You'll Never Walk Alone
Page Two

Once again Carlos figured it couldn't have been more than a half hour before he had to sit down again, but this time he could go no further. His head was exploding with pain, his vision was fuzzy and he just simply had to lie down. He lay down on the hard ground and, within seconds, had passed out due to the concussion that he'd been given by the two men.
It was another couple of hours before Carlos awakened, still sore all over, but his vision was a bit more clear and he felt like he could walk some more. Gingerly he stood up and continued the long walk hoping he would find a phone very soon. **God, Trent, just hang on, baby, I'm coming back -- don't give up,** he kept thinking, not even able to imagine the amount of pain that his lover must be going through, but knowing that it must be affecting Trent very deeply. That made Carlos all that more determined to find his way back to his lover and be safe together and in each other's arms once more.
By the time the Eleven O'Clock News came on Trent was beside himself. He really wasn't sure what to do. Should he call Carlos's sister? She was who they would notify as next of kin if there was an accident. But wouldn't she call him? **It took Sarah two days to call you when Bryan died,** he reminded himself. Bryan's sister, their only really supportive family member, had been so deep in her own grief she hadn't thought of calling him until then. And she knew about their relationship. Theresa, Carlos's sister, didn't. She only knew that they were good friends.
Grabbing the phone Trent started to dial Theresa. He changed his mind, calling Kim again instead. He wasn't sure why he called her except for the fact she was the only one who knew about their relationship.
"Hello?" Kim said.
"Hi, Kim, this is Trent again. Carlos still isn't home. I don't suppose you heard from him?" Trent asked, knowing he wasn't pulling off casual this time.
"No, I haven't, Trent. This isn't like him at all. Something must have happened with his car. Did he have his cell phone with him, do you know?" Kim asked.
"He carries it with him but I suppose the battery might be dead or something," Trent said, grasping at straws.
"Listen, I'm coming over there to wait with you, OK? You give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll be over," Kim said.
"No, Kim. Thanks, I appreciate it, but I'm sure he'll be here soon," Trent said to Kim.
"You sure? I don't mind, really I don't," Kim tried to persuade him.
"No, really, I'm fine. See you in the morning, Kim," Trent said and hung up.
Trent wasn't sure how long he had been sitting there holding the phone after talking to Kim but it must have been some time. He remembered the news coming on TV had made him aware of the time when he called Kim. Now, 'The Tonight Show' was getting over. He put the phone down on the coffee table in front of him and got up and went into the bathroom, the call of nature being what had roused him from wherever his brain had been. He wasn't sure where exactly it had been but it wasn't a pleasant place.
Heading back into the livingroom to sit and wait, Trent noticed the bear Carlos had picked out for him when he won the coin toss game at Six Flags over the weekend. Walking over to Lucky Bear, Trent put his hand out and softly stroked his fur. Lucky Bear. Carlos's Indian name from childhood. He hoped the name would hold it's significance. Trent picked up the bear and took it with him to the couch, putting it down next to him.
Carlos figured it had to be early morning now -- he knew he had been walking for hours off and on, and he continually had to break for short periods to sit and catch his breath. His ribs had taken a beating but not as bad as his head, which was really slowing him down. He couldn't believe how sluggish he was and that just made him push harder to get back to his lover who he was very worried about. He was trying to think of who to call once he found a phone. His first thought was of Trent, naturally, but was that a good idea knowing the state of mind that he would be in? **Maybe I should call Walker?** he thought, **A crime was committed, Walker is a good friend and he won't question why I would call him.** He nodded his head agreeing with the idea that Walker would be the one he would call.
Trent started awake, sitting straight up as he did. He had had the dream about Bryan again. But where was he? He was disoriented. He looked around realizing he was on his couch, then remembered why. He looked down to see he was holding Lucky Bear. Moving himself so he was sitting upright on the couch, Trent held the bear in his lap with both arms around it and rested his head on the top of it and continued to wait.
