You'll Never Walk Alone
Page Three

Trent stood up and stretched. Sleeping in a chair wasn't the best way to sleep he decided. Moving to the still sleeping Carlos, Trent put a hand to his head, brushing his hair with his hand. "Carlos?" Trent said softly, leaning down and kissing his lover's cheek, "Carlos, time to wake up." Trent squeezed his lover's hand.
Carlos felt the kiss and opened his eyes slowly to see the smiling face of Trent hovering over him. "That was a wonderful way to wake up. Good morning," he said, stretching a little until his ribs reminded him that it wasn't such a good idea. "What time is it?" he asked.
"It's about 9am. How you feeling? Better?" Trent said, encouraged by how Carlos looked and what he said. He sounded like Carlos again. Trent continued to smile at his lover.
After Trent told him what time it was, and it was later than he thought, Carlos said, "No wonder I'm so hungry. Hmmm..., I don't suppose there's any way you could smuggle something rich and unhealthy in here, is there?" Carlos was only half joking knowing full well the kind of food that hospitals served. He was thinking of eggs, bacon and toast for his breakfast. Not the healthiest but he felt like it was at least better than donuts. He chuckled at the thought and looked at his lover for his reaction.
Trent's smile brightened even further. That was Carlos all over. Once again Trent thanked God for watching over this man, his lover, his life.
Seeing that Trent found this amusing he figured that meant he would get the breakfast of his choice. He was still waiting for Trent's answer when the doctor walked into the room. **Oh good, maybe this means I get to go home,** Carlos thought crossing his toes under the covers -- his eyes really beginning to show their normal sparkle like they did before he was hurt. He looked at Trent expectantly and could see that Trent was waiting patiently for the doctor to say how Carlos was doing and whether or not he could go home.
"How are you feeling this morning, Carlos? I understand you had a bit of an adventure yesterday," Dr. Bowman said, shaking his patient's hand, seeing he looked good.
Carlos smiled, but he had thoughts of his 'adventure' and that made his smile fade just slightly, although he did his best to hide it. "I'm feeling great," Carlos said, putting energy into his words in the hope he would get released so he could go home with Trent.
"You have improved dramatically and I see no reason you can't go home today as long as you have someone who will be with you for at least twenty four hours," the doctor said, glancing at Trent, who nodded his head 'yes' at the doctor. "You will need to stay in bed and off your feet for that time also," he added.
Carlos glanced at Trent, happy that he was going to be released, and saw how relieved Trent was at the news as well. **Home,** Carlos thought. That one word never sounded better than it did right then.
"After this kind of injury we need to keep you here in the hospital for atleast twenty four hours, so your release papers won't become effective until noon, but I'll sign them before I leave," Dr. Bowman said, shook Carlos's hand again, nodded to Trent and left.
Carlos held out his arms to Trent -- he couldn't take it any more and needed to hold his lover even if they were in a public place. He didn't care, he wanted to be close to Trent and he was so relieved to be going home that everything kind of hit him at once. Remembering the walk home, seeing Trent's reaction, knowing Trent had to have gone through hell while he was away, nearly being killed. It had taken it's toll on both of them and Carlos was on the verge of letting it all out now, but for Trent's sake, he kept it inside so his lover wouldn't see how much he was affected by everything. His head still hurt quite a bit, his ribs ached some, but most of all it was what was done emotionally. He always considered himself a strong man in that respect, but this tore at him like something he hadn't known before and it was hard on him, on both of them, but he knew they'd get through it together.
Trent gathered Carlos into his arms, hugging him as tightly as he dared. "Hey, come on. The doctor said you could go home this afternoon. What's wrong? The food can't be that bad," Trent said, trying to lighten the mood a bit, but knew he wasn't doing a very good job of it. The impact of the past two days was hitting him, too, now that he knew Carlos was OK.
Carlos looked deeply into his lover's eyes. "I love you so much, baby," he said, and held Trent as tightly as he could, "I can't wait to get out of here."
"I love you too, Carlos. I'm so glad you're all right," Trent said as he hugged Carlos just a little tighter then let go of him and stood up. Just in time, too, as a nurse's aide walked into the room with two trays.
