You'll Never Walk Alone
Page Six

Trent looked at Carlos. There was something on his mind, he could tell. More about the night he was abducted? Was he in more physical pain than he was letting on? Trent wasn't sure but he knew there was something on his lover's mind.
"I'm kinda tired of movies right now," Trent said, trying to gauge how best to approach a sensitive issue with Carlos. He could tell whatever it was that was on his mind was serious. He decided the direct approach was probably best. "Is there something more about the night you were hurt you want to tell me? I can tell there's something bothering you, something on your mind. You do know you can tell me anything, don't you?" Trent said.
Carlos shifted uneasily. He wanted to discuss everything with Trent, knew he could talk to him about anything, but he wasn't sure he should. His mind was all mixed up and confused. He was holding some of his feelings back about what happened to him, but more important to him than that was what Trent must have gone through while he was missing. Carlos knew that Trent had been reminded of the time when Bryan died -- when he left one day and just didn't come back. How hard that must have been he had no idea, but he needed and wanted to hear everything, to have Trent share it all with him so that he could help his lover through the memories of the night he was missing -- through the pain.
Carlos decided that now was the time after all and he looked up at his lover and wrapped his arms around him tighter, giving them both reassurance. "Yes, I know I can talk to you about anything -- and you know you can do the same with me. Would you please tell me everything you went through the night I was missing?" Carlos asked softly. He tried to be very gentle, but he knew there was really no easy way to ask this. "This is very important and we need to deal with this together," Carlos said, reaching out a hand to caress his lover's face. Then he pulled Trent closer to him, kissed him and then put his head on his lover's chest and waited for him to start talking about it.
This wasn't what Trent had been expecting to hear. But he knew Carlos was right. It was only fair to him to share this with him. Trent had long ago dealt with the past and his feelings about it. But just because he had dealt with it didn't mean it hadn't happened nor that it wasn't painful to think about. The incident with Carlos disappearing had brought the memories to the surface along with the pain. Trent knew he had to say something, Carlos was waiting. But he had no idea where to start. He had already told him some of it, alot of it. "I'm not really sure what you want to know, Carlos, past what I've told you already," Trent managed to say, "Can you be a little more specific?"
Carlos looked at his lover and thought for a moment -- deeply. He wanted to know the answer to this question but he didn't know how to put it, so he decided to ask straight out and to the point, delicately, hoping that Trent would be able to give him an answer. "After we made love for the first time -- after I got home from the hospital -- you said you thought I was never coming back. I know this must have brought up memories of Bryan. But I was right there so why did it seem that way to you, baby?" he asked softly and as gently as he could knowing it would be hard for his lover to talk about it but that it was important that Trent open up. He hugged Trent then looked up again at him hoping he would start talking.
Trent thought about this for awhile before answering, not quite sure how to say it the way he meant it. "I dealt with Bryan's death a long time ago. But just because I dealt with it doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt to think about it," Trent said as he looked at Carlos looking at him and then went on, "As I told you, I know better, I knew better at the time, that Bryan didn't just disappear. But because of the circumstances it felt that way. So when you didn't come home that's just where my mind went, no matter how hard I tried to keep it from going there."
Carlos needed more information than this and he knew there *was* more -- it was a matter of finding out what his lover meant. "What circumstances, baby?" he asked lightly and very gently. He knew that question was very general but he also knew that his lover had these circumstances on the top of his mind, it was just a matter of talking about them. He continued to look at his lover waiting patiently for him to provide the answers to so many unanswered questions.
This was painful but it had to be said. Carlos deserved an answer, he needed to understand. "As you know, we couldn't be open in any way about our relationship. No matter how we might have felt, fact was I wasn't Bryan's next of kin. I wasn't notified of his death, I found out about it like everyone else on base, word of mouth. I had no rights to his things, I had no say in the final arrangements. I didn't go to the funeral. That was my choice but one I felt I really had no option about," Trent said, then lowered his voice and continued, "One day he was there, the next he was gone, all traces of him -- his things packed up by the army and sent to his family."
Carlos moved up and pulled Trent close to him hugging him tightly and rubbing his back to comfort him. What a terrible blow that had to have been to his lover. **Oh my God, so that is it. Trent thought that had happened to me when I didn't come home that night. I left routinely like Bryan did. I came home but after I was missing for awhile -- Trent had no way to know that I was coming back any more than he knew that Bryan had been killed. No one to tell him, no way for him to hear but that God awful word of mouth,** Carlos thought, as he processed Trent's words.