It was several more hours of off and on walking, sitting and napping before Carlos saw a light in the distance. He changed his direction slightly so that he was heading directly for the light and, as he got closer, he could see that it was a tiny gas station off in the middle of nowhere. It was closed but Carlos was rewarded with what he was looking for when he made his way around to the far side of the station. There, in a far corner, was a pay telephone. He had never been so happy to see one in his life. Going to the phone, he called the operator to place a collect call and gave her Walker's number.
"What's wrong, Carlos?" Walker asked, knowing something had to be very wrong for him to call at 4am
"I'm sorry, Walker, I was attacked yesterday afternoon, taken and dumped somewhere. I'm not really sure where I am but I need you to come and get me. I'm at a tiny gas station just off Highway 45. Please, Walker, can you hurry?" Carlos pleaded, wanting to get back to Trent as soon as possible.
"I'm on my way, Carlos, don't you move from that spot," Walker instructed and hung up. He was out the door in a flash, trying to comprehend what could have happened to Carlos and wondering what condition he was really in. He would find that out soon enough, he decided, and got in his truck, onto route 45 and headed south.
Carlos sat down finally feeling like he was going to be safe again, that this would all work out, and that he himself would be all right. But what was most on his mind was his lover. **God, what he must be thinking right now,** Carlos thought. He looked up into the night sky, stars twinkling, and said a silent prayer for his lover to get through this and to let him know that Carlos was indeed coming back to him. He closed his eyes, the pain in his head increasing from lack of rest and the injury itself. **Walker will be here soon and then everything will be fine,** he told himself.
Trent started as if someone had been speaking to him. He hadn't been asleep, he was sure of that. What was that? Getting up and checking to be sure it wasn't Carlos, Trent found no one. He went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, noting the time was about 4am. He returned to the couch and, picking up the bear, sat down and put it in his lap again. He realized how silly this must look, a grown man sitting on the couch holding a teddy bear. But he didn't care. It made him feel better to hold the bear Carlos had picked out for him, that he himself had named after his lover.
It seemed like hours had gone by and they had -- it was the next day and bright sunshine was already blanketing the ground. Carlos sheltered his eyes from the bright light -- that made his eyes and his head hurt even worse. He walked towards the edge of the highway and looked in both directions -- nothing. He sat for awhile then looked again. Finally, off in the distance, was a familiar looking truck and a few minutes later Walker pulled up.
"Carlos, are you all right?" Walker asked, very concerned. Carlos didn't look well to him at all -- very pale, clotted blood from an obvious head wound, some dilation of his pupils and obviously very worn out.
"I've been better, Walker. Thanks for coming to get me," he said as he climbed into the truck.
They made their way back out onto the interstate and Carlos told Walker everything he could remember. "Right now all I need is for you to take me to Trent's," he said, when he had finished his story, hoping Walker wouldn't ask any questions. But the only thing that mattered now was that he got to his lover so that he could see he was OK. **Hang on, baby -- it won't be long now.**
Trent jumped again sure he heard someone talking to him. Getting up to check again, he found nothing. He sat back down on the couch and picked up the bear again.
"How long did it take for you to get to me, Walker?" Carlos asked, curiously.
"About three and a half hours. That should bring us back into Dallas about 11am. Just take it easy, Carlos. You've been through a lot and you need to go to the hospital and get checked out," he said, worriedly.
"No, Walker -- the only thing I need is for you to drop me off at Trent's place -- please?" Carlos asked.
"All right, Carlos, if that's what you want. Just promise me you'll get yourself checked out," Walker said.
"I promise -- and thanks, Walker," Carlos replied.
"Anytime, Carlos," Walker said smiling. He didn't like the shape Carlos was in but he could see that he was determined so he let it go.
The phone ringing startled Trent but he dove for it, answering it before it could ring a second time. "Carlos?!" Trent said into the phone.
"No, this is Kim. Trent, is Carlos still missing? I'm coming over there right now. Have you been alone all night?" Kim said with concern in her voice.
"Kim? What time is it?" Trent wasn't totally coherent but he could see it was daylight.
"It's about 9:30am. I got worried when neither of you showed up for work. I'm coming over right now. I'll be there in a few minutes," Kim said and started to hang up.
