent as close to him as possible, wanting to cuddle Trent all night long. "You've worn me out too, Soaring Eagle," he said, smiling with pure joy and happiness, feeling very sated, content and happy.
"Then you won't be insulted if I fall asleep on you, I take it?" Trent said, looking up at Carlos who he could see was fading himself.
"Not at all," Carlos mumbled lazily, stretching slowly, as he tried hard to stay awake, but having very little success.
As much as he didn't want to move, Trent realized they weren't under the covers. Sitting up, then standing up, Trent pulled on the blanket and sheet trying, with no help from Carlos, to get them out from under his lover. "You're a really big help, you know," Trent said, laughing at Carlos grinning at him from the bed.
Finally managing to get the covers down far enough, Trent waited for Carlos to get his feet underneath before climbing in next to him. Trent resumed his place at Carlos's side, pulling the covers up over both of them and then kissing him before putting his head back on his lover's chest, snuggling up to him, his arm around his waist. "'Night, Conan," Trent said, stifling a yawn.
Carlos grinned and smiled at his lover, watching him adjust the covers and after Trent got them both covered up and lay down next to him and Carlos sighed at the wonderful feel of his lover's head on his chest again. "Good night, Dar," he said, then he sighed deeply, gave Trent a brief light squeeze, then held him close as he drifted off to sleep.
Trent drifted off to sleep gradually in his lover's arms, feeling completely content and totally safe, once again thanking God for giving him such a precious gift of complete happiness and joyous love.
As Carlos felt Trent falling asleep, he knew that his lover was content and happy and that was the most important thing in the world to him. Nothing else mattered in comparison and he would always see to it that Trent's health, happiness and safety came first, no matter what. With those thoughts, he allowed himself to slip into a deep sleep.
The morning passed uneventfully. The lover's woke in each other's arms, both happy and content from yesterday's incredible afternoon and evening of intense lovemaking. After a repeat performance to start the morning, they ate breakfast and returned to bed to cuddle and be together before Trent had to go to work in the afternoon.
They did stop to gather up the costumes from the various locations all over the room the pieces had been tossed the night before, each remembering the day before as they did. They did manage to find them all, at least they thought so. The remembering of the day before of course caused another repeat performance to be necessary, not that either of them minded in the least.
Trent needed to shower before work and they were going to eat lunch together before he left. The time was approaching for him to need to get moving even though he didn't want to move from his comfortable place in bed holding Carlos and just being together. But he had to. "I'm afraid it's about that time, Carlos. I really have to get going," Trent said, looking down at Carlos who was lying with his head on his chest and arm around his waist contentedly watching TV. "You care to *join* me in the shower?" Trent asked, knowing the answer already but teasing his lover.
Carlos was so comfortable lying against his lover with his arm around him and with his head on Trent's chest. He could feel the rise and fall of his lover's chest and there wasn't a more wonderful safe, secure feeling in the world. He squeezed his lover firmly and let out a sigh that came from deep within him at the same time as he looked up at Trent with a wicked smile on his face. "I'd love to *join* you in the shower," he said teasing his lover right back. He shifted his position -- reluctantly -- so that his lover could get out of bed and they could take their shower.
"Yes, I sorta thought you might feel that way," Trent said, grinning back at Carlos with his own wicked grin. Getting up from bed, Trent headed to the bathroom to start the shower. "You coming?" Trent said back over his shoulder at Carlos, who was still in bed watching him, using his lover's own phrase on him.
Carlos loved to watch Trent walk, he was so sexy with every move he made. Carlos smiled even more wickedly, if that were possible, got out of bed and followed his lover to the bathroom. "Not yet, but I will be soon," he said, responding as Trent had in the past to the same question, continuing to smile wickedly. He was loving every second of this and couldn't wait for another one of their incredible showers that they enjoyed so much.
Trent grinned even bigger and chuckled at his lover's response, even though it was exactly what he was expecting him to say. Trent turned his attention to the shower, getting the water the right temperature, starting the shower, still smiling and laughing softly.
Carlos smiled at hearing the water running, knowing that soon they would be making wonderful passionate love under the warm spray of the shower. Just as he got to the doorway a stab of pain went through his head and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He started to breathe a little heavily and he put a hand out to steady himself against the doorway. His vision momentarily clouded then cleared again just as fast. He felt a little weak and he knew he needed to lie down so he turned around to walk back to bed.
Trent heard Carlos approaching just as he finished fussing with the shower. He turned around to smile at his lover and welcome him into his arms only to see Carlos still in the doorway. His hand was on the doorjamb seemingly supporting himself and he looked unwell as he turned around and started back for the bed.
