We Kiss in a Shadow

Authors: Kitty and Annie
Email authors: Here
Rating: NC-17
Paring: Trent and Carlos
Series: Love Changes Everything -- Story Two

When Carlos awoke he found that Trent was still sleeping peacefully in his arms. He watched him sleep for almost half an hour before he couldn't resist any more and leaned down to kiss his lover's neck softly and nuzzle him gently. Trent's heart continued to beat a slow and steady rhythm and Carlos couldn't have been more content than at that moment watching his lover sleeping peacefully.
Slowly waking up, Trent felt his neck being kissed. At first he was wondering if he was still dreaming but, as he woke more, he remembered the events of yesterday and smiled first inwardly then outwardly.
"Mmmm..., that feels nice," Trent said, still not totally awake, "Best alarm clock I've ever had. Need to patent this. Make a lot of money with it."
Carlos chuckled softly, liking how that sounded. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to show you what else I have in mind to wake you up," he said teasingly with a twinkle in his eye as he continued to nuzzle and kiss Trent's neck. He lifted his lover's chin towards himself and kissed his lips tenderly. "How's that for a patent?" he asked, still teasing.
Trent kissed Carlos back. "Changed my mind. Not sharing my invention," he said as he put his head back on Carlos's chest. "I don't suppose we could call in sick today or anything?" Trent asked, knowing full well they couldn't.
"No, I don't suppose we could," Carlos sighed, knowing they had to go into work today just like any other day. He gently ran his hands through Trent's hair and held him for a few minutes longer. "I guess we should get ready and go to the office," he said, not wanting the moment to be over. He knew there would be many more moments together and the end of the day wasn't that far off anyway. "We'll have a lot of time together, Trent, more wonderful times to be together," he said, kissing his lover again.
Pretending not to have heard Carlos, Trent continued, "We might try the direct approach, I suppose," he really couldn't help teasing Carlos, "Hello, Kim? This is Trent. Carlos and I won't be in today. We're going to stay home and fuck each other's brains out. Talk to you later."
"Mmmm..., don't even get me started," Carlos said, laughing and looking at Trent. He loved that idea and nothing would please him more than to make love to Trent all day long. He turned Trent over so that he was facing him and kissed him harder this time, his tongue finding Trent's, kissing him, loving him with all he had. "Wow, you sure are something else, you know that?" he said, pulling him close.
"Why, thank you. Nice of you to notice," Trent said brightly. He hadn't felt so good nor so alive in, well, he couldn't remember a time he ever had. "You're not so bad yourself, you know," Trent added seductively, pressing his mouth to Carlos's for another of his kisses.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss with even more desire than before, never feeling so loved and needed in his life. "Thank you," he said, "And there's nothing I want more than to make love to you right now. I do hate to bring this up but we do have a business to run. I promise I'll make it up to you tonight, all right?" Carlos said, hoping he wasn't letting Trent down. Carlos looked his lover in the eyes. "Dinner? We can go out, or bring something back here -- your choice -- and it's on me. Then we'll have the rest of the night together," he said, giving Trent another searing kiss on the lips.
"Dinner is *on* you?" Trent teased, "Now THAT...," Trent moved so he was on his hands and knees but still had his face close to Carlos's, "...sounds VERY good." With that, Trent crawled over Carlos and out of the bed and headed for the bathroom and a shower hoping his lover would follow.
Carlos sat there in bed watching Trent's behind going into the bathroom for his shower. That last remark was definitely going to be taken as an invitation, he decided, and with a wicked grin, he headed off to the bathroom to join his lover in a wonderful hot shower. It was a shower for them to explore each other more -- not on a sexual level, but one of touching and just being close to each other.
They took turns washing each other then got out, dried off and got dressed, ready to go to Thunder Investigations for the day.
"I love you," Carlos said, kissing Trent for the last time before they headed out into the public world, leaving their private one behind for now.
"I love you, too, Carlos," Trent said, then followed him out the door, "You sure we can't call in sick? Or fucked?"
Carlos turned to face Trent in the hallway -- more than slightly pink at that last remark. "OK, wise guy, if you want me you've got me," he said, grabbing Trent and pulling him towards him in a solid, firm hug since there was no one around. "If you want to know what being fucked is all about you just wait until tonight," Carlos whispered into Trent's ear, then nibbled his earlobe a little before letting him go. Then he walked off down the hallway with a huge smile on his face knowing that would have surprised the hell out of Trent.
Trent stood there in the middle of the hall, a huge smile on his face, watching Carlos head off down the hallway. He was a little surprised at Carlos's reaction, but he was looking for some kind of response from him on that order. Catching up to Carlos as he was going out the front door, Trent asked, "You are a man of your word aren't you, sir?"