"You were asleep when breakfast was served. We had these sent up for you," the aide said. She handed one tray to Trent and put the other down on the bedside table then adjusted Carlos's bed position and then the tray so he could eat. She smiled at both of them and left.
"I am afraid to look," Trent said, having found a place to put his tray down while the aide had been fussing over Carlos. Trent was pleasantly surprised to find hot cereal and fruit. He wasn't sure how Carlos was going to like this if he had the same meal. Trent glanced at Carlos looking under the covers on the food and making faces. "It's GOOD for you, Carlos. Really it is. Now eat it or wear it," Trent said. He smiled at his lover when he shot him a look of disgust with the meal. Trent would have happily gotten his lover a whole store full of chocolate doughnuts if he had asked, so he was glad he didn't ask. Carlos just started to eat his breakfast looking very put out by it.
**First I have to put up with needles, tests, nurses and doctors for the last twenty four hours, and being in a hospital when all I want is to be with my lover in his bed. Now I have to put up with THIS, too,** he thought glumly as he started eating his breakfast. On top of that, his lover had threatened him that he'd be wearing his meal if he didn't eat it! He decided to give in and put up with this one meal -- he'd be home this afternoon and could have other things then. After a few bites he realized it wasn't that bad and he began to eat with a little more enthusiasm, although a 'normal' breakfast would suit him much better. He was looking forward to the time when he would be back to normal in every respect.
Trent tried very hard not to smile or laugh at Carlos's gobbling down the healthy breakfast. He wasn't sure he managed not to smile, but it didn't matter because Carlos was way too involved in eating to notice anyway. Trent was so happy Carlos had his appetite back. He'd see to it his lover got atleast some junk food later. **The man might actually go through withdrawal without something,** Trent thought to himself and smiled.
It wasn't long before Carlos had polished off the meal completely and he did feel a little better after eating. "How was your food?" he asked Trent who was just finishing his last bite.
"Not bad. I'm surprised, actually," Trent said. He had been hungry. He hadn't realized how hungry until he had started eating.
Carlos put his tray on the bedside table and lay back in his bed. He was becoming restless from being cooped up and wanted to get out of there right then and not wait until the afternoon. "I can't wait until I'm in your bed, Trent," he said, his eyes were shining as brightly as they could under the circumstances.
Trent smiled at Carlos. "Yes, me too. But you still have to take it easy, you know. Just because they're letting you go home doesn't mean you're 100% well. Remember what your doctor said?" Trent said. He hated to be such a downer, but Carlos did need to take it easy. But that didn't mean they couldn't be together. Hardly being able to touch was a very hard thing on both of them, especially now.
"Yes, I remember what the doctor said -- but I'm not going to let you get away from me. We're back together now and we're staying that way," Carlos said emphatically and he meant it. He wanted to hold his lover, be with him in every way that he could right now.
The nurse came in, took the food trays away, and gave Carlos some more medication for the pain. "I really don't want any more medication, nurse, please," he tried to tell her. He didn't want to let on that his head still hurt and he could use the medication since it did make him feel better. The nurse left the medication on the bedside table and left the room. Carlos looked at his lover and smiled. "Come here," he said, holding out his hand.
"Not until you take your medicine," Trent said, folding his arms across his chest and attempting to look like he meant it. Fact was he wasn't staying put in his chair if Carlos refused to take it, but he could give this a try. Carlos was still in pain and he needed the medication.
Carlos looked at Trent and was disappointed that he didn't rush into his arms, but he knew that his lover was right. He needed his medication so he took the pills off the tray and swallowed them, following that with a glass of water. "Happy now?" he asked, pretending to be inconvenienced by taking the pills, when in fact he was pleased to no end that Trent would refuse his embrace in order to look out for his health.
Trent used every bit of willpower in him to keep the sort of stern face he had managed to put on when Carlos looked at him, disappointed he hadn't gone to him immediately. He did almost cave, but he didn't. Carlos took his pills and Trent was happy. "Yes, I'm happy now," Trent said smiling from ear to ear.
Carlos smiled and held out his hand again, wanting to hold Trent once more.
