You'll Never Walk Alone
Page Five

Trent reached over to the bedside table and picked up the bottle of pills there and shook them at Carlos. "Guess what?" Trent teased, knowing how much Carlos didn't like taking his medication. "Don't make me wrap you in a towel and stick it down your throat," Trent continued to tease as he got out the pills.
Carlos looked at the bottle of pills that Trent was holding in his hand and couldn't believe it. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" he asked, knowing full well that Trent would at least try to force the pills down him if he didn't take them freely.
Trent handed the pills to Carlos. Getting up and going into the bathroom he got some water and brought it back to Carlos.
Carlos accepted the glass of water as he had the pills -- grudgingly. He swallowed the pills then put the empty glass on the bedside table.
After Carlos had taken the pills and given him a dirty look, Trent reached out his hand patted his head like you would a pet. "Good boy...," Trent said, waiting to see if Carlos was going to bark or meow at him.
Carlos gave Trent another dirty look, reached out, and grabbed his lover's hand and brought him down onto the bed. "Very funny," he said, growling, much like an annoyed dog would that had been denied his favorite bone.
Trent couldn't help but laugh at Carlos's growling. It really was very funny. "Nice doggie. Cute little pooch. Maybe I have a Milk-Bone...," Trent said as he checked his pockets pretending to look for a doggie treat.
"Oh, you're so funny, Malloy," Carlos said, pretending to be insulted once again at Trent's treatment of him like a dog, watching him check his pockets for treats. "And I *am* good and you know it," Carlos added, then kissed Trent passionately before releasing him and settling back into bed.
Changing his tone to a seductive one, Trent said, "Yes, you *are* good. THAT, Conan, was NEVER in question."
"Thank you," Carlos said softly and seductively when Trent made reference to his nickname and how good his lover thought he was.
That bit of exertion had cost Carlos a little -- his head ached a bit more from it but it would go away as soon as he settled down a bit, he decided, so he just relaxed and smiled at his lover. "So, are you going to cuddle with me?" he asked, hoping they could hold each other.
Not quite ready to drop the doggie thing yet, "Well, you were an awfully good boy... You don't have fleas do you?" Trent asked, "Oh, who cares about fleas anyway?" Trent took off his robe and crawled into bed next to Carlos and gathered him in his arms and hugged him. "Now, if I scratch your tummy will you lick my face?" he teased his lover.
"You scratch my tummy then I'll *start* with your face and we'll see where I end up," Carlos teased suggestively, the mischievous twinkle telling his lover that anything could happen at anytime.
"Oh, dear. That *does* sound interesting," Trent said, having no intention of allowing any more exertion on his lover's part right now. The man needed his rest.
Carlos really was a little surprised though, he didn't want to do anything at that moment but hug and cuddle, just being close, the two of them giving each other what they needed. He wrapped his arms around his lover and held him tight, closing his eyes for a moment against the slight headache that had made an appearance. He closed his eyes for a few moments and it got better. He once again snuggled as close as he could to Trent, loving his scent, his warmth, the feel of his arms wrapped around him tightly. **There's nothing better than this,** he thought, and that made him so happy. He wanted to make sure that Trent felt the same level of love and warmth, safety and security with him as he did with Trent. "I love you so much," Carlos said, tightening his hold around his lover.
"I love you too, Carlos," Trent said, holding his lover and stroking his hair, "How you doing? Your head still hurting?" The momentary wince hadn't escaped Trent's notice.
"Yes, it hurts a little, but I'm all right," Carlos said, trying to make light of it. He really didn't want to make a big deal out of it and he especially didn't want to worry his lover. He hoped Trent wouldn't be very upset, that was the last thing Carlos wanted, and that's why he tried to make light of how he was feeling. And it really wasn't that bad, just like he said.
Tightening his hold on Carlos, Trent asked what he had been wanting to for two days. "What exactly happened to you, Carlos? I still don't know. Can you remember? Can you talk about it?" Trent didn't want to push his lover into anything he wasn't ready for, but he wanted to know. And more importantly he thought Carlos needed to talk about it.
Carlos closed his eyes for a few moments again -- this time because he was trying to recall what happened the day he disappeared. When he opened them he began talking. "I went to meet with our client and got there at the appointed time which was 3:30. We talked for about an hour then I went to the Durango to leave and meet you and...," his voice trailed off as he got another stab of pain going through his head. He had to close his eyes again.
Trent tightened his hold on his lover and kissed his forehead waiting for the pain to go away, for Carlos to continue.
When the pain had subsided some Carlos went on. "Two men grabbed me from behind and hit me with something. When I woke up it was dark, I assumed late, and I had no idea where I was or what time it was either since they took my watch," he said. He stopped for a moment, visualizing that night clearly again.
