Rose in Bloom

Author: Nik
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Trent Malloy/Carlos Sandoval/Kristen
Carter. If the idea of
bisexuality freaks you out, don't read
Archive: Yes as long as headers and so forth stay
Series/Sequel: Not at this time, but its more than
Author Email: [email protected]
Notes: The story is presented from Carlos' point of
view, since he seems
to get shafted in the show sometimes when it comes to
airtime! (Not that
I favor him or anything.)
Disclaimer: No copyright infringements are intended
by this and no money
shall be made off of it. Trent, Carlos, and the rest
of the cast of
Walker belongs to Columbia TriStar. Kristen belongs
solely to the
author, as do the villians.
It'll get better later on, I promise!
"Love sometimes blossoms like a rose; at first you
have to deal with
thorns until you reach the fragrant flower."
She was moaning so softly I barely heard her, her
breath coming in
shallow gasps. "Please...."
I couldn't stand it any longer. I lowered my head
between her legs and
she cried out, "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP...."
Suddenly I realized what was going on. It was six am,
I had to get up
for work, and my alarm clock was going off. I slammed
the noisy clock
hard, hoping to turn it off, but it kept beeping. It
finally ended up
shattered on the other side of the room. And I sat
up. "Damn clock." I
grumbled to no one in particular. I tossed the covers
back and cursed
like a sailor. The sheets were covered with sweat and
my shorts were
soaked. It was the first time I had awakened like
that since college,
during a bet I made with a friend to see who could go
'without' the
longest. He won.
And as I thought about that, I realized something
monumental: It had
been way too long since I'd had sex.
I was furious with myself. [I should've outgrown this
ages ago...] But I
think the worst part wasn't the dream itself, but who
I was dreaming
She was about five foot seven, straight brown hair,
doe brown eyes and pouty red lips. Her legs were long and slender and I
could imagine what
that little tigress would be like with her legs
around my waist. [Growl,
Okay, I admit it, I'm a pig.
Every man's head turned, and I tried not to stare at
her as she came
straight toward me like a woman with a mission.
"Who's in charge?"
"That would be McGinty, Lieutenant McGinty." I
replied. "But he's not
here right now. May I help you?"
She looked right through me. Okay, now, I'm not
really egotistical, but
women barely ever look through me. I was immediately
annoyed. "Are you
serious? What kind of officer leaves his precinct
without putting
someone else temporarily in charge?"
"Umm, hi." I said, trying to remain polite. "Ma'am, I
am somewhat in
charge right now until the good Lieutenant gets back.
May I help you?"
"And you would be...?"
"Detective Carlos Sandoval, Ma'am. How may I help
She gave me such a look I wanted to shrivel into the
floor. "I am not
dealing with some kid detective. When will the
Lieutenant be back?"
"About four." I almost growled, biting through my
tongue to keep in the
obsceneties that were just dying to roll out. "I
suggest you leave him
a message...."
"Nevermind." she snapped, then turned. "I'll just
come back at four."
"I can't hardly wait." I muttered, under my breath.
She stopped and swung around. "EXCUSE ME?"
I flinched, silently cursing myself for saying that
last phrase. "I
said, 'hope he's not late'."
She gave me a look that could've killed a man. "It
didn't sound like
that to me. Very well, then, Detective, tell your
Lieutenant that
Kristen Carter from Internal Affairs is in town and
needs to speak with
him. Can you remember that?"
"I'm sure I can try." I snapped back. It had been a
long time since one
person had been able to yank my chain so badly.
Especially a woman.
Especially such a pretty woman....
"Detective Sandoval!"
"What?" I squeaked.
"My card." she said, handing over the thin slip of
paper. [When was the
last time I'd seen a woman with a French manicure?]
"Tell the Lieutenant
to call me. Oh, and Detective?"
"Yes?" I said, trying to sound masculine and
grumbling rather than
intimidated and horny.
"You can pick your jaw up off the floor now."
I guess horny won out in the end. I snapped my mouth
closed and watched
with a mixture of loathing and need as she strutted
out the front door.
And then she was gone.
A cold shower was doing nothing to ease the lustful
ache in my groin.
After meeting her only yesterday, I fantasized about
ramming her into
the floor last night. God, I needed a woman. Soon.