Carlos closed his eyes, still holding Trent tight and rubbing his back. **No wonder Trent had that reaction when we were back safe in the apartment. How awful for him that he couldn't be a part of Bryan's funeral or have any of his possession that surely Bryan would have wanted,** Carlos thought, the real impact of Trent's word sinking in. He couldn't begin to imagine the pain of what Trent had gone through and was going through in talking about it again. **But this is good -- talking about this is very good,** he thought. Carlos still couldn't believe it, it was a shock to him -- he had no idea that Trent had been shut out completely. "Thank you for sharing that with me, baby. I know it couldn't have been easy, but I needed to know," Carlos said quietly, then kissed Trent softly, pulling him back into a tight hug. He continued to rub one hand up and down his back to comfort him.
Trent had his head against Carlos's shoulder as he hugged him back, being comforted by the hugging, the caressing -- absorbing Carlos's love -- the first comfort he had ever received for this pain.
Carlos took a deep breath before asking this question but it needed to be asked. "So you thought I was never coming back -- just like Bryan, right? That's what was going on?" Carlos asked very softly, trying to be very careful and gentle with his lover, looking deeply into his eyes, not wanting to hurt his lover one bit.
Trent was a little shocked at Carlos's question. He thought he had been clear. But he also realized Carlos needed to ask him, point blank. He also knew Carlos needed to hear his answer in no uncertain terms. "No, not really, Carlos. I didn't honestly think you were never coming back any more than I ever really believed Bryan just disappeared. But it doesn't mean it didn't feel like that at the time. It doesn't mean it didn't cross my mind. It doesn't mean it didn't drag up old and painful memories," Trent stopped and lifted his head from Carlos's shoulder and looked at him, then continued, "I might have had to listen to my subconscious tell me those things, but I didn't have to buy into them. I waited for you to come home, I didn't assume you weren't. And I knew no matter what had happened -- no matter what *did* happen -- it wasn't of your doing or choosing any more than Bryan's death was his doing or choice." Trent looked his lover in the eye. "Do you understand that?" he asked.
Carlos looked Trent in the eye and he began to understand and he nodded his head slowly. "Yes, I do understand. I realize that it wasn't my choice to leave that night, or to cause you to go through what you did. I want you to know that I do understand what you've told me and I also want to thank you for that," he said, leaning forward and pulling Trent towards him in a loving hug, very supportive and comforting. Now he just wanted them to be close, quieting each other's distress from what had happened, and gather themselves together so that they could move on from here.
Carlos kissed Trent tenderly and passionately, then caressed his face with the back of his hand. "I love you very, very much and we're going to get through this together," Carlos said, holding his lover in his arms and rocking him gently. He wanted to do so many things at this moment but wasn't sure which was the best or more appropriate. He felt that touching and holding would be a good start -- just being close.
Trent hugged Carlos back, enjoying being held and cuddled. He needed it. He had been scared, no matter how much he knew, down deep, Carlos had not, would not, just disappear. He needed to say one more thing, he needed to be sure he had been clear. "I love you so very much, Carlos. I just don't want this to ever end. Bryan and I planned on forever, too, but forever didn't happen. And as much as you and I promise each other it won't, fact is, we both know anything could happen at any time to either of us. It's not something we expect or dwell on, of course, but it's still always there in the background. Sometimes it just gets brought to the surface. Like it did for us the other night," Trent paused for a moment and then went on, "It's less than pleasant when it happens, of course, but we can move on and get past it. We can put it back in the background where it belongs. Together." Trent looked at Carlos and smiled then caught his lover's mouth in a kiss. "Just don't ever forget how much I love you," Trent said, then went back for another of his lover's sweet kisses.
"I won't forget -- not ever, I promise you that," Carlos said and kissed Trent harder, more passionately. "And don't you ever forget how much I love *you*," he added, in a tone that not only reflected his love and sincerity but the seriousness of what they had gone through and shared together. Neither one would ever forget what happened but they would be able to go on now and their love would see them through it.
Trent smiled at Carlos. "No, not likely to forget that, Lucky Bear, not ever," he said.
Carlos tightened his hug around Trent and kissed his cheek, then his neck, nuzzling that favorite spot. He just wanted the closeness of being together and having Trent feel that same closeness. Carlos just loved kissing and cuddling Trent and he felt especially inclined after what they had just shared -- it was as if his emotions were at the peak and he needed and wanted to make love to the man who made it possible for him to feel that way.