This time Trent didn't hesitate and was out of his chair and standing next to the bed in no time. He kissed Carlos's cheek, then brushed his hair back with his hand, smiling at his lover, thanking God again for his safe return. Trent took Carlos's hand and continued to stand by the bed.
"I'm almost out of here and soon I'll be going home with you," Carlos whispered.
Trent squeezed his lover's hand and smiled. He couldn't wait either. He just wanted to crawl into bed with Carlos and hold him and never let go again. He wanted it very much.
Once again the events of the last two days caught up to Carlos and he wondered what it would be like when they got back to Trent's. He made a promise to himself that he would stay strong for Trent, but now he wasn't sure he could do that -- this was very hard on him, and he wasn't sure he could hide how he felt or that he should hide it. There were so many thoughts running through his head, but first and foremost were thoughts of Trent -- getting him to open up and talk about it. That's what Carlos wanted most when they got home.
Trent really wanted some answers to his questions. He had decided to wait until they were home before finding out just what had happened to Carlos. It really only mattered that Carlos was back and safe, but he needed to know what had happened. A crime? Walker was investigating it? He needed to know. Trent sat back down, continuing to hold Carlos's hand. It wouldn't be too long before they could leave.
At the sound of someone approaching Trent removed his hand from Carlos's. The nurse came in and said they were free to leave as soon as Carlos signed his release papers. There were also pages with instructions to be followed and prescriptions to be filled. The nurse explained everything to the two of them then said as soon as Carlos was dressed and ready to leave to let them know and they would send a wheelchair for him. "Hospital policy," the nurse stated, before Carlos could protest the wheelchair.
Having gotten ready in record time, they were on their way out of the hospital in minutes. Trent went to get the car while the nurse's aide waited with Carlos at the door. She was more than a little attracted to him, Trent saw. He also noted Carlos didn't even seem to notice. He smiled to himself.
Getting Carlos settled in the car, then thanking the aide with the wheelchair who was still staring at Carlos with puppy dog eyes, Trent got in the car and headed home. Stopping at the drug store to get the prescriptions filled, Trent said to Carlos, "You wait here. If this is going to take long I'll leave them and come back. Can I get you anything else? Coloring books? Comics? Bubble gum?"
Carlos looked at Trent, rolled his eyes and laughed a little, despite his bruised ribs. "Very funny," he said, then his look turned serious. "All I need is you, baby, that's it -- nothing else," he added, looking at his lover with every ounce of passion he had inside him shining through his eyes. "You're my world and my life. All I want to do when we get to your place is to hold you, look at you, touch you, love you, be with you in every way possible. That would make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world," he said.
Trent looked at his lover and smiled. It was all he wanted, too. He squeezed Carlos's hand, resisting the urge to kiss him, "Won't be long now, Lucky Bear. I'll be right back." With that, Trent got out of the car and went into the drug store.
Carlos smiled and watched as Trent went into the store to fill the prescriptions. It wasn't very long at all before he saw his lover come out of the store with a large bag looking very full. **Now that can't be just for prescriptions,** Carlos thought, and wondered just what else Trent had come up with while he was in there. Soon enough he would find out, he decided, and smiled happily at his lover's return. "Whatcha got there?" he asked curiously.
"Comics, coloring books and bubble gum," Trent stated and put the bag where Carlos couldn't reach it.
Once at his apartment, Trent parked then got out. He noted Carlos's Durango parked a few spaces away. Trent went around the car to help Carlos get out. "Looks like Walker must have had your truck brought here," Trent said, nodding in the direction of the Durango. He then helped Carlos out of the car and up the stairs to his apartment. They took it slow and Carlos did quite well, considering.
"I can't believe it, we're home," Carlos said softly. It really started to hit him and he had to draw on all his reserves to hold it together for Trent. Carlos stepped into the apartment and looked around, remembering how much he loved this place -- where they shared so much love -- and it was all because of his wonderful lover, Trent. "Let's go to bed," Carlos said, holding out his hand.