The doorbell rang and I answered it, wrapped in a
towel. It was Trent.
"Hey there."
"Hey yourself. What do you need?"
"Came over because you never showed up last night for
the pool
tournament at CD's and I wondered why."
"Mierda!" I exclaimed, slapping my forehead. "That
was last night?"
"Uhh, yeah. Carlos, is there something you need to
tell me?"
"What? Oh, no, its just.....nevermind. I am so sorry,
Trent. How did you
"I won." he said, smugly. "What did you think?"
I slapped him on the back. "I knew it! Good for you!
Come on in. I was
going to make some breakfast really quickly, if you
want to stay..."
"Sure." he said. "Never could say no to food. But
you've got to do me a
"Put on some pants, huh?"
I looked down sheepishly at the towel that was
sliding off my hips. "Oh,
He followed me into my room. I went to the bathroom
and he sat in a
chair. "Want me to make your bed, messy?"
"NO!" I exclaimed, horriified. "Don't touch!"
He leaped away from the bed like it was on fire.
"Jesus, Carlos, what's
with you?"
"Carlos....." he growled. "Tell me."
My face was red as anything. "I had strange dreams
last night."
He gave me a puzzled look for a moment, then his face
broke into a huge
grin. "You had a wet dream? Oh, that's priceless! Mr.
'I can get any
woman' had a wet dream! HAHAHA HAHAHA!"
I wanted to run him over with a truck. [And then
throw it into reverse.]
I thought, nastily. "Shut up, 'mano."
Trent kept laughing. "Who?"
I sighed. "Remember the woman I told you about at
lunch yesterday?"
"The one who almost had you for a snack?"
I nodded. "Her."
"Yeah, well, let me make you feel better. She's not
as bad as she
"Really? Why?"
"I asked Walker about her at the pool tournament last
night and he knows
Kristen Carter. At the I.A. office, they call her
'Rose'. She's
supposedly very good at her job."
"Why do they call her Rose?"
"Because she supposedly has a lot of thorns, but it's
just a protection
method. Carter was investigating a crooked officer in
Houston last year
when the guy decided to have her permanently removed.
He set a car bomb
for her, but it killed her fiance instead. She
survived to put the guy
away. Walker says she's a tough cookie because she's
terrified to get hurt
"That's when she transferred to Dallas, to get away
from it all." he
So, Kristen Carter wasn't so bad after all. Maybe
there was hope that
she could at least be civil with me.... "Who's she
"You remember Sammy Price killed that pimp last week?
She was just sent
to make sure everything was honest and by the book."
"So she'll be around for a few days?"
"Carlos...." he said, in that father-knows-best
voice. "Don't go there.
Don't even think about it. You'd probably have better
chances getting me
in bed." he joked.
Deciding to freak him out, I gazed up at him shyly,
sexily. "Trent, with
the state of mind I'm in now, if I were you I
wouldn't make an offer I
didn't want to make good on."
His face blanched, and I started roaring with
laughter. He glared at me.
"Go put on your pants. I'll start breakfast."
As soon as I calmed down, I went to the kitchen to
help. He might not
want me to try anything with Kristen Carter, but
anyone who knows
Latinos knows that when we put our minds to
something, we don't give
up.......and then I briefly struggled with the notion
of accepting
Trent's 'offer'.

Part Two

It took me about ten minutes to get breakfast done
with Trent's help.
[Actually, it took him ten minutes with my help, but
who's really
keeping track?] He glared at me as we ate. Finally, I
couldn't take it
any more. "What?"
"I can't believe you. You have to be the most evil
person I have ever
My jaw dropped. "What? I'm lost here, 'mano. Care to
fill me in?"
"Oh, don't sit there trying to look all innocent.
You're still thinking
about her, aren't you?"
I shook my head. "No, sorry, I'm not."
"Yes you are! You have that glazed look in your eye.
Normally that means
you're thinking about some woman who you intend to go
after." He
snapped. "I've known you too long, Carlos, for you to
be able to pull
that act with me. I told you to leave her alone. Now
listen to me, damn
I grumbled a reply which he didn't like. "What was
"I said it sucks that you know me so well."
