You'll Never Walk Alone
Page Four

Trent started the water then got in the tub and reached out his hand to Carlos to steady him. He was still not well, after all. Helping Carlos to sit, then sitting down himself, Trent said, "Not too bad a fit. Not a hot tub, but it'll do." When the tub was full, Trent turned off the water then took the soap and washcloth and started washing Carlos off, being very careful around his bruised ribs. Carlos flinched anyway. "Sorry, Carlos, I'll leave that part alone," Trent apologized. He realized again he still didn't know what had happened. But now wasn't the time to ask. Carlos was enjoying himself way too much. Trent just loved the look his lover got on his face when he washed him. He really did expect purring. Trent smiled and continued to tenderly wash his lover.
After Trent got done bathing him, Carlos took the washcloth and soap and began to return the favor not missing a spot on his lover's entire body. They were quiet during this time, just relaxing in the hot water and enjoying each other's company. Once Carlos had finished washing Trent, he put the washcloth to the side and the soap in it's holder, then kissed his lover passionately. "All clean," he said, smiling, kissing Trent again, then turned around and leaned against his lover knowing that Trent loved to hold him and needed to hold him even more right now.
Trent put his arms around Carlos, welcoming him into his embrace, loving being close to him, holding him. Trent smiled and kissed his lover's neck.
Carlos also needed some holding after what he'd been through and, although he hadn't talked about it up to this point, he knew he would have to sooner or later. But he didn't relish the idea because he was worried about what it would do to Trent. He knew that Trent would want to know -- and he would tell him -- he just hoped it wouldn't make things worse for his lover. He pushed that out of his mind for the time being, just reveling in the fact that they were together, loving each other, and that that would be enough to see them through anything. Carlos sank further against Trent and into the arms wrapped around him providing comfort to them both.
"This is nice. Very nice," Trent said, resting his head on top of Carlos's. Closing his eyes, Trent was suddenly met with the memory of holding the teddy bear all night in just this way. He tightened his arms around Carlos and the memory went away.
Carlos was right -- the comfort of Trent's arms around him was exactly what they both needed and soon Carlos felt Trent's hold tighten around him. "It's all right, baby," he said soothingly. Trent relaxed right after that.
How long they sat like that Trent wasn't sure. But he suddenly realized Carlos was falling asleep on him. Not a problem, but he would prefer to get him into bed first.
Carlos was so relaxed in the hot water and with Trent holding him that he just let himself go and felt himself falling asleep, not wanting to fight it any more. He was tired, sated and very content. It had been a wonderful homecoming and he couldn't have felt more loved than he did right then. It was a combination that was sure to put him right to sleep.
"Hey, Conan, let's get out of here and get into bed. Sound good?" Trent asked a very sleepy Carlos. Managing to get Carlos out and both of them dried and into the bedroom, Trent gave Carlos the last of his medication for the day then settled him into bed. "I have to go turn off the lights in the other room. I'll be right back," Trent said and left his lover to go do just that.
"Um hmmm...," Carlos mumbled sleepily as he lay in bed, feeling so very good and relaxed. Sleep wasn't too far away and he wanted his lover to be in bed with him, side by side, holding each other and sleeping all night together the way it was before he disappeared.
Going into the kitchen Trent turned off the light and walked back out into the livingroom. Seeing the teddy bear on the couch still, he picked it up and carried it with him and put it back where he had gotten it from the other night. Trent again had to push the memories firmly out of his mind. Returning to bed, Trent crawled in beside his lover who was almost asleep. Gathering Carlos in his arms, Trent held him tightly waiting for sleep to over take him.
Carlos was nearly asleep but he felt Trent's climb back into bed and when Trent took him in his arms it was like heaven. He felt so safe and warm. He snuggled against his lover as close as he could, wanting to feel those strong arms of Trent's wrapped as tightly around him as possible. He let out a sigh of contentment and happiness as he drifted off into a deep sleep, hoping that his lover would sleep well and, when tomorrow arrived, they could spend more time together making love and being close.
Trent woke up slowly. He was still holding Carlos who was still sleeping. The dream hadn't returned and he was grateful. He thanked God for that, adding another thank you for the safe return of his lover to his arms.