Carlos turned to face Trent with the largest, brightest smile he was capable of, his eyes twinkling and full of promise. "You bet I am and tonight I'm going to prove it," he said, and with that, he turned and headed to where their cars were parked.
Trent wasn't sure whether to laugh or be aroused. He was going to like this -- he was going to like having Carlos as both his best friend and his lover.
"Say, how about something to eat before we go in?" Carlos asked.
"We *are* kind of late, how about stopping for something to take with us?" Trent suggested, looking at his watch, "And NO, Carlos, a bag of doughnuts is NOT breakfast."
Carlos pretended to be hurt at having his choice of food criticized, but he had to smile. They might be opposites in the food department, but Trent was Trent and he wouldn't have him any other way. He still couldn't get over it -- they were lovers and best friends. As far as Carlos was concerned it was a dream come true and it would only get better as long as they were together. He vowed to himself right then and there that he would always take care of Trent and do everything within his power to make him feel safe, loved and secure for the rest of his life, no, their lives. God, how he loved the thought of that!
Carlos simply smiled at Trent, then laughed. "OK, you win. Whatever you want is fine with me," he said and got into his Durango. "Where to?" he asked, indicating that since Trent didn't like his choice of food then he would follow Trent.
"Why don't I stop and get something and you go on ahead to the office?" Trent asked, "After all, we can't walk in together, what *would* Kim think?"
"Good point," Carlos said. He flashed one more bright smile at his lover then pulled out into traffic and found himself humming to the music on the radio as he headed towards the office. He pulled up to his usual spot and parked. He really had to control himself here -- he wanted to run up the stairs, but it was very important that he act normal so that no one caught on. He would protect their privacy with everything it took. Someday he hoped the secrecy could end, but until then, their life together would be in private only.
He opened the door to Thunder Investigations and was greeted with a hearty 'Hi-ya' from Kim. "Morning, Kim. Are those our current cases?" he asked. Kim handed him the files and Carlos went into the back office to read through them and make mental notes of what needed to be done. A couple of runaways, an employee accused of embezzling, drug smuggling -- all pretty routine it looked like. He would wait until Trent got in to discuss anything before moving ahead and checking in with the clients. He felt that one or more of the cases could be handled by one of them and that way they could split the cases up.
Sitting in line at the drive-thru window waiting to pick up their breakfast, Trent was thinking back on yesterday and all that had happened. It had been a day full of extremes, that was for sure. He'd gone from the depths of grief at the sudden reminder of his dead lover Bryan to the pinnacle of ecstasy with his new lover Carlos. It had been quite a trip.
After picking up the food and then making one more stop, Trent drove on to Thunder Investigations. Pulling into a parking space and shutting off the engine, Trent wondered how hard it was going to be working next to Carlos and not being able to touch him or kiss him. However hard, for now, it had to stay that way. Taking the bags with the food in them out of the front seat, Trent went up the stairs to the office. Kim wasn't at her desk, so Trent left the food he had gotten for her on the desk and headed back to the office he shared with Carlos.
Carlos heard the door to the business open and knew that would be his wonderful lover and best friend Trent Malloy. He smiled immediately without thought as to who, if anyone, would see it. He quickly reminded himself that he would have to be careful of such reactions in order to keep their lives private. When he had heard Trent coming up the stairs he found himself getting excited to see him -- to be close to him -- and he wondered how hard this would be. He didn't care and no matter what, he would do what it took to make this work.
Carlos sat at the desk going over case folders. Trent knew he needed to be careful what he said, but he really was feeling so good this morning he couldn't help but tease Carlos some more. "Hey Carlos, you sure are looking happy this morning," Trent said, with a grin on his face, "You get lucky last night or something?"
At Trent's words Carlos reddened considerably. He stuttered, trying to figure out the best way to handle the situation. "As a matter of fact I did, what's it to you?" he retorted, then realized with horror that Kim was in the office somewhere and he'd probably just blown everything. Then he chuckled to himself when he thought of the words he'd just used and how they brought back wonderful memories of the previous night. He was becoming aroused just thinking about it.
"Just wondering," Trent chuckled. "Kim's not out there," Trent said, to ease Carlos's mind.
Trent put the bag with the food down on the desk and took out a box and handed it to Carlos. "Here's your food, if you can call anything picked up at a drive-thru window food," he said.