"NO! Wait, Kim, you're at the office? You have to stay there. He might call there. Or someone else may call there. You have to STAY there!" Trent said.
"OK, but I'd rather be there with you. You let me know the minute he shows up, you hear me?" Kim said firmly.
"Yes, I promise, Kim. You call me if you hear anything," Trent said. He hung up the phone and continued to wait.
Carlos knew it wouldn't be long now, sitting in Walker's truck looking out the window at the scenery flying by as the miles rolled on. He smiled when he saw the Dallas skyline and knew they were only about twenty minutes away now from Trent being in his arms again. Carlos found himself sitting up straighter and he pulled down the visor to look in the mirror on the back of it. What he saw shocked him -- he knew he felt bad but how he looked really surprised him. No wonder Walker had looked so worried when he picked him up. His face was white -- really, truly white -- and his eyes looked sunken and the pupils were a bit dilated. He had blood on his head and, although he was hit from behind, they must have hit him again he figured.
Walker offered him his handkerchief and Carlos gratefully accepted. Although it was dry, Carlos was able to get some of the blood off his head so he wouldn't scare Trent so badly.
"Here we are, Carlos," Walker said.
When Carlos snapped out of the daze he was in he realized where he was. There was Trent's apartment, with the Corvette parked the lot. Carlos turned to Walker as he stepped out of the truck. "Thanks again, Walker," Carlos said, then turned to go up the stairs leading to Trent's apartment.
Carlos made the slow climb up the stairs and found himself in front of Trent's door. **Do I use the key he gave me or will that scare him? Should I knock?** Carlos wasn't sure what approach to use so he used the key that was in his hand and gently opened the door and walked in. "Trent?" Carlos called softly -- not seeing his lover when he walked in the door.
Trent heard the key in the door to his apartment. No one else had a key but Carlos. He jumped up from the couch, putting the bear down where he had been sitting, then he heard Carlos call him. He got to the door as Carlos was closing it, his back to Trent. Trent grabbed his lover and turned him around hugging him like he might disappear if he didn't hold on tight enough.
"Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God...," was all Trent could say, over and over, as he hugged Carlos as if his life depended on it.
Carlos sank into his lover's embrace holding onto him for dear life. After having been through a traumatic ordeal -- he wasn't about to let go. He felt sick and wasn't very steady on his feet, but he was determined not to let Trent see how hurt he was and to act like everything was fine. He could feel the intensity behind his lover's hug, the words Trent spoke telling him how much anguish and worry he had gone through while he was trying to make his way back home to him. Carlos held Trent tightly against his body, running one hand up and down his back, speaking soft words of love and reassurance to his lover. "It's OK, baby, I'm home. Everything's going to be all right now," he said, over and over, kissing top of Trent's head. "I love you, Trent. It's all right. We'll keep holding each other -- you're all right now. Everything's fine."
"Where have you been? What happened?" Trent asked, moving his head back just enough to look at Carlos. Seeing his lover's face for the first time, Trent blanched. "You're hurt! Come on," Trent said. He helped Carlos to the couch, noticing just how bad he looked, how stiffly he moved.
"Were you in an accident? What happened?" Trent asked as he got Carlos settled on the couch then sat down next to him gathering him in his arms, holding him against himself, caressing his hair, kissing his forehead. "I was so worried about you, what happened, Carlos, tell me," he asked.
"Trent, I... after the meeting with the client I was...," Carlos's words trailed off after that, his mind fuzzy with details and his head spinning again. His eyes were a little blurry and he couldn't concentrate.
"Carlos? Carlos!" Trent managed to get his lover to look at him but he wasn't really with him. "You need medical attention and now. Do you hear me? Do you understand me?" Trent said, not sure his lover did hear him, "Can you make it to the car with my help or do I need to call an ambulance?"
Carlos moved his head slightly to indicate that he had heard his lover. "Just help me," was all he could say and looked to Trent to get him to a doctor. He knew he needed one and it wouldn't wait any longer.