Trent looked down at the sleeping Carlos's bruised ribs, taking a better look now that he was asleep and his lover couldn't see him looking at it. It wasn't easy from the angle he was looking from without moving, but not impossible. The bruise was very bad, very discolored. It must be quite painful still for Carlos. Trent wished he could take the pain away from his lover, but he knew he couldn't. **Who would want to hurt this wonderful man?** was all Trent could think. Seeing signs that Carlos was waking up, Trent began to nuzzle and kiss his lover's neck. As Carlos stirred a bit more, Trent moved his lips to Carlos's mouth and gently kissed him while caressing his chest.
Carlos began to wake up slowly from a deep and peaceful sleep that the previous night's loving had provided him. Trent's arms were still wrapped around him and the warmth and security they provided reminded him once again that he was really home, safe and sound. He didn't want to let on to Trent that he was still trying to get over what had happened, he realized that his lover had enough to deal with already. Then as he woke a little more he felt Trent's lips on his and he returned the sweet gentle kiss, moaning softly while his lover caressed his chest.
"Mmmm..., that feels so good, baby," he said, and just laid there in Trent's arms, enjoying the wonderful soft loving touch that he provided. He wanted to make love to Trent again just as they had last night and he smiled as he remembered their first union upon his return home. He closed his eyes and continued to enjoy his lover's touch, moaning louder as it continued, wanting more, much more.
Trent continued to nuzzle and kiss Carlos's neck and caress his chest. Moving back slightly so Carlos could roll onto his back from his side, Trent realized this put him on the wrong side to avoid leaning on Carlos's hurt ribs. Giving his lover a passionate kiss on the lips first, Trent carefully climbed over Carlos to the other side and settled himself back down.
Carlos returned Trent's passionate kiss with his own burning passion and desire, wanting more of Trent with each passing moment. This felt so good, so right, and that was what Carlos wanted, to be with his lover in every way possible. He would never be able to get enough of that.
Nuzzling and kissing once again, Trent ran his hand across Carlos's chest, carefully avoiding the bruised area, finally coming to rest on his nipple and starting to tease it with his fingers. Moving his mouth down to the other nipple, Trent gently sucked then nipped it until it was a hardened nub. Then releasing it from his mouth, Trent ran his tongue around the nub, flicking it back and forth, before sucking on it again.
"Ohhhh, baby, that feels so good," Carlos said, gasping as Trent sucked his nipple. As it became harder his heart began to race and soon he was squirming from his rapidly increasing arousal. His passion was rising higher and faster as Trent continued to work gently, yet very determinedly, on getting him to that peak and the wonderful climax that was sure to follow.
Moving his hand down his lover's chest to his groin, Trent found Carlos very hard and very close to orgasm already. Not wanting to cause too much exertion yet, Trent decided teasing and drawing this out too far was probably not a good idea. Moving his mouth down his lover's body, kissing and licking as he went, Trent's mouth found his lover's erection and began to lick it, moving up slowly to the top. Once there, Trent licked off the head of his lover's shaft thoroughly before taking him into his mouth all the way and sucking. Moving his mouth back up, Trent swirled his tongue over the head and again took his lover's shaft into his mouth.
Carlos nearly came right then and there when Trent's tongue first touched his shaft. What his lover could do to him, and always did to him, amazed Carlos. He never thought that it could be so exciting and new each and every time. He arched his back a little, increasing the passion he felt. He ran his hands through Trent's hair, encouraging him but as always, his lover was perfect, knowing exactly what to do. Waves of pleasure coursed through his body over and over -- the heat rising as Carlos began to writhe with anticipation, very close to the edge.
Carlos was very close to his release. Trent continued to take his lover into his mouth until, on the last stroke, Carlos came, releasing his essence into Trent's willing mouth. Trent savored the experience, savored the flavor of Carlos.
It was so good -- very good. Carlos could hold back no longer. He let himself go, sending his hot fluid into Trent's mouth, feeling wonderful, the sensation overtaking him.
Releasing Carlos reluctantly from his mouth, Trent licked him clean then crawled back up to take his lover in his arms, settling Carlos against him with his head on his chest. It felt so good to have his lover back in his arms. So very good.