He grinned. "Look, there have got to be at least
like, well, four girls
in Dallas that are single and haven't dated you yet.
Try one of them,
I didn't catch the insult right away. Finally, it hit
me. "Hey!" I
exclaimed, annoyed. "I haven't dated every woman in
"Just most of them."
Breakfast was suddenly forgotten as I lunged across
the table for him.
He pulled back just in time so that I missed him, then
darted out of the
kitchen. I tackled him just as he made it to the
living room area in my
apartment. "TAKE IT BACK!"
"Never!" he declared. "You're easy! You're worse than
a prostitute! At
least they get paid for it!"
Sometimes we were still very immature, I admit. I was
sitting on him as
he said it. With a quick toss, he had me off him and
pinned. "Admit it,
buddy. You're easy."
He was cutting off my oxygen supply, so I gasped,
"Okay, okay, I admit
it! I'm easy!"
He patted my head. "See? Was that so hard?"
I rubbed my probably broken ribs gently as I stood.
"I only said it
'cause you were sitting on me."
He helped me brush off the lint that I picked up while
rolling on the
floor. It wasn't helping any. I mean, the lint was
going away, but every
time he touched me I kept getting more and more
turned on.....
"You gotta stop touching me." I said, purposely
banging my head into a
wall. "You're not helping my...condition any."
Trent shook his head. "I'm so glad you trust me so
much that you're
willing to tell me every detail of your sordid life.
I think I'll let
you dust yourself now, okay?"
That wasn't really what I was hoping for.
"What?" he said, eyes wide.
[Oh God did I say that out loud?]
I looked at him. "Trent...."
He glanced at his watch. "Hey, I'd better go, let you
get finished, get
to work on time, so, well, bye."
With that, he flew out of my apartment. [Fuck it.] I
knew then and there
it was going to be a shitty day.
I looked up from the report I was writing only to see
Kristen Carter
roaming my way. [Great. Just what I need.]
"May I help you, Agent Carter?"
"I need to speak to Lieutenant McGinty, please."
My luck had it out for me that day. "I'm sorry, he's
in court right now.
May I help you?"
"Why is it that the man is never here when he's
needed? Doesn't he ever
stay in the precinct?"
"Maybe he knows when you're coming in, Agent Carter."
As the words left my mouth I knew that my young life
was over. I could
see the complaint report now. It was horrible. "I
mean..." I stammered,
trying to find a way out of the mess I had stepped
And then she surprised me. "I haven't had anyone ever
actually tell me
that before." she said, softly.
"And I had no right to. I'm sorry." I said, the words
spilling out in a
rush. "Please accept my apology?"
She nodded. "I just came to tell the Lieutenant that
the case against
Officer Price was cleared up. I'm leaving tommorow
for the I.A.
headquarters to deliver my report."
I nodded. "I'll be sure to tell him, Agent Carter."
She smiled wryly then for a moment. "I'm sure he'll
arrive as soon as I
leave, right?"
I blushed beet red. "No ma'am. I'll tell him later."
"You do that, Detective."
And with that, she walked out the door, probably with
me never to see
her again. I sighed. [There went probably the best
opportunity in the
Suddenly, the phone rang. I answered. "Sandoval."
"So, how's the bitch doing?"
My stomach turned. "Who is this?"
"You might want to go after her, Detective. She might
need you more than
you know. Tell her that Eddie's back."
With that, the line went dead. I dropped the phone
and raced out the
front door after her. "Kristen! Kristen!" I hollered,
hoping she'd hear
The traffic was too loud. Then, I saw it. The black
Ford with the darkly
tinted windows. As she headed to the crosswalk, it
slowly started after
her, picking up more and more speed until it was
racing for her. I took
off running. It was up to me, and I only had precious
seconds to reach
I hit her in a flying tackle just as the Ford peeled
rubber to mow her
down. We were knocked to the side, she landing on top
of me, both
knocked breathless. "Are you okay?" I gasped, choking
to pull air back
into my lungs.
She didn't respond for a moment and I rolled her off
me. She remained
stationary on her back, staring at the sky, until I
heard the word,
"You're welcome. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." she said, sitting up. "What was that?"