"You sit there, I'll be right back," Trent said and went quickly into the bedroom to get his car keys and wallet. Returning to the livingroom, he leaned down and took Carlos's arm, putting it around his shoulder. He put his other arm around Carlos's waist. "Come on, Carlos, let's go," Trent said, helping/lifting Carlos to his feet, being as gentle as he could.
Carlos did all he could to help Trent so he wouldn't have all of his weight to deal with. He helped to lift himself off of the couch. When Trent put his arm around him he winced a little from the ribs but kept quiet because he didn't want to worry Trent any more than he already was.
Getting Carlos to the car wasn't as bad as Trent was afraid it might be. He walked more or less on his own, only leaning on Trent slightly. This was a good sign, Trent thought. But his lover wasn't coherent, mumbling about things that made no sense to Trent.
Carlos's mind was going back to everything that happened to him, trying to explain what happened, how he got back to his lover -- the long walk, not being able to go very far at one time, calling Walker. His whole body ached and his head felt like it was going to explode from the pain. His eyes stung from the stabbing pains going through his head and with the bright sunlight he didn't want to keep them open.
Trent got Carlos into the car, seat belt on, and closed the door. Trent prayed once again for his lover's safety as he went around to the driver's side of the car, got in and started the car. The hospital wasn't far away, thank heaven.
All Carlos could do now was sit there as Trent took him to the hospital. He knew where he was going, but he didn't really comprehend everything that was happening. It was like having many things happen at once and his mind was jumbled as to what order everything came in.
Arriving at the hospital, Trent drove to the Emergency Room door and stopped. Getting out to help the attendants there get Carlos in a wheelchair, Trent looked at his lover, trying to get his attention. "Carlos? Carlos? I have to go park the car. I'll be right back," Trent said. Carlos had been looking at him when he said it but he wasn't sure it got through to him.
Carlos heard Trent talking to him but it wasn't quite clear what he was saying. Something about the car and was he coming back?
Arriving back inside the ER, Trent was informed he had to wait while Carlos was evaluated. He sat down in the waiting area. Trent was wondering just what had happened. If there had been a car accident, why had he come home without medical treatment? Glancing up he noticed the pay phone and remembered he had promised to call Kim. After finally convincing Kim she needed to stay where she was at the office, Trent hung up the phone and sat back down to wait. He had promised Kim he would call her back when he knew more about how Carlos was and then there would be others that needed to be called. But for now he just had to wait and pray.
Carlos was now scared and upset in addition to how badly he was feeling due to his injury. **Why am I here?** he thought. Then he remembered waking up in the middle of nowhere and parts of the long journey back. He closed his eyes as once again a stab of pain traveled through his head and a wave of nausea hit him again. He tried to sit up to get to the bathroom but he felt like a lead weight -- very heavy and completely exhausted. A nurse was right there and she helped him sit up, held a tray up to him and he vomited -- very normal under the circumstances for a patient with a serious head wound. After that she eased Carlos back down into the bed again and he felt slightly better for the moment.
The nurse took the tray away and then came back to check on him. The doctor had ordered tests and they would have the results back soon. All Carlos could think about was Trent and how worried he must have been while he was away. His mind was becoming jumbled again and the more he tried to think the worse his head hurt. He needed Trent to be there and tell him it was going to be all right.
**What is TAKING so long!** Trent thought, looking at the clock again. Why didn't they tell him anything? He looked around the waiting room at the other people. Not very many people here, it seemed, so what was taking so long? And why couldn't he wait with his lover? He wouldn't get in the way. He was so worried about how spacey he had been, he didn't want Carlos thinking he had left him here alone.
Carlos was getting more agitated as time went on. He was scared and lonely. He knew he was in the hospital, that he was hurt, but other than that, no one had told him a thing. There were nurses checking him and poking him everywhere, needles, shots, machines and doctors saying things he didn't understand. His head was still feeling like it was going to fall off and all he wanted was Trent. **God, how I need you right now,** he thought. "Trent. Please, I need to see Trent," he said to the nurse that just came by his bedside to check on him. She looked at him and saw how upset he was and explained that hospital policy wouldn't allow non-family members in the room.