Carlos was once again very sated and content and he sighed happily, snuggling against Trent when he was once again by his side and had his arms wrapped around him. Carlos had his head on his lover's chest and he couldn't have been happier than he was at that moment. This was right where they both belonged, and where they would both stay, if he had anything to say about it.
"God, baby, thank you so much -- that was wonderful," Carlos said, and he meant every word of it. He reached up to pull Trent's head down gently and kiss him passionately. "Good morning," he said, smiling.
"Good morning to you too, Conan. How you doing this morning? Ready to go raid a few villages?" Trent asked, trying to lighten the situation, but concerned about how his lover was feeling.
Carlos's ribs ached and his head hurt some but he was feeling better and he didn't want to complain and worry Trent. Still though, he knew he had to be honest and he would never ever hold anything back from Trent. Now if he could just tell him without worrying him. "I'm all right, baby. My ribs are a bit tender, and I have a headache still, but those will go away soon. I'm fine, really," he said, smiling brightly and putting energy into the words. "Raiding villages sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day," he added, a twinkle in his eye.
"How about some breakfast? Give you some energy for that pillaging?" Trent asked. He was *not* letting Carlos skip any more meals.
"Mmmm..., that sounds good. I am a little hungry this morning, actually," Carlos said, realizing he really was hungry. He knew that whatever Trent had in mind to do for him would be perfect, so he decided to let his lover decide what to create for his pleasure.
"You stay here, OK?" Trent said. Seeing the look of disappointment on Carlos's face, Trent reminded his lover, "The doctor said twenty four hours bed rest. I think you still have a few hours to go on that."
Carlos was disappointed that he couldn't get out of bed yet. He knew he needed the rest, that the doctor and Trent were both right, but he didn't feel *that* bad. He wanted to go back to living a normal life, being active, especially much more sexually active, like they were before any of this happened. He felt a little bit down at what his disappearance and injuries had cost both of them but especially for Trent. He was going to do his best for Trent and try not to let him see he was hurting unless it got bad, which he hoped it wouldn't.
Getting up and putting on his robe then going into the other room, Trent first thought he better call Kim. Getting her on the phone, he gave her the latest update on Carlos. He also asked her to try to clear the calendar for the rest of this week and into next if she could, and if she couldn't, to let him know. He wasn't leaving Carlos unless he absolutely had to. Hanging up the phone when he was done, Trent looked at the now silent phone in his hand. The memories of the other night started to crowd in again, how he was going to call Carlos's sister, how he called Kim instead, how he was waiting for the phone to ring. Shaking his head in an attempt to stop the thoughts, Trent managed to snap himself out of it and got up to go to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Getting out the things he needed to cook, Trent opened the cupboard to get out the bread and saw the cake he had bought for Carlos sitting next to the bread. The cake he bought for his lover that night, the one he didn't come home, the night he spent waiting.
Carlos decided to get out of bed despite Trent's 'orders'. He put on his robe and silently padded into the kitchen to keep Trent company. He'd been away too long from his lover and he needed the closeness of being in his company. He was also quite curious about what breakfast was going to be. "Hey, baby, whatcha going to make us for breakfast?" he asked, coming up behind his lover.
Trent was still standing there holding the cupboard door open, hand on the bread, when he heard a noise behind him and turned around to find Carlos talking to him. **How long have I been standing here like this?** he wondered. "What did you say Carlos?" Trent asked, totally clueless as to what he had said, "What are you doing out of bed anyway?"
Carlos just looked at Trent for a moment realizing that he wasn't with him before and hadn't heard a word he'd said. Deciding not to force things, Carlos simply repeated himself. "I asked what you were going to cook us for breakfast. And I'm out of bed because I got lonely," he added, then walked the rest of the way to his lover and put his arms around him, kissing him passionately. "Reason enough?" he asked, smiling, then he kissed the tip of Trent's nose.
Trent put his arms around his lover and held him tight as they kissed. Putting his head on Carlos's shoulder, still holding him tight, Trent said, "Yes, reason enough." He was actually very grateful to have his lover there with him, but that didn't mean he *should* be there. But Trent was reluctant to have Carlos go back into the bedroom, leaving him alone with his memories.
