My Cup Runneth Over
Page Nine
Trent got into the shower that was still running from earlier. He was already feeling lonely when, as he grabbed the shampoo, he saw the tube of KY they kept stashed behind it. He poured some of the shampoo in his hand then put the bottle back trying his best to not think about his lover in bed and in pain. Trent knew the spells were still to be expected, but it continued to make him uneasy. Washing his own hair for the first time in weeks, he felt even lonelier.
Finishing his hair quickly he moved on to the rest of his shower, missing Carlos's touch, missing touching Carlos and getting him to all-but-purr. As he was trying not to think about how lonely the shower now seemed for one, Trent realized that Carlos had made it back to bed safely and totally on his own, without his help. This, at least, made him feel better and he smiled as he rinsed the last of the soap off his body.
After a few minutes the pain lessened a little, however Carlos kept his eyes closed feeling more comfortable this way. He listened to the running water and missed his lover so much. They always took their showers together and, although he knew he had to stay in bed and rest, it didn't lessen the feeling he had of knowing his lover was taking a shower alone. He wanted to be there to massage Trent's scalp and run his hands all over his lover's body, taking his time and enjoying the extreme pleasure they brought each other. **Soon,** he told himself, soon these spells would be in the past and their lives could go back to normal.
Trent turned off the shower and got out. Grabbing a towel and drying himself, he was again feeling the absence of his lover, even if they did often dry themselves. Using the towel on his hair, now that his body was dry, he headed into the bedroom still towel drying it. Walking over to the bed, Trent saw Carlos's eyes were shut, but he didn't think he was asleep. "Carlos?" Trent said softly, just in case he was asleep.
Carlos opened his eyes as soon as he heard his lover's voice and looked at him with all of the love he had inside and smiled. "I'm not asleep," he said, knowing Trent was speaking quietly thinking he might have gone to sleep and that he didn't want to disturb him. "Come here," he said, reaching a hand out to bring Trent closer -- wanting to kiss his lover and run a hand through Trent's freshly washed hair, feel his touch and kiss him.
Trent smiled at Carlos seeing he was looking better, if not well, and sounded totally normal. "I can see you're not," Trent said, dropping his towel on the floor and going to his lover, climbing on the bed then over him, straddling Carlos on hands and knees, not putting any of his weight on him. "This close enough?" Trent asked, looking down at Carlos, their faces only inches apart.
Carlos watched Trent drop his towel on the floor and felt his heart skip a beat at how sexy that looked, not taking his eyes off of his lover as he climbed on the bed and over him. When Trent straddled him he felt he could barely breathe even though they weren't touching. Slowly Carlos reached his hands up to caress his lover's face. "Much better," he said softly, smiling, as he moved one hand behind his lover's head, bringing their lips together in a slow tender kiss, then looking deeply into his lover's eyes after the kiss ended. He was tired and in pain, but he needed that kiss and Trent's closeness.
Trent kissed Carlos back, mindful of the fact he wasn't in any shape for being too aroused. After the kiss ended, Trent looked closely at his lover then said, "You look tired but better. You want some lunch before I leave? I can bring it in here for you if you like." Trent wasn't sure which was going to win out, food or sleep, but he knew his lover needed both, so he thought he would ask and let Carlos decide.
Carlos smiled tiredly at Trent and while the offer of food was very thoughtful and sounded good, he still wasn't feeling well and didn't really want to eat anything right then. "Thanks, baby, I really appreciate that, but I'd like to get some sleep," he said smiling his appreciation for his lover's offer to make him lunch and softly caressing Trent's face once more.
Trent nodded. "OK, but I was planning on making sandwiches any way. I'll make you some and leave them for you for later," Trent said, and smiled at Carlos, "You do need to eat, too," Trent brought one hand up to Carlos's stomach and rubbed it as he continued, "Just in case Snoopy here doesn't remind you, *I* am." Trent leaned down and kissed Carlos's stomach then looked back up at him and smiled.
Carlos smiled when Trent rubbed his stomach and then kissed it. Hearing his lover calling it Snoopy made him remember when Trent said it for the first time and how it seemed so perfect and it *was* perfect. He looked into his lover's eyes and smiled back, feeling so at peace with the love Trent was giving him. "Thank you for the reminder, baby, and I'll make sure Snoopy gets plenty of sandwiches to make him happy," he said.
"Good. I do like happy puppies," Trent said, laughing. Trent changed his look and tone to a more serious one. "I really hate to leave you, but I really have no choice. Yes, I know, you'll be fine... I still don't want to go though," Trent said then kissed Carlos softly on the mouth.