"Thanks, man," Carlos said, opening his box. Inside was the healthiest breakfast possible that one could get through the drive-thru. It was certainly healthier than one Carlos would have picked out left to his own devices, but not healthy enough to suit Trent. "Um, Trent, buddy, I don't know what *you* mean by healthy, but this is the healthiest fast food I've ever seen. LOOK at this, man -- I've never seen so much good food for breakfast," Carlos said, smiling happily.
Trent took out another box and placed it on the desk beside the bag and then looked in the bag again. He frowned then stuck his hand in the bag. "We have one napkin, one fork, one spoon and two breakfasts. Yes, this makes sense," Trent said, sitting down across from Carlos.
"You go ahead and use the utensils, I can do without," Carlos said, and started digging into the breakfast Trent brought him. There was scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. Carlos simply wasn't aware of how much grease was associated with it. Or maybe he was -- after all, he was known all around town as the King of the Greasy Cheeseburgers. "This is great, Trent -- thanks a lot," he said between mouthfuls.
Trent just sat and stared at Carlos's attack on his breakfast. After a few minutes of watching the show, Trent managed to ask, "Are you trying to be gross or do you always eat like a pig at breakfast?"
"What do you mean?" Carlos asked, between mouthfuls. "This is good and I'm hungry," he added, as he filled his mouth with food again.
"Well, I'm not sure you deserve these, but here," Trent handed Carlos a bag of doughnuts, handling the bag like it contained nuclear waste, "Chocolate cream-filled with chocolate frosting. Repulsive."
"REALLY?" Carlos asked, his eyes wide with surprise and happiness. While the other breakfast was quite good, there was nothing like chocolate cream-filled doughnuts with chocolate frosting on them. "You know something, Trent? You're the best," he said, then he lowered his voice. "At everything," he added, speaking softly. Then with a nice big smile at Trent he dug into his doughnuts and then polished off the rest of the breakfast he'd already started.
"I *do* try, you know," Trent teased again, watching Carlos now devour doughnuts in act two of The Breakfast Show.
Carlos watched while Trent began eating his breakfast. It was so good and Carlos had enjoyed his so much that he just had to help himself, so he grabbed a little of Trent's food for himself and ate almost as hungrily as he did not a few minutes before.
Carlos apparently had decided that since they were lovers, what was Trent's was his, including his breakfast. "Uh, excuse me?" Trent said, as Carlos snatched a piece of toast from his breakfast, "You had yours already." Trent could really care less that Carlos was mooching his breakfast. "One would think you missed your dinner last night, Carlos, really," he added with a grin.
Carlos grinned and continued to eat the toast. "Mmmmm, this is really good. Are you enjoying your breakfast, Trent?" Carlos asked.
"It looks like you're enjoying it enough for both of us," Trent chuckled, as he watched Carlos swipe more of his food.
Trent had really had enough of the grease-filled breakfast in front of him masquerading as food. He was only too happy to let Carlos have it. "Here," Trent said, pushing the rest of the food across the desk to Carlos, "Knock yourself out."
"Thanks, buddy," Carlos said, turning his full attention to the food in front of him, finishing it off in no time flat. "That was a delicious breakfast, Trent, thanks for picking it up," he added, and then threw the packaging away.
Trent looked at Carlos and smiled. "You know you have chocolate frosting on the corner of you mouth?" Trent asked. Then lowering his voice and speaking seductively, "I don't usually eat chocolate but I'm considering an exception in this case."
They both heard the inner door that lead down to Uppercuts inside the building open and close announcing someone was in the office. A few moments later they heard Kim yell, "Thank you!" presumably for the Danish Trent had left for her on the desk.
Now it was time to go to work. When Carlos heard the door open he paused, looked at Trent quickly, and flashed him one of his brightest smiles, thinking of what was said between them. They would have to wait for any more such comments to be shared -- now that Kim was there it was back to business.
The morning passed uneventfully. Mostly paperwork, a new client that they talked with, nothing really out of the ordinary. Except Trent wanted to jump Carlos every time he looked at him. Business as usual.
By the time lunch hour rolled around, Trent was really having a hard time containing himself. Or more to the point, his pants were having a hard time containing him. "You know, Carlos, I was thinking that we could use some toner for that copy machine. You know, the kind that can only be gotten WAY across town? At that little office supply store? The one it takes, oh, about half an hour to get to?" Trent smiled seductively at Carlos, "Don't you think we might send Kim to get some? Maybe bribe her -- I mean, thank her by giving her money to get lunch for herself and us on the way back?"