"If you promise to sit down and behave yourself, I might let you stay and keep me company and not tell your doctor about it," Trent said, knowing he really had no intention of sending Carlos back to bed again. "Come on, sit down," Trent said, dragging a reluctant Carlos to a kitchen chair. "And the sad puppy face is NOT going to work, so don't even try it," Trent added, knowing full well the sad puppy face would have him doing anything Carlos wanted him to in no time flat.
Carlos did in fact try the puppy face, it was automatic for him when he didn't get something he wanted, and what he wanted most was to be by his lover's side. He knew if he pressed his sad look that he would get whatever he wanted, but he made the decision to sit where Trent wanted him to, effectively taking care of himself to please Trent and not cause him any worry. After a few more moments of the puppy face look, he began to smile, a smile filled with love for the man who loved him so much that he would go to any lengths to protect him. That made him feel so very good and he wondered if Trent had any idea how good. Carlos decided that he would have to show his lover exactly that later on.
"As to breakfast, how about chocolate cake and grapefruit juice?" Trent kidded, "Actually, how about omelets? Never seen you eat one before, so you're going to have to tell me what you want in yours. I did get some things at the store the other night." Trent's stomach flip flopped at the mention of that night, but he kept the memories out of his head.
"Chocolate cake and grapefruit juice?" Carlos asked, smiling hopefully. He loved the idea of the cake, but somehow he couldn't quite figure out how to balance that with the grapefruit juice, so he just smiled. "OK, sure...," he said, not getting the joke. "An omelet sounds great -- with mushrooms, ham and cheese please," he said, liking the idea of Trent cooking for him. Carlos sat at the table even though he wanted to be next to his lover, helping him, holding him and just being close. **Plenty of time for that later,** he told himself, and smiled just thinking about what he wanted to do most for the rest of the day. That was to spend the day in bed with his lover -- the whole day -- holding, loving, talking and just being close. Nothing else mattered but that. Nothing. He knew that his lover needed him and he would be there every moment to give him whatever he needed.
Trent smiled and went to the fridge to get out the mushrooms, ham and cheese he had bought thinking it would be something Carlos would like in an omelet. Getting the ingredients ready for the omelet, Trent glanced behind himself at Carlos who was staring at him and grinning yet again. "You know if you don't stop that, I may just have to do something for you that is actually worth watching," Trent said, thinking of a few things he might try.
"Please, don't let me stop you," Carlos said, his eyes twinkling as he settled back into his chair, preparing to watch whatever it was that Trent might have on his mind to do. He was thoroughly enjoying this and he didn't take his eyes off his lover for a second. The grin on his face couldn't have been bigger or brighter.
**You should have *known* better, Trent, really you should have,** Trent thought to himself, regarding giving Carlos something worth watching. "Well, there really isn't enough room here, and I don't have my music with me," Trent attempted to get out of entertaining Carlos, "Besides, you might have a relapse and I'll be left having to explain to the paramedics just how you ended up passed out on my kitchen floor with a big grin on your face."
Trent turned back to cooking. Finishing Carlos's omelet, he took it over to the table, stopping to kiss his lover before returning to the stove to make his own omelet.
Carlos kept his eyes on Trent the entire time he was making his breakfast. When he brought it over to him and leaned down to kiss him, Carlos reached up and put his hand behind his lover's neck, holding him there while he returned Trent's kiss passionately. He let his lover go and continued looking straight into his eyes. "Thank you for breakfast," he said, and watched as his lover walked back to the stove to cook his own omelet. How could he love this man any more than he already did, he wondered. He thought it impossible, but his feelings were growing even stronger as he sat there in the kitchen watching Trent cook breakfast.
Going back to the stove then reaching for the bread to make his own toast, Trent's mind once again wandered to the night Carlos was missing. This time however, he successfully pushed the memory out of his mind and looked at his lover, sitting at the table, smiling at him. He smiled back and once again thanked God for his lover's safe return.
Carlos had turned his attention to his plate, and couldn't help but take a bite of the wonderful smelling omelet. "Mmmm, this is delicious, Trent. The flavor is wonderful," he said, never having had one before. Then he put his fork down and waited for Trent to be seated so they could eat together.