Trent began to stroke his lover's hair again, wondering once again how anyone could ever hurt this wonderful man in his arms.
"I started walking, a little at a time, but it didn't seem like I could go very far -- my head was spinning and my ribs were on fire, but all I could think about was getting back here to you," Carlos said, as another pain shot through his head. He kept his eyes closed and continued "I kept walking, taking breaks along the way -- sometimes sitting, sometimes I had to lie down and actually take a nap because I was too dizzy to continue," he said sadly, remembering how hard he tried to get to his lover but his body wouldn't cooperate the way he wanted it to.
Trent didn't say anything out loud, but on the inside he was remembering the morning of the day Carlos had disappeared, when he had woken up from his nightmare, which he now understood the reason for. How he had told Carlos about it and about how Bryan had seemingly just disappeared one day. What Carlos must have gone through remembering that as he tried to get home.
"Finally, I saw a light way off in the distance and when I got there I found a pay phone and called Walker. I wanted to call you but I knew you would be very upset and thought it would be better if you saw me in person," Carlos explained. "I'm so sorry, baby, for scaring you like that and disappearing -- I tried so hard to get back to you, it was so hard...," he said, his voice trailing off again. He didn't know what to else to say to his lover who he knew must have been worried sick while he was gone. "I love you so much, Trent," he said and hugged his lover tightly.
Trent wasn't sure what to say to Carlos. What could he say? He *had* been scared, he couldn't deny that nor would he. But now wasn't the time to go into his own pain. He had to comfort his lover, ease his pain.
After holding Carlos tight and stroking his hair for several minutes, Trent finally spoke. He spoke in soft voice. "Thank you for telling me, Carlos. I needed to know, really I did," Trent said, then thought for a moment before he continued, "It's not like you did this on purpose. I know that now. I knew that before you told me. I even knew it that night. And I can't deny for an instant I was scared. I *was*. But what happened in the past wasn't your fault or your doing either." Trent lifted Carlos's face to look at him. "I just thank God you're safe now. I thank Him you weren't hurt worse than you were. I thank Him for bringing you back to me," Trent said, then kissed Carlos on the mouth, ever so gently, then released his lips and hugged Carlos to him again as tight as he dared, mindful of his still hurt ribs.
"I've never felt so scared before, Trent. I know it's not very masculine to admit to being afraid, but I was -- I was really, truly afraid. I spoke to God all the way back to you. I asked Him to see you through until I could get back, to help you understand that I *was* coming back," Carlos explained. His head was hurting a little more now but he kept going. "I want you to know that I was never so glad to see anything in my life as I was that pay phone. Then to make it back here to see you, be back in your arms again, to have you in mine, that was the most precious gift I could have ever been given, and I won't ever forget that," Carlos said, and he held Trent tighter, closing his eyes once more. He was curious though about what Trent had gone through and he needed to hear that -- to know all of it, so they could deal with his pain, too. "Please tell me what you went through, all of it?" he asked softly, gently.
"Well, it was a long night, I can tell you that. I was scared, yes, but it was more that I felt so helpless. I felt so alone. I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I don't like feeling like that," Trent sighed. That was an understatement. "So I sat and I waited and I listened to all the things my subconscious dragged out for me to look at and tried to shove them away," he added.
Carlos held onto his lover even tighter now, giving him more reassurance that he was all right and that they were back together. Just hearing his words was hard but he had to know -- everything had to be out in the open about what they had gone through that night, so that they could help each other heal.
Trent thought for a moment then decided he had to add something to what he was telling Carlos. "But you think you were unmasculine for being scared?" Trent asked, then squeezed Carlos and continued, "You know what I did? I sat on the couch most of the night holding the teddy bear you picked out for me at Six Flags. I think I might have just beaten you at that unmasculine thing." Trent lowered his voice, "But it helped me, it made me feel better."
"You did?" Carlos asked, smiling at remembering picking out Lucky Bear for Trent. "There isn't a thing wrong with that Trent, not a thing. It makes me feel so good that you were comforted by Lucky Bear," he said. It really hit him in his heart what that meant to both of them.
Remembering one other thing, Trent asked, "Carlos? Do you happen to have any idea what time it was when you found that phone?"
Carlos thought for a few moments. "It was about 4am I think, why?" he asked his lover, concerned about why the time of his finding the phone mattered.
Trent smiled at the memory, finding something from that long night that finally made sense and made him feel good. "Something kind of odd happened that night. I was sitting on the couch and something startled me. It sounded like someone talking to me but no one was here. It made me get up and look to see if it was you at the door. It was so odd," Trent said. He didn't think it odd any more. "I went into the kitchen after checking the door and got a drink of water and noticed the time. It was 4am," he added.