The closeness was what they both needed. It was love affirming, it was life affirming. It was good, so very good.
Carlos gently worked his way down Trent's neck, kissing and licking his way down very slowly until his mouth was hovering over one of Trent's nipples. Carlos took one of his lover's nipples in his mouth and sucked very gently. Using his tongue he raised it to a very hard nub quickly, then moved over to the other nipple and did the same to it while teasing the first nipple with his fingers to make sure it stayed as hard as possible.
Trent watched his lover as he kissed and licked his neck. He ran his hand gently through Carlos's hair, loving the feel of it between his fingers. When Carlos took his nipple in his mouth and so very gently and lovingly sucked on it, Trent moaned softly enjoying the feelings this wonderful man could bring out in him. "Oh, Carlos, that feels so good," Trent purred, beginning to breathe harder.
Slowly still Carlos moved down his lover's body until he found himself at his lover's navel and, remembering that Trent loved this, he dipped his tongue into the center and pressed hard, very hard, then swirled his tongue around the edge of the navel.
Trent was still watching his lover and caressing his hair when he reached his navel. Trent moaned and arched his back when Carlos dipped his tongue into it. Watching Carlos as he used his tongue on him was very stimulating, adding to his pleasure.
Carlos continued on ever so slowly -- slower than before -- down his lover's body until he got to Trent's already erect and very hard shaft. He licked it gently then dropped soft kisses all over it, followed by taking the head into his mouth and tasting the fluid that was accumulated at the opening.
When Carlos finally reached his shaft with is tongue, Trent was moaning and panting hard. What this man could do to him and the speed with which he could do it was beyond belief. As soon as Carlos licked his penis, Trent could control himself no longer. Closing his eyes and putting his head back he moaned loudly.
Carlos released Trent from his mouth and then grabbed the KY from the nightstand and helped to slide Trent down so that he was lying flat on his back across the bed. After preparing himself with the KY, Carlos made sure Trent was stretched thoroughly by using his fingers that were well coated with the lubricant, inserting them into Trent's body gently, first one finger, then two, then three to give Trent all the sensations he could.
Trent sucked in his breath sharply as Carlos put his fingers inside him. By the time his lover had three of his fingers inside him, Trent was squirming, the sensations running through his body beyond belief.
Carlos gently removed his fingers and replaced them with his own hardened penis, thrusting in gently, slowly, wanting to take his time. Carlos wanted nothing more than to make this last for his lover, for both of them, and he drew back out of Trent slowly, then pushed back in slowly.
When Carlos entered his body with his shaft, joining them as one, Trent moaned and some how managed to say, surprising himself, "Oh, Carlos..., that is so... good..."
Once again their passion rose to extreme heights very quickly and before long Carlos began to speed up, sensing the urgency in both of them. He doubled his efforts to make each thrust harder, deeper and faster than the one before it.
As the passion rose, Trent moved to meet his lover's thrusts, deepening them, urging him on. They were both nearing the edge, their climaxes imminent.
Knowing that Trent was near his climax and that he was right there with him, Carlos wrapped his hand around Trent's penis and began to stroke him in a rhythm to match what his body was doing inside Trent's. After two more huge, deep, very hard thrusts, Carlos came inside his lover with such an explosion that his body was shaking his spasms were so hard. He felt his essence pouring into his lover and he was nearly light-headed from the force of it all. It was at that same moment that his lover came in his hand and that pleased Carlos most of all -- that his lover had thoroughly enjoyed it.
Trent felt his lover come inside him as he came in Carlos's hand. It was so intense when they came at the same time. The feeling was incredible, his own essence leaving his body, his lover's essence filling him.
After several minutes, when Carlos had recovered his senses enough, he gently removed himself from his lover's body and lay down on top of him, kissing his forehead, cheek, lips. "God, baby, I love you so much -- you have no idea," he said, still somewhat out of breath. He held Trent close to him and waited for him to come down slowly.
Trent wrapped his arms tightly around Carlos when he lay down on top of him. He wanted -- he needed -- to feel his lover on top of him, he wanted it to never end. Finally able to speak, Trent said, "I love you too, Carlos. How did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life, to have you as my lover?" With that Trent caught Carlos's mouth in a soft kiss. "Does it really get better every time or am I imagining it?" he asked.