Trent took Carlos's hand, then took him in his arms. This wasn't going to be easy. Trent was having a very hard time remembering just what he needed to do for Carlos, the instructions they had been given. All he wanted to do was hold Carlos, make love to him, have Carlos make love to him, never let him go again. Then his lover asking for that which Trent wanted more than anything? This was going to be a long and difficult twenty four hours. Drawing on everything he had in him, Trent managed to say, "There's nothing in this world I want more, Carlos, but you need to take your medication first. And you really do need to eat something." Carlos smiled wickedly at him. "I MEANT food," Trent said, grinning at his lover and brushing his hair with his hand. Keeping his arm around Carlos, Trent started for the bedroom to get him settled.
Carlos was upset about having to take more medication. He didn't want any more despite how he felt. "I don't want any more of that stuff, Trent. I just want to be with you, that's what I need to fix me up and make me whole again," he said, and he meant it -- he honestly didn't think anything or anyone could make him any better than just being there with his lover.
"Tell you what. Food can wait a bit if you promise to take your medication with some orange juice? Big glass?" Trent tried to persuade Carlos as he got him sitting on the bed. Trent left Carlos sitting on the bed and went to put away the things he had gotten at the drug store and get the medication and the orange juice. Heading back into the bedroom he handed the pills and juice to Carlos who was still sitting right where he had put him, looking very tired. "Here," Trent handed the pills and juice to Carlos.
Reluctantly Carlos took the medication from Trent, swallowed the pills, then took the large glass of juice and drank all of it. He was too tired to argue about it and he knew that Trent was only looking out for his best interests.
Trent smiled at Carlos, again thanking God for his safe return. Trent was just sure he heard God telling him he could stop thanking Him now, that He had heard his thank you all six hundred times already. Trent did *not* plan to stop thanking Him, however. Trent took the empty glass from Carlos and put it on the bedside table.
Seeing the grin on his lover's face let Carlos know he did the right thing even though he really didn't want to take the medication any more. He looked at Trent and smiled. "Thanks," he said, trying to sound happy about it.
"You're welcome," Trent said back, even though he knew Carlos was less than pleased. Trent moved to his lover, still sitting on the bed, and started taking his clothes off him. Carlos was starting to fade on him again. Only normal according to the doctor. Trent got Carlos's shirt off him then moved on to his shoes and socks, which he got off with very little help from Carlos who was more or less just watching him. "Carlos, you're going to have to stand up so I can get your pants off you," Trent instructed. Carlos did as he was told and Trent managed to get them and his underwear off him.
Pulling down the blanket and sheet, Trent helped Carlos get settled. Trent had things he really needed to do, but it had been so long, the night of waiting coming back to him, the fear. Trent quickly undressed and got into bed beside Carlos before pulling the covers over both of them. Gathering Carlos in his arms, he held him tight and stroked his hair and kissed his forehead as he fell asleep. Not long after Carlos was asleep, so was Trent.
Carlos stirred and slowly awakened with Trent's arms around him, snuggled very close to his body. He smiled and put his hands on his lover's arms feeling the warmth, safety and security they offered. He breathed as deeply as he could and let the air out slowly, feeling very loved. It was incredible how much had happened in the last two days and he was just so very grateful and thankful that it was over and that he was back together with his lover. He smiled at Trent and tilted his head back so he could kiss his cheek, but he didn't want to wake him. He would let Trent sleep as long as he needed to. Carlos just lay there listening to his lover breathe, smiling and reveling in the fact that they were together forever.
Trent felt Carlos moving in his embrace. It felt so good to have him in his arms. He didn't really want to move or even open his eyes, but he did both. Trent tightened his arms around Carlos and kissed the top of his head. "How you feeling? Better? Hungry?" Trent asked his lover.
Carlos nodded his head and wrapped Trent's arms around him tighter. "I feel much better, baby, thank you. I sure could go for something to eat, too -- I'm really hungry. Mmmmm, how does pizza sound -- with the works?" Carlos asked, really liking the sound of pizza for dinner. He didn't want to move, only lie there with his lover holding him in his arms. "How did you sleep?" he asked.
Trent laughed. "You are feeling better, aren't you? I did get chicken for dinner but I don't really want to fix it anyway. Pizza it is. Anything for you, my love," Trent said and kissed Carlos's forehead. "And I slept very well, thank you very much. This is a lot nicer than those chairs at the hospital," Trent teased. "Besides, I couldn't hold you there," he added. Turning Carlos's face to his, Trent kissed his lover, a soft but passionate kiss. "I love you so very much. I'm so glad you're home and feeling better," Trent said and kissed his lover again.