"I know you have to go in and it's all right," Carlos said and returned his lover's kiss softly and tenderly.
Trent lightened his tone, trying to change the mood, and continued, "I'll call you later, though, OK? Just to be sure you're behaving yourself? Still no sword fighting while I'm gone, right?"
"I promise -- no sword fighting while you're gone. Besides... half the fun is having someone to sword fight with, isn't it?" Carlos said, a touch of suggestiveness in his tone as he smiled again at his lover.
"Of course it's more fun to have someone to sword fight with, but you might still try to practice by yourself," Trent teased, kissing Carlos again quickly. "Now, I gotta get dressed. Don't think it will go over too well if I go to work naked," Trent said, climbing off of Carlos and then off the bed.
Trent got dressed while Carlos watched him from bed, looking more and more tired by the minute. After he was finished dressing, Trent came back to the bed and sat down again. Carlos was barely awake. Trent put his hand in Carlos's hair again, brushing his hand through it as he spoke, "I'll check on you before I leave, but you go to sleep now if you can, you hear me? I'll leave your lunch for you and I'll call you later."
Carlos watched Trent as he got dressed, wishing he was right beside him getting ready to go to work, too. It was hard to accept that he had to stay home and rest while his lover was doing all the work, but he once again reminded himself that he would be back up to speed and back at work again soon. "Sleep does sound like a good idea," he said.
Trent leaned down and kissed Carlos on the lips. "I love you very much. Feel better," he said then got up from the bed and headed out of the bedroom.
Carlos kissed Trent back passionately and smiled tiredly -- he was worn out. "I love you, too," he added, watching as Trent left the bedroom.
Trent headed to the kitchen to make himself lunch. He really didn't want to leave, really. As he got out the bread and other fixings for his and Carlos's sandwiches, he went over the things he had to do today at the office in his mind. **No, no way out of it,** he thought to himself. He had to go in.
Once Trent was gone Carlos couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he adjusted his position slightly and hugged his pillow to him as he fell into a deep sleep faster than he realized.
Finishing fixing the sandwiches, Trent covered Carlos's in plastic wrap then sat down at the table to eat his own lunch. He looked across the table at Carlos's empty place. How wrong it seemed for him not to be sitting there. **You used to eat all by yourself all the time, Malloy, get a grip,** he told himself. It didn't help. It was wrong not to have Carlos sitting across the table from him.
Finishing up his lunch and doing the few dishes, Trent looked at the time and realized he was running about on time, despite the delay. He headed into the bedroom to get his keys and wallet and to check on Carlos. Getting into the room, Trent saw Carlos was fast asleep and he smiled, knowing it was exactly what his lover needed. Trent put on his watch, put his wallet in his pocket and picked up his keys. He was heading to pick up the garment bags containing their costumes when he looked at Carlos in bed and, remembering again how getting up could effect his lover, Trent put his keys in his pocket and headed back to the kitchen.
Getting a can of Pepsi out of the refrigerator then picking up the plate of sandwiches covered in plastic wrap, Trent headed back to the bedroom. On his way, he had an idea. Stopping at the desk, he put down what he was carrying and found a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote a short message on the paper and folded it in half, so it would stand up. He wrote "Carlos" on the outside of it then picked up the food and headed to the bedroom with it all.
Making room for the plate and can on the nightstand, Trent put the note on top of the sandwiches. He really wanted to kiss Carlos again, but didn't want to disturb him, he really needed his rest. He finally decided he could reach his lover's face without getting on the bed which might wake him, so he leaned over, just barely reaching Carlos's cheek and kissed him ever so gently. He straightened up, dug his keys out of his pocket, picked up the Conan and Dar costumes to return to the rental place, and headed for the front door.
The drive to work was uneventful. After stopping to drop off the costumes, Trent headed to Thunder Investigations and arrived just in time to get settled before their client showed up so they could go over the progress on the case. After the client left, Trent caught up with Kim, then they went over the rest of the work for the week, what needed to be done, etc. Trent tried very hard to keep Carlos out of his mind, but it only worked so well. He was hoping his lover found his sandwiches OK, thinking he might not see them and go looking for them in the kitchen. He realized his mind had been wandering only when Kim had to get his attention back. "Sorry, Kim," Trent said, then looked at his watch briefly, noting about two and a half hours had gone by since he left Carlos, then turned his attention back to Kim and the rest of the week's business.