"Really?" Carlos asked in amazement. He realized now that Trent had heard him and so had He -- the Man Upstairs Himself. Silently he said another prayer of thanks to Him for keeping watch over Trent and letting him know that Carlos was indeed on his way back home. Carlos buried his head against Trent's chest holding on tightly as another pain went through his head. It wasn't too serious, just enough to remind him that his injuries were still there.
"Hey, you OK?" Trent asked, feeling Carlos's sudden tightening of his embrace, "I think you need to just lie there and let that medicine work, OK?" Trent kissed Carlos's forehead and stroked his hair again.
Releasing his hold slightly around his lover, Carlos looked up into Trent's eyes and smiled, trying not to show him that his head was hurting, playing it down like usual. "It hurts some, but I'm fine, baby. I'm sure you're right -- the medicine just hasn't kicked in yet," he said, and kissed his lover's mouth softly, yet passionately. "Why don't we watch a movie?" he suggested, wanting nothing more than to cuddle Trent and to have Trent cuddle him. Closeness and plenty of love, that's what they both needed to give and take from each other right now, and they would both feel a whole lot better. "I love you, baby," he said, listening to his lover's steady heartbeat, feeling the warmth of his chest as he lay his head on it.
"We'll have to settle for something on TV or that I have on tape, but I'm sure we can find something," Trent said. "Hey, we can watch the talk shows and listen to people yell at each other. How about a nice soap opera?" Trent continued, knowing neither of them were usually home on weekday days.
"Soap operas? No, I don't think so -- thanks anyway," Carlos said, laughing. "Somehow I don't think 'As The World Turns' will make my day," he added, shaking his head a little bit.
"Come on, we can find something." Trent got up and held out his hand to Carlos to help him stand. "You *do* have to promise to behave yourself again if I let you out of this bed. I can still find my handcuffs," he added with a grin.
"Those handcuffs of yours sound very interesting -- we might have to try them out soon," Carlos said. He put his hand out and took Trent's hand appreciating his help in getting to his feet.
Trent put on his own robe then held Carlos's out to him to help him put it on. Heading out into the livingroom, they went over to the case where Trent kept his videos and they decided to go through the titles together until they came across one they both wanted to watch. "Here, how about one of these?" Carlos asked, holding them up for Trent to see and make his choice from.
Trent rolled his eyes. "Why am I *not* surprised?" Trent laughed and took one of the tapes from Carlos, "Go sit down, Conan, let me put your movie in the VCR." Trent was wondering just how he was going to make it through the whole movie of 'Conan the Barbarian' without laughing his head off.
After putting the tape in the VCR, Trent turned around to find Carlos on the couch grinning from ear to ear and attempting to look totally innocent at his movie choice. Trent just shook his head and smiled as he joined his lover on the couch, sitting with his back against the arm of the couch, then gathering Carlos to him so he was leaning back against his chest. "What am I going to do with you anyway?" Trent said, kissing Carlos's cheek.
"Whatever you want to do with me," Carlos said suggestively, leaning into Trent's kiss, hinting at much more to come later on. He was becoming aroused, which was very easy to do because Trent was so wonderful -- he could get turned on just thinking about him. "Or *to* me," he added, and lifted his face up to meet Trent's, bringing their lips together in a sweet passionate kiss.
After the kiss Trent smiled lovingly at Carlos then started the movie. "Will you just watch the movie? You just got out of the hospital, incase you forgot," Trent said and squeezed his lover in his embrace.
Carlos turned back to lean against Trent, sighing comfortably, safely wrapped in his lover's arms, enjoying the movie. **How lucky can one man be?** he thought, then looked at Lucky Bear on the other side of the room. **Lucky is right,** he thought and smiled happily, snuggling further against his lover -- safe, warm and loved. He put his arms on Trent's to hold him there and to let Trent know that he was very loved, very safe and very warm and protected as long as Carlos was there.
Trent hugged Carlos closer as he snuggled into him and smiled contentedly as he turned his attention to the movie.
When the movie was over, Trent stretched a little. "So, you want to watch 'Conan the Destroyer' now or you *up* for something else?" Trent inquired, leaning down to capture Carlos's mouth in a kiss, working his hand under his lover's robe and caressing his chest.
Carlos sighed at the touch -- the most wonderful touch in the world. How he wanted his lover. He turned around in Trent's arms and returned his kiss passionately, then kissed him again, deeper this time, his desire very apparent as he opened his lover's robe and slid it off his shoulders. "Time for that to come off," he said, his voice low and husky, filled with emotion.