"Not but a minute after you left, my phone rang and I
was given an
onimous warning that you were in danger. The person
said, 'Tell her that
Eddie's back' and then hung up. I didn't know how to
get to you except
to chase you, and......" I trailed off as I noticed
the faraway look in
her eyes. "Kristen?"
"That's not possible....he's in jail....he couldn't
would have told me." she finished, her voice nothing
more than a
"Eddie was the cop in Houston I was investigating
when he killed
Richard." she said, her voice cracking. "He can't be
here...he can't be
I grabbed ahold of her and pulled her into my arms as
the tears started
sliding down her cheeks. "Hey, hey, you don't know
that. It could be
somebody just trying to pull your chain. Someone who
wants to make you
hurt. Let's go into the station and call a couple
friends of mine, and
we'll figure this all out, okay?"
She bonelessly stood up, almost collapsing back onto
the street.
Sighing, I picked her up in my arms like a child and
carried her inside.
As soon as we arrived, I told a sergeant what
happened, and he put an
A.P.B. out on the vehicle. Then, I did the only thing
I knew: I called
Walker and Trent.

Part Three

"So then what happened?"
Walker was grilling me about the phone conversation.
"Look, Walker, I
told you....."
"Got it!" Trent said. "Eddie Burkell broke out
yesterday afternoon. They
have a warrant out for his arrest, but hadn't
contacted Agent Carter
"Well, surprise, they didn't need to. Eddie did it
I gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder. "I'm not
gonna let him hurt you
"And how the Hell do you propose to do that?"
"By catching the miserable son of a bitch."
Trent blinked at my growled reply. "We're here to
help, Kristen. And
when Carlos gives his word, it's always good."
"Carlos, is it?"
"Yeah." I said. It was almost odd, being on a first
name basis with this
woman. "We'll put you in a safe house until we can
catch up with him.
It'll just be a little time."
"Yeah, and then what? Don't even suggest I get in a
car for a few days."
she said, choking back tears. "Oh God, how could this
I wanted to hold her and hug her until all the pain
was gone. I didn't
want her to be hurting this way. "Kristen, I swear to
you, we'll get
this guy."
"Do it soon."
Walker knelt on the floor beside Kristen. "For
a while, I suggest you
stay with me and Alex, until we can find someplace
safe to have you
She nodded. "Thank you."
"In the meantime," he said, looking at me. "I want
you to be careful,
too. You saved her and ruined Burkell's plan to kill
her. He might come
after you, too."
"No!" she cried, shaking her head. "I'll just leave.
I'm not going to be
responsible for the death of yet another human
"You can't leave." I said. "It's too late. He already
knows I helped
you. He may come after me whether you stay or go. So
stay, we can help
you here, okay?"
She looked at me with the saddest eyes. "I'm sorry
you had to get
involved. I never meant for this to happen...."
"Hey, better it involve me, a Detective, then an
average citizen who
hasn't been trained to deal with such things. Right?"
"I guess."
At least it made her feel better.
I stood. "I'll help you gather some information on
this guy, Trent,
while Walker takes her home."
Trent just nodded and I followed him out the door.
We were reading through newspaper articles trying to
find information on
the Burkell case, but thusfar we hadn't seen a thing.
Trent was being
awfully quiet. "You're mad at me, aren't you?"
He looked up over the computer screen at me. "I'm not
mad, I'm just a
little ill at ease. I mean, the whole thing was a
little odd for me."
"Odd as in bad?"
"No. I think that was what made it so odd."
I perked. "So odd as in what?"
"Odd as in kiss me please?"
Unfortunately, I had been propped back in my seat,
balancing on the back
two chair legs. So when he said that, I tried to sit
up so fast the
whole chair fell over and I banged my head on the
He was by my side in a second. "Wasn't quite the
answer I was looking
"Sorry, 'mano. Caught me a little off guard there."
His blue eyes were still laughing at me as he helped
me up. "Are you
gonna be okay?"
I winced as my fingers brushed over the forming knot
on my head. "Oh,
I'll be perfect."
Suddenly, he tangled his fingers in mine and pulled
them away from my
bump. Then, standing on tiptoe, he planted a soft
kiss on the spot where
I hit my head. "Better?"
My breath caught. "Much."