Carlos began to stir and he opened his eyes slowly, looking around the room taking it in a little at a time, then remembered that Trent had gone to work and he was there alone. **Alone,** he thought -- he didn't like that word at all.
Carlos looked over in the direction of the nightstand and saw the plate of sandwiches that his lover had left him and the note on top. He smiled and moved closer to them and smiled even more when he read the note. "I love you, Lucky Bear." It was signed "Trent" and there was a smiley face under his lover's signature. Carlos continued to look at the note and felt so much love flowing through him that he knew he would never feel alone again.
Just as if his stomach had known the sandwiches were right there, Snoopy began to growl and Carlos laughed wishing Trent were there to hear this. He remembered Trent rubbing and kissing his stomach earlier and with those thoughts in mind and feeling much better, he heartily dug into one of the sandwiches his lover had made before he left. It was delicious and he had another one and also enjoyed the can of Pepsi that Trent had thought of too. After he got through eating he covered the rest of the sandwiches up and lay back in bed thinking about his lover and wondering what he was doing right then.
The second client meeting of the day was much shorter than the first. It was really just to close up a case, get things all settled on both sides, and generally wrap things up. Trent was done and had some extra time and looked at his watch, trying to decide if he should call Carlos yet or not. He didn't want to wake him, but if he was still asleep after three hours, well, he needed to get up and eat anyway. He could always go back to sleep after that.
Getting up from his desk, Trent closed the office door. After their conversation yesterday on the phone, Trent thought it a wise precaution. Sitting back down, Trent called his own number and waited for Carlos to answer.
Carlos was very happy when the phone rang, knowing it just had to be his lover on the other end and he grabbed the receiver before the second ring. "Hello?" he said, even though he was certain it would be Trent he didn't think he should answer how he really wanted to so he played it safe until he could hear Trent's voice.
"Hello to you, too. You and Snoopy find your lunch OK?" Trent asked, just to be sure he had.
"Yes, we found the sandwiches just where you left them. They were delicious -- thanks, baby. The Pepsi was perfect, too -- thank you for thinking of everything," Carlos said, smiling from ear to ear. "And thank you for the note -- that was very special," he added softly.
"Glad you enjoyed it all, and you're welcome. But it wasn't anything special," Trent said, meaning the food, "And I do love you," he continued, meaning the note.
Speaking in a low, husky and very seductive voice Carlos said, "I can't wait until you get home -- I'm going to fuck you so hard and for so long you won't believe it."
"Uh huh, I see. So you *have* been practicing your sword play, haven't you? Or at least getting your blade ready to do battle," Trent said to his lover. "Remember, it's not the size of the blade, but how you use it. And you might just have some competition as to who is fucking whom," Trent informed Carlos.
"You know what they say -- practice makes perfect," Carlos said. "My blade is *always* ready to do battle, so we'll just see who will be fucking whom," he added, very suggestively.
"Yes, I had noticed that about your blade. But I don't think you *really* need any more practice with it. Not sure how you could get much better with it," Trent said, totally telling the truth. "However, keeping it battle ready does mean it needs to be used and maintained to keep it that way," Trent continued, "But that goes for mine, too, so we'll just have to see who comes out on *top*." Trent was grinning at his own word play as well as getting aroused talking about who was going to fuck whom.
"I think we'll have to do just that, but we won't know anything until you get home, will we?" Carlos asked. He was so looking forward to when his lover came home from work. "Now as much as I hate to say this, I'd better let you get back to work so that you can finish up for the day and contemplate this battle of ours on the way home. I can't wait to see you, baby," he added, smiling brightly and wishing it were the end of the day already.
"Yes, I guess you're right," Trent sighed, overly dramatically. "I doubt our client would be overly impressed with the battle readiness of my sword at the moment," he continued, "I can't wait to fuck you -- I mean see you -- either, Lucky Bear. I love you. Bye."
After Trent hung up the phone he sat there for a while before getting up to open the office door. Finding the client wasn't there yet, Trent was happy he hadn't kept anyone waiting. He smiled at Kim who gave him an all too knowing look and asked, "So, how is Carlos?" He smiled a bit bigger, with a touch of a blush, and answered, "Just fine," then went back to his desk and sat down to wait for his next appointment.
Carlos put the receiver down and the smile he'd been wearing on his face turned into the most wicked grin he had ever had. He was just struck with a great idea and he decided to put together a plan for it.
The rest of the day of work was uneventful and went according to what was planned. One more client to meet with, with some paper work in-between the appointments. Luckily, Trent had at least managed, with coming in today, to clear up the rest of the week, only needing to do some more paper work which he arranged with Kim would be sent to him at home when it was ready. Nothing he needed to be in the office for.