"One might just say the same thing about yours," Trent countered, undoing Carlos's robe and helping him out of it, taking care to run his hands over Carlos's skin as much as possible in the process.
Carlos gently urged Trent to lie down on the couch then carefully climbed on top of him, smothering him with kisses, beginning with that delicious spot on his neck.
Trent gladly lay back on the couch anticipating the loving his lover was about to give him. When Carlos lay on top of him Trent moaned softly. He loved his lover's weight on top of him, the feeling of their bare skin pressing together. Trent put his arms around Carlos and hugged him tight.
Carlos licked, kissed and nuzzled Trent's neck until he felt Trent's passion rising high, then moved slowly down his body, his tongue licking him all the way, until he reached his lover's nipples. He loved Trent's nipples -- how they formed such hard peaks when they were aroused -- and he began working his way around the edges with his tongue, teasing everything but the nipples themselves.
Trent tilted his head back to give Carlos more room to nuzzle him. How he loved to be nuzzled. What this man could do to him was beyond belief. "Oh, Carlos. That feels sooo goood...," Trent trailed off, enjoying the sensations as his lover moved on to his nipples.
Carlos went to work on first one nipple, then the other. He went back and forth licking and biting them until both were as hard as they could possibly get.
Trent had been watching his lover tease his nipples. How he loved to watch that tongue of Carlos's. But as soon as he started to lick and bite the nipples themselves, Trent closed his eyes and moaned. It felt so good, so very good. He moved his hands to his lover's head and put his fingers in his hair, enjoying the feel of it between his fingers.
Carlos's tongue trailed down the center of Trent's body until it reached his navel where it swirled around the edges teasingly until it finally dipped into the center, pressing hard, drawing out every possible reaction from Trent. From there, Carlos reached up with his hand and continued to tease Trent's nipples, making sure they stayed hard, pinching them and rubbing them back and forth -- making sure the nubs stayed as hard as they were earlier.
Trent arched his back and moaned loudly when Carlos pressed his tongue into his navel. It was good, very good. But when Carlos reached his hand up and began to caress his nipples again, the feeling was so intense from the dual stimulation, he almost lost his control right then. Instead he sucked in his breath sharply and began to pant. He wasn't going to last much longer at this rate.
Carlos moved down a little bit until he reached Trent's very hard shaft, looking at it in awe. He'd never seen anything so beautiful. He fondled it gently, carefully, and kissed it lightly, before raising himself off of his lover. He urged Trent to get off the couch and onto his knees on the floor leaning the upper half of his body over the couch cushions.
Trent felt the most fleeting disappointment when Carlos got off of him. But it was very fleeting. Trent knew this meant Carlos was ready to join with him and he wanted nothing more at that moment than to be one with his lover. Following Carlos's urgings of where he wanted him, Trent moved off the couch onto the floor, leaning his upper body on the couch. This couldn't happen fast enough for him. He needed Carlos inside him now. Amazing even himself, he managed to say, "Now, Carlos, please..."
Carlos got the tube of KY Jelly and put some on his fingers and coated himself well, then after placing more on his fingers, he gently inserted his fingers into his lover to stretch him and prepare him.
Trent moaned and panted as Carlos prepared him to receive his shaft. How expertly he could do just the right things to both prepare him and stimulate him. For a man who had only been doing this for less than two weeks, he was doing an expert job of knowing just what to do with his fingers.
After a few minutes Trent was ready and Carlos entered him slowly, drawing this experience out as much as he could. He knew he still had to take it easy, but he wanted to give Trent everything, he just had to be patient. Carlos leaned slightly against his lover to help support himself.
Trent moaned and closed his eyes, shutting out everything but the feeling of their joining. It was so good, so right, so very good.
Slowly Carlos thrust deeply inside his lover, as deep as he could, over and over, until they were at that threshold where slow wouldn't work. They couldn't go at full speed like before, but Carlos sped up some and his thrusts became harder, faster and deeper with each stroke -- until they were as one, both wanting to climax together -- to reach that peak and fall off the edge into that wonderful bliss they had come to know so very well.
As Carlos's thrust inside him Trent moved back to meet him. He couldn't get enough, he couldn't get it fast enough. He was ready to climax on the first thrust, but held himself back, panting, waiting for his lover to join him so they could experience it together.
Carlos reached around Trent's waist and grabbed his penis and began stroking it in a rhythm to match what his own shaft was doing inside of Trent. Carlos pulled back, almost all the way out, then pushed in as hard and as deep as he could. He repeated these thrusts three more times then, on the fourth one, Trent spasmed and came into Carlos's hand, causing Carlos to come immediately when he did, sending his essence deep inside his lover's body.