Carlos returned Trent's kiss very passionately and then kissed him again, holding him close. He closed his eyes and took a few moments to reflect back on how much his life had changed. "We're both lucky, Trent. My life started the day you walked into it all those years ago. First you were my best friend. Then when we became lovers, that's what really defined my life and gave it the meaning I had always longed and hoped for," Carlos said, looking deeply into his lover's eyes with all of the love he had inside shining brightly through them. "You're not imagining it, baby -- it *is* getting better every time and I didn't think that was possible," he added, kissing his lover even more passionately this time, his desire rising once more all though all he wanted now was to hold Trent. "You know, we're going to continue our incredible lovemaking, and if our pattern continues, we'll come up with a whole new definition of that wonderful vacation spot you created with that first of very special times," Carlos said and reached up and kissed his lover very passionately to prove his point. "Are you looking forward to that?" Carlos asked, looking at his lover.
Trent smiled at Carlos. "Looking forward to that? I'm not sure I can take it," Trent chuckled, "We can't be very far from that fucking our brains out thing, you realize." Trent kissed Carlos again before releasing his mouth.
Carlos began dropping kisses on his lover's chest, jaw, working his way up to his chin, then his lips -- oh how he adored those wonderful, precious, delicious lips of Trent's. He couldn't get enough and he kissed Trent even more passionately, wanting him to know just how much he was loved. He reached up with a hand and caressed his face, then ran his hand through his lover's hair. Suddenly, in the quiet of their closeness and comforting of one another, Carlos's stomach growled -- loudly. "I think I'm hungry," he said, trying to decide if he should be embarrassed or laugh, and he quickly decided on the latter, bursting into laughter. "I'm sorry, baby, really I am -- but you really give me an appetite," he said, then got serious as he looked at his lover watching him.
"Uh, huh. Just as I suspected all along. I *do* come after the chocolate doughnuts," Trent said pretending to be hurt, trying not to laugh.
Carlos brought their lips together in the most loving, soft, tender, yet extremely passionate kiss. "I do prefer to satisfy my appetite other ways," Carlos said, very seductively as he began to nibble on Trent's ear and nuzzle his neck again.
"Hey, nuzzling isn't fair. I'm trying to be upset here," Trent tried to hold on to his mock seriousness but it wasn't working. Carlos's stomach growled again and Trent lost it in a fit of laughter.
"But a man has got to eat sometime," Carlos said, looking at his lover with a big grin on his face. "Hungry?" he asked.
"Sounds like you're hungry enough for both of us," Trent said, still laughing, "Tell you what, I'll go fix something to quiet that impatient stomach of yours if you'll call your doctor. I just realized we forgot to ask if you going to the lake this weekend was OK or not. I'm assuming it is as long as you don't try to go water-skiing, but I'd feel better hearing it from the doctor himself."
"What? No water-skiing?" Carlos asked, trying to turn the tables and pretend *he* was hurt this time. "You really know how to take the fun out sometimes," he added.
Carlos's stomach growled again -- loudly. "OK, OK, I'm going already!" Trent spoke directly to Carlos's stomach and then kissed it lovingly before kissing his lover's lips the same way and then getting out of bed.
Carlos loved the feel of Trent's kiss on his stomach and he ran a hand through his lover's hair then returned his lover's kiss on his lips with the same loving passion that Trent gave him. He watched his lover get out of bed with a look of pure love and adoration in his eyes.
Putting on his robe, Trent looked at Carlos still sitting in bed and he smiled at him and left to go make lunch. Noticing the time when he got to the kitchen, Trent realized why they were both so hungry. It was almost 2pm.
Carlos smiled back at his lover and watched as he left the bedroom. He then reached over to the nightstand and picked up the phone, dialed the number to his doctor's office, then waited for the doctor to come to the phone. After a few brief questions the doctor cleared the way for Carlos to go away for the weekend and to try to take things a little more normally, but not to rush it quite yet.
Trent busied himself, getting out the frying pan, the meat from the freezer. After putting the burgers in the pan to cook Trent went to the cupboard to get out plates. Seeing the rest of the cake sitting in the cupboard, Trent's mind again flashed on the night he bought it, the night Carlos's had been abducted. But this time instead of the fear and panic rising in him, he remembered them talking about it, holding each other, making love. Trent smiled and took the plates out of the cupboard.
After a few minutes of waiting in bed and becoming lonely Carlos got up, cautiously this time, remembering what happened before, and put on his robe. He walked into the kitchen where he found his lover preparing lunch for them. He walked up behind Trent, put his arms around his waist, and began nuzzling his neck. "So, what's for lunch? Seems to me I found something quite delicious right here," he said between nuzzlings.