He smiled faintly. "You've always been my best
friend, you know. Even
when I got mad at you for stealing my girlfriend in
the third grade and
didn't talk to you for a week."
"And then you made me grovel. I remember that."
"Do you really have a lot of interest in Kristen?"
I nodded. "But I don't want you to think.....look,
Trent, I don't know
what it is with me right now, I don't want you to
think I'm......" I
couldn't even get the word out of my mouth.
"Bisexual?" he offered. "Is that the right word?"
"I'd never thought about it before." I admitted.
"It's just when you
said that....I didn't know how to react. But it's
something that's been
on my mind lately, 'mano. And I think you have the
right to know about
"I appreciate your honesty." he chuckled. "But I
really meant what I
I looked at him as though he had fallen from the sky.
He didn't answer. He simply tightened his fingers in
my hair, leaned
over, and kissed me.
I didn't know what to do for a moment. I think my
brain forgot to
register kissing. It was a little wierd there, having
another man's
mouth on mine. Suddenly, he stopped. "You're hating
this, aren't you?"
"No, no. I just....you caught me a little off guard."
I admitted. Then,
grinning, "Try again?"
He smiled back when the door suddenly creaked at the
other end of the
hall. Terrified, we pulled apart and flung ourselves
in front of our
respective computers. "Trent? Carlos?"
"Over here!" Trent called, licking his lips.
Walker strode over to where we were sitting. "Kristen
is with Alex out
at the ranch. Did you two find anything here?"
"No, nothing yet. But we're still looking." I
The older Texas Ranger nodded, then started to fan
himself with his hat.
"Is it unusually warm in here or is it me?"
I stared down into the screen, praying he wouldn't
see me flush red.
Trent just shrugged. "Must be hot. We've probably
been in here too long
to notice."
[Yeah, right.] I thought. [We probably were the
reason it was so hot.]
"Carlos, are you okay?"
I almost jumped out of my skin. "Sure!"
Walker gave me a funny look. "Tell me you're not
trying to get involved
with someone you shouldn't be. Tell me you're not
that sick."
"No!" I yelped. "Not us! Not me!"
Trent kicked me hard under the table. "That's right,
Carlos. I told you
to leave KRISTEN alone!"
Suddenly it hit me. It wasn't me and Trent Walker was
talking about, it
was me and Kristen. I almost sighed in relief. "Don't
worry, Walker, I'm
not completely driven by sex."
I glared up into his smile. "Why is it that neither
one of you trusts
"We know you too well." they chimed.
I growled and turned back to the screen. Trent also
began working again.
Walker turned and left us to our own devices once
more. [Doesn't that
even sound pornographic?]
"You're an idiot." I heard, barked over the computer.
"Am not."
"Are to!" he said. "What were you thinking? You amost
gave the whole
thing away!"
"I didn't exactly have a lot of time to plan an
intelligent response,
you know."
He shook his head. "What am I gonna do with you?"
"Try again?"
He smiled at me. "That's a thought."
He stood up from his chair. I started to rise too,
but he shook his head
no. "Stay."
I did. He came behind me, touching my shoulders with
his hands, slipping
them down my back until he reached the waistband of
my pants. "Lean
He didn't need to tell me twice. As soon as I did, he
started kneading
the muscles of my lower back. Raising his hands
higher, he massaged his
way up to my neck. "Feel good?"
I couldn't manage anything more than a moan.
"Enjoy it."
I closed my mouth quickly, then squeezed my eyes shut
as I felt his
mouth descend on my ear. I growled low, and he
laughed softly. "Like
that? That's just the beginning."
I couldn't wait for part two.
His mouth left my ear and started on my neck,
nibbling my skin roughly.
Suddenly, he was at my throat, my jaw, my cheekbone,
and finally on my
This time, there wasn't any doubt in my mind that I
really, really
wanted to kiss him back.
I opened my mouth slightly as his lips pressed
against mine, letting my
tongue touch his bottom lip. He gasped slightly, then
parted his mouth
for me, tugging my tongue inside with lips and teeth.
I went willingly.
[I guess he was right....I am easy.]