Trent held onto his restraint even when Carlos took hold of his shaft and began to stroke it. But when his lover pulled all the way back and thrust all the way in, Trent could hold on no longer. Carlos repeated the action and, on the fourth time, Trent came in his lover's hand, unable to hold back any longer, not wanting to. Carlos came inside him just a moment later, filling him with his essence, sending incredible feelings through him, adding to his intense orgasm.
After the large spasms had subsided, Carlos gently removed himself from his lover's body, helped him onto the couch, and gently laid down on top of him. "God, that was wonderful, Trent -- thank you, baby. I love you," he said softly, kissing him tenderly, putting his head down on his lover's chest.
Trent was vaguely aware of Carlos helping him to the couch. When his lover laid down on top of him, Trent's arms went around him automatically, but he was still floating around where ever it was Carlos had just sent him. Still panting and moaning softly, Trent finally started to return to earth.
Reaching up with his mouth, Trent found Carlos's mouth and kissed him for all he was worth, tightening his hold on him. Breaking the kiss out of the need to breathe, Trent looked at his lover lying on top of him, grinning at him from ear to ear. Trent managed to say, "Do Conan movies always effect you like this? We better get a few spare copies of each." Trent smiled and went back for another kiss.
Carlos returned his lover's kiss, then smiled very lovingly at him. "Only when you're here to inspire me," he said softly. "I think an extra half dozen copies of each will do fine," he added, the twinkle in his eyes showing just how much he loved this man, how very happy he was that Trent enjoyed his lovemaking. That's what Carlos wanted -- to make his lover happy. "I'm glad you're happy, baby -- I love you so very much," he said softly, and he looked at his lover smiling.
"Happy? THERE'S the understatement of the year," Trent said in a kidding voice, but he wasn't kidding in the least.
"Why don't we go back to bed for awhile? We can rest up a bit then decide what to do for the day. I'd love to watch the other movie we picked out, too," Carlos said, that mischievous grin back on his face. He brought Trent's lips to his and kissed him passionately, his tongue tasting everything that was Trent. "Mmmmm..., how's that?" he asked.
"Sounds fine to me," Trent said, "But I think you're going to have to actually get off of the top of me before we can do that." Trent grinned at Carlos and helped him off of him, then got up and held out his hand to his lover to help him stand slowly.
As they were walking into the bedroom, Trent said, "You know, we should look into getting you a cute outfit like Arnold had in that movie." Trent tried not to laugh, anticipating Carlos's reaction, or get too excited at the idea of Carlos in a Conan outfit.
Carlos just looked at his lover and laughed, blushing quite a shade of pink that was probably closer to red. "There is that costume shop downtown we could go to -- they specialize in movie theme clothing, so I'm sure we could find something there," he said, half joking. The idea did somewhat appeal to him. He wanted to see the look on his lover's face with him dressed in one of those outfits. He thought that Trent might actually enjoy it, assuming he had the nerve to go through with actually wearing the outfit.
Trent decided this was something he simply had to keep in mind. Although exactly what he was going to get for himself to wear he wasn't sure. He chuckled to himself at the idea.
They got into the bedroom and into bed, under the covers and snuggled together, holding and softly caressing each other until they fell asleep in each other's arms. It was only a short while later when Carlos woke up, feeling refreshed. He kissed his lover passionately yet tenderly, gently waking him up. "Hi there," he said softly, kissing Trent again and running a hand through his hair.
"OK, I have a question here," Trent said, "If you were the one in the hospital and hurt, why am *I* the one who's tired?" Trent smiled at his lover, glad he was feeling better. "Hello to you, too," he added.
After they spent some time waking up and lying in each other's arms, Carlos wanted to get the other movie and watch it. He slid over to the edge of the bed and stood up, started to take a step, then suddenly swayed -- blinking his eyes a couple of times. **Wha...?** he thought briefly, his hands reaching out to grab something, anything, as he started to fall. His vision was blurry and the room was moving almost upside down. Suddenly Carlos felt something around him and he was lying down again, the spinning was gradually slowing down and, after a little while longer, it finally stopped. He put his hands to his head holding it in an effort to stop the now more than mild pain going through it. He closed his eyes for a few moments and when he opened them everything was clear again -- his vision was fine, his head was hurting less, and the dizziness was gone.
Trent had been watching Carlos get up. He really did like to watch him. Thank heaven he had been this time, too. He wasn't sure he had ever moved so fast. He saw his lover hesitate just seconds before he went to grab something. Trent was behind him, holding him, steadying him in no time. Moving him slowly and gently, Trent had him lying back down again on the bed. Allowing him to just lay there, Trent brushed his hand through his lover's hair while he came back into focus.