"Carlos, your mouth says one thing and your stomach says another," Trent said, leaning back into Carlos's embrace. To prove his point, Carlos's stomach growled again and Trent started laughing again, despite the nuzzling. "Now let go of me or you're going to get one of those new and special menu items and I really don't think that is going to shut your stomach up," Trent said.
Carlos laughed when his stomach growled again -- it had surprised him just as much as Trent as to how hungry he was. But Carlos's mind was split between food and something else. He loved the idea of that special menu item. "I'd really like to try and create that special menu item with you. Maybe after lunch we could try it?" he asked, in a low, suggestive, husky voice, filled with desire and passion.
Carlos let go of his lover and just stood there watching him prepare a wonderful lunch. He couldn't resist kissing him though -- Trent was just too irresistible. Carlos found himself dropping kisses on his lover's head, neck, cheek -- he even reached inside Trent's robe and kissed his shoulders. "Is this giving you any ideas about special menu items?" he asked seductively.
Trent really was trying to concentrate on cooking and it really wasn't working. "I don't think we've tried 'On the Counter' or 'In a Chair' yet," Trent said, getting ready to turn the stove off and jump Carlos. "How about 'Over Easy'?" he said seductively.
"Mmmmm, all of those sound scrumptious to me," Carlos said, his voice even more husky than before. His arousal was becoming even stronger and he didn't know if he could make it through lunch. Why was Trent able to do this to him? He'd never known it could be like this -- so wonderful all of the time, every moment extremely special. Just the thought let alone the touch of his wonderful lover made him want to make love to Trent over and over again -- nonstop of he could. He continued to kiss his lover some more, knowing he was getting to him and wanting to make sure he got Trent to pounce on him -- hard.
Once again Carlos's stomach growled loudly and Carlos had to laugh, although his face was a bit pink from embarrassment. "Uh, on second thought -- let's eat first, then we can start on the dessert portion of the special menu item ideas," he suggested, looking at his lover who was laughing and shaking his head.
"A dessert menu, huh?" Trent said, turning back to the stove, "This sounds interesting." Trent reached over to one of the other cupboards and grabbed a bag of potato chips he had bought for Carlos out of it. Handing it to his lover, he said, "You can start on these. Now will you go sit down please?"
Carlos accepted the bag of chips gratefully and smiled, kissed Trent on the cheek, then sat down at the table munching happily. He had won and he knew it -- he would get the pouncing he wanted after lunch and he was really looking forward to it. He adored every aspect of their lovemaking but he particularly loved it when Trent was aggressive and decided what *he* wanted to do with Carlos's body -- it was amazing and incredible and it always took him to new places, made him feel new things. Trent was an incredible lover and partner. Carlos knew he was very blessed to have this man in his life to love him and who he could love in return. He continued to smile and eat his chips, watching his lover fix their lunch. "How's it going? Need any help?" he asked.
"Not your kind of help if you want to eat sometime soon," Trent remarked, "So what do you want on your hamburgers anyway?"
"Hmmm..., I'll have ketchup, onions and cheddar cheese -- nice, thick, and gooey cheddar cheese," Carlos said, thinking of the Cheesy Fry Show at Six Flags that last weekend. He wanted to be absolutely, positively, without a doubt sure that he rubbed it in as much as he could and figured this would do it. The huge grin on his face spoke volumes about what he was thinking at that moment.
Trying not to notice Carlos's grinning, but having a hard time of it, literally, Trent got out the condiments and handed them to Carlos and asked, "You get ahold of the doctor OK? What did he say about this weekend besides no water skiing?" Trent was hoping he hadn't said they couldn't go, but the weekend here would be fine, too, as long as they were together.
"The doctor said this weekend was fine. He said I could try things out more normally and see how I do but not to rush anything," Carlos informed Trent.
Trent finished the burgers and put them on the buns on a plate and took them to the table and sat down. Watching Carlos help himself to the burgers and start to add the toppings Trent burst into a huge grin. He was just so damn happy he was still wondering if this wasn't some dream he was in. "Do you have any idea how cute you are when food is served to you?" Trent asked, still grinning.