The kiss roughened as he slid into my lap, the
rolling chair sliding
back a few feet with us in it. I groaned, hard as a
rock, trying not to
push upwards against him. Yet every time he wiggled,
I knew he could
feel my erection stiffening beneath him. Finally, I
came up for air.
He shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not the under-sexed
one here who's hard
as a rock."
I grinned and conceded. Again, he leaned into me and
our mouths met. I
wanted him right then and there until vaguely I heard
the door open
again. I pushed him out of my lap and he jumped over
the table to the
computer. Dilligently, we sat there studying the
screens. Walker came
back in with bags. "I brought you two lunch. Figured
you could use it."
"Thanks." we said.
The Ranger smiled. "Boys, do me a favor."
"What?" Trent asked.
"Lock the door from now on, okay?"
Trent's eyes went wide; I turned scarlett. "W..What?"
I stammered.
"Carlos has got his shirt untucked, his hair is in a
disarray, and he's
staring at the same screen as when I left. Trent
keeps biting his lower
lip. I've known both of you too long and know when
something's going
"Besides, you two have been best friends for so many
years, I wondered
if this wouldn't happen to you someday. Remember to
lock the door,
We sat there, mute, nodding. When he left, I looked
at Trent; he looked
at me, and we burst into laughter. "Maybe we should
postpone the other
and get back to the search?" I suggested, ignoring
the ache in my groin.
He nodded. We got back to work.

Part Four

It was like watching a ballet as I entered the gym. Trent had invited Kristen to go with him to Thunder Karate for awhile, as Walker had filled him in on her love for yoga and kickboxing. Definitely an unlikely combo if you asked me, but hey, why not?
I was staring into the dojo watching them. It was a beautiful thing. Trent was busy pummeling a punching bag and Kristen was in a perfect split, her arms stretched above her head, breathing calmly. My breathing, on the other hand, was becoming more and more erratic every second. [Ahh, Dios.]
Caught like a deer in head lights, I froze. Trent sent me one of his, 'look how cute I am' grins and walked up to me, slapping me on the back and half dragging me into the gym. "Rid yourself of those shoes and let's go."
"Yeah. We were gonna work on your balance today, remember? Or lack of it." he added, cheerfully.
I hate getting picked on. Who do I look like, the Karate Kid? Sighing, I kicked off my sneakers and stepped into the matted area, waiting to get my butt kicked. "Okay, 'mano, after you."
His smile widened. "Thank you sooo much."
Kristen stopped what she was doing and curled into an Indian style position, watching us with amusement. "Mind an audience?"
"Only if you promise not to laugh at him 'cause his Latin pride gets wounded easily." Trent said, chuckling.
"IT DOES NOT!" I barked, lunging at Trent.
Unfortunately, my temper always gets the best of me and I ended up getting easily tossed onto the floor. I groaned and sat up, holding my head. "Anyone get the number of that truck?"
Laughter pealed through the room as Kristen doubled over. "Oh, that's too funny!"
"I'm so glad my pain amuses you." I said, sullenly.
"I'm sorry, it's not that.....it's you." she gasped for breath.
"Oh, good!" I exclaimed. "So now I'm just a clown in general!"
"No, no." she soothed. "It's just...well, it's funny to see a guy defend his ego. Men have always had this macho image to uphold, but I've never seen the point of it. I mean, come on, you just charged at him like a bull to a red cape, if you'll excuse the bad analogy."
I didn't think it was funny. Trent cracked up. I glared at him until finally I couldn't control my laughter any longer. "Okay, okay, I have a fragile ego. Happy?"
"And he's Latino! Like it wasn't bad enough already." Trent said, roaring. He sank down on the mat next to Kristen, and she leaned over with her head on his shoulder to keep from falling backwards.
"Oooohh, my stomach....." she gasped, clutching her midsection. "My muscles are in rebellion."
I couldn't stop laughing either. "Truce! You two are ganging up on me! Not fair!"
Finally, we settled. Kristen smiled shyly. "I can't remember the last time I laughed like that over something so ridiculous. In fact, I can't remember the last time I laughed too much at all."
Trent and I both sobered. Her face changed to one of concern. "No, I didn't mean for you two to stop. I was just thanking you...for helping me bypass some issues for awhile. I forgot how nice it was to be able to smile. Thanks. Really."