Carlos couldn't help but get excited about his plans he had for his lover and he kept looking at the clock to see what time it was knowing that it wouldn't be much longer before Trent would be walking through the door.
Finally done and heading for home, Trent was thinking about the evening to come and the conversation he and Carlos had had earlier. He was wondering just how this was going to work out. Not that it mattered. But it would be fun, he decided, figuring out who was going to fuck whom first. He smiled then grinned thinking about it as he pulled into his apartment parking lot and parked. Yes, it was going to be an interesting evening, he decided, as he headed up to his apartment.
It was time -- Trent would be walking through the door any minute and Carlos got what he needed to set his plan in motion, very excited that the moment had finally arrived. His lover had no idea what was going to happen and this thought running through his mind just made Carlos even happier and more thrilled with his plans.
Trent was fully expecting Carlos to be listening for him, and since he was in the bedroom, he decided to make a lot of noise so his lover was sure to hear him. He was getting used to being pulled into the apartment, swept into Carlos's arms and kissed passionately -- and he loved it. Putting the key in the lock and making a lot of noise and taking his time doing it, Trent unlocked the door, put his keys back in his pocket, then took hold of the knob and started to open the door.
Carlos's grin turned even more wicked as he heard the key in the door and when the door opened he reached out and grabbed his lover's wrist and pulled him inside, shoving the door shut, then holding up the handcuffs and letting them dangle in front of Trent, the wicked grin spreading rapidly across his face.
When Carlos grabbed his wrist, Trent smiled, knowing he had been right. He loved being pulled into the apartment, but when he looked at Carlos, expecting to be grabbed and kissed, he saw instead the most wicked grin he had ever seen on his lover's face before, then he saw the handcuffs.
"I think the competition just ended," Carlos said in a very low husky voice. With his lover's arms in front of him he slipped one of the cuffs around Trent's wrist and secured it, then put the other cuff on his lover's other wrist and closed it just as securely as the first one, smiling in satisfaction as he looked at his lover before taking the chain in-between, turning, and pulling Trent behind him towards the bedroom.
Before Trent even had a chance to react, his lover was putting the handcuffs on his wrists. He was so shocked and so surprised he just looked at his wrists, now snugly bound together with the handcuffs in front of him. "Carlos, I...," but he couldn't finish, Carlos was pulling him forward, by the handcuffs, towards the bedroom.
Carlos had such a raging hard on -- he'd never been so hard in his life. As he got closer to the bedroom he suddenly decided he couldn't take it anymore and he turned, picked up his lover, and tossed him face down over the arm of the couch. He reached around his lover's waist, unbuckled his lover's belt, unzipped his pants and yanked them and his underwear down to his knees -- the need and the urge so strong that he just had to fuck Trent now and fast.
Trent wasn't sure what to make of this or if he even liked it. He had barely had time to adjust to Carlos dragging him into the bedroom by his cuffed hands when his lover suddenly turned around, scooped him up and more or less threw him over the arm of couch. **What has gotten into him?** Trent barely had time to think before he felt his lover yanking his pants and underwear down. Trent was still not sure what had gotten into Carlos, but his own arousal was growing whatever it was.
Carlos had had plenty of time to get worked up about this and he was so excited by the time Trent came home from work that he was leaking enough fluid from the head of his very hard shaft to provide the lubrication needed so he knew he wouldn't hurt his lover. He put his hands on Trent's hips and thrust hard, deep and fast into his lover. Pulling back immediately he thrust in again and again, pulling his lover's hips towards him to add even more power to his thrusts. He couldn't get enough and he was fast and furious about it, thrusting deeper and deeper, harder and harder, each time -- picking up speed with each thrust.
Trent cried out when Carlos took him so fast -- not out of pain, out of total surprise as well as excitement. This was all moving so fast he didn't have time to think about it, he barely had time to react. As Carlos continued to thrust inside him fast and hard, Trent's own excitement grew, as did his erection. He was still not sure what to make of all this, but he was loving every second of it and he began to pant as his own passion built.
Carlos was breathing very heavily, continuing to thrust hard and deep inside his lover, his desire and passion increasing even more than he could have possibly imagined. He was completely beside himself now, his thrusts becoming even faster, harder and deeper than he thought possible. He was very close to the edge and he pulled Trent's hips to him even more, further back, making his thrusts go in even deeper as he continued his climb towards climax.