"Cute? Me? Thanks, baby," Carlos said, and smiled very lovingly at Trent. "You know you're pretty darn cute yourself," he added, stopping what he was doing for the moment to just stare at his lover and take in every possible thing he could about the man he was going to spend the rest of his life with. "I really am the luckiest man in the whole world," he said, smiling. He got up from the table, went over to Trent, kissed him tenderly and passionately, then sat back down and started eating his hamburger. "Mmmm..., this is delicious, baby, thank you for making it," he said, between mouthfuls.
Trent had kissed Carlos back when he had come over to him. It was all he could do not to jump him, but his lover was still recovering his health and he *did* need to eat. "You're welcome. But I didn't think I had a choice," Trent said, "At least according to your stomach."
It really was good, very good, and Carlos savored every single bite. "How's yours?" he asked, watching Trent eat his burger.
"It's fine. I was just thinking about dessert," Trent said rather seductively, his eyes twinkling. Then changing his tone entirely, to one of casual conversation, he said, "There's still chocolate cake left for you when you're done with that."
The seductive tone in his lover's voice didn't escape Carlos for a second. Trent was planning something and Carlos's every nerve tingled from the anticipation of wondering precisely when and where this would take place. His eyes were shining brightly. He was very much in love and very excited about every possible moment he could spend with his lover in complete intimacy. "Mmmm..., that chocolate cake sounds very inviting," he said, suddenly changing the look on his face, or trying to anyway. He wasn't entirely sure he had gotten away with it.
"Here, I'll get the dishes," Carlos said, after they had both finished their lunch. He started to get up from the table and pick up the dishes to take them to the sink. He felt fine, really he did, and he wanted to do something to help out. Trent had done everything for him since he'd been hurt and, although he knew he wasn't supposed to do too much, he figured just taking the dishes to the sink would be OK. "There. All taken care of. Now where is that chocolate cake you were talking about?" he asked, trying to pretend he'd rather have that than something else. He looked at his lover trying to put on an innocent face, but his eyes were dancing and he knew he would be getting exactly what he wanted very soon. His body was already aroused and it was getting harder to ignore with each passing moment.
Trent grinned at Carlos then got up to get the cake. Serving a piece on a plate he brought it back to Carlos and put it down in front of him then sat down across from him at the table and smiled innocently. "So, eat your cake, Carlos," Trent said, still looking innocent despite the look Carlos was giving him, "Something wrong?"
Carlos just looked at his lover not knowing what to say. **So this was the way Trent wants it. To make me crack. After the way he snapped not once but twice at Six Flags? Well, it won't happen,** he thought to himself happily. He was determined to make Trent break his resolve, jump him, and fuck him hard. Carlos smiled at Trent and put a huge forkful of cake into his mouth and ate it slowly, enjoying the flavor and making sure he was taking his time to keep from showing Trent how anxious he was. He was so aroused he would begin to ache soon if something weren't done, but he wasn't about to let Trent know that. He just kept eating his cake -- it really was delicious -- nice and moist -- full of flavor. He tried his hardest to keep his focus there instead of where it *was* going -- to his lover and his increasing need for Trent to be inside him.
"I can't eat the chocolate, but that cream filling sure looks good," Trent said leaning over and sticking his finger in the cream filling under the chocolate fudge frosting. Trent brought his finger back to his mouth and sucked the frosting off, much slower than necessary, but nothing more. "Umm, that *is* good," he said, smiling at Carlos who had been watching him.
Carlos could *NOT* believe this. Trent was really trying to get to him and he was doing a damn good job he thought, but it wouldn't work. **Oh no, he's not going to make it, I know he's just doing this because he's ready to crack,** Carlos reminded himself, doing everything possible to stay strong, to make his lover snap. He was very, very close. "Yes, it is -- very good indeed," Carlos said. Since some of the frosting just happened to still be on his fork he decided to lick it off, a little at a time, the tip of his tongue reaching in-between the tines of the fork to get every last bit. Then he licked his lips slowly, very slowly, taking particular care with his upper lip. Once he was sure his lips were free from frosting he continued to savor the flavor on his tongue then swallowed deliberately. "Very good frosting, too," he said, and proceeded to get another large amount on his fork, ready to repeat the process, smiling at his lover.
"I certainly am glad you're enjoying it. I was sure you would," Trent said, playing innocent, glad his lover couldn't see under the table. Trent had every intention of giving Carlos exactly what he was asking for but he was determined he wasn't going to let it show -- yet. Carlos was simply *too* appealing like this. "There's still another piece left if you want it," Trent said.