"What happened?" Carlos asked, a bit shakily.
"You tell me," Trent said, "You got up too fast and almost passed out. Or did you pass out? Do you remember?" Trent was concerned even if the doctor had said it might happen. "You OK now? Still dizzy?" he asked.
"No, I...," Carlos started to say, but was confused. Had he passed out? He didn't think so but he wasn't sure. "I don't know, Trent. I...," he said and was still shaking some but not as much as before. His stomach was really upset and he didn't want to move.
"That's OK. Don't think about it, just rest. You'll be fine in a few. Remember the doctor said this might happen?" Trent soothed, still brushing his hand through his lover's hair.
Carlos nodded his head a tiny bit, as much as his pain would allow, as he remembered the doctor telling him to move carefully or this might happen. Carlos stayed still for several more minutes.
Trent put his arms around Carlos and snuggled in next to him as best he could. He didn't want to move him or disturb him so he was careful how he moved. He just held Carlos as he returned to normal.
Realizing that he was all right, although still shaken up by the whole experience, Carlos said, "I'm OK now, thanks." He looked at his lover and tried to smile. Trent looked so worried. He didn't want to scare his lover any further so he just lay there, tried to relax, and let his body return to normal. It felt so good to be in Trent's arms, to feel his lover surrounding him -- he was scared again and didn't want to admit it, even though deep down he knew he would be OK. That was something he had never experienced before and never wanted to again. After a while longer Carlos returned to normal and he was breathing easier and more peacefully than he had earlier when he nearly passed out.
"I'm fine now, Trent. I was close to passing out -- the room went almost upside down and my head started to throb and spin. I couldn't even see for awhile," Carlos said. He looked at his lover trying to smile to hide the fear and the pain of what he went through a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry I worried you. I'm all right now," he said, kissing his lover tenderly. "Thank you for not letting me fall," he said. He hoped that the look of pure love in his eyes would tell Trent just how much he appreciated what he did for him.
"You need to slow down, Carlos. I know it's hard, especially when you feel good lying or sitting down. But you're still recovering," Trent said, very seriously. Then to lighten the mood from his mother hen routine he added, "Do I need to get my handcuffs now?"
Carlos looked at his lover and smiled, loving the way he mothered him. It felt so very good and, although he hated what he put his lover through, he was very comforted by the mother hen routine. "I think I've learned my lesson -- you can hold off on the handcuffs for now. Although later on they could be rather entertaining," he said, starting to brighten up. "Now, how about watching the movie that I started to go get?" he asked.
"OK, but *I'm* going to get it, comprende? How about some popcorn? You just have to promise not to throw it at the TV if you decide you don't like the movie or something," Trent asked.
"Popcorn sounds perfect," Carlos said, smiling happily. He still didn't feel quite like himself, but was almost back, so he just stayed put while Trent went to get the movie and popcorn.
Going out into the main room, Trent grabbed the movie from the coffee table and went into the kitchen to make the popcorn. Getting out a bag and putting it in the microwave, Trent went to get a bowl to put it in. He felt a knot in his stomach, the fear starting to rise, but the memories he was expecting to follow didn't. He smiled and got out drinks, one of the treats he got for Carlos, then waited for the popcorn to finish. Talking about the fear had helped. He only hoped Carlos was helped talking about his ordeal.
Heading back through the livingroom, Trent stopped and put down the popcorn and picked up the robes they had abandoned on the couch and put them over his arm before picking the popcorn back up and heading back into the bedroom. Trent handed the popcorn to Carlos followed by his drink. He put down the rest of what he was carrying in his hands on the bedside table, then dumped the robes on the end of the bed. Going to the VCR he put in the tape of 'Conan the Destroyer' and went back to the bed and crawled in next to Carlos.
"This is great, Trent. Thanks," he said, as he took the popcorn out of Trent's full hands. When Trent returned, they settled into bed, snuggling together under the covers, and started the movie, munching happily on their popcorn.
"Oh, here, almost forgot," Trent said snagging the large box of Dots off the bedside table and handing them to Carlos. "Can't eat popcorn and watch a movie without Dots, now can we? And no, you can't throw those either," he added.
"Dots?" Carlos asked, his eyes widening as Trent handed him one of his favorite movie candies. "Thanks, Trent," he said smiling, then the smile turned into a baby pout when Trent said he couldn't throw them, then started laughing. Carlos reached up and kissed his lover's cheek. "Thank you, baby -- for everything," he said, smiling at his lover before turning his eyes back to the TV screen.
They watched the movie and ate their popcorn having a good time. It was so much fun to lie there and watch the movie, enjoying each other's reactions to different parts of it. "Isn't this a great film?" Carlos asked, turning his head to look at his lover for his reaction.