Trent moaned in his pleasure as he felt his lover continue to thrust deep within him over and over. He started to move his arms to brace himself better against the couch only to find he couldn't move his hands. Looking down, he saw the handcuffs again but didn't have time to think about them any more now than he did before. The sensations Carlos was creating within him were too much to think of anything else.
The pace Carlos set continued to increase steadily and he was beginning to moan loudly as he felt himself getting closer to his climax. He mumbled in a mixture of English and Spanish, then moaned louder when he got to the peak and with a sudden very large spasm he cried out even louder and exploded inside of Trent, filling his lover's body with his essence. It was the most intense orgasm he'd ever experienced. The spasms continued for several minutes -- Carlos wasn't even sure if they were going to stop, but gradually they slowed to the point where he could remove himself from his lover's body.
Trent really couldn't believe this was happening. He loved it, but it was so different and his body was very much responding. He was panting very hard as his lover continued to thrust hard and fast into him. He heard Carlos's mumbling -- he knew what that meant -- then felt his lover come inside him, come hard and long. Then after a moment, he felt his lover removing himself from his body, which surprised him yet again.
Carlos stood up and pulled Trent up off the arm of couch. Pulling Trent's pants back up quickly and as far as he could with Trent's erection in the way, Carlos then took the chain between the handcuffs in his hand and pulled Trent behind him as he headed towards the bedroom.
Trent's thoughts were just catching up with him and he was about to speak when once again Carlos surprised him by moving him off the couch and yanking his pants back up. Taking hold of his cuffed hands, his lover started towards the bedroom again dragging him along with him. Trent, still stunned, grabbed hold of his pants by the waistband so he wouldn't trip on them and followed Carlos still not quite sure what was going on. But one thing was for sure, his body was enjoying it even if his mind hadn't quite figured it out yet.
Carlos continued to lead Trent into the bedroom until he got to the bed then he picked him up and threw him on the bed. Climbing onto the bed beside him, Carlos pulled Trent to an upright position, on his knees and facing the headboard. Taking the chain from the handcuffs on Trent's wrists in one hand, he used his other hand to bring up the open cuff from the second set of handcuffs which he had attached earlier to the headboard -- one cuff secured to the headboard, the other left open and dangling. Carlos securely fastened the open cuff to the chain between Trent's hands.
Again, Trent's thoughts were just catching up to what was happening when Carlos picked him up and tossed him on the bed. Everything was happening so fast and was so unusual Trent was just moving more or less on autopilot, moving as Carlos was making him. Not that he objected, on the contrary, he found the differentness about this stimulating, the unknown about it totally erotic.
After Carlos was done moving him, Trent found himself kneeling on the bed, facing the headboard, with his hands cuffed together and then those cuffs cuffed to the headboard. He stared down at his hands, being held straight down in front of him by the cuffs. Still not sure what to make of all this, he looked up at Carlos.
"I've got you right where I want you now," Carlos said.
Trent shivered at his lover's words.
Carlos kissed his lover on the mouth tenderly, passionately and with all of the love he had. "I've only just started," he said, not being anywhere near through with what he had in mind for his wonderful lover.
Trent managed to kiss Carlos back. His arousal was growing by the minute even if he wasn't sure what was happening next -- or perhaps because of it. When the kiss broke and Carlos spoke, Trent stared at his lover -- he was panting hard -- then whimpered softly.
Carlos stared back at Trent, his own arousal, which was as strong as it had been earlier, increased strongly at hearing his lover's whimper, which he loved so much. He moved around Trent until he was behind him then, once again, pulled Trent's still undone pants and underwear down. He fondled his lover's buttocks gently, then, still well lubricated, he thrust himself into his lover moaning loudly as he did so, reveling in the joining of their bodies once more.
Trent watched, moving only his head and eyes, as Carlos moved around him on the bed. When his lover started to fondle him, he closed his eyes and moaned, loving the feel of Carlos's hands on his backside. With his eyes still closed, and enjoying the fondling, Trent was surprised to feel his lover quickly entering him. He cried out in both surprise and passion once again, as he had earlier, then moaned loudly, thrilling to the feeling of his lover filling his body -- thrilling to the differences in the feeling of this position -- thrilling to the unknown of what would happen next.
Carlos held his position for a moment after entering Trent then, with his hands on Trent's hips, he pulled his lover back towards him as he began thrusting inside his lover's body.