Carlos dropped the fork he was holding and it hit his plate with a resounding crash. He got out of his chair so fast he nearly knocked the table over in his efforts to get to Trent. OK, his lover won, but Carlos couldn't stand it anymore -- he was fully and completely aroused and he wanted Trent to take him and do whatever he wanted with him. Wild, reckless -- he didn't care -- in fact he wanted it that way, everything Trent could give him, as long as they were together then they would both be satisfied. Trent had really worked him up and Carlos knew that Trent was right there with him. Carlos grabbed Trent and pulled him up out of his chair. He pushed him back until his back was against the wall then he began kissing him -- hard, his tongue seeking entry to claim the sweetness that was pure Trent. He couldn't stand it anymore and his body was shaking with desire -- trembling with the degree of want, desire and love for the man who could do this to him.
To say Trent was surprised when Carlos charged him was an understatement. But surprise soon turned to passion as his own resolve snapped. Just seeing his lover coming at him like that was enough to do it, but being yanked out of his chair and pressed against the wall was overwhelming.
Trent kissed Carlos back with all the passion he could. His arms went around Carlos, grabbing his back side and pulling his lover to him, pressing their bodies tightly together. Keeping Carlos pressed tightly against him, Trent pushed off from the wall, flipping them around so Carlos was backed into the wall. Squeezing his rear firmly first, Trent removed his hands but pushed forward with his hips, maintaining the firm pressure of their bodies pressed together, and put his hands on the wall on either side of Carlos.
When Trent squeezed his rear it nearly knocked the wind out of Carlos and he gasped as his lover pressed him against the wall with his hips, placing his hands on the wall on either side of him. **What is Trent doing to me?** he wondered, but he didn't care -- he loved it -- and he sighed, moaning into Trent's mouth.
Finally breaking the kiss, Trent put his mouth near Carlos's ear and said in a low seductive voice, almost a growl, "I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before." With that, Trent moved his body back from his lover and undid Carlos's robe and yanked it off of him. Trent leaned back against Carlos for another kiss, grabbing his lover's very hard penis as he did so.
Carlos couldn't believe the way Trent was talking to him or being so aggressive and he loved it -- it was what he had been wanting. It was new, exciting, and he was beginning to tremble with anticipation at what his lover was promising to do to him. When Trent took his robe off of him he began to get weak in the knees. He returned Trent's kiss with his own passionate kiss and gasped when his lover grabbed his penis, nearly coming when he did so.
Breaking the kiss and the body contact once again, Trent more or less threw Carlos over the kitchen table then retrieved the KY from his pocket before removing his own robe very quickly.
Carlos was surprised and very excited when Trent was so forceful, throwing him onto the kitchen table like that. He just lay there for a second trying to get his bearings. This was a side of Trent he hadn't seen and the thrill it sent through him was amazing. The way Trent was touching him and talking to him and what his lover was doing to him now just added to the passion, excitement and love they shared for each other. It made his desire run even hotter than it had before.
Putting some of the lubricant on his fingers, Trent inserted them into Carlos, moving them in and out preparing him for their joining, but more giving his lover pleasure as he moved them around inside him.
This was almost too much for Carlos -- Trent's fingers were like magic -- making him feel things he didn't know existed or thought could be possible. "Oh, God, please, Trent..., don't wait any longer..., fuck me now," Carlos managed to say. He was panting very hard now, he felt like he couldn't breathe from all of the excitement, the climax that was building and the wonderful things his lover was doing to him already.
Knowing neither of them could last much longer, Trent quickly put some more KY on himself and entered his waiting lover. He entered quickly and didn't stop, thrusting all the way in as he entered. Not waiting, Trent immediately pulled back, just as fast, then thrust in again, then again and again, keeping up the fast pace he set.
That was it, the ultimate sensation of their love -- Trent's very hard penis entering his body. Carlos thought he wouldn't be able to last much longer. From that first moment until the last Carlos knew he would be enjoying incredible wonderful feelings that were simply too much to comprehend. He began to moan loudly at Trent's thrusts, each one becoming more intense.
Reaching around Carlos, Trent grabbed his lover's shaft and began to pump it, hard and fast, to match his thrusts. Trent felt what little control he had left go and he gave himself over to the orgasm he knew was waiting. Just a few more hard, deep thrusts and he came inside of Carlos just as his lover came in his hand.