"I have to see Trent..., you don't understand...," he tried to explain, becoming very upset, his head beginning to hurt worse. He closed his eyes from the pain and tried to move to get off the bed and find Trent, but he couldn't, he was too tired to move. "Trent...," he said, his voice trailing off.
Getting up and going to the desk, Trent asked the nurse for information about Carlos and was told very politely, but very firmly, that Carlos was still being evaluated and that Trent would be informed when that changed. He was then instructed to 'please have a seat, sir', so he went back reluctantly and sat down in the waiting room.
Carlos continued to ask for Trent and kept wondering where he was and why he wasn't there with him. He was scared and alone and he needed his lover there with him and to make everything all right again. The nurse came by once again and he pleaded with her with his eyes -- they really stung with all of the bright lights in the hospital but he looked at her and he spoke once more, asking one more time for someone to bring Trent to him. The nurse smiled and went to speak with the doctor.
The ER nurse came out to the desk and, speaking in a low voice, asked the nurse at the main desk if there was someone named Trent waiting for Mr. Sandoval. The nurse at the desk indicated Trent and went back to her work.
"Mr. Malloy?" the nurse said, having stopped in front of where Trent was sitting.
"Huh? Yes, I'm Mr. Malloy," Trent said, looking up at the nurse who was looking at him and smiling politely. He hadn't heard her approach him.
"We don't generally allow non-family members in the ER with patients but Mr. Sandoval is getting rather agitated and is asking for you. Would you like to come with me please?" the nurse said and indicated Trent should follow her.
Getting up and following the nurse into the ER, Trent was lead to a curtained off area where Carlos was lying on a gurney, hooked up to an IV and looking very vulnerable and scared. Not quite sure how much body contact to make in front of the staff, but having to make some, Trent approached Carlos, who hadn't seen him come in. Putting his hand on his lover's shoulder, Trent said, "Carlos?" When Carlos turned his head and looked at him, Trent smiled and continued, "How you doing? Feeling any better?" Trent squeezed his lover's shoulder and continued to look at him, his eyes full of love. He was determined the pain he was feeling himself at seeing Carlos like this wouldn't show. Carlos needed his support and love right now, nothing more.
The nurse smiled at the immediate calming effect Trent had on her patient. She indicated a chair next to the bed Trent could sit in then left. Returning in a few moments, she handed Trent a pair of sock like slippers they gave to patients. "I thought you might like these," she said to Trent who looked at her wondering what she meant. Seeing he didn't understand her intent, she pointed at his feet and said, "I thought your feet might be cold."
Trent realized for the first time he was barefoot. He thanked the nurse and put the slippers on.
Carlos was beginning to realize what Trent had gone through to bring him here. He wasn't totally coherent yet but he was putting bits and pieces together. His lover was there and that was all that mattered. **ALL that mattered,** he thought. "Trent? What's happening? Why won't they tell me anything?" he asked his lover, scared at what might be wrong with him but wanting to know anyway. He was tired, so very tired, but he wouldn't rest until he found out what was wrong with him and why he felt this way. "Trent?" he asked and held out his hand.
"I'm right here, Carlos," Trent said taking his lover's hand. Since they were alone for the moment, he kissed Carlos's hand then put it back down on the gurney beside him and covered it with his own. "I don't know what's going on either, Carlos, but as soon as your doctor comes back I'll find out. You just take it easy," Trent said and squeezed Carlos's hand.
The curtain surrounding Carlos's bed was suddenly pulled back opening the curtained off area completely on the end. The nurse who had brought Trent in, as well as two other women, were standing there. One went immediately and began fussing with Carlos's gurney while the nurse spoke to him. "Mr. Malloy, we need to take Mr. Sandoval down for a CAT scan. You can wait here for him, it won't take very long," the nurse said. Indicating the other woman, the nurse continued, "This is Dr. Donaldson, Mr. Sandoval's doctor." Trent got up and shook the doctor's hand.
The other woman and the nurse were getting ready to take Carlos for the test. Trent looked at his lover and said, "They're taking you for some tests, Carlos. I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back. It won't take too long, OK?" Trent smiled at Carlos as they wheeled him off for the tests then turned his attention back to the doctor. Trent looked at her waiting for her to speak.