Trent moaned loudly, followed by a whimper when Carlos paused for a moment after their joining. Then his lover was moving inside him, pulling Trent back against him, joining them deeply with each thrust. Trent cried out again and again with each thrust, barely able to hold his restraint at this point. He started to move his hands, he wanted to touch his lover, only to find he couldn't because of the handcuffs. His restraint all but left him when he felt the pull of the handcuffs, the tight feel of his hands being held firmly in place.
It thrilled Carlos to hear his lover's moans and whimpers and his incredibly hard shaft became even harder as he continued to thrust even deeper inside of Trent -- knowing and understanding the wonderful pleasures he was bringing to his lover. Still continuing to thrust inside his lover he moved his hands up from Trent's hips to slide them around to Trent's chest and pull him back from further above. He had a sudden urge and, without warning, he took hold of Trent's shirt at chest level with both hands, each hand pulling at the shirt with the buttons popping off as the shirt opened wide to reveal his lover's chest.
Trent was more than a little surprised and very excited when he felt Carlos yank his shirt open. He opened his eyes just in time to see a button go flying, having come off his shirt in his lover's haste to get to his bare chest.
Carlos's fingers lovingly teased his lover's nipples, making them hard in no time. This just further increased Carlos's desires and when he had both nipples hard he reached down with one hand and wrapped it firmly around Trent's hardened shaft and began pumping in a rhythm to match what his own body was giving Trent's -- hard and fast -- so very near that special peak where they would fall off together.
What tiny bit of hold Trent still had on himself left as soon as Carlos began to fondle his nipples. He moaned, then he whimpered, then when his lover moved his hand onto his very hard shaft -- **Have I ever been this hard before?** he wondered -- Trent cried out loudly in his pleasure, closing his eyes again, knowing his orgasm was only seconds away.
Carlos placed his other hand back on Trent's hip and began to pull again as he thrust and, after a few very hard deep thrusts, he came deep inside his lover, waves of pleasure engulfing him as he poured his essence into Trent's body just as Trent came and came hard into his hand. Carlos dropped several sweet, tender kisses along his lover's back and then slowly withdrew from his lover's body. He gently helped Trent to stretch out, removed his pants and underwear the rest of the way, then got the keys to unlock the handcuffs.
Trent felt Carlos come inside him just as he was starting to come himself, intensifying the already intense orgasm. He was shaking long after the spasms stopped and he moved as Carlos wanted him too, just as he had since he got home, just following what his lover wanted him to do, what his lover needed him to do.
Once Carlos had unlocked the cuffs, he removed his lover's shirt, tossing it to the floor, then drew Trent close to him and kissed him passionately and ran his hand through his lover's hair. "God, baby..., that was incredible..., thank you," he said between breaths holding his lover close as he returned from his climax.
When his senses returned enough to open his eyes, Trent found himself lying on the bed, minus his pants, with Carlos just finishing unlocking his hands. He just looked at Carlos -- started at him really -- as he first gently removed his shirt, then drew him into his arms and spoke to him and caressed him. Trent was still breathing very hard and still moaning softly, as was his normal return after an orgasm, but there was something different here he couldn't put his finger on -- something pleasant, but he couldn't really figure it out. He just continued to stare at Carlos, still not able to speak, continuing to pant and moan ever so softly.
Carlos continued to hold his lover close and caress him, dropping sweet tender kisses on his forehead, cheek, nose then lips. He ran one hand up and down Trent's back and as he did so he realized that something was very different with the way Trent was acting and he was becoming concerned. "Baby? Are you all right? Did I hurt you?" he asked, suddenly wondering if he'd hurt Trent somehow. He didn't think so, but the way his lover was looking at him wasn't like anything he'd seen before.
Trent continued to stare at Carlos and pant. When his lover asked if he had hurt him, he shook his head no, still staring, then put his head down on Carlos's chest. "No, you didn't hurt me, Carlos," Trent said in an almost whisper, barely able to talk but needing his lover to know he hadn't hurt him.
Carlos breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't hurt Trent and he hugged his lover closer to his body, continuing to run one hand up and down his back, very well aware that Trent still had quite a way to go to come down from his climax. He continued to hold Trent in his arms and ran a hand through his hair loving the feeling of his lover's head on his chest.
Trent's breathing was easing a bit. With his head still on Carlos's chest, Trent put his arm around his lover's waist hugging him tightly -- almost fiercely. Needing to be even closer to his lover, Trent put one leg over Carlos, moving his position so he was lying half on and half off of him -- as close as he could get.