Carlos closed his eyes briefly while he returned Trent's kiss, absorbing the softness, passion and pure love behind it. God, how he loved this man and he would do everything in his power to show him how much he was loved every day for the rest of his life. "I love you very much, Trent -- and to be here, with you, feeling this way is so incredible and wonderful that I couldn't feel any better," he said, returning another kiss, full of passion.
Trent wanted Carlos so badly. Now that he was home and safe, the memories of that night were coming back to him, the memories of the terrible night he spent waiting for Carlos, fearing the worst, being haunted by memories -- he needed to feel Carlos's closeness, he needed to touch him all over, he needed to show him love. But the time wasn't right yet. Carlos was here and was going to be fine, but he was still recovering from his ordeal. Trent reminded himself of his lover's pain and that was all that restrained him from making love to Carlos on the spot.
Carlos needed Trent so much and in every way. He was back in his lover's arms again -- safe, warm and very loved. Feeling Trent's touch made him want Trent inside him even more and for him to make love to Trent. That's what he needed and craved -- after what they both had gone through, they needed each other even more than before. Carlos just continued to lie there in his lover's arms, wrapped in his love and breathed in his scent and was very happy.
"I hate to break this up but I really am hungry and I'm sure you are, too. Why don't I go call for that pizza, OK? No anchovies though, right?" Trent said, looking down at Carlos looking up at him from his arms, knowing he would gladly suffer a pizza with anchovies, or anything else this man's heart desired, if he asked for it.
Carlos looked up at Trent not wanting to take his eyes off of his lover even for a second. He had been gone long enough and he never wanted to be close to Trent as much as he did right then -- he could live on his lover's touch and love alone and nothing else. "That sounds great, Trent -- and no anchovies," he said, smiling in agreement.
Kissing Carlos quickly on the forehead, Trent managed to disentangle himself from his lover and settle him back down in the bed. "Now you wait there and you behave yourself. Oh, wait, I forgot, you can't do that," Trent teased, "I'll settle for you staying in bed."
"What do you mean I can't behave myself?" Carlos said, pretending to pout. He loved the teasing and they both knew it. "I'm not going anywhere," Carlos said. He really wanted to stay in bed anyway, preferably with his lover by his side.
Trent left the room and called for the pizza which he was informed would be there in half an hour. Making note of the time, Trent went to get out plates. Opening the cupboard, he saw the cake he had bought for Carlos at the grocery store, how many nights ago was it now? The thoughts of that night came flooding back again. Trent tried to push the feelings and memories away but wasn't having much success. He hurriedly got out napkins and drinks and applesauce for himself and went back to Carlos who was waiting for him, to see for himself his lover was there and safe, to quiet the memories.
"Pizza will be here in about half an hour," Trent informed Carlos in what he hoped sounded like a totally normal, casual tone. Trent set down the things he had been carrying then pulled on some pants and a shirt so he wouldn't give the pizza delivery person a surprise, then climbed back in bed next to Carlos to wait for the pizza to get there. Sitting up against the headboard, Trent gathered Carlos into his arms and held him tight. He was glad Carlos couldn't look him in the eye right then. He was still fighting the memories, trying to keep them from surfacing.
Carlos saw the look in his lover's eyes when he came in to announce the anticipated arrival time of the pizza. He realized that Trent was trying hard to keep him from noticing anything was wrong so he let it go for the moment. When Trent climbed back into bed and wrapped his arms around him, Carlos snuggled close against his lover's body and there was no doubt about it -- something was troubling his lover. After a few minutes passed, Carlos asked, "What is it, baby? What's on your mind?" He hoped Trent would talk to him about whatever it was that was troubling him so.
"What? Nothing on my mind but you -- and pizza, of course," Trent said, not totally a lie, "I'm just glad you're home and safe. I don't like seeing you hurt, it's hard." Trent let a small amount of his pain out, knowing Carlos already knew this anyway. He kissed the top of Carlos's head and looked at his watch.