"You didn't have to wait for me," Trent said when he sat down across from Carlos with his own omelet. Trent smiled and started to eat, looking at his lover, enjoying watching him eat, just enjoying being with him. "You need anything else? More toast? Coffee? Tea? Me?" Trent teased knowing that was going to get a reaction from Carlos.
"Mmmmmm..., let me think," Carlos said, pausing for effect, knowing it would driving Trent crazy. "I'll take *you* -- all of you, over and over again," he added.
"I don't know about that. You had to think about that an awfully long time there," Trent teased, "You might just get coffee instead."
"I couldn't possibly ever get enough of you, my love," Carlos said, looking across the table at his lover sitting there, enjoying his breakfast. "And right after breakfast I'm going to start proving it," he said, and he meant it. He wanted to make love to Trent so badly, to hold him close and make him feel safe, warm and so very loved.
"I really don't think there is much left to 'prove' in that area, Conan," Trent chuckled, still amazed at his lover's ability to be ready at a moments notice to make love with him.
"What did you put in your omelet?" Carlos asked curiously, not quite able to tell what was in it from across the table.
"Ham and green peppers," Trent said, not mentioning he left out the onions he would have preferred to the green peppers.
"You cooked, I clean," Carlos said, even though he knew he was on restricted movement he wanted to offer anyway. Maybe Trent would let him at least help.
Trent shot Carlos a look. "Nope. You shouldn't even be out of BED, you know. And if you're not good, I might just have to tie you to the bed," Trent teased, "I think I can find my handcuffs, so just you watch it."
"Oh, I see..., handcuffs is it? I didn't know you were into that kinky kind of stuff," Carlos said, laughing. His eyes danced at the thoughts that played in his mind.
Trent looked at his lover, attempting to look innocent, trying not to laugh, "You know I'm bonded."
"Very interesting and it sounds quite promising," Carlos teased right back, practically daring him, knowing that Trent was teasing him. "I'll be good, I promise," Carlos said, and smiled lovingly at Trent who was making sure that Carlos was very well taken care of. He never felt so safe, protected and loved as he did right then. He couldn't wait until Trent finished the dishes so they could go back to bed -- he wanted to start 'proving' his love to Trent even if he said Carlos didn't need to. "I can't wait to get you in the bedroom and have my way with you," he said quite seductively, his voice low and husky, filled with passion.
"I see," Trent said, picking up the empty dishes from the table and carrying them to the sink. Walking back to Carlos, still sitting at the table watching him, Trent sat down in his lover's lap. "And if I want to have my way with *you*?" Trent asked, kissing Carlos and putting his hand inside his robe, caressing his chest.
Carlos closed his eyes at the feel of his lover's touch on his skin. He returned his lover's kiss with all the passion he had inside him. His head tilted back slightly and he let out a series of soft moans, the sensations filling his mind and body. **God, how much better can it get?** he asked himself. As Trent continued to caress his chest Carlos began to breathe heavier, and his voice became even huskier as his passion rose. "Mmmm..., I say you can have me anytime you want me," Carlos responded, and pulled Trent's head gently down towards his to bring their lips together in a tender, passionate kiss that made him burn with even more desire for his lover to have his way with him.
"Now *there's* an invitation I can hardly pass up," Trent said, then captured Carlos's mouth again. Finding his lover's nipple with his fingers, Trent fondled it, feeling it grow hard under his touch.
Carlos moaned louder when Trent touched then fondled his nipple -- that was simply too much. His lover's touch alone could send him over the edge. **How can he do this to me time and time again?** he wondered. "Oh please, Trent, more...," his words trailing off. His lover was so expertly loving him that he needed no direction from Carlos -- Trent was doing everything perfectly to bring out the passion inside of him.
Trent removed his hand from Carlos's nipple and used both hands to undo his lover's robe. He slowly, ever so slowly, slid both hands under the robe then up and over Carlos's shoulders then down his arms, removing the robe, exposing his bare skin.
Carlos enjoyed this feeling of Trent taking over completely, having this wonderful power over him. He felt like he was under some kind of spell that he never wanted to wake up from. It was too good, too wonderful and he wasn't ready to wake up. As his lover took his robe off, he moaned softly and let out a whimper indicating he was ready for anything Trent wanted to do to him.