Feeling his lover's hold around him tighten, Carlos in turn held Trent tighter and the hand that was running up and down his lover's back continued, soothing his lover as he returned to himself. He could feel Trent's breathing was easier, smoother, and that it wouldn't be long before his lover had completely come down from his climax. How he loved this feeling -- the closeness that they shared, the wonderful love he felt flowing between them. Having his lover's body half on and half off of him was the best, he could never get enough of their bodies touching. He tightened his hold around Trent again, even tighter this time, and kissed his lover tenderly on the cheek, then his soft lips, savoring their sweet taste.
Trent was very glad when Carlos sensed his need and tightened his hold on him. He wasn't quite sure why, but he needed to be as close to Carlos as possible, to really feel him holding him as he did now. Trent kissed Carlos back with the same sense of almost fierceness. **What on earth has gotten into me?** Trent thought to himself as the kiss broke and he returned his head to Carlos's chest, snuggling against his lover tightly.
Carlos knew that Trent needed to be even closer to him and he loved the way that his lover snuggled up to him. He kept holding him close and tight, not wanting to let go. He knew he could continue to hold Trent like this forever. "I love you so much, Trent," he said softly, as he leaned down to kiss his lover on the forehead then settled back into bed, drawing Trent even closer to him. He breathed out a deep sigh and ran a hand through his lover's hair, very thankful to have this wonderful man in his life.
"Mmm...," Trent murmured and snuggled closer to Carlos, if such a thing were even possible, "I love you too, Lucky Bear." Trent sighed and squeezed Carlos a bit tighter momentarily. "You feel so good...," Trent trailed off just enjoying holding Carlos and being held.
Carlos smiled at this. When Trent squeezed him tighter he responded by squeezing his lover back just as much in reassurance that he was right there by his side and always would be. "Thank you, baby -- you feel wonderful yourself," he said and squeezed Trent again as he ran one hand down his lover's back.
"That was certainly an interesting welcome home you gave me," Trent said, chuckling. "You never cease to amaze me, Carlos, really," he added, looking up at his lover without taking his head off his chest.
Carlos looked at Trent and smiled, feeling the love and warmth from his lover flowing through him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, thinking back to the moment he had pulled his lover in the front door and put the cuffs on him and everything that followed after that. "I do aim to please," he added, very pleased that he had made his lover feel this way. He softly caressed Trent's cheek with the back of his hand and sighed contentedly, so grateful for this man -- his lover and partner in life.
"Yes, I have noticed that," Trent said, smiling, "And your aim just keeps getting better. Not sure how you do that. Very impressive."
"Why thank you, kind sir," Carlos said. He would have bowed if he could, but he wasn't about to relinquish his hold on his lover. This was just too good, lying there together holding each other, sharing the closeness and love with the one person he loved more than anything. "You do realize that your aim is quite impressive, too," he added in a seductive tone, and leaned down to capture his lover's sweet, soft lips in a brief, tender, passionate kiss. It must have been close to dinnertime because -- as if right on cue -- his stomach started to growl and Carlos couldn't suppress a laugh or his face from turning bright pink at the timing of it's entrance.
Trent started laughing mid-kiss as Carlos's stomach made it's presence known yet again, very loudly. Breaking the kiss, both of them laughing now, Trent dropped several kisses over Carlos's stomach while still laughing and smiling happily. "I think...," Trent said, kissing Carlos's stomach again, "It's time...," a few more kisses, "To feed...," and more kisses, "The puppy...," Trent kissed his lover's stomach a few more times then looked up at his face, "You think so?"
Carlos laughed even more as Trent kissed his stomach -- he loved that so much. It made him feel so good to have that special touch of his lover's. He ran both hands through his lover's hair and encouraged more of Trent's sweet kisses on his stomach then looked at his lover still laughing. "I think it's definitely time to feed the puppy -- the whining has begun," he said, breaking into another fit of laughter as he loosened his hold around Trent and kissed his forehead.
Carlos's stomach growled yet again. "Just a minute, the puppy needs me again," Trent said, and started to kiss his lover's stomach again. After kissing it several more times, Trent said, directed at Carlos's stomach, "Will that hold you 'til we get you some food? Humm?" Hearing no reply, Trent looked back up at Carlos who was watching him and grinned, "Come on, before it starts whining again."
Trent got up from the bed and grabbed his robe and put it on. Finding Carlos's and waiting for his lover to get up, Trent's mind went back to the recent lovemaking and he smiled. It had surprised him -- in more ways than one.
Carlos smiled as he got out of bed right behind his lover. He appreciated Trent holding his robe for him to slip into, but when he went to do so he noticed that his lover seemed a bit distracted, as if there was something on his mind. "Trent?" he asked, trying to get his lover's attention back.