"You're not fooling me, Carlos. I know perfectly *well* what you think is great about this film. It's that outfit of Grace Jones's," Trent said very knowingly, "Especially that tail thing in the back."
"What? Me fool you? Now would *I* go and do a thing like *that*?" Carlos asked, trying to keep a straight face, pretending total innocence. It wasn't working though and he knew it. He loved Trent so when he was like this -- teasing him -- and it made Carlos's heart fill with even more love as he watched his lover enjoying himself. Being with Trent, the movie, snacks, it was all just perfect. They watched the movie making jokes and comments. Carlos needed to just hold his lover, so he made body contact as much as possible, snuggling closer at every opportunity.
Trent was really enjoying himself. He hated like hell what had brought this all about and that Carlos was still not totally well, but he loved spending time like this. He knew it had to end eventually, but he intended to enjoy every second of it while it lasted.
Carlos couldn't shake what happened earlier with the dizzy spell even though he knew he should just be able to forget about it. What was really concerning him though was what Trent was going through. He hadn't really said a lot about what he went through the night that Carlos was missing and Carlos knew there was much more he needed to talk about. He wanted to know everything Trent felt then, what he went through when Bryan died, and how he was feeling now. He didn't want to push him but he wasn't sure if Trent would open up otherwise. He decided he would ask Trent after the movie and see where that would lead. He really wanted to know -- he *needed* to know -- to help his lover get through it.
Nearing the end of the movie, Trent was still making comments on the movie. "You know, I really can't believe Conan turns down the blonde. What is his problem anyway?" Trent said, "Yeah, I know, no opportunity for sequels if he settles down I suppose." Trent turned to look at Carlos for his reaction only to see him grinning at him again. "What?" Trent asked, wondering what he had said now.
Carlos shook his head slightly at his lover. "That's right -- you can't have the hero settling down," he said, laughing. His lover was amazing and Carlos enjoyed watching him so. He reached up and placed one hand around the back of Trent's head and brought their lips together in a tender yet very passionate kiss. "I love you," he said, his eyes ablaze with desire, letting him know that he wanted his lover inside him right that second.
"You sure you're OK for this?" Trent asked, seeing the desire in Carlos's eyes, "And I don't mean *up* for it, I see that's the case. You sure you're feeling OK?" Trent had to be sure.
Carlos looked steadily at his lover, his eyes meeting Trent's, his love and certainty shining clearly. "I'm fine, Trent -- really I am. I want you to make love to me -- to be inside me."
"All I needed to hear," Trent said, grinning at his lover. He moved the popcorn bowl and empty Dots box before taking Carlos in his arms and kissing him very passionately.
Carlos wanted Trent with every fiber of his being but he was surprised somewhat at the intensity of his lover's passion, though very, very pleased. It turned him on even more that Trent wanted him so much and he returned his lover's kisses with more passion and desire than before.
Easing Carlos slowly down so he was lying flat on the bed on his back, Trent continued to kiss his lover. He ran his hand down his chest slowly but deliberately to his shaft, not stopping until the got there, and wrapped his hand around it squeezing gently.
Carlos moaned softly at the feel of Trent's hand touching his skin. When his lover squeezed his penis he moaned with even more pleasure and desire, his passion rising higher -- he was getting hotter by the moment. He didn't feel like he could wait much longer. He wanted Trent to make love to him right then. "Please, Trent, make love to me," he said, beginning to pant, his heart rate rising rapidly.
Trent moved his mouth to Carlos's nipple and without preliminary teasing just began to suck on first one then the other. He continued to just hold his lover's shaft and gently squeeze it periodically.
Carlos loved the way that Trent was taking over his body and his mind. It happened every time, but when he just took charge like this, it was the ultimate. Carlos was nearly beside himself, barely able to keep from coming. Every single thing that his lover did just increased his passion, filling him with sensations and wonderful feelings. He began to writhe on the bed, arching his back when Trent began sucking on his nipples. He sucked in his breath as there was no warning -- it was good, very, very good, and Trent was already sending him to that very special vacation spot. Carlos couldn't wait to get the rest of the way there.
Trent's passion was quickly over taking him. He wasn't quite sure why. Maybe Conan movies really were aphrodisiacs, he wasn't sure. But he felt a sense of urgency coming over him. More likely it was Carlos who was writhing underneath him and his touch that was bringing it out.
"Please, Trent..., I need you...," Carlos said, his words trailing off, but his meaning was clear and Trent needed no direction or encouragement. His lover was able to read him perfectly and Carlos knew he would be in that special place very soon. His breathing became heavier as he began to pant even harder trying to hold onto the restraint he had left.