Carlos looked up from his paperwork and smiled. The seductive smile on Trent's face said it all and Carlos was ready -- had been ready since he couldn't remember when. He wanted Trent now -- right now. The idea of sending Kim out on an errand so they could make love was the best idea he'd ever heard of. It held suspense, excitement, a little fear if someone found out, and a thrill that he could only imagine. If half of the thrill came true it would bring him more joy and happiness than he could ever hope for. "We sure do need that toner, Trent -- let's go talk to Kim right now," Carlos said, trying to hide how happy Trent's suggestion made him. He couldn't let on to Kim that they were trying to get rid of her.
Trent looked deliberately at Carlos's pants front. "I think YOU need a cold shower. I'll go ask Kim and secure the doors," Trent said with a grin.
Carlos turned a little pink at Trent's remark. "You're the one causing this so the least you can do is take care of it," Carlos grinned wickedly at Trent. He would have grabbed him and made love to him right then and there if Kim hadn't been there. It was the constant thought of her finding out that kept him in check, but as soon as she was gone it would be another story.
"Oh, I intend to," Trent said, in a low seductive voice bordering on a growl. With that, Trent turned and walked out of the room before the look on Carlos's face made his own pants unviewable by Kim.
Trent managed somehow to talk to Kim, give her some money and send her off without embarrassing himself. But by the time he had locked both the doors, he was glad there was no one to see him but his lover. Returning to the office Trent looked at Carlos sitting at the desk pretending he was working. "So, you want to go up to the loft? I think the couch is going to be more comfortable than the desk, or up against the wall, or on the floor, or in a folding chair, or..."
"OK, I get your point," Carlos said, standing up. He immediately went over to Trent, pulled him into his arms and kissed him very passionately, his tongue probing deeply, tasting, making sure he didn't miss a thing about his beautiful lover. "You're wonderful," Carlos said, when he pulled back for a moment. He looked at Trent with all the love he had, then took his lover's hand and led the way towards the loft.
Trent kissed Carlos back with all the passion that had been building over the morning. After they broke the kiss and Carlos took his hand and they started for the loft, Trent said, "You know, Carlos, it might not be a bad idea to bring a change of pants to work tomorrow."
"Well, the same could be said about you," Carlos couldn't resist adding, rather suggestively. There was a look of love and desire in his eyes that was also written all over his face. He was already liking this idea of sex in the office and it was definitely something he wanted on a regular basis.
"I meant both of us," Trent chuckled.
Trent had been following behind Carlos. When they got to the couch and Carlos stopped, Trent faced him, then pressed his body firmly up against his lover. "Now, is that a banana in your pocket?" Trent put his hand on Carlos's crotch and said in the most seductive voice he could, "Or are you just happy to see me?"
Carlos paused and thought for a moment trying to tease his lover, then pulled Trent against him in a tight hug and, with almost reckless abandon, began to kiss him harder and more passionately than ever had before. Their tongues were dueling, searching, tasting, memorizing everything about the other. Carlos broke the kiss only from the need to breathe. "That was incredible," he said, licking his lips seductively. "And no, that is most definitely NOT a banana," Carlos said, in an equally seductive voice.
"But I like bananas!" Trent said, pretending to pout, "But I'm beginning think chocolate doughnuts might *just* be better."
Carlos unbuttoned Trent's shirt and laid it across the back of the couch, then went to work on his pants. Just before he unbuckled Trent's belt buckle he deliberately grabbed hold of his lover's crotch and felt him hardening.
Trent breathed in sharply when Carlos grabbed him through his jeans. "Ooh, that feels good," he said.
Then Carlos removed everything -- shoes, socks, pants, underwear -- until his sexy, beautiful lover was standing in front of him naked. Carlos just admired him and then began to get undressed himself.
"Oh no you don't," Trent said, putting his hands on Carlos's, who was intent on taking off his own clothes, "That's my job -- or pleasure." Trent removed Carlos's clothes slowly, deliberately, but he didn't waste a lot of time either. He really was just as anxious as his lover. Well, almost as anxious he noticed. When he was finished, Trent stood facing Carlos, pressing his body against his lover's once again. "Now, about that *not banana* of yours," Trent said, taking hold of Carlos's shaft none too gently.
Carlos sucked in his breath sharply as soon as Trent took hold of his shaft. When he let his breath out it was barely in control, almost in a rush. "If that's not the hardest hard on I've ever had I don't know what is," Carlos said. He wanted Trent..., now. "I want to make love to you Trent, right here and right now," Carlos said.
"Like I'm going somewhere?" Trent asked.
Carlos eased Trent down to the couch and began to kiss him on the lips, jaw and neck -- slowly, delicate light teasing kisses, followed by kisses with more intensity, more heat. As their bodies became even more full of passion Carlos realized he was going to need the KY Jelly to continue this any further. He wouldn't hurt Trent for anything, but the way things were right now, he was too excited and horny to wait any longer.