"I know it's hard, but I'll be fine, baby -- now that I'm home, here in your arms, safe and sound, there's nothing to worry about," he said, knowing full well that Trent wasn't telling him everything. After the sweet kiss on his head, he turned his head slightly so that he could look at his lover and he saw worry hidden in those beautiful blue eyes of his when he did. He noticed it when Trent looked at his watch -- must be about time for the pizza to arrive. He also realized that Trent didn't want to talk about whatever it was that was weighing so heavily on his mind. Although Carlos didn't want to push the issue, he felt that he had to get Trent to open up and let it out. He spoke very softly and gently to his lover. "We have to talk about this sometime you know," was all he said, hoping that his lover would open up soon. He snuggled even deeper into Trent's arms, savoring the warmth and security and love that Trent provided him. "I love you so much," he said.
"Yes, we do. You do realize I still have no idea what happened to you except it's something Walker is investigating?" Trent asked, "But now isn't the time. Almost time for the pizza to...," Trent was interrupted by the door buzzer. He smiled at Carlos who was still looking at him. "See, right on time," he said and kissed his lover on the mouth very quickly then scrambled out of bed and headed for the door, picking up his wallet on the way.
Carlos returned the kiss and smiled as he watched Trent take off to answer the door. He could watch that man all day and never take his eyes off of him for a second.
Returning with the pizza, Trent handed it to Carlos while he got back in bed. Getting the plates, Trent opened the box and put some on each plate, inhaling deeply as he did so. He was much hungrier than he realized, this smelled really good. Taking the box from Carlos, Trent set it on the end of the bed then picked up his plate, smelling the pizza again. He smiled at Carlos who was already eating his and smiling back at him.
"Mmmmmm..., this is delicious," Carlos managed to say between mouthfuls of the hot, perfectly prepared pizza, minus anchovies of course. He was smiling at Trent and enjoyed watching his lover dig into a piece of pizza. "How is it?" he asked, hoping Trent would like it as much as he did.
"Good. Little greasy, but that comes with the territory," Trent said, reaching for the cup of applesauce he had brought for himself. "I assume you want no part of this?" Trent indicated the applesauce. He knew how odd everyone thought it, but as far as he was concerned, pizza without applesauce on the side was just simply not right.
Carlos looked at the applesauce and tried to hide his true feelings about it. "Uh..., thanks, buddy, but I don't think there's enough for two and I know how much your applesauce means to you," he said, not wanting any of the applesauce himself but also not wanting to hurt his lover's feelings in any way.
"Oh, there's plenty more where this came from," Trent teased, well aware Carlos wanted no part of it.
"I'm glad you like the pizza," Carlos added, then continued munching on another slice as he watched Trent eating his applesauce with his pizza, bringing a smile to his face seeing that Trent was enjoying himself.
They had eaten almost the entire pizza and Carlos was nearly full. He really hadn't eaten that much in the last few days -- not his normal appetite anyway -- and he figured that it would return to normal in a while, so he finished the piece he was working on then sat back in bed smiling at his lover.
Watching Carlos finish off the last of his pizza, Trent asked, "You saved room for dessert I hope?" Trent knew full well Carlos would never turn down dessert.
"Dessert?" Carlos asked, his eyes lighting up. Pizza followed by dessert -- what could be better? Actually, he could think of something better and it would definitely follow under the category of dessert. "What is it?" he asked getting excited.
"You just have to wait and see," Trent teased. Gathering up the plates and pizza box, Trent got up to go get dessert. "You need anything else? More pop? Anything?" he said, starting out of the bedroom.
"Just you," Carlos said to his lover, wanting him to come back into bed with him.
Trent turned and smiled at Carlos when he heard that. **Yup, that's my Carlos,** he thought, knowing his lover was well on his way to recovery. He headed out of the bedroom towards the kitchen. Trent knew they should probably wait on the sex, but he also knew they wouldn't. They had both been through too much. They needed each other, they needed the closeness. Trent smiled again just thinking about it.
Carlos had had enough waiting -- he wanted to make love to Trent and didn't want to waste another minute -- they'd been apart long enough already. He heard Trent rustling around in the kitchen and when he came back into the bedroom Carlos saw that he had ice cream and cake with him. Carlos couldn't believe it and he couldn't wait to have that piece of simply scrumptious looking chocolate cake he couldn't take his eyes off of. "Thanks, Trent," he said, taking a forkful of the moist cake.