"Mr. Malloy, your friend has a concussion most likely caused by a blow to the head. We are doing the CAT scan to rule out any internal damage. He also has some bruised ribs but it's nothing serious. It will be sore for a few days but will heal just fine," the doctor said. Looking at Trent very seriously, the doctor continued, "We can't get a very coherent answer out of Mr. Sandoval. What happened to him?"
Trent explained the situation as best he could. He told the doctor Carlos was his business partner, that they were private investigators, that Carlos had left the office yesterday to meet a client. He told her Carlos had just shown up at his apartment this morning in this shape and he had no idea what had happened to him.
The doctor listened to Trent's story. When he was finished, she said, in a very serious tone, "In that case we must assume a crime has been committed here. We need to call the authorities to look into this." The doctor waited for a reaction from Trent.
**Walker,** Trent thought. "Yes, of course. I have a good friend who's a Texas Ranger, Cordell Walker? I can call him right now, would that be OK?" Trent asked.
The doctor visibly relaxed at the name. She was well acquainted with Ranger Walker, by reputation anyway. If this man was his friend that said something for him and the validity of his story. That and his willingness to call him. The doctor smiled. "Yes, that would be fine. You can use the phone at the desk."
Calling Walker, Trent explained where he was and what was happening. Walker asked to speak with the doctor in charge and Trent handed the phone to her. After speaking to Walker for a few minutes the doctor hung up the phone.
"Ranger Walker explained some of what happened to me. They are already working on the case, apparently. He told me that he was the one who picked Mr. Sandoval up and brought him home," the doctor said, as if this was supposed to make sense to Trent, "If you want to have a seat back in the curtain area, Mr. Sandoval will be back shortly." With that, the doctor turned and left, effectively dismissing Trent and his hundreds of questions. Trent went back and sat down to wait for Carlos to come back from his test.
It was hard for Carlos to understand what was happening to him, but since Trent was so confident that he was going to be OK and this was a routine test, he tried to focus on that and not let it scare him so much. He just remained quiet on the gurney as they got the CAT scan ready. Surprisingly, it only took a few minutes even though it felt longer than that to Carlos.
About a half an hour later they had him back in the ER and he saw his lover there waiting for him. He smiled at Trent and although still weak, he was reminded of how lucky he was to have Trent in his life and he found he couldn't stop looking at him, his aching eyes so full of the love he had for him. He was wondering what the tests would show and how he really was. He didn't feel much better than when he came in and he really wanted to sleep, but he couldn't allow himself that luxury until he knew what was going on. "What did they tell you, Trent?" Carlos asked quietly, looking into his lover's eyes for the answers to his questions.
Trent smiled at Carlos, trying so hard to keep the pain he was feeling at seeing him so helpless out of his eyes. He debated how much to tell his lover, not because he wanted to keep anything from him, just because he wasn't sure how much he was going to understand right now. He finally decided to just tell Carlos what the doctor had told him.
"The doctor told me you have a concussion caused by a blow to your head. They did the CAT scan to rule out any further problems. She also said you had bruised ribs and that you would be sore for a few days but they would be fine," Trent explained. He really wanted to know what had happened but decided now wasn't the time to press his lover. Trent just wanted to hold Carlos, to kiss him tenderly and hug him and make him feel safe. But he knew he couldn't. He settled for putting his hand back over Carlos's. "Are you feeling any better?" Trent asked softly.
Carlos moved his head a little side to side. "Not much," he said tiredly. "I'm tired and my head...," he started to say but he didn't finish because it was just too much effort to talk any more. He wanted to be quiet, to have Trent hold him and make everything all right again. He needed to sleep, but he kept fighting it, wanting to wait for the results of the CAT scan to come back before first.
Trent squeezed Carlos's hand. "That's OK, you just be quiet," Trent said and smiled again at his lover.
Trent's hand on his meant the world to him, feeling his lover's warmth throughout his body with just the touch of his hand made him feel safe again. Carlos looked at Trent and saw the love in his eyes. He smiled again, trying to be strong and not let Trent see how he was really feeling.