Trent brought his hand up to Carlos's other nipple, and began to fondle it in the same manner as he had the first one, again feeling it harden beneath his fingers. Lowering his head, he took the other nipple in his mouth and sucked it gently, then nipped it with his teeth and sucked harder.
Carlos tilted his head back, ran his hands through his lover's hair and gasped. "Oh God, Trent -- that feels so good. Please give me more," he cried. He had to really check his restraint to keep from coming right there and then. This was extremely intense and he didn't want to wait any longer.
Slipping from his lover's lap to the floor, Trent kissed his way to Carlos's navel and nipped and licked it until he could feel Carlos's need over taking him. Standing up, Trent slowly pulled his lover up from the chair and kissed him passionately, fondling his rear end. Releasing him from his embrace and moving behind him, Trent gently encouraged his lover to lean, then lie, with his upper body on the table in front of him.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss very passionately and sparks shot through his body when Trent fondled his rear. They were about to make love and he was so very excited that his lover's body would be entering his in a matter of moments bringing them both pleasure, the intense pleasure that took them to that special vacation spot they had come to know so well. Carlos leaned very willingly against the kitchen table, the support of it helping his upper body, and he waited for his lover to enter him.
Trent fished the KY out of his robe pocket then removed his robe. He prepared himself to enter his lover, then took more of the lubricant and prepared his lover to receive him. He moved his fingers in and out and around, stretching his lover, making sure he was very ready for him.
Carlos began moaning softly when Trent's fingers were inside him, enjoying the stretching and the wonderful sensations they brought to his body. Soon he would be filled with his lover and he couldn't wait. He began to pant, his breathing becoming heavy, anticipating the wonderful joining and thrusts that his lover's body would give to his own, and he started moaning louder. "Oh... please, Trent..., please...," was all he could say, his head moving from side to side barely able to maintain his restraint.
Just looking at Carlos on the kitchen table waiting for him, panting and moaning, Trent almost came at the sight. It was so arousing, so beautiful. Slowly and gently Trent entered his lover, pushing himself all the way in. Being careful to put his weight on Carlos's uninjured side, Trent leaned over and kissed his neck several times. "I love you so very much, Carlos," he said, then straightened back up and began to move inside his lover.
At the feel of Trent entering his body, Carlos nearly came -- he almost couldn't take it and he needed to come soon -- it was very intense. "I love you very much too, Trent," he said, gasping and panting. He was nearly delirious there was so much passion and heat searing throughout his body -- sending him to places he could swear he'd never been to before. "Oh please..., I...," Carlos tried to say, but it was unnecessary for him to say anything. He was panting so hard it was difficult for him to talk, he could barely breathe it was so fast and heavy. He pushed back into his lover and squeezed to let Trent know he was on that edge -- the edge that would take them to that familiar bliss.
Trent wanted it to be slow and gentle, but passion was taking over both of them fast. Trent moved faster with each trust, finally reaching around and taking his lover's penis in his hand and stroking it in the same rhythm as his trusts.
When Trent grabbed his penis, Carlos nearly lost what was left of his restraint, but he wanted to wait until Trent came inside his body first. He clamped down on his lover's shaft and pushed back against him again to encourage him to come right then.
Knowing Carlos was near his release, Trent let go of his own restraint and thrust harder, deeper, once, twice, then on the third thrust, buried deep within his lover, Trent came, with a loud moan, at the same time Carlos came in his hand, adding to their bliss.
"OH GOD, TRENT!!" Carlos cried and felt his lover come inside him, just as he came into Trent's hand. It was perfect, total bliss. His world was spinning as he had gone to even greater heights than he ever remembered. He shuddered and spasmed for several minutes, still enjoying the feeling of his lovers body connected to his.
Trent fell forward against Carlos's back, again putting his weight mostly on the one side. Trent was panting and moaning and breathing very hard as he came back down into himself. Gaining enough of his senses again to do so, he moved enough to gently removed himself from his lover, then again rested against Carlos's back, hugging him and kissing his neck.
Carlos loved Trent resting on his back -- he needed that closeness after making love and he knew that Trent loved it just as much. This was so wonderful and Carlos couldn't talk yet or breathe for that matter. He was still too high from that place Trent had taken him.