"An interesting thing happened to me with that cake, you know. I was in the grocery store pushing my cart, walking along, just minding my own business when I swear that cake talked to me," Trent teased, "I swear it said 'buy me for Carlos'. So what else could I do but buy it?" Trent looked at Carlos eating the cake and grinning. "I mean, I *do* understand the cake's point at wanting to be eaten by you," Trent said, attempting the innocent act and not pulling it off at all.
Carlos just grinned and shook his head at Trent and his cake story. He watched as Trent enjoyed his ice cream, waiting patiently for him to finish. He wanted to make love to Trent very badly, needing to show him how much he was loved.
Finishing his ice cream then putting his bowl aside, Trent indicated Carlos's now empty plate. "So, you want more of that cake or are you ready for the *other* thing I brought you?" Trent said seductively.
"I'm ready for anything," Carlos said. His eyes were bright -- dancing almost -- as his passion started rising, increasing his arousal and they hadn't even touched yet. "But I'm the one that has the surprise for you," he said, wanting to make love to Trent, to join as one with him inside his lover's body.
"I take it that's a 'no' on more cake then?" Trent grinned at Carlos and took his plate, putting it with his bowl. Realizing he was still dressed from answering the door earlier, Trent stood up and took off the clothes he had put on, then got back on the bed with Carlos. "Now, about that surprise you have for me," Trent asked, crawling over to his lover.
Carlos gently pulled Trent close to him and kissed him very passionately, a kiss that told his lover how much he missed him and loved him. This was a kiss that lasted a long time, interrupted only by the need of air by both of them. It was amazing what one kiss could do. Carlos held Trent's body close to his and ran one hand up and down his back while kissing him.
Trent went very willingly into his lover's embrace. He put his arms around Carlos, being careful of his ribs, and hugged him close as they kissed. It seemed like a lifetime since they'd last been together in this way. Had it only been two days?
Carlos began to nuzzle Trent's neck in that favorite spot that he loved so much. He knew it brought Trent great pleasure and he wanted to indulge his lover with every possible sensation he could. He licked and kissed his neck repeatedly then began to move slowly down his lover's body, licking his lover's skin lightly the entire way.
Trent sucked in air sharply as soon as he felt Carlos nuzzling him. The sensations of his kisses and licks adding to his excitement, causing him to moan softly.
Carlos stopped when he got to Trent's nipples, the tip of his tongue dancing around the outside of the nipple but not touching the nub yet. He wanted to bring out all of the passion Trent had, get him very hot, then he would add even more pleasure and thrills to what he would already be feeling. He didn't have to wait long and, once Trent was in that blissful state, Carlos used his tongue to tease the nipples into being extremely hard, even harder than Carlos remembered them being.
Trent reached up with one hand and ran it through Carlos's hair as he watched his lover licking his nipples. But it didn't last long. The sensations were too strong and Trent soon closed his eyes, giving himself over to the sensations, the pure pleasure this man could give him.
Because of his ribs, Carlos thought it best that they try lying on their sides for this and he gently urged Trent onto his side and got the tube of KY that was by the bed. After carefully preparing himself, Carlos prepared Trent by putting some of the KY on his fingers and gently inserting them into his body, slowly stretching him in preparation for him to enter his body.
Trent thrilled at the feel of his lover's fingers inside of him. Even this small joining of their bodies brought him such pleasure and the anticipation for the joining to come.
Carlos gently removed his fingers and slowly entered his lover's body with his shaft until he was completely inside. This was new and different, but the feeling was wonderful -- they were finally joined as lovers once more and there wasn't another more incredible feeling anywhere, he decided.
Trent moaned and pushed back against his lover when Carlos entered him, finally joining them as one again. Had it really been only two days? It seemed ages ago, so much had happened. But once again they were one, enjoying the pleasure that went with that joining.
Carlos knew he had to move slowly and carefully, because of his injuries, so he slowly began to move inside of Trent, thrusting deep and long, drawing out each thrust and making them last, enjoying the closeness. As he thrust deeply inside of Trent again he brought his lips to the back of his lover's neck and kissed him as he continued to thrust in and out, slowly -- taking his time. Just the wonderful sensation of being together was nearly overwhelming and after a while their climaxes were imminent.