"Pocket," Trent managed somehow to say. Carlos looked at him uncomprehending. Trent pointed at his shirt, "Look in the pocket." He wasn't sure how he got so many comprehensible words out in a row. Trent had thought they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off each other all day and had brought some KY from home.
Carlos reached into Trent's shirt pocket and found the KY Jelly and took the cap off. He didn't know how he could do this without fumbling, he was so hot -- he could barely think straight at this point in time. He coated himself very well to make sure he didn't hurt Trent in any way, then prepared his lover. He was going to make this very enjoyable for them both.
Once he had finished making sure everything was all right, Carlos looked Trent deep in his eyes and lowered himself into him, facing him again, wanting that closeness. But this time it was more urgent and he was inside Trent quicker. He waited until his lover was adjusted and comfortable then he moved inside him even deeper -- deeper than he thought possible. "Oh, Trent, you feel so good. You don't know what you do to me," he said, and began moving inside Trent slowly. But slow didn't last long. His passion was high, his excitement on the edge, and he wanted to fuck Trent so bad he couldn't stand it. "This is going to be the first of many times I'm going to fuck you like this," he whispered, in a seductive husky voice.
It felt so good when Carlos finally joined with him. He had been wanting it all day, ever since this morning when he had woken up in Carlos's arms. And then Carlos started to move and move faster and faster. Trent wanted to say something, some kind of encouragement so Carlos would know he wasn't hurting him but rather pleasing him immensely. But all he could manage to do was moan, moan loudly, then again. **How does Carlos manage to talk?** Trent wondered, very fleetingly. Too much else to concentrate his attentions on at the moment to give that thought much air time. Trent couldn't stop moaning. This wasn't like him, but it felt SO good. He just hoped the sound didn't carry downstairs to Uppercuts.
Carlos couldn't have been more pleased knowing that Trent was enjoying himself as much as he was and he had only started. His rhythm increased steadily, moving faster and faster, harder and deeper with each thrust of himself inside his lover. Trent's moans turned Carlos on even more, making his thrusts faster and more furious as his passion and desire rose to the top. In Carlos's excitement he wanted more and more of Trent with each passing moment and he bit down on his lover's shoulder as he thrust deeper inside him.
Carlos reached out with one hand, capturing Trent's shaft, and began stroking it in a rhythm to match the rhythm of his thrusts into Trent's body. He knew that Trent was on the verge of climax and he wanted to make it the best he could for him, so he stroked his lover harder and moved faster and deeper still within Trent's body.
Trent was already almost completely lost in his passion when Carlos captured his shaft and began to stroke him. That did it, he was gone. Nothing in the world would have phased him a bit or gotten him to stop what he was doing, not even his own mother walking in on them. Trent didn't think it possible, but his moaning increased in intensity and volume despite the thought somewhere in the back of his head it might be a good idea to be quieter.
Carlos felt his own climax at the edge of bliss and he continued to stroke Trent until he came, this causing Carlos to climax inside his lover's body. It would take a long time to come down from this orgasm, the excitement was almost too much to bear. Trent was the most incredible lover.
Trent continued to moan after his release. He was coming back to himself, but it was going to take a long time. Slowly the moans softened in intensity as he began to breathe more regularly.
Carlos removed himself from his lover's body, then drew Trent into his arms. Breathing raggedly, he whispered, "Thank you." He didn't know what else to say. It was all so overwhelming, but he didn't want Trent to think any less of him because he had taken him so quickly.
**How the HELL does he manage to TALK?** Trent thought again. All he could do was lie against Carlos and try to breathe -- talking was out of the question. Finally, after several minutes, he managed to say, "You're welcome. And believe me, it was VERY much my pleasure."
Carlos kissed Trent on the lips passionately and held him close. As quickly as they had started it was over -- too soon, but it was wonderful while it lasted and Carlos knew he would keep his promise to give Trent many more occasions to feel like this again. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life and I promise you this is only the beginning," Carlos said, rubbing Trent's back lightly. "I do suppose we should get dressed, though -- Kim will be back soon, and it wouldn't be a good idea for her to see us this way," Carlos added in a soft voice.
"What are you talking about? Kim just left, didn't she?" Trent asked, "Then again, did that take five minutes or five hours? Not sure I know now that I think about it. And I'm really not sure just *where* that was you managed to send me, Carlos, but we really should find a way to make it a vacation spot. It would be very popular."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, and believe me, I have a lot more in mind for you," Carlos said seductively, nuzzling Trent's neck. "A lot more," he added. His hold tightened around Trent's chest and he just lay on his side, cuddling him close.