When Carlos seemed able to move, Trent stood up then helped his lover to stand and then sit in the kitchen chair again. Trent sat back down in his lover's lap and kissed him, then put his head on Carlos's shoulder. "I love you so very much, Carlos," Trent said, as he put his arms around his lover, holding him tight.
"I love you, too," Carlos said, returning his lover's kiss and wrapping his arms around Trent and holding him tight. He was still panting but was returning slowly to himself. "That was absolutely wonderful. Thank you," he added, and kissed Trent again, his eyes full of love.
Trent continued to sit in his lover's lap, to hold him and be held by him. They both needed it. Trent just wasn't sure he wanted to admit how much he needed it. He thought he had dealt with the memories of Bryan's death that Carlos being missing had brought to the surface. He didn't want to deal with them again. It had all been too painful. He hugged Carlos tighter and just continued to sit in his lap until the thoughts retreated again.
Carlos continued to hug Trent and keep his arms wrapped tightly around him. He needed this so very much and knew that his lover did too. When Carlos felt Trent's hold tighten he sensed that his lover needed him even more so he returned the hug by tightening his, too. They sat there holding each other, enjoying the safety and warmth that they provided for each other.
After some time, Trent decided they couldn't just sit there all day, as much as he might like it, and finally broke the comfortable silence they had been sitting in. "So, if I wash those dishes now, will you stay and keep me company? Before you go back to bed where you belong?"
"You bet I'll keep you company," Carlos said, smiling from ear to ear, and looking at Trent with so much love in his eyes. "Then *we'll* go back to bed where *we* belong," he added, teasing his lover with that mischievous sparkle in his eyes that he knew would get Trent's full attention and make him unable to keep his concentration on the dishes.
"You really *are* an outrageous flirt," Trent said, taking his head off Carlos's shoulder then running his hand through his hair and smiling at him. Kissing his lover first, Trent reluctantly got up and retrieved his robe from the floor and put it back on. Picking up Carlos's robe too, he held it up for him to put on. "Come on, we don't need you catching cold on top of the rest of this," Trent said, waiting for Carlos to stand up.
Carlos got up out of his chair and turned around waiting to have Trent help him put his robe on. This was a nice feeling and one he definitely could get used to.
Holding the robe while Carlos put it back on, Trent then turned his lover around and closed his robe and tied it shut. "Now sit down and try to behave yourself? This won't take too long," he informed.
"Me? Behave myself?" Carlos asked, disbelievingly. "Of course I can behave myself," he muttered softly, pretending to be insulted. He loved Trent's teasing -- adored it in fact. Once again he reminded himself that his list of reasons to love this man was getting longer with each passing minute and he smiled happily.
Trent went to the sink and washed their few dishes and the pan and put them in the drainer. Turning back around Trent found Carlos grinning at him again with a naughty glint in his eye. Trent smiled seeing that Carlos was back to his old self, if a bit bruised. Returning the grin, naughty glint and all, Trent walked over to Carlos and put out his hand, "Come on, Conan, back to bed with you."
"With pleasure," Carlos said, taking Trent's hand and following him into the bedroom. He loved his nickname and he planned on living up to that very soon -- the sooner the better as far as he was concerned. Once in the bedroom he shucked his robe off and got under the covers waiting for his lover to join him. "You coming?" he asked, trying to keep an innocent face, fully intending the pun that was there.
"I just did that and so did you if I recall correctly," Trent said, looking at Carlos grinning at him, "Yes, I'm almost sure of that." Trent pretended to think really hard about it. "Yes, I remember now. Does 'Oh God, Trent!' ring a bell with you?"
Carlos's grin got even wider with the comments Trent was making and the references to the recent lovemaking they had just shared moments ago. "Yes, as a matter of fact it does ring a bell with me, and I know it does with you, too," he said, smiling, reaching a hand out to bring Trent to bed, joining him by his side. He wanted to hold his lover close and just be with him, enjoying that warmth, safety, and love that was only present when Trent was there.
"Oh, yes, big bell ringing time had by all," Trent said as seductively as possible and grinned at his lover.
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