"Huh?" Trent said, looking at Carlos looking at him. "Oh, sorry," he said and smiled, holding up Carlos's robe for him to put on. After he had it on, he turned him around and tied it for him, then pulled his lover into his arms. "Thank you," Trent said, and kissed Carlos, "Now let's go find some supper for Snoopy," he added, rubbing Carlos's stomach.
Carlos just loved it when Trent took care of him, helping him with his robe, and especially when his lover kissed his stomach when it was growling and whining. "You're welcome," he said, kissing his lover back tenderly, and smiled brightly as his lover rubbed his stomach. "Yes, let's go get some supper for Snoopy," he added, absolutely loving the name Trent gave his stomach. His lover was right, Carlos reflected, thinking about the time Trent said there were three in their relationship -- Trent, Carlos, and Carlos's stomach. He laughed again and looked at Trent once more. "After you, my love," he said and waved his arm in the general direction of the kitchen.
Heading into the kitchen to get dinner going, Trent went to the refrigerator and got out the things to start making dinner after pointing at a kitchen chair for Carlos to go sit in. As much better as his lover was doing, Trent still didn't like him doing things he didn't need to. Besides, Trent liked cooking for Carlos. Starting to work on fixing dinner, Trent's mind once again wandered to their lovemaking. He was thinking about how Carlos had put the handcuffs on him so quickly, before he could object. It had totally surprised him.
Carlos did as Trent asked and took a seat at the kitchen table. He watched as his lover got the necessary things out of the refrigerator to make dinner for them, thoroughly loving the way Trent took care of him, not only by making sure he didn't overdo, but by seeing to it that he ate properly as well. He would always be grateful and thankful for this wonderful man -- his lover. "Baby? Is there anything I can do?" he asked, noticing that Trent had drifted off again.
Trent continued to get the food ready to cook, getting out pans, totally lost in his thoughts. He was still a bit surprised by the whole thing. *Pleased* but surprised.
Watching his lover continue to fix them dinner Carlos realized that Trent hadn't even heard him talking to him because he was so lost in his thoughts. "Trent?" Carlos said his name again, attempting to get his lover's attention once more.
"Huh?" Trent realized Carlos was talking to him. "Sorry, Carlos, what did you say?" he added turning around to look at his lover sitting in the chair watching him.
"I asked if there was anything I could do to help you," Carlos repeated softly, having gotten the attention of his lover back he sat back in his chair once more. He wondered what was on his lover's mind that kept him so preoccupied.
"No, thanks, got everything under control," Trent said, turning back to fixing dinner. "Nothing in need of cutting or chopping or blowing or anything," he said, grinning and laughing softly remembering the night before.
Carlos laughed at his lover's reference to the night before, the word 'blowing' causing him to blush, too.
When the meal was almost ready, Trent got out plates and silverware and took them to the table. Setting them down, he bent over and kissed Carlos, running his hand over his lover's stomach as he did. "Almost ready, Snoopy," he said with a grin after the kiss broke.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with passion and desire, putting his hand on his lover's as he rubbed his stomach -- it felt so good, so very good -- and he laughed again, smiling at Trent and the way his lover took care of his whining puppy of a stomach.
Bringing the food to the table and sitting down, Trent watched Carlos as he helped himself then took the plate from him to help himself. His mind was wandering again, **I wonder if it was because it was so fast or if there's really something to it I never really understood before?** Trent was sitting there holding the plate with the food on it not taking any, just staring at it, but not really looking at it.
Carlos watched Trent as he became lost in his thoughts once again. He wondered what it was that was on his lover's mind and was trying to think of the possibilities. Obviously it was something intense for Trent to be distracted like this. "Trent?" he asked when he saw that Trent was just staring at the plate of food, but not really paying attention to any of it.
"Humm?" Trent looked up at Carlos who was looking at him again, "I'm sorry, Carlos, my mind was wandering again. What did you say?"
Carlos smiled at his lover and was glad to get his attention once again. "Are you going to take some of that food or just stare at it all night?" he asked, lightly teasing him. He really was starting to wonder even more what was going on -- even when he got Trent's attention he felt he really barely had it at all -- that his lover really had something on his mind. He continued to smile at Trent, then turned his attention to his dinner.
Trent looked a bit bewildered, as if he didn't understand what Carlos was talking about, then he noticed he was holding the plate Carlos had handed him but hadn't taken anything off it. He smiled a rather embarrassed smile then helped himself and put the plate down on the table.
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