"I just hope they had some loud music on downstairs. Not sure how I feel about being lunch time entertainment for Uppercuts," Trent chuckled at himself.
"Well, if their music wasn't loud enough, then I think you'd qualify for backup singing," Carlos said, laughing softly.
Trent snuggled into Carlos's embrace. Could he ever get enough of it? He didn't think so. It felt so good.
"You know, we really have to get dressed now before Kim gets back," Carlos said, suddenly realizing that they were running out of time. He didn't want their time together to end, but they would have the rest of the day to work together, then there was the evening that Carlos had planned in his mind. Like he promised Trent earlier -- he was going to show his lover a thing or two and he would keep his promise.
"Aww, come on mom, just a few more minutes," Trent whined, in his best imitation of a ten year old. He knew Carlos was right, but he also didn't want to move.
"OK, since you were a good boy we can have a few more minutes together," Carlos said, teasingly, gently running his hand through Trent's hair and dropping several light kisses on his neck and nibbling softly on his earlobe.
"Mmmm..., that feels so nice...," Trent purred.
Carlos didn't want this time together to end either. He tightened his hold around Trent and made sure his lover was snuggled as close to him as possible. He couldn't get enough of touching Trent, kissing Trent, and Trent touching and kissing him. He was becoming aroused again and he knew there wasn't time. "It's time, Trent. I'm sorry, baby, but it's time," he said, with a note of sadness in his voice as he turned Trent's head towards him to capture his lips in a warm, loving, binding kiss that would last for all time.
"I can think of a lot of things I'd rather it be time for," Trent pretended to sulk.
"Mmmmmm, me too," Carlos said, kissing him again, very lovingly. "But we have our nights and our days off together. Along with special times like these, we'll have more than enough to satisfy our love for each other," he said, softly.
Trent got up reluctantly and retrieved his clothes from the various places they had been tossed earlier. "Hey, you aren't planning on eating all my lunch today, too, are you? I'm not going to be able to keep up with you if you don't let me eat occasionally," Trent teased.
Carlos pretended to be hurt at that last remark even though he knew that Trent was teasing. "Very funny. Are you implying that I eat too much?" he asked, trying to pout. He knew it wasn't too likely to work, but it was worth a try. Trent always seemed to have the monopoly when it came to pouting.
"I wasn't implying a thing. I was merely stating a fact," Trent teased back.
"Well, I do have to keep my strength up you know. Next time we'll just have to have breakfasts that are twice as large as today's," Carlos said, grinning and rubbing his tummy in circles like kids do when they are little. "Mmmmmm, more doughnuts for me," he said happily, figuring that would get a rise out of Trent.
Trent had to laugh. Both at Carlos and his actions and remembering The Breakfast Show from earlier. It had been very amusing. "That's why I told Kim to get extra food," Trent informed Carlos, "I was glad she didn't ask just *why* we were getting so much for lunch. But I'm sorry to say they don't sell chocolate doughnuts at Chinese restaurants, Carlos. You're going to have to settle for fortune cookies."
Carlos looked at Trent thoughtfully for a moment, then moved closer to him and pulled him into a warm embrace, just wanting to feel Trent close to him, to have him feel his love. "You take such good care of me. You're right, I should eat better. Thank you for suggesting Chinese," Carlos said, and he meant it.
"I agree you should eat better, but I can't deny the spectacular results the food you've been eating all your life has had on you," Trent said, looking Carlos up and down.
"Why, thank you, kind sir," Carlos said, appreciating the look Trent gave him. He looked Trent up and down too, then smiled, "Your diet hasn't exactly disagreed with you either."
Carlos finished getting dressed and made sure he looked the way Kim had seen him earlier so as not to arouse any suspicion. "Well, Trent -- how do I look?" he asked, finally, after feeling fairly certain that he had accomplished what he set out to do.
"You're gorgeous, simply gorgeous! Be still my beating heart!" Trent said, not quite pulling off the romance novel heroine imitation.
"Oh, that's cute Trent, really cute," Carlos said. He went over to Trent and kissed him hard on the lips, his tongue searching out his lover's then pulling back just as suddenly -- breathless, but satisfied that he'd raised Trent's heart rate and pulse quite nicely. He laughed softly. "Did that quiet your beating heart?" he asked, trying to act innocently.
Putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic gesture, Trent said, "Oh handsome stranger, catch me, I'm going to swoon!" still not quite getting the heroine thing down.
Carlos looked at Trent and just cracked up. He was very funny indeed. "Hmmm..., I think you need to learn that part a little better," Carlos said. He grabbed Trent again and literally swept him off his feet, swinging him around twice before setting him down on his feet again. Then he kissed him equally hard and passionately as he did the first time and pretended to act nonchalant about it. "Did I catch you on that one?" Carlos asked hopefully.