They sat there quietly for awhile, Trent keeping his hand on Carlos's. They both needed the body contact. "Trent..., I...," Carlos started to say, but the doctor and a nurse came back in with X-Rays and a file with the CAT scan results.
"Well, we have some good news. The CAT scan shows no internal damage or problems. We are still going to admit you, Mr. Sandoval. We need to keep an eye on you for 24-48 hours. It's routine procedure with a head injury. But you should be just fine," the doctor said, smiling, "What you need most right now is to sleep." The doctor was remembering that Ranger Walker had told her Carlos must have been up all night walking to get to a phone to call for help. She smiled at both of them again and left. The nurse remained.
"We'll have someone down here to take you up to a room in a few minutes, Mr. Sandoval," the nurse said and left also.
Trent was so relieved. He was also a bit concerned they wouldn't let him stay with Carlos. Well, they weren't getting him to leave without some major protests, that was for sure. Trent squeezed Carlos's hand again. In about ten minutes someone arrived to take Carlos to his room. Trent just followed along, figuring the more he looked like he belonged the more they would believe it. No one asked him to leave.
Carlos was finally settled in a room, in a bed, and they were alone, if only momentarily. There was another bed in the room but no one was in it. Trent bent down and kissed Carlos very gently on his mouth. "I love you so very much," he said, then stood back up before anyone came in, "Go to sleep, Carlos. It's the best thing for you right now," Trent ran his hand through Carlos's hair, "Rest, my love, I'll stay right here."
Carlos returned Trent's kiss and smiled, the best smile so far, and he looked at his lover with all of the love and passion he could. He knew he was safe now, with Trent there by his side, and knowing he would be OK. He never took his eyes off his lover even as they began to close slowly, no longer able to stay open after all he had been through. He was ready to rest now, to sleep, and he allowed himself to go into a deep sleep.
Pulling a chair up as close to the bed as possible, Trent sat down and put his hand back over Carlos's as he had been downstairs. Once Carlos was sound asleep, Trent found the phone on the bedside table and called Kim, filling her in on Carlos's condition. Kim insisted on making the other calls that needed to be made. Trent was grateful. He returned his hand to Carlos's, thanking God once again for watching over Carlos and bringing him home to him.
Carlos slept for several hours before awakening but he did dream about the walk home, what he could remember of it -- of Walker picking him up, and the look on his lover's face when he finally made it back home. He dreamt about the feel of Trent hugging him with such fierceness because he'd been afraid that Carlos wasn't coming back.
Trent sat and watched Carlos sleep. He didn't know how long he watched, but when he moved, he felt sore from sitting in one position too long. A nurse came in and checked on Carlos not long after that, not waking him, but making sure his vital signs were OK, checking his IV. She smiled at Trent and left. Trent was watching Carlos again.
After what seemed only a moment the nurse was back. It must have been much later, Trent realized, the room was dark and she needed to turn on a light to see what she was doing. After she left Trent got up and stretched. He was very tired of sitting but didn't want to leave his lover. So he went to the window to stretch his legs and looked out.
Carlos shifted a little in his bed but remained asleep until some hours later when he awoke, feeling much better than he did earlier. His head was much more clear, although there was still considerable pain there. His vision was clear and he was relieved about that. Carlos kept replaying things in his mind, trying to figure out what happened exactly, but no matter how he tried to think it through it always came out the same -- he had no answers as to who did this to him or why. He was comforted by the fact that his lover was by his side. That was all that mattered to him. He looked around the room and saw Trent standing by the window looking outside.
"Hey," Carlos said softly, not wanting to disturb him, but also wanting to let him know he was awake. "You all right, Trent?" he asked, worried about how his lover was dealing with everything that had happened. Carlos smiled when Trent turned around and he hoped that the love he felt for Trent was shining through his eyes right into Trent's soul.
Trent heard Carlos moving. How long had he been standing by the window anyway? He was just turning around when he heard his lover call out to him. Smiling at Carlos looking at him, Trent went back to the bed where Carlos lay still looking at him. Trent kissed his lover on the forehead, very gently, then sat back down in the chair, putting his hand back on Carlos's, never losing eye contact with him. "How you feeling? Better?" Trent asked, noting he looked better, much better, "Can I get you anything?"