Trent knew they needed to go slow, to be careful, so Carlos didn't hurt himself further. It was all that kept him in check -- all that kept him from urging his lover on faster. He enjoyed the long slow strokes of his lover inside him, but he felt a sense of urgency, too, making him want more and more of his lover.
Carlos took Trent's very hard penis into his hand and began pumping it in the same rhythm to match the thrusts he was giving to his lover. It wasn't long before Carlos went over the edge into that special place, pouring his essence deep into his lover's body, immediately followed by his lover who spasmed and came in Carlos's hand.
Trent was very near the edge when Carlos took his shaft in his hand and began to stroke him. He knew he wouldn't last much longer but felt his lover nearing the edge too. One last thrust and Carlos came inside of him sending Trent over the edge into his own climax almost immediately.
Carlos just lay there, in that special vacation spot, completely expended and tired. After a few minutes of enjoying the closeness of still being connected, he gently removed himself from his lover's body, turned Trent around and pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around Trent, kissing his cheek and his forehead, running a hand through his hair. "I love you so very much, baby. That was wonderful," he said, and kissed him again.
Trent continued to pant and moan coming down from his climax. But mixed in with the usual feelings of returning to himself were some of the feelings from the night Carlos hadn't come home, the fear he wasn't coming home again -- ever. Trent felt himself turned around by his lover and kissed and cuddled, but it didn't help. Still lying on their sides, Trent put his head against Carlos's chest then put his arms around his lover. "Carlos, I was so scared. I thought you weren't coming back. I thought you'd disappeared forever. I thought...," Trent found himself unable to speak further. There were no more words.
Carlos wrapped his arms around Trent tighter, very worried about his lover, knowing he was deeply upset about his disappearance. Just like Bryan, one day he left and never returned -- except Carlos did come back. "Shhh..., baby -- it's all right now, I'm here, we're together and I won't let you go," he said softly, soothingly. He began to rock Trent gently in his arms trying to take away the thoughts and fears that must have been running through his lover's mind while he was gone. "It was a rough time for us both but it's over and we won't ever be separated again," he said just as soft and gentle as before. He kissed the top of Trent's head and lifted his chin up to look him in the eyes. "I'm going to be fine and we're together forever, I don't ever want you to forget that. I love you very, very much. You're my whole life, Trent -- nothing else matters but you," he added, and tightened his hold around his lover even more, wanting to give him all of the love, warmth and safety he could. He silently thanked God for bringing them back together.
Trent buried his face against Carlos's chest. "I know, Carlos, I know...," he said. Trent knew he was being childish, Bryan really didn't just disappear, but the night Carlos hadn't come home had awakened the old memories and feelings. Trent just lay in his lover's arms, feeling his love, listening to his strong heartbeat. It calmed him, made him feel better -- the memories, the fear -- retreated once again to the back of his mind.
After some time, Carlos could tell that Trent was feeling better -- more relaxed now, although he kept his arms firmly wrapped around his lover, not ready to let go of him. He enjoyed the love, warmth and security that holding each other provided. With all that had happened to Trent, Carlos wanted nothing else other than to make his lover feel happy, safe and very, very loved. He kissed the top of Trent's head and ran one hand up and down his back to comfort him.
Raising his head once again to look at Carlos, Trent kissed him very softly on the lips. "Thank you, again, for being here when I needed you," he said softly
Carlos returned his kiss softly, yet passionately. "You're very welcome. I'll be here whenever you need me, my love," Carlos said, smiling with his eyes full of love.
Trent kissed his lover again and smiled at him. "I don't suppose you're up to a bath or anything? I haven't actually tried it out but I think my tub is big enough for two," Trent suggested.
"A bath sounds like a great idea, Trent," Carlos said, his eyes lighting up a bit at the thought of bathing each other and sharing another kind of closeness in a tub full of hot water. "I love you," he said, kissing Trent passionately on the lips once more.
"I know that," Trent said, "And I love you too, now come on." Trent got up then helped Carlos up before heading into the bathroom, followed by his lover.
Go to Page Four