Not quite able to drop it yet, Trent continued, "Oh! You've swept me off my feet, sir! Take me! Take me now! Right here in this hay stack!" Trent then pulled open the front of his shirt in one yank.
"I'll take you all right -- right here and now, you," Carlos said. He went for Trent, nothing held back, bringing Trent close to his body and rubbing up against him and getting Trent all hot and bothered, knowing it would drive him crazy for the rest of the day. "Well, that'll teach you. Now you'll just have to wonder what's in store for you tonight, won't you?" he asked with a wicked grin on his face, then went down the stairs to the office and the files he was reading earlier.
Carlos had finally managed to leave Trent speechless. He just stood there, shirt hanging open, watching Carlos's retreating backside and shaking his head. Trent started to rebutton his shirt, grinning from ear to ear at the whole exchange. He wasn't even sure why he had started it or why he hadn't been able to drop it. He only knew he felt SO damn good and it was just showing itself in some odd ways. He felt like a teenager in love for the first time.
Going back downstairs, Trent unlocked the outside door to the office. Glancing out the window, he saw Kim's car pulling up and realized they had just managed to avoid having her walk in on their little drama scene. Trent couldn't help but laugh at the thought if it -- Kim walking in while he was in mid heroine mode.
Heading back to the office area, Trent found Carlos sitting at the desk, files open in front of him, staring off into space. Trent smiled, trying to guess from the look on his face just which portion of the last half hour his lover was remembering. "Don't mean to disturb your *work*, Carlos, but Kim is back and on her way up," Trent informed Carlos.
Carlos was in deep thought about everything that had happened that morning and he loved it -- all of it -- and wouldn't have changed a thing. Well, maybe one thing -- that they could continue this all day long. It just wasn't enough, but it had to be. There was tonight and he was going to show Trent how much he loved him then. Trent's voice shook Carlos out of the thinking mode he was in and he turned around to face him. "What's that? Oh..., Kim -- right," Carlos said, and tried his best to pull his focus back into the business at hand.
Trent rubbed his shoulder. **Humm, must have bruised it,** he thought. Touching it again, it felt kinda strange, so he unbuttoned the top couple of buttons on his shirt so he could look at it. Looking from his shoulder to Carlos, Trent asked, "Uh, Carlos? Did you bite me?" his tone a mixture of amusement and surprise. He honestly didn't remember it, but there were the teeth marks and the beginnings of a bruise.
Carlos blushed and turned a little red. "Why, yes I did. Why? Did you like it? Want some more?" he asked seductively. "I hope it isn't hurting you too much," he added. Carlos really looked apologetic even though he realized that Trent was amused by it.
Trent grinned, "I really am sorry, Carlos," Trent was finding this very funny for some reason, "But I don't even remember you doing it."
"What? You don't even remember it?" Carlos asked, rather indignantly -- although he was teasing. "I'm hurt Trent, I really am," he said, trying to act hurt too, but he knew it wouldn't work. Trent would see right through him.
"In case you don't remember I wasn't exactly totally coherent the whole time," Trent said. He couldn't believe he didn't remember.
"Not coherent, huh? Were you coherent enough to even remember *anything*?" Carlos asked, once again pretending to be hurt -- but he made sure that his teasing tone came through loud and clear.
Trent pretended to think hard about the question. Making a face as if he had found an answer, "That was you yelling 'Hi-ho Silver!' wasn't it?"
"Yes, that was me -- are you complaining?" Carlos asked, smiling at Trent's sense of humor, which was one of the things he loved most about the man. He gazed at Trent lovingly and his eyes held promise for what was ahead, not only for tonight, but for their future. "And no, I did *NOT* yell 'Hi-ho Silver'," he added.
Trent turned around when he heard the outer door open and Kim yell, "Food's here!" Trent went out to help her with the bags she was carrying.
After a few minutes Trent returned to the office and Carlos with their lunch. "I sure hope there are utensils with this," Trent teased, "Not sure I can take Chinese food eaten with your fingers." Lowering his voice, he added, "Not in public anyway."
Carlos just smiled at Trent. "I'll just bet you can't," he said. He knew full well that Trent was teasing him and loving every second of it. "Here, let me help you with that," he said, almost whispering. Carlos pulled out a carton of Chicken Chow Mein and dished out some onto the paper plate that had been provided with the food. It was too tempting to resist and Carlos dipped his fingers in some on his plate and slowly licked it off, knowing it would drive Trent crazy.