Trent knew Carlos still needed some extra support for this, hands and knees didn't sound like a good idea, but side by side didn't allow for the fastness they both needed and wanted. Trent slid off the bed, helping his lover to follow him slowly to the floor. Leaning over the bed gave Carlos the support he needed right now.
Carlos followed his lover's lead and slid slowly off the edge of the bed, getting into the proper position on his knees on the floor with his upper body leaning across the bed. He put his arms out over his head, stretched out on the bed, and waited for the wonderful moment when they would join as one. He couldn't wait to be together, that thought alone almost made him come.
Trent wasn't sure at all what had gotten into him. He could barely get the top off the KY to make himself ready to enter his lover. Taking more of the lubricant, he put his fingers inside Carlos, moving them around stretching him, making him ready and purposely using them to stimulate as well. He wanted to fuck the living daylights out of Carlos and he was going to start by using his fingers. He moved them in and out and around until Carlos was responding like he had never seen or heard him before.
Carlos was nearly beside himself. He didn't want Trent to take his time -- he wanted his lover inside him fucking him hard and fast -- as hard and fast as possible. He really didn't want to be prepared either. He felt he was ready to move past that stage and all he wanted was his lover's body inside his. "God, please, Trent -- fuck me -- right now. Please," Carlos said, panting very heavily, wanting to wait no longer.
It was too much, Trent couldn't stand it anymore. Watching and hearing Carlos's reactions was too much, too stimulating. Taking his fingers out of Carlos he replaced them quickly with his penis, thrusting all the way in as he entered him. He didn't stop -- he simply pulled back immediately and thrust again, repeating the motion, moving fast, moving deep, over and over.
Carlos grabbed the covers with his hands, holding on, it felt so good to have his lover inside of him, thrusting hard and deep. This is what he wanted and he pushed back into Trent to encourage him to move inside him even harder and deeper than before. "Give it all to me, Trent -- don't hold back, please," he said, trying to breathe between pants as he was spiraling up towards that wonderful place where he would go over the edge and reach that bliss that was waiting for both of them.
Reaching around his lover, Trent grabbed Carlos's shaft and began to pump it fast and hard, just like he was thrusting inside him. After just a few more thrusts Trent lost his control. One more deep hard thrust into his lover and he came hard and long. He thought it would never stop. Carlos followed him over the edge only seconds later coming in his hand with equal force.
When his lover took hold of his penis that was it for Carlos. He tried to hold on but after those last few thrusts of Trent's, and the feel of his lover's wonderful essence entering his body, he came with an explosion that sent him to that special spot and it was in pure bliss. He had never felt Trent come with such intensity before and he couldn't quite recall if he himself had either -- he didn't think so. This was very, very special.
Laying against Carlos's back, still connected with him, Trent attempted to catch his breath. Letting go of his lover's shaft finally, Trent removed himself from Carlos then resumed his position lying against his back, kissing his lover's neck and back, still unable to speak.
Carlos just lay there, unable to move or speak -- even think. He just tried to recover his breathing which was difficult enough of a task at this point in time.
When he thought he could finally move, Trent straighted up then stood up, then helped Carlos up onto the bed slowly. Climbing in next to him, Trent gently gathered his lover to him. With Carlos's head on his chest, Trent hugged him and kissed his forehead and ran his hand gently through his hair.
Carlos needed help getting back into bed and he snuggled next to Trent enjoying having his head on his lover's chest. Nothing could feel better than this and he never wanted this to end -- not ever. He loved the feel of Trent running his hand through his hair and kissing him.
Trent noticed Carlos had been mighty quiet. "You OK, Carlos?" Trent asked, finally able to speak.
It was a couple more minutes before Carlos could answer Trent. "I'm fine Trent, better than fine. That was incredible. God, I love you so very much. You're the most wonderful lover and you know just what to do -- that was perfect," he said, and he meant every word of it. The speed, intensity, passion, desire -- it was the perfect combination and they had it. It was all theirs. Shifting slightly so that he could look at his lover, Carlos reached up and brought their lips together for a passionate kiss.
After the kiss, they continued to hold each other for awhile as they each came back to earth. "Why don't we watch another movie. Maybe a comedy?" Carlos asked, looking up at his lover, smiling. What he really wanted to do was discuss what he knew was on his lover's mind -- Bryan's death and his own disappearance. He knew that Trent hadn't dealt with his feelings about that night yet, that there was much more to be talked about and faced. His lover was a man who loved deeply and who kept things hidden inside him. But Carlos didn't think that now was the time -- not after the pure bliss that their lovemaking had provided them. They could talk about this later but Carlos was determined that they would talk about everything very soon.
Go to Page Six