Moving slowly Carlos made his way back to the bed carefully, with sharp stabs of pain continually going through his head as he continued to breathe fast and heavily. He couldn't concentrate clearly, but it was enough that he could make it all the way back. When he got to the edge of the bed he put both hands on it to steady himself as he slowly and gently eased himself onto the edge of the bed.
Trent moved towards Carlos almost as soon as he saw him, but he wasn't fast enough to catch up to him until his lover was already almost sitting down on the edge of the bed. Waiting for Carlos to be sitting first, Trent squatted down in front of his lover, who was looking down, his eyes closed. Taking hold of Carlos's hand with one hand and putting the other to his lover's face, Trent asked softly, "Carlos? You OK?" knowing of course his lover was not OK, but not quite sure how to ask how bad off he was either.
Carlos was trying his best to block out the sharp stabs of pain that didn't seem to be letting up, and by closing his eyes as he had in the past he hoped that would help. He felt much needed warmth when his lover took his hand in his and felt Trent's other hand on his face. He wanted to shake his head 'no' when his lover asked if he was all right, but he knew that it would hurt too much and that Trent was well aware that he was *not* all right at all. Although it hurt, he lifted his head and looked into his lover's eyes, trying not to show how much it hurt.
Trent could see the pain in his lover's eyes, even though he was trying very hard to cover it up. It tore at his heart to see his lover like this -- in such pain -- but he wasn't going to dwell on that -- he couldn't. He needed to help Carlos.
Trent ran his hand through his lover's hair and squeezed his hand. "Come on," Trent said, standing up, "Let's get you back into bed." Trent helped Carlos to move back into the bed and got him covered up and settled in the bed. Sitting down on the bed next to his lover and stroking his hair, Trent looked at Carlos, still obviously in pain, and tried to smile. "That better?" Trent asked, moving his hand to his lover's face.
It felt so good to be back in bed. Carlos knew that's what he needed. His lover knew it too and he would always be grateful for the love and understanding that Trent always showed him during one of these spells. It's not that he expected or thought any differently, it's that he knew this was very hard on Trent and his lover was doing his best not to let Carlos know how much it affected him to see him this way. The feel of his lover's hand in his hair and then on his face made him feel so safe and warm. He looked at Trent and smiled back although it was a tired, weak smile. "Mmm..., yes, baby, this is better. Thank... you," he said, as another smaller but painful headache hit him again and he closed his eyes once more.
Trent winced himself when Carlos closed his eyes again. It was so very hard to see his lover like this. He really felt helpless. He also felt very torn this time. He knew he had to get ready to go into work, but all he wanted to do was hold Carlos and make the pain as tolerable for him as possible. He continued to sit beside Carlos and stroke his hair softly.
Carlos sighed at Trent's wonderful, soft touch. The feel of him stroking his hair made him feel very warm, safe and loved. He opened his eyes and looked closely at his lover and said, "I'll be all right, baby -- really I will," smiling a little tiredly and continuing to look into his lover's eyes.
Trent looked at Carlos as he spoke. He was looking very tired and still in obvious pain, but he was talking coherently and was focused on him. This was good. It eased Trent's mind some.
Carlos reached out and put a hand on his lover's leg gently. He thought about the shower they were going to take together and really wanted Trent to go ahead and take his since he wasn't up to it right then. "Am I going to go anywhere while you take a shower?" he asked, smiling again.
Trent smiled at his lover's words. Carlos was right. What else could be done now that he was safely in bed and lying down? But Trent still didn't like leaving him alone like this. "You promise not to practice your sword fighting while I'm in the shower?" Trent said, attempting to lighten the mood of the situation and not doing a very good job of it.
Those words were like music to Carlos's ears and he attempted to smile with a little more effort. How he loved *their* version of sword fighting and just the thought of it filled him with so much love and warmth that he looked at Trent and smiled reassuringly. "I promise -- no sword fighting without you, my love," he said.
Trent grinned at Carlos when he said that. "That wasn't what I meant," Trent said, chuckling at Carlos's interpretation of this words, "But I don't want you doing that either -- especially without me." It made him feel better just knowing that was where his lover's mind had gone -- it was pure Carlos. "OK, as long as you promise," Trent said, still not really wanting to leave Carlos, but knowing he was going to be OK without him. Trent leaned over and kissed his lover very tenderly on the lips. "I love you -- very much," he said, then straightened back up and smiled at Carlos again. Giving his lover's hair one last quick brush of his hand, Trent got up and headed to the bathroom and the waiting shower.
Carlos smiled once more then grinned knowing that Trent understood that he would be OK while he took his shower. He returned his lover's kiss just as tenderly and with all of the passion he had inside. "I love you, too -- very much," he said, and smiled as he felt his lover's hand in his hair and then watched as Trent made his way to the bathroom. Carlos relaxed further into bed and closed his eyes to try and block out the pain that was still there, wishing this spell would go away soon.
Go to Page Nine