Trent just watched as Carlos taunted him, licking his fingers off oh-so-slowly. **Is it getting warm in here?** he thought. "Hey...," Trent's voice caught and he cleared his throat before continuing, "That's not fair, I don't have that change of pants here today." Trent went back to unpacking the rest of the food before the temperature rose any more. He realized all of a sudden Carlos was being unusually quiet. He looked up to find Carlos staring at him and smiling. "What?" Trent said, wondering when he had grown a second head.
"Oh, nothing. It's just that if you thought *that* was something, you haven't seen anything yet," Carlos said, very suggestively and seductively, whispering as loudly as he could get away with. He smiled wickedly and continued his slow eating/tasting of the food, using all of the mouth movements he could to add to his suggestiveness. He was going to make it very difficult for Trent to concentrate today, he decided. "How's your food?" he asked casually, knowing full well that Trent couldn't even think about eating at this point in time.
Trent knew better than to watch. He KNEW better. It didn't help. Watch he did -- growing hotter and harder as he did. When the slightest moan escaped from him, it was enough to bring him back to some sense of reality before giving Kim the show of a lifetime. Looking away from Carlos, Trent busied himself with the rest of the food, thinking it was a good thing it wasn't something breakable since he was trembling so much.
Sitting down across from Carlos, still not looking up at him yet, Trent somehow managed to put some food on his own plate. Taking a chance, he looked up to see Carlos grinning from ear to ear and watching him. "You are *BAD*, Carlos, really bad!" Trent scolded, grinning despite himself. Seeing the egg roll on his plate, Trent decided two could play at this game and he picked it up and started licking it suggestively. When he noted he had Carlos's full attention, he started moving the egg roll in and out of his mouth, stopping to run his tongue around the end of it before putting it back in his mouth again.
"Getting even, huh? Well then, I guess that makes you just as *bad* as I am," Carlos scolded back, grinning from ear to ear. He watched very attentively as Trent continued to suck and lick the egg roll, his body temperature rising much higher than any heat wave in Dallas that he could recall. He was hot and hard, and as Trent continued, it only got more incredibly difficult to keep from making love to him right there whether Kim was in the office or not.
Carlos had to put every ounce of energy he had towards eating his lunch without the continued suggestiveness or nothing would get done, he decided. He looked down and stared at the food. He took a couple of bites, but couldn't eat. He knew Trent was watching him, staring at him, and he couldn't look up or it would all be over. He was on the edge and he knew that Trent was, too. He smiled at the thought -- and loved the idea of just taking him right then -- but it would have to wait. Carlos convinced himself to go back to work on the files in front of him. He pushed the food aside, opened a file, and began reading.
"Well, *someone* seems to have lost their appetite. Next time maybe you shouldn't have so much for breakfast," Trent just couldn't resist saying when Carlos gave up on eating. "Come on, I'll be good, really," he said. "See, look, I'm not licking it any more," Trent added, waiting until he had Carlos's attention again. Then he bit into the egg roll very deliberately and very hard.
Carlos watched carefully as Trent bit into the egg roll and he had to shift his weight and adjust his pants a little. It was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe and his pants were incredibly tight. He needed some room to accommodate his thickened and hardening organ.
"Now eat your lunch, Carlos, you need to keep up your strength," Trent teased. Putting on his best authoritative voice, he added, "And no dessert 'til you clean your plate, young man." Trent rattled the bag of fortune cookies at Carlos.
"After what you've done you expect me to eat my lunch?" Carlos asked, incredulously. One look at his partner and Carlos knew Trent meant it. And when Carlos listened to his stomach he knew he had to eat something. He nodded his head and ate some more -- not quite all of it, but he managed to eat most of what was on his plate. "How is that?" Carlos asked, seeking approval from Trent.
"I don't know. You didn't clean that plate," Trent kept up the act. Carlos made a sad puppy dog face at him which had the effect of making Trent aware once again of his tightened jeans.
Carlos really couldn't fit anything else into his stomach of major proportions anyway -- but he just *couldn't* go without dessert, could he?
"Oh, all right. How can I say no to that face?" Trent passed Carlos the bag of cookies, "Will you leave at least ONE for me, please?"
Carlos grinned from ear to ear. "Thanks, Trent -- sure I'll save you ONE," he said with emphasis on that singular word. He reached into the bag and pulled out a fortune cookie and put it by Trent's plate. Then he watched Trent's expression and glanced inside the bag again. There were more than enough for them for several each so he gave Trent another one and was rewarded with a huge smile from Trent. "There you go, buddy," Carlos said, sitting back while he munched happily on the rest of the cookies.
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