Carlos smiled again at Trent -- never breaking eye contact, not for a second. He squeezed his lover's hand and it felt so good, so very good to be back with him again. He let out a big sigh and nodded his head. "I'm feeling a lot better, baby, thank you. My vision is clear but my head hurts still," he said, not really admitting *how* much it hurt. "You being here is all I need," he said, smiling happily. "Are you all right?" he asked, knowing Trent had to have gone through a lot while he was missing.
"Of course I'm all right. You're the one with the concussion, not me," Trent said, smiling at Carlos. This had all been very rough on Trent but now was not the time for talking about that.
Carlos couldn't begin to imagine what Trent had gone through while he was gone but he knew it must have been rough. Oh, his lover was trying not to show it, but it was obvious he had had a very bad night of it. Carlos wanted to hold Trent and comfort him, reassure him that he was there to stay and that he would never leave Trent again. He squeezed Trent's hand again and smiled. "How about another kiss?" he asked.
"OK, well, now I *know* you're just fine," Trent said, grinning from ear to ear. Trent stood up and kissed Carlos on the lips, nothing long or too passionate, just a loving, tender kiss.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss -- the soft tender loving kiss that he loved beyond words. He was filled with so much joy and happiness. He was very glad to be alive, back in Trent's arms again and to have Trent back in his. Carlos wanted to talk about what Trent went through but could tell that his lover was not up to discussing that right then, so he decided not to push it. It would wait until they went home. *Home* -- now that sounded wonderful to Carlos and he couldn't wait to leave the hospital and go back home -- to Trent's home -- and be back in his lover's bed once more. "Mmmm, thank you, baby -- that was *exactly* what I needed, the only thing I need to fix me right up. Well, maybe not the *only* thing," he said, a hint of his famous sparkle coming back into his eyes. Of course he wasn't physically ready for that yet, but he didn't want to worry Trent so he was trying to lighten things up a bit for his sake.
"And now I'm calling a nurse to let them know you're awake and to get you something for the pain you're trying very hard to hide," Trent said in a cheerful but no-nonsense voice. He pressed the call button beside Carlos's bed and waited for the nurse to ask what he wanted. "Carlos is awake and needs something for pain," he said in the general direction that the nurse's voice had come from.
"Thank you. Someone will be there shortly," the voice of the nurse said.
Trent grinned at Carlos, kissed him again, then sat back down.
When Trent kissed him this time Carlos held onto him for an extra few seconds and wished Trent could lie down next to him and that they could hold each other. He let Trent go, watching him as he sat down again. He loved to just look at his lover. Was there anything else more important in life than being with the one you love? He thought about it and although he didn't like to be morbid, he realized he could have died. He had so much to be thankful and grateful for that he decided he would make even more of each day by giving Trent even more of himself than he had already. He smiled and looked at his lover -- he couldn't get enough.
The nurse came into the room and gave Carlos some more medication which he took followed by a glass of water. She took his vital signs and made notes in his chart then smiled and left the room, leaving them alone once more. Carlos held out his hand to Trent. "I love you, baby," he said.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said, taking his lover's hand but wanting to crawl into bed next to him and hold him until he fell asleep again, "You know you really should sleep some more. It's the best thing for you right now. The doctor said you might be able to go home tomorrow if you were doing well enough."
Carlos was almost already asleep, having been kissed, loved and comforted by his lover and knowing he would be all right, confirmed by how much better he felt already. Sleep just took him over and he didn't even put up a fight -- just drifted off into a peaceful sleep once more.
Seeing his lover had gone back to sleep, Trent got more comfortable in the chair he was sitting in and closed his eyes. He didn't think to sleep, just rest, but the next thing he knew he was waking up. It appeared to be morning. A nurse was once again fussing with Carlos's IV.
"Good morning," the nurse said to Trent, "The doctor should be in shortly to see how Mr. Sandoval is doing." She finished her duties and left.
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