I smiled. "Shall we try again?"
"Think you're up for it?"
I stuck my tongue out at him, then helped Kristen to her feet. "Ready when you are, Trent."
Then, I turned around. He had assumed a fight stance and was circling me warily. "Come on, Carlos, defend yourself......if you can."
I raised my hands to my face for protection, unsure of what exactly was on Trent's mind. The wicked grin was severely starting to unnerve me. "Okay, you asked for it."
I threw a punch at him, which he easily deflected. "No, really, Carlos, it's okay for you to try and hit me."
I gritted my teeth and lashed out at him again. This time, he swept a foot under me. I jumped over it, almost. As I tried to catch my balance, I staggered, stumbling in the direction of the wall. Kristen squealed and tried to get out of the way, but it was too late. I grabbed ahold of her and pulled her down with me. In the end, the two of us ended up in a heap on the floor.
I ended up on the bottom of the pile, Kristen resting on top of me.
"Why do I end up using you as a pillow all the time?" Kristen sighed, laying her head on my chest. "It's a little wierd, you know?"
"Wierd as in bad?" I asked, my mind playing flashbacks to an earlier conversation with Trent.
"No, wierd as in get off me."
Okay, totally different outcome then with Trent.
"Actually, I can't get off you. You're on top." I pointed out.
"Yes, but you're hugging me, and I can't move." she replied. "Any reason?"
I let go of her as though she were on fire. "No!"
Trent, by that time, was stretching and chuckling at our sorry antics. I wanted to kill him. "Seems you have a problem there, Kristen."
She shrugged. "He's tolerable."
[Tolerable.....why do I have a feeling that doesn't mean fuckable?]
Then, she got up and offered me a hand. "Coming?"
I resisted the urge to make some sort of sickly perverse joke and stood. "Okay. So, one more round? As long as Kristen promises not to get in the way?"
"Oh, as if I really wanted to." she snorted. "It wasn't my idea of fun to be the Oreo cookie cream and let you two play crumbly cookie crust."
Trent and I exchanged odd glances, and she blushed. "What, you've never been addicted to a food before?"
I raised my eyebrow. "Can't say I have. Trent?"
"Me neither. And about that last round, sorry, but it's getting late and I promised Walker I'd bring Kristen out to the ranch befor ten. Want to come along?"
I shrugged indifferently even though my stomach was doing the mambo. "Whatever."
We got to Trent's 'vette, piled inside, and started off into the night torward Walker's ranch.
Kristen started to shiver so we pulled over and put the top up. This random act of kindness now had me folded like the human pretzel in the tiny joke of a back seat. Finally, we reached the ranch and Kristen got out of the car. "See you?"
"See you." I said. "Sleep well."
She nodded and then shut the door. I crawled over the seat into the passengr position, stretching out my aching legs. "I bet it would have been more comfortable if you had tied me and put me in the truck."
"Aha, so he IS into bondage."
"What?" I yelped. "That's not what I meant!"
He laughed. "Relax, Carlos, I'm kidding."
"S 'not funny." I grumbled.
"I thought it was."
I glared at him, then changed the subject. [Well, he didn't need to know ALL of my odd habits, did he?] "So when do you think Burkell is going to strike again?"
"I don't know. But what's really bothering me is how Kristen's reacting to all of this. I mean, before you got there, she was stretching, doing yoga. She was so completely calm, it was uncanny."
"I hate to tell you this, Trent, but that's what yoga is supposed to do to you."
He lightly punched me in the arm. "I know that. But she's been like that since she got here."
"People handle stress in different ways, you know."
"Yeah. Some people attack others like charging bulls." he said, lightening the moment. "I just worry about her, a little. I've never seen such a dead calm. It's not natural. The worst part is, I wonder if she's planning on doing something stupid like going after him on her own. That would be such a foolish move."
"I know." I said. "But right now she's in Walker's care, and I don't know a safer place that she could be."
He conceeded. "So where to?"
"Home, bed, sleep." I said, mildly. "I don't have to go in tomorrow until late, so I think I'll hit the sack early tonight and catch up on all the sleep I've been missing lately."
He reached across the gearshift and slid a hand up my thigh. I swallowed hard. "Or not."
Go on to Page Two