Carlos sensed that Trent was close, very close. He arched his back and pushed back against his lover squeezing his penis to encourage him to come inside him, feeling his own climax was imminent. As soon as he felt his lover's wonderful essence fill his body from the incredible climax that Trent experienced, that was enough for Carlos to allow himself to come into his lover's hand, the force with which he did so surprising him. He couldn't think or speak, he could barely breathe at this point.
Falling against Carlos's back, still buried deep inside him, still holding tight to his lover's penis, Trent continued to tremble after his orgasm. Finally calming down enough to be able to move, he let go of his lover's shaft and removed himself from his lover's body without moving any more than absolutely necessary. He wasn't sure he could stand up at all. He just lay there against Carlos's back, breathing hard and trying to regain his control over himself.
Carlos felt his lover release his penis and remove himself from his body but he couldn't move at all. He felt his lover laying against his back and it felt so good, so very good -- wonderful in fact. That was all Carlos could think about -- he was too exhausted, drained and very sated and content. It was wonderful, yet he still couldn't function, he didn't think, but he decided it was a good thing and he wanted to experience that again -- very soon.
Finally managing to catch enough breath to move at all, Trent put his arms around Carlos and began to kiss his neck and back. He was still so amazed at what this man could do to him. Finally able to move, Trent stood up then helped Carlos to stand slowly, then sit in one of the kitchen chairs. He still looked a bit dazed, but Trent sat in his lap anyway, knowing Carlos liked it when he did. He hugged him tightly and put his head on top of Carlos's, waiting for his lover to come back to earth the rest of the way.
Carlos appreciated it when Trent helped him to sit in the chair realizing he couldn't have done it by himself. He wasn't together and it would be quite a while before he was. He loved holding Trent and his arms wrapped around his lover knowing that made them both feel very safe, warm, secure and loved. He looked at Trent with nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes. He only wished he could think of the right words to be able to say to his lover about how he had just made him feel. Suddenly he felt the need to pull his lover closer and he buried his head against Trent's chest. It was a good thing -- something he needed to do as a way of feeling closer. It was something he never wanted to end.
When Carlos pulled him closer, Trent tightened his hold on his lover, bringing one hand up to caress his hair. He knew he had pleased Carlos, pleased him very much. That was his intention. Trent just hoped he hadn't hurt him, too.
After several minutes Carlos was able to manage a few words -- "That was the most incredible experience of my life. Thank you, baby -- I love you so much," Carlos said, continuing to lean against Trent, holding him very close and tight. He didn't want to go anywhere unless it involved just holding his lover and laying by his side. "How about we go lie down for awhile?" he asked.
Trent grinned when he heard Carlos's words knowing it was just being overwhelmed bringing this out in his lover. Trent kissed the top of Carlos's head still resting snugly against his chest. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea," Trent said, a bit exhausted himself.
Hugging Carlos very tight first, Trent released his grip on his lover then got up, putting out both hands to his lover to help him to his feet. Needing the closeness of his touch, Trent slid his arm around Carlos's waist rather than taking his hand, putting Carlos arm around his shoulders.
Carlos loved the feel of Trent's arm around his waist and he moved with Trent easily into the bedroom and was very appreciative of his lover helping him to bed. It felt wonderful to lie down and all he wanted and needed now was to lie in bed with their arms around each other and rest, holding each other. He never wanted to take his eyes off of Trent -- it amazed Carlos what his lover could do to him. Every time he looked at Trent he was reminded of how wonderful he was. He waited for his lover to get comfortable in bed and to hold him close so that they could relax together, enjoying being close and loving being together. He kissed Trent's chest and cuddled up very close to him. "I love you so very much," he said. He couldn't have been happier than he was at that very moment.
Trent drew Carlos into his arms holding him close, kissing the top of his head. "I love you too, Carlos. So very much," Trent said, wondering if he could ever find the right words to express how he truly felt about this man in his arms. 'I love you' just didn't seem to cover it but it was all he had.
Carlos couldn't have felt more safe, warm and loved than he did at that very moment and he just thanked God again for bringing them together. He would see to it that Trent was happy and loved for the rest of his life. He tried to fight the urge to sleep but he found his eyes getting heavier and heavier, so he closed them for a moment -- or so he thought -- hoping just to rest for a few minutes. Before he knew it he was falling into a deep sleep, no longer trying to fight it. It felt so good -- very good -- to fall asleep in his lover's arms.
Gently caressing Carlos's hair, Trent continued to hold his lover as he fell asleep. Not long after Carlos was sleeping peacefully, Trent was asleep, too.
Go to Page Seven